Homework 1: Creating a Web Page and Navigating in ArcMap and ArcCatalog.


I wanted to explore the Pacific Crest Trail while getting to know ArcGIS. I added a variety of layers available on ArcGIS Online that represented the regions of the trail, the trail itself, and the mile marker points. Below is a brief summary of how I manipulated the layers, adjusting the symbology and lables.


Figure 1: Display of the Pacific Crest Trial map layers—regions, and trail line shapefiles.




Figure 2: Zoomed in, 1:37,482 scale, displaying the opaque region, trail line, and mile marker points. This view shows the PCT crossing the Columbia River from Oregon to Washington.




Figure 3: I catagorized the mile markers, giving various ranges of miles different colors.



Figure 4: Shows the color change between two catagories in the mile markers layer.



Figure 5: Using “select by attribute” I selected points that represented every 1 mile and every 10 miles. I created a new layer from each selection.

Below is a screen shot showing the different symbology and intervals. Orange circles are every mile, yellow stars are every 10 miles.