Links to Medieval Sites

Arthurian Links

         The Camelot Project  Medieval to modern texts and images.

        Charrette Project (Princeton University)  Manuscript images of Chrétien de Troyes's Lancelot romance.

         Arthuriana  International Arthurian Society journal.

        Labyrinth Arthurian Links

        Britannia Arthurian Links

          Arthurian Resources on the Internet (John J. Doherty)

        Arthuriana/Camelot Project Bibliographies

        Other Arthurian Webpages and resources 

Links to Chaucer

       Michael Hanly's Chaucer Page 

Medieval Web Resources and Search Engines

         The Labyrinth 

         Jack Lynch's Medieval Literary Resources Page

         Voice of the Shuttle (Anglo-Saxon and Medieval)

         Dan Mosser's On-line Medieval Resources Page



Useful Links: On-line Texts

         Medieval Library Medieval and classical texts.

         A Medieval Sourcebook Medieval and classical; especially historical, philosophy and saint's lives.

         Middle English Texts Canonical texts (Chaucer, Gower, Langland) and historical documents; searchable (U of Virginia).

         Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse Searchable database (University of Michigan).

         TEAMS Middle English texts on-line Lesser known works; glossed; introductions.

         Labryrinth Middle English Bookcase

         ORB's "Library" Medieval and classical texts.

         Internet Classics Archive

         Athena Index of e-texts.

         On-line Books Page Another index of e-texts.

         Loeb's Classical Library Catalogue Short descriptions of Latin and Greek works.

Other Useful Resources