Updated 30-Jan-2007 - Copyright (c) 2007 Corvairs of New Mexico. Volume 30 - Number 3 - March 2004 - Issue 342 EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 03 March 2004 at 7:30 PM Galles Chevrolet, Lomas & University THIS MONTH: Dues Due Dave Huntoon CNM Birthdays Sunshine Committee February Meeting Notes Chuck Vertrees February Board Meeting Chuck Vertrees Rebuilt & Restored Mark Domzalski Car Council Report Robert Gold Items For Sale Everybody Calendar of Coming Events Everybody Seven Years Ago Jim Pittman February 7th Garage Tour Sylvan Zuercher Emissions Tech Tip Steve Goodman Tri-State Preparations Dennis Pleau Dues Expired or Due or Approaching Due: EXPIRED: Fred Edeskuty 2003-Dec Mike Stickler 2004-Feb THIS MONTH Geoffrey Johnson 2004-Mar Mike Hacker 2004-Mar Jay Ecclestone 2004-Mar COMING DUE: Ruth Boydston 2004-Apr If your membership is due or has expired, please send your dues to: Wendell Walker, CNM Treasurer, 301 Utah Meadow, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Note: the Club will mail in your National dues when you renew, but only if you send us the renewal form from CORSA Communique! March Birthdates: Kim Patten Brenda Stickler Julia Vertrees Hurley Wilvert A Happy CNM Birthday! On the cover: Wendell and Kay head out in Wendy's 1964 convertible at a CNM outing. =CNM= FEBRUARY MEETING NOTES Chuck Vertrees The meeting was called to order at 19:30 on 2/4/04 at Galles Chevrolet. All officers and 23 members were present. A few of the mountain members did not make it in through the snow and ice. Mark Domzalski wished everyone a happy Ground Hog day. There were no guests or new members to introduce. When asking for the approval of the minutes, Gordon Johnson said that he thought the minutes were OK but that the article about the Bosque tour had an error. The article said that he and Barbara brought their grandson. They would love to have one but they only have three granddaughters. The correction is noted and the minutes and the Bosque article were approved. Treasurer Wendell Walker reported that CNM had $853.33 in the checking account and $4,708.75 in the GMAC account for a total worth of $5,562.08. He also said that GMAC is closing for any new accounts. Our current interest rate is 2.03%. We could not get a membership report since Dave Huntoon is in Chicago. Robert Gold was called on for a Car Council report. He was in town this time and as our new representative was able to attend. He said it was the best comedy show he had been to in a long time. The Museum Show, the Swap Meet and the Picnic were the three big items of discussion. The Museum show will be a problem since the North lot will no longer be available which will mean we will have to plan on fewer cars. Raising the entry fee to $10.00 was discussed but was not approved. The Swap Meet was not a rousing success, probably because of the location. The Treasurer suggested going to one of the casinos for a location, but this did not meet with any enthusiasm. Los Lunas would love to have the swap meet and would give it a lot of support. They are very active in supporting this kind of activity. There is no current site for the Picnic since the Elks have asked us not to come back, apparently because too many of their rules were being violated. Some of us are not sure what the rules are. It was also passed that Jerry Goffe would be paid for the use of his P.A. system. Jerry said he has received the check. A more in-depth Car Council report is on our web site. Upcoming activities were the next thing on the agenda. A Garage Tour for 2/14/04 was planned, however because of other commitments some of our planned sites were not available. There was a possibility of going to Dan Palmer's on February 7th. A sheet was passed around for those who could go, and they would be called if it would be OK. The February monthly breakfast will be on the 21st at Twisters at 08:30. This is on San Mateo just north of I-40 on the West side of the street. March starts with the cleanup of our mile of "Old Route 66" on Saturday the 6th at 09:00. The more who show up, the quicker it goes! The March breakfast will be at Dos Hermanos on North 4th. The date will be either the 20th or 27th, whichever does not conflict with the 30th Anniversary party. The 30th Anniversary party location is still not firmed up. The aquarium seems to be too pricey unless an arrangement can be made. Sadie's is also being checked into as a possibility. April looks like it will start with the President's Cookout in celebration of the Ides of April. This will be on April 17th at the Domzalskis' starting at 15:00 until "?". More details will be available later. The April breakfast is planned for Kokopelli's on the 24th at 09:00 with a drive on the Turquoise Trail afterward. OLD BUSINESS The committee is still working on the 30th Anniversary party. Steve Gongora has ordered the pins with the club logo. The Bylaws & Constitution Review Committee and the Award Committee got together and set the times for their meetings. The Hospital & Care Committee will not have a regular meeting time as of now. Ruth Boydston is home from the hospital and is all right, but please no visitors at this time. Sally Johnson asked what the club's interests are in regard to technical sessions. Probably these would be outside of our regular meeting nights. She will check with John Wiker about possible use of the Del Norte site in the future. World Wide Auto will soon be having their annual spring day. Jerry Goffe will report on when. Larry Blair said that this is a great chance to get your car up on a lift so you can look around underneath. If you make an appointment after Jerry Goffe's report, PLEASE be sure and be there when scheduled. NEW BUSINESS It was brought up that both Harbor Freight and Checker have a very good price on a motorcycle jack. This is great for dropping and installing Corvair engines. Ask Tarmo. It was suggested that CNM get our own safety jackets to wear when we do our "Old Route 66" cleanup and have our big rectangular patch on the back of them. This way people going by would not think that we were prisoners doing roadwork. They would think we were Corvaier Club members doing roadwork. The price will be checked. It has been decided that our 30th Anniversary newsletter will be a regular issue with about 24 pages. To do this Jim needs IMMEDIATE help in the way of short articles from EVERY member. He needs them right away. You can e-mail them, mail them or hand deliver them. They can be typed, or handwritten. The meeting was adjourned at 20:24 =CNM= FEBRUARY BOARD MEETING Chuck Vertrees The meeting was called to order at House of Covers on 2/18/04 at 17:15. Present were Mark Domzalski, Sally Johnson, Wendell Walker, Sylvan Zuercher, Steve Gongora, Jim and Heula Pittman, and Chuck Vertrees. Mark announced that he would be interviewed on the coming Monday about Corvairs from 08:00 to 09:00 on KKNS, 13.10 AM. Sally reported that we could possibly have a tech. Talk at the next meeting on painting. She has not been able to get a confirmation as yet. If we don't have that, she and Geoffrey will give a "show & tell." There is nothing firm yet for other meetings in the way of programs. In the way of upcoming activities there are for March, the "Old Route 66" cleanup on 3/6/04 starting at 09:00, the CNM breakfast at Dos Hermanos on 3/20/04 at 08:30 and the 30th Anniversary banquet on 3/27/04 at 18:00. More information on this later in the minutes. April will have the President's Cookout on 4/17/04 at 15:00 at the Domzalski's and a CNM breakfast and Turquoise Trail trip starting at Kokopelli's on 4/24/04 at 09:00. In May we will have the Museum show on the 16th with breakfast at Little Anita's after we are parked. The next weekend is the Tri-State in Cripple Creek, Colorado. The Secretary had nothing to report. Wendell reported that CNM had $881.21 in the checking account and $4,708.75 in the GMAC account for a total of $5,589.96. Jim said that the newsletter deadline was the 20th. There were no committee reports from membership, Car Council liaison, or the CNM Ladies. The "Route 66" cleanup is scheduled for 3/6/04, 7/10/04 and 10/9/04. Hospitality & Care Committee will be called the Sunshine Committee. They met at Wendell's last weekend. The committee consists of Heula Pittman, Kim Patten, Elizabeth Domzalski, and Anna Mae Gold. They have sent out several cards and took one meal over to Ruth Boydston. Ruth is feeling better now and will accept phone calls, but check with her before you go for a visit. The board voted to give the committee $200.00 for working capital. The Bylaws & Constitution Committee is scheduled for their first meeting on 3/13/04 and the Awards Committee is scheduled to have their first meeting on 2/28/04 at Wendell's house at 11:30. The big item of the meeting was the planning for the 30th Anniversary. There will be a special newsletter for the Anniversary. It will have a color cover which Mark will prepare. Jim will still be glad to have short articles from the members. The special issue will have to go to the printers by the 23rd of March. We will print some extra copies so we will have some available for our special guests. We hope to have as many as possible of the founding members present and hope each will give a short talk. We need to make contacts and get the names of who will be there. Mark has agreed to be the Emcee. The special seal (like a notary seal) is done and Mark has it. He says it is primo. The CNM pins have been ordered. Mark and Elizabeth have checked with several places and the board was presented with possible accommodations and prices at, County Line, Sadie's, and El Pinto. After discussion it was decided to go with County Line. The board decided that we would go with their $23.00 three meat all you can eat buffet. This will consist of Smoked chicken and a choice of two of either Beef Ribs, Brisket or Sausage. Included are Homemade Potato Salad, Fresh Cole Slaw, Ranch Style Beans, and warm House Bread. Also included is unlimited Tea, Coffee, or Soda. The price includes the gratuity and tax. There will also be a cash bar for those that want it. The County Line now has an enclosed patio, which is heated. It has a capacity of 60 people and we will have it exclusively. The board has decided that CNM will pay the tab (except for the bar) for all members plus one significant other. We will also pick up the meals for our guests. We will need a firm count of those coming at least 2 days before the 27th. CNM will send out invitations with a RSVP request. We will try to arrange special awards for charter members and past officers. If any members think of some other possible awards, let the board know. The safety jackets have been obtained and the CNM patch will be put on the back. Steve modeled one of the jackets with CNM patch on the back. That way people will know for sure who is cleaning up our part of "Old Route 66." We are still talking about new club white jackets. Mark will ask Joel Nash, Wendell, Steve and Sylvan to do some checking. It was decided that each month's newsletter will include that month's birthdays (without the year) and anniversaries, as available to the editor. The meeting was adjourned at 18:20. =CNM= REBUILT & RESTORED - MARCH Mark Domzalski February 20, 2004 Here we are closing in on Spring. By the time of our banquet, daytime will officially be longer than nighttime. Just be wary, there's always time for one more surprise Winter storm... I'm looking forward to the warmth of Spring and being able to run with the windows down again. On a sad note, Doris Huntoon, wife of member Walter and mother of our Membership Chair Dave, passed away on February 18. Our heartfelt condolences go out to Walter and his family. I had a little trouble with the commuter vehicle the other day and ended up pressing the Rampside into service. I haven't put many mile on since the engine rebuild last fall, so I'm sort of running the post rebuild fault check. Everything ran pretty well. I noticed an occasional miss at high speed under slight load like a long gradual grade. I also noticed a little surging at moderate to high speed. I guess I will be rechecking carburetors when it gets warmer. I also noticed some slight oil leaks and my oil pressure gauge went intermittent. And, the wipers aren't working. So what's the point of this? After any rebuild and other work on a Corvair, there are bound to be some minor issues to fix. Plus, now I have a list of identified items to work on to make sure the Rampside is ready for Spring events. I hope all of your spring Corvair Problems are this minor. Our 30th Anniversary Banquet is set. Our Banquet will be held at the County Line Restaurant, 9600 Tramway, Saturday, March 27, 2004, at 6:00pm. The CNM Board has agreed to pay for the meals of primary members and spouse or one guest as well as any distinguished guests that we might entice to join us. This means that two meals will be provided by the chapter and any additional meals for your additional guests will be the responsibility of the member. Our faire will be the County Line Three Meat - All-you-can-eat dinner. We will have Smoked Chicken, Brisket and Sausage with Homemade Potato salad, Fresh Cole Slaw, Ranch Style Beans, Warm House Bread and Unlimited Soft Beverages (Ice tea, Coffee, & Soda gun). We will also have a Cash Bar. Don't forget that we have a Route 66 Cleanup Detail on Saturday, March 6, at our CNM Mile on old Route 66. On the 20th, VP Sally has arranged the CNM Breakfast at Dos Hermanos on 4th Street. Elizabeth and I hope you can join us at the 30th Anniversary Banquet for an evening of remembering, commemorating, recognition and awards. =CNM= CAR COUNCIL MEETING REPORT Robert L Gold I'm pleased to say I finally attended a meeting of the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs. The meeting was held on Wednesday, January 28 at the Old Car Garage. I spent the better part of half an hour touring the cars to be restored. They were breathtaking- a couple of Packards, a 1957 T-Bird, a 1960s Caddy and several other high dollar "rides." Therefore I was in good spirits when the group numbering 30 began the meeting. I guess I could bore you with a blow by blow description of what went on, but I'll try to stick to the high points: High Point 1 -- One of the participants in last Fall's swap meet accused several people of stabbing him in the back. He then walked out of the meeting early. By the way the swap meet failed to meet expectations. This led to High Point 2. High Point 2 -- Because the swap meet didn't work out a suggestion was made that the meet be moved. Possible other sites were one of two Casinos that were not named and the city of Los Lunas. Two individuals at the meeting (I can never remember anybody's name!) made a strong pitch for Los Lunas. It seems that the community is quite supportive of the car culture. They would supply a large area with nice grass cover and tie the swap meet in with an auction and other activities. Tune in to this column for further developments. High Point 3 -- I attended the last Car Council picnic, but I didn't realize that we were violating the Elk's rules for the site. That seems to be the case, so we have been banished from the Elk's park. That means we'll need to find another site for the picnic. I guess wherever we go we'll need to promise to be good girls and boys. High Point 4 -- The Museum Car show is still on. One problem however, is that the north parking lot is now not available. We will be given use of a smaller lot in the area, but that will reduce the number of cars that can be shown. The Council leadership thought that this would be a good excuse to exclude those vehicle of lesser stature. They thought we could do this by raising the entrance fee from $5 to $10. I thought that was a REALLY bad idea, since I had the feeling that they might be trying to discourage the Corvair folks. I joined with about a dozen other folks in voting this idea down. It was then suggested that $7 might be a good number. I thought that $6.32 was a nice amount, but I didn't bother to bring that up. Luckily after all was said and done the $5 fee was kept. High Point 5 -- My son Art joined me at the meeting. Since I have a work schedule that many times conflicts with meeting dates I thought it would be a good idea to train a backup. Art loves cars (he better if he going to be in my family!). Though he doesn't have a Corvair I think his 72 Pontiac Ventura II (just like the Chevy Nova) gives him the proper credentials. Anyway he will be representing us from time to time. Art is 26 which made him about 15 years younger than the next older person in attendance. High Point 6 -- or maybe a strange point. I noticed that out of a group of 30 car nuts (?) only two of us wore anything that had a car name or symbol on it. I had my trusty Corvair jacket and one other guy had something about a Studebaker on his cap. What's that all about? I didn't realize that I had become involved with a "stealth" car group. I guess it was surprising that everyone didn't arrive via bus to disguise the fact they owned a car. High Point 7 -- I found out that there are two groups organizing Route 66 celebrations and that they haven't coordinated anything between them. One set of events will be in July and the other maybe in August. High Point 8 -- According the treasurer the Council has enough money in it's accounts to wipe out the Federal deficit-- just kidding. They have over $18,000 in the checking account. I think Wendy needs to become treasurer of this group-- that way the money would go to the upkeep of some nice cars. When I think about the Council's accounts I see a scene from Goldfinger where all the troops are guarding Ft. Knox. High Point 9 -- I've saved the best for last. For those of you who don't know this, our very own Jerry Goffe is the keeper of the sound system that is near and dear to the Council. One of the member clubs damaged Jerry's system and he wrote a letter to the Council asking for money to repair it. In addition he had a pair of walkie-talkies that were also broken. It seems the Council members aren't very careful with other people's property. Anyway, the vote was overwhelming to pay Jerry the money. All this without me saying a word. I guess that's all I have for now. Tune in next month and see if the Museum Car Show fees go up. Will Jerry get his money? Will the swap meet go south (to Los Lunas)? Will the two Route 66 celebrations collide at Clines Corners? Only time will tell. -- Robert Gold * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR SALE, TRADE OR WANTED * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR SALE: 1961 Monza coupe, '66 110-HP engine, Powerglide. New interior, needs paint and minor body work. Price negotiable -- Hurley Wilvert 281-1732 FOR SALE: 1968 Monza coupe, 110-HP rebuilt engine with 4 carbs, Powerglide. New paint, good interior. Price negotiable -- Hurley Wilvert 281-1732 FOR SALE: Electronic HEI distributor and coil for 110 hp engine. Can run on regular gas without pinging. New coil, cap, rotor and module, plus spares. Just bolt it in. $150. Richard Finch, ( finchbird AT zianet DOT com ) 1-505-585-8037 WANT TO BUY : Rebuildable 110 hp or 140 hp engine complete, (carburetors not required), and rebuildable Powerglide complete (no missing parts) Will pick up at your location. Richard Finch, ( finchbird AT zianet DOT com ) 1-505-585-8037 FOR SALE: Lots of Corvair parts. We're moving so please come and help yourself to very low priced parts. Mike Stickler 344-2039 FOR SALE: Elliott Knapp's daughters want to dispose of a few Corvair parts, including: = one pair of brake drums = one Monza wheel cover = two mufflers = other assorted car-related parts are available = a 1950 Buick with 30,000 miles is available, but it's in a barn in Oklahoma. For more information, please call 296-9421. * * * * * * CNM ADS ARE FREE TO CNM MEMBERS, $5.00 TO NON-CNM MEMBERS * * * * * ============================================================================ C O R V A I R S o f N E W M E X I C O C O M I N G E V E N T S ============================================================================ | | | | | M a r c h | A p r i l | M a y | | | | | | : 1 2 3 4 5 6 | : : : : 1 2 3 | : : : : : : 1 | | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | | 28 29 30 31 : : : | 25 26 27 28 29 30 : | 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | | : : : : : : : | : : : : : : : | 30 31 : : : : : | ============================================================================ Wed 3rd Mar 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sat 6th Mar 9:00 AM Route 66 Clean-up - Oliver Scheflow Sat 13th Mar 1 - 4 PM CNM Ladies - Rita Gongora's Wed 17th Mar 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri-Sat 19-20 March Fifth Annual Corvair Gathering, Mesquite, NV Sat 20th Mar 8:30 AM CNM Breakfast - Dos Hermanon on North 4th Street Fri 26th Mar 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Sat 27th Mar 6:00 PM CNM 30th Anniversary Banquet - County Line Restaurant Wed 7th Apr 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sat 10th Apr 1:00-4:00 CNM Ladies - TBA Sat 17th Apr 3:00 PM Cookout at Domzalski's in Placitas Wed 21st Apr 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 23rd Apr 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Sat 24th Apr 8:30 AM CNM Breakfast - Kokopelli's on North 14 Wed 5th May 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sat 8th May 1:00-4:00 CNM Ladies - TBA Sun 16th May early! Albuquerque Museum Car Show - Old Town Sun 16th May 8:30 AM Little Anita's - Old Town Wed 19th May 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri-Sat-Sun 21-22-23 May - Tri-State - Cripple Creek, Colorado Fri 21st May 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Wed 2nd Jun 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sat 19th Jun 1:00-4:00 CNM Ladies - TBA Wed 16th Jun 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 25th Jun 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Sun 4th Jul early! Santa Fe Plaza Car Show and Breakfast Wed 7th Jul 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sat 10th Jul 8:00 AM Route 66 Clean-up - Oliver Scheflow Wed 21st Jul 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 23rd Jul 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Sat 24th Jul 8:30 AM CNM Breakfast - TBA =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= SEVEN YEARS AGO Jim Pittman Seven Years Ago - March 1997 - Volume 23 - Number 3 The cover showed a 1907 Brush at the J & R Vintage Auto Museum - we went there for our garage tour and LeRoy Rogers reported that it is an excellent museum. Cars exhibited include Rickenbacker, Brush, Flanders, Chandler, Bantam, Stewart, Wills Sainte Claire and Marmon. Oh, yes, various Fords and Chevys too. After the cover, page 2 had a Billiken cartoon in which Mark Morgan praised the smoothness of Ohio roads - at least in comparison to Pennsylvania's. Meeting minutes told us Jim had to take notes since Chuck was in New Zealand. A new member was Christopher Burke. We had a total of $7,563.91 according to Wendy's bookkeeping. (Wendy was our old/new Treasurer.) President Mark brought up the topic of CORSA raising its dues from $27 to $35 and Dennis said he thought they should get on with it - CORSA has really got its act together in recent years and is a great bargain. The Tri-State was to be in Gunnison, Colorado, not Crested Butte. Will Davis was present and we wished him and his family a fond farewell as they left for the Far East - i.e., Florida. Sylvan presented Will with the "Golden Needle" plaque - well, I guess you had to be there to appreciate it. Our Board meeting was held at AMAFCA. (I always enjoyed going to meetings there with the busy freeway right outside the front door and the automobile mural featuring an early Corvair right across the freeway. Thanks, Larry.) We went over planned events for the year and Jon was working up tech speakers for meetings. As always, we were still working toward the mythical, mystical 100% CORSA membership goal. We agreed to put up either $100 or $200 or $300 each year to help defray the cost for the club president to attend nearby or farther away CORSA conventions. Mark provided a tech tip on brake fluid - when to flush it, whether to replace DOT-3 with DOT-4 or DOT-5. Mark did not advise DOT-5 (silicon-based) as it would not mix with the original brake fluid and any residual fluid would remain trapped, absorb water, and become a corrosion failure point. Instead, Mark flushes every year with DOT-4 which is basically a heavy-duty version of DOT-3, and he told how this could be done as a single person operation. Fourteen Years Ago - March 1990 - Volume 16 - Number 3 The cover featured a 1965 convertible. We were 16 years old. We planned a tour of Sandia Shadows winery and Leroy published a list of twenty-three items to be sold in the March auction. Our guest speaker, Darwin Doll, told us about plans for "Albuquerque Raceway" to be located west of the river near Jemez Dam. President Dale Housley thanked the members who were chairing events, and sent a letter to Galles/Kraco thanking them for providing a tour of their racing center. Sylvan provided a report on the excellent tour. Bill Reider previewed the Tri-State Meet in Durango. Tom Martin's La Ventana for the month explored the life and times of our long-time Santa Fe member, Tarmo Sutt. Tom revealed that Tarmo's first Corvair was a 1965 turbo Corsa for which he paid $100. The issue wrapped up with three articles related to carburetors. One described how to add a power valve to a '64 carb to upgrade it to '65 specs. Bill Reider suggested that a careful rebuild would give you equal performance for a lot less time and effort. And a newspaper reprint claimed that tuning up our cars properly would do a lot more to reduce pollution (and improve driveability) than government-mandated oxygenated fuels. (Every time I buy gas with ethanol I wonder how much good it does the atmosphere, how much harm it does my car, and how much richer it makes the executives at ADM.) Twenty-one Years Ago - March 1983 - Volume 9 Number 3 Our cover showed future archaeologists digging up an early model Corvair and being impressed with the technology of 20th century barbarians. We planned a March garage tour, an April rally and a June car show at Les's Auto Parts. An article by Tony Hossain of Rochester, NY, outlined the history of the late-model Corvairs. Bill Reider told the tech-minded how to get those push rod tubes out without scarring and scrunching them. Easy with the right tool and a little patience. Twenty-eight Years Ago - March 1976 - Volume 2 Number 3 Mark Morgan's cover drawing illustrated the controversy between the "restorers" and the "racers" in the Club. Mark provided an article on the reasons we should modify (and maybe race) our Corvairs. The treasury held the princely sum of $72. Our guest speaker, John Linn, told us the advantages of re-curving a distributor: better low-end response and better overall gas mileage. We were exploring the possibility of a meeting with Colorado and Utah clubs in Pagosa Springs. And a notice was posted that after next month we'd need a new newsletter editor. =CNM= GARAGE TOUR REPORT Sylvan Zuercher The one week delay of the tour meant a smaller than usual group of attendees due to other commitments. It was a cold, clear sunshiny New Mexico day. The drive through the snow covered East Mountain landscape to our destination as almost more than one could take in all at once. Our host, Dan Palmer, plowed thru the last 800 feet of deep snow from the road to his workshop so we could drive right up to the door. Actually, it looked more like a hanger. The open door made the temperature inside the same as the outside. That didn't matter since we were all dressed warmly for the tour. In the building, there was the Dragon Fly fuselage to one side, a completed plane hanging from the ceiling, various parts on the walls; empanage, wings, etc. Another wall had stacks of tool boxes, a metal lathe, pictures of various small planes, etc. There was a long table with the beginnings of a 110 HP Corvair engine, which will be mounted in the Dragon Fly airframe. There were also manuals, drawings of various layouts and numerous articles pertaining to the project. Dan gave a short talk about the project and a good question and answer session followed. At the conclusion, we were graciously invited into the house to view the expanse of the property from the large living room window. Inside we met Dan's wife Carolyn. We learned that the home was built by Dan and at least the ceiling was patterned after Japanese style support structure. Carolyn's oil paintings were pointed out along with many other items. Upon leaving, we were joined by Dan and Carolyn for a drive to Moriarty to Buford's Steakhouse for an excellent lunch and continued discussion of Airplanes, Flying and Corvairs. In all respects, it was a very rewarding excursion. BTW, Buford's Steakhouse is recommended for a pleasant change of atmosphere and is only a short drive from Albuquerque. =CNM= YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS ... by: Steve Goodman Denvair News Rocky Mountain CORSA February, 2004 Another story that will seem unbelievable or completely ridiculous about our favorite car, the CORVAIR. Years ago a fellow walked into my shop and while discussing the fact that he was wanting to buy a CORVAIR, he told me that he knew all about the car since he worked for GM during the middle sixties. I asked him what model of CORVAIR he was wanting to buy and he said a late model with a 4bbl carb. Of course I said, "You mean the 140hp with the 4 single barrel carbs" and he emphatically corrected me, "No, I mean with a 4 barrel like it came from the factory!" Of course dumb me says that the centermounted 4bbl was an aftermarket accessory but he insisted that he saw every 140 engine come down the assembly line with a HOLLEY sitting on the top of it. I didn't argue with him anymore and he left the shop never to be seen again. =CNM= TECH TIP by: Steve Goodman This month isn't really a tech tip. Most of us have read about the roadside emission testing that has started in this area. Basically when a car passes through a light beam, a computer has the ability to read the emissions from the tail pipe. Also a camera takes a picture of your license plate and the info can then be transferred to the form for your license plate renewal. If the car passes the roadside test, you don't have to run through the normal emission testing. Now for a little clarifying: First you must have an '82 and newer car to participate in this; if you drive an old car through, it will discard the results. Second, you must pass two times within a year with your new car and NOT on the same day. Third, you must make the two passes about 2 months before your renewal date because the state has that much lead time on sending out the renewals. =CNM= Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 20:47:10 -0500 From: Dennis & Debbie Pleau ( ddpleau AT earthlink DOT net ) To: casa AT unm DOT edu Subject: Tri-State Hotel information Fri-Sat-Sun May 21-22-23 / 2004 Cripple Creek, Colorado. Call the number at the Triple Connection Casino (Midnight Rose, JP McGill's and Brass Ass is 800-635-5825. Press Option 1 for reservations.) Be sure to mention the Corvair event as we have all the rooms blocked. I'm sending this to the Steve Gongora's latest distribution list, please bring this up at the next CNM meeting. Here's earlier information on the rooms for next year's Tri-State - Dennis =CNM= Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 16:35:55 -0600 From: "Brown Ken" ( KBrown AT lps DOT k12 DOT co DOT us ) To: ( lwredvair AT msn DOT com ) Cc: ( ddpleau AT earthlink DOT net ) Please tell your members that they have to mention "Corvair Club" for May 21 Friday through checkout Sunday May 23, 2004. They can come earlier or stay later for the same rates. I think our members have failed to mention the Corvair Club block for the Tri State and they were told no rooms are available as they are saving 54 for us. The cost is $50.00 per night tax included and only 13 non-smoking rooms are available. Six of our members toured the hotel in eight different rooms and could smell no smoke so I think they do a wonderful job of cleaning without spraying that awful perfume substance. We are excited about the chance to make this the largest turnout ever for TriState and are working on a lot of family and driver events and fun. If you would be so kind to forward this message to the President of the Albuquerque club , I would appreciate it. If your members have any trouble after doing the above steps, please ask them to call back on the 800 number and dial extension 2199 and either talk to or leave a message with the Special Events manager Jenn who is great. She will take care of any problems we might encounter. Thanks for the picnic yesterday. Due to things I had on my plate I was late getting there but everyone enjoyed a good time. Mention also to your members that Sept. 10th is the deadline to call me at 303-347-3404 in Littleton or Ben Benzel at 719-598-6886 or e mail me at this address to get into the north gate of the USAFA for our picnic on Sept. 14th Sunday from 11-4 PM If in doubt call and if they don't come no problem, but if they decide on Friday or Saturday they can't get in. My home phone is 719-481-6812 and cell is 719-337-5348 Ken Brown Littleton Public Schools Director of Assessment and Evaluation 303-347-3404 kbrown AT lps DOT k12 DOT co DOT us =end=