Assignment due for week 7:


Writing assignment:

Write a short 1-2 page response to one of the following questions:

A. Does the current understanding of cosmology and the "anthropic coincidences" more strongly support the intelligent design or naturalistic view of reality?   Is one view more “scientific” than the other?  Is a design inference an argument from ignorance or knowledge?

 B.  As cosmologists theorize further and further back toward the ultimate beginning, comment on the relative roles of science, faith, and philosophy.  Where, if ever, does science end and faith or philosophy take over? How much of the current naturalistic view of ultimate origins is scientific knowledge and how much is faith or philosophy?  How should the current status of scientific knowledge in this area be communicated to the public?

Required readings:

"Origins:  A skeptics guide to the creation of life on earth",  Robert Shapiro, chap. 1, chap. 2 (pg 64-70), chap. 4, chap. 5.

Optional readings (on reserve at Zimmerman library):

"On the Cosmic Horizon:  Ten Great Mysteries for Third Millennium Astronomy", Jeffrey Bennett, Mystery #1.

How we could create life, Paul Davies  view article

"Investigations", Stuart Kauffman, preface, chap 1, chap. 2.