The University of New Mexico
Christopher K. Butler and Scott Gates
The Technology of Terror: Accounting for the Strategic Use of Terrorism
in Coping with Terrorism: Origins, Escalation, Counterstrategies, and Responses, Rafael Reuveny and William R. Thompson, eds., pp. 53-73. 2010. SUNY Press.


To comprehend why a group would intentionally target civilians, we need to understand why other groups do not. In this chapter, we argue that disgruntled groups face three main choices when addressing their dissatisfaction: suffering a disadvantageous peace, engaging in unconventional warfare, or engaging in conventional warfare. We further disaggregate the choice of unconventional warfare into terrorism and guerrilla warfare. By focusing on asymmetrical aspects of the problem and the strategic interactions between the insurgent group, its complicit public, and the superior force of the state, we disentangle the technology of terror.

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Department of Political Science The University of New Mexico Department of Political Science The University of New Mexico