P.O. Box 9 
BOY'S RANCH, NM 87002 
(505) 864.7381 FAX 
Call before sending fax. 
(800) 660.0289 Placement Information (505) 864-7381 Service/Intake and Administration
John & Bobbie Barr

Public transportation accessible. Residential child care. 

HOURS: Normal business hours
ELIGIBILITY: Boys ages 9.14 (possibly stay until 18) 
SERVICE SUMMARY: Residential group home in working ranch setting providing structure, training and community living experiences for boys 9.14. Voluntary, goal-oriented program includes behavioral modification based upon Christian values with an emphasis upon helping teens deal with authority issues. Individual and family therapy provided for residents and parent/guardians. Campus school enhanced by computer/technological training. Admissions decisions based upon the youth's (and family, when appropriate) potential to benefit from the Ranch program. 

SITE SUMMARY: Volunteers are used

Resources for Children

Community Resources