Pulmonary Ventilation and John Daltons Laws

Class, here are some YOUTUBE videos to help learn this material.

CLICK HERE for a YOUTUBE video that introduces the respiratory system.

CLICK HERE for a YOUTUBE video that explains pulmonray ventilation.

CLICK HERE for a YOUTUBE video that explains partial pressure calculations.

Boyle’s law explains ventilation (also referred to as pulmonary ventilation). Boyle's law states volume is inverse to pressure.
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Inspiration: Active Process Expiration: Passive Process
External intercostal muscles contract, (expanding rib cage) External intercostal muscles relax, (reducing rib cage)
Diaphragm contracts (expanding the thoracic cavity) Diaphragm relaxes (reducing the thoracic cavity)
Volume Increases Volume Decreases
Pressure Decreases Pressure Increases
Class, please memorize these concentrations of air.
Note: To calculate a partical pressure you must first convert the percent to a decimal number. To remove the percent you divide by 100 or simply move the decimal two places to the left. For instance, 0.03% converted to a decimal = .0003. After you have converted the percent to a decimal you can caculate the partial pressure. Class, for credit on the exam you must set up the equation as shown above.
Class, please learn the Two Laws of John Dalton
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