The March 2008 Newsletter - Text Version Updated 10-Sep-2008 ==== Copyright (c) 2008 Corvairs of New Mexico EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 5 March 2008 at 7:00 PM Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE THIS MONTH: Dues Due ................................ Membership Committee February Meeting Minutes ...................... Chuck Vertrees February Board Meeting Minutes ................ Chuck Vertrees Birthdays and Anniversaries ............... Sunshine Committee Garage Tour Report .............................. LeRoy Rogers I Love Junk! ......................... President Mike Stickler For Sale, Trade or Wanted ........................... Everyone Calendar of Coming Events ............. CNM Board of Directors Seeing the B-17 "Liberty Belle" .................. Jim Pittman Needed Corvair Shirts & Door Prizes ............ Heula Pittman Pay Ahead for 34th Anniversary Dinner ............ Heula & Jim Corvair Meaning of Life .......................... Robert Gold Ethanol Factoid: Higher Bread Prices .......... Sharyn Alfonsi Pagosa Springs Tri-State Meet ................. Laura Wilshire Map to the Anniversary Dinner .................... Google Maps Preview of March Tech Talk ................... Sylvan Zuercher How About a Train? ............................. David Huntoon Seven, 14, 21, 28 Years Ago ................... Club Historian Boydston Award Nomination Form ................. the Committee COVER: Jim & Wendell have an early visit to the B-17 "Liberty Belle" =[CNM]= PRESIDENT: Mike Stickler 856-6993 sticorsa @ VICE-PRES: Pat Hall 865-5574 patandvickiehall @ SECRETARY: Charles Vertrees 299-0744 vertrees @ TREASURER: Wendell Walker 892-8471 defarge505 @ PROPERTIES: Ruth Boydston 821-1506 sg730 @ CAR COUNCIL: Art Gold 620-7434 rollerart @ MEMBERSHIP: David Huntoon 281-9616 corvair66 @ NEWSLETTER: Jim Pittman 275-2195 jimp @ DUES: CNM: 12 months $15.00 or 26 months $ 30.00 CORSA: 12 months $38.00 or 26 months $ 76.00 BOTH: 12 months $53.00 or 26 months $106.00 CORSA's home page: CNM's newsletters: CNM's old home page: =[CNM]= MEMBER LIST & DUES DATE = 23-Feb-2008 Due last month, inactive as of 25-Mar-2008: 2008/02 Carl Johnson Since_1974.04 2008/02 Mike Kaminski Since_2005.12 Due this month, inactive as of 25-Apr-2008: 2008/03 Geoffrey Johnson Since_2002.03 2008/03 Tracey & John McMahan Since_1983.12 Due next month, inactive as of 25-May-2008: 2008/04 Deborah & John Dinsdale Since_2000.02 2008/04 Florence & Bill Hector Since_2006.04 2008/04 Joel Nash Since_1974.12 Coming due later: 2008/06 Ruth Boydston Since_1974.04 2008/06 Mary Alice & Oliver Scheflow Since_1992.05 2008/07 Sylvia & Jerry Goffe Since_1977.05 2008/07 Anne Mae & Robert Gold Since_1982.08 2008/07 Brenda & Hurley Wilvert Since_1992.10 2008/08 Barbara & Gordon Johnson Since_2001.06 2008/08 Sylvia & Ray Trujillo Since_2003.08 2008/08 Opal & Sylvan Zuercher Since_1974.12 2008/09 Kay & Tarmo Sutt Since_1976.07 2008/10 Debra & Jon Anderson Since_1992.10 2008/10 Guadalupe "Lupe" Arellanes Since_2006.10 2008/10 Mary & Art Hurley Since_2007.10 2008/11 Linda & Dick Cochran Since_2006.09 2008/11 Wibke & Robert Garrecht Since_2005.09 2008/11 Leslie & Kevin Sullivan Since_2002.07 2008/11 Nancy & Bernard Urbassik Since_2004.08 2008/12 Elizabeth & Mark Domzalski Since_1994.01 2008/12 Gayle & Richard Finch Since_2000.06 2008/12 Kelly & Art Gold Since_2006.12 2008/12 Vickie & Pat Hall Since_2005.10 2008/12 David Huntoon Since_1994.11 2008/12 Walter Huntoon Since_1992.11 2008/12 Steve Johnson Since_2001.08 2008/12 Roger Pape Since_2002.12 2009/01 Rita & Steve Gongora Since_1974.12 2009/01 H. C. "Lube" Lubert Since_1987.10 2009/01 Carolyn & Dan Palmer Since_2006.01 2009/01 Emma & LeRoy Rogers Since_1975.07 2009/01 Anne & John Wiker Since_2001.01 2009/02 Cary Hubbard Since_2006.02 2009/02 Lee & Bill Reider Since_1974.09 2009/02 Frank Stadler Since_1990.02 2009/02 Brenda & Mike Stickler Since_1976.07 2009/03 Robert McBreen Since_1989.11 2009/08 Bob Philips Since_2007.06 2009/12 Diane & Robert Galli Since_2007.10 2009/10 Mary Lou & Mark Martinek Since_1990.08 2009/12 Kathy & Larry Blair Since_1985.11 2010/01 Marilyn & Richard Foster Since_1999.07 2010/02 Susanne & Larry Hickerson Since_2002.08 2010/02 Julia & Chuck Vertrees Since_1983.05 2010/02 Wendell Walker Since_1989.01 2010/04 Heula & Jim Pittman Since_1974.04 2010/05 Jack Bryan Since_1982.02 INACTIVE: 2007/02 Clay Keen Since_2006.02 2007/03 Clint Collins Since_2006.03 2007/04 Sandra & Jerry Chapman Since_2006.04 2007/05 Mike Hacker Since_2002.03 2007/06 Terry Price Since_1992.01 2007/11 Kathy & Doug Gadomski Since_1999.11 2007/11 Kim & Del Patten Since_1980.07 2007/12 Mark L Morgan Since_1974.04 If your membership is due or has expired, please send your Dues to: Wendell Walker, CNM Treasurer, 301 Utah Meadow, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Past due memberships will become inactive after a one-month grace period. The Club will mail in your National Dues when you renew, provided that you send us the renewal form from your CORSA Communique! =[CNM]= FEBRUARY MEETING NOTES Chuck Vertrees The meeting was called to order at 19:00 on 2/6/2008 at the Highland Senior Center. There were 26 members present including all officers. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed in the news-letter. Treasurer Wendell Walker reported that CNM had $274.26 in the checking account and $2,670.19 in the GMAC account for a total of $2,944.45. Membership: Dave Huntoon reported that he had been in contact with two possible new members. Geoffrey Johnson said that he had also been in contact with a possible member through Virtual Vairs. Art Gold and Cary Hubbard reported on the Car Council meeting. There was a representative of the Route 66 Magazine at the meeting. Route 66 Magazine is published 3 times a year. You can subscribe or it can be found several places around town. There is a data base being organized of cars in town that might be available for using in movies. If you are interested in having your car on the data base call M. L. King at 269-4474. The Museum show will be May 18th, which coincides with the Tri-State -- as usual. Entry this year will be $10.00 on arrival. This is the 100th Anniversary of General Motors and the 50th Anniversary of the Edsel. Pat Hall said that at next month's meeting Sylvan Zuercher will give a tech talk on carburetors and the rebuilding thereof. Events during February were the scheduled Garage Tour to Moriarty planned by LeRoy Rogers and the trip to Double Eagle II Airport to see the B-17 that is in for winter maintenance. March 15th is the planned CNM Anniversary dinner at the County Line Restaurant. There have been 51 adults and 2 children already signed up for this. Your money has to be in ahead of time so that Wendell can pay the bill without having to transfer money from our GMAC account. There will be a driving rally on April 5th. Chuck Vertrees will be in charge and more information will be coming later. The Tri-State is on May 16-18 in Pagosa Springs. Headquarters Hotel is the Oak Ridge Lodge. The progressive dinner went well and will be on the schedule for next year as an event. The calendar sale was reported on. They are almost all sold out of calendars. Dave Huntoon said that he had done some checking on going to the CORSA International Convention in Ventura by Amtrak. You would leave Albuquerque at 4:55 PM and arrive in Los Angeles at 8:15 AM the next morning. Then a train leaves for Ventura at 9:00 AM and arrives in Ventura at about 11:00 AM. The station is right by the Fair Ground where the International Convention is. The one way fare is $62 to LA plus $17 to Ventura, then the taxi to the hotel. There is a Rent-A-Car at the Hotel. This is less than the gas would cost for you to drive. You would have to try and sleep in the seat, but if it got too noisy you could go to the lounge car. Larry Blair said that the train is a great way to travel. Chicago with a sleeper compartment is way better than air these days. Tarmo Sutt showed us a late Corvair turbocharger unit that Steve Goodman rebuilt for him. It is destined for Tarmo's 1966 convertible restoration project. From time to time over the years it has been suggested that CNM establish a tool registry for the odd or special tools that are needed to work on a Corvair. The reaction was mixed. Some said they had lent out tools and never got them back, or got them back damaged. For a tool registry to work, the person borrowing the tool would have to put up a deposit for the value of the tool. In tonight's tech talk Geoffrey Johnson showed how to convert your Corvair radio so that you could hook up your MP-3 player and still keep the radio looking stock. This brought up comments that many Corvair radios are not working anymore and questions about whether they can be repaired. Larry Blair knows somewhere locally that an old radio can probably be repaired. We adjourned our meeting at 19:33. -- Chuck =[CNM]= FEBRUARY BOARD MEETING NOTES Chuck Vertrees The board meeting was called to order at 17:00 on 2/20/2008 at Ray Trujillo's print shop. Present were Mike & Brenda Stickler, Pat Hall, Jim & Heula Pittman, Chuck & Julia Vertrees, Wendell Walker and Ray Trujillo. President Mike Stickler said he had nothing to report. Pat Hall said that he enjoyed the garage tour and that he would like to have a garage tour to his place but not until February 2009. Also he said he would like to plan a TUNA at his place in late April (the 19th) and that he would show how to work on a late model rear axle. It would be off the car so that everyone could see what was going on. He will also plan to find someplace where everyone could go to lunch afterward. The planned starting time will be 10:00. Directions will be in a later newsletter. The Secretary had no report. There were no Membership Committee or Car Council reports. Treasurer Wendell Walker said that CNM had $394.82 in the checking account and $2,683.41 in the GMAC account for a total of $3,078.23. Wendell told us about having to clear up a banking error that resulted in a charge for a low balance in the checking account. This underscores the importance of having the Anniversary Dinner money paid in advance, to avoid having to transfer funds from our GMAC account. Heula Pittman said that the Sunshine committee had sent two cards. One was to Mark and Elizabeth Domzalski. Mark's father had died. A card was also sent to Richard and Gayle Finch. Their son had died. We discussed whether CNM should send flowers to members' funerals. Usually by the time CNM knows about it, the time would be past where flowers could be sent. Also, it is often requested that flowers not be sent but instead a donation be made to an organization such as Hospice. The board decided that a donation would be the best way to go. It would be for members and immediate family. [In the present case, however, no decision was made, so either the question of a donation will be brought up later, or it will be dropped -- Ed] Pat Hall reported for the Ike Meissner Committee that the Award has been taken care of. The recipient has been chosen and the plaque ordered. We discussed the presentation of the award. In the past it has traditionally been the last recipient who made the presentation of the award. Some of us thought that, since so many members have not been in the club long enough to remember Ike, it would be a good idea for someone like Sylvan Zuercher to present the award since he and Ike were quite close. Pat will follow through on this with others on the committee. The Anniversary Dinner at the County Line is all in hand. Heula has been working on this. The manager says that the room we will be in can comfortably handle 60 people. We need door prizes, and a raffle was discussed but no decision was made on the raffle. Members should be reminded that they need to pay before the dinner so Wendell will have enough money in hand to pay for the dinner. He will have to decide soon whether it will be necessary to dip into the GMAC account. Recall that CNM is subsidizing part of the cost of the dinner at significant cost to our treasury balance. There will be a driving event ("Photo Rally") on April 5th. Chuck Vertrees is working on it but there are no details yet. There will be a Route 66 cleanup in May. Dates had not been set, but after the meeting Ollie was contacted and the first cleanup will be Saturday May 10th. The Tri-State will be in Pagosa Springs on the weekend of May 16-18. Headquarters will be Oak Ridge Lodge. Call now for your reservations: 1-866-4-PAGOSA (1-866-472-4672) and mention "Corvair Club" and reserve your room by April 1 for $65-$71 group rate. Thanks to LeRoy Rogers for arranging the garage/museum tour in Moriarty this month. He picked a day with superb weather, the turnout was good and we all found it to be interesting. Also thanks to Steve Johnson for arranging the tour at Double Eagle II Airport to see the B-17G, Liberty Belle. If you will look on Jim Pittman's web page, there are quite a few pictures. Because my wife was still sick that day, we were unable to go on the club tour, but last Tuesday we drove out there and the Liberty Belle was out on the tarmac. They fired up the engines. We old timers can never forget the sound of those big radial engines. Brenda asked Jim when we would get a report on the survey that was attached to the February newsletter. Jim said he had only received two so far (two more were added tonight) and if he got enough back to be "interesting" he would report, otherwise there'd be no report. So, get your newsletter and fill out the survey and send it to Jim. Mike said there should have been a deadline, else everyone would just put it off. [Let's make the deadline the night of the March meeting -- Ed] The last thing brought up was the old complaint of too much conversation during meetings. It is only right that everyone be quiet while someone has the floor. We considered tactics such as finding a louder gavel. The meeting was adjourned at 17:56 and then Jim Pittman opened up his Mac PowerBook and showed us some pictures of the B-17 tour and also a short movie he made of the Liberty Belle taxiing away from the terminal to a spot where they could run up the engines. =[CNM]= HAPPY BIRTHDAY to each of our CNMers who celebrate this month: Barbara Johnson March 2 Walter Huntoon March 3 Kyle Stickler March 5 Linda Cochran March 9 Julia Vertrees March 11 Hurley Wilvert March 11 Vickie Hall March 17 Lupe Arellanes March 21 Kim Patten March 24 Brenda Stickler March 26 Art Gold March 29 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY wishes to two of our couples who celebrate this month: Anne Mae & Robert Gold March 13 Kelly & Art Gold March 26 =[CNM]= GARAGE TOUR FOR 2008 LeRoy Rogers The garage tour to the Lewis Antique Auto and Toy Museum was very interesting. I would have liked to have seen a larger turnout but it was respectable. The weather was very cooperative. Archie Lewis, the museum owner, has about 300 antique autos and over 3,000 toy trucks, trains and tractors. The bulk of his auto are what I would call parts cars and are stored outside. His restored cars are in the museum building. The majority of his toys are stored in the building's attic and not open to the public yet. Archie's primary interest is Model "A" and Model "T" Fords. As stated previously, I would consider most of the vehicles stored outside parts cars, but Archie does not like to sell parts off them, particularly the trucks and the Fords. I'm not sure he likes to sell anything, trade maybe. You may member seeing seeing his collection on Montano Road just east of Edith. About five years ago he moved it to Moriarty. He has always wanted to open a museum. The atmosphere to do this was better in Moriarty than in Albuquerque. He had the backing of the City in Moriarty. Thanks to those who attended: LeRoy & Emma Rogers, Jim & Heula Pittman, Ollie Scheflow, Dave Huntoon, Bill Reider, Vickie & Pat Hall, Julie & Chuck Vertrees, Joel Nash & nephew, Geoff Johnson, Mike Stickler and brother Chris and Kyle Stickler, Larry Blair & son. I hope I didn't miss anyone. If you haven't seen the Museum I recommend you do so. Call first at 505-832-6131. =[CNM]= I LOVE JUNK! Mike Stickler Those who traveled out to Moriarty a few weeks ago on the garage tour were treated to a fine display of some well preserved/restored 50s and 60s trucks, cars and toys. There was a greater quantity of what the common folks would call "junk" trucks and cars at the Lewis Museum. I find the junk vehicles actually more fascinating than the shiny stuff. Perhaps it is just nostalgia for parts of the T-Bucket Hot Rod that I built as a teenager. While other pimple-faced kids hung out at the malt shop, I liked cruising the junk yards with my pals. All it took was a little imagination to see the various hulks lying against each other as "cool rods". Alas, all the limp-wristed environmentalists and greedy lawyers are destroying the traditional junk yards. "Auto recycle centers" are now tastefully screened from view from the highways, and fear-of-injury law suits prevent any casual wandering down the roads of rust. Security measures rival those of "Area 51" and the well-dressed counter man will gladly sell you parts, but you must know exactly what you want. No holding it up to see if it might work. Last Summer my son Kyle and I went to a motorcycle junkyard to find parts for his Kawasaki. As we ate a sack lunch with greasy fingers, Kyle said, "Hey, this is kinda fun!" The torch is passed on!! As retirement nears, my wife envisions casual strolls along far away shimmering beaches. My retirement vision, in contrast, is that of a confirmed gear head! I see myself casually wandering among the rows of shimmering rust in far away junk yards, happily untouched by any notions of recycling! =[CNM]= = = = FOR SALE, TO TRADE, OR WANTED = = = = = = = Without your $5.00 payment, your ad won't be in the newsletter. Tell me if any of these are obsolete! - Jim = = = CNM ADS ARE FREE TO MEMBERS, $5.00 TO NON-MEMBERS = FOR SALE: 1962 Corvair Loadside pickup ........................ Make Offer! I have first title on this vehicle -- about 60,000 miles I rebuilt the engine about 2,000 miles ago - excellent condition! Call my cell phone ............. 505-385-3333 ....... Jerry Goffe FOR SALE: 1 FC rear end, 4-speed .................................... $40 1 4-speed tranny .......................................... $15 1 Set of 2 drive-up ramps off lift -- heavy -- you haul it Call my cell phone ......... 505-385-3333 ......... Jerry Goffe FOR SALE: 1963 Greenbrier -- runs, drives. Complete original truck. 80-HP with four-speed. Body OK. Call Cary at 505-350-0483 $1,500 FOR SALE: 1965 Corsa - runs good - needs paint and _T_L_C_. $4,000 1964 Monza coupe - 4-speed - runs and drives great. Silver with a white interior. $9,000 Rebuilt bolted flywheels $200 with exchange Rebuilt differentials starting at $250 with exchange Rebuilt late rear axles - 1965 $100 with exchange Rebuilt late rear axles - 1966-1969 $100 with exchange Lots of other parts available for cars and vans. Pat Hall - Los Lunas, NM 505-620-5574 (cell) or I have no time for restoration projects, etc. so these babies are FOR SALE: Note, for each unit sold I will give to the Corvair club $150 if a Corvair member buys the vehicle, or $100 to the Corvair club if a buyer is referred by a club member. 1. 1964 Corvair Spyder coupe .................................... $3,200 2. 1999 body, custom Mustang Cobra driveline, featured Magazine "fony pony" 2001 Bullitt clone. 12 k miles .... $15,500 3. 1990 Thunderbird Super Coupe 35th special edition, loaded .... $2,750 4. 1985 Thunderbird (hot rodded son's folly, vortex, etc.) ...... $8,500 5. 1976 Early Bronco, uncut, 5.0 motor, auto, 119 k orig miles $13,500 6. 1973 VW Thing, solid, nice ................................... $7,500 7. 1970 Ford Ranger XLT F100 .................................... $2,500 8. 1979 Ford F250 workhorse ..................................... $1,350 Robert Philips, Corrales, New Mexico, 505-898-1255 Shown by appointment... of course! FOR SALE: 1964 4-door 700 - 110-HP automatic. Running condition but needs tuning. Recently rebuilt engine, lots of new parts, new battery. Needs headliner. About 76,000 miles on the car. Light green, beige interior. Asking $1850.00 -- call Bill Hector -- 505-275-5947 WANTED: Working Powerglide Transmission -- Geoffrey Johnson - 505-730-6601 =[CNM]= ============================================================================ C O R V A I R S o f N E W M E X I C O C O M I N G E V E N T S ============================================================================ | | | | | March | April | May | | | | | | : : : : : : 1 | : : 1 2 3 4 5 | : : : : 1 2 3 | | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | | 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | | 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | | 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | 27 28 29 30 : : : | 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | | 30 31 : : : : : | : : : : : : : | : : : : : : : | ============================================================================ === BOYDSTON AWARD: The nomination form is in this newsletter. Wed 5 Mar 7:00 PM Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE Sat 8 Mar 9:00 AM Our first "Old Route 66" cleanup of the year. Lunch? Sat 15 Mar 6:00 PM Club 34th Anniversary Dinner -- COUNTY LINE RESTAURANT === MEISSNER AWARD: The award will be presented at the Anniversary Dinner. Wed 19 Mar 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE Fri 21 Mar 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman === BOYDSTON AWARD: Nomination forms are due at tonight's meeting. Wed 2 Apr 7:00 PM Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE Sun 5 Apr ....... Road Rally - Chuck Vertrees - in planning stages Wed 16 Apr 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE Sat 19 Apr 10:00 AM TUNA - late rear wheel bearings - Pat Hall - Los Lunas Fri 25 Apr 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Wed 7 May 7:00 PM Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE Sat 10 May 9:00 AM Our second "Old Route 66" cleanup for 2008. Lunch? Fri 16 May ....... Tri-State Meet - Pagosa Springs, Colorado - Registration Sat 17 May ....... Tri-State Meet - Car Show - Banquet === BOYDSTON AWARD Sun 18 May ....... Tri-State Meet - Finish Up Sun 18 May ....... Albuquerque Museum / NMCCC Car Show - Old Town Wed 21 May 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE Fri 23 May 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Wed 4 Jun 7:00 PM Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE Wed 18 Jun 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE Fri 20 Jun 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Sat 21 Jun ....... Moriarty EAA Chapter 179 Young Eagles Rally Sun 22 Jun ....... Corvair Time Trials - Willow Springs Raceway Sixty drivers, stock or modified, $150. Deposit now $50. Contact: Jack Pinard, 116 E Garden Green, Port Hueneme, CA 93041 805-984-2692 -- 805-340-6533 -- corvairjack @ Wed 2 Jul 7:00 PM Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE Fri 4 Jul early! Fourth of July on the Plaza in Santa Fe Sat 12 Jul 9:00 AM Our third "Old Route 66" cleanup of 2008. Lunch anyone? Wed 16 Jul 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE Fri 25 Jul 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Fri 12 Sep ....... Moriarty EAA Chapter 179 Fly-in and Old Car Display Sat 4 Oct 9:00 AM Our last "Old Route 66" cleanup for the year. Lunch? Sat 15 Nov ....... KAEG Double Eagle II Airport - EAA Young Eagles Rally =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= =[CNM]= TOUR TO SEE THE B-17 "LIBERTY BELLE" AT DOUBLE EAGLE AIRPORT Jim Pittman At our November 2007 meeting, Steve Johnson told us that the B-17 "Liberty Belle" would be at the Double Eagle airport in Albuquerque for three months for winter maintenance. He invited us to organize a "garage tour" to see the airplane and the work in progress. He said the work should be done around the middle of February and then the B-17 would leave for California. We already had a garage tour to the Lewis Auto Museum in Moriarty scheduled for February 10, so at the January meeting we voted to have our B-17 tour on the afternoon of February 16. I worried about the possibility that the work would be completed early and the plane would leave before we'd get to see it, so I asked Steve about an earlier visit. He graciously agreed. Wendell and I showed up at Double Eagle airport on a clear, sunny, cold Thursday morning and spent a couple of hours giving the B-17 the eagle eye, inside and out. This visit resulted in lots of photos, some of which made it onto my web site: As the date for the official club visit approached, we learned that the Bode Aviation maintenance crew of volunteers had been given an additional week to finish up their work on the B-17 and therefore it would still be in its hangar on February 16th. Despite an earlier threat of bad weather, it turned out to be another beautiful Albuquerque winter day as CNM members and guests began arriving at the airport well before 1:00 PM. Some of us stood around talking about our old aviation adventures. Some of us gathered around the air-conditioned early model Corvair that Cary drove to talk cars. Pat & Vickie Hall and Geoff Johnson also arrived in Corvairs. Just after 1:00 PM Steve opened the gate for us and we drove slowly along the taxi-way, eying a sleek L-19 jet trainer and two or three new Eclipse corporate jets parked nearby. At the big hangar we went inside to find a huge space with just two aircraft: a modern little Cessna and the majestic silver gray four-engine B-17. We all stared and then cameras appeared everywhere to record the -- perhaps once-in-a-lifetime -- visit. Several of the younger and more limber visitors crawled inside while some of us were content to walk around and admire the exterior from all angles, trying to frame the most interesting features in our viewfinders. Steve explained much of the work going on and answered a series of questions. Those who made the cramped walk from the rear door up to the cockpit may have felt that, compared to a modern airliner, this airplane was really small! And luxuries such as window shades, overhead luggage bins, sound insulation, upholstery and rest rooms were hard to find! Actually there weren't any luxuries -- all was stripped-down military basics. Getting into the bombardier's compartment from the main deck was definitely best done if you were small and agile. The bomb bay seemed like a tiny room indeed. No wonder the 8th Air Force had to send hundreds of B-17s on a typical bombing mission. Compared to a modern jet airliner, the pilots had a front row seat right next to the engines -- no doubt if anything went wrong they could just look out the window and see it! In the rear at the waist gunners' stations the 50-caliber machine guns looked formidable. On the other hand, the thin aluminum skin riveted to the exposed longerons seemed a frail barrier between you and enemy cannon fire. Imagine flying in this machine for eight hours, at an altitude where you had to wear an oxygen mask at a temperature of thirty below, wind blowing in through myriad cracks, the four 1200-HP engines roaring right outside the windows, while you are wearing thick sheepskin coats and gloves and electrically-heated boots, knowing that for part of the trip you'd be in danger from fighter planes and anti-aircraft cannon. Thousands of B-17 missions were flown over Europe during the war, often with 21-year-old pilots and crew members younger than that. Hundreds of shot-up B-17s brought their crews home safely, testimony to the ruggedness of the airplane's design and the skill and courage of the flyers. On Tuesday, February 19, Dan Palmer and Sylvan Zuercher organized another visit to Double Eagle Airport. We found the B-17 on the parking ramp in front of the terminal building. We watched as the four engines were started (with quite a cloud of white smoke) and watched the plane taxi to a suitable location to run up the engines to full speed. It was a memorable afternoon and the only thing that might have been more satisfying would have been getting a ride then and there. But it was getting late in the day and the B-17 was not quite ready for its first test flight of 2008 just yet. The B-17G "Liberty Belle" is owned and operated by the Liberty Foundation whose web site is full of information about the B-17 aircraft and this particular aircraft, which was built late in World War II and sold for scrap without having flown any military missions. This restored aircraft tours the country each summer, providing audiences with a glimpse of the time when hundreds of bombers took off from airdromes in England to fly across the Channel into enemy territory and do their share in winning a great war. A 1944 documentary by Billy Wyler was made about a B-17F, "Memphis Belle," which was the first B-17 of the 8th Air Force to complete 25 bombing missions over Europe in 1943. A Hollywood movie of the same name was made in 1990. This movie distorts the actual events in the last mission of the Memphis Belle (it did not get shot up, nor did its crew get injured, on that mission) but it gives us some idea of what it was like to fly a wartime bomber into extremely hostile skies heavily populated by Me-109s, FW-190s and terrifying clouds of flak. I recommend: You ask, What does all this have to do with Corvairs? Well, they both represent older and simpler technology, the engines are air-cooled, and they tend to leak a lot of oil. Photos: p. 2 We look over Cary's air-conditioned Corvair. 02/16/2008 p. 8 Wendell on our first visit to the hangar. 01/31/2008 p. 8 The club's visit to the hangar. 02/16/2008 [photo: Bill Reider] p. 9 Our third visit to Double Eagle. 02/19/2008 p. 10 Sylvan gets to see the B-17. 02/19/2008 p. 10 Posing with the old warplane. 02/19/2008 [Photo: Dan Palmer] p. 11 The B-17 taxis out. 02/19/2008 p. 11 Views of the B-17 aircraft. [Wikipedia] p. 11 Steve Johnson made it all happen. 02/19/2008 =[CNM]= NEEDED: CORVAIR SHIRTS Heula Pittman Ruth Boydston needs your OLD t-shirts and sweatshirts for a quilt project. She plans to make one or possibly two small quilts to be raffled at the 2009 Tri-State. She will cut them up, removing the Corvair (or Chevrolet) related text or graphics and work them into her quilt designs. So do not give her new shirts. It takes quite a few shirts to make a quilt; therefore, she needs many. Please bring them to a general membership meeting or to a club event and we will be sure she gets them. We all know what a great seamstress Ruth is, so PLEASE help with this worthwhile project. THANKS to all who have already contributed shirts! =[CNM]= NEEDED: DOOR PRIZES Heula Pittman We still need door prizes for our 34th anniversary dinner to be held on March 15th. A few people have already indicated that they have some things in mind and plan to donate them. If you've ever received a nice door prize at one of our events, you will probably remember what fun it was. So, plan to make someone's day by bringing something to our dinner to be given as a door prize. =[CNM]= PAY AHEAD FOR ANNIVERSARY DINNERS Heula Pittman If you haven't already done so, please be sure to pay Wendell the necessary amount for your anniversary dinners. He prefers to be paid by check or cash before March 15th. Otherwise you may pay him at the door by EXACT CASH only. You may mail him a check ahead of time to his home address: Wendell Walker 301 Utah Meadow Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Remember the Club Member costs of the dinners are: $15.00 for adults and $5.00 for children under 12 years All CNM members (including spouse and children living at home) will get this price. A single CNM member could invite one guest at this price. Other non-member guests would pay the COUNTY LINE price which is $24.00 for adults and $8.40 for children under age 12. Remember that essential club business at the Anniversary Dinner will be the awarding of the IKE MEISSNER AWARD for 2008. =[CNM]= CORVAIR MEANING OF LIFE Robert Gold Jim -- I think if would be a true service to our club members to insert the following statement of purpose into the masthead of our newsletter. "Corvairs are a hobby, not a form of transportation." This saying has developed through years of spending many dollars I didn't have to "make perfect" whatever piece of junk I happened to be restoring. This statement became quite real to me recently as I attempt to restore my inexpensive ($600) 1966 Corvair Corsa. With the cost mounting I realized that in the midst of paying out so much money that I'm really having a good time. I just hope the the project is drivable in the end. So goes life. -- Robert =[CNM]= WHY YOU WILL PAY MORE FOR BREAD, PASTA Rising Demand for Wheat Worldwide Means Skyrocketing Bread and Pasta Prices for U.S. A wheat shortage has sent bread prices soaring. By SHARYN ALFONSI Feb. 20, 2008 Blame it on the price of wheat. Demand for alternative energy has farmers planting less wheat and more corn, the key ingredient of ETHANOL. According to the USDA, since 1997, the amount of farmland dedicated to planting wheat has dropped from 70.4 million acres to 60.4 million, while corn acreage has risen from 79.5 million to 99.6 million. Reference: =[CNM]= TRI-STATE MEET - PAGOSA SPRINGS, COLORADO - MAY 16-18, 2008 Rocky Mountain Corsa Come to Pagosa Springs, nestled in the valley of the San Juan Mountains. Registration Friday. On Saturday, People's choice car show and banquet. Near to hot springs pool, Chimney Rock formation tour, wildlife park, hiking trails, art museums and so much more! Host is Oak Ridge Lodge, 1-866-4-PAGOSA Mention "Corvair Club" and reserve by April 1 for $65-$71 group rate. Contact: Laura Wilshire, 303-828-4203, ( lwredvair @ ) =[CNM]= PREVIEW OF MARCH MEETING TECH SESSION Sylvan Zuercher AAH--OOH'--GAH AAH--OOH'--GAH! What's that sound? What's that sound? It's a Klaxon Horn SOUND. Gather round. NOW HEAR THIS. NOW HEAR THIS. The March meeting tech talk will cover fallacies about the Corvair HV carburetor and some rebuilding errors. * How many different HV carbs were made for the Corvair? * Which year carb is good, which is better and which is best? The answers will be given to all who attend the meeting. There is a possibility that handouts will be made available to interested members. Flat 6 and Air Cooled. =[CNM]= HOW TO GET TO THE MARCH 15 ANNIVERSARY DINNER AT THE COUNTY LINE RESTAURANT: * Starting at I-40 freeway at Central near Tijeras Canyon * Take Tramway Blvd North * Continue North, North and even more North, past: Montgomery Academy Paseo del Norte * Turn right BEFORE Tramway Road into COUNTY LINE parking lot =[CNM]= HOW ABOUT A TRAIN? David Huntoon As I was reading about the national convention in the February CORSA Communique, I saw a map showing the fairgrounds site. I also noticed there was an Amtrak station just across the street, Harbor Blvd. As some may know, I have used Amtrak several times to travel from Albuquerque to Chicago. So when I saw an Amtrak station at the convention fairgrounds site I wanted to check it out. Here are some details. The Amtrak Southwest Chief leaves Albuquerque at 4:45 pm and arrives at Los Angeles Union Station at 8:15 am. From Union Station the Amtrak Pacific Surfliner leaves at 9:05 am and arrives at the Ventura Fairground station at 10:45 am. Make some arraignments to get to the hotel (taxi, bus, hitchhike), rent a car at the hotel and your travel is done. The hotel website indicates there is a rental car desk in the lobby. Check to make sure. So you leave Albuquerque late afternoon, have a meal, read the paper, have a few beers, doze off and wake up in LA. Fares are $62 to LA and $17 to Ventura one way with discounts for seniors and kids. $79 one way isn't bad. That much gas might get you to maybe Flagstaff. To return you can catch the Pacific Sunliner at Ventura at 2:40 pm and arrive at LA Union Station at 4:55 pm. The Southwest Chief leaves LA at 6:45 pm and arrives in Albuquerque at 12:12 pm the next day. For those that may not want to drive in the SoCal traffic or spend $300 for gas, this may be an answer. It is a 2000 mile round trip, do the numbers. Your results may vary...... I just did some further checking and Ventura does have a shuttle bus service every 40 minutes that could take you from the Ventura Amtrak station to near the hotel. $1.25 adult fare. You could also use the shuttle during the day to take you back and forth from the hotel to the fairground site. Check: (Amtrak Pacific Surfliner schedule) (convention and visitors bureau for maps, shuttles, etc.) Hope this helps, Dave Huntoon =[CNM]= SEVEN YEARS AGO --- Jim Pittman Seven Years Ago - March 2001 - Volume 27 - Number 3 - Issue 306 The cover featured 20 snapshots of members, plus snapshots of Larry's gas heater tech talk. Billiken lamented the upcoming death of the Plymouth nameplate. At our meeting it was reported that our piggy bank total stood at $5,861. Mark said that Debbie Pleau was now Merchandise Chair, and he reported that preparations for the summer CORSA Convention in Chicago were going well. (Mark was CORSA president, as I recall.) Larry Blair told us last-minute plans for the tour to the Big-I construction site. Steve was polishing up the new CNM web page, "short on flash and long on content" as one member put it. After the meeting, several members tried out the Route 66 Diner on Central, having soured on remarks overheard at J.B.'s last month. The board expressed its continuing support for the newsletter by approving a sum of $125 to help with expenses. Fortunately, the little guy in the back of Jim's head is still willing to work for free. But the occasional "attaboys" help keep him happy. Hurley claimed spring was on its way (maybe on the east side of the Sandias it really was) and told about finishing up lots of detail work on his 1968 coupe. Joel reported on last month's tour to the Tool Museum and said we all had a great time. Anne Mae previewed several activities planned for and by the CNM Ladies Group -- maybe some of the guys would want to go on some of them too. Dennis reminded us via e-mail that there were plenty of CORSA Tech Guides available and anyone who wanted to work on a Corvair really needed a copy. Tech tips this month (lifted from Virtual Vairs) were mostly about cams. After a short article by Bryan Blackwell, a two-page article by Ray Sedman amounted to an introductory course on how cams work and why certain cams are best for certain Corvair engines. The cam is truly the heart of your engine, and an engine rebuild mandates making an informed choice on the cam you use. Fourteen Years Ago - March 1994 - Volume 20 - Number 3 - Issue 222 The 20th Anniversary cover featured tiny copies of nineteen March newsletter covers spanning 1975 to 1993. President Del ran the meeting. Treasurer Will reported $886 in the bank. A guest was Kit Tras. We intended to produce some "Corvair" belt buckles as a fund-raiser if we could obtain permission from the Atlanta club. We voted not to require our treasurer to be bonded: it would be too expensive. We learned that former member Roland Pool had died -- I can't find this person on my list of former members -- who remembers him? We made plans for a lot of events for the year: a 20th Anniversary party on March 26th and the Tri-State in Pagosa Springs in May. Debbie reported on our "Vairs in the Air" committees. Our first planning meeting for the 1996 CORSA convention was held 11 October 1993. Yes, we really did spend two and a half years getting ready for this major event! Twenty-one Years Ago - March 1987 - Volume 13 - Number 3 - Issue 138 Our cover showed a 1960 engine compartment. Who can point out the features that make it unique? V-P Tarmo ran the meeting. We had a rich $798 bank balance. New members were Terry Lingle and Bill Wallace. Francis planned to check prices for a Club name tag with CORSA logo. President Clayborne wrote about robbing convertible parts to keep his sedan going through the winter, then robbing them back to keep the convertible going through the summer. LeRoy had a list of items for the March auction. Steve Goodman previewed planned fun events at the Tri-State in Ouray, Colorado. Francis told us about the heater hose gremlin which eats your battery's power by making a short to the starter solenoid connector. Bill Reider told us the details of rear suspension alignment. He said you could do it yourself but it was pretty tricky. Twenty-eight Years Ago - March 1980 - Volume 6 - Number 3 - Issue 54 Our cover featured a Rampside and noted our sixth birthday. Twenty-eight members showed up for our meeting at Norm Brand's office. We made a $100 donation to the New Mexico Kidney Foundation in memory of Ike Meissner. John Lawrence suggested an annual award to the CNM member who best exemplified Ike's enthusiasm and help with the Club. Tech tips: A list of theoretical modifications to a turbo engine -- would they really work? The "wet newspaper pulp" method of removing a pilot bushing -- reputed to be messy! A table of front and rear suspension specs for 1960-1964 Corvairs -- handy to take to your friendly alignment shop! Lakewoods have a removable floor plate to get at the starter from above -- how many of us knew that? I admit it, not I. =[CNM]= THE FRANCIS BOYDSTON AWARD The Francis Boydston Award is presented annually to a Tri-State CORSA Chapter member(s), in good standing who best exemplifies the influence, support, ideals, and values that Francis embodied. This may be jointly awarded to members and spouses or jointly to separate members if approved by the reviewing authority as detailed below. To commemorate the occasion, the recipient shall be awarded a plaque suitable for prominent display. The award shall read: St. Francis of Corvair Francis Boydston Service Award For Outstanding Service and Contributions to Corvairs of New Mexico And Perpetuation of the Corvair AWARD RECIPIENT NAME DATE This award is bestowed in memory of Francis Boydston, a CNM founder and friend. In addition to the individual plaque, there shall be a traveling plaque that has tags for the addition and date of each annual recipient(s). The cost of the award and engraving shall be borne by CNM. Two months prior to the next Tri-State meet, the CNM Vice President or an alternate appointed and designated by the CNM President shall make arrangements and retrieve the traveling plaque to be in CNM custody no less than five weeks prior to the next award presentation. The selection committee for the awards shall be comprised of three Tri-State Chapter members appointed by the CNM President who will work with and report to the CNM Vice President or the alternate appointed and designated by the CNM President. Members appointed to serve from non-CNM Tri-State Chapters shall be jointly appointed by that Chapter President and the CNM President. It is recommended that at least two of the three members be immediate past award recipients. It is preferable for the last three immediate recipients to serve on the selection committee. The CNM Vice-President, or designated alternate, shall achieve approval of the award by concurrence with a quorum of the officers of CNM and Presidents of the represented Tri-State Chapters. Guidelines for consideration for the Francis Boydston Award shall, in no particular priority, be: 1. Attend meetings and plan, coordinate or organize individual Tri-State Chapter and/or Tri-State Meet activities or events 2. Share Corvair knowledge and expertise. 3. Encourage owners to preserve, maintain and share in the lore of the Corvair. The presentation of the Francis Boydston Award shall be made at the annual Tri-State Meet Banquet or at a time and place designated by a majority of the Tri-State Chapter Presidents. The presentation shall be made by a CNM official, approved by a majority of the Tri-State Chapter Presidents, and supported by a representative of the recipient's Chapter. The content of the oral award presentation shall be scripted in advance and have achieved concurrence of the Francis Boydston Award Committee and the represented Tri-State Chapter Presidents or alternates designated by the CNM President. The oral award presentation and engraved plaque shall be prepared no later than one month prior to the annual Tri-State Meet Banquet or the otherwise designated time and place. FRANCIS BOYDSTON AWARD NOMINATION This award is presented annually to a Tri-State CORSA Chapter member, in good standing who best exemplifies the influence, support, ideals and values exhibited by Francis Boydston with Tri-State Chapter members and other Corvair enthusiasts. This form is confidential. To avoid disappointment, do not divulge to or otherwise advise the nominee of this action. This form shall be submitted to the CNM Vice President or an alternate appointed and designated by the CNM President. This form will be distributed in the March issue of the Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter and at the March Membership Meeting. Copies of the criteria and this form will be mailed and/or e-mailed to the other Tri-State Newsletter Editors and Presidents for publication and distribution to those chapters. The DEADLINE for submission of this completed nomination form shall be NO LATER THAN adjournment of the CNM April Membership Meeting. Any exceptions to this deadline shall be made by agreement between the CNM Vice President or the appointed alternate and the CNM President. To the Francis Boydston Award Committee: It is a pleasure to submit the following Tri-State CORSA Chapter member(s) to be considered for the Francis Boydston Award. Name(s): _____________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ City, State and Zip: _________________________________________________ Has been a Chapter member since: ____________________ Has been a CORSA member since: ______________________ Has served as a Chapter official, chair or leader: Y _ N _ Approximate years: __________________________________________________ Has promoted the Corvair and Corvair hobby: Y _ N _ Has helped other people: Y _ N _ Briefly describe the merits of this member and nomination: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Date of this nomination: ____________________________________________ Author of this nomination: __________________________________________ =[CNM]= =END=