The August 2010 newsletter - Text Version 

Updated 29-May-2013 ==== Copyright (c) 2013 Corvairs of New Mexico    

   AUGUST 2010 / VOLUME 36 / NUMBER 8 / ISSUE #419  

EDITOR: Jim Pittman

NEXT MEETING:   Wednesday 4 August 2010 at 6:00 PM
                Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE

 Dues Due .................................... Membership Committee
 Drive a Corvair! IT'S HOT! .................... President Pat Hall
 July Meeting Minutes .................................... Art Gold
 July Board Meeting Minutes .............................. Art Gold
 Magical Mystery Tour of Albuquerque .................. Robert Gold
 Birthdays and Anniversaries ................... Sunshine Committee
 Door Prizes for Red River Tri-State ................ Heula Pittman
 From the Director (AIRHORN) ........................ Bill Stricker
 Kirtland AFB Summerbash Report ........................ John Wiker
 Calendar of Coming Events ..................... Board of Directors
 Contest to Design Red River Logo .................. Brenda & Heula
 Map to Nambe Falls Picnic, August 15th ..................... NMCCC
 Little Larry ............................................ Westwind
 Father's Day Car Show In Edgewood, NM ................. Hal Rupert
 Corsa Corner for July ................................. Tim Mahler
 Remarkable Visit to Washington, DC ................... Robert Gold
 Seven, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago ................... Club Historian
COVER: Jim's `65 Monza Coupe. Tarmo's Award-Winning `65 Corsa Coupe

    President:     Pat Hall      505-620-5574 patandvickiehall @
    Vice-Pres:     Ray Trujillo  505-839-7436              ray @
    Secretary:     Art Gold      505-620-7434        rollerart @
    Treasurer:  Robert Gold      505-268-6878        beisbol30 @
  Car Council:     Art Gold      505-620-7434        rollerart @
  Merchandise:  Vickie Hall      505-865-5574 patandvickiehall @
   Membership:   David Huntoon   505-281-9616        corvair66 @
     Sunshine:   Heula Pittman   505-275-2195             jimp @
   Newsletter:     Jim Pittman   505-275-2195             jimp @
    Past Pres:    Mike Stickler  505-856-6993         sticorsa @
Correspondent: Charles Vertrees  505-299-0744         vertrees @
   Membership:  Sylvan Zuercher  505-299-7577            flat6 @
     Emeritus: Wendell Walker    505-892-8471       defarge505 @
           CORSA's home page:
        Steve Gongora's page:
        DUES:  CNM: 12 months $25.00 -or- 26 months $ 50.00
             CORSA: 12 months $45.00 -or- 26 months $ 90.00
       CNM & CORSA: 12 months $70.00 -or- 26 months $140.00


2010.07            Geoffrey Johnson    2002.03

2010.08                Ruth Boydston   1974.04
2010.08                Alan Gold       2009.08
2010.08                Russ McDuffie   2008.08
2010.08                 Bob Philips    2007.07
2010.08 Mary Alice & Oliver Scheflow   1992.05

2010.09         Kay & Tarmo Sutt       1976.07
2010.09     Brenda & Hurley Wilvert    1992.10

2010.10         Debra & Jon Anderson   1992.10
2010.10    Barbara & Gordon Johnson    2001.06
2010.10     Mary Lou & Mark Martinek   1990.08
2010.10        Sylvia & Ray Trujillo   2003.08
2010.10       Opal & Sylvan Zuercher   1974.12

2010.01           Kim & Del Patten     1980.07
2010.05                Jack Bryan      1982.02
2010.06                Mark Jones      2009.06
2010.06                John Myers      2003.05

Send your Dues to:

Robert Gold
CNM Treasurer,
1301 Valencia NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110

Past due memberships will become inactive after a one-month grace period. The
Club will mail in your National Dues when you renew, if you send us the renewal
form from your CORSA Communique!

CNM's newsletters:


Drive a Corvair! -by- Pat Hall

Not that I'm complaining, because I'd rather that it be hot than raining or
snowing. Since I work outside all day, the rain and snow put a stop to my work
day. The heat shortens my day, due to the breaks that I take, but at least I can
get some work done.

For a very long time now I have spent just about all of my time working on my
Corvairs, so I have decided that my summer project will be taking the aluminum
sides and floors off of two 28-foot semi-trailers that were given to me by
FedEx, many moons ago. My motive for scrapping the trailers is to have enough
room to erect the Quonset hut that I bought, many moons ago. The Quonset hut
will, of course, be for Corvair storage, although my wife says that I don't need
any more, and she's probably right.

The week of July 25-31, 2010 was proclaimed "Ice Cream Week" and with the
temperature being what it is, I hope your Ice Cream doesn't melt before you get
it eaten.

Think cool thoughts while you drive your Corvair.	 -- Pat Hall


July Meeting Notes 07-07-2010
Art Gold

Pat Hall (President) called the meeting to order at 6:02 PM. Art Gold was not
present -- he arrived later. Robert Gold was not present -- he was represented
by Anne Mae Gold. Pat stated that the minutes of the last meeting were approved.
Pat recognized Jim Pittman for changing the format on the newsletter.

Ray Trujillo (Vice President) explained why we were meeting at 6:00 instead of
7:00. Patty Gutierrez had informed him that the Highland Senior Center,
effective June 30th, will be closing at 7:00 PM instead of 9:00 PM. Our choices
were to change our meeting time or to find a new meeting place. He asked how
many present were okay with meeting at 6:00 PM and most were, but a few
preferred 7:00 -- of course we don't know about those not present. Sylvan
Zuercher told us he had checked with the Bear Canyon Senior Center. They will
continue to close at 9:00 PM but they were pretty busy and probably couldn't
accommodate us on first Wednesdays. A suggestion to change our meeting day of
the week (or day of the month) met with objections. Joel Nash mentioned Palo
Duro Senior Center (San Mateo and Comanche) which would be nice but as it was
adjacent to Erna Fergusson Library, the library with the longest hours, its
parking spaces tended to be full. Sylvan asked, was the change in closing part
of the city's financial problems? Ray said, probably not. He said he was told
that our Senior Center was the least used in the city. Ray added that he had
reserved our room at 66 Diner for tonight after our meeting.

Anne Mae Gold (for Treasurer) reported $2,910.37 in checking, $1,165.53 in
"Ally" (used to be GMAC) for a total of $4,075,90 in the treasury. Robert was
not present because of a severe sinus infection.

Committee Reports

Sylvan Zuercher (Membership) said that new member Steve Sanchez was here
tonight, with his son Enriques. We recognized a guest, Gilbert Ortiz, who
indicated he'd be joining the club. Russ McDuffie introduced his wife Nancy who
accompanied him tonight.

David Huntoon (Car Council) reported via e-mail that the council invited members
to attend the All Clubs Picnic at Nambe Falls on Saturday August 15th. It is on
the way to Chimayo. Lots of parking space at the best area of the park. Looking
for 125 cars and about 300 people. Cost: $5 per car, $15 for a camping permit
overnight. Both are reduced/special rates. There will be a 50/50 drawing and
raffle with door prizes. Basic food stuff supplied, bring side dishes as you
wish. Map on the NMCCC website. David thinks the picnic should be great and he
will be there.

Pat Hall said that he went to the Car Council meeting and picked up the plaque
awarded to Corvairs of New Mexico for representing one of the Fiftieth
Anniversary cars. Now the question is, where should the club keep the plaque?

Tarmo Sutt (Santa Fe) reported on the Fourth of July on the Plaza in Santa Fe.
It was crowded with thousands of people. The weather was beautiful. Lots of nice
cars were in the car show. Some remarked on the absence of Corvairs.

Jim Pittman (Editor) stated that the deadline for articles is 07-23.

Heula Pittman (Sunshine Committee) said she had noticed on many applications of
new members, they wrote down "to learn about my Corvair" as a reason for
joining. She said, we should do more to help new members learn about Corvairs.
She thought that a feature could be added to meetings: a One-Minute Tech Tip.
Ray said that he could schedule these each month, time permitting. We could
start tonight.

Chuck Vertrees (50/50) conducted the drawing and tonight's winner was Brenda
Stickler -- who promptly donated the winnings to the Sunshine Committee. After
the drawing, Chuck summarized his two-hour City Tour planned for Saturday July
17th. It would start at 10:30 AM at Toys-R-Us at Winrock Center and end up at
Rudy's Bar-B-Q at 2321 Carlisle NE, just off San Mateo and I-40. Something more
was said about a local brewery: "Glorieta" perhaps, and maybe it will be one of
the locations on the tour?

Pat Hall (speaking for the Car Council) reminded us of the annual Swap Meet in
Los Lunas, September 24-24-26. Anne Mae said Robert has preparations well in
hand for the State Fair Car Show on Sunday September 26th. There will be the
usual classes and ribbons and all should bring their Corvairs to the old Furr's
parking lot at Central and San Pedro at 6:30 AM to go in together at 7:00. As
usual, a large number of Golden Corvairs are expected, if enough drivers can be
found to get them there.

Vickie Hall (Merchandise) stated that sales are slow, so no money this meeting.

Brenda Stickler (2011 Red River Tri-State) said there has been publicity in the
"Fifties" magazine and on June 22 in the Albuquerque journal. We are still
looking for volunteers, chairpersons and helpers. We need friendly people to
collect door prizes and will need help setting up registration. We'll need
goodies, baked goods, snacks.

Jim Pittman (One-Minute Tech tip) told about changing an oil filter "by feel"
without having leaks. (It took a minute and twenty seconds to tell.)

Russ McDuffie (Corvair Sightings) asked if anyone knew the owner of a Corvair he
had seen a couple of times. It was a black LM Corsa Coupe, not sure if it was 65
or 66. Fairly straight but rough paint. It had all the chrome pieces on it, plus
the Silver cove.

Wendell Walker (Birthdays) pointed out that tomorrow was Tarmo's birthday but
did not tell his age. We applauded Tarmo.

Upcoming Activities/Events


07-11-2010 Total Eclipse of the Sun
07-17-2010 Albuquerque Tour hosted by Chuck Vertrees.
07-23-2010 Car show, Kirtland AFB John Wiker, info - 239-3311.


08-07-2010 - Route 66 clean-up 8:00am. Meet at the "Y" near
             the bridge over I-40. Brunch afterwards at Golden Corral.
08-15-2010 - NMCCC All-Clubs Picnic - Nambe Falls Lake near
             Espanola - 11:00am to 3:00pm. Lunch at noon - Maps available
             See Pat Hall for a map.


09-24-2010 - NMCCC 32nd Annual Swap Meet in Los Lunas at
             Morris Field, continues through 09-26.
09-26-2010 - Meet at 6:30 for the State Fair Car Show - old Furrs
             parking lot at the corner of San Pedro and Central. Go in to the
             State Fair together at 7:00 am. Robert Gold - 268-6878.

Our business being completed and having more time, Pat called for all to
introduce themselves and tell about their Corvairs or activities with the club.
When that was done Pat summarily adjourned the meeting at about 6:55 PM. Jim
Pittman asked for the floor and started to complement Wendell Walker on his
recent accomplishment of taking two classic cars to two different car shows in
two different states, all within one week, but ran out of time. Well, you could
read about it in the July newsletter.


CNM Board Meeting Minutes -- 07-21-2010
Art Gold

THE MEETING was called to order at 5:00 PM or was that maybe more like 5:15 PM.

Officer reports

Pat Hall (President) stated that he had the plaque from the Albuquerque Museum
car show, and asked where it should be kept. The board decided it should be kept
with the club library.

Ray Trujillo (Vice President) reported on his efforts to find options for other
location for the CNM regular meetings. Alternative locations may provide the
club with the regular starting time of 7:00 pm. Ray knew of only three people
who were affected by the starting time of 6:00 pm. Pat remarked that we'd need
to try harder to get out of the meeting room before 7:00 PM.

Art Gold (Secretary) stated that he will be attending Red River to check out the
hotel for the 2011 Tri-State (Lifts West) on Friday, July 23, 2010.

Robert Gold (Treasurer) stated the amounts in our accounts are as follows: Cash
Account $2,991.37 and Ally $1,169.70 for a total of $4,161.07.

Committee Reports

Dave Huntoon (Car Council) stated that the council mostly discussed the upcoming
swap meet in Los Lunas in September. CNM will be volunteering gate and table
duty on the Saturday of the meet.

Jim Pittman (Newsletter) reported that Sylvan Zuercher (Membership) told Jim
that he and Dan Palmer met '62 owner David Bibeau who may want to join the club.
Sylvan expected Gilbert Ortiz (a guest at our last meeting) to join the club

Heula Pittman (Sunshine) stated that she had a list of items that new members
should receive (Name Tag, Care and Feeding book, and a Roster of Members). She
proposed providing a packet of goodies for the new members (i.e. pot holders,
CNM pencils). Pencils have been ordered. Ray stated that when the topics of
activities are brought up, it would be a good idea to "nudge" the new members
along to attend the events. Brenda suggested that there should be a new member
section in the newsletter (brief bio, birthdays). Heula also stated that there
should be more awareness among our members for the new member's children.

Vickie Hall (Merchandise) stated that there may be a possibility of utilizing
the CNM pins for the new member packet (mentioned above). Nothing has been sold
since the last meeting.

Brenda Stickler (Tri-State) first discussed accommodations.

She described the rooms that are available at the hotel in Red River (Lifts
West). The rooms are set up in a lodge style format. Reservations can be taken
in Spring of 2011. The newspaper in Red River will be advertising the show in
late March. The hotel wanted everyone to register and pay for a room by
February, but Brenda will try to change this to the end of March. Every suite
has a private area, with a bed. Brenda continued with her explanation of the
lodging possibilities.

Robert and Art Gold are going on a mission to Red River this coming weekend to
check out the hotel, the banquet hall, and the hospitality area.


Jim Pittman stated that he had suggested a logo in a triangle shape similar to
those we had at the two previous Tri-States in Red River. There was a
conversation concerning whether we should provide a jacket patch, and if so, who
would commission the patch (maybe Steve Gongora). Jim stated that maybe there
should be a contest for the logo design. Conversation also continued as to when
the deadline for the items (jacket patches, T-shirts) would be. 

New Business

Robert Gold stated that he was contacted by Craig of the VW club to enter his VW
bus (which has a Corvair engine) in the VW State Fair Show. Their show comes
early in the Fair. Craig was impressed by the CNM setup at the State Fair Show.
Craig was impressed by our stanchions and asked Robert if he could borrow them
for the VW show. The board agreed.

Lube Lubert told us that the New Mexico Air National Guard was phasing out their
F-16 aircraft, and an open house at the base would be held the last weekend of
September. Unfortunately, that's the weekend of the Los Lunas swap meet and the
State Fair.

Meeting adjourned at 6:09 pm.


The Magical Mystery Tour -- A Car Tour of Albuquerque
Robert Gold

I FIRST WANT TO SAY, "Thank you Chuck Vertrees!"

Usually in my descriptions of CNM events I wait until the end to thank people.
However, I can't wait that long to thank Chuck for his efforts in putting
together a truly "epic" tour of Albuquerque. The tour took place on Saturday,
July 17. It was obvious from the documentation that Chuck handed out at the
beginning of the tour that he had spent many hours researching the odd sites of
our town.

We began by meeting at the Toys-R-Us store parking lot. It was an odd assortment
of vehicles to be sure. Not one of us had a Corvair automobile. We had a couple
of FC's, an Ultra Van, and the balance of cars were of the X-car variety. I was
concerned, based on the weather of the last few days, that we would have to
worry about potential rain showers. Luckily, the day was clear and sunny.
Perfect weather to see the sights.

Chuck's directions had us going to many out-of-the way places. To begin with, I
didn't realize that a Wendy's that my family had eaten at many times was just a
block away from a library with a wonderful rose garden. That was followed in
close succession with a swing past Chuck's house and a bit of antebellum
architecture just a block away. Before we knew it we were out of Chuck's
neighborhood and cruising past a Buddhist temple, then off we went to the
downtown area. How many of you have ever noticed a castle near the railroad
tracks downtown?

We then traveled on to see what the City had done to Tingley Beach. I hadn't
been there in years and it was a site/sight to behold. We even got to see a
miniature train chug by as we stopped for a photo op in a nearby parking lot.
There was so much to see I was worried that my distracted driving would get me
in trouble. Thank goodness my better half, Anne Mae, did such a fine job of
reading me the directions.

By the time we finally stopped for lunch downtown we had been treated to the
historic (but crumbling) buildings of the Santa Fe Railroad yard and had seen a
lineup of historically significant buildings along Central.
    I've lived in Albuquerque for almost 30 years, and I had thought I had seen
most of the important sites of our fair city. I was wrong. Thanks to Chuck I
feel more informed and amazed concerning the treasures Albuquerque contains. It
goes to show you that you can learn something new every day.
    In addition to thanking Chuck for his efforts I want to recognize all the
CNMers attending the event. First there was Chuck's wife Julia. In my vehicle we
had my wonderful wife, Anne Mae, my lovely daughter, Sara, and my faithful
brother Alan. In addition, Art and Kelly Gold were there, as well as Dan and
Carolyn Palmer with Sylvan Zuercher in an Ultra Van, Mike and Brenda Stickler,
and finally Dave Huntoon.

I personally feel that we need to preserve Chuck's set of directions and use it
again in the future. This would be a fun event for those CNMers who, for
whatever reasons, missed it this time around. Thanks again to all for making
this a great event!	-- Robert Gold



Geoff Johnson     August  4 
Enriques Sanchez  August  5 
Joel Nash         August  8 
Steve Johnson     August 10 
Lee Reider        August 11 
Ryan McDuffie     August 18 
Larry Yoffee      August 25 


Marilyn & Richard Foster August 5 
Sylvia & Ray Trujillo    August 7

Start Saving Door Prizes for Tri-State
Heula Pittman

RECENTLY I OVERHEARD a lady from one of the Colorado clubs make the statement
that the CNM folks really knew how to do door prizes and registration packets!

Thanks to the generosity of so many of our CNM members, we have had many
excellent door prizes to be given away at our past Tri-State events. And it's
not too early to start thinking about items for next year's Tri-State at Red

I have many suggestions of things to think about. Just about any kind of tool is
a terrific give away for our guys. Anything from small hand tool sets, a
selection of shop cleaning cloths, squeegees and sponges for car washing, motor
oils, oil filters, gift certificates from auto supply stores, etc. Then larger
items are always welcome as well - hand drills, battery operated screwdrivers
and the like. And of course, anything Corvair related is always a hit with our

And don't forget about the ladies of our guys - We like to get things too! One
of the nicest door prizes I've ever seen was a large basket filled with odds and
ends. Nice baskets can often be found at thrift stores for a small amount of
money. Then they can be filled with items that have been purchased on sale
during the months. One year someone filled one with items needed to prepare a
spaghetti dinner: pasta, jars of spaghetti sauce, a slotted wooden spoon, a
colander, and a pretty checkered table cloth/napkins. Hand made items are always
appreciated too.

Then there are always the unisex items that are fun to give and to receive ...
Boxes of candies, cookies, breads and the like. Photo albums and cubes, books
and games that a family would enjoy too.

Just think of it this way - If you are considering donating an item as a door
prize, ask yourself, "Would I or another member of my family like to get this?
Would it be useful or even "fun" to me/my household?" 

We appreciate everyone who has donated in the past and we would love your
continued support. In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with "Regifting"! And
remember that we need to live up to our reputation!

Chicago AIRHORN - July 2010
From the Director
Bill Stricker

I RECENTLY HAD a friendly debate with the young son of a friend of mine. This
fine young man does not understand what attracts people to buy, restore, and
drive old cars.

He pointed out that a new "modern" car gets much better gas mileage and in most
cases I guess that's right -- I conceded that point. It was also pointed out
that new "modern" cars are much safer than our older cars. I can not argue that
point either (although Sandy says she'll put her old "tank of a car" 63 Ford
Falcon up against a modern day fiberglass car any day in a crash situation --
not that she's had a lot of them mind you). The debate went on to cover comfort,
stability, handling, amenities., etc. Yes my "modern" daily driver is more
comfortable, its handling and stability are better and of course with air
conditioning, navigation system, hands-free car phone system, heated seats in
the winter, etc., it does have better amenities.

Sounds like I was losing the debate and yes, on some of these points there was
no argument. But the big question still remained -- what was the attraction? A
longing for the past? Yes, a bit I suppose.

But it is just a lot more fun to drive. My daily driver does a very good job of
getting me to my destination. There's not a lot of effort; just point it and go.

But I have to drive my Corvair, really pay attention to it and really drive it.
It is so much fun to drive.

Of course I don't mind the attention I get from other drivers and maybe that is
one of the best parts. You meet and talk to new people, folks you might only
pass politely on another day, from time to time they pass along great stories if
times they spent with their old Corvairs, or friends who owned one.

Yes there is a lot of maintenance and the occasional repair to take care of, but
you can spend time with your friends you have made through your attractions to
your old car. See a pattern forming? Yes, it's the people! Those you meet by
chance, those you build friendships with, and those you have fun spending time

Your daily driver is great at what it does. But your old car opens up doors and
new friendships and the good times you have with them. So that to me is the best
point -- the people!

I hope in the near future to take this nice young man out for a ride, maybe even
let him drive the 'Vair to see that the attraction is. Who knows, maybe I will
change his opinions of old cars and turn him into one of our new members!


John Wiker

The annual Kirtland AFB Summer-Bash was held on Friday 23 July at the Parade
Grounds. Lots of food booths, games for kids, static displays of Airplanes,
Weapons, motorcycle races, Beer Glass challenge on Motorcycle simulator, live
bands, dancing and of course the car show.

There were 50 brand X's and one Corvair present. The three winners were a 1939
Chevy pickup truck, a 1974 Plymouth Duster and a Super El Camino Chevy with
glass windows continuing upward to form the roof. It reminded me a little of a
Batmobile but it was bright yellow.



|       August 2010      |     September 2010     |      October 2010      |
|  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |
|   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  |            1  2  3  4  |                  1  2  |
|   8  9 10 11 12 13 14  |   5  6  7  8  9 10 11  |   3  4  5  6  7  8  9  |
|  15 16 17 18 19 20 21  |  12 13 14 15 16 17 18  |  10 11 12 13 14 15 16  |
|  22 23 24 25 26 27 28  |  19 20 21 22 23 24 25  |  17 18 19 20 21 22 23  |
|  29 30 31              |  26 27 28 29 30        |  24 25 26 27 28 29 30  |
|                        |                        |  31                    |
Wed  4 Aug  6:00 - 7:00 PM  Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE
Wed  4 Aug           After our meeting, we go to the 66 Diner, 1405 Central NE
Sat  7 Aug  8:00 AM  Third Old Route 66 Clean-up of 2010. Brunch afterwards
                     at Golden Corral. More info: Ollie Scheflow 897-2611
Sat 14 Aug Second Saturdays: Los Lunas "66 Cruise" starts in Bosque Farms at
           Wells Fargo Bank. 1:00 PM in Winter, 6:00 PM during Daylight Time.
Sun 15 Aug 11AM to 4 PM   NMCCC All-Clubs Picnic - Nambe Lake near Espanola
                 Drive your hobby car, and bring the family for a beautiful
                 drive through scenic New Mexico. There will be door prizes,
                 lots of food, friendship and collector cars to admire.
                 Picnic is open to all members of Council Member Clubs.
Wed 18 Aug  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE
Fri 20 Aug  9:00 PM  Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman
Wed  1 Sep  6:00 - 7:00 PM  Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE
Wed  1 Sep           After our meeting, we go to the 66 Diner, 1405 Central NE
Sat 11 Sep Second Saturdays: Los Lunas "66 Cruise" starts in Bosque Farms at
           Wells Fargo Bank. 1:00 PM in Winter, 6:00 PM during Daylight Time.
Wed 15 Sep  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE
Fri 24 Sep  9:00 PM  Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman
Friday Sep 10 through Sunday Sep 26 -- New Mexico State Fair
                                       NOTE: closed Mondays and Tuesdays.
Sun 26 Sep  early!   New Mexico State Fair Car Show
Fri-Sun 24-25-26 Sep NMCCC Los Lunas Annual Swap Meet
                     Morris Field in Los Lunas
                     Auto Related Parts Only
                     12' x 40' Spaces
                     $20.00 Pre-Registration
                     $30.00 at Gate
Sat-Sun 2-10 October -- Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta
Wed  6 Oct  6:00 - 7:00 PM  Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE
Wed  6 Oct           After our meeting, we go to the 66 Diner, 1405 Central NE
Sat  9 Oct  9:00 AM  Fourth Old Route 66 Clean-up of 2010. Brunch afterwards
                     at Golden Corral. More info: Ollie Scheflow 897-2611

Sat  9 Oct Second Saturdays: Los Lunas "66 Cruise" starts in Bosque Farms at
           Wells Fargo Bank. 1:00 PM in Winter, 6:00 PM during Daylight Time.
Wed 20 Oct  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE
Fri 22 Oct  9:00 PM  Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman
Fri  3 Jun  ....     Tri-State Event - Red River, NM - Corvairs of New Mexico
Sat  4 Jun  ....     Tri-State Event - Red River, NM - Corvairs of New Mexico
Sat  4 Jun  BOYDSTON AWARD: Presented at the Red River Tri-State Banquet
Sun  5 Jun  ....     Tri-State Event - Red River, NM - Corvairs of New Mexico
2011: 20-23 July -   Rocky Mountain CORSA - Denver - CORSA Convention
More activities: New Mexico Council of Car Clubs:


Tri-State Logo Designs Needed
Heula Pittman & Brenda Stickler

AT OUR JULY 21st BOARD meeting we discussed having a competition to design a
logo for the Red River Tri-State. The logo would appear on a jacket patch,
perhaps on T-shirts and perhaps in other ways. So far we have one member's
suggestion for a design and we know of at least one other member who is working
on a design. As you think about this, you might keep in mind that this will be
our THIRD Tri-State in Red River. The first was held in 1989 and the second in

We would appreciate more ideas from any of our members.






The Silicon Valley CORSA - July 2010
7th Annual Father's Day Car Show
In Edgewood, NM   -   Hal Rupert

SO, I GUESS YOU'RE wondering why I'm writing about a Car Show in New Mexico.
Well, Linda and I were visiting a friend in Albuquerque, and I had read about a
car show being held on Sunday, June 20th (Father's Day) in a small town
(Edgewood) near Albuquerque. Since I had found out about this show from Corvair
Of New Mexico's "Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter," I assumed it was an all-
Corvair event, so we decided to attend. When we arrived you could readily see
that it was open to all cars and trucks, but that's OK with us, we enjoy looking
at all types of vehicles. Of course, at any car show I'm always especially
looking for Corvairs! Almost right away, we saw a nice '64 Spyder Coupe and a
couple of nice late models. I noticed a guy wearing a Corvair CORSA shirt, who
turned out to be the owner of the '64 Spyder Cpe. His name is Pat Hall, current
President of Corvairs of New Mexico. We talked for a while and then moved on.

As lunch time was coming around, we decided to get in line for some food (all
free by the way). I saw Pat sitting at one of the tables eating, so we decided
to join him, where we also met his wife, Vickie Hall, who turned out to be the
Merchandise Chairman for their Club. After a great lunch and an extensive
discussion of (yes) Corvairs, we got in line to get our pictures taken (also
free), and then parted ways.

It turned out to be a great day, with great cars and great fellowship, and we've
added two more Corvair friends to our list. We will hopefully see each other
again at the CORSA Convention in Denver next year!


Corsa Corner for July
Tim Mahler

I really enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere this year's car display provided. I was
able to walk about and talk to the various Corvair enthusiasts. A big plus for
me, as an undercarriage Concours judge, because I was able to see more than the
undersides of all the wonderful Corvairs. I also did not need to worry about
tending to the CORSA merchandise table; nor tallying scores or other
preparations for the Banquet. Conventions need more fun days like this.

The Iowa Corvair Enthusiasts (ICE) did a wonderful job hosting the convention.
ICE received help from Corvair Minnesota and other groups which always helps.
The more help you have, the less work each person has to do. CORSA does need a
host chapter for the 2013 convention, preferably a central division chapter; and
for the 2014 convention, in the western division. Larry Claypool has the basic
information. Bob Dunahugh has in the past volunteered to provide insights into
what it takes to plan and host a CORSA Convention. Bob stated for months how
easy it was, Bob pre-plans very well. But be warned, even Bob found that the
last minute details can over burden the best of us. Delegation is the key -- the
more help, the less work per person applies to the Convention chair as well as
all the workers.

Hosting a convention is a great experience, I encourage every chapter to give it
some consideration. Don't forget to contact your local Tourism and Visitor's
Bureau. Those agencies are eager to help with hotels, tours, parking, shuttle
service and a host of other services. It is something they do to attract
conventions like CORSA's. Talk to Bob Dunahugh, Larry Claypool or myself and see
what the possibilities are.

There is some controversy over how much control CORSA exerts in the convention
planning. It is less than most perceive it to be, yet at the same time more than
many would like. CORSA's main goal is to provide some consistency for the
members. The members have come to expect certain things at a convention, some
are even in the by-laws, such as Concours. Yet, CORSA also strongly encourages
diversity for each convention. This usually comes in the form of tours, tech
sessions and rally routes. There are other ways to distinguish each convention,
for Iowa, it may well be the relaxing, carefree last day that defines, for
better or worse, their convention.

CORSA does incur expenses for each convention and CORSA is responsible for any
convention loss. This means CORSA tends to be conservative with the convention
numbers, lower revenue and higher expense expectations than most host chapters
would expect. If the numbers are better, great. CORSA also brings close to 40
years of convention experience to the table. CORSA has found that certain things
do not work well while also being cognizant of the fact that some things need to
be tried anew as time and people change.

The conventions in Denver in 2011 and Massachusetts in 2012 should be great.
Both are offering some variations to the standard convention format while still
providing members with the core features. Denver is a great tourist location and
the host chapter has a great group of people that will surely make the 2012
convention another memorable convention. I'm already looking forward to both
conventions, my excuse to go visit those regions. Could your town be next?

Tim Mahler [ flat6vair @ ]


A Moment In Time in DC
Robert Gold

As our big summer vacation this year the Golds traveled to our nation's capital
in Washington D.C. We had a frenzied week of seeing the sites, but one event
stands out for those of us who are Corvair lovers.

In order to go on a tour of the Capitol Building we were required to contact our
Congressman, Martin Heinrich who graciously provided us two interns to guide us
through the massive building. For any of you who haven't gone on such a tour I
would highly recommend it. Our "Corvair moment" occured before the tour when we
were lucky enough to catch Congressman Heinrich in his office and he spent a few
minutes talking with us. We were all impressed with how easy going he was. I
guess that's because he comes from our wonderful state of New Mexico.

Our conversation ranged from generalities about New Mexico to people that we
both knew. My lovely wife, Anne Mae, is good friends with Patricia Yntema who is
the wife of former City Councilman Hess Yntema. Hess as it turns out was
Congressman Heinrich's predecessor on the City Council.

One thing led to another and I mentioned that I had retired from the U.S.
Geological Survey. To this Martin observed that he had a neighbor who had worked
for the USGS, but he couldn't come up with that person's name. That was until he
mentioned that his neighbor had a lot of Corvairs. We then responded, "that's
Bob McBreen!" Of all things our first conversation with our congressman would
include a reference to Corvairs. Thank you Bob for having such a cool neighbor.

-- Robert Gold



Seven Years Ago - August 2003 - Volume 29 - Number 8 - Issue 335

Tarmo Sutt's 1965 Corsa at July 4th Santa Fe Plaza show. VP Joel ran July
meeting attended by 24 members. Robert Gold was in Spain. His President's letter
reported on the vacation trip. Wendell said we had $5,204. Sylvan was in the
hospital. Our guest, Ray Trujillo, had bought the 1964 that used to belong to
Jim Matthews. Larry Blair received a State award as a Professional Engineer.
Tarmo brought a big, heavy Judson supercharger to the meeting. We discussed the
various methods of supercharging used with Corvair engines. We discussed how
best to retain members. Robert mentioned a Journal article on the Wheels Museum.
Does it still exist? Finally, a note on "Governmentium," a newly discovered

Fourteen Years Ago - August 1996 - Volume 22 - Number 8 - Issue 251

Billiken told convention visitors that his Corvair had been to Pojoaque, Tesuque
and CLAUNCH. How many of us can say that? A guest: Marshall Navaroo. New
members: Michael Hurst, Bruno Power. Will Davis said we had $1087.62. The Car
Council / Albuquerque Museum car show was a success and the annual picnic was
August 17 at the Elks Refuge. The swap meet was October 5-6 at the UNM football

Bill Reider reported the 1996 convention to be a financial success; we had over
$20,000 in the bank with most bills paid. The Chuckwagon bill was being
negotiated. Debbie Pleau reported 415 registrations and 861 name badges issued.
There were 111 trophies awarded. A few T-shirts, pins, badges and cookbooks were
left over. All chairpersons were asked to complete a report on their activities,
including any problems that came up. We planned to write a
"how-to-run-a-convention" booklet.

Ollie: our Adopt-A-Highway project was nearly ready: a mile of Old Route 66 east
of Albuquerque. We planned to attend the Santa Fe July 4th car show. A
convention wind-down party was scheduled at the Goffes'. Due to forest fire
danger we cancelled our summer campout.

Mark Domzalski had a tech tip on checking wheel studs for overtightening, Bill
Reider warned about old carb jets that had been drilled out, part numbers for
Corvair mirrors were listed, and Heula reported on positive comments on our
convention that appeared in other CORSA club newsletters.

Twenty-one Years Ago - August 1989 - Volume 15 - Number 8 - Issue 167

The cover: a Mark Morgan "Mad Max" armored Corvair, what you'd need to drive in
1989 L.A. or 2010 Chicago. We received $166.44 from the defunct Alamogordo White
Sands club. We thanked Dale Housley and Clayborne Souza for putting on a
terrific Red River Tri-State. Bad AC fuel pumps were out there. To identify,
look for "6022" on the metal tag. President Bill Hector told about
Harley-Davidson motorcycle caravans years ago, back in Illinois. Bill Reider
warned that if you mounted your ignition coil too low so it touched the engine
sheet metal, it would wear a hole in the bottom. That, he said, would let the
"OIL" out of the "COIL" and the "C" that was left would not make a spark. Tom
Martin's column featured Wendell Walker and the sale of a commercial popcorn
popper. Twenty years earlier two men walked on the moon. Finally, comments from
the superb Red River Tri-State.

Twenty-eight Years Ago - August - 1982 - Volume 8 - Nr 8 - Issue 83

Cover: a Spyder convertible from a Chevrolet ad. We had $363 in the bank. Sylvan
presented dash plaques to all who entered the March fun rally. Jack Bryan
previewed the club picnic to be held at the Doc Long picnic area. Francis
previewed the October swap meet. He had seven spaces reserved. George Morin was
bringing a show car.

Bob Philips told about a bad experience with gold paint on a Corsa; the paint
faded and developed micro chips after a year in the sun. Dan Mowery of Rader
Awning gave a presentation on upholstery, carpet and convertible tops. Do
upholstery first, then paint, then convertible top in order to minimize

Bill Reider continued his description of modifying his 1965 Monza sedan to bring
it up to "1982" specifications. Richard Twilley provided a cross-reference for
air and oil filters for Corvairs, listing some fifty name brands!

Thirty-five Years Ago - Aug/Sep 1975 - Volume 1 - Number 8 - Issue 8

For our first "double issue" the cover had a hidden design for curious readers
to find. If you own multiple Corvairs, where can you store them? Jack Sellers
offered storage spaces at $4 per month. Plans to get front license plates with
the club logo. They'd cost about $1.69 in lots of a hundred. Sylvan sought
speakers for our meetings - the first speaker was Ike Meissner who told us about
Corvair generators. We planned to elect new officers at the October meeting and
needed a slate of candidates. New members were Charles McWhorter, Robert
Langlois, David Langlois and Steve Solow.
