This page contains material from the July 2003 newsletter

Updated 30-Jan-2007 - Copyright (c) 2007 Corvairs of New Mexico.

EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday July 2nd, 7:30 PM Galles Chevrolet, Lomas & University THIS MONTH: New Member Sylvan Zuercher Dues Due Sylvan Zuercher June Meeting Notes Chuck Vertrees June Board Meeting Chuck Vertrees The Driver's (Hot) Seat Robert Gold Calendar of Coming Events Everybody CNM Ladies Anne Mae Gold Seven Years Ago Jim Pittman My Trip to Raton Oliver Scheflow Raton Tri-State Report Mark Domzalski For Sale, Trade or Wanted Everybody Life Imitates Science the Internet COVER: Scene at the Raton Tri-State. Photos in this issue by Bill Reider, LeRoy Rogers, Wendell Walker, Steve Gongora === New Member Sylvan Zuercher Please welcome new member Dwight Simmons, 9713 Rio Grande Blvd NW. Dwight has the bright green "dune buggy" or "rail" that is powered by a 140-HP Corvair engine. This machine was on display at the Museum Car Show and several of us find it quite interesting. We'll ask Dwight to tell us about it at a future meeting. Maybe he'll drive it to a meeting? === Dues Expired or Due or Approaching Due: Jerry Goffe 2003-Mar Gordon Johnson 2003-Jun Mark Morgan 2003-Jun Kevin Sullivan 2003-Jul Richard Foster 2003-Jul Robert Harvey 2003-Aug Larry Hickerson 2003-Aug Steve Johnson 2003-Aug Jacob Schlessinger 2003-Aug Chuck Vertrees 2003-Aug Sylvan Zuercher 2003-Aug Lee Olsen 2003-Sep If your membership is due or has expired, please send your dues to: Wendell Walker, CNM Treasurer, 301 Utah Meadow, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Note: the Club will mail in your National dues when you renew, but only if you send us the renewal form from CORSA Communique! === June Meeting Notes by Chuck Vertrees The meeting was called to order at Galles Chevrolet at 19:30 on June 4th. All officers were present. There were 28 members present plus the Gold children, who were well behaved as usual. Sylvan introduced Dwight Simmons who will probably become a new member. The minutes were approved as published in the newsletter. Since your secretary was out on the ocean during the last board meeting, and Jim Pittman took the minutes for the meeting, he apologized for making the board meeting sound exciting. I wonder if this means my notes are boring? I could intersperse some jokes if anyone would like them. Wendell Walker reported that the treasury has $1,508.89 in the checking account and $3,611.10 in the GMAC account for a total of $5,119.99. There was quite a bit of discussion about the Tri-State in Raton. Robert Gold said his fuel pump problems should have earned him the Hard Luck Award. We need to thank Mark Domzalski for his job as M.C., especially making all the Clark Catalog awards sound exciting. Robert also said he enjoyed seeing the cars more than he had at the International. At the Tri-State you could talk with the owners and really enjoy a visit. Ruth Boydston said that she appreciated the choice of a headquarters hotel with a Dairy Queen right behind it. We all need to express thanks to Bill Reider, Leroy Rogers and Hurley Wilvert for their work in setting up the Tri-State. Joe Trujillo was present, and Robert Gold said that he thought he should give our sponsor, Galles, a plug. His government vehicle, an S-10 pickup, was giving a lot of trouble with the idle cutting out. He had it to four different shops while he was out of town and none could find the problem. He brought it to Galles and they found the problem in one day. It was an idle control motor. There was no Car Council report. Mark's Car Council report is usually on line for those who want the information. Robert Gold has volunteered to be our new Car Council delegate when his term as president is over ‹ or maybe before? Anyway, our thanks to Mark for his past service. Also thanks to the Hilltop Rodders from Ruidoso who helped with the vote counting at the Museum show. Mark Domzalski said that he did not have any CORSA gossip. The elections went as expected since there was only one candidate for each office. Wendell said there was some question about the July 4th show in Santa Fe. United Way officials said that the Santa Fe club did not treat them with the proper deference. (Note: see Board meeting notes for the latest on the Santa Fe show.) Tarmo said that there is a 1st Friday Cruise on The Plaza for Dare. It starts about 16:00 and there is a $10.00 to $12.00 donation required. You get a bag and goodies if you participate. Joe Trujillo announced that a convoy of Corvettes, bound for the convention in Kentucky, would be stopping at Galles on the 23rd of June between 13:30 and 15:30. They also expect another batch from Arizona on the 24th. They expect about 53 Corvettes altogether. Sylvan said that Terry Price and his kids were at the Museum show and that Sandy wants to sell her 1967 Corvair. It has Recaro seats among other things. Sylvan also has information on a 1968 Corvair. Larry Blair mentioned that there were two CNM members at the Veterans Day ceremony, John Wiker and Bill Reider. Bill received a medal from Korea, that because of the law, he couldn't receive years ago. Because of a change in the law, American veterans can now accept Korean decorations. Members were reminded of the campout on the 14th at Ruth Boydston's cabin. The past museum car show was discussed. There was a good turnout. There were lots of nice Brand X cars and the Corvairs had a nice shady location. It was also nice that there was no conflict in the date with the Tri-State as there has so often been in the past. Bill Reider brought the t-shirts and golf shirts left from the Tri-State. There are quite a few of them. Some members bought an extra shirt and the board will discuss what to do with the extras at the next meeting. We also thanked our sponsor, Galles, for the special watches they donated for door prize at the Tri-State. Joe was asked to forward this. The Boydston Award went to Bill Reider at the Tri-State. The next Tri-State will be at Cripple Creek, Colorado. There was some discussion about how to get there. High passes? Narrow unpaved roads? Maybe someone can tell us more. The meeting was adjourned at 20:09. This was followed by our speaker from Plains Refrigeration, Tim McCool. For those who read in the last newsletter that Tim had a battery explode in his face, we are glad to note that his eyes are in good shape. === June Board Meeting Notes Chuck Vertrees The meeting was called to order at House of Covers at 17:10. Present were Chuck Vertrees, Wendell Walker, Robert and Sara Gold, Joel Nash, Jim Pittman, Steve Gongora, and Ollie Scheflow. Robert announced that he would miss the next regular and board meetings. Wendell announced that CNM had $1,596.49 in the checking account and $3,611.10 in the GMAC account for a total worth of $5,207.59. He requested permission to remove $1000.00 from the checking account and transfer it to the GMAC account. The bank pays no interest while GMAC pays a little. The board approved this. Next on the agenda was the Route 66 cleanup. The next was due in July and it was decided that we would do it on July 12th. We will meet at the usual place at 08:00 so that we can finish before it becomes too hot. The next cleanup is due in October and it was decided to choose the date of the 4th. Again at the usual meeting place, but at 09:00. Wendell reported that the July 4th Car Show in Santa Fe is back on track, as it has been in the past, pancake breakfast and all. It seems that the people who felt they were not getting proper respect and were going to stop or move the show did not realize how popular and profitable the show was. Apparently they are no longer in charge. As long as we were talking about scheduling we updated the rest of the year. The August event is the Car Council's annual picnic at the Elks Refuge in the Sandias. It is scheduled for August 10th. There will be more detailed information later. Those who went last year had a great time. September is the State Fair car show on the 28th. The Car Council Swap Meet is scheduled for the 26th. In October we would like to have a tour up North and hope the leaves decide to change when we decide to go. The board decided to see if Kay and Tarmo would like to handle this. A possible date would be either October 11th or the 18th. Of course the Route 66-cleanup date is the 4th. Also remember that elections for chapter officers are also in October. November will have our famous or infamous potluck and auction. House of Covers has approved the location. The time will probably be 18:00. Ollie suggested that a minimum price be placed on many items. The Christmas party will be on the 7th of December, Pearl Harbor Day. So many young people now do not realize the significance of the date. So little history is taught now. Rita Gongora and Hector will follow through on this. There are 58 t-shirts and golf shirts left from the Tri-State. It was suggested that they be promoted on our web site and through CORSA. Also some could be taken to the fan belt toss. We can try to sell some patches there also. We need to decide on a price. Steve is working on a certificate of appreciation for our guest speakers. Jim said that many of the sign-in sheets from the Tri-State were incomplete. Some don't indicate club affiliation or even a readable address. He is trying to get the information for the newsletter. He will check around and see what he can come up with. Robert said it should also be noted that the trophy made it home OK. Ollie brought up the subject of what has happened to the members who have disappeared? In the discussion it was suggested that probably many are not getting from the club what they expected when they joined. We need to find out what those expectations are. Also we should try to get the new members involved by finding them a job in the chapter. The meeting was adjourned at 18:35. === From The Driver's (Hot) Seat Robert L Gold I grew up in a household that was very car oriented. My Father owned a shop and specialized in rebuilding automatic transmissions. I'd look at all those springs and things and wonder how the heck he could put them back in the right place, but most of the time he did it right. I came away with two main attitudes from my time hanging around that shop. The first was that I wanted to own all those cool 50's and 60's cars I saw there. The second was that I developed a bias against dealership repair shops. I guess it goes with my underdog approach to life, but I never could see giving my money to the dealership when there were all those nice independent mechanics out there trying to earn a living. That said, I want to tell the world that I strayed from my approach to shops and I want to give credit where credit is due. I had an idling problem with my government 89 S-10. I've been trying to get it fixed for almost a year. The 3 independent shops I went to were more than happy to take my money, but they didn't fix the problem. So I took a deep breath and went to our sponsor Galles Chevrolet hoping against hope that they could fix the problem. I brought the truck in one morning and by the next afternoon I had a smooth running truck. So I want to thank the Galles Service people, and in particular Joe Garcia for their help. I'll have good thoughts about their shop every time I start my truck. I finally got my happy ending! Moving on to Corvair stuff, after all this is the Corvairs of New Mexico newsletter ‹ I have to say that the recent Tri-State meet held in Raton was a complete success. I can't take any credit for that success since I managed to duck most of the work ‹ my wife did get me to take part in Saturday registration. The ones who deserve the thanks include our Tri-State Committee ‹ Leroy Rogers, Hurley Wilvert, and Bill Reider, not to mention the other CNM members who sold T-shirts, helped with registration and made the attendees feel good. One thing that I noticed was how nice the cars were. I attended the National Convention in Flagstaff, but I think I liked the cars at the Tri-State Meet better than the ones at the National. It might have been that I got a chance to talk with the owners on a more personal basis, but the highlight for me was the Yenko Stinger that had been freshly restored. Knowing there are people doing that fine a job in bringing cars back from the dead makes me optimistic about the future of our hobby. I also had a great time at the car show downtown. The city fathers treated us very well in making the area next to the train station available to us. There was plenty of room and shopping was just around the corner. The car show was a great place to socialize with all the Corvair folks. Just one thing ‹ I'm still curious about one of the cars on display. It was a rather distressed early model coup that had seen some hard times. Its windshield was cracked, the paint was faded and the interior had seen better days. In contrast to the other cars it was quite a standout. Before I could really look it over someone came and drove it away, and the person driving wasn't Carl Johnson! ‹ A mystery for sure.... I guess mention needs to be made that CNM had the most registrations and therefore won the traveling award. Go CNM!!! I guess this is the section where I need to preface my comments by saying the opinions expressed here are of Robert Gold and don't represent the opinions of the Corvairs of New Mexico. While I was sitting at the Tri-State Banquet and enjoying Mark Domzalski's job of finding homes for all those Clark's catalogs, I had a thought when the presentation was made of the Francis Boydston Award. Many times I've noted that we at CNM have many reasons to be proud of our club, not the least of which was that Francis Boydston was a member of our club. I feel blessed that I had a chance to know Francis and I'm now happy to say that Ruth Boydston has become an important part of my family. However, as the list of former recipients of the award was given at the awards presentation I was struck by the fact that except for one person all the award winners are from CNM. I understand that the past award winners were very deserving of the award ‹ the Corvair hobby would be much poorer if these individuals hadn't made their contributions. My concern is that if we continue to make the award presentation at the Tri-State and the recipients continue to be CNM members, the award may lose its significance in the eyes of the members of the other clubs. It's just a thought that I had and like I said, this is my opinion, not the club's. For those of you who regularly attend club meetings you know that one of my favorite parts of the meeting is when Mark Martinek, our Car Council Rep gives the Car Council report. I like to refer to his report as "As the Council Turns" because the doings at the Council have much of the same attraction as daytime soap operas on TV. You have the fights over money, personality clashes, and best of all the conflict between what goes on in the meetings and what is put down in the meeting minutes. I guess I'm fascinated by the Council because it's such a contrast to the smooth workings of CNM. Anyway, I've decided that after my current term in office I should step aside and let someone else take over the reins of power. That means I won't be running for President again. Since I want to stay involved in CNM I thought that becoming the Council Rep might be fun. When I asked Mark about taking over from him he was most enthusiastic at the prospect. Mark will be taking me to meet the gang at the Council in August and then I'll soon have the honor to report on "As the Council Turns". Tune in next week..... I've just returned from the latest CNM campout in the Pecos. Ruth Boydston was, as usual, a fantastic hostess. This event is a chance for the members to sit around and really get to know each other. As most of you know who attend the event, I take this opportunity to catch up on all the nap time I missed since the last campout. This year was unique for my family since we stayed in our Airstream trailer that is permanently parked on the family lot just downhill from Ruth's cabin. My wife had done a great job in setting up trailer so I could practice my napping technique there. I hope if you weren't there this year we'll see you next year. Corvairs and nature ‹ quite a combination! I'd like to remind you of upcoming July events. There is the annual 4th of July blowout on the Santa Fe Plaza. It seems that the car community is not as welcome as in early years, but the events on the Plaza are always fun. For those of you who yearn for humidity, there's the National Convention in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Also the CNM Ladies are going to get together. I need to mention that the Gold clan will be absent from most events (including the July meeting and Board Meeting) due to a 3 week visit to Spain to see Anne Mae's relatives and to get married. We should have some good stories to tell when we get back. I guess that's all for now. Be sure to attend the next meeting on Wednesday, July 2 at 7:30 and see what a great job Joel Nash will do chairing the meeting. ‹ Robert Gold C O R V A I R S o f N E W M E X I C O C O M I N G E V E N T S ============================================================================ | | | | | J u l y | A u g u s t | S e p t e m b e r | | | | | | : : 1 2 3 4 5 | : : : : : 1 2 | : 1 2 3 4 5 6 | | 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | | 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | | 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | | 27 28 29 30 31 : : | 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | 28 29 30 : : : : | | : : : : : : : | 31 : : : : : : | : : : : : : : | ============================================================================ Wed 2nd Jul 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Fri 4th July early! Santa Fe Fourth of July Car Show on the Plaza Fri 4th Jul 1:00-4:00 CNM Ladies: celebrate the Fourth of July in Santa Fe! Sat 12th Jul 8:00 AM Route 66 Cleanup - Ollie Scheflow - David Huntoon Sat 12th Jul CNM Ladies - no regular meeting this month. Wed 16th Jul 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Tue-Sat July 15 - 19 CORSA Convention - Carlisle, Pennsylvania Sat-Sun July 19 - 20 Flagstaff Autocross - Cactus Corvair Club Fri 25th Jul 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Sun 3rd Aug ------- NMCCC Picnic - Elks' Refuge - need a big CNM turnout! Wed 6th Aug 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sat 9th Aug 1:00-4:00 CNM Ladies - meet at the Golds' residence. Wed 20th Aug 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 22nd Aug 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Wed 3rd Sep 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sat 13th Sep 1:00-4:00 CNM Ladies - TBA Wed 17th Sep 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 19th Sep 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Sun 28th Sep early! State Fair Car Show -- also, NMCCC Swap Meet === Subject: 4th of July I had lunch with Wendy Walker. As of 11:00 PM last night the 4th of July Car Show is on. Mark your calendars spread the word to other CNM members and let's plan to caravan to Santa Fe this next holiday. We'll give you more details soon. Steve Gongora - Corvairs of New Mexico === CNM Ladies -by- Anne Mae Gold Well, in the last two months we have had two successful meetings. In May we made new friendships and caught up with old friends at the Tri-State Meet in Raton. It was a great time. Some of us combed Raton's downtown and did a little shopping. Robert, of course, drooled over some of the cars he saw. The kids and I went to see the volcano and thought we'd run out of gas. Luck was on our side, the Pleaus took us up in their van and we made it back with less than 1/4 of a tank. Others went on a tour of an old mine, Kim said that she and Dell enjoyed that. The kids had a blast, especially with all the antelope and bison we saw on the way home. In June we had the CNM campout up in Pecos. This year the Golds actually stayed in the trailer. We were never even attacked by any rabid chipmunks! Javi helped Kim, Brenda Wilvert and me dig part of the outhouse pit. Boy do we know how to have fun! The Sullivans came up in their Corvair trailer while the Vertrees, Wendell and the Sutts drove their X-brands. We had a fantastic time sharing food, cooking both in and out of the house, and doing the dishes. We missed quite a few of the regular attendees, but know that it is a busy time of year. We would all like to extend a warm and hearty congratulations to Jacob and his new bride! Hope to see both of you at more of our functions. I've taken it upon myself to skip the July meeting. In speaking to various of you, it sounds like most of you are going on well deserved vacations or are otherwise occupied. I know that the Gold clan will be gone until July 13. How about we meet August 9th at the Gold home. School will be starting and most of us will be settling into the school year routine. Remember we meet from 1-4 pm. Please let's make an effort to get together and share our summer stories. Have a restful, fun-filled summer! Love to you all, Anne Mae === Subject: Flagstaff Autocross Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 12:50:19 -0600 From: Paleofish (sbuna AT unm DOT edu) To: Jim Pittman (casa AT unm DOT edu) Subject: newsletter stuff Can you put in the Newsletter that Geoff and I are going to go to the Two Day Autocross in Flagstaff, hosted by the Cactus Corvair Club July 19-20. If anyone is interested call us at 720-1484. I have the flyers and registration forms. -- Sally Johnson === Seven Years Ago - July 1996 Volume 22 - Number 7 The cover showed Corvairs leaving New Mexico after the convention with the owners commenting on what a great convention it was. We thought so, too. President Mark Domzalski ran our June meeting. We had no treasurer's report, but our bank account was in good shape. By meeting night we had sold 2,664 raffle tickets. So far, pre-registrations were 153 for the Acoma tour, 124 for the Santa Fe tour, 109 for the Turquoise Trail tour, 46 for the concours, 59 for the rally and 58 for the econo-run. A stuffing party was scheduled for the Saturday before the convention. Participation by CNM membership so far has been outstanding. Bill Reider reported that there were about 480 cars at the NMCCC/Museum show and it was a nice show. Sylvan received a letter (in German) from the Swiss Corvair Club. Looking further ahead, we planned a July party. This year, to enter a car in the Santa Fe July 4th car show, one had to be a member of the Santa Fe club. Our August campout was on hold due to extreme dryness and fire danger in the mountains. The rest of the newsletter contained comments on the convention (which was a tremendous success) and tech tips on: steps to take to prevent overheating your engin (thanks, Bill Reider), dual Master cylinder conversion (thanks, B. Mitchell Carlson) and a replacement refrigerant "FR-12" that was nearly identical to the no-longer-manufactured Freon R-12 (thanks, Pennzoil). Fourteen Years Ago - July 1989 Volume 15 - Number 7 The cover showed our six-door Library Van at the Tri-State in Red River. There were several photos from the Red River Rendezvois but many were not very clear; we needed better photo reproduction technology for the newsletter. Bill Lawless reported on the pleasant and successful Tri-State. The parade was mostly 1964 Corvairs with 11 convertibles. Bill Reider's monthly tech column told us about checking the distributor point plate and told about how a conductive vacuum hose could cause an engine miss. LeRoy reported on the Library Van, now nearing completion. Twenty-one Years Ago - July 1982 Volume 8 Number 7 The cover showed a 1935 Mercedez-Benz 500K/AK for no particular reason. A new member was Karl Elsner. President Bill Reider gave a talk on carburetors inspired by Fisher's book HOW TO HOT ROD CORVAIR ENGINES. Bill also gave us the first half of an article on his much modified 1965 Monza sedan; his goal was to update it to be the ultimate "1982" Corvair. Twenty-eight Years Ago - July 1975 Volume 1 Number 7 The cover featured a V-8 Corvair. We planned a tech session to attract new members to the club, and help all our members keep their Corvairs running in tip-top condition. We hoped to organize another car show at Winrock this summer. Bill Reider of Car-Tune reported that Viton O-rings were now available. A new member was LeRoy Rogers. Jim reported six tech tips, all tested on his 1966 Corsa. === Tri-State Raton, New Mexico Ollie Scheflow I left home in Corrales at about 8:30 Friday morning and picked up I-25 headed north. I managed to avoid the Santa Fe commuters. A few minutes and a few curves east of Santa Fe I saw the sign for Pecos National Monument and decided to stop and visit as I had never been there before. The visitor's center had a nice museum with wildlife and pueblo exhibits and the ruins of an old Spanish colonial church. This would be a very nice area to consider for a possible club trip sometime. I arrived in Raton, had lunch and checked into my room. I had never stayed in a Microtel Motel before. I was very pleased with the room, the lobby and the breakfast area. There was plenty of room for all us Corvair enthusiasts to visit and socialize among ourselves. Registration for the Tri-State went very well, with most attendees registering on Friday. Debbie Pleau arranged restaurant reservations for Friday night's dinner at the "Ice House." This building was converted into a restaurant from an old ice house. The food was excellent and most of our CNM people attended. It was nice to see the Pleaus and the Andersons. The car show on Saturday offered some interesting modifications to see. There was a Corvair with an aftermarket fuel injection system and another car with an enlarged oil vapor return system. I have a typed description of this if anyone wants to see it at our next meeting. There were also some really nice paint jobs at the show. Instead of following along with the crowd, I took the alternate scenic route to Capulin Volcano, a road that went over a small mountain and through some villages. The volcano had a trail around its top which really worked up an appetite in me. It provided a 360 degree view of the area. There was also a trail that went down into the mouth of the Volcano. Not to worry, the volcano has been extinct for thousands of years. The Saturday night banquet was very successful with lots of good food. Our Mark Domzalski made an excellent master of ceremonies. Lots of door prizes were given away including at least a dozen Clark's catalogs. It was a very well run event and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. The committee of people who organized everything deserves a big "Well Done." To top off a fun weekend, I took Route 64 through Cimarron and Eagle Nest to Taos. I fished for a while at Eagle Nest but got skunked! No fish, no bites! When I got tired of my non-productive fishing, I headed down the highway from Taos, driving along the Rio Grande. It was a very pleasant weekend trip. === Tri-State Report Raton, New Mexico Submitted by Mark Domzalski There were six chapters represented at this year's Tri-State Event: Corvairs of New Mexico, Pikes Peak Corvair Club, Rocky Mountain CORSA, Mid-America CORSA, CORSA Oregon and Corvanatics. It should be noted that CORSA's Western Director Dennis Pleau and CORSA's Merchandising Chair Debbie Pleau were present, as well as many of our old friends who always come to the Tri-States. Attendance: Corvairs of New Mexico 41 Pikes Peak Corvair Club 31 Rocky Mountain CORSA 25 CNM won the traveling trophy for attendance and President Robert Gold has it in his care. Let's see if we get to keep it for another year by having an extra big CNM turnout at Cripple Creek, Colorado in 2004! The longest distance driven award was given to John Hesco, who drove from Greybill, Wyoming. He drove 795 miles in a 1962 Monza convertible. The Best Late award went to Phil Nelson from Wichita, Kansas for "Fast Orange," a Œ65 Corsa. Best FC went to Walter Hundertmark from Manitou Springs. Of course, Ben Benzel and his famous and highly original Œ62 Monza received the Best Early recognition. Ted Jackson's red Œ62 Monza Convertible was the show stopper with Best of Show. Steve Goodman and Steve Gongora presented this year's Francis Boydston Award to Bill Reider. Next year the Pikes Peak club will host our Tri-State event at Cripple Creek, Colorado. Let's all be there! === Subject: Life imitates science (Saddam as Schroedinger's Cat) From: jposner AT panix DOT com (Jeremy M.Posner) Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 19:30:00 PDT You've got this somewhat feared ruler of a nation of several million people, and he's sitting in a bunker somewhere in Iraq. After several direct strikes at bunkers where he was supposedly sitting at the time, he's either dead or alive. At the same time, if you talk to the right people, he's neither dead nor alive and both dead and alive. At some point, US forces will open the bunker, and as of that moment he will suddenly have been either dead or alive the whole time. It took billions of dollars, but the US Government has finally created a real life example that can be used to demonstrate the multiple states of Schroedinger's Cat. And the best part is that the experiment can be easily reproduced. With, say, Geraldo. ‹ Selected by Jim Griffith. MAIL your joke to Attribute the joke's source if at all possible. A Daemon will auto-reply. Send comments meant for the moderator to Jokes sent to this address will be ignored. For the full submission guidelines, see This joke's link: === * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR SALE, TRADE OR WANTED * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR SALE: Book on MG-T series. $7,500.00 - Jerry Goffe - 345-3100 Comes with an MG-TD. FOR SALE: Super Manual for 1960 Cushman. $3,000.00 - Jerry Goffe - 345-3100 Comes with a 1960 Cushman. FOR SALE: 1961 Honda Scrambler - no book. $2,650.00 - Jerry Goffe - 345-3100 * * * * * CNM ADS ARE FREE TO CNM MEMBERS, $5.00 TO NON-CNM MEMBERS * * * * * === Note: Did anyone notice that on my web pages I am giving e-mail addresses as "john505 AT aol DOT com" instead of the more usual ""? It is to make it somewhat more difficult for spammers to get your e-mail address and send you unsolicited, undesired junk e-mail. Spammers are not going to stop sending unsolicited, undesired junk e-mail to as many e-mail addresses as they can get their grubby paws on, no matter what you or I or the government may try to do about it. The best we can hope for is (1) delete and don't read any apparent spam messages, and (2) keep a low profile on the internet. That means, try to keep your e-mail address from getting into the internet in any manner. If any club members do NOT want their e-mail address published in the newsletter or on my web page, let me know. Jim