Updated 30-Jan-2007 - Copyright (c) 2007 Corvairs of New Mexico.
Jim Pittman
Wednesday February 6th, 7:30 PM Galles Chevrolet, Lomas & University
Dues Due Sylvan Zuercher
January Meeting Notes Chuck Vertrees
January Board Notes Chuck Vertrees
Driver's Seat Robert Gold
Calendar of Coming Events Everybody
CNM Ladies Anne Mae Gold
February Garage Tour LeRoy Rogers
Seven Years Ago Jim Pittman
For Sale, Trade or Wanted Everybody
Photos and comments on the Bosque del Apache tour
Greenbrier in the Movies Editor
NMCCC Report and Schedule Mark Martinek
Board of Directors Candidate Dennis Pleau
Tri-State Hotels Laura Wilshire
CNM on the Web Jim Pittman
COVER: An early Monza parked on our street The Editor
Fantasy Chavez Bros trucking company Mark Morgan
"I'm told that on February 2, Dick Cheney will emerge from his bunker. If
he sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of war in Afghanistan."
-- dsw@prcug.org.au (Dennis Wilson)
Dues Expired or Due or Approaching Due:
Jon Lovett 2001-Oct
Glen Gollrad 2001-Nov
Wayne Ward 2001-Dec
John Dinsdale 2002-Feb
Carl Johnson 2002-Feb
Mike Stickler 2002-Feb
Ruth Boydston 2002-Apr
Bill McClellan 2002-Apr
If your membership is due or has expired,
please send your dues to:
Wendell Walker, CNM Treasurer, 301 Utah Meadow, Rio Rancho, NM 87124
Note: the Club will mail in your National dues when you renew, but only if you
send us the renewal form from CORSA Communique!
CORSA's home page: http://www.corvair.org
CNM's home page: http://www.corvair.org/chapters/chapter871
CNM's newsletters: http://www.unm.edu/~casa
Chuck Vertrees
The first meeting of 2002 was called to order at 19:30 at Galles Chevrolet. All
officers were present. Sylvan Zuercher announced that we might have a new
member, John Chris, coming from Santa Fe with Tarmo. Tarmo arrived shortly
thereafter, but had not been home to check his answering machine or e-mail, and
John Chris was not with him.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed in the newsletter.
Treasurer Wendell Walker reported that as of 1/2/02 CNM had $542.68 in the
checking account and $5,115.01 in the Money Market account for a total of
$5,657.69. There was no Car Council report since the first meeting of 2002 will
be on January 4th.
Mark Domzalski reported that the CORSA server was down but they hope to have it
up shortly. The CORSA board has appointed a new Central District director. He
is from North Texas, but I did not get the name in my notes. Since Mark is
retiring, we need someone to run for his office from the Western district. (It
is your Secretary's opinion that whoever it will be must fill some pretty big
shoes.) CNM will help at the International Convention in Flagstaff wherever we
are needed. The 2003 convention will be in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and the 2004
convention in Lexington, Kentucky. Yes, Pennsylvania is in the Eastern Region
and Western Kentucky is in the Central Region.
Wendell announced that the keepers of our Money Market account wants to charge
us $50.00 per year to handle the account. Jerry Goffe said that he can get a
waiver on this, and other possibilities were mentioned. This will be taken up
at the board meeting.
The Corvair ladies will meet on the second Saturday in January at the
Martineks' and at Ruth Boydston's on February 9th.
Jerry Goffe gave information about our Saturday trip to the Bosque del Apache.
The visitor center opens at 08:00 and the bus will leave there at 09:00. The
07:00 "sunrise time" is on your own.
LeRoy Rogers announced that the garage tour on February 10th will meet at
Denny's Restaurant on San Mateo and Cutler at noon for lunch. We will then go
to the Doll Museum, which has a $3.50 admission fee and then to Dave Langlois'
garage. Dave is the only garage in Albuquerque that works only on Corvairs.
New Business:
Reservations at Flagstaff are filling up fast. It is recommended that you get
your reservations as soon as possible. A two-page sheet was handed out showing
many of the accommodations in Flagstaff. Some discussion followed on the
quality of some places in Flagstaff. If you can go on line, there are quite a
few more places to stay than are on the list.
Several members of CNM received an e-mail from Colorado about who should host
the 2003 Tri-State. The order of hosting was changed so that CNM could host the
2000 Tri-State because of the Corvair being the featured car for the
Albuquerque Museum Show. The CNM board does not have a position on this. We
will go along with whatever is decided, but it should be soon. More than one
year is needed to prepare properly for a Tri-State.
The March CNM activity will be a progressive dinner. The ladies will see at
their next meeting if March 16th will be an OK date. It could replace their
March meeting. March 9th is the first cleanup of our section of Old Route 66.
Let's be sure and have a good turnout for this.
Jerry Goffe announced that April 6th is when World Wide Automotive has their
annual open house. Jerry has reserved 10 one-hour spaces in their bays for CNM.
In that one hour their mechanics will change your oil for free and change the
filter if you bring one. They will also do little repairs that would be very
difficult if the car was not on a lift. You can also wander around underneath
and see what you can find. They also serve coffee, orange juice, sweet rolls,
and change over to hot dogs at noon. This starts at 08:00. We need to arrange
this time carefully for CNM.
If you are interested in going to St. George, Utah, see the cover of your last
CORSA Communique. They want pre-registration by 2/25.
Sylvan said that he specially appreciated Jim's Burma Shave signs in the
The meeting was adjourned at 20:10. -- Chuck Vertrees
Chuck Vertrees
The meeting was called to order at "House of Covers" at 17:12 on 1/16/02.
Present were Mark Domzalski, Wendell Walker, Steve Gongora, Robert Gold, Sylvan
Zuercher, Bill Reider, Jim Pittman, Jerry Goffe, Ollie Scheflow, and Chuck
Wendell reported that CNM had $429.17 in the checking account and $5,115.01 in
the money market account for a total worth of $5,544.18. Since our current
holders of our money market account are now paying very little and have said
they will be charging $50.00 a year to handle the account, other possibilities
for placing this account were discussed.
Bill Reider said that GMAC were paying about 4% late last year. It is easy to
withdraw funds from a GMAC account in $250.00 increments. Bill will have them
send information to Wendell. Jerry Goffe also thinks that he can get our
current carrier to waive the $50.00 charge.
It was decided, having discussed it with Denver and Colorado Springs, that CNM
will host the 2003 Tri-State. Ouray, Colorado was discussed as a possible site,
along with Lake City or Red River. First we need to find someone who will run
CNM will replace the stolen Tri-State attendance winner plaque since insurance
will not pay for replacement. Wendell and Steve will research a source. We will
attach the past winners as well as it can be determined. Jim published a list
of what he could find by researching past newsletter and it was suggested that
LeRoy Rogers might have a picture of the plaque that it might be possible to
read some of the winners on.
Registration information for this year's Tri-State in Grand Junction, Colorado
will be in the newsletter.
The progressive dinner will be on Saturday March 16th. It will start at the
Golds' with soup and salad, on to the Pattens' for the main course, and then to
the Wilverts' for dessert.
As mentioned in the meeting minutes, the World Wide Auto open house will be in
April. It was suggested that we might try to have a carburetor and tune up
clinic in late April. Nothing firm was decided.
The main item for the evening was the report and recommendations from the
committee on our two awards, The Ike Meissner Award and The Francis Boydston
Award. The committee comprised Jim Pittman, Bill Reider, Sylvan Zuercher, and
Mark Domzalski. Mark presented the committee's recommendations.
The first recommendation was that the awards should continue to be separate and
distinct. No action by the board was needed to assure that the two awards will
be carried forward.
It was recommended that CNM officers and the Board of Directors should consider
establishing a standing committee to ensure that requirements are satisfied for
awards and continuity for award presentation. It was suggested that the Vice
President be a member of this committee and it would also include two Board
members. It was recommended that CNM have four officers, as at present, and
also have three elected members of the board. The president would run the
meetings and vote only if needed to break a tie. The Bylaws (constitution) and
policies need to be reviewed and possibly changed with the approval of the
The Ike Meissner Award:
We should establish and publish a written description and guidelines for this
award and add it to the CNM Bylaws and Policies as required. Establish a formal
presentation guideline with appropriate history of the man and the award to
insure that the significance of Ike and the award recipient is maximized. The
person making the presentation must be well prepared.
It was suggested that the presentation be made at an annual banquet or event
recognizing the anniversary of CNM. Awards and other presentations could be
made. This would not be like the Christmas brunch, which is primarily a family
social affair.
This could be a rather formal occasion for the presentation of the Meissner
award and installation of officers and other recognitions needed in the
The Francis Boydston Award:
We must establish and publish a written description and guidelines for the
Boydston Award. This should be added to the CNM Bylaws and policies as
required. As with the Meissner Award a formal presentation with history of
Francis' contributions to the Club and to CORSA must be given at the
The Boydston award should be expanded to include any participating Tri-State
chapter. Francis was an active participant with many people in other chapters.
A mechanism should be set up to accept nominations from participating chapter
presidents. The award should continue to be presented at the Tri-State events,
whether or not other clubs provide nominees.
(Your Secretary has stolen verbatim much of the very comprehensive report
submitted by the committee. The Summary I will copy in its entirety.)
CNM leadership should carefully deliberate and consider options regarding the
two significant awards made annually. Additionally, CNM leadership should
evaluate how any increase in formality will affect the overall culture of the
Chapter with regard to membership. (Membership is meant to include potential
members and their families, active members and their families, inactive members
and their families. Why? Because CNM is a unique CORSA Chapter in the way it
operates and includes members and families. Any change to the existing culture
should be very carefully evaluated and made ONLY if a positive outcome can be
After much prolonged and productive discussion, Mark moved that "By the next
board meeting the President will appoint a committee of three to six members to
establish guidelines, criteria, and procedures to manage CNM awards." This was
seconded by Jerry and passed by the board. The President will appoint the
committee who will then chose their own chair.
Our Bylaws (constitution) will need to be checked for necessary changes. The
committee was thanked for an excellent presentation.
Ollie will be gone in March so we will need to have someone else pick up the
vests and other requirements for the Route 66 cleanup.
The meeting was adjourned at 18:43. -- Chuck Vertrees
Robert Gold
As I write this column I'm still feeling the warm glow from a day at the Bosque
del Apache Wildlife Refuge. Several weeks ago it came as a pleasant surprise to
learn that CNM member, Jerry Goffe, serves as a volunteer tour guide at the
refuge. Even nicer was that Jerry offered to take the club members on a tour.
Response from the club was overwhelming. On Saturday, January 5, some 30 people
climbed into the white school bus for a fascinating drive through the Bosque.
With Jerry and Mark Domzalski serving as the lead bird identifiers, we gazed
upon ducks, geese, cranes, hawks and eagles. It was wonderful. Thank you all
for a pleasant day.
Oh yes, one more thing- I want to recognize Steve Gongora for being the only
one to drive a Corvair to the refuge. Bill Reider made a gallant attempt, but
was thwarted by frozen locks. That's what you get when you try washing the car
the day before!
Under past business I need to give overdue recognition to Kay Sutt for her
contributions to the quilt presented to Steve Gongora at the Christmas party.
Personally I was quite taken by the quilt. In fact at the time I was imagining
how nice it would be to have a quilt like it, but with a more baseball oriented
theme. (hint to Anne Mae!)
Back to club matters - I would like to remind the CNM folks that at the January
meeting we discussed several upcoming events. Please mark your calendars for
the annual Garage Tour to be held on Sunday, February 10. LeRoy Rogers has
arranged for a unique combination of the Doll Museum and Dave Langlois' Corvair
repair shop. I want to personally testify to the fact that Dave does amazing
things at his shop to keep Albuquerque's Corvairs in running order. I also
invite you to look at Dave's personal collection of Corvairs and try to predict
which ones I'll be buying in the future.
As I mentioned in a previous column, I encourage the club to come out and
support the Route 66 cleanup. Ollie Scheflow has scheduled the next cleanup on
Saturday, March 9. An investment of a couple of hours will result in a better
environment for everybody.
The next week on March 16 we are looking to have the Progressive Dinner. The
Corvair Ladies will be hosting the event and I can't wait to sample their
creations. As a lousy cook myself, I really appreciate the efforts of those who
do a good job cooking.
Lastly, in my two years as club Vice President I always felt that I didn't do a
complete enough job in scheduling tech sessions. I'm now happy to report that
our new Vice President, Larry Blair, presented a long list of ideas at the
December Board Meeting that will make up for the past deficiencies.
One of the first of those ideas to be implemented will be a vehicle
inspection/repair session at Worldwide Automotive in April. I'm looking forward
to attending that session and also the future meeting programs that Larry will
be organizing. Thanks Larry.
I guess that's it for now. I hope to see you all at the next meeting on
Wednesday, February 6! -- Robert Gold
"My parents just came back from a planet where the dominant lifeform
had no bilateral symmetry, and all I got was this stupid F-Shirt."
-- dac@pcug.org.au (Andrew Clayton)
C O R V A I R S o f N E W M E X I C O C O M I N G E V E N T S
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| F e b r u a r y | M a r c h | A p r i l |
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Wed 6th Feb 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE
Sat 9th Feb 1:00 PM CNM Ladies - Ruth Boydston's - 6829 Kelly NE
Sun 10th Feb 1:00 PM Garage Tour - the Doll Museum & Dave Langlois' shop
Wed 20th Feb 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers
Fri 22th Feb 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman
Wed 6th Mar 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE
Sat 9th Mar 9:00 AM Route 66 Clean-up - this may be changed.
Sat 9th Mar 1:00 PM CNM Ladies - TBA
Wed 20th Mar 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers
Fri 22nd Mar 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman
Wed 3rd Apr 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE
Sat 13th Apr 11:30 AM CNM Ladies -
Wed 17th Apr 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers
Fri 19th Apr 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman
Sun ..... 5th May 2002 - Albuquerque Museum / NMCCC Car Show "Cinco de Mayo"
Fri-Sun 17-19 May 2002 - Tri-State Meet - Grand Junction, Colorado
Wed-Sat 26-29 Jun 2002 - CORSA International Convention - Flagstaff, Arizona
TBA ......... Aug 2002 - NMCCC All-Club Picnic
CNM Ladies -by- Anne Mae Gold
The new year always gives us cause to be thankful. This month our bulletin is
just full of thanks... Kay Sutt, Rita and Ruth send you this message. Kay,
without your knowledge of professional quilt graphics technology Steve's quilt
would not be the envy of every man in the club!
Ruth sends the following message to all the CNM members: To all my family -
Thank you for my Christmas bonus. I got a beautiful pair of pants and socks to
match! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
CNM ladies met in January at Mary Lou's home. She prepared versions of a
fabulous meat stew. Mary Lou, thank you for your hospitality. I think everyone
had a great time and we left well fed and warm! Our February meeting will be at
Ruth Boydston's house and March we will meet at Rita Gongora's. I think
everyone knows where these two lovely women live, but you can call me for
addresses or directions, 268-6878.
Ruth has managed to organize the annual Progressive Dinner. This will take
place on Saturday, March 16. The first stop will be for soup/salad at the
Golds', stop two will be main course at the Pattens' home, final stop, the
Wilverts' for dessert. Come one, come all! More info in Feb. newsletter.
Keep posted... until then, may beauty surround you! - Anne Mae
GARAGE TOUR -by- LeRoy Rogers
All the details have been worked out for the February Garage Tour. Those who
want to have lunch prior to the tour will meet at Denny's Restaurant at San
Mateo and Cutler NE (on San Mateo a couple of blocks north of I-40 on the east
side of the street) at 12:00 noon. If you want to skip lunch, meet us at the
Doll Museum at 1:00 PM.
The Doll Museum is on the northeast corner of San Mateo and Constitution NE.
The museum will charge each person $3.50. It will be a guided tour. The museum
people would like to know how many people will be on the tour, so I will ask at
the February meeting. If you cannot attend the meeting, please call me at
294-0623 so you can be counted.
After the Doll Museum we will proceed to the second stop, Dave's Auto Repair at
6120 San Francisco NE. Dave's shop is east of the I-25 frontage road (Pan
American Freeway) and west of San Pedro and is north of San Antonio NE and
south of Paseo del Norte. To get there from the Doll Museum, go north on San
Mateo, pick up the I-25 frontage road and continue north beyond San Antonio.
Turn right (east) on San Francisco. Dave Langlois probably has the only
commercial garage in town that specializes in repairing Corvairs. Dave's phone
is 821-0505.
If you have other questions, call LeRoy at 294-0623.
Seven Years Ago - February 1995 - Volume 21 - Number 2
Our cover featured a side and top view of a 1965 8/10 Cord. The replica car
from Tulsa was front-wheel-drive, powered by a Corvair engine, with a body of
Expanded Royalite plastic; according to Road & Track, only 30 were ever sold.
President Larry ran our meeting; we had no new members or guests but had $1475
in the bank.
Planning continued for "Red River Rendezvous II" and the 1996 convention. At
our board meeting we asked for more tech tips for the newsletter and set dollar
rates for advertising. We discussed programs for meetings and proposed to set
up registries for tool loans, patterns, free parts and advice. These registries
would pump new life into the underused CNM Library Van. A third edition of the
"Care and Feeding" booklet was under way. Bill Reider wrote an article on
rebuilding a differential, and drawings of special tools were included.
Chuck Vertrees reported on the use of Milk of Magnesia to treat bolts that
would be exposed to high temperatures. Finally, a tech tip liberated from
another newsletter told us all we needed to know about installing a 1963 padded
Fourteen Years Ago - February 1988 - Volume 14 - Number 2
Mark Morgan's cover drawing showed a rear-engine Renault with 180-hp. A modern
Corvair? At our meeting we learned we had $464 to spend. Dale Housley reported
on a source of club jackets at $30 each. Our guest speaker was from MADD and
reported on that organization's efforts to curb drinking while driving. At the
board meeting we proposed a dues increase (postage rates were going up) and
LeRoy listed items to be auctioned in February.
We planned a garage tour to see the facilities of LeRoy Rogers, Butch Uher and
Bob Philips. Your editor reviewed THE RECKONING by David Halberstam and highly
recommended it to car buffs.
Twenty-one Years Ago - Feb. 1981 - Volume 7 Number 2
The cover featured the now-familiar CNM dragon and his friends jumping into
Noah's Ark - but it looked more like a Rampside. George Morin brought in two
pressure plates to let us see why one was acceptable and the other was not.
Robin DeVore brought in samples of carpets, one by Clark's and one by American
Corvair. Bill Reider showed us how to rebuild starters. A tech tip discussed
the effects of dirt in the float bowl and how to deal with it.
* * * * * * * * * * * * FOR SALE, TRADE OR WANTED * * * * * * * * * * * * *
FREE: 1965 Corvair Parts Car - free to good home - Steve Johnson - 864-6278
2-Dr 500 - 110 - PG
FREE: 1965 Corvair Parts Car - free to good home - Steve Johnson - 864-6278
2-Dr HT Monza
FOR SALE: 1960 Monza coupe -- $650.00 Needs ground up restoration. Automatic,
Radio, gas heater. Powder coated engine shrouding. Full set of '60 Monza wheel
covers. Extra front & rear suspension with less that 27000 miles. Assembly &
Shop Manuals for the '60 Corvair. Extra gas heater parts.
Call Bill Reider 299-4597
FOR SALE: 66-67 Corvair body has dual master cyl. Has good bumpers with bumper
guards front and rear. Very straight body with a few very minor dents. $400
drive train is in car, will leave in until you get car so it can be moved or
Call Bill Reider at 299-4597
Black Clark's carpet late coupe $100
Rear Fold seat carpet black late model coupe $15
Package area carpet black late model coupe $35
Padded dash Clarks 65-66 installed on metal support, black $150
Black headliner Clarks late model coupe $60
Late model 3.55 automatic differential $75
Call Bill Reider at 299-4597
WANTED: Late model coupe lower fenders Ollie Scheflow 897-2611
FOR SALE: 1962 Greenbrier 140-hp 4-speed Mike Stickler 344-2039
WANTED: rocker panels John L Matten
RADIO INSTALLED: where to go? John L Matten
NMCCC Report, 23 January 2002
Mark J. Martinek
The well-attended council meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM, 23 Jan 2002,
by President Ken Halvorsen.
Johnnie Meier, president of the New Mexico Route 66 Association, was guest
speaker. He passed out samples of the association's quarterly magazine, "Route
66 New Mexico" and Route 66 Postcards. He spoke of the association's desire to
have the various car clubs sponsor and hold events in conjuction with the
association. He will be attending NMCCC meetings in the future.
Treasure Zorn reported that the council had $10,328.81 in checking and
$10,793.62 plus 3 months interest in CDs. Representatives were reminded of the
table availability at the SuperNationals Car Show (See schedule of events).
The Albuquerque Museum car show will be held on 5 May although it will conflict
with the Rodder's Swap Meet. The museum officials are adamant about that. The
museum will financially help support the car show. A $5.00 entrance fee will be
charged per vehicle displayed.
As there was no volunteer to chair the car show, a motion was made, seconded
and approved that the council would just pick a car club to chair the event.
The other clubs will continue to assist, as in the past, by classifying,
parking, and registering cars and counting votes. The selected club could
decline by withdrawing from the council. No method of selection was proposed or
mentioned. This may be decided at the next council meeting.
The annual swap met was brought up for discussion. No one has yet volunteered
to chair this event. Various surrounding communities have expressed a desire to
host the meet. It was decided to invite a representative from Los Lunas to
address the council and present a proposal for holding the meet in Los Lunas.
It was briefly discussed to hold the meet on one day only. No decision has been
It appears that MVD has resolved the problem of issuing Horseless Carriage
stickers for the correct number of years. It is not known if the council's
letter had anything to do with it but the council will claim credit!
Two new tables were purchased for the council's use. Cost $56.00 + per table.
Council members were reminded to ensure their clubs were maintaining their non
profit status by registering annually and paying the $10.00 prescribed fee with
the State of New Mexico. Non profit status is important to limit financial
responsibility on the part of individual club officers and members.
The council's All Car Club Picnic will be held the first weekend in August. Jim
Clements again volunteered to chair this event.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.
-- Mark J Martinek - CNM NMCCC Representative.
NMCCC Schedule of Events (Car Shows, Swap Meets, etc)
April 6 - 2002 Annual SPRING THAW
April 13 - San Juan College Charity Benefit Car Show (for United Way) 4 Corners
April 19 - 20 - 2nd Annual Park 'n the Park Car Show (Rio Rancho) Richard
April 21 - 2002 Buick-Olds-Pontiac Car Show
April 26 - 28 - Eleventh Annual British Car Show (Mesilla, NM) - call George
Duckworth 526-2318
May 4 - 2002 Fiesta Car Show
May 5 - NMCCC 2002 Albuquerque Museum Car Show
May - - Peoples Choice Car Show (Farmington) 4 Corners OCC
May - - Just for Fun Riverfest Car Show (Farmington) 4 Corners OCC
July 13-14 - Land of Enchantment Rod Run (Farmington) 4 Corners OCC
Aug NMCCC All Car Clubs Picnic
October 11-13 - Collector Car Weekend (Farmington) 4 Corners OCC
November 9 - 2002 Veterans' Day Car Show (T or C)
Subject: BoD candidate Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 20:44:25 -0700
From: Dennis Pleau