The July 2010 newsletter - Text Version 

Updated 29-May-2013 ==== Copyright (c) 2013 Corvairs of New Mexico   

   JULY 2010 / VOLUME 36 / NUMBER 7 / ISSUE #418  

EDITOR: Jim Pittman

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 2 June 2010 at 7:00 PM
              Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE
 Dues Due ............................. Membership Committee 
 Birthdays and Anniversaries ............ Sunshine Committee 
 Drive a Corvair! ....................... President Pat Hall 
 June Meeting Minutes ............................. Art Gold 
 June Board Meeting ............................... Art Gold 
 Chevrolet or Chevy ...................... Pat & Vickie Hall 
 New Members ..............................  Sylvan Zuercher 
 Old Route 66 Cleanup Turns Profitable ...... Ollie Scheflow 
 The Corvair Rumor Mill "Sobriquet" .......... A-nonny-moose 
 Red River Roster .......................... Brenda Stickler 
 Corvair heritage Day ...................... October 2, 2010 
 Calendar of Coming Events .............. Board of Directors 
 Two Car Shows, Two States, One Week! ......... Wendy Walker 
 A Few Canon City Tri-State Photos .. PPCC & RMC Newsletters 
 Seven, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago ............ Club Historian 
COVER: Former Library Van, Robert, David, Art: Board Meeting 


    President:     Pat Hall      505-620-5574 patandvickiehall @
    Vice-Pres:     Ray Trujillo  505-839-7436              ray @
    Secretary:     Art Gold      505-620-7434        rollerart @
    Treasurer:  Robert Gold      505-268-6878        beisbol30 @
  Car Council:     Art Gold      505-620-7434        rollerart @
  Merchandise:  Vickie Hall      505-865-5574 patandvickiehall @
   Membership:   David Huntoon   505-281-9616        corvair66 @
     Sunshine:   Heula Pittman   505-275-2195             jimp @
   Newsletter:     Jim Pittman   505-275-2195             jimp @
    Past Pres:    Mike Stickler  505-856-6993         sticorsa @
Correspondent: Charles Vertrees  505-299-0744         vertrees @
   Membership:  Sylvan Zuercher  505-299-7577            flat6 @
     Emeritus: Wendell Walker    505-892-8471       defarge505 @

        DUES:  CNM: 12 months $25.00 -or- 26 months $ 50.00
             CORSA: 12 months $45.00 -or- 26 months $ 90.00
       CNM & CORSA: 12 months $70.00 -or- 26 months $140.00
              CORSA's home page:
           Steve Gongora's page:
              CNM's newsletters:


2010.06                Mark Jones      2009.06 
2010.06                John Myers      2003.05 

2010.07            Geoffrey Johnson    2002.03 

== DUE AUG = INACTIVE 25-SEP-2010: 
2010.08                Ruth Boydston   1974.04 
2010.08                Alan Gold       2009.08 
2010.08                Russ McDuffie    2008.08 
2010.08                 Bob Philips    2007.07 
2010.08 Mary Alice & Oliver Scheflow    1992.05 

====== DUE SEP = INACTIVE 25-OCT-2010: 
2010.09         Kay & Tarmo Sutt       1976.07 
2010.09     Brenda & Hurley Wilvert    1992.10 

2009.03               Sally Williams   2003.09 
2009.07               Jerry Goffe      1977.05 
2009.08        Marci & Gary Calabrese  2008.08 
2009.11       Pam & Charlie Mann       2008.11 
2009.12              Robert Galli      2007.10 
2010.01           Kim & Del Patten     1980.07 
2010.05                Jack Bryan      1982.02 

Send your Dues to: 

	Robert Gold - CNM Treasurer, 
	1301 Valencia NE 
	Albuquerque, NM 87110 

Past due memberships will become inactive after a one-month grace period.
The Club will mail in your National Dues when you renew, if you send us
the renewal form from your CORSA Communique!

 Debra Anderson  July  6 
 Mark Domzalski  July  8 
 Tarmo Sutt      July  8 
 Larry Blair     July 15 
 Leslie Sullivan July 18 
 Richard Foster  July 20 
 Gayle Finch     July 27 
 Richard Finch   July 29 
 Kay Sutt        July 31 

 Anne & John Wiker     July  6 
 Linda & Dick Cochran  July 18 


Pat Hall

On the 100th anniversary of Father's Day, I thoroughly enjoyed being at the 7th
Annual Father's Day Car Show in Edgewood, NM. I hope all of our CNM fathers had
a great day.

Much to my surprise, during the car show, I came upon a guy wearing a Corvair
cap and he saw that I was wearing a CORSA shirt, but something was wrong. We
didn't know each other! So the talking began and after quite awhile of enjoying
each other's company, wives included, we said good-bye. I'm speaking of Hal and
Linda Rupert from the Silicon Valley CORSA Club in California. Hal is the editor
of the "Rear View."

It was so nice to meet Hal and Linda and I look forward to seeing them again at
the CORSA Convention in Denver, Colorado next year.

So long for now.	    Drive A Corvair!


Art Gold

Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm. There were twenty-nine in attendance. The
minutes from the May meeting were approved as published.

Officer Reports

Pat Hall (President) The meeting began with Pat's introduction of a new member
(Steve Sanchez, who was accompanied by his son Enrique Sanchez). Pat then asked
all the club members present to introduce themselves and tell a little about
joing CNM and about their Corvairs.

Ray Trujillo (Vice President) stated that he needs people to schedule tech
talks with him and get them on the agenda prior to meetings.

Art Gold (Secretary) nothing to report.

Robert Gold (Treasurer) stated that there is $2,961.60 in the Cash Account and
$1,165.53 in the "Ally Demand Note" (previously known as the "GMAC" account) for
a total of $4,127.13. He also discussed the Museum Car Show. Robert stated that
it was a resounding success with 14 Corvairs in attendance.
Committee Reports

David Huntoon (Membership) was not present.

Sylvan Zuercher (Membership) stated that there are not any new members with the
exception of Steve Sanchez, who was in attendance.

Robert (NM Car Council) reported (in David's absence) that there was no meeting
in May, the council's time being occupied with preparations for the excellent
Car Show.

Jim Pittman (Editor) read a story of two Corvair owners (Ken Farr, President of
the Tucson Corvair Club and his friend Ron) who had the worst and best of luck
on their journey from Kansas to the Tri-State and on to Tucson. (For those who
missed it, the story is on the web page.) Jim also stated that the Canon City,
Colorado Tri-State was a success. This was the second time the event has been
held in Canon City. The Tri-State car show was held in nearby Florence,
Colorado. There was also a massive car show in Canon City itself the same
weekend. There were about 100 people at the Tri-State. The attendance award went
to the Rocky Mountain Club (Denver). Only 13 members and four guests attended
from CNM. Pat & Vickie Hall drove their 1964 Spyder coupe and Wendell Walker
brought his red 1964 convertible. More details on the Tri-State may be found
elsewhere in the newsletter.

Heula Pittman (Sunshine Committee) stated that little is going on other than
mailing out birthday cards. She reported that Gayle Finch is ill, and Brenda
Stickler stated that Rita Gongora's Mother is very ill. Heula will mail a card
with members' signatures.

Vickie Hall (Merchandise) stated that there is merchandise for sale. The prices
are clearly displayed with the items. Money from sales during the last month was
turned in to the Treasurer.

Chuck Vertrees conducted the 50/50 drawing. Our guest Enrique Sanchez drew the
ticket from the hat and the winner was Pat Hall. Congratulation to Pat!

Brenda Sticker (Plans for 2011 Red River Tri-State) stated that she needs
volunteers for the Tri-State. Contact her if interested. We will have more on
our committees at the board meetings.

Upcoming Activities/Events

06-04-2010: Car Show in Red River
06-05-2010: Route 66 clean-up (8:00 am, with a new meeting location at the
  entrance to the interstate, just east of the bridge over I-40.) There will be
  lunch afterward at the Golden Corral.
06-13-2010: Galles Chevrolet Car Show -- 1601 Lomas NE Starts at 11:00 am. Three
  people said they'd bring Corvairs to the show.
06-20-2010: Annual Father's Day Car Show -- Valley View Christian Church --
  Edgewood, NM 9:00am to 3:30 - get there early to park together. Caravan?
06-21-2010: CORSA International Convention - Cedar Rapids, Iowa. So far we don't
  know of anyone going from CNM.

07-04-2010: Santa Fe Plaza - pancake breakfast - car show - parade - get there
  EARLY (6am). Cars must be parked by 7am, since that is the start of the pancake
  breakfast. There is a shuttle from the Rail Runner to the Plaza. Tarmo Sutt
  stated that he will look into the shuttle possibilities.
07-10-2010 or maybe 07-17-10: Albuquerque Tour hosted by Chuck Vertrees -
  historic buildings, statues are to be seen on the tour. The tour will begin at
  the Winrock Mall and end at the Rodeo Cafe on Montgomery. For more information
  contact Chuck Vertrees.
07-23-2010: Car Show at Kirtland AFB - John Wiker, information call 239-3311.

08-07-2010: Route 66 clean-up (8:00 am, with a new meeting location at the
  entrance to the interstate, at the bridge). There will be lunch afterward at the
  Golden Corral.
08-15-2010: NMCC - All-Clubs Picnic - Nambe Lake near Espanola. Possible

Old Business

With no old business, Jim Pitman said he had a couple more observations about
the Tri-State. They had an interesting drive up US 285 via Alamosa and Salida to
Canon City, Colorado. There was a lot of traffic and road construction near and
north of Espanola. Jim also said that they saw an Air Force B-1 having a grand
time flying at low altitude along the Rio Grande Gorge. What a sight! They also
saw hundreds of old gondola cars (used to carry coal) stored on shut down tracks
along US 50 east of Salida, Colorado. He did research on the internet and found
out that the older cars were steel and the newer ones were aluminum cars. His
conjecture was that the lighter weight of the aluminum cars made it more
economical to build new cars and junk the old ones.

Motion to adjourn at 8:04pm.

That's all folks!   Submitted by Art Gold


BOARD MEETING 06-16-2010
Art Gold

Our meeting was called to order at 5:03 PM. President Pat Hall presented two
awards to Ray Trujillo from the Albuquerque Museum car show. Pat then asked Ray
to start off with a discussion about our meeting place and time.

Changes to our regular meeting location / time

Ray Trujillo (Vice President) stated that, to save money, the City of
Albuquerque will begin closing the Senior Centers at 7:00 PM starting on July
1st 2010. This obviously will conflict with our regular meetings. Our choices
are: find another meeting place, decide on a different day of the week, or
change our meeting time. Ray suggested that we stay at the Senior Center but
move up the meeting time to 5:30 PM and be done before 7:00 PM. He said the
meeting room at the Senior Center could be reserved anytime after 4:00 PM.


Dave Huntoon stated that maybe we could meet on Saturday mornings? Board members
objected that this would conflict with the weekend schedules for many members.
Dave also suggested that maybe tech sessions could be at 5:30 PM and then the
meeting could begin at 6:00 PM.

Pat Hall stated that, as Galles Chevrolet closed at 7:00 PM it was not possible
to meet there. He suggested having our meetings at the 66 Diner. Some of us
claimed to remember that we used to regularly meet at a restaurant. Shoney's?

Brenda Stickler suggested having the meeting start at 6:00 PM, and any tech
sessions could be held later at the 66 Diner. We'd keep the meeting to one hour.

Jim Pittman stated that he believes changing a meeting location or changing the
day of the week or day of the month almost always causes problems. We should try
not to do that. He said some members would benefit from an earlier meeting time.
He likes the idea of keeping the meeting to one hour.

After more discussion, the board decided for July 7th to have the meeting start
at 6:00 PM and to hold the meeting to 55 minutes. Then everyone will be out of
the building by 7:00 PM, and we'll continue the meeting at the 66 Diner.

At the July 7th meeting we will learn how many problems the new schedule will
cause and, if necessary, make further changes.

We need to notify everyone of the change. It will be posted on the web page and
Robert Gold stated that he will send out an email to inform all club members.
Ray stated that he will telephone about one third of the members. Heula Pittman
and Vickie Hall said they'd telephone the other two-thirds.

Officer/Committee Reports

Pat Hall (President) stated that Galles will not sponsor the club with a check
to help cover newsletter mailing as they had done in the past. However, Galles
told him they would provide a donation ($500) to the club if a member of the
club would have their car restored at the Galles shop. Also, they told him
they will give $100 to any club member referring someone to their shop for a
car restoration.

Art Gold (Secretary) had no report, but stated that he enjoyed using the air
conditioning in his Corvair today!

Robert Gold (Treasurer) stated that the balances are: Checking account
$3,116.60, Ally account $1,167.64, giving a total of $4,284.24.

Dave Huntoon (Membership) stated that there was nothing on the
membership front.

Dave Huntoon (Car Council) said there was no Car Council meeting last month.
Pat Hall said that he planned to attend next week's Car Council meeting. He
stated that the Car Council will provide the club with a free space at the
upcoming swap meet (at the end of September) in exchange for members working
at the swap meet. The nature and hours of the work were unspecified. Pat
said we could have someone man a table on Saturday with copies of the news-
letter and application forms to publicize and recruit new members for the
club. The board decided to table this discussion until the next board meeting.

Sylvan Zuercher forwarded a copy of Steve Sanchez' application form.

Jim Pitman (Editor) discussed reports on the recent Canon City Tri-State. Both
the Denver and the Colorado Springs newsletters had good coverage of the
Tri-State and both of these newsletters may be downloaded from Jim's web site.
Jim said there were many photos and names of award winners but few statistics.
He said there will be an article about Wendell Walker's travels to two car
shows in two states within one week in our next newsletter. Someone asked
about the recent Old Route 66 clean-up and Jim said it went very well despite
the road construction going on at our usual meeting place. We simply parked
at the "Y" east of the bridge over I-40. There were six people and four 1965
Corvairs in attendance.

Heula Pittman (Sunshine) stated there's no report this month.

Vickie Hall (Merchandise) stated that she still has merchandise to sell.

Plans for the 2011 Tri-State

Brenda Stickler (Red River Tri-State Committee) discussed the issue of T-shirts
and her attempts to get the Red River car show organizers to agree to include
silhouettes of Corvairs on their T-shirts. We decided not to have "Tri-State"
T-shirts for this event. Our hotel is on the main street of Red River, and hotel
personnel stated to Brenda that they would provide a parking area in front of
the hotel for our Corvairs, adjacent to the main car show. Robert Gold stated,
regarding registration, he would like to be in control of the money situation.

We need volunteers for the car show. Brenda would like to see ideas for the
jacket patch and publicity logo by next meeting. Jim has a suggestion for the
patch. See illustration on Page 2. Suggesntion for a logo are requested. Get
them to Brenda or Heula as soon as you can.

Chairpersons needed: media articles, logo, door prizes, hospitality room, and
tech session. Jim asked if there is anyone to chair the car show, answer: not
at this time. Art Gold then stated that he will chair the car show. Pat Hall
volunteered to assist. Jim suggested that voting on the Tri-State car show
should be limited to only those with Corvairs in the car show. The board voted
to approve this suggestion.

Albuquerque Tour: to be hosted by Chuck Vertrees: It will be on Saturday July
17th and will start at Winrock Mall. It will end at a suitable restaurant. Chuck
will mention the tour in more detail at the regular July meeting.

Meissner Award: Pat told us that Sylvan Zuercher will chair an award committee
and will make recommendations on the Ike Meissner Award no later than November

Meeting adjourned at 6:13 PM.

That's all folks!

Submitted by Art Gold


CHEVROLET OR CHEVY -- Pat & Vickie Hall

   "Galles Classic Car Show, June 13th.
    Over 40 cars will be on display.
    Come out and see our Classic Showcase
        Vehicles such as:
    1969 RS/SS Camaro, 1955 Belair, 1955
        Sedan Delivery and Classic Corvairs.
    Free hotdogs, hamburgers and sodas.
    Prizes and giveaways."

That was their advertisement. Thank goodness at least three Corvairs were there!

Galles opened their Showroom doors for all to see the new Chevys and a couple of
oldies. A 1968 Apache truck, not restored.  A 1957/210 complete restoration with
modifications. OK boys, you'll have to dig deep down in your pockets to buy this
one. Approximately $89,000.

It was an all Chevy car show and three of our favorite cars showed up. Corvairs
of course! Larry Yoffee in his 1965 turbo Corsa, LeRoy Rogers in his 1960 Monza
and we brought our 1963 Spyder Convertible.

Thanks to all for listening.	-- Pat and Vickie


NEW MEMBER -- Sylvan Zuercher

We welcomed Steve Sanchez and his son Enrique when they visited with us at the
June meeting. By the end of the meeting they had joined the club. Steve
purchased the 1965 convertible (orange with new top and upholstery) owned some
years ago by John Topp. Sylvan helped rebuild the 140-HP engine. The car was
wrecked (front end damage) and sat for a while. Steve, son Enrique and spouse
Klaudia are bringing the car back to life and good health! Steve has 20 years
experience working with tractors, trucks and cars. He wants to join us to learn
more about Corvairs. We are pleased to have Steve and family in CNM!


Ollie Scheflow

The cleanup started differently because our usual parking place was barricaded
due to being used by road equipment. We parked just east of the bridge over I-40
on the north side of Old Route 66 at the bypass from west- bound Old 66 to
westbound I-40.

Jim Pittman got there first and parked his 1965 Monza close to the bridge so he
was easily seen. We were blessed with sunny weather and little wind. Fortunately
we finished before the weather warmed up.

Once again the amount of trash was not excessive, but the quality was definitely
unusual! Lube Lubert found a ten dollar bill and I found a one dollar bill. I
also found a 4-foot piece of perfectly good new pipe insulation. 

Participating were Gordon Johnson, Lube Lubert, Dan Palmer, Jim Pittman, Ollie
Scheflow and Ray Trujillo. There were four 1965 Corvairs in the parking area!
Perhaps a few of the passers-by appreciated seeing them.

Thanks for your help and hope to see you on the August cleanup. I can't
guarantee that any more ten dollar bills will be found -- but we can always




Def #1. An affectionate or humorous name.
Def #2. An assumed name.

The Rumor Mill stated that one of our newer members has the sobriquet "Snidley
Whiplash" but no reference was made to either definition #1 or definition #2.

"Snidley Whiplash" brings to mind the old time melodrama character with a black
stovepipe hat, black handlebar moustache and black shoulder cape.

Perhaps this member, upon reading this, will write to our newsletter editor and
reveal the origins or circumstances of this rumor.

Don't be shy, unless it is too embarrassing or unless you feel the need to stay

Examples: Police, Mafia, FBI Witness Protection Program, or for any less
sinister connotation.

-- Numb de Plumb (PS. I know the correct spelling is Nom de Plume.)


RED RIVER ROSTER -- Brenda Stickler

As Heula and I Start the process of getting things organized to have a
successful 2011 Red River Tri-State, our starting point is the roster of
volunteers. We want each of you to think what your personal skills and interests
are. Then, let us know how we can use those skills to head or assist a committee
for the Tri-State.

So far, we have:
Car Show - led by Art Gold, assisted by Pat Hall;
Registration - Ollie Scheflow, Jim Pittman and Robert Gold;
Tri-State Banquet - Brenda Stickler;
Registration Bags - Heula Pittman.

A few of you are currently starting to look into taking a position and we thank
all of you in advance for your efforts.

So, the vacancies we need to fill are: Hospitality Host, Door Prize Organizer,
Banquet Master of Ceremonies, Media Contact (this person will be using the new
Red River Tri-State logo when it is approved at the July 21st board meeting --
all are welcome to submit ideas for the logo), and volunteers to do three-hour
shifts at registration.

We'll need volunteers to set up Registration, Car Show and Banquet. Lots of
hands will make each one of our loads lighter. Thanks to all who sign up!!!


  C O R V A I R S   o f   N E W   M E X I C O    C O M I N G   E V E N T S
|        July 2010       |       August 2010      |     September 2010     |
|  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |
|               1  2  3  |   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  |            1  2  3  4  |
|   4  5  6  7  8  9 10  |   8  9 10 11 12 13 14  |   5  6  7  8  9 10 11  |
|  11 12 13 14 15 16 17  |  15 16 17 18 19 20 21  |  12 13 14 15 16 17 18  |
|  18 19 20 21 22 23 24  |  22 23 24 25 26 27 28  |  19 20 21 22 23 24 25  |
|  25 26 27 28 29 30 31  |  29 30 31              |  26 27 28 29 30        |
Sun  4 Jul  early!   Santa Fe Plaza -- Pancake breakfast, Car Show, Parade
Wed  7 Jul  6:00 - 7:00 PM  Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE
Wed  7 Jul        After we adjourn, we go to the 66 Diner, 1405 Central NE
Sat 10 Jul  Second Saturdays: Los Lunas "66 Cruise" starts in Bosque Farms at
         the Wells Fargo Bank. 1:00 PM in Winter, 6:00 PM during Daylight Time
Wed 21 Jul  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE
Fri 23 Jul  .......  Car Show at Kirtland AFB -- John Wiker, information
Fri 23 Jul  9:00 PM  Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman
July - Albuquerque Tour hosted by Chuck Vertrees. Possible meeting place to
       begin the tour could be at the Winrock Mall parking lot.
Tarmo Sutt suggests a tour to Glorietta (east of Santa Fe) to see a collection
of old guns, some as recent as World War I.   Date and time to be determined.
Wed  4 Aug  6:00 - 7:00 PM  Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE
Wed  4 Aug        After we adjourn, we go to the 66 Diner, 1405 Central NE
Sat  7 Aug  8:00 AM  Third Old Route 66 Clean-up of 2010. Brunch afterwards
                     at Golden Corral. More info: Ollie Scheflow 897-2611
Sat 14 Aug  Second Saturdays: Los Lunas "66 Cruise" starts in Bosque Farms at
         the Wells Fargo Bank. 1:00 PM in Winter, 6:00 PM during Daylight Time
Sun 15 Aug  11 to 4  NMCCC All-Clubs Picnic - Nambe Lake near Espanola
                     Drive your hobby car, and bring the family for a beautiful
                     drive through scenic New Mexico. There will be door prizes,
                     lots of food, friendship and collector cars to admire.
                     Picnic is open to all members of Council Member Clubs.
Wed 18 Aug  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE
Fri 20 Aug  9:00 PM  Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman
Wed  1 Sep  6:00 to 7:00 PM  Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE
Wed  1 Sep         After our meeting, we go to the 66 Diner, 1405 Central NE
Sat 11 Sep  Second Saturdays: Los Lunas "66 Cruise" starts in Bosque Farms at
         the Wells Fargo Bank. 1:00 PM in Winter, 6:00 PM during Daylight Time
Wed 15 Sep  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE
Fri 24 Sep  9:00 PM  Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman
Fri-Sun 24-25-26 Sep NMCCC Los Lunas Annual Swap Meet
                     Morris Field in Los Lunas
                     Auto Related Parts Only
                     12' x 40' Spaces
                     $20.00 Pre-Registration
                     $30.00 at Gate
Friday Sep 10 through Sunday Sep 26 - New Mexico State Fair - Car Show, 26th
Fri-Sun 24-25-26 Sep NMCCC Los Lunas Annual Swap Meet
Sat  2 Oct  .......  CORVAIR HERITAGE DAY (Corvair's official birthday)
                  Reference: Vintage Corsa
                  then click on the event link in upper right hand corner.
2011: 3-4-5-June -  Tri-State Event - Red River, NM - Corvairs of New Mexico
2011: 20-23 July - CORSA Convention - Rocky Mountain CORSA - Denver,Colorado
See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities:
===================== =====================


Wendell Walker

Last February I was 91 years old (young?) and our editor Jim told me that since
I had done so much with Corvairs, I should write up some of my stories. I don't
have time to write about all my adventures but I will write about taking two
classic cars to two car events in two different states -- during the same week!
I bet there aren't many club members of whatever age who can claim that. So,
here's the story.

For many years I have been a VMCCA member and I love going to their activities.
I signed up for the 2010 Muscle Car Tour in Flagstaff. Our plan was, my old
friend Bill Sullivan and I would drive there in my 1971 Challenger 440 R/T. It
is comfortable on a trip because it's an automatic and it's air conditioned.

Recently I have done a lot of work on my 1964 Corvair convertible and I did not
want to miss this year's Corvairs of New Mexico Tri-State in Canon City,
Colorado. I signed up for that one too. It was only later that I realized I
could not do both! The Flagstaff event started on May 16th and was not over
until the evening of May 21st. The Tri-State started on the 21st with the car
show on Saturday the 22nd. It would simply be impossible to drive back from
Flagstaff and then drive up to Canon City in time to enter the car show!

Bill proposed a solution to my problem. We'd drive to Flagstaff and participate
in the VMCCA activities through Wednesday. Then on Thursday morning he'd put me
on the Amtrak, someone would pick me up at the Albuquerque train station and
drive me home, and I'd be able to take the 1964 Corvair to Canon City Friday
morning. After the VMCCA meet was over Bill would drive my Challenger back to
Albuquerque. That way I would only have to miss the final banquet of the VMCCA
meeting. I could live with that.

I really needed another driver for this plan to work. Kim Patten was able to get
time off from her job that weekend and she agreed to go with me to Colorado.
Well, our plans seemed sound, so I got both the Challenger and the Corvair ready
to travel. On Sunday Bill and I set out to drive to Flagstaff.

We met a group of VMCCA friends at the intersection of SR6 and I-40. Our group
included Bill & Joyce Sullivan and their daughter, her husband, and their
granddaughter. Also, Pat & Wayne Young from Texas and Mike & Patti Werckle from
Illinois joined us there.

We had an uneventful trip and the Challenger ran just fine. It was a remarkably
beautiful day for driving. The drive took from about 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. We
arrived in Flagstaff and greeted old friends. Now I'll comment that, unlike
recent typical Tri-State events, the VMCCA is a "touring group" and we did a lot
of driving in the Flagstaff area. We made about 375 miles the first day, 210
miles the second day and about 150 the third day. The Challenger ran great all
the way. We went to a number of really nice museums and drove along the south
rim of the Grand Canyon. I thought that, compared to the last time I saw the
Grand Canyon, the drive along the rim was disappointing. You just can't see into
the canyon except at the "scenic view" side roads. There are a lot more trees
along the rim than there used to be.

There were a lot of nice cars, nearly all 1960s and 1970s muscle cars and the
Challenger fit right in. In fact, my Challenger was voted "the most beautiful"
car in the show. There were about fifty-nine cars altogether in the show.

Thursday morning Bill got me to the Amtrak station at 5:00 AM and I arrived in
Albuquerque by noon. Bill's cousin Glen picked me up at the train station and
took me home. Then all I had to do was get some rest and be sure the Corvair was
ready to go. Friday morning Kim came over really early and we got to the
"caravan" starting point on I-25 just north of the Bernalillo/Placitas exit by
6:00 AM. We had to wait awhile for the others to show up, but pretty soon Pat
and Vickie Hall arrived in their 1964 Spyder coupe and Steve and Rita Gongora
showed up in Rita's 1998 Cadillac Eldorado.

We headed north on I-25 at 7:00 and went to Santa Fe, then went up US 285 and US
50. It took us about 9-1/2 hours to get there. We stopped at a few points of
interest and looked for a favorite restaurant in Alamosa. We ended up going to
"Chili's" in Alamosa for lunch. We stopped for a snack and ice cream in Salida.
We got to Canon City about 5:15.

Saturday morning we lined up to go to the Corvair car show in Florence, ten
miles southeast of town. As it turned out, Pat's 1964 coupe and my 1964
convertible were the only two Corvairs from Corvairs of New Mexico to register
for the car show! A new low in our club's participation. It was a good show and
it was neat the way the town people got involved in the show. We were pleased to
have lunch with Lee Olson from Kansas. Steve got to visit some old friends at
this time and easily found them with the help of his GPS system.

The wind picked up during the afternoon but we got to Buckskin Joe's all right
for the banquet. Unfortunately I ended up out in the "outer wing" of the
restaurant where I could not hear anything of the announcements.

Everyone at the VMCCA meet wore name-tags so that we knew each other. This would
be a good idea for the Tri-State, so I will try to do this at our next
Tri-State. (Heula tells me that the Canon City organizers provided stick-on name
tags, but she noticed at registration that many chose not to use them.)

We left Canon City early on Sunday and took about 6 hours to get back home via
I-25. We found a particularly nice restaurant in Colorado just before Raton.

   All in all, I traveled by 1971 Challenger and 1964 Corvair over 2,000 miles
between Sunday May 16th and Sunday May 23rd. That's a pretty long journey for
someone 91 and a half years old, don't you think?! I'm sorry I had to miss part
of the VMCCA event, but I'm glad I was able to get to one more Tri-State event.
Especially since I was able to contribute half of CNM's Corvair contingent to
this one!



Early Coupe  Ed Halpin  PPCC and RNC

Late Sedan  John and Deborah Dinsdale  RMC and CNM   

Early Sedan Paul and Pat Campbell  PPCC       

Early Conv  Dave and Brenna Olwine  RMC     

Late Coupe  Dale Nielsen  RMC       

Late Conv  Bill Staeben  PPCC    

1962 Rampside  Jerry and Betty Seale  Eckert, CO  PPCC    

Best of Show  George and Carolyn Evans  1966 Corsa V-8 

Longest Drive Award: John and Mary Hesco, Greybull, WY

Corvairs Line Up for Shootout on Buckskin Joe's Old West Main Street

Steve Goodman, Steve Gongora,
Tri-State Old-Timers Extraordinaire Entertain the Crowd!

Marc Miller's early with genuine Judson supercharger

George Evans' Fabulously Engineered V-8 Installation

Super Convertible and Another Rampside in the Car Show

Thanks to the DENVAIR NEWS (RMC) and THE DRIPLINE (PPCC) June Newsletters 


Jim Pittman 

Seven Years Ago - July 2003 - Volume 29 - Number 7 - Issue 334

Cover: street scene at the Raton Tri-State. Ollie contributed the main
newsletter report on this great event, while Mark Domzalski listed awards and
statistics. Our June meeting was held at Galles Chevrolet. Sylvan introduced new
member Dwight Simmons who owned a 140-powered "rail" or dune buggy. Wendell said
we had $5,120 in our accounts. Tall tales about the Raton Tri-State were
related, and similar tales were heard regarding the Museum car show. A campout
at Ruth's Pecos cabin was announced. We had a speaker, Tim McCool, from Plains
Refrigeration. (Was that really his name?) At our board meeting Wendell reported
that the July 4th car show on the Plaza in Santa Fe was all set. An August
picnic was set for the Elk's Refuge in the mountains. There was discussion about
how to sell or give away the 58 (!) T-shirts left over from Raton. Once again,
registration forms were incomplete, so realistic statistics on attendance at the
Tri-State were not available. Ollie asked, what happens to new members who join,
come to a meeting or two and then disappear? We need to do something to bring
these people into the club so they'll stay with us.

President Robert had praise for Galles Chevrolet for diagnosing and fixing a
thorny rough-running problem. He had praise for those who organized and
participated in the Raton Tri-State. Robert also suggested we do something to
enhance the Boydston Award, like, maybe, open it up to members of the Colorado
clubs. Anne Mae reported on activities of the CNM Ladies Group.

Finally, a portfolio of photos, many with Corvairs or Corvair people, filled out
this issue.

Fourteen Years Ago - July 1996 - Volume 22 - Number 7 - Issue 250

The cover showed Corvairs leaving New Mexico after the CORSA convention in
Albuquerque with the owners commenting on what a great convention it was. We
thought so, too. President Mark Domzalski ran our June meeting. We had no
treasurer's report. By meeting night we had sold 2,664 raffle tickets. So far,
pre-registrations were 153 for the Acoma tour, 124 for the Santa Fe tour, 109
for the Turquoise Trail tour, 46 for the concours, 59 for the rally and 58 for
the econo-run. A stuffing party was scheduled for the Saturday before the
convention. Participation by CNM membership so far has been outstanding. Bill
Reider reported that there were about 480 cars at the NMCCC/Museum show and it
was a nice show. Sylvan received a letter written in German from his friends in
the Swiss Corvair Club and we had fun trying to translate it.

We learned that, this year, to enter a car in the Santa Fe July 4th car show,
one had to be a member of the Santa Fe club. Our August campout was on hold due
to drought and fire danger in the mountains.

We had many comments on the tremendous success of the convention. There were
tech tips on: Steps to take to prevent overheating your engine (thanks, Bill
Reider); Dual master cylinder conversion (thanks, B. Mitchell Carlson); A
replacement refrigerant "FR-12" that was nearly identical to the no longer
manufactured Freon R-12 (thanks, Pennzoil).

Twenty-one Years Ago - July 1989 - Volume 15 - Number 7 - Issue 166

The cover showed our six-door Library Van at the Tri-State in Red River. There
were several photos from the Red River Rendezvous but many were not very clear.
The newsletter needed better photo technology! Bill Lawless reported on the
Tri-State. The parade was mostly 1964 Corvairs with eleven convertibles. Bill
Reider's monthly article told us about checking the distributor point plate and
told about how a conductive vacuum hose could cause an engine miss. LeRoy
reported on the Library Van, nearly done.

Twenty-eight Years Ago - July - 1982 - Volume 8 - Number 7 - Issue 82

The cover showed a 1935 Mercedez-Benz 500K/AK for no particular reason. A new
member was Karl Elsner. President Bill Reider gave a talk on carburetors
inspired by Fisher's book. Bill also gave us the first half of an article on his
much modified 1965 Monza sedan; his goal was to update it to be the "Ultimate
1982" Corvair.

Thirty-five Years Ago - July 1975 - Volume 1 - Number 7 - Issue 7

The cover featured a V-8 Corvair. We planned a tech session to attract new
members, and to help all our members keep their Corvairs in tip-top condition.
We hoped to organize another car show at Winrock this summer. Bill Reider of
Car-Tune reported that Viton O-rings were now readily available. A new member
was LeRoy Rogers. Jim provided six tech tips, all tested on his 1966 Corsa.
