A bilingual workshop for Librarians who are Spanish speakers as well as Librarians interested in learning Spanish to enable basic communication with their Spanish speaking patrons.
presented by Stella Quiñones, Bernice Martinez-Comstock, Debbie Eagan, and Mark Emmons

Conversational Practice

The following phrases are designed to provide practice during the presentation. While they are divided according to type of library for logistical reasons, the phrases should be useful in any type of library.

All Libraries


Please wait one moment.
Por favor de espera un momento.

I will find someone that speaks Spanish to help you.
Yo encuentro una persona que habla Espanol para servirle.

How may I help you?
Como puedo servirle?




copy machine
maquina de copiar

disabilities room
sala de asistencia para personas con desabilidades


Academic and Special Libraries

I'm doing research on .....
Estoy haciendo una investigación sobre...

My studies are in Education, what are the electronic resources for education research?
Mis estudios son en Educación, cuales son los recursos electronicos en Educacion  para mi investigación?
Do you need books or articles or both?
Necesita libros o articulos o ambos?

Public Libraries

Do you have a library card?
Tiene usted una tarjeta de biblioteca?

I am sorry, but the books you need are checked out.
Lo siento, pero los libros que necesita estan prestados.
I am sorry but smoking (eating, drinking) is not allowed in the library.
Lo siento, pero no se permite fumar (comer,beber) en la biblioteca.

School Libraries

Did you find what you need?
Encontro lo que necesitaba?

Did the book help you?
Le ayudo el libro?

This is a Reference book. You cannot check it out.
Este es un libro de referencia. No se puede sacar/prestar.

Spanish in Libraries NMLA 1999 Annual Conference New Mexico Library Association
Design by Mark Emmons  Content by Stella Quiñones and Bernice 
  Martinez Comstock
Updated 4/24/1999
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