Graduate Students

*** I am looking for new graduate students intereseted in several areas of leaf and organism-level photosynthetic research including Rubisco kinetics, CO2 concentrating mechanism function in open ocean cyanobacteria and primitive land plants, and molecular biology/photosynthetic function of bryophytes. Please send me an e-mail if you would like to discuss opportunities.****

Time in Lab Name Research Area Current stauts
December 2005 start Heath Powers (potentially joint with Dr. Pockman) potentially isotopic effects of photosynthesis Research Technician, Los Alamos National Laboratories
August 2005-present Hugo Magaña Freshwater Diatom and Silvery Minnow ecology UNM Grad / Fisheries Biologist, US Forest Service
June 2005-present Chris Bickford (joint with Dr. Pockman) Plant water relations and photosynthesis UNM Grad
August 2004-present Laura Green (joint with Dr. Pockman) Dynamics of leaf hydraulics and stomatal control UNM Grad