This page contains material from the September 2004 newsletter.

Updated 30-Aug-2011 - Copyright (c) 2007 Corvairs of New Mexico. Volume 30 - Number 9 - September 2004 - Issue 348 EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 1 September 2004 at 7:30 PM Galles Chevrolet, Lomas & University THIS MONTH: Dues Due Dave Huntoon August Meeting Notes Chuck Vertrees August Board Meeting Meeting Canceled Car Council Report Art Gold CNM Birthdays Sunshine Committee CNM Ladies Update Anne Mae Gold Calendar of Coming Events Everybody New Members Membership Chair August Progressive Dinner Heula Pittman Seven Years Ago Jim Pittman From the Swiss Corvair Club Charley Biddle Believe: Resilient Engines Steve Goodman Tech Tips: Clean Glass & Carpet Steve Goodman Wanted or For Sale Everybody COVER: At the Galles Chevrolet Car Show - Mark Domzalski =CNM= Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 20:15:28 -0700 From: Kent Sullivan ( kentsu AT corvairkid DOT com ) To: Mark Domzalski ( mdomzalski AT aol DOT com ) Subject: CNM stuff Hi, Just read your club's latest newsletter. The newsletter said that the 2005 convention was being put on by CORSA OR and CORSA NW. Not so--CORSA OR is 100% responsible and they are doing a great job. We have offered to help with some events and I'm sure they will have jobs for us but they will reap all of the rewards (financial, praise, etc.). Want to make sure that's clear to everyone. Thanks - Kent P.S. CORSA Northwest has officially changed its name to Corvairs Northwest. =CNM= Dues Expired or Due or Approaching Due: EXPIRED: Mark Morgan 2004-Jun Dwight Simmons 2004-Jul Richard Finch 2004-Aug Steve Johnson 2004-Aug Jacob Schlessinger 2004-Aug THIS MONTH: Steve Gongora 2004-Sep Joe Ashton 2004-Sep Sally Johnson 2004-Sep Lee Olsen 2004-Sep COMING DUE SOON: Jon Anderson 2004-Oct John Stichman 2004-Oct John Topp 2004-Oct Bill Reider 2004-Oct Robert McBreen 2004-Nov Del Patten 2004-Nov If your membership is due or has expired, please send your dues to: Wendell Walker, CNM Treasurer, 301 Utah Meadow, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Note: the Club will mail in your National dues when you renew, but only if you send us the renewal form from CORSA Communique! =CNM= NOTE: There are no Board Meeting Minutes this month because the August board meeting was cancelled. Any business will be attended to at the regular September meeting. =CNM= AUGUST MEETING NOTES Chuck Vertrees The meeting was called to order at 19:00 on 8/4/04 at Galles Chevrolet. All officers were present. There were 23 members present and a guest, Bernie Urbassik, was introduced. He bought a Corvair last October and is in the process of restoring it. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed in the newsletter.Treasurer Wendell Walker reported that CNM had $254.27 in the checking account and $2,148.81 in the GMAC account for a total worth of $2,403.08. Dave Huntoon reported that two of our guests at the July meeting had joined CNM: Tom and Cathy Bunter from Edgewood and Dan Clifford. Members were reminded that it is time for members to start considering what office they might like to run for. Elections are coming up in a few months. Mark Domzalski announced that he would not run again for the Presidency since he had served three terms, along with some other members, and he did not want to establish a new record. Sylvan Zuercher responded that FDR ran for four terms, but he was reminded that FDR died during his fourth term, so Mark stood by his word. Mark and Mary Lou Martinek will be moving to Vancouver, Washington. They have been long and faithful members of CNM and we will hate to see them go. Vancouver is just across the river from Portland, so those going to the next International Convention can see them there. They were told to buy a house with lots of bedrooms, but that is not on their high priority list. Mark has a lot of automobile magazines that he does not want to move. It was suggested that they would probably sell well at the Car Council Swap Meet in September or at the Fan Belt Toss in November. Jim Pittman said that there was no formal report from the Sunshine Committee. Tarmo replied that he appreciated the birthday card that he received, and Mark Domzalski added that he had received his birthday card and sympathy card. Sally reported that the Awards Committee had not met but was hoping to set up a meeting during August. Sylvan had provided a list of possible guidelines. Robert Gold said that as usual he had missed the Car Council meeting but as usual his son Art made the meeting in his place. The meeting was rather short. As mentioned earlier, CNM had 5 phantom members at the Museum Car show according to the Car Council so the only one invited to the buffet luncheon was Mark Martinek, but he promised to eat enough to make up for the five CNM members who worked the show but were left off of the list. Upcoming activities include the campout at Ruth's place in the Pecos on the coming weekend. The progressive dinner will be on Saturday, August 21st which will be a busy day with the CNM breakfast at 08:30 at the Cracker Barrel, then the progressive dinner starting at 18:00 at the Sullivans'. Members were told to see our web site for maps. September has the CNM breakfast on the 18th at Mi Casitas at 08:30. The State Fair Car show is on the 19th, and as usual we will meet in the Furr's parking lot, San Pedro & Central, at 07:00. Then the Car Council swap meet is the following weekend in Los Lunas. There was a signup sheet passed around for those interested in getting new CNM shirts. New business included an announcement by Joe Trujillo about the Make-A-Wish car show. It is August 15th at the Cottonwood Mall. Entry fee is $20.00. Joe also thanked the CNM members who had their cars at his All Chevy show. He had planned on about 50 cars but ended up with 60. Del and Dave said that at the International Convention they found out hat a modern Crown kit is going to be available for installing a big V-8 in the Corvair. It will run about $8,000 for the complete kit. Flaming River is manufacturing new steering boxes for early models. According to Steve Goodman the rebuild parts for early models are not holding up, but the new boxes from Flaming River seem to be holding up just fine. Jim Pittman read a note sent from Ben Benzel to Ruth Boydston, thanking us for his receiving the Boydston Award at the recent Tri-State event. There is supposed to be a 1963 Greenbrier, which is in "perfect shape" and is supposed to only need a new fuel line. It is at Moon and Indian School Road NE. The meeting was adjourned at 20:10. =CNM= CAR COUNCIL REPORT (7-28-04) Art Gold Well another wondrous Council of the Car Clubs has come and gone. Not much occurred with the passage of the meeting, though there was a bit of interesting news that I must share, mainly dealing with the upcoming Swap Meet. As we all know, or should know by now, this year's Swap Meet is to be held in Los Lunas on the weekend of September 24th. There was much discussion concerning the 466 spaces that are available. At the time of the meeting, only a paltry 37 spaces had been reserved. However, the numbers should increase in the coming weeks, so don't fear. Remember that the first 200 folks to reserve a space receive a very special vendor pin. Volunteers are still needed for the setup procedures. If you wish to have a free lunch and would aid the process of organizing the grounds for the Swap Meet then telephone John at 294-4434. Other tidbits from the meeting include (in no particular order): email will be utilized for contacting hobbyists, since snail mail proves to be pretty unreliable in bulk, and a car precession for the 50th anniversary of the prestigious Albuquerque Academy will be held on August 27th. (For more information contact Viki Teahan at 856-1335 or That's your report on the Council of Car Clubs for this month. Art Gold humbly reporting. =CNM= BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES the Sunshine Committee Four CNM members celebrate birthdays in September. They are: Susanne Hickerson Carl Johnson Lori Nash Dave Huntoon Happy B-Day to each of you! Four couples in our Club celebrate their wedding anniversaries this month. They are: Brenda and Hurley Wilvert Kathy and Larry Blair Emma and LeRoy Rogers Kay and Tarmo Sutt Congratulations to all of you! We still have a few gaps in our list of members' birthday and wedding anniversary dates. If you can help complete our list, please give us a call. We also ask everyone to notify one of us if you know of illness in our membership. Sunshine Committee, 275-2195, Heula Pittman =CNM= CNM LADIES UPDATE Anne Mae Gold I know that it's been a while since I've written anything, but there really hasn't been anything new to report. In August a very few of us went up to the Pecos for the CNM Annual Campout. Of course Ruth was there, all four Golds showed up, the Domzalskis and the Pattens with Sierra also came up. All of us arrived on Friday and stayed through Sunday. We anxiously awaited the arrival of a few more corvairers, but each car that came by was an X-brand that kept right on going. Even though we missed you, we had a fabulous time. I'd like to thank Ruth for her gracious hospitality, Mark for the copy of the slide show of all the photos he made and the kids for their hours of endless entertainment! The weather was good, the food was abundant and delicious and the wildlife was amazing. OK, I'm now out of appropriate adjectives so I'll move on to another topic. Our next formal (are they ever "formal"?) CNM ladies get-together will be held November 13 (second Saturday of the month) from 1pm-4pm at Elizabeth Domzalski's home. Mark can hang out with us, but we will insist on him wearing earplugs so that his tender ears will not be scathed by our complaining (that's the B_ _ _ _ part of the quote "Stitch and B_ _ _ _" unquote!) I will print directions on how to get to the Domzalski manse later, but consider calling me and forming a carpool out there. I'd like to wish Mary Anne and Mark Martinek the very best. The club will miss you very much and I hope that if you ever come back this way you will contact us. You have been wonderful members of our club and have helped in countless ways. Your kids are very lucky that you will be near them. Good Luck Always! Ladies, if any of you would like to host us or have an idea for us to get together and do something all together, please give me a call and I'll write it up in the newsletter. Maybe in the spring we can all don CNM jackets or shirts and go out for high tea! Call me at 268-6878 and leave a message! Ta ta for now! -- Anne Mae =CNM= ============================================================================ C O R V A I R S o f N E W M E X I C O C O M I N G E V E N T S ============================================================================ | | | | | S e p t e m b e r | O c t o b e r | N o v e m b e r | | | | | | : : : 1 2 3 4 | : : : : : 1 2 | : 1 2 3 4 5 6 | | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | | 26 27 28 29 30 : : | 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | 28 29 30 : : : : | | : : : : : : : | 31 : : : : : : | : : : : : : : | ============================================================================ Wed 1 Sep 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Wed 1 Sep Tech talk by a locksmith at tonight's meeting Sat 11 Sep 1:00-4:00 CNM Ladies - TBA Wed 15 Sep 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Sun 18 Sep 8:30 AM CNM Breakfast meeting - TBA Sun 19 Sep 7:00 AM State Fair Car Show - Robert Gold - 268-6878 Thu-Sat Sep 23-24-25 NMCCC Swap Meet - Los Lunas - Robert Gold - 268-6878 Fri 24 Sep 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Wed 6 Oct 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Wed 6 Oct Remember, this is ELECTION NIGHT. Come and vote! xxx xx Oct xxxxxxx Aspencade Tour (TBA) Wed 20 Oct 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 22 Oct 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Sat 23 Oct 8:30 AM CNM Breakfast - TBA Wed 3 Nov 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Wed 17 Nov 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 19 Nov 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Sat 20 Nov 8:30 AM CNM Breakfast - TBA Thu 25 Nov ....... Thanksgiving Day =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= =CNM= NEW MEMBERS We have new members this month: Nancy and Bernard Urbassik. Bernard is an engineer and has acquired a 1963 Spyder convertible. It has a 110-HP engine and Bernard wants to restore it to show (and drive) condition. Let's all welcome Nancy and Bernard to the club! =CNM= THE PROGRESSIVE DINNER - 21 August, 2004 Heula Pittman A few sprinkles of rain fell on us as we were leaving our house for the Sullivan's, but we saw no more rain during the evening. We were the first ones there and were greeted by Leslie and Kevin and the wonderful smells of steaming hot gumbo, warm French bread and delicious salad coming from their kitchen. In just a matter of minutes, another 30 or so Club members joined the party. Many of us visited out on their lovely deck as we enjoyed the tasty food. Next stop: Main course, hosted by Geoffrey Johnson. It was just a matter of following one's nose to reach this destination. The backyard setting featured grilled hamburgers and all the trimmings, chicken, many lovely casseroles and the Johnsons' famous New Mexican enchiladas. Sally and Geoff really outdid themselves. Entertainment was furnished by the next door wolfhound - or was it a small horse that barked? Our last stop was in the home of Robert and Anne Mae Gold, Sarah and Javier for desserts, as if anyone had any room left in their tummies! I believe most of us found just a tad bit more room as we indulged in the sinful delights of brownies, fresh frozen fruit, cheese cake, ice creams and lots more sweet-tooth-satisfiers. Many of us enjoyed their newly built patio where a view of the towers at the Crest were visible in between the patterns of clouds. We picked up a few more members before the evening was over, my guess, maybe 40 or so total. Thanks to all who provided their homes and to everyone who contributed their tasty dishes. It was a perfect evening for a progressive dinner; the cool breeze almost required a jacket outdoors. Did anyone besides me hear sirens at each location? Jim and I heard them again late into the night and early morning. What does this mean? Perfect evening? Everything is relative, I suppose, including sirens. =CNM= SEVEN YEARS AGO Jim Pittman Seven Years Ago - September 1997 Volume 23 - Number 9 The cover featured a photo of the Very Large Array radio telescope near Magdalena; we had a great tour down to the VLA in July. President Mark Domzalski told us he was now working at Los Alamos. Francis Boydston was reported to be very ill and in hospice care. Greg and Judy Armstrong attended the meeting and Tom Berg from Wagner Brakes gave a tech talk. Wendell reported $7,913.25 in the bank. We looked forward to an August NMCCC picnic, a September swap meet and a September "Un-Fair" car show. We discussed county zoning laws and what the Car Council could do to keep old cars from being towed away. We expected to have a slate of candidates for office at our next meeting. Jim reported that cleaning up Old Route 66 was a chance to clear out your rat-race-rotted brain by doing some mindless work out near Mother Nature. The flowers are pretty, the sage smells great and you can be alone with your thoughts for awhile. Just ignore the roar of trucks on the freeway and keep out of the way of pickups heading into town. Jim says a guy on a bicycle actually called out "thanks!" to us as he sped by. At our Board meeting Mark reported that we needed to print more convention reports to send out to clubs requesting them. Kay and Tarmo were starting to plan for our next Tri-State. There was discussion about getting access to CORSA's membership database for recruiting purposes. Mark's tech tip told about finally finding and fixing a water leak around the top of the windshield of his Rampside. Fourteen Years Ago - September 1990 - Volume 16 Number 9 If you could read Spanish in 1990 you could have appreciated the ad for a 1965 sedan that graced our cover. The treasury was rich at $705 and a visitor was Woody Souza, visiting Clayborne and Karen from California. Francis Boydston gave a show-and-tell about a worn and chipped bronze distributor drive gear that was shearing roll pins in the distributor of an Ultravan. Dale Housley's column thanked the membership for electing him to the post of president and helping to support the Club during his tenure. He wasn't running again, and we reprinted the section of the CNM Constitution on elections to try to encourage people to volunteer. Tarmo Sutt previewed the Aspencade to Hyde Park and the Santa Fe National Forest. LeRoy Rogers previewed our trip to Trinity Site in October. We even had a short note on next year's Tri-State Meet at Gunnison, Colorado. Sylvan Zuercher reported on the Econo-run and picnic to Grants and the Mine Museum tour sponsored by Dick Cochran. Finally, we lifted a good article by Orville Eliason from the San Diego newsletter; Orville told us all we needed to know about why many cylinder heads aren't cooling properly and a few things to do about it. Twenty-one Years Ago - September 1983 - Volume 9 - Number 9 The cover showed a locomotive from the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad and Jim reported on a great CNM overnight trip. Only four people (two Corvairs) went. LeRoy reported on the 1983 CORSA convention in Seattle; CNM petitioned the CORSA board for the 1987 convention but we didn't get it -- Utah did. Warren McKinley from Wagner Brakes made a fine talk on brake systems and maintenance. A tech tip warned about problems associated with excessive fuel pump pressure. Twenty-eight Years Ago - September 1976 - Volume 2 Editor Glen Thompson told about his hectic summer during which he drove to Dayton in his newly rebuilt 1962 FC pickup. An article by Bob Helt from the Phoenix FANBELT FLYER told about the charges Ralph (who?) made against the Corvair and how the Corvair's handling was exonerated by government tests. An article by Ike Meissner (including the quote "Blessed are those with the Corvair hobby--for they shall be allowed to get dirty") gave all sorts of tips about the sense and nonsense of keeping your Corvair running properly. And he was the one to know. =CNM= FROM THE SWISS CORVAIR CLUB Charley Biddle THE AIRHORN - Chicago June 2004 - Volume 37 - Number 6 The following is an e-mail I received back from Urs Tanner, the secretary of the Swiss Corvair Club, after I asked him how often they meet, and how many members they get at a meeting. Dear Charley The Swiss Corvair Club has 46 members. Normally we have two official meetings a year. The two day event in spring is always together with the general assembly. The fall meeting is a two or three day event (depends how far we go). Normal participation quotes are 12-16 Corvairs and about 20-30 persons (accompanying people included). They drive between 10-150 km [6.2-93 miles] to the beginning of the event (exception: foreign persons 300-800 km [186-497 miles], for example from Berlin or Prague). During the meetings we drive in convoy 100-200 km [62-124 miles], from restaurants to museums to restaurants to factory visits to restaurants to vineyards, etc. We have no entering fee, even the apero or entering fees for museums are paid by the club. Conclusion: less is perhaps more. If you have other questions, do not hesitate. Urs =CNM= YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS.... (curious and unbelievable things that have happened to our favorite car) by Steve Goodman Rocky Mountain CORSA - Denvair News - August 2004 I have always been amazed about the resiliency of the CORVAIR engine. With that statement in mind I will tell you two stories about different Corvairs that happened in the shop through the years. The first was a 1965 110hp (almost a new car, 1967 is when this happened) that was running on 5 cylinders and a curious noise, not loud but noticeable. The noise couldn't be (?) removed (?) by pulling plug wires but one cylinder had zero compression. I pulled the head and couldn't see anything wrong with the valves. All the pistons were in place too so I decided to pull the offending cylinder and look at the rings and ring lands. When I pulled the top off the engine I noticed that the rod was way down on the stroke but the piston top was up next to the head. The reason was that the top of the piston had broken off and was just sitting in the cylinder. The skirt was moving up and down and thus causing the slight slapping noise. The second was a 1960 80hp. Almost the same thing as above, running rough and no compression on one cylinder. This failure was in 1987 so I had learned a lot since the first. After finding the offending cylinder, I injected compressed air into the spark plug hole to see where the leakage was. NO LEAKAGE to speak of, funny huh?? After pulling the head I pushed on the piston and sure enough, it moved easily down the cylinder so I pulled the top off and just stared at the end of the connecting rod attached to the crank and broken off just at the start of the beam. The rest of the rod and piston was in the cylinder and the rings sealed it pretty well. Since the rod end was intact, the oil pressure was okay too. I replaced the piston/cylinder and rod and the car is still running around town. =CNM= TECH TIPS by Steve Goodman Rocky Mountain CORSA - Denvair News - August 2004 GLASS CLEANING I have never mastered using windex type glass cleaners to clean car glass. It seems it is always streaked no matter how long I wipe or how clean the towel remains. A long time ago I was shown a trick to remove the streaks. Wad up a page of any newspaper such as the DENVER POST and just rub it all over the glass after cleaning. Something in the ink and paper makes the streaks on your glass disappear. CARPET CLEANING Invariably I have a black carpet car in a concourse. No matter how careful you are getting in and out, picking up some debris on the bottom of your boots is inevitable. To pick up the last few bits of dirt and gravel I wad up a chunk of duct tape and just dab it at the carpet. The sticky side will pick up the dirt. When one part gets full, just turn the tape to a fresh sticky place. A few dabs and the bits disappear. =CNM= * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR SALE, TRADE OR WANTED * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Bernie Urbassik - Upholstery work - reasonable price - 294-7751 FOR SALE: 1967 Corvair Monza 2dr - call Terry price - 872-0100 FOR SALE: 1962 Corvair wagon 700 - call Terry price - 872-0100 FOR SALE: 1961 Monza coupe, Ô66 110-HP engine, Powerglide. New interior, needs paint and minor body work. Make offer - Hurley Wilvert 281-1732 - hurbrenwil AT peoplepc DOT com FOR SALE: 1968 Monza coupe, 110-HP rebuilt engine with 4 carbs, Powerglide. New paint, good interior. Make offer - Hurley Wilvert 281-1732 - hurbrenwil AT peoplepc DOT com FOR SALE: 1966 Corvair Monza 2 dr hardtop - 110-HP stick John Wiker 899-3076 / 239-3311 WANTED: Late Model - complete - cash - Robert Philips - 505-898-1255 WANTED: 1964 Chevy Biscayne Station Wagon - parts car. V-8, 3-speed, 4-speed, Auto. H. C. "Lube" Lubert - cell 505-400-3680 * * * * * CNM ADS ARE FREE TO CNM MEMBERS, $5.00 TO NON-CNM MEMBERS * * * * * =CNM=