Assignment due for week 5:



Required readings:

"The Universe in a Nutshell", transcript of a lecture by Steven Hawking at the Centennial meeting of the American Physical Society, Mar 1999.

"Steven Hawking, the Big Bang, and God", parts I and II, Henry Schaefer III  p1-16, and 19-20 (the lmits of science)   view article

"Guth's Grand Guess", Brad Lemley, Discover April 2002, p 33

"A case against accident and self organization", D. Overmann p 150-172.


Optional readings (on reserve at Zimmerman library):

"Magnificent Universe",  Ken Croswell, Chap 4.

"On the Cosmic Horizon:  Ten Great Mysteries for Third Millenium Cosmology", J. Bennett, Mystery 4 - Mystery 1

"Show me God", F. Heeren, Chap 6

Further assignments:

In the readings for Feb. 18 both Stephen Hawking and Henry Schaefer alluded to evidence of fine-tuning of the universe for life, sometimes referred to as the anthropic coincidences.  On Feb. 18 and Feb. 25 we will be looking at some of the evidence for fine-tuning in more detail.  There are a variety of lists of such factors, some having to do with characteristics of the universe, and others pertaining more specifically to characteristics of our galaxy and planet.  Some of the points mentioned in such lists are discussed in the readings for Week 6.

The required readings for Weeks 5 and 6 assigned for everyone to read are not very long.  On the other hand, the selections from Rare Earth and Nature's Destiny, which are on reserve at Zimmerman Library, are much longer.  We would like to ask that different individuals look at different portions of these reserve readings so that we can get the benefit of a more discursive treatment on some of these topics.  Plan to be able to give a 2 or 3 minute summary of a couple of points raised from one of the chapters in these volumes.  Below is a list of individualized assignments to look at some of these sections:

Rare Earth (Ward and Brownlee):

Introduction and Ch. 1:  Why Life Might be Widespread--Luca Taylor
Introduction and Ch. 2:  Habitable Zones--Jesse schwebach & Crystal Barnes
Introduction and Ch. 3:   Habitable Earth--Leah Townsend

Nature's Destiny (Denton):

 Prologue and Ch. 1: Harmony of the Spheres--Brian Stoltzfus
 Prologue and Ch. 2: The Vital Fluid--Jon Young