This page contains material from the November 2003 newsletter.

Updated 30-Jan-2007 - Copyright (c) 2007 Corvairs of New Mexico.

EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday November 5th, 7:30 PM Galles Chevrolet, Lomas & University THIS MONTH: Pass the Torch Sylvan Zuercher Dues Due Sylvan Zuercher October Meeting Notes Chuck Vertrees October Board Meeting Chuck Vertrees NMCCC Meeting Notes Geoff Johnson Route 66 Cleanup 2003 Oliver Scheflow Rebuilt & Restored Mark Domzalski Trip to California & Utah Del Patten For Sale, Trade or Wanted Everybody Calendar of Coming Events Everybody CNM Ladies Anne Mae Gold Seven Years Ago Jim Pittman State Fair Report Robert Gold Catastrophe: No Brakes! Robert Gold TECH: Think Before You Do Steve Goodman COVER: The Concorde's last takeoff. CNM's Library Van. === We was playin' the Homestead Grays in the city of Pitchburgh. Josh Gibson comes up in the last of the ninth with a man on and us a run behind. Well, he hit one. The Grays waited around and waited around, but finally the empire rules it ain't comin' down. So we win. The next day, we was disputin' the Grays in Philadelphia when here come a ball outta the sky right in the glove of the Grays' center fielder. The empire made the only possible call. "You're out, boy!" he says to Josh. "Yesterday, in Pitchburgh." -- Satchel Paige Dues Expired or Due or Approaching Due: Robert Harvey 2003-Aug EXPIRED Jacob Schlessinger 2003-Aug EXPIRED Jon Anderson 2003-Oct EXPIRED Willard Davis 2003-Oct EXPIRED John Topp 2003-Oct EXPIRED Jason Ward 2003-Oct EXPIRED Del Patten 2003-Nov THIS MONTH Jack Bryan 2003-Nov THIS MONTH David Huntoon 2003-Dec Fred Edeskuty 2003-Dec Joel Nash 2003-Dec Roger Pape 2003-Dec John Wiker 2004-Jan LeRoy Rogers 2004-Jan John McMahan 2004-Jan If your membership is due or has expired, please send your dues to: Wendell Walker, CNM Treasurer, 301 Utah Meadow, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Note: the Club will mail in your National dues when you renew, but only if you send us the renewal form from CORSA Communique! /* A billion seconds ago Harry Truman was president. A billion minutes ago was just after the time of Christ. A billion hours ago man had not yet walked on earth. A billion dollars ago was late yesterday afternoon at the U.S. Treasury. */ === Passing the Torches Sylvan Zuercher Torch #1 After over 25 years of publishing (going to and picking up from the printer, collating, stapling, folding, stamping and mailing) the Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter, it became time to relinquish these duties and I mentioned something about this to Jim Pittman several months ago. A short time later, I received a call that Heula Pittman had volunteered her services. By now Heula has been publishing the newsletter for about six or seven months and I want to say "Thank You" for assuming this responsibility as I know the rest of CNM members will do. Torch #2 Sometime after joining CNM in August of 1974, I also began recruiting new members and while I don't think there were any broken arms there seemed to be quite a bit of success. There were many leads and tips from various sources. Having approached a member to run for office for a few years and declining to do so, after last month's meeting at the Route 66 Diner he was approached to take over the duties as Chairman of the recruiting committee. The reply was; "Sure, I can do that." He has already talked about some good new ideas. Our new President, Mark Domzalski, made the appointment official. His name is David Huntoon. My sincere thanks to Dave for stepping up to the plate. So the torches are passed. -- Sylvan, ex, ex. === Meeting Notes October Chuck Vertrees The meeting was called to order about 19:30 on 10/2/03. Galles had scheduled a safety meeting for its employees in our regular meeting room. Therefore we had a quick meeting in the parking lot of the adjoining Saturn dealership. We just finished as it started to sprinkle. My notes are pretty vague, being written on a jiggling pad. The first thing mentioned was that CNM was scheduled to clean up our piece of "Old Route 66" on the coming Saturday. The Highway Department was out of the yellow safety vests (?) so it was decided that we should wear our yellow shirts during the pickup. Wendell Walker reported that CNM had $992.63 in the regular checking account and $4,644.76 in our GMAC account for a total of $5,637.39. Wendell also brought the Annual Treasurer's Report for the year 2002, from 10/01/02 through 10/01/03. Your secretary has a copy if anyone would like to look at it. According to Wendell we made a profit of $155.95 during the year. There were no new members or guests present. Mark Martinek has a copy of the Car Council report on the web. It was moved and accepted that Mark's work as Car Council was much appreciated and he was presented with a certificate for his efforts. Past president Robert Gold will be taking over as our new Car Council representative. Members were reminded that a breakfast meeting was planned for 08:30 on the 18th at the Owl Cafe. This is the one on Lomas and Eubank so nobody should drive the 75 miles to San Antonio. There was discussion of whether we should try to plan a tour North on the 19th. After some discussion it was decided that it was a little late to try to do so. The upcoming Great Fan Belt Toss and Swap Meet was discussed. Some CNM members are planning on going. Joel Nash has registration forms if anyone needs one. It was then time for our annual election of officers. The slate presented by the nominating committee consisted of Mark Domzalski for President, Sally Johnson for Vice-President, Charles Vertrees for Secretary and Wendell Walker for Treasurer. Since there were no nominations from the floor (regardless of the pleading of some of the candidates) the slate was accepted by acclamation. There being no further business, and a light scattering of dampness, our meeting under the stars (or under the clouds) was adjourned at 20:06. === October Board Meeting Minutes Chuck Vertrees The board meeting was called to order at HOUSE OF COVERS on 10/15/03 at 19:00. Present were Mark Domzalski, Wendell Walker, Joel Nash, Steve and Rita Gongora, Robert Gold, Jim Pittman, Sally Johnson, Geoff Johnson, Sylvan Zuercher and Chuck Vertrees. OFFICERS' REPORTS: Sally reminded those present of the breakfast at the Owl Cafe on the following Saturday. It was suggested that Sally could look for other sites for future Saturday breakfasts, such as on the West side or in the East Mountains. Wendell reported that CNM had $908.98 in the checking account and $4,644.76 in the GMAC account for a total of $5,553.74. No other officers had a report. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Rita and Steve reported on the Christmas dinner. It is all "go" on 12/07/03 at the Officers Club on Kirkland AFB. The time was changed from 11:00 to 12:00 so that it would not conflict with many CNM members who go to church on Sunday. The requirements needed to get on base will be printed in detail in the newsletter later, but briefly, be sure you have proof of car insurance, your car registration, and a picture I.D. Sylvan has been the membership committee for many years and would like to take a little rest, which he well deserves. Dave Huntoon has agreed to take over the job from Sylvan. The board fully approved this change. Dave will do a great job. Robert Gold was out of town at the time of the Car Council meeting. Mark Martinek filled in for Robert. The Car Council report is on line. NEWSLETTER REPORT: Jim said that he might need some help on the November issue since he may have a scheduling conflict at the time of the newsletter deadline. Jim also brought up the idea of publishing a special issue of the newsletter for our upcoming 30th anniversary in March 2004. Old-timers will remember that we put out a special issue in 1989 for our 15th anniversary and another special issue in 1999 for our 25th anniversary. Or, maybe we should wait until 2009 for our 35th anniversary? Anyway, we need to decide on that, and if we do it, we will need to select a theme and decide on a special cover. Mark said that he would be glad to help and would even spell anniversary correctly this time. OLD BUSINESS: Robert said that CNM was represented at the Car Council Swap Meet. By and large the meet seemed to go well. The future at the location is somewhat in doubt. It was decided that the board would work on a schedule for next year's events. This could take some time and Mark has to catch a plane this evening. If you have any suggestions for events, either new or ones that you would like to repeat, please let one of the board members know or come to the next board meeting. Sally does not have anything set up for the November meeting. She is going to try to get Larry Blair again. Maybe the third time will be a charm. Also she will check on trying to get a tour of the Galles Body Shop in the future. Members need to be reminded of the November Potluck and Auction. It will be on 11/15/03 at House of Covers. The time is 18:00, or for civilians, 6:00 PM. Be sure you do not miss this because of the fun. Ask Robert Gold about his tub of eyeballs. NEW BUSINESS: As a possibility for the 2004 garage tour, down south is a group of experimental aircraft. Some of them are using Corvair engines. I think it is Sally who will check on this. Mark says that we need to resurrect the Membership & Family Care Committee. This would help members when the member needs help, a visit or just some encouragement. Rita and Elizabeth would help on this. It is time to resurrect the Bylaw and Constitution review committee. Also the we need to resurrect the Award Committee to solidify the definitions and criteria. It has been five years since we have been giving the Boydston Award. Sylvan and Mark will help work on the criteria for this. Wendell says that since we have lots (?) of money in our account, we should figure out how to use some of it to benefit the members. It was suggested that we could use some of it, possibly $1,000.00, to help underwrite the cost of the March 2004 anniversary dinner. This is still an idea for discussion. The board is open to suggestions from the membership. Joel said he received e-mail about a 1963 Rampside in Artesia. If you are interested, see Joel. The meeting was adjourned at 17:47 so Mark could go to the airport. === Car Council Meeting Report Geoff Johnson - October 22nd 2003 The meeting started at 7:30. OLD BUSINESS: Discussion on how the Swap meet/Car Show went. Overall it was a success, with a few drawbacks. Primary complaint was that it was too far out of town. Also it was said that they had far too few volunteers to run it, and they need to cultivate more volunteers for future events. Volunteering for events seems to be a big problem, and they really need people to come out and give a helping hand at events. CNM was acknowledged and thanked for volunteering. The Council is still tentative about where to have it for next year. Spaces to hold it in Albuquerque do not exist, at least in any price range or sizable space that is needed to put on the event. It was asked that if anyone has a better idea on where to hold it to please come forward and make a suggestion. Drawbacks of the Los Lunas and UNM parking lot locations were discussed, and why it is not feasible to hold it there. It was suggested that the show portion had a smaller turnout then expected because of most people did not want to go through the hassle of showing a car and participating in the swap meet. Next year they are thinking of having just an informal show-n-shine instead of a formal show at the event, and will likely eliminate the Car Corral for lack of interest. NEW BUSINESS: Next year's May car show at the Albuquerque Museum was discussed. The Council voted that they would continue to hold it there for the next three years. The City is very receptive to having the show there every year, and would like to ensure it continues to be held there through 2006 for Albuquerque's 300-year anniversary celebration. The 2003 show had 385 cars. Arrangements have been made for more parking spaces for cars for next year's show, and they would like to see 450 cars show up. Hopefully by doing this the Council can build rapport with the City, and from that hopefully the City will be more helpful to the Council in the future. Meeting adjourned at 8:45. -- Geoff Johnson === Club Holds 3rd 2003 Old Route 66 Cleanup Oliver Scheflow The October 4 cleanup occurred on the same day as the Balloon Fiesta opening. The news-weathermen had been predicting possible rain for several days before. Sure enough, Saturday morning looked like rain. Gordon Johnson reported driving through a shower on his way to our meeting area. There was no rain, but the sun played hide and seek with us during the pickup. When we finished, the sun was shining and we had to shed some of our clothing. The trash was very light that day and no unusual items were found. David Huntoon said the State had a group of prisoners out cleaning up a few weeks earlier. Those participating were: Steve Gongora, David Huntoon, Gordon Johnson, Joel Nash. Del Patten, Ollie Sheflow, Chuck Vertrees. During the year, some 15 members and guests participated. Thanks to all who helped. They were: David Huntoon; Steve Johnson & daughters Jessica and Yvette; Joel Nash; Ollie Scheflow; Kevin Sullivan; Chuck Vertrees; John Wiker & Ronnie Mann, a cadet from John's reserve unit; Jim Pittman; Robert Gold; Bill Reider; Larry Blair; Hurley Wilvert. I hope to see you all again out on Old Route 66 in 2004. -- Ollie === Tech Tip - Think Before You Do by Steve Goodman Denvair News - Rocky Mountain CORSA - October, 2003 I had Laura's new addition, a 1963 GREENBRIER in the shop last week. The first problem was an oil pressure failure when turning corners. What I found was two things: first, the oil pan was crushed into the oil pickup and thus almost sealing it against the bottom of the pan, and the pickup was full of strings of silicone from the last pan gasket job. Now dropping the pan isn't a bad job you say? Wrong, not when whoever installed the dual exhaust system chose to strengthen up the mufflers a bit. They welded a 1/2" cold rolled steel rod across the two mufflers. To make matters worse, they welded another bar across the two u-bends. I promise you, the mufflers would stay on that engine if it was dropped from an airplane. The problem is this: the rod across the bottoms of the mufflers also ran across the oil pan; thus I had to cut the rod to drop the oil pan. Second problem is that the mufflers are supposed to be dropped separately (like a 140 dual system) so that the entire exhaust system doesn't have to be removed just to change a valve cover gasket. If the two mufflers are tied together then the entire system has to be removed for the simplest of repairs. MY SUGGESTION IS TO THINK about other repair operations before you install something that causes problems later. LASTLY: Use any silicone/RTV sparingly. A tiny bead of RTV only 1/8" wide will spread an inch or more when squished together. All of the excess is pushed into cavities or openings such as the bottom of the engine or the transfer hole between the transmission and diff. === Rebuilt & Restored Mark Domzalski October 25, 2003 One of the benefits of being president exactly seven years ago is being able to read a recap of what I did then. Hopefully, with your help and support, I can do it better this time... Since I was away on business for the election, I want to thank you for your support and confidence by electing me as the leader of this unique CORSA Chapter once again. Thanks to immediate past president Robert for his service and stepping into Mark Martinek's position as New Mexico Car Council liaison. And thanks to immediate past vice-president Joel for his support and service. Special thanks to secretary Chuck, treasurer Wendy, and editor emeritus Jim and his publishing assistant Heula for their consistency and continuity of support for all of us. Welcome to Sally for stepping up and agreeing to take on the duties and some new responsibilities as your vice-president. Extra special thanks to Steve and Rita for their long history and continued support to CNM by hosting our monthly Board meeting and annual pot-luck and auction at House of Covers. A few weeks ago, longtime membership chair Sylvan called and requested that he be allowed to retire from the position. In his always thorough and diligent support of our chapter, he identified a replacement who has agreed to step in and continue the mission of membership. With understanding and gratefulness, I have agreed to Sylvan's proposal and hope that you will all thank him for his service the next time you see him at a meeting or chapter activity. During my time as an officer in CORSA I heard, on several occasions, that one of the best and easiest chapters to work membership with was CNM. CORSA Executive Secretary Harry Jensen always praised the accuracy and thoroughness of Sylvan. You can also thank, as did I at our last breakfast outing at the Owl Cafe, Dave Huntoon for taking on the responsibilities of the membership chair. So, you ask, what the heck am I going to do for the next year? Well, I have already outlined goals and presented them at the last Board meeting. Three overall goals are to resurrect the Care Committee, execute a review of our by-laws and constitution, and form a standing Award Committee. Over the next few months, I will share more specifics regarding these goals. Beyond that, our plan is to have a great celebration for the 30th anniversary of CNM next March and have plenty of interesting and fun family oriented activities during the year. News flash: Last night I was watching a special program on the Sci-Fi channel about an alleged UFO incident in Kecksburg, PA on December 9, 1965. They showed a clip of a witness from the era who stated: "I was workin' on a '64 Corvair when I looked up and seen a red ball of fire in the sky..." Hmm... No other description to determine what model... But, another Corvair in modern prime time! Again, thank you all for your support. Elizabeth and I look forward to another great year in CNM. === Still Outta Gas... Del Patten So you got to read all about Dave's trip to Chicago... pretty good article I thought... and let's not forget the trials and tribulations of Mark Martinek's self destructing engine... oh yes and his seemingly endless soliloquies on the Car Council. So I guess I really must tell you about my trip of some 2400 miles in September. Except nothing happened!! Drove to Provo, Utah and all around the area... then drove through Vegas to Riverside, California to see my sister get married and then drove home. No fuss, no muss. Something close to 2400 miles all told, averaging about 25 MPG... not bad for me!! Boring trip. I did have the Flowmasters in there... at about 75-80 MPH they mellow out and you can hear pretty good. Unless you have young ears and by then you are as deaf as I am and it doesn't matter. They aren't so mellow idling through parking garages (nasty is the term that comes to mind!) but the combination with all the car alarms starting up was rather pleasant! By the way, EverReady batteries last about 10 hours in my tape recorder which I need to listen to books on tape! That Louis Lamour tells a pretty good story! It wasn't too hot in AZ or NV actually and I think it was only about 98 as I went through Phoenix. Since I don't have the AC hooked up, I did resort to frequent dosings of the cold cooler water if I was starting to overheat as I motored across the Nevada desert. And I love the trip to UT... once you get out of NM!! Some great rainstorms north of Gallup and again south of Salt Lake City on the way to Riverside that kept the temps down for much of the time. I was going to think of something clever to tell about Tarmo (I make all that stuff up don't you know... fiction, not a lie!!) but I think I'll wait till he goes to Palm Springs. He has always told us that trip was for the foreign exchange kids to go to Disneyland but it is really an excuse for him to see if he can spot Annette Funicello!! But it is more fun to kid him after he steals all the good stuff at PS!! I did hear he makes the kids buy him dinner while they are there... otherwise they have to sleep in the back of the Corvair... with all his parts... you know, the ones he hasn't moved under their bed yet!! Ya gotta love the little guy though!! At least Kay has to love him! Any Old Mouse... By the way... Hinckley in Ogden, UT is the oldest Chrysler dealership in the US!! The guys in the service department did think the car was pretty cool!! They drove home in Neons though. === * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR SALE, TRADE OR WANTED * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR SALE: Elliott Knapp's daughters want to dispose of a few Corvair parts, including: = one pair of brake drums = one Monza wheel cover = two mufflers = other assorted car-related parts are available = a 1950 Buick with 30,000 miles is available, but it's in a barn in Oklahoma. For more information, please call 296-9421 YARD SALE: Lots of Corvair parts at very low prices. Some free. Mike Stickler - 344-2039 FREE: 1964 Corvair coupe - needs restoration, new cylinder head. Geoff Johnson - 720-1484 FOR SALE: Yellow Tri-State T-shirts, Golf Shirts. Call Bill Reider 299-4597 * * * * * CNM ADS ARE FREE TO CNM MEMBERS, $5.00 TO NON-CNM MEMBERS * * * * * === ============================================================================ C O R V A I R S o f N E W M E X I C O C O M I N G E V E N T S ============================================================================ | | | | | N o v e m b e r | D e c e m b e r | J a n u a r y | | | | | | : : : : : : 1 | : 1 2 3 4 5 6 | : : : : 1 2 3 | | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | | 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | | 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | | 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | 28 29 30 31 : : : | 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | | 30 : : : : : : | : : : : : 2003 | : : : : : 2004 | ============================================================================ Wed 5th Nov 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Fri-Sat 7-8 Nov Great Western Fan Belt Toss & Swap Meet - California Sat 8th Nov 1:00-4:00 CNM Ladies - Ruth Boydston's Sat 15th Nov 6:00 PM CNM Pot Luck & Auction - more information later Wed 19th Nov 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Wed 19th Nov 9:00 PM ===EARLY=== Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Sat 22nd Nov 8:30 AM Owl Cafe Breakfast - Eubank & Lomas & I-40 Wed 3rd Dec 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sun 7th Dec 12:00 noon Christmas Party - Kirtland AFB Officers' Club Sat 13th Dec 1:00-4:00 CNM Ladies - TBA Wed 17th Dec 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 19th Dec 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman (early) Wed 7th Jan 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sat 10th Jan 1:00-4:00 CNM Ladies - TBA Wed 21st Jan 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 23rd Jan 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Wed 4th Feb 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sat 14th Feb 1:00-4:00 CNM Ladies - TBA Wed 18th Feb 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 20th Feb 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Wed 3rd Mar 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sat 13th Mar CNM Ladies - TBA Wed 17th Mar 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 26th Mar 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= CNM LADIES -by- Anne Mae Gold Sorry I've been so lax about keeping you up to date about things. I'm afraid that coaching 7 six year old girls in soccer once a week and then going to games all day Saturday has reduced me to a wobbling mass of jello. Is it too late to rethink this motherhood thing? Can I decide now that I want to be a stay at home mom? Especially since the kids go to school? Hmmm. Anyhow, we are still meeting. We just thought that instead of monthly we would meet 3 or 4 times a year... or more as long as there is interest. Let me know of events you would like for us to attend or meet for. If you know of something cool that you've been dying to have someone go to with you, let me know and I'll write it up. On November 8, we will meet at Ruth Boydston's house. The meeting time will be from 1pm to 4pm. In November we will also be having the famous, once a year opportunity, chance of a nighttime, bring your junk and trade it for new treasures, pot-luck dinner and auction at House Of Covers. Please check the calendar in this newsletter for date and time!!! In December we will be gathering for the Christmas Brunch. Elizabeth Domzalski, Ruth Boydston and I have traditionally prepared the gift bags for the kids. Please let one of us know if you'd like to help out some way. We'll be asking how many kids will be attending... your children or grandchildren... so let your husbands know the kid count for the Christmas Brunch so that no one will be disappointed. Give me a ring with any suggestions! 268-6878. Ta ta for now, Anne Mae === Seven Years Ago - November 1996 - Volume 22 - Number 11 On the cover a couple of ex-Navy types, unfamiliar with the Crest Road, drive right past the end of NM 536. Ouch! President Mark ran our meeting. A guest came to try to sell a Corvair he inherited from his grandmother who only drove it to church on Sundays. Treasurer Will reported $1288 in the kitty. Sylvan introduced new member Paul Campbell. He recently bought a 1965 Monza and found a copy of Bill's "Care & Feeding" in the glove box and followed up on it. Bill reported on Car Council activities and plans. The Old Town "Unfair" car show was so successful there were plans to do it again next year. Bill also wrapped up some convention details. We had 31 members who worked on the convention and with family and friends the total number of workers was about 56. We decided that all members who worked would have two years of dues paid by the club. Bill said he and Debbie had received many expressions of thanks from vendors and other clubs for the fine job CNM did. There was $15,583.40 in the convention account with all known bills paid but with some checks not yet cashed. At the board meeting we learned that $7,831.36 went to CORSA and $1,000 went to the Corvair Preservation Society. We donated $250 to the San Diego's "ResQ-921" project. We also donated $250 to the Michelle Goffe Foundation. We had our election and the results were: Mark Domzalski, president; Jon Anderson, vice-president; Charles Vertrees, secretary; Will Davis, treasurer. Our "Convention How-to" packet was nearly ready to send to CORSA and the clubs working on the Lake Placid convention. Larry Blair announced a carburetor rebuild session at his garage on January 11, to be directed by carbmeister Sylvan Zuercher. Rita previewed our Christmas party. Debbie assured us there was no shortage of CNM cookbooks to use for Christmas presents. Mark told us of an upcoming "Ethnic Potluck" with German, Italian, Japanese, Cajun, Polish, English and Mexican dishes. Mark tech-tipped us with a how-to on winterizing a Rampside to keep cold air out at highway speed. Mary Lou told about the adventure of having her convertible filmed by a Czeck crew for an Israeli television commercial. Chuck told us about the real-life history of the forward control locomotives used by the Southern Pacific railroad in the 1940s to climb the steep grades in the Sierra Nevada mountains. This was a very full 12-page newsletter! Fourteen Years Ago - November 1989 - Volume 15 - Number 11 The cover's early Corvair was subject of a Road & Track road test. What year was it? We had $678 in the bank. LeRoy reported on a successful swap meet. Bob McBreen and William Denison were new members. Evaluation of other club newsletters (for newsletter exchange) was still going on. Francis told us that 25 Ultravans were at the Balloon Fiesta this year. We elected Dale Housley, Tom Martin, Brian Zolna and Charles Vertrees for our officers. Tom's monthly article, LA VENTANA, told about past president Bill Hector and his Corvair career starting in DeKalb, Illinois. Bill's column, CARE & FEEDING, featured his new driving control computer and what it could tell him about his 1967 sedan. Jim told us about test driving the new 1990 Mazda MX-5 Miata. Tech tips included a cylinder head temperature sensor adapter and what a voltmeter can tell you about your battery. Twenty-one Years Ago - November 1982 - Volume 8 Number 11 The cover paraded CORSA insignia. Robin DeVore's minutes said we had $355 in the bank and we had not heard from CORSA about our bid for a convention. There was an effort to get the legislature to approve a special license plate for old cars. We elected LeRoy Rogers, George Morin, Chuck Hollingsworth and Bill Hector for our officers. Our speaker was Mike Wiener who showed us part of his collection of old license plates. Tech tips included filling your new oil filter with oil before installing it, a discussion about oil additives, and the best way to adjust valves according to Cal Clark. Finally, Jim provided a story about the club's recent trek to Trinity Site and his awe at standing on the spot where the nuclear demon was first made real. Twenty-eight Years Ago - November 1975 - Volume 1 Number 10 The cover showed a Cavalier, a Corvair Corsa modified for better handling and distinctive styling. Wonder how many were actually sold? Do any still survive today? At our last meeting we had 32 members and guests and membership stood at 52. We were looking forward to being fully chartered as a CORSA chapter. New officers were Sylvan Zuercher, Joel Nash and Steve Gongora - I suppose secretary-treasurer was one job back then. Editor and former president Mark Morgan reviewed the new Chevrolet "Monza Spyder" and compared it to the 1960-1969 Corvair Monzas and Spyders. No, he didn't like it. New members were Brian Ballou, Ralph DeBush, O.C. Love and Fletch Miller. === State Fair Car Show Robert Gold In my former life I was a bicyclist who would take to the open road and ride 100 miles at a time. It's hard for me to believe that I did that with any regularity, but I guess now chasing after a 6 and an 8 year old could be seen as the same sort of activity. Anyway, the toughest 100 mile tour I participated in was called the "Enchanted Circle Tour" that started in Eagle's Nest and wound through Taos and Angle Fire and back to the starting place. The first year I participated I was subjected to hail, wind, and rain. Just surviving was quite an accomplishment. Contrast this to the last time I went on the tour and the sun was shining and I had a gentle tail wind pushing me along. Well you might now be asking yourself, "What the heck does this have to do with the 2003 State Fair Car Show?" To answer that question all you have to do is think back to 2002 when the Corvair crowd got together at 7:00 am to enter the fairgrounds and we were met by a stiff, cold wind that made us doubt our sanity for attending the show. This year however, it was nothing like that. Just like my last 100 miler, when we got together to enter the fairgrounds the wind was calm and the temperature was civilized. In fact my 8 year old son was comfortable without the jacket his mother told him to wear. A quick survey of the cars lined up revealed a nice mix of various models and years. I'll give you a recap of who drove what, but I have to say the one vehicle that stood out from the others in my opinion was the 1963 Rampside that Larry Hickerson was driving. Any verbal description would not do it justice. It had a paint job that was sooooo perfect it looked like a mirror. All I can say is that this vehicle showed a pride in Corvairs that I hope stands as an example for all us to attain. Good going Larry!! Anyway, back to the play by play of the car show... around 7:20 (that's how I put it in last month's newsletter) we caravanned into the fairgrounds. Keeping with the tradition that has continued since our first fair show, we all entered the Fair for free. I figure that based on a entry fee of $2.00 per person, Corvairs of New Mexico members have saved $156 over the last six years. This is akin to me being able to avoid getting any speeding tickets since 1970.... when I do get a ticket I can't complain. That'll be the same thing if or when we have to pay in the future. So the 14 assorted cars (I really mean this, since one of our cars was a 1966 Chevy Pickup!) assembled on Heritage Avenue under those wonderful trees that shelter us every year from the New Mexico sun. In no time we were set up and off to have that breakfast burrito we always get. A nice aspect of this show was the great support the members gave me. The judging of the "novelty" classes was distributed among the members and to a person they did a wonderful job. It was such an impartial job that I notice that when all the 51 novelty ribbons were distributed my two cars had the least amount of ribbons. However, if you look at the following listing you'll see how I made up for it. The judging did include a real attempt at judging the merits of the cars. Here are the results of that judging. These folks got the purple "Best of Show" ribbons: 1. Best car - late (1965-1969) 1st Tarmo & Kay Sutt 1965 Corsa 2. Best car - early (1960-1964) 1st Mary Lou & Mark Martinek 1963 Convertible 3. Best Forward Control 1st Larry Hickerson 1963 Rampside 4. Best Gold Family Car 1st Robert Gold 1961 Rampside (That's the benefit of putting on the show!!) I think it would be pointless to list in detail all the winners of the 17 novelty classes. Suffice it to say that true to my promise everyone got to take home at least one ribbon. For those of you who haven't attended the show, all those ribbons draped on the cars are quite a sight to see. So to give credit to all those who attended the show here is a listing of the individuals and their cars: Car Show entries: 1. Robert Gold 1961 Rampside (Did I mention this won a purple ribbon?) 2. Sally Johnson 1961 Monza Sedan 3. Geoff Johnson 1963 Monza Coupe (This one has returned from the dead!) 4. Frank Stadler 1961 700 4-door (Frank has owned this since it was new!) 5. Kim & Del Patton 1966 Monza (*) 6. Robert & Anne Mae Gold 1965 Monza 4-door 7. Larry Hickerson 1963 Rampside (I want this truck!) 8. Mary Lou & Mark Martinek 1964 Convertible 9. Steve Gongora 1966 Corsa 10. Tarmo & Kay Sutt 1965 Corsa 11. Mike Stickler 1962 Greenbrier 12. Jake & Dana Schlessinger 1965 Monza Convertible (**) 13. Dwight Simmons 1966 Chevy Pickup (Yes-- that's right!) 14. Carl Johnson 1964 Greenbrier (And it actually ran!) * (Del said I needed a class for the loudest pipes-- he would have won it going away!) ** (These newlyweds have gotten married life off to a wonderful start with this car!) As if attending the State Fair wasn't interesting enough, when it came time for us to go, we got a front row seat when the Budweiser Clydsdales turned from Main Street up Heritage Avenue. Being a St. Louis Cardinals fan I had a Seventh Inning Moment. All I can say was that it was a lot of fun this year. It just keeps getting better and better. So I'm counting on you to join us in 2004 to see how much fun it is. -- Robert Gold === Corvair Catastrophes Robert Gold About two years ago when I first became CNM President I suggested that members write about the problems associated with Corvair ownership. I thought that a good name for such a monthly newsletter column would be "Corvair Catastrophes." I figured that any one who has owned a Corvair for more than 20 minutes has a story to tell about how their car "did them wrong." I also said that I was willing to write the first article. Well, it's two years later and I've finally gotten around to telling my tale. Actually when I thought about it two incidents came to mind. One was associated with my lovely wife and the other occurred with another "friend" of mine that I knew before Anne Mae. Obviously you will now hear my Anne Mae story! It's hard for me to believe, but there was a time before I married Anne Mae. I say this because I've enjoyed married life so much. Anyway, I had just met Anne Mae and we were about to go on our first dinner date up into the mountains at Belle Vista in Cedar Crest. I wanted to impress her so I selected my sexy '65 Corsa convertible to drive to the restaurant. I spent the day before polishing and cleaning and when the day arrived I was all set to go. Well sort of.... You see, like many Corvair owners I set priorities on what I will repair on my car. At this time I had two items that were high on my list. One was to install a radio that actually worked and the second was to fix that spongy brake pedal. Since I'm a child of the 60's, rock and roll is very important to me. So I did a great job of installing the radio. Twelve years later I still have that radio in the car and it works great! However, there was the issue of the brakes.... So the night arrived and I picked up Anne Mae and we drove to the restaurant. That 140 really did perform nicely going up to the mountains. What was nice about the trip was that I really didn't need to use those brakes much since everything was uphill. So when we entered the parking lot I had a big grin on my face thinking about how nice the car ran and how well I was impressing my date. That was until I pulled in to that uphill parking spot. I pulled the car into the spot and pushed the brake pedal to stop.... It was then that I heard this really loud squishing sound from the right rear wheel and the pedal went straight to the floor. For you who do not know this, most Corvairs have single master cylinders. That means that if a problem occurs in a brake line (like a wheel cylinder bursting) you have no brakes. I HAD NO BRAKES. Here we were up in the mountains and I HAD NO BRAKES. So what did I do? I smiled at Anne Mae and said, "There's really no problem, let's go eat".... After all I didn't want to ruin our meal with the fact that I HAD NO BRAKES... So we had a nice meal at Belle Vista and once we got back into the car I turned to my date and told her that I HAD NO BRAKES.... The question at this point was what to do? Most sane people would have arranged for alternate transportation back home. Especially if you were on your first date with someone and you wanted her to think you weren't totally crazy. So what did I do? I said, "It's ok, let's just drive home." Can you believe that? Today, now that I'm an old married man with children I can't believe it. But at the time it seemed like an ok thing to do. So like they said in the "Blues Brothers" movie, there we were with miles to go, it was at night, we were in the mountains, and I HAD NO BRAKES. Away we went down the mountain... one nice thing about the Corsa was that it had a manual transmission and better yet, an emergency brake. It was because of those things that we made it back alive. Between downshifting and use of the emergency brake we got back to my place in one piece. All the time Anne Mae was looking at me trying to figure out what possessed her to go out with me in the first place. All I can say was that it must have been love, because after that experience she continued to date me and the rest is history. So what conclusions can be drawn from this experience? First of all, you might consider replacing that single master cylinder with a dual one. Larry Blair gave a talk on that a few years back. The second conclusion is that if you go out with someone who is willing to overlook the fact that you are willing to drive a car that HAS NO BRAKES, you might consider marrying her. That's my Corvair catastrophe story. I'm sure that you have a more interesting tale to tell. Just write it down and send it to Jim so you can share it with us in the next newsletter. Thanks. -- Robert Gold =end=