Origin of life


Interesting quotes


 I. What is life?

 II. Requirements for life to originate spontaneously (soup theory)

 III. Problems/difficulties

 IV. Main steps of progress/theories

 V. Other naturalistic theories


Lectures by Prof. Keller on Origin of Life Scenarios:

 part 1.
 part 2.


"A case against accident and self organization",  Part III: Case against accident from mathematical probabilities in molecular biology, D. Overmann

"Origins:  A skeptics guide to the creation of life on earth",  Robert Shapiro, chap.  1 , chap. 2 (pg 64-70), chap. 4, chap. 5.

"The Fifth Miracle", Paul Davies, preface and chap. 1, chap. 3-5, chap. 10.

(view a brief article on this subject by Paul Davies)
"Investigations", Stuart Kauffman, preface, chap 1, chap. 2.
"On the Cosmic Horizon:  Ten Great Mysteries for Third Millennium Astronomy", Jeffrey Bennett, Mystery #1.


Video and audio lectures:

Video lecture by Christian de Duve, "Nature of Nature" conference, Baylor University, April 2000

Video lecture by Paul Braterman, at Sandia National Labs, Oct 2002

Video interview with Dean Kenyon

Video interview with Henry F. Schaefer III

Video interview with Charles Thaxton

Audio lecture by Martin Poenie

Discussion questions

