Assignment due for week 4:



Required readings:

"God and the astronomers", Robert Jastrow, Chap 4-9,  p 53 - 107.

"A case against accident and self organization",  D. Overmann  p 103-113, 124-127.

"Supernovae, Dark Energy, and the Accelerating Universe", S. Perlmutter, Physics Today, April  2003, p 53-54, 56 -60  ("What's wrong with faint supernovae?" through the end of the article).

Optional readings (on reserve at Zimmerman library):

"Magnificent Universe",  Ken Croswell, Chap 4.

"On the Cosmic Horizon:  Ten Great Mysteries for Third Millenium Cosmology", J. Bennett, Mystery 4 - Mystery 1

"Show me God", F. Heeren, Chap 6