Dr. Kerry J. Howe
Ph.D., P.E., BCEE
Professor and Director of the Center for Water
and the Environment
Department of Civil Engineering
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1351
phone: 505-277-2702
email: howe@unm.edu
Howe is a professor in the Civil Engineering Department and Director of the
Center for Water and the Environment at UNM.
His areas of specialty include environmental engineering, physical and
chemical processes for water and waste treatment, desalination, membrane
processes for environmental treatment (including microfiltration,
ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and reverse
osmosis), water chemistry, and engineering design.
projects have investigated the use of membranes in water and wastewater
applications, including the fouling of reverse osmosis membrane when used for
tertiary wastewater treatment for indirect potable reuse applications,
selective recovery and beneficial use of salts and minerals from desalination
concentrate, increasing the recovery of reverse osmosis by minimizing scaling,
removal of fluoride from groundwater using aluminum coagulation and membrane
filtration, and removal of pharmaceuticals during tertiary wastewater treatment
using either reverse osmosis or ozone/biofiltration.
Howe is a registered professional engineer and a board certified environmental
engineer (BCEE) by the American Academy of Environmental Engineers. Prior to studying for his doctorate degree, Dr.
Howe worked for environmental engineering consulting firms for more than 12
years. During his time in consulting, he
worked as project engineer or project manager on a wide variety of projects
related to water treatment engineering, including treatability studies,
regulatory compliance evaluations, facility evaluations, master plans, pilot
studies, predesign, detailed design, construction management, and plant
startup. His practical engineering
experience has a strong influence on his research and teaching activities.
is a co-author of two of the leading textbooks for water treatment:
· MWH’s
Water Treatment: Principles and Design, 3rd ed.
· Principles
of Water Treatment
Center for Water and the Environment had $2.6 million in research expenditures
in FY 2016. More information on the
center is available here: http://cwe.unm.edu .
BS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1984)
MS, Environmental Health Engineering, University of Texas at Austin (1986)
PhD, Environmental
Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2001)
CE 202: Engineering Statics
CE 335: Introduction to Water and Wastewater Treatment
CE 431/531: Physical/Chemical Treatment Processes
CE 438/538: Sustainable Engineering
CE 499: Design of Civil Engineering Systems
CE 532: Advanced Physical/Chemical Treatment Processes
CE 534: Environmental Engineering Chemistry
CE 691: Graduate Seminar
Faculty Recognition Award, UNM, 2015.
Stamm Outstanding Faculty Award, UNM, 2014.
Lecturer, UNM, 2012.
Spigot Award, American Water Works Association, Water Quality and Technology
Division (for service in furthering the division's mission and goals), 2007.
Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, UNM School of Engineering, 2006.
Young Investigator Award, UNM Chapter of Sigma Xi, 2004.
Award for University Research, Excellence in Environmental Engineering
competition, American Academy of Environmental Engineers (for doctoral
dissertation), 2002.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Farias, E.L., K.J. Howe, and B.M. Thomson. “Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Organic Foulant Layers on Reverse Osmosis Membranes in Wastewater
Reuse Applications,” Water Research.
Vol. 58, pp. 102-110. 2014.
Farias, E.L., K.J. Howe, and B.M. Thomson. “Effect of Membrane Bioreactor Solids
Retention Time on Reverse Osmosis Membrane Fouling for Wastewater Reuse,” Water Research. Vol. 49, pp. 53-61.
Lee, C.O., K.J. Howe, and B.M. Thomson. “Ozone and Biofiltration
as an Alternative to Reverse Osmosis for Removing PPCPs and Micropollutants
from Treated Wastewater,” Water Research. Vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 1005-1014.
Leavitt, J.J. K.J. Howe, and S.E.
Cabaniss. “Equilibrium Modeling of U(VI)
Speciation in High Carbonate Groundwaters: Model Error and Propagation of
Uncertainty,” Applied Geochemistry, Vol.
265, No. 12, pp. 2019-2026. 2011.
Nguyen, A.H., J.E., Tobiason, and K.J. Howe. “Fouling indices for low
pressure hollow fiber membrane performance assessment.” Water Research.
Vol. 45, No. 8, pp. 2627-2637. 2011. (Click for
Higgin, R., K.J. Howe,
and T.M. Mayer. “Synergistic Behavior between Silica and Alginate:
Novel Approach for Removing Silica Scale from RO Membranes.” Desalination,
Vol. 250, No. 1, pp. 76-81. 2010. (Click for
Chen, D., K.J. Howe, J.
Dallman, and B.C. Letellier. “Corrosion of
Aluminum in the Aqueous Chemical Environment of a Loss of Coolant Accident at a
Nuclear Power Plant.” Corrosion Science. Vol. 50, No. 4,
pp. 1046-1057. April, 2008. (Click for
Chen, D., K.J. Howe, J.
Dallman, B.C. Letellier, M. Klasky,
J. Leavitt, and B.P. Jain. “Experimental Analysis of the Aqueous Chemical
Environment Following a Loss-of-coolant Accident.” Nuclear Engineering
and Design. Vol. 237, No. 20-21, pp. 2126-2136. November, 2007.
for reprint)
Howe, K.J., A. Marwah, K-P. Chiu, and S. Adham.
“Effect of Membrane Configuration on Bench-scale MF and UF Fouling
Experiments.” Water Research. Vol. 41, No. 17, pp.
3842-3849. September, 2007. (Click for
Ghosh, A.K., K.J. Howe,
A.K. Maji, B. Letellier, R. Johns, and T-Y. Chang. “Head Loss
Characteristics of a Fibrous Bed in a Chemical Environment.” Journal
of Nuclear Technology. Vol. 157, No. 2, pp. 196-207. February,
2007. (Click for reprint)
Howe, K.J., A. Marwah, K-P. Chiu, and S. Adham.
“Effect of Coagulation on the Size of MF and UF Membrane Foulants."
Environmental Science and Technology. Vol. 40, No. 24, pp.
7908-7913. December 15, 2006. (Click for reprint)
Howe, K.J. and M.M.
Clark. “Effect of Coagulation Pretreatment on Membrane Filtration
Performance.” Journal of the American Water Works Association.
Vol. 98, No. 4, pp. 133-146. April, 2006. (Click
for reprint)
AWWA Membrane
Technology Research Committee (primary authors I.C. Escobar, E.M. Hoek, C.J Gabelich, F.A. DiGiano, Y.A. Le Gouellec,
P. Berube, and K.J. Howe). “Committee Report: Recent Advances and
Research Needs in Membrane Fouling.” Journal of the American Water
Works Association. Vol. 97, No. 8, pp. 79-89. August,
2005. (Click for reprint)
Koh, M., M.M. Clark, and
K.J. Howe. “Filtration of Lake Natural Organic Matter: Adsorption
Capacity of a Polypropylene Microfilter.” Journal
of Membrane Science. Vol. 254, No. 1-2, pp. 169-175. July,
2005. (Click for reprint)
Howe, K.J. and M.M.
Clark. “Fouling of Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration Membranes by
Natural Waters.” Environmental Science and Technology. Vol.
36, No. 16, pp. 3571-3576. August 15, 2002. (Click for reprint)
Howe, K.J. K.P. Ishida, and M.M. Clark. “Use of ATR/FTIR Spectrometry to Study Fouling of Microfiltration Membranes by Natural Waters.” Desalination. Vol. 147, No. 1-3, pp. 251-255. September 10, 2002. (Click for reprint)