
spiralWeb Art

(more recent animation, video and Flash Art will be added soon...

this site is a perpetual work in progress... evidence of digital decay)

spiralWall Art


spiralsend me mail

spiralRaven Images Productions

ok... I give...;-) something a little more recent, less decayed

Tales of the Maya Skies: "The Hero Twins, the Birth of Corn and the Creation of the Sun and the Moon from DomeFest on Vimeo.

DomeFest 2009 Trailer from DomeFest on Vimeo.

Our Turn to Walk from DomeFest on Vimeo.

Hue Walker 1 min. reel 2010 from Hue Walker Bumgarner-Kirby on Vimeo.

Here is My Mouth (final) from Hue Walker Bumgarner-Kirby on Vimeo.