2011 RED RIVER TRI-STATE Updated 05-Jan-2020 ==== Copyright (c) 2020 Corvairs of New Mexico ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2011 RED RIVER TRI-STATE REPORT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jim & Heula Pittman The 2011 Tri-State was held in Red River, New Mexico, June 3-4-5 Our Hotel: Lifts West, Phone: 800-221-1859 Liftswest@hotmail.com See the LIFTS WEST Virtual room tour: http://www.liftswest.com Brenda Stickler email: tounce66 @ msn.com phone: 505-856-6993 Robert L. Gold email: beisbol30 @ msn.com phone: 505-268-6878 THU 2 JUNE Mile 0, Leave Albuquerque, about 08:10 AM. Take I-40 east, then "The Turquoise Trail" via Madrid to Santa Fe. Take the NM 599 bypass around Santa Fe. Mile 129, 10:44 AM, stop at the Rio Grande Gorge overlook south of Taos. Mile 139, 11:10 AM, stop for gas in Taos Mile 173, 11:59 AM, stop near the Chevron Molybdenum mine Mile 179, 12:30 PM, arrive at Lifts West, Red, River Meet & greet other early arrivals. Plan registration, banquet setup FRI 2 JUNE -- register several of the early arrivals. 12:00 noon - registration officially starts. SAT 3 JUNE 6:30 to 8:30 AM - continue registration 9:00 AM - Tri-State Car Show starts 6:00 PM - banquet, crossword, door prizes, food, awards Attendance Award: CORVAIRS OF NEW MEXICO Hard Luck Award: Joan Wilshire -- exploded spare tire! Boydston Award: Chuck Vertrees of CNM NEXT YEAR'S TRI-STATE Steve Goodman said that Rocky Mountain will sponsor, and it will probably be at Gunnison, possibly at Salida. CAR SHOW AWARDS: Best Early: 1962 Monza Sedan Paul & Pat Campbell PPCC Best Late: 1966 Corsa Conv turbo Tarmo Sutt CNM Best Custom: 1965 Corsa Coupe, 327-V8 Garrie Fox PPCC, RMC Best FC: 1962 Rampside Steve Gongora CNM Best of Show: 1966 Corsa Conv turbo Tarmo Sutt CNM SUN 4 JUNE -- say goodbye and depart Lifts West Mile 179, 08:45 AM, drive around Red River Mile 181, 09:00 AM, take NM 578 scenic loop Mile 193, 09:45 AM, leave Red River on NM 32 Eagle Nest, Angel fire, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Taos Mile 286, 11:55 AM, Espanola Mile 381, 1:50 PM, arrive Albuquerque MORE DETAILS AND SOME STATISTICS REGISTRATIONS BY CLUB: CNM 38 RMC 24 Other: MID-CONTINENT & HEART OF AMERICA 1 PPCC 20 Bonneville 2 OTHER 8 CORSA OREGON 2 Unaff. 8 Ute Trails 3 ========== TOTAL 98 CARS IN TRI-STATE CAR SHOW: BY CLUB: RMC 10 PPCC 9 CNM 8 nonaff. 3 BONNEVILLE 1 WASHINGTON 1 Ute Trails 1 ========================== TOTAL 33 BY STATE: Colorado 20 New Mexico 10 Washington 1 Utah 1 Wyoming 1 BY YEAR: 1960 1 1961 2 1962 4 1963 4 1964 4 1965 8 1966 6 1967 2 1968 2 1969 0 BY BODY TYPE: Conv 13 Coupes 10 Sedans 4 Wagon 3 FC 2 Other 1 BY COLOR: Red 13 White 6 Gold 4 Aqua 3 Green 2 Yellow 2 Black 1 Blue 1 Maroon 1 =======More on the Red River 2011 Tri-State Taos Enchanted Circle Tour Suggestion