Updated 30-Jan-2007 - Copyright (c) 2007 Corvairs of New Mexico. Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter - Corvairs of New Mexico A Chartered Chapter of CORSA - The Corvair Society of America Volume 30 - Number 11 - November 2004 - Issue 350 EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 3 November 2004 at 7:30 PM Galles Chevrolet, Lomas & University THIS MONTH: Dues Due Dave Huntoon October Meeting Notes Chuck Vertrees CNM Birthdays Sunshine Committee October Board Meeting Chuck Vertrees Election '04 Dave Huntoon Calendar of Coming Events Everybody Christmas Toy Collection Emma Rogers Seven Years Ago Jim Pittman Fourth of July Canyon Kay Sutt Tech Tips: Steve Goodman You won't believe: Steve Goodman A use for dryer sheets Heula Pittman COVER: Hurricane Approaches Florida At the 16 October 2004 CNM Breakfast MEETING TIME: First Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM LOCATION: Galles Chevrolet, 1601 Lomas Boulevard NE, Albuquerque NM 87110 PRESIDENT: David Huntoon 281-9616 corvair66 AT aol DOT com VICE-PRES: Sally Johnson 977-1428 sbuna AT unm DOT edu SECRETARY: Charles Vertrees 299-0744 vertrees AT swcp DOT com TREASURER: Wendell Walker 892-8471 defarge505 AT aol DOT com MEMBERSHIP: David Huntoon 281-9616 corvair66 AT aol DOT com NEWSLETTER: Jim Pittman 275-2195 casa AT unm DOT edu DUES: CNM: 12 months $15.00 or 26 months $30.00 CORSA: 12 months $35.00 or 26 months $70.00 BOTH (required by our constitution): 12 months $50.00 or 26 months $100.00 CORSA's home page: http://www.corvair.org CNM's home page: http://www.corvair.org/chapters/chapter871 CNM's newsletters: http://www.unm.edu/~casa "There's an interesting effect here that I've noticed over the years -- smart people don't make the same mistake twice while REALLY SMART people don't make the same mistake three times. Since they tend to make fewer mistakes to start with, really smart people tend to repeat the mistakes they do make because they are initially convinced that the outcome was someone else's fault, or perhaps because of cosmic rays." -- Robert X. Cringely http://www.pbs.org/cringely/pulpit/pulpit20040819.html Dues Expired, Due, or Approaching Due: EXPIRED: Mark Morgan 2004-Jun Dwight Simmons 2004-Jul Steve Johnson 2004-Aug Joe Ashton 2004-Sep Jon Anderson 2004-Oct John Stichman 2004-Oct John Topp 2004-Oct Bill Reider 2004-Oct THIS MONTH: Robert McBreen 2004-Nov Del Patten 2004-Nov COMING DUE SOON: David Huntoon 2004-Dec Roger Pape 2004-Dec Wendell Walker 2004-Dec Lube" Lubert 2005-Jan John McMahan 2005-Jan LeRoy Rogers 2005-Jan John Wiker 2005-Jan If your membership is due or has expired, please send your dues to: Wendell Walker, CNM Treasurer, 301 Utah Meadow, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Note: the Club will mail in your National dues when you renew, but only if you send us the renewal form from CORSA Communique! This photo and the one on the cover were at the CNM breakfast, Saturday 16 October 2004. =CNM= October Meeting Notes Chuck Vertrees The meeting was called to order at 19:36 at Galles Chevrolet on October 6th. President Domzalski was out of town so Vice President Sally ran the meeting. All other officers were present and a total of 24 members were in attendance. There were no new members or guests to introduce. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed in the newsletter. Treasurer Wendell Walker reported that CNM had $194.07 in the regular checking account and $2,148.81 in the GMAC account for a total worth of $2,342.88. There was no membership or Sunshine Committee report. The Awards Committee met and completed their deliberation on the Boydston and Meissner awards. Wendell has a copy of the report, which will be presented to the board at their next meeting. After approval by the board it will be published in the newsletter. Any member having interest in the two awards are welcome to attend the next board meeting which will be Wednesday October 20th at 17:00 at House of Covers. Since Robert Gold was out of town, Anna Mae passed out copies of the Car Council report. It will also be in the newsletter and on line. There were about 200 cars at the Balloon Fiesta Show on Sunday. Javier Gold spent a lot of time explaining to people about the Golds' Greenbrier, which was great for a child of his age. They sure do grow up fast! The Route 66 Cleanup was announced for Saturday 10/6 at 09:00. The CNM breakfast would be Saturday 10/16 at the IHOP at Montgomery and I-25 at 08:30. The Aspencade drive is scheduled for Saturday 10/23 and will leave from the Smith's parking lot at Central and Tramway at 08:30. All of these events are entered on our web page so that members can keep track of them. November starts with the Potluck and Auction at House of Covers on Saturday 11/06/04. The time is 18:00. Everyone should plan on making this event as it is always one of the high spots of the year. The GWFBT&SM is the following weekend, 11/12 & 13th in Palm Springs, California. Then the next weekend is the monthly CNM breakfast at Hello Deli, 08:30. This is on Jefferson near the Journal Center. The annual Christmas party is set for the Officers' Club at Kirtland Air Force Base on Sunday December 5th, starting at 12:00 noon. This will leave enough time for those coming from church. There will be details later about how to get on base. Steve Gongora showed the shirts that can be ordered. The order will be placed after those who want a shirt have paid for them. Since October is our time for annual elections, Bill Reider took over for Sylvan Zuercher, who is still not up and about. We thought one office was going to be contested but one candidate withdrew. Therefore we had the following elected by acclimation: Dave Huntoon as President, Sally Johnson as Vice-President, Wendell Walker as Treasurer and Chuck Vertrees as Secretary. Larry Blair announced that the Air Force Band of the West will be in town for Veterans Day. They will be playing from 09:00 to 10:00 on 11/11/04 at the Grand re-Opening of the New Mexico Veterans Memorial on 1100 Louisiana SE. They will also be playing at he Rio Rancho High School on Wednesday evening November 10th. It was announced that the security guards with Galles wanted everyone to leave at the same time after meetings. We will check this with Joe Trujillo. The meeting was adjourned at 20:28. -- Chuck =CNM= This November, The Sunshine Committee says: Happy Anniversary to: Brenda and Mike Stickler Four CNM Members celebrate birthdays this November. They are: Sachiko Davis Sylvan Zuercher Opal Zuercher Jake Schlessinger The Club wishes each of you a big Happy Birthday! Sunshine Committee, 275-2195, Heula Pittman =CNM= October Board Meeting Chuck Vertrees The meeting was held at House of Covers on 10/20/04 at 17:22. Present were Steve Gongora, Dave Huntoon, Wendell Walker, Jim Pittman, Mark Domzalski, Sally Johnson, Ray Trujillo, Jerry Goffe and Chuck Vertrees. Treasurer Wendell reported that we had $330.37 in the checking account and $1,898.61 in the GMAC account for a total worth of $2,229.18. Since our new fiscal year changed with the new officers, Wendell presented a financial report for the past year. He said that for the last several years we have been spending about $1,000 more than we are taking in. All of it can be accounted for but possibly we need to start thinking about sources of possible extra income. We exchange about 21 newsletters with other clubs but that is not a significant expense. It was suggested having a monthly raffle or a 2 for 1 on meeting nights. Membership has been pretty stable so that is not a problem. The minutes of the last board meeting were approved as published in the newsletter. The new shirts were discussed. They will not be ordered until everyone who ordered one has paid in advance. See Steve. The Aspencade was planned for the Saturday after the board meeting and was to leave from the Smith's at Central and Tramway at 08:30 with Carl Johnson leading the way. There was no speaker scheduled for the November meeting so Dave Huntoon has volunteered to show part of an Autocross, possibly about 1/2 hour of it. Also in November will be the Breakfast, Palm Springs and the Auction and Potluck at House of Covers. The annual Christmas luncheon is all set. It will be at the Officers Club at Kirtland Air Force Base, starting at 12:00. This will allow those who are coming from church ample time to arrive. Hector Gongora will arrange getting on the base. To bring on a car on base will require that you have your registration and proof of insurance. There will be more details later. At the December meeting Jerry Goffe will put on a slide preparation about his trip to the Upper Peninsula. The next thing on the meeting was the review of the criteria prepared to properly outline CNM's two annual awards, the Ike Meissner and the Francis Boydston awards. This represents a lot of work by the committee of Sally Johnson, Wendell Walker, Sylvan Zuercher, Jim Pittman and Mark Domzalski. The Meissner Award will be given at the CNM annual banquet in the spring and the Francis Boydston Award will be given at the Tri-State meet. The board went over both sets of criteria and after some discussion and minor corrections, approved them as presented. They will be presented to the complete chapter at the next meeting to seek their approval. It was brought up by Jim that these criteria, if approved, will mean that CNM must take on a lot of deadlines and logistic concerns. CNM's Vice-President will be the person who is primarily responsible for following through on getting cooperation of members and other clubs. The other Tri-State clubs will be contacted ASAP after approval by the membership. The final criteria will be published on our web site and also in the "Care and Feeding" book. That is so both new and old members will always have access to the criteria that are used to determine the awards. Ray Trujillo said that he has been working with Bill Reider on the carburetors on his 1964 Corvair, and that he had really learned a lot. He also said that, as many of us also do, he has a lot that he can still learn from other members. Ray also has the 1962 Corvair that belonged to Ron and Debbie Deck. It is supposed to have all the parts to get it going again. He has the car at his print shop. There is plenty of room if we wanted to have tech sessions on weekends. He has room, parts, etc. Sally suggested that it could be planned to be after our monthly breakfast. It could be announced that "This Saturday we will be working on brakes" and everyone who wanted to could come. We will discuss this at the next meeting and see who might be interested. The meeting was finally adjourned at 18:32. =CNM= PRESIDENTŐS LETTER Dave Huntoon Election '04 / No not THAT election, rather our club election I want to take this opportunity to thank the club members for their confidence in me. Giving me the chance to be the club president for the next year. Then again, maybe all those years of breathing gas fumes has finally taken its toll. Either way, I appreciate it. My credo shall be "do no harm." At least not intentionally. Generally, I consider myself to be a second tier citizen. One who would gladly help you move or work on your car, grunt work. First tier citizens are the leaders and decision makers. Normally I would leave this to others, but I think I can do a credible job in this instance and step up to the plate. In this vein, I had a counselor in high school, Mr. Shaw, who was always trying to prod me into a more active role. I would be on the student council, but not as an officer. I would work backstage on the sets, but would not step forward onto the stage. You get the picture. Once early in my senior year he called me into his office. I knew he was going to ask me to help in some manner, but I was not exactly sure in what way. Here is the story. It must have been October 1962. Mr. Shaw wanted me to drive a car in the homecoming parade. After school, through town, one of the homecoming queen candidates perched on the back seat. Everything would be arranged, out of school one hour early, new car, pretty girl ........... OK! The day of the big event I leave school early to pick up the new car at the Dodge dealer. They have no idea, nobody has talked to them, and they have no new convertibles anyway. After some pleading they decided I could have a used convertible sitting in the lot. The new '63s had just come out, so guess what they had for me? A 1955 dark gray Cadillac convertible. I drove it back to school to line up for the parade and pick up my queen candidate, Sally Stark. A lovely girl, classmate, cheerleader, etc. All the other cars were brand new, shiny convertibles. Buicks, Pontiacs, Chevy, and others. Not looking good for the home team (me). Oops ............... strike one. While we were on the parade route, three mph through town, I began fooling with all the neat buttons and switches on the dash. Radio, lights, windows. This was a beautiful clear fall afternoon and somehow I got the wipers going and couldn't turn them off. Kind of embarrassing tooling through town on a clear day with the wipers flopping around. Oops .......... strike two. The wiper problem resolved itself five minutes later when the car completely died in the middle of town along the parade route. It dawned on me that this was likely a fairly important day for the lovely Sally and I was surely ruining it by the minute. Sally left my stone cold dead vehicle and hopped into the car following in the parade. Oops ....... strike three. There were a bunch of my classmates in the crowd, so I rounded up four of them and we pushed the beast about a mile through town. A big car like the Caddy with no power for the steering and brakes is a real handful, but then again we were just creeping along. I left the car in the dealer's driveway after letting them know what happened. It did not seem to bother them one way or the other. Just another day in the used car biz. Another problem now though. I needed another car for the football game that evening. There was to be another parade around the football field at halftime and the homecoming queen would be announced. Now what? Well, I walked across the street to the Ford dealer, explained the situation, pointed to the dead Caddy across the street at the Dodge dealer. On the spot, they gave me a new 1963 Falcon Futura convertible, red with white top, red interior. Nice looking car. I doubt any dealer now would let a 17 year old who walked in off the street have a new car overnight. I took the car home, drove to the game that evening, did the parade thing around the field and dropped off the car the next morning with no questions asked. Sally did not win, but I don't think she blamed me. Luckily, I am not haunted by my past failures. Now I just find them amusing. So even though I struck out in 1962, maybe it is time for me to step up to the plate again. Mr. Shaw may have been right 42 years ago in encouraging me to step forward. For some it just takes longer. Ok Mr. Shaw, I hear you. =CNM= ============================================================================ C O R V A I R S o f N E W M E X I C O C O M I N G E V E N T S ============================================================================ | | | | | N o v e m b e r | D e c e m b e r | J a n u a r y | | | | | | : 1 2 3 4 5 6 | : : : 1 2 3 4 | : : : : : : 1 | | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | | 28 29 30 : : : : | 26 27 28 29 30 31 : | 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | | | 2004 | 30 31 2005 | ============================================================================ Wed 3 Nov 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sat 6 Nov 6:00 PM Another fabulous CNM auction - House of Covers Sat 13 Nov 1:00-4:00 CNM Ladies - Anne Mae Gold - 268-6878 Wed 17 Nov 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Wed 17 Nov 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman - EARLY THIS MONTH! Sat 20 Nov 8:30 AM CNM Breakfast Hello Deli (tentative) near Journal Center Wed 1 Dec 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sun 5 Dec 12:00 NOON Christmas Party - Kirtland AFB Officers Club Sat 11 Dec 1:00-4:00 CNM Ladies - TBA Wed 15 Dec 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Sun 18 Dec 8:30 AM CNM Breakfast meeting - TBA Fri 24 Dec 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Wed 5 Jan 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Wed 19 Jan 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 21 Jan 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Sat 22 Jan 8:30 AM CNM Breakfast meeting - TBA Wed 2 Feb 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Wed 2 Feb ....... Deadline for nominations for the 2005 MEISSNER AWARD =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Christmas Toy Collection Emma Rogers We are asking everyone who wishes to participate, to bring an unwrapped toy to the Christmas banquet on Sunday, December 5th. These toys will then be collected and distributed to a charity group. More information will be passed on to you in the next few weeks as it becomes available. Thanks, Emma =CNM= SEVEN YEARS AGO Jim Pittman Seven Years Ago - November 1997 - Volume 23 - Number 11 November's cover showed a nice late coupe in a suburban setting. New members this month: Clint & Faye Jones had just acquired a 1967 automatic sedan; son Bradley owned a 1969 Mustang. George & Beryl Montoya had just purchased two 1962 Spyder convertibles and planned to restore them. Mark ran the meeting and after our election turned the gavel and briefcase over to Dennis. Wendell sent a report putting our financial clout at $8,032. Bill reported on a successful swap meet, making some $2,000 for the Car Council. Our ambitious Aspencade plans were to drive to Jemez Springs, Valle Grande, Pajarito Ski Area, and finally to Chimayo for lunch. Robert talked about his dissatisfaction with the recent "Un-Fair" car show and proposed to work hard to get us back in the real State Fair next year. Mark reported on the Board's discussion about a Boydston Award and its relationship to the Meissner Award. Tarmo reported on preparations for next year's Tri-State meet, to be held in Lake City, Colorado. Jon said he was lining up a visit to the Old Car Garage to see how to restore stainless steel trim. Ollie asked for volunteers to help clean up our mile of Rt. 66. Sylvan poised the question, if you rotate your engine backwards, would it "blow" instead of "suck" through the carbs? No satisfactory answer was immediately available. A more useful tech tip told how one expert installed needle bearings in a transmission countergear WITHOUT using a dummy shaft; he simply used wheel bearing grease to hold the 92 roller bearings in place, then CAREFULLY tapped in the shaft, going by feel and sound to get the gear centered on the shaft. Dennis, preparing for the time when he'd be a newsletter editor in Colorado, penned his first president's letter, appropriately named "Full'a Hot Air" and there was no mention of the rumor that Del suggested the title. Mike & Brenda invited all CNM engineers or conductors to take the season's last ride on the "Cactus Limited" railroad. In Mark's "Billiken" his hero discovers that Oakie's on Central was no more. Finally, your editor obtained a manuscript from an Apple Computer Club person describing a trek across the Mojave Desert in the middle of summer. The plan to drive across at night came to grief when the car (no, not a Corvair) broke down and the family was exposed to the burning heat of daytime trying to get it fixed so they could escape to Arizona. Was 1997 a classic year for us, or what? Fourteen Years Ago - November 1990 - Volume 16 - Number 11 Our cover came from a catalog photo of a speeding Yenko Stinger. We called off the Aspencade because of rain and snow. Bill Reider had the newly printed Clark's parts list which listed hundreds of items in part number order; a handy cross reference indeed. We elected officers: Steve Gongora, Will Davis, Charles Vertrees and Wendell Walker. Steve Gongora's "From the President" column bragged about his "Super" Corvair 95 Panel Van used every day in his House of Covers work. Steve also urged the members to participate in Club events to explore New Mexico. LeRoy Rogers reported on a great tour to Trinity Site. Most of the crew stopped by the original Owl Cafe in San Antonio for atomic chili cheeseburgers on the way back. Finally, this issue wrapped up with four pages of reports by Popular Science writers who drove the new 1960 Corvair around the country. Twenty-one Years Ago - November 1983 - Volume 9 - Number 11 The cover showed a Model T Ford and if you had sharp eyes you could match the names to the parts. LeRoy Rogers, George Morin and Bill Hector were re-elected and Robert Gold became Treasurer. We stole, er, borrowed a nice article on the Corvair from Autoweek via Ventura Vair Chatter; Bert Levy said the Corvair was an American sports car that just got no respect from those caught up in the sixties muscle car phenomenon. Luckily we all know better. We had tech tips from Bill Reider on Silicone: Friend or Foe? (he said a little was your friend but a lot was not) and George Morin told how to install a modern dual master brake cylinder (he provided clearly illustrated instructions) to give you safer stopping power. Twenty-eight Years Ago - November 1976 - Volume 2 In November 1976 we had to do without our CNM newsletter but, never fear, an excellent issue would show up for December. =CNM= Fourth of July Canyon Aspencade Kay Sutt This year's Fall Aspencade drive was scheduled for Saturday, October 23 at 8:30. There were nine Albuquerque members: President Dave Huntoon, Del Patten, Jim and Heula Pittman, Leroy and Emma Rogers, Bill and Lee Reider and their grandson Johnathan. The only Albuquerque Corvair this year was Del's purple speed demon. The group left their assembly point at Juan Tabo & Central at about 9:00 and met Tarmo and Kay Sutt and their exchange student Max Platz at about 9:15 in Tijeras. Tarmo drove our second Corvair, the green 1965, down the Turquoise Trail, over the newly completed section of road between Cerrillos and Madrid. It's a good road, and it makes the "back road" an even more pleasant drive than before. From Tijeras the group drove south toward Mountainair. It was a crisp, bright blue fall day, and although most of the leaf color was on the ground there was plenty of other scenery along the route. I haven't driven along that road for many years, and the picturesque communities of Escabosa, Chilili and Tajique made the drive well worthwhile. The seven-mile dirt road to Fourth of July Campground turns off the main highway at Tajique. The road was in good condition most of the way, but as it had rained earlier this week there were a few large puddles in the road to ford. I haven't ever heard Tarmo make the noises he did when he had to drive his favorite show car through those muddy ponds. We arrived at the campground, everyone took a break, and then we all strolled around the area taking photos and enjoying the fall colors on a magnificent New Mexico autumn day. Those with cameras enjoyed playing with their toys, and the others acted as models for them. After the hike everybody was hungry, so we discussed whether to head south to Mountainair, east to Estancia or north towards Tijeras. The group chose north and we stopped at the Ponderosa Restaurant. We had a good lunch while catching up on each other's lives and new projects. Conversational tech tips included Del's car's strut rods and various ways to print digital photos. Some of the photos are scattered through this issue of the newsletter. After our lunch the group said goodbye until the next time. We all agreed it was a beautiful day for a drive on the country roads of New Mexico. =CNM= YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS.... (curious and unbelievable things that have happened to our favorite car) - by Steve Goodman Rocky Mountain CORSA - Denvair News - October 2004 The CORVAIR has always been known for having a light steering effort. Obviously with no heavy engine in the front, there is no need for power steering. The problem is that with over-inflated front tires of questionable size and matching, the car will dance from lane to lane with abandon. Now there are two ways to fix this: buy quality tires and carefully maintain the proper pressures and keep the front suspension in good repair and alignment OR put a bunch of weight into the trunk. Through the years I have seen cinder blocks, sand bags, sand with no bag, gravel, cylinder heads from large V8s and my favorite and most astonishing of all: concrete. This owner kept mixing up a little concrete and pour it into the bottom of the trunk and then drive the car. He felt a little more was needed so MORE went in. When I saw the car, the trunk was over a foot deep in the bottom and completely full from side to side. He had read somewhere about adjusting the steering box and couldn't find the access hole so he brought the car to the shop. He had covered the access hole with concrete. Also the car needed power steering at that point, it weighed so much in the front that turning the wheel was difficult and all the ball joints and wheel bearings were ruined. Shortly after I looked at the car he hit a bad chuck hole and the trunk floor fell out and high centered the car. The car went to the wrecking yard. TECH TIP by Steve Goodman Rocky Mountain CORSA - Denvair News - October 2004 Is your carpet wet after you wash your car? Or do you get a wet foot while driving in a hard rain? There are several places that the front carpet can attract water. The first and most common is the fresh air duct. The plastic door frame is sealed against the inner body by caulking. This caulking can get dried and hard through the years. The other place in the front is the seams in the cowl where the wiper transmission resides. If you look under the dash you can see all the paint brush appearing marks, this is the factory seam sealer. When I am trying to find a leak on the front carpet I place the end of the water hose at the windshield wiper arms so it pours water into the plenum at the front windshield. Then I can get under the dash and wait for water to start running into the car. I watch closely around the fresh air ducts and also to see if water is dripping off the under-dash area. I have seen occasionally an EM with a leak under the rear seat I again let water run at the back glass gasket and/or around the quarter windows. Sometimes the water shield that is placed behind the door and quarter panel upholstery has failed or has been left out. On occasion the window gasket will leak also. The LM has the problem of rust around the lower windshield frame; if it rusts through, water will drop on your feet as you drive through the rain. =CNM= Another use for dryer sheets Heula Pittman (Remember this tip for next summer.) Hey Guys! Have you ever found yourself in this predicament? You've been on a long trip, you get home and eventually get around to washing the travel crud off your vehicle? Well, sometimes getting the annoying bugs off the front end is not an easy task, as many of you know. My daughter, Mary, passed on a tip to Jim and me. She says that dryer sheets are great for removing those dried-on pesky critters. They won't scratch the finish and when you're done, just throw them away. Mary lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and should know! At least twice a year, Louisiana is infested with what are called "Love Bugs." Even a short trip anywhere in this area will quickly coat a windshield or a front end. Jim tried this tip today as he washed my Civic - and it worked great. Some of you fellows might want to do the same next time you wash your wife's car - hint, hint!! =CNM= =============================================================================== Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico, a chartered chapter of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Contents are copyrighted in the names of the authors and CNM. Articles may be reprinted in any CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members provided credit to the author and this Newsletter are clearly stated. All opinions are those of the author or the editor and do not necessarily reflect endorsement by CNM or CORSA. Material to be published should reach the editor by the 15th of each month. Submit material in ASCII TEXT format via e-mail to ( casa AT unm DOT edu ) or in ASCII TEXT format on Apple II, Macintosh or MS-DOS disk, or submit a readable manuscript. Thanks to icWord 3.0, I can easily read MS Word documents. Photos (prints or digital JPGs) are welcome too! (Does anyone read this stuff?) This newsletter was produced in a Microsoft-free environment using a 1998 Macintosh G3 with OS 8.6, AppleWorks 5, ProTERM Mac, Bernie To The Rescue 2.6, Photoshop 6.0, Pagemaker 6.5; a 2003 Macintosh G4 PowerBook with OS-X; a 2003 iMac with OS-X and InDesign 3; and a 1989 Apple IIgs with GS/OS 6.0.1 using Addressed For Success, ShadowWrite 1.3.4, Platinum Paint 2.0, Pointless and Harmonie. Printing via Apple IIgs, HP LaserJet IIp and Apple LaserWriter Pro 630. Technical details available if anyone is interested. Transportation provided by Albuquerque Suntran, 1965 Corvair Monza, 1990 Honda Civic, 1996 Mazda Miata and 2003 Honda Civic. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends. =============================================================================== =end=