The September 2010 newsletter - Text Version 

Updated 29-May-2013 ==== Copyright (c) 2013 Corvairs of New Mexico    

   SEPTEMBER 2010 / VOLUME 36 / NUMBER 9 / ISSUE #420  

EDITOR: Jim Pittman

NEXT MEETING:   Wednesday 1 September 2010 at 6:00 PM
                Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE

 Dues Due ................................. Membership Committee
 Drive a Corvair! ........................... President Pat Hall
 August Meeting Minutes ............................... Art Gold
 August Board Meeting Minutes ......................... Art Gold
 Old Route 66 Cleanup ........................... Ollie Scheflow
 A Unique Piece of Trash ........................... Robert Gold
 Calendar of Coming Events .................. Board of Directors
 My 2010 CORSA Convention Trip ...................... Curt Shimp
 Car Council Picnic at Nambe Falls ................. Jim Pittman
 Photos at Nambe Falls .............................. John Wiker
 Sunshine committee .............................. Heula Pittman
 Can You Beat That? 2010 State Fair Car Show ....... Robert Gold
 Seven, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago ................ Club Historian
COVER: A Few of Our August Old Route 66 Clean-up Crew in Uniform

      MEETING: First Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM
     LOCATION: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE, Albuquerque, NM
    President:     Pat Hall      505-620-5574 patandvickiehall @
    Vice-Pres:     Ray Trujillo  505-839-7436              ray @
    Secretary:     Art Gold      505-620-7434        rollerart @
    Treasurer:  Robert Gold      505-268-6878        beisbol30 @
  Car Council:   David Huntoon   505-281-9616        corvair66 @
  Merchandise:  Vickie Hall      505-865-5574 patandvickiehall @
   Membership:   David Huntoon   505-281-9616        corvair66 @
     Sunshine:   Heula Pittman   505-275-2195             jimp @
   Newsletter:     Jim Pittman   505-275-2195             jimp @
    Past Pres:    Mike Stickler  505-856-6993         sticorsa @
Correspondent: Charles Vertrees  505-299-0744         vertrees @
   Membership:  Sylvan Zuercher  505-299-7577         opal.zue @
     Emeritus: Wendell Walker    505-892-8471       defarge505 @
        DUES:  CNM: 12 months $25.00 -or- 26 months $ 50.00
             CORSA: 12 months $45.00 -or- 26 months $ 90.00
       CNM & CORSA: 12 months $70.00 -or- 26 months $140.00
           CORSA's home page:
        Steve Gongora's page:


2010.08                Alan Gold        2009.08
2010.08                Russ McDuffie    2008.08
2010.08 Mary Alice & Oliver Scheflow    1992.05

2010.09         Kay & Tarmo Sutt       1976.07
2010.09     Brenda & Hurley Wilvert    1992.10

2010.10         Debra & Jon Anderson   1992.10
2010.10    Barbara & Gordon Johnson    2001.06
2010.10     Mary Lou & Mark Martinek   1990.08
2010.10        Sylvia & Ray Trujillo   2003.08

====== DUE NOV = INACTIVE 25-DEC-2010:
2010.11        Linda & Dick Cochran    2006.09

2010.01           Kim & Del Patten     1980.07
2010.05                Jack Bryan      1982.02
2010.06                John Myers      2003.05
2010.07            Geoffrey Johnson    2002.03

Send your Dues to:

Robert Gold
CNM Treasurer,
1301 Valencia NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110

Past due memberships will become inactive after a one-month grace period. The
Club will mail in your National Dues when you renew, if you send us the renewal
form from your CORSA Communique!

CNM's newsletters:

September  1	Susanne Hickerson
September  3	Jamie Anderson
September  5	Gordon Johnson
September  7	Janet Johnson
September  8	Lori Nash
September  9	Kevin Sullivan
September 13	Curtis Shimp
September 15	Connie McBreen
September 16	Kelly Gold
September 17	Dave Huntoon
September 17	Carl Johnson
September 22	Julian Trujillo
September 27	Josh McDuffie

September  3	Brenda & Hurley Wilvert
September  4	Emma & LeRoy Rogers
September  8	Kathy & Larry Blair
September 24	Kay & Tarmo Sutt


Pat Hall

You, Behind The Wheel

The balding suit in the Porsche? (Midlife crisis.) The woman with the
armor-plated Hummer? (Anger issues.) The twosome in the Toyota Prius? (The
perfect couple.)

Sure, for some people, cars are simply a way to get around. But for others,
there's a more complicated relationship at play, specifically, power and
desire, memories and nostalgia and deep pleasure. I consider CNM members to be
the other car people.

We have very special cars that we have promoted and kept on the road for many
years. Thanks to all our special CNM members for continuing to drive our
special cars.

Pat Hall


Art Gold

President Pat called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM.


Pat Hall - President - stated that the meeting must end at 5 minutes before
seven in order for the center to close on time.

Ray Trujillo - Vice President - stated that the nominations for officers are
coming up in a few months. He also stated that the reservations for the 66
Diner have been made to meet at 7pm tonight.

Art Gold - Secretary - stated that he enjoyed the trip to Red River. More
details available at the board meeting.

Robert Gold - Treasurer - and Javier Gold - stated that the funds are as
follows: Cash $2,711.14 and Ally $1,169.70 for a total of $3,880.84. He also
stated that the 50/50 drawing really helps the club.

Committee Reports

Sylvan Zuercher - Membership - stated that there is a prospective member who
could not make it to the meeting tonight.

Dave Huntoon - NM Car Council - stated that this month is the NMCC All Clubs
Picnic at Nambe Falls. The meeting place will be shown on the maps that were
handed out at the meeting. The Council also held elections and Bob Agnew
decided not to be Vice President and the positions moved up.

Jim Pittman - Editor - stated that the newsletter deadline is Friday, August
20th. He posted an article from the Northern Virginia Corvair Club about the
CORSA convention. The article mentioned that Curt Shimp drove a 1966 Corsa with
newly-rebuilt 140 engine from New Mexico to the convention. Jim e-mailed Curt
to ask if he'd write a report on his car and on the trip. Curt may have been
the only CNM member to attend the convention.

Heula Pittman - Sunshine Committee - stated that there are packets being made
for new members (including magnets and member rosters). She also made
absolutely gorgeous designs. She is selling pencils that have a "Corvairs of
New Mexico" name upon them. Heula also said that she suggested that the 50/50
drawing money proceeds would go to the Sunshine Committee. There was a vote and
it passed.

Vickie Hall - Merchandise - stated that there is a small amount of money for
this month. She also stated that members should buy license plates, since when
they are gone they are gone.

Chuck Vertrees - 50/50 - Tonight's 50/50 winner was Robert Gold who promptly
donated the winnings to the Sunshine Committee.



08-07-10 - Route 66 clean-up-8:00am. Meet at "The Y" bridge (at the I-40 exit
to Carnuel).
08-15-10 - NMCC All-Clubs Picnic - Nambe Lake near Espanola - 11:00amto 3:00pm-
Lunch at noon- Caravan to meet at McDonalds on San Mateo just east of I-25 by
8:30am - Caravan will leave at 9:00am to go to Nambe Falls. Pat Hall repeated
that he had maps for anyone who needed them.


09-04-10 - Kirtland AFB car show (10am-2pm)- Contact John Wiker.

09-24,25,26-10 - NMCC 32nd Annual Swap meet in Los Lunas at Morris Field - 24th
is vendor set up at 1:00pm - 25th and 26th is the Swap Meet - come early.

09-26-10 - Meet for the State Fair Car Show - 6:30am - Robert Gold - 268-6878.
This is the best time to go to the State Fair, come one, come all. The best
parking in the Fair. Driving out of the Fair at the end of the day in a
"parade" along Central is a particular thrill It is FREE when you drive your
Corvair in with the CNM group!


10-03-10 - Balloon Fiesta Car Show - 7:30am - meet at the Alameda Overpass on
Edith. Also FREE when you drive your Corvair in with the CNM group!
10-06-10 - Election of Officers at the October meeting. Nominations needed!
10-09-10 - Old Route 66 clean-up - 9:00am - Brunch afterwards at Golden Corral.
Contact Ollie Scheflow.


Robert Gold stated that the town of Red River is a wonderful place to have the
Tri-State. Red River is home to great facilities and excellent beauty. Robert
and Art Gold went to Red River to gather information for the Tri-State and
their report will be discussed at the board meeting.

Tarmo Sutt led a discussion of Ebay listings (what is a pilot car?), parts for
sale (reflectors for an FC available from LeRoy Rogers), and there was also a
report that Mark Domzalski was in town, but he was not at the meeting.

Pat Hall - One Minute Tech Tip - concerned the issue of too much fuel pressure
resulting in vapor lock. Pat told how he took the top cover off the fuel pump
(while on car) and cut off part of the spring (top). This results in lower fuel
pressure and reduces the vapor lock problem.

Meeting adjourned at 6:44 pm.


Art Gold

Meeting called to order, 5:03 pm.


Pat Hall (President) spoke about organizing plans for the Tri-State.

Ray Trujillo (Vice President) stated that Highland Senior Center had no
concerns with our last regular meeting ending time. He also has encouraged
members to submit nominations for officers for the October election. Ray also
stated that he encourages members to submit ideas for 1 minute tech tips.

Art Gold (Secretary) had nothing to state at this time.

Robert Gold (Treasurer) reported on our accounts: Checking $2,711.14 and Ally
$1,171.92 for a total of $3,883.06. Someone asked if "our" Ally is the same
Ally that is currently running the series of disgusting "child-abuse"
television ads. Robert also stated that he is in the process of transferring
our account information from the Microsoft Money program to Quicken on his home
computer. He said, just like Corvairs, Microsoft Money is now an orphan. These
are some of the things you wouldn't know if you didn't read your meeting notes.


Dave Huntoon, Sylvan Zuercher (Membership) not present.

Dave Huntoon (NM Car Council) not present, but Pat Hall stated that the Car
Council discussed the upcoming picnic and the upcoming swap meet.

Jim Pittman (Editor) stated the newsletter deadline. He also reported from Rita
Gongora that the Christmas Banquet will be Saturday 12-04-2010, at Roper's
Restaurant, and the club will be in a larger room with less noise. Jim also
stated that there will be an article in this newsletter concerning the National
Convention, submitted by Curtis Shimp, our member from Silver City. We
discussed Curt's observations about the club. How can we find new members who
are more mechanically inclined, to keep up the momentum of the club. The big
question is "What about the next generation?" Consensus was that we should get
the word out at the Swap Meet, the State Fair show, and the Tri-State by using
an informational flyer. We'll discuss this at the general meeting.

Heula Pittman (Sunshine) stated that she appreciates the income from the 50/50
drawings. She stated that there had been a Sunshine Committee meeting. She said
that Ruth Boydston volunteered to organize the Anniversary Dinner. The board is
in favor of having her do this. Heula also discussed having gift bags for
children around Christmas time. Heula said that Wendell Walker had expressed a
concern on providing money for the Sunshine Committee. Should it be provided as
needed, or budgeted? There will be funds needed for the Tri-State and the cards
regularly sent out. There was a discussion on having a $100 slush fund for the
Sunshine Committee. The board was unanimous in the decision for giving $100 to
the Sunshine Committee. Wendell also wanted people at events to wear their
name-tags or have name-tags made up. Wendell will provide a plastic sleeve with
the printed name and club.

Vickie Hall (Merchandise) stated that she has collected a small amount of money.


Brenda Stickler (2011 Tri-State) asked Robert and Art to report on their recent
scouting trip to Red River.

Robert Gold discussed the location (it's wonderful), lodging (it's a great
location in proximity to the car show), and great restaurants. The lodging is
not a typical motel but is in a condominium style, and members need to call for
the best room to fit their needs, and to call early for best availability.

Brenda will contact Lifts West for the banquet situation as well as the
hospitality room.

Robert & Art Gold reported that the car show will be located behind the second
building, which is right next to the park where the main car show will be

Tri-State Logo Contest: The board decided that anyone on the board will take
logo suggestions by the November regular meeting, and the winning logo design
will be determined by the November board meeting.


Robert Gold (State Fair car show) stated that this year there will be no 2nd or
3rd place ribbons for the classes due to the economic down turn. However, all
will receive a participation ribbon.

Meeting adjourned at 6:25 pm.


Ollie Scheflow

The club held its third Old Route 66 cleanup of 2010 on Saturday, July 7th.

We had perfect weather making three in a row for 2010. The trash was very light
and due to the fact that we had 12 people and that the highway department had
graded a section of the berm, we finished by 9:00 o'clock.

Robert Gold found our Route 66 cleanup sign which had been hit and damaged by
the road grader. Mark Jones found two steel bars for our Spring scrap recycle
collection. Brenda and Mike Stickler found a new paint spray can for stripping
cement. Jim Pittman found several aluminum and tin cans that he added to the
collection for the recycle collection. And, someone found a lost penny!

All those participating were: Larry Blair, Sara, Javier and Robert Gold, Pat
Hall, Mark Jones, Lube Lubert, Jim Pittman, Ollie Scheflow, Brenda and Mike
Stickler and John Wiker.

My thanks to all participants and I hope to see you for the October cleanup.


Robert Gold

BACK IN MY college days, while I was studying Civil Engineering, I had planned
to work in the field of solid waste disposal. That may not sound very special,
but you have to understand that while I was in college the country celebrated
its first Earth Day. The concept of recycling wasn't very popular in our
society. We just threw our trash away and didn't care much where it went. I
wanted to change that.

Well, my plans didn't work out. I wound up working in the field of hydrology.
But I always had a soft spot for the environmental movement. That's probably
why I've been so supportive of the club's Old Route 66 Cleanup activity. I
figure it's been well over 10 years that I've been walking the shoulder of our
assigned mile on Highway 66 picking up all sorts of stuff. It's been my
contribution to making Albuquerque a nicer place to live.

I take great pride in the fact that my kids, Javi and Sara have also spent time
cleaning up the "Mother Road." It's with this background in mind that I'd like
to tell you about our latest efforts.

ON AUGUST 7, Javi, Sara, and I joined our other club members at the Old Route
66 Cleanup. We usually take a stretch of the road that begins with the sign
that proclaims that Corvairs of New Mexico maintains the next mile eastbound.
In the past we parked our car at the turnout and walked to the sign. However,
this time there was no sign to be seen. I was a bit suspicious when I saw a
temporary sign that proclaimed that the shoulder was being "worked on." We
could see the tracks of a bulldozer along the shoulder.

We proceeded along with our trashbags in hand, picking up the usual assortment
of beer cans, fast food wrappers and such when we came upon a familiar object.
There lying on the ground was the mangled remains of the post and sign that
proclaimed our club's commitment to the environment. Some yahoo dozer operator
had "trashed" our sign! What had marked the beginning of our cleanup area was
now just another piece of roadside garbage.

It was with a bit of sadness that we carried our broken sign back to my car. I
was determined that this sign wouldn't just wind up in a landfill. I'm hoping
to repair it for display in my garage. Hopefully, the Highway Department will
be erecting a suitable replacement soon. Our club deserves to be recognized for
all the effort we've invested in cleaning up that stretch of road.

-- Robert Gold


  C O R V A I R S   o f   N E W   M E X I C O    C O M I N G   E V E N T S
|     September 2010     |      October 2010      |      November 2010     |
|  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |
|            1  2  3  4  |                  1  2  |      1  2  3  4  5  6  |
|   5  6  7  8  9 10 11  |   3  4  5  6  7  8  9  |   7  8  9 10 11 12 13  |
|  12 13 14 15 16 17 18  |  10 11 12 13 14 15 16  |  14 15 16 17 18 19 20  |
|  19 20 21 22 23 24 25  |  17 18 19 20 21 22 23  |  21 22 23 24 25 26 27  |
|  26 27 28 29 30        |  24 25 26 27 28 29 30  |  28 29 30              |
|                        |  31                    |                        |
Wed  1 Sep  6:00 - 7:00 PM  Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE
Wed  1 Sep           After our meeting, we go to the 66 Diner, 1405 Central NE
Sat  4 Sep  10:00 to 2:00 Car Show at Kirtland AFB. Information: John Wiker
Sat 11 Sep Second Saturdays: Los Lunas "66 Cruise" starts in Bosque Farms at the
           Wells Fargo Bank. 1:00 PM in Winter, 6:00 PM during Daylight Time.
Wed 15 Sep  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE
Fri 24 Sep  9:00 PM  Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman
Fri 10 Sep through Sun Sep 26 -- New Mexico State Fair
                                 NOTE: closed Mondays and Tuesdays.
Fri-Sun 24-25-26 Sep NMCCC Annual Swap Meet  -- Morris Field in Los Lunas
                     Auto Related Parts Only -- 12' x 40' Spaces
                     $20.00 Pre-Registration -- $30.00 at Gate
Sun 26 Sep  6:30 AM  New Mexico State Fair Car Show: meet at the old Furr's
                     parking lot at Central & San Pedro. Drive in at 7:00 AM.
Sun 26 Sep  New Mexico Air National Guard is phasing out F-16 aircraft. There
            will be an "open house" near this date. More info: Lube Lubert
Sat  2 Oct  .......  CORVAIR HERITAGE DAY (Corvair's official birthday)
Sat  2 Oct through Sun 10 Oct -- Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta
Sun  3 Oct  7:30 Meet at Alameda overpass at Edith for Balloon Fiesta car show
Wed  6 Oct  6:00 - 7:00 PM  Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE
Wed  6 Oct           After our meeting, we go to the 66 Diner, 1405 Central NE
Sat  9 Oct  9:00 AM  Fourth Old Route 66 Clean-up of 2010. Brunch afterwards
                     at Golden Corral. More info: Ollie Scheflow 897-2611
Sat  9 Oct Second Saturdays: Los Lunas "66 Cruise" starts in Bosque Farms at the
           Wells Fargo Bank. 1:00 PM in Winter, 6:00 PM during Daylight Time.
Wed 20 Oct  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE
Fri 22 Oct  9:00 PM  Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman
Wed  3 Nov  6:00 - 7:00 PM  Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE
Wed  3 Nov           After our meeting, we go to the 66 Diner, 1405 Central NE
Sat 13 Nov Second Saturdays: Los Lunas "66 Cruise" starts in Bosque Farms at the
           Wells Fargo Bank. 1:00 PM in Winter, 6:00 PM during Daylight Time.
Wed 17 Nov  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE
    17 Nov  9:00 PM  Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman - EARLY THIS MONTH!
Tue 30 Nov MEISSNER AWARD: Deadline for recommending changes to rules.
Wed  1 Dec  6:00 - 7:00 PM  Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE
Wed  1 Dec           After our meeting, we go to the 66 Diner, 1405 Central NE
Sat  4 Dec  5:30 PM  Christmas Party at ROPER'S RESTAURANT, 8810 Central SE
Sat 11 Dec Second Saturdays: Los Lunas "66 Cruise" starts in Bosque Farms at the
           Wells Fargo Bank. 1:00 PM in Winter, 6:00 PM during Daylight Time.
Wed 15 Dec  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE
Wed 15 Dec MEISSNER AWARD: Deadline for the board to decide on changes to rules.
Fri 24 Dec  9:00 PM  Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman
Fri 24 Dec MEISSNER AWARD: Nomination Form will be in the January newsletter.
2011: 3-4-5-June -  Tri-State Event - Red River, NM - Corvairs of New Mexico
2011: 20-23-July - CORSA Convention - Rocky Mountain CORSA - Denver,Colorado
See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities:
===================== =====================


Curt Shimp

MY STORY ABOUT going to the National CORSA Convention will be mostly about the
trip. There have been many articles in the CORSA Communique about the
convention. But I will include my impressions and activities while there.

The trip began with the decision to go or no. That decision was made many years
ago, as I was at the first convention, most conventions since then, and all
conventions since I retired in 1995. The next decision was whether to drive the
Corvair or not. While I have owned a number of Corvairs going back to getting
my first in 1965, I currently only own one, a 1966 Corsa 140 hp, which I have
had for 37 years. So I know this car very well and know what parts should be
replaced or rebuilt before an extended trip. My general rule is to drive the
Corvair if I can make it to the convention in one long day or less.

I decided to drive the Corvair to this convention even though it would be a
long, two-day drive each way. I made this decision because I have less
opportunity to drive the Corvair to events here in the southwest than I did
when I was in Virginia. Besides, the car was laid up since the Great Western
Fan Belt Toss event last fall and I felt the need to drive it.

Now that I had decided to drive the Corvair, what did I need to do to get
ready? Well, the car needed an engine rebuild. On the way back from the GW Fan
Belt Toss last October I had a valve problem (#5 exhaust) and lost compression.
Besides it was using more oil than I liked. Also #4 cylinder was down a bit on
compression. Engine power was bad enough on the way back from Palm Springs that
I was downshifting to second gear when trying to get up some of our mountain

So I installed new rings, new full-finned cylinders, new "high tech" pistons,
and a set of rebuilt heads that I had in stock. I finished the work about four
days before my departure date. Normally, I don't make long trips with cars that
I have just completed major work on. But as I said before, I felt a need to
drive the Corvair to this convention.

So I looked at the map to plan my route, and took off on Day One at about 6 AM.
By noon it was 100 degrees and before I got out of New Mexico it was up to 105.
(Maybe I should ditch the inside/outside thermometer I have in the Corvair and
then I would not know?) Oil temperature got up to 248 degrees and I was getting
nervous about engine reliability. While I carry lots of spare parts, who wants
to fix a car when it is 105 out. The good news is that on a level highway the
head temperature stayed around 350 degrees. So I slowed down from 70 mph to 60
hoping this would be less stressful on the engine. I made it about an hour
north of Oklahoma City that night. On Day Two the weather only got up into the
high 90s. I kept the speed between 60 and 65 as I had less distance to travel
on this day. Oil temperatures did not get above the 230s and I made Cedar
Rapids about 5 PM. Total distance, 1,448 miles. Other than burning one quart of
oil and finding a small oil leak, since fixed, the car was in better shape than
I was.

I had not even got out of the car and already I was seeing old Corvair friends.
Within minutes I met my roommate for the week, Greg Walthour, from the Northern
Virginia Corvair Club. Greg put about 1,200 miles on his 1963, 80 hp Greenbrier
to get to the convention from Virginia. As within CNM, the enjoyment of Corvair
activities is as much about the people as it is about the car. And so it is for
me. As I said earlier I have been attending the conventions for forty years and
have been a member of six different Corvair clubs as my work took me around the

Immediately after check in, I had to get a beer at the hotel lounge to relax. I
don't know about you, but after twelve hours or so in a Corvair my body is
vibrating like a tuning fork. I don't think I even sat down before I ran into
Mark Aksamit, from Cottonwood, Arizona, who pressed the pistons on the rods for
this trip.

And so the week went, with lots of catching up to do with too many old Corvair
buddies. I did navigate for my friend Greg on both the Rally (I blew it here)
and on the Economy Run (I did better here). In the economy run the navigator is
less important than in the rally. You can read about this in Greg's article in
the August Communique. Evenings were mostly spent at a local restaurant with a
group of Corvairs friends.

In the convention write-ups that I have seen I noticed a repetitive theme about
rain at the convention. But for me, the on-again/off-again rain was not a
factor as I could move from the outside vendor/Corvair viewing area to the
inside technical and/or chapter sessions and vendors. I did look for CNM
members but did not see any. The same things happened last year in
Jacksonville, Florida. Hopefully there will be lots of you at the convention in
Denver next year.

SO NOW IT IS TIME for the two-day trip back. But I really was not looking
forward to more 100-plus temperatures, which is what the weather forecast was
calling for. So I got smart and checked the map and decided to go west though
Nebraska to Denver and then down I-25. That would only add an extra half hour
to the drive and surely it would be cooler. All the way back I was
congratulating myself on this decision. It only got up to 103. On Day One I
made it to Colorado Springs and then on Day Two I was back home in Silver City
by dinnertime, and ready for another beer. The distance back was only 30 miles

Again, another quart of oil used and no mechanical problems on the way back. I
checked my mileage on a few legs of the trip and on two of the flatter sections
I got just over 28 mpg. Not bad for a 140, but then I have made some changes to
help the mileage. I have a 3:27 gear in the differential and tall, 215/65 x 15
tires on the rear. My goal was as much about relaxed cruising, as it was about
mileage. I am set up for 70 mph at 3,000 rpm. The engine is quieter at this rpm
than the 3,600 with the stock gearing and tires. I did get just over 30 mph on
one leg but discounted this, as it was the proverbial "downhill with tailwind"
leg out of Denver.

During my drive to and from the convention I told myself, No more 100-plus
temperature days of driving to a Corvair convention! I will drive my water
pumper with the A/C or tow the Corvair with the truck. But after I got home I
said, Well, a one-day drive to Denver couldn't be that bad, and so the decision
for next year has already been made. I plan to go, and I plan to be driving the
140 hp Corvair. I am looking forward to seeing you all next year in Denver.

-- Curt Shimp


Jim Pittman

WE DECIDED TO GO to the All-Clubs Picnic this year because we had never been to
Nambe Falls, and we felt shamed by recent comments that few CNM members have
been attending this event in recent years, so we thought, this time, we needed
to be participants and actually drive to an event.

Since the picnic was scheduled for hot and humid August, we went in a "Brand-X"
car (1990 Honda Civic, which is over twenty years old and a "classic" in its
own right) that had air conditioning. I arrived in New Mexico in August 1967
driving my 1966 Corvair, and for years I thought nothing of driving hundreds of
miles anywhere, summer or winter, in non-air-conditioned Corvairs. But that was
over forty years ago! In the 21st Century there is no way I can drive my 1965
Corvair 90 miles through the heat and humidity of August.

At the McDonalds meeting place we found two Corvairs to park between, the
turbocharged Spyder Coupe belonging to Pat & Vickie Hall and the bright yellow
Monza belonging to Anne & John Wiker. Just for the record, neither of them is
air conditioned. That makes their drivers and passengers heroic in my book in
their participation in this event. And, once at Nambe Falls, we found David
Huntoon. He drove up via "North 14" from Cedar Crest in the yellow Corvair
8-door van, also not air conditioned, another heroic CNM member. Lube Lubert
made the trip to Nambe Falls also.

A few Fords and Chevys arrived and eventually it was five past departure time.
We all lined up behind the light blue VW Beetle of Joyce & James Clements and
soon we were merging onto the interstate. Settling in to a pace of 65 to 70 we
found ourselves being passed by everyone else on the road. There was a sudden
slowdown and a 1957 Ford, accompanied by a Karmann-Ghia, pulled off the
highway. We later learned that the '57 Ford had lost a wheel cover and they
stopped to retrieve it.

Soon we reached the large rest area that is just over the hill where you get
your first view of Santa Fe as you head north. We all walked around taking
photos, asking about each other's cars and soaking up that wonderful heat and

We were given sheets of paper with directions. We didn't need directions,
having looked at the map on NMCCC's web site, and having looked at Google Map
to see just were Nambe Falls is and what roads to take to get there. To our
surprise the directions said we were to turn off US285 at Exit 177 -- that
can't be right! We continued following the black Corvette that was following
the light blue VW Beetle which, we were sure, would not lead us astray. Sure
enough, the light blue VW continued past Pojoaque and turned right on "The High
Road to Taos" and in about five miles turned right at the well-marked road to
Nambe Pueblo and Nambe Falls.

We stopped at the Pueblo check-point and paid our five dollars and then found
ourselves on a rather rough gravel road. The first thing the road crossed was a
shallow arroyo flood plain that was thoroughly dry but that showed plenty of
signs of recent running water. Well, not to worry, the weather was clear and
there seemed little danger of rain or floods.

We arrived at a large parking area, old classic cars parked every which way, no
place to park in the shade. Finally I saw about 17 inches of shade and went for
it. I got out the lawn chair and looked around for a place to sit. Soon we were
inside a building with picnic tables and blessed shade. The air therein was
still hot and humid, though.

John Wiker asked where were the famous Nambe Falls. I followed him across the
clearing and across a little wooden bridge over the happily flowing little
creek (the Nambe River, perhaps?) and turned left to walk along the trail. The
farther we went, the steeper the trail, the more rugged the rocks and the more
treacherous the slope. We didn't slip, though, and as we got higher we could
look back and get a terrific view all the way to the hazy blue Sangre de Cristo
mountains north of Santa Fe.

Soon John was calling that he had the waterfall in sight. What with stopping
often to take pictures and not being in the best of shape, I had not kept up
with him. Trying not to slide off the now even more treacherous trail, I
managed to get up to the fenced-off viewpoint. Away above us we could see part
of a big concrete dam and just below that (and we could hear it very nicely
too) was a pretty waterfall. A charming source for the creek running along the
bottom of the dry canyon. Many photos later, John called from over to the left
that there was a good vantage to see a second waterfall and a pond. I managed
not to fall off the sharp rocks as I got a few photos.

Walking back was somewhat easier than walking up. Now and then there'd be a
hint of a breeze but it did not linger long and the hot and humid air enveloped
us again. I had not been smart enough to bring water and I wasn't keen to drink
from the creek. I managed to get all the way back, cross over the little
bridge, cross the parking area and collapse in my lawn chair in the shade. I
found some cool water and sat and sweated profusely, making the still air even
hotter and more humid.

It was now noon. There was a line of people out in the sun, headed for the food
tents. I was not about to go back out in the sun and stand in line. I sat for
quite a while, trying to cool off. Finally I realized that I had enjoyed this
trip about as much as I was going to, and I needed to leave. We put our stuff
in the car and carefully maneuvered between two classic cars and left. The air
conditioning felt good. But would I be able to drive all the way back? I didn't
have a problem getting back to the main road and then turning onto US284 at

I always hated the drive from Pojoaque to Santa Fe. The road was always crowded
with hordes of speeding cars. They have improved the road in recent years, but
that just makes room for ever more hordes of speeding cars. Well, this time the
new construction had been effective, the road was great, and the traffic was
light. We got to the bypass okay.

As we approached I-25 we had to decide which way to go back, via Cerillos and
Madrid and Cedar Crest, a less busy but hilly and curvy road, or just turn
right to head down I-25 on automatic pilot, so to speak, and probably get home
quicker. I was not feeling up to curves and hills and driving five miles per
hour through Madrid, so I picked the freeway. We turned right onto I-25.

Soon I was feeling vindicated in this decision: we could plainly see storm
clouds and rain east of the Sandia mountains right where we would have been
driving had we gone that way. The speeding cars passing us up as we loitered
along at 65 to 70 seemed not too dangerous or irritating. We were cruising
along, the air conditioner working hard to keep some of that heat and humidity
at bay, when we realized that cars ahead were slowing down. We slowed down too
and saw several vehicles turning to cross the median and get into the
north-bound lanes. Clearly something bad was ahead but we could not yet get a
glimpse of it.

Now we were crawling along behind two lanes of traffic with no idea when we'd
be free again. It took many minutes before we got to the accident (an
overturned truck) where a state cop was making everyone get in the left lane.
Someone in a Camry graciously waved us over in front of them. We inched by the
scene of the crime and soon had a truly free freeway ahead of us.

Now we could drive at 65 to 70 again for a while, but soon I remembered that,
at the exit to Placitas and Bernalillo, I-25 becomes narrow and hilly and even
more packed with speeding cars. Today there was a lot of construction along
here. Maybe next time we'll have three lanes to drive on.

We got through the construction okay. Now we could see dark blue clouds all
over the mountains behind the city and we could see trash and dust being
stirred up by increasing wind. Would we get home before the approaching storm?
As it turned out, we started getting rain drops about three blocks from home.
We got the car parked and unloaded before the hard rain set in.

I was worn out from the 180-mile drive. I felt (as I so often do after a trip)
that once again we had cheated death on the highway. I felt that driving in the
twenty-first century has become an onerous chore that is hardly ever fun any
more. I am glad we went to this picnic, but next year? In August? Will there be
heat and humidity?


Heula Pittman

ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 2010, the Sunshine Committee met in the Pittman home. All
members were present, including Anne Mae Gold, Wendell Walker, Ruth Boydston,
Brenda Stickler and Heula Pittman. Sara Gold accompanied her mom.

We were all delighted that the CNM membership voted (August 4) to give the
Club's half of the proceeds of the 50/50 drawings each month to the Sunshine
Committee. Thanks, All!

The Committee decided to put together Christmas gift bags for the children of
our club.

Remember that the Sunshine Committee mails birthday cards to each member,
spouse and children still living at home. My birthday list isn't complete, so
if you (or a family member) are not receiving a card, please give me your

Lots of plans are in the works for the 2011 Tri-State event in Red River.
Brenda Stickler and I are co-chairing this event and the Sunshine Committee is
working in conjunction with us. Many of us have already completed hand-made
items for door prizes. Other members have given me items that can either be
used as door prizes or as banquet table decorations. We thank all of you for
your generosity in donating items for our events.

Please be thinking about what you can contribute to our registration bags that
we will give out in Red River next June. We usually prepare 75 bags and would
appreciate any help with this project.


Robert Gold

IN MOST THINGS you can only have one "best of" but come September I'm asking
you to disprove that. We had our best State Fair Car Show ever last year for
the 50th Anniversary of the introduction of the Corvair. In 2009 we had a
record number of cars at the State Fair, maybe the best cars seen in
Albuquerque since the "40th Anniversary of the Corvair" Museum/Tri-State car

Being content with that accomplishment would be easy. But I want to challenge
you to make this year's car show even better. You know that going to the State
Fair is a fun time. You also know that if you enter your car you get in free
and you can bring whatever you want to eat or drink. You also know that
everyone gets lots of ribbons to display. Even one or two people not associated
with the Club have received ribbons. So, what's not to like? All you need to do
is bring your running Corvair to the show. I'm suggesting as this year's goal
that we have all sorts of different models represented: every kind of FC,
Lakewood, Corsa, 500, and Monza for the public to look at. What an opportunity!
Here's what you can do to participate:

We'll meet at the former Furr's Cafeteria parking lot (Southwest corner of
Central/San Pedro) at 7:00 AM, Sunday, September 26. After a group photo we'll
leave at 7:15 to enter the Fairgrounds via Gate 3. This is the farthest gate to
the south on San Pedro. We will park on Heritage Ave just south of the Manuel
Lujan Building.

Think of this as a really convenient way to see the Fair. You'll park right
smack in the middle of the fairgrounds and you won't have to pay to get in!

Show times are 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM. A first place ribbon will be awarded for 15
novelty classes and a purple "Best of Show" ribbon will be awarded to the top
cars. You'll get at least one ribbon to display to the world! I'll ask those
CNMers in attendance to do the judging. Thus we'll all share in the joy of
awarding ribbons. You can display your awards as soon as the judging is done,
probably before lunch.

Any questions? Call Robert or Anne Mae Gold, evenings, 268-6878 or email:

We've had good support for this show in the past. Let's keep up the good work
this year! This can be the most unique show ever. See you there.

-- Robert Gold


Jim Pittman

 7. September 2003 Vol. 29 Nr. 9 # 336

Two Golden children enjoyed a Car Council picnic in the Manzanos. President
Robert was back from a vacation in Spain. Treasurer Wendell said we had
$5,321.26 in the bank. Mark Martinek reported on the last Car Council meeting,
focused on the September Swap Meet. The Car Council was setting up a website.
Jerry Goffe organized a presentation by two officers of the Albuquerque Police
Department bicycle patrol. It was interesting but scary --right out of the LAW
& ORDER television series.

Our board meeting was full of ideas for improving the club. People should bring
their Corvairs to meetings. We should organize a show-and-shine for a weekend
before the State Fair. We should have more Saturday breakfasts. Many people
have their Corvairs restored, but others have cars that are continually in a
state of change. We should attract both kinds of owners. We could have monthly
tech sessions. Our meetings tend to be "dull" and this may contribute to
problems with member retention. We could have an autocross and maybe we could
go to the UNM Pit parking area? We could do better planning for the club
awards. We were making plans for an October Aspencade tour.

Dave Huntoon reported on his 3000-mile trip by 1961 VW Bug to Illinois and
back. Geoff Johnson reported on resurrecting a 1966 Corsa.

14. September 1996 Vol. 22 Nr. 9 # 252

The "Billiken" cover showed some conventioneers from Pennsylvania mistaking
Acoma Pueblo for condos. President Mark Domzalski ran our meeting and treasurer
Will Davis said we had $1133. From the Car Council: the VMCCA was preparing an
"un-fair" car show (since the State Fair was having no car show this year) and
CNM would participate. Bill Reider said the convention bank account held about
$15,670 and he was in a hurry to pay all bills. Ollie Scheflow reported that we
now "owned" the second mile (eastbound from Tramway) of old Route 66 and we'd
do our first clean-up as soon as we could be trained by the highway department.
Your editor was putting together a "How to Run a Convention" booklet and asked
for articles from all committee chairs. An outline of the topics took up a
whole page.

Sylvan welcomed new members: Wayne & Judy Ward of Las Cruces had 40 Corvairs
including an aqua Spyder convertible. Sal Roybal had a 1963 convertible.
Michael & Joan Hurst had a red 1964 turbo convertible. C. H. Valerio had a 1964
gray coupe. Johnny & Veronica Silva of Espanola had a 1963 convertible. Bruno
Parks of Iowa paid dues at the convention to get our newsletter.

Mark thanked all who worked on the convention. He described the sinking feeling
when his Rampside just quit motivating - turned out that the drive shaft broke
and the ends melted into blobs. The tech tip was - replace the shaft with a new
one, not an old spare!

Bill Reider discussed torque patterns for Corvair heads. There's the shop
manual way, Richard Finch's way, and then there's Bill's way. Each method is
guaranteed to be better than the others. Actually, Bill's way minimizes the
number of times you have to change the socket on your torque wrench as you go
around the pattern.

21. September 1989 Vol. 15 Nr. 9 # 168

The cover featured styling sketches by Fred Edeskuty showing variations on the
Lakewood: a pickup, an "El Camino" and a two-door mini station wagon. Tom
Martin asked whether the benefits of mailing our newsletter to so many other
clubs was worth the considerable cost. Bill Reider gave the recent national
convention in Kansas City high marks. President Bill Hector reported on the
movie "Tucker, the Man and his Dream" and said there were many parallels
between the Tucker and the Corvair. Tech items included carburetor idle
circuits a la Bill Reider and a complete price guide from Old Cars magazine.

28. September 1982 Vol. 8 Nr. 9 # 84

The cover showed an Opel "Spyder Corsa" which probably never made it from
Europe to the USA. Treasurer Mary Twilley reported $382 in the bank. President
Bill Reider reported that CNM was now registered with the IRS as a non-profit
organization. Several members claimed that they were, too, but not on purpose.
We again discussed the idea of bidding for a CORSA convention in Albuquerque.
Bob Philips volunteered to organize our Christmas dinner.

George Morin gave a talk on front suspensions. LeRoy reported on the CORSA
convention in Syracuse, New York, rating it Excellent. LeRoy previewed our
upcoming trip to Trinity Site.

35. Aug/Sep 1975 Vol. 1 Nr. 8 # 8

Our first "double issue" cover featured a puzzle of sorts. We expected a report
from Steve & Hector Gongora who had planned to drive up to the Denver
convention. (This may have been the first CORSA convention in driving range of
CNM members.) Jim reported on a Road & Track article about a car show featuring
a 1968 Corvair at the Newport Harbor Art Museum.

Ike Meissner contributed several tech tips: be careful when buying a used
generator as it may have been rebuilt before and the commutator may be too far
gone; the standard Corvair pulley is too small and turns the fan and generator
too fast, so look for a larger pulley from a truck; stay away from aluminum end
plates as they tend to crack; brushes can be replaced with hard carbon brushes
for longer generator life. Jack Sellers had storage spaces at $4 per month to
store your extra Corvairs. We considered front license plates with the club
logo at about $1.69 each in lots of a hundred.


CURTIS SHIMP ( ) I had a typo in the article that I sent you.
The rear tires that I use on my Corvair for my Interstate cruising are
215/65 x 15".  I can't remember what I typed for the the article - I think
265/65 x 15".  I am not sure there even is such a size and I think the
knowledgeable reader would have recognized the error.