/* Script to Combine Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict (SVAC) and Butler & Jones SV Data */ * Created by: Jess Jones * Created on: June 2014 * Updated on: February 9, 2016 * Stata Version 12.1 - runs in Stata 14.1 clear all set more off insheet using "http://www.unm.edu/~ckbutler/sfsv/SVAC_Dataset.csv", clear * replace all missing, non-string values: mvdecode _all, mv(-99=.) * Unit-of-analysis is conflict-actor-year. Need to keep only those conflict-years in which the State is actor (Type 1) and after 1998. keep if actor_type==1 & year>1998 * Dropping interstate wars. Unclear on location of SV (all are "0" except one - Eritrea, 2000 = 1): tab type state_prev drop if type==2 * Five cases of SV against non-citizens remain. list actor year selection_nationality if selection_nationality!="-99" drop if selection_nationality!="-99" * How many states have multiple entries and of what type: codebook gwnoloc /* 58 states */ bysort gwnoloc: tab conflictid type /* 20 states have multiple conflicts (type 3 or 4) */ * Collapse multiple instances of conflict into country-years, using maximum prevalence scores for a year. collapse (first) actor conflictid (max) conflictyear interm postc state_prev ai_prev hrw_prev selection male /// child detainee refugee gang byproxy, by(gwnoloc year) * clean new dataset label variable gwnoloc "G&W country code" label variable actor "country name" label variable conflictid "UCDP conflict number" label variable conflictyear "dummy incidicating active conflict" label variable interm "dummy indicating interim conflict-year (1-4 years inactivity)" label variable postc "first 5 years after conflict" label variable state_prev "State Dept SV Prevalence (Ordinal: 0-3)" label variable ai_prev "Amnesty SV Prevalence (ordinal: 0-3)" label variable hrw_prev "HRW SV Prevalence (ordinal: 0-3)" label variable selection "Non-random targeting (dummy)" label variable male "Level of male SV (ordinal: 0-2)" label variable child "Level of child SV (ordinal: 0-2)" label variable detainee "Level of detainee SV (ordinal: 0-2)" label variable refugee "Level of refugee SV (ordinal: 0-2)" label variable gang "SV by multiple perpetrators (dummy)" label variable byproxy "Use of force to compel SV (dummy)" label define prevalence 0 "No SV" 1 "Some SV" 2 "Several/Many SV" 3 "Massive SV" label values state_prev prevalence label values ai_prev prevalence label values hrw_prev prevalence rename gwnoloc gwno sort gwno year merge 1:1 gwno year using "http://www.unm.edu/~ckbutler/sfsv/SVcodes_onset_1999-2011.dta"