This page contains material from the January 2006 newsletter

Updated 30-Jan-2007 =-= Copyright (c) 2007 Corvairs of New Mexico. EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 4 January 2006 at 7:30 PM Galles Chevrolet, Lomas & University THIS MONTH: Dues Due Membership Chair December Meeting Notes Jim Pittman Birthdays & Anniversaries Sunshine Committee December Board Meeting Notes Chuck Vertrees For Sale, Wanted, Free Everyone Mechanically Un-inclined Ray Trujillo Corvair Club Demographics Jim Pittman CNM Calendar Everyone Tri-State Notes LeRoy Rogers Thirty Years of Tri-State History Sylvan Zuercher Seven Years Ago Club Historian My Enchanted Life John Wiker The Ike Meissner Award Jim Pittman CNM Member List Membership Committee Ike Meissner Award Form the Committee COVER: Sierra Blanca, '66 Corsa, on the road to Carrizozo, 1968 =C=N=M= Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter Corvairs of New Mexico Volume 32 - Number 1 - January 2006 - Issue 364 PRESIDENT: Ray Trujillo 839-7436 ray @ VICE-PRES: John Wiker 899-3076 wiker @ SECRETARY: Charles Vertrees 299-0744 vertrees @ TREASURER: Wendell Walker 892-8471 defarge505 @ MEMBERSHIP: David Huntoon 281-9616 corvair66 @ NEWSLETTER: Jim Pittman 275-2195 casa @ PROPERTIES: Ruth Boydston 821-1506 CAR COUNCIL: Robert Gold 268-6878 beisbol30 @ DUES: CNM & CORSA: 12 months $53.00 or 26 months $106.00 CORSA's home page: CNM's newsletters: CNM's home page: =C=N=M= Dues Expired or Due or Approaching Due: DROP IN 30 DAYS: Tom Bunter 2005-Aug Dan Clifford 2005-Aug Jacob Schlessinger 2005-Aug Doug Gadomski 2005-Sep Del Patten 2005-Nov EXPIRED: Willard Davis 2005-Dec Roger Pape 2005-Dec THIS MONTH: Jack Bryan 2006-Jan Lube Lubert 2006-Jan John McMahan 2006-Jan LeRoy Rogers 2006-Jan COMING DUE SOON: Fred Edeskuty 2006-Feb Carl Johnson 2006-Feb Joel Nash 2006-Feb Frank Stadler 2006-Feb Mike Stickler 2006-Feb Mike Hacker 2006-Mar Geoff Johnson 2006-Mar If your membership is due or has expired, please send your dues to: Wendell Walker, CNM Treasurer, 301 Utah Meadow, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Note that the Club will mail in your National dues when you renew, provided that you send us the renewal form from your CORSA Communique! As of January 2006, past due memberships will be dropped after a one-month grace period. =C=N=M= Photos: On the cover, Top: Mark Domzalski's Rampside's special edition license plate. Bottom: Back in 1968 Jim thought nothing of heading down to Alamogordo for a weekend, and this is what he could see along the way. This page, Left: Some of the CNM crew at the Owl Cafe for breakfast on Christmas Eve Morning. =C=N=M= Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico, a chartered chapter of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Contents are copyrighted in the names of the Authors and CNM. Articles may be reprinted in any CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members provided credit to the Author and this Newsletter are clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or the Editor and do not necessarily reflect endorsement by CNM or CORSA. Material to be published should reach the Editor by the 15th of each month. Submit material as ASCII TEXT via e-mail to ( casa @ ) or in ASCII TEXT format on Apple II, Macintosh or MS-DOS disk, or submit a readable manuscript. I don't like MS Word documents (they are ten times as big as the text they contain) but no problem, I can read them, thanks to icWord 3.0. The same goes for RTF files. So, send what you have, I'll read it! Photographs, including digital JPGs or prints, are welcome too! This newsletter was produced in a nearly Microsoft-free environment using a 1989 Apple IIgs with GS/OS 6.0.1, a 1998 Macintosh G3 with OS 9.2, a 2003 Macintosh G4 PowerBook with OS-X and a 2003 iMac with OS-X. Software includes Bernie To The Rescue 2.6, Addressed For Success, ShadowWrite 1.3.4, Platinum Paint 2.0, Pointless and Harmonie for the Apple IIgs and AppleWorks 6, Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter 5.6, BBEdit 8 and InDesign CS 3 on the Macs. Printing is via HP LaserJet IIp and Apple LaserWriter Pro 630. Ask for more technical details if you are interested. Transportation requirements provided by Albuquerque SunTran, 1965 Corvair Monza, 1990 Honda Civic, 1996 Mazda Miata and 2003 Honda Civic. And when I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends. =C=N=M= DECEMBER MEETING NOTES Jim Pittman IT WAS A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT.... no, wait... actually, it was a dark & cold & clear winter's night and we early arrivers were glad to find a friendly Galles security person (who had no idea we have been meeting here every month on the first Wednesday of the month for years now) who was willing to unlock the door and let us get into our warm and cozy meeting room at about 19:15 hours AKA 7:15 PM. Soon other members began arriving and soon President Ray Trujillo was able to call the meeting to order at 19:33 hours AKA 7:33 PM. Since our secretary Chuck was inexplicably not present, notes were taken by your Editor. Minutes of the last meeting were approved. In our treasurer's report Wendell said we had $594.08 in the bank and $2,614.74 were being watched over by GMAC for a total worth of $3,208.82. Wendy also commented on our Christmas party: there were either 48 adults and 4 children or 47 adults and 5 children. We think we were charged an extra $30 for something, but what? Wendell said Rita was investigating. Sylvan reported that we have no new members at this time. Robert was able to make a very brief report on Car Council meetings, since there was no meeting in November and there will be none in December. But, expect a longer report after the January meeting! Robert also added that he had heard that Dave Langlois was in the hospital for tests to see if he had a heart condition and if so, what it was. We hope Dave is doing well by now. Sunshine Committee: Wendell reported that the committee met at the Christmas lunch and talked about preparations for the Tri-State. They still have about $100 for expenses such as stamps - cards & envelopes & such have been donated. Awards Committee reports: We will have the write-up and nomination forms for the Meissner Award in the January newsletter. Ray appointed Robert & Anne Mae Gold and Larry Blair to serve on the Meissner Awards committee. The award will be presented at our March 2006 birthday party. Ray also appointed Bill Reider & Wendell Walker to serve on the Boydston Award committee, and we will be contacting the Rocky Mountain & Pikes Peak clubs in Colorado to get their input to this award. The Boydston Award will be presented at the Montrose, Colorado Tri-State banquet in June 2006. Tri-State Committee: Sylvan said that LeRoy has been in contact with Steve Goodman and they have a contact person in Montrose and there will be more information later. Ray and Bill Reider have been investigating T-shirts or golf shirts and find they will cost about $16 each. Also, sweat shirts can be obtained, with logo front & back, for $15 each. We should coordinate with the other clubs so we can place an order. We want to pre-order a specific number and not let ourselves get overstocked as has happened so often in the past. Sylvan asked if there are plans to show the shirt logo to the other clubs to show them what they'd be ordering? Bill would like to get some advertising out. LeRoy will contact CORSA about publicity. LeRoy says the headquarters hotel already has six registrations. We can register on-line and don't have to call by phone, but don't know the web site yet... the hotel has 40 rooms set aside. Prices: one queen-size bed $50; two beds $55 per night. VP John Wiker said he had an e-mail address for one of the editors of the Sunday newspaper and we may be able to get some publicity for the Tri-State or maybe other club events? Bill said, give him the address and he'll do something with it. Ray remarked that the golf shirts they looked at look like good quality. Board Meeting Move: We have decided to move the monthly board meetings from House of Covers to Ray Trujillo's BUSINESS PRINTING SERVICE at 4316 Silver SE which is just south of Central between Carlisle and Washington. The meetings will continue to be the third Wednesday of the month at 5:00 PM. This month's meeting will be Wednesday 21 December. All members are welcome. December activity: We will have our club breakfast the Saturday after the board meeting (24 December) at the Owl Cafe on Eubank just south of Lomas NE at 8:30 AM. Please come and join us! At our membership meeting on Wednesday 4 January Jerry Goffe will give us a presentation on Bosque del Apache and we will have a sign-up for our January Bosque tour. The date had to be moved to Saturday 14 January. In February we will have a tour of the new Balloon Museum on Saturday 4 February starting at 2:00 PM. It will cost $2.00 for seniors, $4.00 for adults and $1.00 for children. Some of us may wish to come early and meet for lunch and we will find a suitable restaurant for this. Plan to be there at 12:30 PM. Then we'll go to the Museum at 2:00 PM where the guided tour will take about 45 minutes. If you have a suggestion for a nearby restaurant, let someone know. Sylvan said this is a family tour so all are welcome. When more information is available it will appear either at the January meeting or on the web page or both. OLD BUSINESS: Christmas Party: Ray expressed the club's thanks to the Gongoras for making all the arrangements; thanks to Hector for smoothing the way for us all to get on base; thanks to Emma & Lee for organizing and transporting the toys; thanks to Elizabeth & the Sunshine Committee members for the Christmas items for the children (and adults!). Thanks to all who attended - we all had a good time. NEW BUSINESS: Bernie mentioned that we had talked about having "garage tours" and wondered exactly how these would work. Some history: LeRoy use to organize these every year and they were usually in February when outdoor activities were less desirable and indoor activities were appropriate. We used to go to members' garages to see projects they were working on or tools or facilities they had developed. We also went to see friends' garages, or car collections we learned about. Sometimes we'd go to two or three places on the same day. If we want to revive garage tours we need suggestions about where to go, and we need to plan them in advance. Suggestions: get the governor to let us tour the new Metroliners. Go to see the new Unser museum. Can we go as far as Estancia? Maybe car pool? There's a friend there with a nice car collection. JIM POINTED OUT THAT the very first meeting of Albuquerque Corvair enthusiasts was a "garage tour" in that we met at Carl Johnson's and admired his garage and car collection on 17 March 1974, a month before our 10 April 1974 meeting at which we formally started our club. (And that meeting is why we celebrate our birthday in March, not April.) John Wiker said that spring will be coming soon, and not so long ago in the spring we had a carburetor tune up session that went very well. By implication, come spring we could meet to practice up on any number of car maintenance jobs. Ollie had a question on a recent article in CORSA Communique on adjusting bearings in a differential; any comments? Bill said it was interesting but he preferred to disassemble the differential to see what was in it. John Wiker asked if anyone had recommendations on getting a good clearcoat done over a good base coat? Wendy suggested Bruce Phillips on Singer. Having no more formal business, we adjourned at 20:18. We then went out to face the coldest night of the year so far, and several of us ended up at the closed back gate, wondering how to get someone to open it. Well, our cars needed more warmup time, I suppose. =C=N=M= Happy Birthday to the following Members who celebrate in January: Javier Gold January 09 Steve Gongora January 11 Del Patten January 13 LeRoy Rogers January 20 Happy January Anniversary to: Kim & Del Patten January 08 Note: Sylvan Zuercher celebrated his birthday on November 16 and Opal Zuercher celebrated hers on November 22. It was an oversight on my part to omit these birthdays and I apologize to Sylvan and Opal for not recognizing you guys in November. -- hp =C=N=M= DECEMBER BOARD MEETING Chuck Vertrees THE MEETING WAS CALLED to order at our new meeting location, Ray Trujillo's shop on Silver SE, at 17:00. Present were Ray Trujillo, John Wiker, Sylvan Zuercher, Jim Pittman, Heula Pittman, and Chuck Vertrees. Ray reported that the February 4th tour of the Balloon Museum is all set for 14:00. It was suggested that the Car Council be contacted and see if any other clubs would like to join us. In that case we would need to let the Museum know how many people to expect. John reported that the monthly breakfast is set for Saturday the 24th at the Owl Cafe at Eubank & Lomas NE. The secretary had no report, however he had the Treasurer's report since Wendell is in California. CNM had $649.08 in the regular checking account and $2,614.74 in the GMAC Account for a total of $3,263.82. This is as of 12/19/2005. Nothing really new to report on the Tri-State meeting. Heula is getting a group together to work on the center piece for the tables. Bill Reider says the shirts are under control. The price is going to be very reasonable. We need to find out how many are going to want Golf Shirts. Sweat shirts will also be available at the same price as the Golf Shirt. We will need to find out at the January meeting who wants what. Heula said that the Sunshine Committee is going to meet next month. They have $127.00 in their "kitty" right now. Postage will be going up in January. If you get the chance, speak to Pat Hall. He missed a meeting because he was out of town for his mother's funeral. There was no Car Council because they will not be meeting until January. Sylvan said that we will have a new member who will probably come to the January meeting. His name is Dan Palmer and he lives in Edgewood. He has just bought an Ultravan and is building an airplane with a Corvair engine. The only problem with the Ultravan is, he has to go to Maine to pick it up. It is one of the very latest models and has very low miles. THE NEXT DISCUSSION WAS about sending newsletters to members who have not paid their dues. After discussion, it was decided that after they have been contacted (the information is in the newsletter each month so everyone should know when their dues are due) they will receive a newsletter the month that their dues are due and then no more until dues are paid. We found out that there is nothing in the Constitution or By-Laws that cover this. However, it does say that the board can make such a decision, therefore, we did. Basically there is about a 30 day grace period. As far as the newsletter on line, Jim has been sending many e-mails to tell people that it on line. This is a lot of extra work for Jim. It was suggested and approved that he should send one more notification and tell everyone that the Newsletter will be on line sometime between the 25th and the first of the following month. It won't hurt to check occasionally if they are interested. There has been quite a lot of chat on the Corvair line about the requirement for members of chartered clubs to join CORSA. This requirement has been in our Constitution and By-Laws for several years. We think we have a few members who are not CORSA members but were grandfathered in when we added this requirement and who have not subsequently joined CORSA. Prospective members are told that the annual dues for CNM are $50.00. This includes joint membership in CNM and CORSA, period. No Problem. (CORSA dues go up slightly on 01/01/06.) Add to your list of coming attractions for 2006 the November Potluck & Auction, and the December Christmas dinner. Robert Gold is suggesting that CNM plan on going to an Isotopes baseball game on either Thursday, June 8th, a night game or Sunday June 11th, an afternoon game. I think maybe Robert suggested these dates because the Isotopes will be playing the Memphis Redbirds, which happen to be a farm team of the Saint Louis Cardinals! Yes, Robert and the Cardinals enjoy a special rapport. Ray is checking with Papa Filipe's about our anniversary dinner on March 18th. We have enjoyed dinners there on previous occasions. We have had a discussion about a tour of the new Unser Racing Museum in mid-summer. There will be a form in this newsletter for nominations for the Meissner Award. Sylvan said he felt membership had been dwindling and that maybe we should start a calling committee for those who do not show up at meetings or events on a regular basis. We are open for suggestions. We will discuss at the January meeting whether CNM would like to have a CNM Brick at the Unser Museum. The cost is $50.00. The meeting was adjourned at 18:30. =C=N=M= = = = = = = = = = = = = = FOR SALE, TRADE OR WANTED = = = = = = = = = = = = = = NOTE: Please tell me if any of these are obsolete and should be removed! - Jim = = = = = = = = = = = = = FOR SALE, TRADE OR WANTED = = = = = = = = = = = = = = FOR SALE OR TRADE: 1964 stick shift differential and all parts to convert 1964 Powerglide car to stick shift. Includes flywheel, clutch, bell housing, all linkages, including nuts and bolts, or trade for same year Powerglide trans and diff. Richard Finch, Tularosa, NM 1-505-585-8035 FOR SALE: 1968 Corvair Monza Convertible, 110 HP, 4-speed. New front seat upholstery, New carpet, 2-year old top. Sheet metal in floor has been replaced. Needs paint, has rust. $3,000 -- John Arnold 505-281-5542 WANTED: Wire hubcap with prong spinner -- Bernie Urbassik -- 294-7751 FOR SALE: 1961 Monza coupe, '66 110-HP engine, Powerglide. New interior, needs paint and minor body work. FOR SALE: 1968 Monza coupe, 110-HP rebuilt engine with 4 carbs, Powerglide. New paint, good interior. Make offers - Hurley Wilvert 281-1732 - hurbrenwil @ = = = = = CNM ADS ARE FREE TO CNM MEMBERS, $5.00 TO NON-CNM MEMBERS = = = = = NOTE: Please tell me if any of these are obsolete and should be removed! - Jim = = = = = CNM ADS ARE FREE TO CNM MEMBERS, $5.00 TO NON-CNM MEMBERS = = = = = =C=N=M= MECHANICALLY UN-INCLINED Ray Trujillo Happy New Year Everyone! THE NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY has taken on even more meaning to me over the last few years because it was exactly three New Years Eves ago that I bought my first Corvair. You see, when Sylvia and I first got married I had told her that someday I would like to get a classic car. At the time I think she thought I was just kidding. Well as the years passed I periodically kept reminding her about my classic car craving. After twenty years of hinting, I finally thought I should make my dream come true. I'm sure you've all heard the saying, "It's now or never." Well, that was me. So in the fall of 2002 I began looking for a classic car and Sylvia knew I was serious so she figured she better get her two cents in before I bought something she didn't like. Her exact words were "Just don't get something big and clunky." Well I guess what she meant was nothing from the 1950s, which was fine by me. I thought the 1960s era of cars was perfect for what I was looking for anyway. I combed through the classifieds, read through auto trader magazines and spent time on the internet searching for the perfect car. I looked at a Nova, Malibu, Impala, Cougar, Dart, and a Cutlass. All nice cars, but not what I was looking for. My oldest son Julian also suggested a Mustang, but I quickly responded "Everybody and their grandma has a Mustang." And that's when it hit me, I wanted something unique. Then one Saturday on our way home we stopped at a yard sale and in the garage sat a 1963 Corvair convertible. I was immediately drawn to this vehicle and I wanted to know more about it. The owner began to show me the car and I remembered seeing these cars in my childhood. The car was for sale and the owner asked me if I knew about Corvairs. I curiously asked him, "What do you mean?" He then told me that the Corvair was unique because the engine was air-cooled and in the back of the car. I was becoming more and more interested and when he opened the hood I was completely amazed. You see in the 1960's, I was at the most ten years old, so I didn't realize the car had an air-cooled engine located in the rear of the car. I had now found a car that distinguished itself from other cars with a one-of-a-kind body style and an air-cooled waterless engine. I thought to myself, now that's truly unique. Anyway, I took the car for a test ride and it smoked like George Burns so I said thanks but no thanks. From this experience I now had contracted Corvair fever! I was now on a mission to find a non-smoking Corvair. Over the next month I looked at two other Corvairs but they weren't in very good shape so I passed on them. While I was on Christmas and New Year's vacation I saw an ad on the internet for a 1964 Corvair Monza 4-door. The ad read: single family owner, 29,000 original miles, runs and looks great. I think I called the phone number faster than greased lightning. As the phone rang I remember chanting the phrase, please be available, please be available, please be available. When the phone call was answered I felt as nervous as a teenage boy calling for his first date. The owner said the car was still for sale and I asked if I could see it that same day. The owner, by the way, was Dr. Jim Matthews, who I believe was a member of the club at one time. Dr. Matthews said he wouldn't mind showing me the car right away so I gathered up the family and rushed them out the door. My family wondered what I was so excited about so I explained my momentary insanity to them on the way. Before we knew it we were at Dr. Matthews' home and when I saw the Corvair in his driveway it looked great. We all then took a ride and it ran great too, just like the ad said. So I made an offer and Dr Matthews agreed but asked if I could pay cash since I was insisting on taking the car home that day. That day happened to be New Year's Eve 2002. So my family stayed and visited with the Matthews as I went to the bank to get the cash. Upon arriving back at the Matthews home, to my disbelief my newly acquired Corvair now had two bullet holes in the passenger side door! I couldn't believe it. I was only gone twenty minutes and already my classic car had received two gun shot wounds. As I got up close to see the damage I realized the bullet holes were only magnetic decals that looked very realistic. My two boys were put up to the prank by Dr. Matthews and they were watching from inside and laughing at me as I inspected the passenger door. Boy, they really got me good. I was not expecting that at all, besides it was New Year's Eve not April Fool's Day. OKAY, LET'S MOVE ON to other topics now. The Christmas party was very nice and was well attended. A great big Thanks to the Gongoras for arranging the party at the Officers' Club, to Emma Rogers and Lee Reider for taking the donated toys to the organization helping disadvantaged children of our community, to Elizabeth Domzalski and the Sunshine Committee for the Christmas stockings filled with goodies for all of CNM's children and some grown up children in attendance, and to all CNMers who donated toys. Thank You all again! NEXT, AS A CLUB WE REALLY have some fun activities coming up during the first quarter of 2006. First off, immediately following our January 4th membership meeting Jerry Goffe will do a presentation of Bosque del Apache, and also we will do sign-ups for our Bosque del Apache tour scheduled for January 14th. On February 4th we have a group tour arranged at the new Balloon Museum, and then of course in March we have our Anniversary dinner. So please start planning for these club activities. Remember, the more the merrier. Well I guess that's enough said for now, see you at the next club meeting. Ray Trujillo =C=N=M= CORVAIR CLUB DEMOGRAPHICS Jim Pittman HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT about the demographics of our Corvair club? In the news lately there has been a lot of talk about the "baby boomers" born between 1946 and about 1964 and the fact that they are beginning to retire. Dire economic consequences are predicted. Maybe our club has a similar "baby boom" generation moving through time. If so, what will be its effect on the club? Many of the people who founded the club in 1974 had already owned Corvairs for years. Some drove them for daily transportation, some modified them as sports cars for rally or autocross use, and some bought sick Corvairs, fixed them up and re-sold them. Some were in the auto repair business and preferred working on Corvairs to working on other cars. Corvairs were "new enough" in 1974 that many of us had bought our Corvair new, but they were cheap enough that it was possible to find low-mileage used Corvairs, and one could easily drive a Corvair as "just a car" for daily transportation. One of our founding members rebuilt Corvair engines for use in race cars. Several of us preferred the unique characteristics of Corvairs over other cars we could have owned. However, few people who thought of their Corvair as "just a car" would have been interested in joining a car club. Indeed, over the years we have had many Corvair owners who agreed to join the club, only to rarely attend meetings, rarely attend events, and disappear from sight without renewing their membership. Years ago it occurred to me that we needed to worry about the health of our club. Surely, I thought, the old timers will start to fall away. Surely no new, young enthusiasts will come to take their place. Surely new automotive technology will appear, with each advance in engineering making it less attractive to drive a Corvair. Surely our daily drivers will disappear as parts become scarce or prohibitively expensive. Surely the only Corvairs left will be garage queens, restored and refinished and pampered, never to be seen except at car shows. Surely Corvair ownership will become limited to rich eccentrics who can afford the restoration process. Gradually all knowledge of working on Corvairs will fade away. SEVERAL FACTORS HAVE delayed this pessimistic view. First, old-timers have proved rather resilient, continuing their abilities and enthusiasm into old age. Second, many of the advances in automotive engineering have been applied to Corvairs: radial tires, electric fuel pumps, better metallurgy in rings and valves. A few young people, despite growing up with cars that had air bags, computerized engine managers and five-speed automatic transmissions, have approached Corvairs as simple, easy to work on and easy to modify cars that are still cheap, practical and enjoyable to drive. If you look at the Corvairs that show up at gatherings such as Tri-State Meets, the Fan Belt Toss or CORSA Conventions, it's clear that some Corvairs are being restored or modified for enthusiastic use by people who are not rich. At present our club still has a few old timers who in their youth did a lot of work on Corvairs and other cars, and some of them still work on Corvairs today. There are several "middle-age" members who work on their Corvairs and would do more if they had the time. There are a few younger members who are happy to be able to obtain simple old cars cheap and are willing to learn all the oddities about Corvairs so as to make them run right, or modify them to make them run better. And, as always, there are a few of us who no longer do any Corvair work but who still appreciate the characteristics of the Corvair that make it unique. And maybe "next year" we'll restore our favorite Corvair. How can we expect our club to change in the future? The "old-timers" will leave, sooner or later. The "middle-agers" will move along and become "old-timers" while the the "youngsters" get older. We can believe that Corvairs will be seen at events for years to come, due to their sound engineering, relative simplicity and the lack of rust in the southwest. Are there steps we need to take now to keep up with the inevitable changes in demographics of the members of our club? Do we need changes in our recruiting efforts or in our club activities? What do you think? =C=N=M= ============================================================================ C O R V A I R S o f N E W M E X I C O C O M I N G E V E N T S ============================================================================ | | | | | January 2006 | February | March | | | | | | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | : : : 1 2 3 4 | : : : 1 2 3 4 | | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | | 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | | 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | | 29 30 31 : : : : | 26 27 28 : : : : | 26 27 28 29 30 31 : | | : : : : : : : | : : : : : : : | : : : : : : : | ============================================================================ Wed 4 Jan 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sat 14 Jan ....... Bosque del Apache tour - more information later Wed 18 Jan 5:00 PM Board Meeting - Ray Trujillo's - H:839-7436 Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE W:266-4011 Fri 20 Jan 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Sat 21 Jan 8:30 AM CNM Breakfast - TBA Wed 1 Feb 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sat 4 Feb 12:30 PM Lunch before the Balloon Museum tour - to be determined Sat 4 Feb 2:00 PM Balloon Museum Tour Wed 15 Feb 5:00 PM Board Meeting - Ray Trujillo's - H:839-7436 Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE W:266-4011 Fri 17 Feb 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Sat 18 Feb 8:30 AM CNM Breakfast - TBA Wed 1 Mar 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Wed 15 Mar 5:00 PM Board Meeting - Ray Trujillo's - H:839-7436 Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE W:266-4011 Sat 18 Mar 8:30 AM CNM Breakfast - TBA Fri 24 Mar 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Fri-Sun June 2-3-4 2006 Tri-State Event - Montrose, Colorado =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= =C=N=M= TRI-STATE NOTES LeRoy Rogers WE ARE MAKING SLOW BUT SURE PROGRESS in planning for the June 2006 Tri-State in Montrose, Colorado. Here are a few updates. The host motel will be USA Inns at 1417 E. Main Street, Montrose, CO 81401. Their phone (there's not a toll-free number) is 970-249-4507. Before you phone them, note that you should be able to make your reservation via the Internet. Point your web browser to: and, if the site is up, follow the directions. (At 3:40 PM on Friday 23 December it was not available.) Room rates will be $50 per night (a higher rate was erroneously quoted in an earlier article) and even though the rates go up in May, the Tri-State people will get this rate. When you register, be sure to fill in the "Business Affiliation" blank with "Tri-State" so they will know you are with us. The Show-n-Shine on Saturday will be in the street in front of City Hall and the street will be roped off for us. The banquet will be at the Elks Lodge Saturday evening. We need to come up with items for door prizes, items for the goody bags and we'll need a suitable item to raffle. There will be dash plaques for everybody. There will be T-shirts, Golf shirts and gray Sweat shirts for sale. Prices are not firm yet but expect $14-$16 or so. Golf shirts and Sweat shirts must be ordered in advance. We will get to these details soon so look for more information at club meetings and in future newsletter articles. =C=N=M= REMEMBERING 30 YEARS OF TRI-STATE Sylvan Zuercher JULY 9, 1986 HAD ARRIVED AND I JOINED a caravan of CNM members on our way to Montrose, Colorado after a 10 year lapse from our last Tri-State gathering. I was driving my 1964 coupe, "The Blue Crud," up old two-lane NM 44 across the desolate parts of New Mexico as mentioned by Steve Gongora's writeup of the 1976 trip, published in the July 1976 issue of the Newsletter. After a pit stop at Counselos, we proceeded to Durango, with Sylvia Goffe filming the scenery from the Greenbrier that Jerry was driving. Pictures of this trip and its events will be on display this coming June at the Tri-State. After lunch in Durango, the rest of the caravan left and soon disappeared from view while I lagged behind, so that I could enjoy the drive and scenery. Somewhere around Silverton, I rounded a curve and saw a green 1964 500 with some camping gear in the back by the side of the road. I stopped and asked the two young men, late teenagers, if they needed help. They said that their generator was acting up and that they were on their way to Montrose. After a check of the generator, it was decided that I would follow them to Montrose. They were from Oklahoma and on vacation. They were invited to participate in the Tri-State and decided to stay over. Upon arrival, we went to a parts house for some repair parts, but none were available. Bob Gilbert was behind the counter and offered a generator from one of his Greenbriers. He gave directions to his house and garage and okayed removal for a nominal sum and exchange. It was installed and we made sure that it would properly charge by flashing a wire between the battery and the generator connection on the regulator. Jerry Goffe also had generator problems, but he was able to repair his problems for the return trip. Some of the activities on Saturday afternoon were an O-ring toss and a contest to see how fast you could change a spark plug in an old head. There was also some judging of cars in catagories such as the most gadgets and the worst looking Corvair. Having seen the Oklahoma 500, compared to the Blue Crud, I felt I was a cinch to win this one. At the banquet Saturday night, Bob Gilbert from Montrose, joined us, sat with me and we became well acquainted. The awards were announced and I was prepared to receive the "Worst looking Corvair" award. But the "Blue Crud" and I were flabbergasted when the winner was announced as the 500 from Oklahoma. After the event was over, Bob Gilbert and I sat on a bench in the warm summer night and talked until two AM. ON SUNDAY MORNING, while getting a full tank of gas, Steve and Rita asked if I wanted to caravan with them. Again, wanting to enjoy the drive and scenery, I declined. I was enjoying having the road mostly to myself until somewhere between Ouray and Silverton. I came up behind a black minivan with Kansas licence plates with both sets of wheels straddling the double yellow line. It was going about 20 miles an hour. He was sitting on the far left of the minivan and she was glued to his right side, away from the edge of the road -- which had no guardrails -- with a steep dropoff to the river far, far below. They must have been flatlanders. After playing bumper tag with the black Kansas minivan for about ten minutes, I could finally look and see about two or three curves ahead for oncoming cars. Seeing no oncoming traffic, I downshifted and punched it. They rapidly disappeared in my rearview mirror. I didn't meet another oncoming car for another 10 or so minutes. As I was coming into Durango, Charlie Caudle pulled up alongside with his 1961 red station wagon. He informed me that my engine was making a noise. I pulled into a filling station to top off the tank and check out the noise. The noise was -- gasp -- a front generator bearing! Charlie had been at the shop the previous Thursday while I was tuning and checking everything out for the trip. He couldn't believe that three generators could go bad on one trip! A quick call was made to the only parts house still open. They had no parts, and anyway they were going to close in five minutes at 1:00 PM. The Albuquerque group was well ahead by now, and there was no choice but to press on. The long desolate stretches ahead were not very inviting. Read the next installment of TriState memories in next month's newsletter. =C=N=M= MY ENCHANTED LIFE - OR SO I THOUGHT ANYWAY by John Wiker THIS IS MY FOURTH YEAR IN THE CLUB and now as vice president, I realize that most of you long-time members don't know as much about me as I have learned about you in this short time. I was born in the Pennsylvania Dutch country of Lancaster County about 50 miles west of Philadelphia. After graduating from Conestoga Valley High School in 1963, I attended Millersville University, one of the 14 state schools feeding off of that great university of Penn State. The day after graduation, I received my "invite" to join the Army as an infantry officer in Viet Nam. I made a smart decision at that point to enlist in the Air Force, so the day after Christmas off I went to basic training. After completing that "vacation" I was assigned to Lackland AFB at the inprocessing center to schedule folks into the different basic training squadrons that I had just left. They fed me 3 times a day. I worked unsupervised from 11pm to 7am and was getting pretty settled into this Air Force life, when all of a sudden, I made another one of those decisions you learn to look back on. I accepted a place in the Officer Training Squadron and received my commission in 1968. And where was my first assignment - you guessed it - Viet Nam. I was at Cam Rhan Bay supervising people fixing airplanes that carried our wounded back to Clark AB hospital. You may have seen the old show "China Beach" - well that's where I lived - right on the beach. After that tour, I went to Charleston AFB, SC and supervised the introduction of the world's largest aircraft into the inventory - the C5a Galaxy. That lasted two years, then it was back to Viet Nam as an advisor to the UH1 helicopter depot at Bien Hoa. I was extended to help clean out all the equipment we could at the end of the war and was one of the last Americans to leave. I landed at Travis AFB and saw all my C-5's on the ramp and just knew I was home - wrong. The Air Force wanted me to be an instructor at Chanute AFB at the aircraft maintenance school that I just left in 1968. But as luck would have it, I had the first group of females to enter the Air Force as aircraft maintenance supervisors in my class. As I dated around, the last one to catch my fancy later became my wife in 1974. Anne and I have now been married for over 31 years - to each other and to the Air Force. I retired as a LtCol in 1992 and she as a Captain in 1994. We have raised two daughters, one Kathy whom we adopted while stationed together in the PI and Jenny who is our own natural born daughter - born less than a year later. Other joint assignments were at Luke AFB, Arizona, Langley AFB, Virginia, Spangdahlem, Germany and finally Eglin AFB, Florida. AFTER RETIREMENT, I worked for two years as the chief of maintenance at Sheppard AFB, Texas until our contract was outbid. At that time I started teaching school as a substitute teacher in Texas until 1996 when I opened a new AFJROTC unit in West Virginia. After my parents passed away in Pennsylvania, there was no reason to stay close in West Virginia. I interviewed for the position at Del Norte HS along with about 50 others and in 1997 came west. This is my 9th year at Del Norte. I got interested in Corvairs just to have something different to do other than taking care of over 100 kids at school each year. My sister owned a 1964 Monza 4-door sedan when she was going to school. It had the little stick in the dash automatic with the typical sluggish transmission. When I went to the State Fair one of my first years here and saw the Corvairs line up, I got the "disease" and the rest is history. As most of you know, my wife wanted a convertible, but as long as I was paying for it, the yellow Monza 2-door coupe will always be my "baby". It's now in for new seats from House of Covers and then to the paint shop for some brightening up to please the wife. Well, I think I have taken up enough space. There's more but you will have to dig it out of me at some other time. It's great to be among a great bunch of people looking to do things out of the ordinary. Smooth driving to you all. Thanks for your ear. John Wiker =C=N=M= THE IKE MEISSNER AWARD Jim Pittman THIS IS THE MONTH to start thinking about the Club's awards, and a good time to remember the history and purpose of the awards. In 1986, several of us thought it would be a good idea to have an annual award to an outstanding CNM member. The award would serve two purposes. First, it would be a memorial to Ike Meissner, a faithful CNM member from Los Alamos. Ike was a knowledgeable and skilled Corvair mechanic who was always ready to help fellow members with tech tips, parts, labor and newsletter articles. Ike died in an automobile accident in 1980. Second, the award would recognize CNM members who supported the Club in their own way as Ike used to do. The first "Ike Meissner Award" was presented at the 1987 Christmas dinner and the tradition has continued. Each year's winner is listed below. Note that in 2002 we changed the award from the December Christmas party to the club's birthday party in March. Our second award was established to remember Francis Boydston, one of the original founders of CNM in 1974. This award has been presented yearly at the Tri-State Meet and we encourage the participation of members of Rocky Mountain CORSA and Pikes Peak Corvair Club in selection the recipient of this award. We started this award in May of 1998 and we will publish application forms in the March 2006 issue of the Newsletter. 01. 1987 Dec 2 MEISSNER AWARD: Bill Hector 02. 1988 Dec 7 MEISSNER AWARD: Jerry Goffe 03. 1989 Dec 6 MEISSNER AWARD: LeRoy Rogers 04. 1990 Dec 5 MEISSNER AWARD: Jim Pittman 05. 1991 Dec 4 MEISSNER AWARD: Sylvan Zuercher 06. 1992 Dec 2 MEISSNER AWARD: Bill Reider 07. 1993 Dec 1 MEISSNER AWARD: Steve Gongora 08. 1994 Dec 7 MEISSNER AWARD: Mike Stickler 09. 1995 Dec 9 MEISSNER AWARD: Chuck Vertrees 10. 1996 Dec 7 MEISSNER AWARD: Debbie Pleau 11. 1997 Dec 6 MEISSNER AWARD: Mark Domzalski 12. 1998 Dec 6 MEISSNER AWARD: Wendell Walker 13. 1999 Dec 5 MEISSNER AWARD: Dennis Pleau 14. 2000 Dec 3 MEISSNER AWARD: Rita Gongora 15. 2001 Dec 2 MEISSNER AWARD: Oliver Scheflow 16. 2003 Mar 9 MEISSNER AWARD: Anne Mae Gold 17. 2004 Mar 27 MEISSNER AWARD: Larry Blair 18. 2005 Mar 26 MEISSNER AWARD: Robert Gold =C=N=M= SEVEN YEARS AGO - JANUARY 1999 - VOLUME 25 - NUMBER 1 FORMER PRESIDENT MARK Domzalski presenting and treasurer Wendell Walker receiving the Ike Meissner Award were on our cover. We had about $7062 in the bank. We all looked forward to the annual holiday open house with Debbie & Dennis Pleau where you were guaranteed to hear an Amtrak train headed right for the living room at least once. We heard from a California Corvair Club: Rachel Goffe had joined the Modesto club as the youngest member. LeRoy Rogers told us about having some old fenders powder coated and in the middle of the process the previously corroded and leaded spots began to melt! Yes, the heat of the powder coating process will melt lead. Photos from the Kirtland AFB Christmas Party were scattered through the newsletter. It was another great CNM event. LeRoy arranged a February Garage Tour and lunch and we were going to see performance Mustangs at Garduno's. Chrysler did not invent the minivan in 1984, according to an interesting article by Canadian Bill Vance, reprinted from the Tar Heels newsletter. Volkswagen was first in 1950 and Ford and Chevrolet were next in 1961. Go back and read this article for a great story on the development of Chevrolet's Greenbrier Corvair-based van. Tech tips included part numbers for replacement FC mufflers, details on re-coning your old radio speaker, whether to rebuild carbs or try to buy new or professionally rebuilt carbs, and a discussion on exactly which Corvair models were available in two-tone paint. No, it's not simple. From Virtual Vairs, several owners of Corvairs reported that they were younger than their cars. Our annual member list included 33 Albuquerque addresses, 15 from other New Mexico cities or towns, and 8 out-of-state addresses. FOURTEEN YEARS AGO - JANUARY 1992 - VOLUME 18 - NUMBER 1 Our cover featured a cut-away view of a 1960 Corvair... quick, how many clues are there that it was a 1960 model? President Steve Gongora ran the meeting. Treasurer Wendell Walker reported we had $771 in the bank. We invited Mr and Mrs Ed Black to our Christmas dinner in appreciation for the many years they supported CNM with a meeting room. President Steve reported on the Christmas dinner - it was a great success despite a big parade down the street in front of the restaurant! The 1992 Ike Meissner Award went to Sylvan Zuercher. Your editor provided an article on how your Newsletter was produced. By 1992 the process was heavily computerized. I routinely received MS-DOS disks from Secretary Vertrees, Apple II disks from columnist Reider and e-mail from President Gongora. Everything was put together on a 1980 Apple II Plus and printed on an NEC Spinwriter. It sure beat typing up the newsletter on a borrowed IBM Selectric typewriter! Finally, we had a half page of technical information on FC Corvairs, our annual CNM Member List (we had 62 members) and a full-page Clark's advertisement. TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO - JANUARY 1985 - VOLUME 11 - NUMBER 1 The cover showed a 1960 Corvair next to Grand Coulee dam. President Francis Boydston ran the meeting and the treasurer said we had $503 to spend. Karen Jackson reported on the Christmas Dinner party, with Kem Owen and Dave Castiaux coming up from Alamogordo to attend. Bill Reider's tech column discussed how to install an electric fuel pump. We borrowed a magazine article on the Monza GT show car and we had tech tips on defrosting door locks (but who carries matches or lighters anymore?) and taking care of your car's jack. TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS AGO - THERE WAS NO NEWSLETTER FOR JANUARY 1978. =C=N=M= CORVAIRS OF NEW MEXICO MEMBER ROSTER - JANUARY 2006 NEW MEXICO: Shirley & Joe Ashton @ Tijeras 1989.03 505-286-1513 505-828-6735 Kathy & Larry Blair blairylar @ Albuquerque 1985.11 505-821-1386 505-768-3627 Ruth Boydston @ Albuquerque 1974.04 505-821-1506 000-000-0000 Tom Bunter @ Edgewood 2004.08 505-381-7459 000-000-0000 Dan Clifford @ Albuquerque 2004.08 505-876-2621 000-000-0000 Elizabeth & Mark Domzalski domzalski @ Placitas 1994.01 505-867-0030 505-665-1529 Fred & Brenda Edeskuty edeskuty @ Jemez Springs 1982.12 505-667-1876 000-000-0000 Gayle & Richard Finch rfgefinch @ Tularosa 2000.06 505-585-8035 000-000-0000 Marilyn & Richard Foster @ White Rock 1999.07 505-672-9404 000-000-0000 Kathy & Doug Gadomski gadomski @ Albuquerque 1999.11 505-265-8345 000-000-0000 Wibke & Robert Garrecht @ Albuquerque 2005.09 505-255-2212 505-884-0133 Sylvia & Jerry Goffe jerry @ Albuquerque 1977.05 505-345-3100 505-346-4220 Anne Mae & Robert Gold beisbol30 @ Albuquerque 1982.08 505-268-6878 505-830-7930 Rita & Steve Gongora stevegongora @ Albuquerque 1974.12 505-292-5570 505-256-0551 Mike Hacker @ Albuquerque 2002.03 505-247-2222 505-246-2668 Vickie & Pat Hall @ Los Lunas 2005.10 505-865-5574 505-620-5574 Susanne & Larry Hickerson hyosilver @ Albuquerque 2002.08 505-296-1636 505-228-5284 David Huntoon corvair66 @ Cedar Crest 1994.11 505-281-9616 000-000-0000 Carl Johnson @ Albuquerque 1974.04 505-344-3178 000-000-0000 Steve Johnson @ Belen 2001.08 505-864-6278 000-000-0000 Barbara & Gordon Johnson @ Corrales 2001.06 505-898-7688 000-000-0000 Geoffrey Johnson geoffj @ Albuquerque 2002.02 505-720-1484 000-000-0000 H. C. "Lube" Lubert @ Albuquerque 1987.10 505-256-9331 505-265-3641 Robert McBreen @ Albuquerque 1989.11 505-265-2808 505-761-4615 Marian & Bill McClellan @ Albuquerque 1981.05 505-260-8131 000-000-0000 Tracey & John McMahan jtmacs1 @ Albuquerque 1983.12 505-323-1196 505-301-1169 Robert Moore @ Edgewood 2005.06 505-286-7685 000-000-0000 Joel & Lori Nash joelnash @ Albuquerque 1974.12 505-884-5064 000-000-0000 Roger Pape @ Bosque Farms 2003/12 505-869-7200 505-238-0276 Kim & Del Patten pattendk @ Sandia Park 1980.07 505-286-6690 505-846-2951 Heula & Jim Pittman casa @ Albuquerque 1974.04 505-275-2195 505-277-8131 Terry Price @ Albuquerque 1992.01 505-244-3075 505-872-0100 Lee & Bill Reider breider @ Albuquerque 1974.09 505-299-4597 000-000-0000 Emma & LeRoy Rogers 004873 @ Albuquerque 1975.07 505-294-0623 000-000-0000 Mary Alice & Oliver Scheflow @ Corrales 1992.05 505-897-2611 000-000-0000 Dana & Jacob Schlessinger @ Albuquerque 2002.08 505-237-2141 505-256-0551 Dwight Simmons @ Albuquerque 2003.07 505-897-8286 505-934-2672 Frank Stadler @ Albuquerque 1990.02 505-255-7326 000-000-0000 Brenda & Mike Stickler @ Albuquerque 1976.07 505-856-6993 000-000-0000 Leslie & Kevin Sullivan kevin.sullivan @ Albuquerque 2002.07 505-417-2481 000-000-0000 Kay & Tarmo Sutt tarmo @ Santa Fe 1976.07 505-471-1153 505-827-6190 Sylvia & Ray Trujillo ray @ Albuquerque 2003.08 505-839-7436 505-266-4011 Nancy & Bernard Urbassik @ Albuquerque 2004.08 505-294-7751 000-000-0000 Julia & Chuck Vertrees vertrees @ Albuquerque 1983.05 505-299-0744 000-000-0000 Wendell Walker defarge505 @ Rio Rancho 1989.01 505-892-8471 000-000-0000 Anne & John Wiker wiker @ Albuquerque 2001.01 505-899-3076 000-000-0000 Sally & Nathan Williams sbuna @ Albuquerque 2003.09 505-977-1428 000-000-0000 Brenda & Hurley Wilvert hurbrenwil @ Sandia Park 1992.10 505-281-1732 000-000-0000 Opal & Sylvan Zuercher flat6 @ Albuquerque 1974.12 505-299-7577 000-000-0000 OUR SPONSOR: Vladimir Pavicevic @ General Manager, GALLES Chevrolet 2005.12 505-766-6800 000-000-0000 COLORADO: Debra & Jon Anderson jbanderson65 @ Colorado Springs 1992.10 719-535-0294 000-000-0000 Deborah & John Dinsdale john_dinsdale @ Aurora 2000.02 000-000-0000 000-000-0000 FLORIDA: Sachiko & Willard Davis 1960dixiet @ Melbourne 1988.01 321-242-8092 000-000-0000 ILLINOIS: Walter Huntoon @ Elgin 1992.11 847-464-4848 000-000-0000 Mark L Morgan rangermk @ O'Fallon 1974.04 000-000-0000 618-229-7808 KANSAS: Lydia & Lee Olsen obros @ Burdett 1999.09 620-285-9134 000-000-0000 TEXAS: Sharon & Jack Bryan @ Duncanville 1982.02 972-296-6300 000-000-0000 WASHINGTON: Mary Lou & Mark Martinek mjmartinek @ Vancouver 1990.08 360-896-3807 000-000-0000 =C=N=M= THE IKE MEISSNER AWARD CLUB STATEMENT The Ike Meissner Award is presented annually to a Corvairs of New Mexico (CNM) member, in good standing who best exemplifies a spirit of camaraderie and fellowship, in the Corvair realm, with other CNM members and other Corvair enthusiasts. To commemorate the occasion, the recipient shall be awarded a plaque suitable for prominent display. The award shall read: YEAR Corvairs of New Mexico IKE MEISSNER AWARD AWARD RECIPIENT NAME The selection committee for the awards shall be comprised of three CNM members appointed by the CNM President, within two months of the last presentation, who will work with and report to the CNM Vice-President. It is recommended that at least two of the three members be immediate past award recipients. It is preferable for the last three immediate recipients to serve on the selection committee. The CNM Vice-President shall achieve approval of the award by concurrence with a quorum of the officers of CNM. (i.e., Three of the four CNM officers must concur to approve the award.) Guidelines for consideration for the Ike Meissner Award, in order of priority, shall be: 1. Attend meetings and plan, coordinate or organize CNM activities or events 2. Share Corvair knowledge, contribute technical information and tips to the CNM newsletter or other CORSA publications. 3. Encourage owners to preserve, maintain and share in the lore of the Corvair. 4. Serve in CNM as a committee person, chair, director and/or officer. 5. Attend an official CORSA event and/or serve with CORSA in an officially recognized capacity. 6. Recruit at least one new member. The presentation of the Ike Meissner Award shall be made at the annual CNM Anniversary Banquet or at a time and place designated by the CNM President. The presentation shall be made by the CNM Vice President or an alternate designated by the CNM President. The content of the oral award presentation shall be scripted in advance and have achieved concurrence of the Ike Meissner Award Committee and the CNM Vice President or an alternate designated by the CNM President. The oral award presentation and engraved plaque shall be prepared no later than one week prior to the annual CNM Anniversary Banquet or the otherwise designated time and place. =C=N=M= IKE MEISSNER AWARD NOMINATION FORM The Ike Meissner Award is presented annually to a Corvairs of New Mexico (CNM) member, in good standing who best exemplifies a spirit of camaraderie and fellowship, in the Corvair realm, with other CNM members and other Corvair enthusiasts. This form is confidential. To avoid disappointment, do not divulge to or otherwise advise the nominee of this action. This form shall be submitted to the CNM Vice President or an alternate appointed and designated by the CNM President. This form will be distributed in the January issue of the Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter and at the January Membership Meeting. The DEADLINE for submission of this completed nomination form shall be NO LATER THAN adjournment of the February Membership Meeting or as otherwise designated by the CNM President. Any exceptions to this deadline shall be made by agreement between the CNM Vice President or the appointed alternate and the CNM President. To the Ike Meissner Award Committee: It is a pleasure to submit the following Corvairs of New Mexico member to be considered for the Ike Meissner Award. Name: ____________________________________ Address: _________________________________ City, State and Zip: _________________________________ Has been a CNM member since: ________ Has been a CORSA member since: __________ Has served as a CNM official, chair or leader: Y _ N _ Approximate years: _____ Has promoted the Corvair and Corvair hobby: Y _ N _ Has helped other people: Y _ N _ Briefly describe the merits of this member and nomination: ____________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Date of this nomination: ___________________________________ Author of this nomination: _________________________________ =C=N=M=