This page is filled with details of how I spend my volumous amounts of free time here in Albuquerque, New Mexico . The weather here is mostly spendid, and so when time permits I will be found outside. In fact since I bike commute (cars suck!) even when the weather stinks, you will find me outside then too! Here are the things I like to play at most:


New Mexico is a great place for an avid climber to be! There is a lot of beautiful climbing for any interests here. Mostly I climb at Palomas Peak. Check out the GROOVY online guide by my brilliant, fastidious and brilliantly fastidious climbing partner BERNARD MORET! here . Sunny Socorro is a toasty place to head to during the winter months, and unlike the wonderful background on this page is a jug-hauling wonderland, filled with huecos, made for aspiring Tarzans with simian reach and thuggish footwork like Jerome Bettis'.

Climbing Links

Here are some of my favorite links:
Climbin' pics!

At last, here are some climbing pictures! These were taken over the last couple of years at some of my favorite places. When is a "climbing butt shot" not just a butt shot?


Great biking to be had, even close by in the Sandia foothills. I like to bike on these trails, and commute to work everyday. Here are the trusty metal steeds!

Trek 850

Cannondale 2.8

ACHTUNG!!! An awesome site for bike repair can be found here , dude!!

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