"Love Letter" Virus

Variants on "Love Letter"

A. VBS/Loveletter.A Alias: Love Bug. Subject: ILOVEYOU B. VBS/Loveletter.B Alias: "Susitikim" Subject line: Susitikim shi vakara kavos puodukui... C. VBS/Loveletter.C Alias: "Very Funny", "Joke". Files sent are "VeryFunny.vbs","VeryFunny.HTM" D. VBS/Loveletter.D Alias: None. Slight variant on Loveletter.A. E. VBS/Loveletter.E Alias: "Mother's Day". Subject: Mothers Day Order Confirmation F. VBS/Loveletter.F Alias: "Virus Warning" Subject line: "Dangerous Virus Warning" G. VBS/Loveletter.G Alias: "Virus ALERT!!!" Subject line: "Virus ALERT!!!" H. BS/Loveletter.H Alias: "No Comments" Subject line: "Same as A" I. VBS/Loveletter.I Alias: "Brainstorm" "Important! Read carefully!!" Subject line: "Important ! Read carefully !!" J. VBS/Loveletter.J Alias:Unnamed Subject: Appears to be a variation of Loveletter.g alias "Virus ALERT!" K. VBS/Loveletter.K Alias: Unnamed. Subject line: Still being researched. L. VBS/Loveletter.l Alias:"I Cant Believe This!!!" Subject: "I Cant Believe This!!!" from http://www.unm.edu/cirt/security/worm.html

Fix for the "I Love You" virus

According to Trend Micro, the following steps should be taken to clean 1.Click START|RUN Type REGEDIT and hit ENTER key 2.In the left panel, click the "+" to the left of the following: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Run 3.In the right panel, search for the registry key that contains the data value of ":\Windows\System\ MSKernel32.vbs" and "\WIN-BUGSFIX.exe". These are the registry keys that grant the capability to load the worm whenever Windows starts up. 4.In the right window, highlight the registry key that loads the file and press the DELETE key. Answer YES to delete the entry. 5.Search for the registry key that contains the data value of ":\Windows\System\ Win32DLL.vbs". This is the registry key that enables the worm to run each time Windows is started. 6.In the right window, highlight the registry key that loads the file and press the DELETE key. Answer YES to delete the entry. 7.Exit the registry. 8.Click START|SHUTDOWN. Choose "Restart in MS-DOS mode" and click OK. 9.After the computer has restarted, the default directory should C:\. 10.Subsequently, type "DEL WIN-BUGSFIX.exe". 11.Press CTRL+ALT+DEL and allow Windows to restart.

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