Figure 4 shows the overlay of the stream layer with the three individual layers for each category. Total stream length added up to approximately 5 kilometers within the affected area. The streams are divided almost evenly with each category which means about one-third of the total stream length lies in each category. The streams impacted by high severity fire totaled 1.87 km. Low and moderate severity areas encompassed 1.62 km and 1.54 km, respectively. The total stream length per class does not line up with the total acreage of each class, shown in the graph in Figure 5. This is true also of the unchanged area and the stream network within that class. Determining the Text Box: Figure 5. Graph of the total acreage per severity class of the Las Conchas fire.length of stream impacted by different severity classes helps to inform further research of the impacts of the Las Conchas fire on watershed health. It also provides a brief overview of the immediate impacts such as erosion and sediment load to Text Box: Figure 4. New layer files with stream layer placed over the fire severity layers. The streams were dispersed almost evenly between class categories.these impacted streams, based off of the ranges of the loss of organic matter in the soil.