2007 TRI-STATE REPORT, MONTE VISTA, COLORADO Updated 17-Jun-2014 ==== Copyright (c) 2014 Corvairs of New Mexico ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2007 TRI-STATE REPORT, MONTE VISTA, COLORADO Jim Pittman / statistics by Steve Goodman Our 2007 Tri-State Meet in Monte Vista, Colorado was another success although CNM was under-represented, and in fact overall attendance was down. Several of us traveled in our Brand-X vehicles, leaving our Corvairs at home. Friday found us arriving at the Movie Manor Best Western (two miles west of town) and registering and walking around to look at all the Corvairs. In the evening many of us went in town in search of congenial restaurants or other places of interest. Saturday morning found many owners up early to shine their Corvairs and parade to the park for the show. Here's a list of the cars at the show, in the order that they were lined up: Nr YEAR MODEL BODY DESCRIPTION OWNER CLUB == ==== ============ ====== ============= ================ ========== 06 1968 Monza coupe red Ruth Goodman PPCC/RMC 22 1965 Corsa coupe white (V-8) Garrie Fox PPCC 19 1962 Monza conv. white John Hesco PPCC 12 1965 Monza sedan light blue Ernie Pyle RMC/PPCC 11 1965 Corsa conv. yellow Ray Trujillo CNM 17 1962 Monza conv. red Jerry Gertison RMC 13 1962 Monza conv. turquoise John Drage RMC 08 1963 Monza conv. purple Bau Klomp RMC 18 1962 Monza conv. red Bud Duncan RMC 21 1962 Monza sedan light green Paul Campbell PPCC 16 1962 Monza coupe beige Ben Benzel PPCC 09 1963 Monza Spyder conv. red Dave Olwine RMC 10 1964 Monza sedan white Jean Olwine RMC 20 1968 Monza conv. yellow Kermit Shields joined PPCC 01 1968 500 coupe bronze-red Danny Mendoza joined PPCC 07 1966 Corsa coupe extremely RED Larry Yoder RMC 14 1964 Monza conv. maroon John Koll PPCC 15 1964 Monza sedan gold/brown Warren Erhmann PPCC 03 1964 Monza coupe light blue Michael Wiltrout PPCC 04 1966 Corsa coupe yellow/black Miles Wiltrout PPCC __ 1963 Monza coupe light blue local owner - 23 1966 Corsa coupe white Steve Gongora CNM __ 1964 Monza Spyder conv. maroon local owner - 02 1963 Greenbrier F.C. white/red Dennis Pleau PPCC/RMC 05 1965 Monza conv. red Jon Anderson PPCC __ 1966 Corsa conv. blue Tim Paulson - __ 1965 Monza sedan white Mac McFadden, Alamosa __ 1963 Monza coupe white Dave Langlois, Albuquerque Class winners were: Early coupe # 16 1962 Monza Ben Benzel PPCC Early open # 09 1963 Spyder Dave Olwine RMC Early sedan # 10 1964 Monza Jean Olwine RMC Late coupe # 01 1968 500 Danny Mendoza joined PPCC Late open # 11 1965 Corsa Ray Trujillo CNM Late sedan # 12 1965 Monza Ernie Pyle RMC/PPCC FC # 02 1963 Greenbrier Dennis Pleau PPCC/RMC Steve thought there'd be no need for a Hard Luck Award, but at the last minute Dennis Pleau secured the award by having fuel pump failure in his Greenbrier. Fortunately a spare was located (thanks, Jon) and Dennis installed it in record time. The only other problem we know of was the cloud of smoke from Wendell Walker's RX-7 that scared everyone in Antonito and led to the deployment of two fire trucks. It apparently was just some spilled oil. The long distance award went to John Hesco of the Pikes Peak club who drove to Monte Vista from Greybull, Wyoming, 700 miles each way. Year breakdown for the cars registered for the show: 1962 = 7 vehicles 1963 = 2 vehicles 1964 = 4 vehicles 1965 = 3 vehicles 1966 = 4 vehicles 1968 = 2 vehicles We had 74 folks registered for the banquet and the Rocky Mountain club took back the plaque for most members attending. Here are the numbers: RMC = 29 = Attendance Award PPCC = 24 CNM = 16 Non-club = 5 After the car show many of us went into town to check out antique shops or drove east through Alamosa to visit the Great Sand Dunes. We don't know if anyone found the alligator farm. Some of us treated our sunburn, downloaded photos from our cameras to our computers or wandered around to talk Corvair lore with our friends. There was a lot of "How do you do that?" and "Why did you do that?" and "That looks like a neat idea!" to be heard through the afternoon. At least one local Corvair owner came by to get advice on fixing up her "new" car. About 6:00 PM we all gathered at the restaurant. At the buffet we found the line long and the food good. We had lots of door prizes. Laura Wilshire won the afghan donated by Ruth Goodman. Debbie Pleau won the 50/50 prize of $108. LeRoy won the diorama Corvair display. CNM presented the Saint Francis of Corvair Award for 2007 to John Koll of the Pikes Peak Club. Ruth Boydston received the Plaque with the names of all the recipients of the award from 1998 through 2007. During the banquet there was an early summer thunderstorm with lots of rain and some hail, and the restaurant staff were deployed to set pans under several leaks! Hopefully no one was dripped on badly enough to call for another hard luck award. Another point of interest at the banquet: the newsletter editors were honored for their dedication to their craft. It was well acknowledged that communications are a very important part of any organization. Debbie & Dennis Pleau told us that they will soon be moving from Colorado to the Sacramento area in California. While they will no doubt continue to be active in CORSA and in local Corvair affairs in their new home, they will leave a big gap in the ranks of the Colorado and New Mexico clubs. Jim observed that once again Steve and Ruth Goodman did a terrific job of organizing and running a relaxed and enjoyable gathering of Corvairs and Corvair people. Steve said the facilities were good with excellent cooperation from the town. Quite a few local people came to see the car show -- there were 127 ballots cast for People's Choice. Jim was amazed at the number and quality of all the early model Corvairs from Colorado, many of them daily drivers. How many of us "Brand-X" owners resolved to go back home and do the chores needed to make our Corvairs look better and run better so we can drive them to the Tri-State next year? Laura Wilshire told us that next year the Tri-State Meet will be hosted by Rocky Mountain CORSA of Denver in Pagosa Springs, Colorado in May. This is just up the road from Chama so plan now to attend! Rocky Mountain has won the attendance record far too many times and Pikes Peak will be especially keen to win it next year! Again, a big thanks to Ruth & Steve Goodman for all their excellent efforts to make this a great Tri-State! -- Jim