The February 2013 newsletter - Text Version Updated 21-May-2013 ==== Copyright (c) 2013 Corvairs of New Mexico ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FEBRUARY 2013 / VOLUME 39 / NUMBER 2 / ISSUE #449 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2005 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, Third Place, 2010 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2012 EDITOR: Jim Pittman= NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013 at 7:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE THIS MONTH: Dues Due........................................Membership Committee Various Meeting Photos in the Newsletter...........Club Photographer "Air" Force President's Letter............................John Wiker January Meeting Minutes.....................................Art Gold January Board Meeting Minutes............................Jim & Heula Van Engine Rebuild.....................................David Huntoon Wendell's 94th Birthday (with map)...................Brenda Stickler Treasury Report..........................................Robert Gold Cover Story: The 1960 Corvair Engine ...TUCSON..........Van Pershing The Club's 39th Anniversary Luncheon...................Heula Pittman Birthdays & Anniversaries.........................Sunshine Committee January Car Council Report...............................Robert Gold "Holidaze" or Driving in Snow ..........DENVAIR NEWS.....John Dawson How to Keep Tabs on Your Carburetors ...VEGAS VAIRS.....Harry Ransom Calendar of Coming Events.........................Board of Directors January 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago...................Club Historian COVER: Tucson Corvair Association, CORVAIRSATION, December 2012 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEETINGS: First Wednesday of the Month at 7:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ President: John Wiker 505-899-3076 wikerj63 @ Vice-Pres: Pat Hall 505-620-5574 patandvickiehall @ Secretary: Art Gold 505-620-7434 rollerart @ Treasurer: Robert Gold 505-268-6878 beisbol30 @ Board: Car Council: Mike Stickler 505-856-6993 sticorsa @ Board: Merchandise: Vickie Hall 505-865-5574 patandvickiehall @ Board: Membership: Larry Yoffee 505-321-5909 corsa180 @ Board: Sunshine: Heula Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp @ Board: Newsletter: Jim Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp @ Board: Past Pres: Pat Hall 505-620-5574 patandvickiehall @ Board: Past Pres: Ray Trujillo 505-839-7436 ray @ Board: Past Pres: Mike Stickler 505-856-6993 sticorsa @ Board: Past Pres: David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 @ DUES: CNM: 12 months $25.00 -or- 26 months $ 50.00 CORSA: 12 months $45.00 -or- 26 months $ 90.00 CNM & CORSA: 12 months $70.00 -or- 26 months $140.00 CORSA's home page: Steve Gongora's page: CNM's newsletters: Larry Yoffee home page: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DUES DUE DATES FEBRUARY 2013 DUE JANUARY == INACTIVE 25-FEB-2013 (none) DUE FEBRUARY = INACTIVE 25-MAR-2013 2013.02 Kathy & Larry Blair 2013.02 Kelly & Art Gold 2013.02 Frank Stadler 2013.02 Brenda & Mike Stickler DUE MARCH ==== INACTIVE 25-APR-2013 2013.03 Carl Johnson DUE APRIL ==== INACTIVE 25-MAY-2013 2013.04 Deborah & John Dinsdale 2013.04 Richard Finch 2013.04 Vickie & Pat Hall 2013.04 Curtis L Shimp 2013.04 Wendell Walker EXPIRED = INACTIVE AS OF 25-JAN-2013: 2012.05 Jerry Goffe 2012.07 Anne & Geoffrey Johnson 2012.08 Robert Philips 2012.11 Connie & Hubbard Elmore 2012.12 Kim Patten Send your Dues to: CNM Treasurer c/o Robert Gold 1301 Valencia NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 Past due memberships will become inactive after a one-month grace period. The Club will mail in your National Dues when you renew, if you send us the renewal form from your CORSA Communique! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "AIR" FORCE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE JOHN WIKER What a good year we are about to enter. Based on inputs from our club members, we have selected a few adventures that have not been experienced by the club in a few years. Larry Blair is going to lead us on a factory tour in Bernalillo, Pat Hall is going to lead us on a road tour around Valencia County, and Russ McDuffie will organize a road rally, possibly in the east mountains, but who knows. Of course some old favorites are still on the calendar to include the Anniversary Brunch, our three Old Route 66 cleanups, the Albuquerque Museum Car Show, the State Fair Car Show, the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, our Potluck/Bingo/Auction party and to round out the year, the Christmas dinner. Somewhere among these events we also have added a Picnic and a "TUNA" and we are looking for volunteers to lead these two efforts. If you would like to help, let us know at our next meeting, February the 6th. See you there.-- John ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 1-2-13 ART GOLD Meeting came to order at 7:01 pm at North Domingo Baca Multicultural Center with 21 in attendance. Officer Reports President (John Wiker) - approved the previous minutes. The president stated that the room has competition (need more attendees), could lose the room. LeRoy Rogers received his certificate for his prize won at the Christmas Party. Thanked everyone for a great 2012. Vice President (Pat Hall) - stated that this is a new year, and would like suggestions for events for 2013 (TUNAs?). He stated that he will make an announcement for members to volunteering for being officers. It would be greatly appreciated. Treasurer (Robert Gold) - stated that the account has $4,628.54. He stated that the breakfast was great on 12-15-12 with 20 in attendance. Secretary (Art Gold) - talked about nothing. Membership (Larry Yoffee) - stated that he had nothing to report. He wants to gauge the interest in having the Corvair only shows this year. Members held up hands and showed interest in activities (i.e. Target show). Discussed the Hot Air Balloon event, in which we received a new member. Larry asked the club if this is an event that we would like to do again. Many members showed their hands, yes. John Wiker discussed the Sundays in April for having the Target Corvairs-only show (4-28-13), with a possible breakfast prior to the show, time for breakfast TBA. John also suggested a breakfast for January 12th (9:00am at Jimmy's). Member Reports Jim Pittman (Editor) stated that it is a long month, newsletter deadline 1-25-13. He discussed that changes in email may have cut some Christmas Cards in half. Jim stated that sooner or later he'd have to stop being the editor, hopefully later. He stated that there are no people that cherish the past, hence are not requesting the past newsletter CD. Pat Hall honored Jim for his efforts on the newsletter. Vickie Hall (Merchandise) had no report. She discussed having more events for the year. Also there should be more tech talks at the meetings. Heula Pittman (Sunshine) - discussed having more events for the year. Also there should be more tech talks at the meetings. Robert Gold (Car Council) - no report since there was no meeting. John Wiker located the new Old Car Garage. New Business John opened up the floor for event ideas for the year. Russ McDuffie suggested an economy-run, possibly the end of June. Pat Hall suggested a rally run from Los Lunas to Mountainair and have lunch, maybe in conjunction with the economy-run. TUNAs were suggested. Bill Reider discussed the rules of the rally. He also stated that the ideas should be discussed and hashed out at the board meeting. Vickie Hall suggested going to the visitor's center at the spaceport near TorC. Heula Pittman suggested a picnic. Ruth Boydston suggested going to her cabin on July 4th. Wendell Walker suggested on February 9th (Saturday) for his birthday from 9am-12pm. Brenda Stickler discussed the anniversary dinner at the Quarters for 18 dollars per person on 3-9-13 or 3-16-13. Dave Huntoon suggested completing the loop through Mountainair for the lunch. Mike Stickler suggested going to Tent Rocks to have as a picnic. It is charged by the car load. Jim Pittman suggested combining events: combine a picnic with an economy run. Art Gold suggested an autocross event. Upcoming Events January 1-12-13 - Breakfast at Jimmy's, 9:00am February 2-9-13 - Wendell's birthday celebration breakfast at his home from 9am-12pm. March 3-9-13 or 3-16-12 - CNM Anniversary Dinner time TBA The 50/50 winner: Robert Gold $21.00 Meeting Adjourned at 8:11pm Mr. Gold Reporting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOARD MEETING MINUTES 16-JAN-2013 VOLUNTEER SECRETARIES JIM & HEULA Meeting came to order at 5:00 PM at Highland Senior Center. Those present: John Wiker, Pat Hall, Lube Lubert, Robert Gold, Russ McDuffie, Larry Blair, Vickie Hall, Heula Pittman, Jim Pittman. President Wiker said that he had two goals for the meeting: 1. Work out the agenda for activities for the coming year 2. Discuss how to get more participation from members John thanked Robert for the treasury report's new format and said that secretary Art needed to spell check meeting notes. John put the highest six scores for the Activity Award for 2012 on the whiteboard so the Board members could see and approve who'd be getting the award at the March Anniversary Lunch. John put all the Saturday dates for each month on the whiteboard and we proceeded to assign events to dates, with discussion of each event. A goal was to schedule only one "major" event each month, to try to keep up interest in participation. Some months, though, were just going to have more than one. At the January regular meeting, members suggested TUNAs, Econoruns, Road Rallys, Autocrosses or Slaloms, Road Tours to places of interest, Picnics, etc. Here is the proposed schedule. Some are fixed, others are subject to change. (* An event with two dates means we must choose the better of two weekends. *) FEB Sat 9 Club Breakfast at Wendell Walker's to celebrate his 94th Birthday party! MAR Sat 9 Anniversary Lunch: Heula, Vickie, Anne Mae APR Sat 6 Old Route 66 Clean-up - Ollie Scheflow APR Sat 13 Corvair Driving Tour - Pat Hall (*) APR Sat 20 Corvair Driving Tour - Pat Hall (*) APR Sun 28 Corvair Car Show at Target, Club Breakfast MAY Sat 4 Bernalillo MCT Industries tour - L.Blair (*) MAY Sat 11 Bernalillo MCT Industries tour - L.Blair (*) MAY Sun 19 Albuquerque Museum Car Show - N.M.C.C.C. MAY Fri 31 Tri-State - Cripple Creek, Colorado JUN Sat 1 Tri-State - Car Show, Tours, Banquet JUN Sun 2 Tri-State - Cripple Creek, Colorado JUN Sat 15 Road Rally - Russ McDuffie (*) JUN Sat 22 Road Rally - Russ McDuffie (*) JUL Thu 4 Pot Luck Ruth Boydston cabin in the Pecos JUL Sat 6 Old Route 66 Clean-up - Ollie Scheflow AUG Sun 11 Annual Picnic - N.M. Car Council AUG Sat 24 TUNA (project to be decided) - Pat Hall SEP Sat 7 Corvair Picnic, Veterans' Memorial (*) SEP Sat 14 Corvair Picnic, Veterans' Memorial (*) SEP Fri 27 N.M. Car Council Swap Meet, Los Lunas SEP Sat 28 N.M. Car Council Swap Meet, Los Lunas SEP Sun 29 N.M. Car Council Swap Meet, Los Lunas SEP Sun ? New Mexico State Fair Car Show OCT Fri 4 Start of Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta OCT Sat 5 Continue Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta OCT Sun 6 Car Show Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta OCT Sat 12 Old Route 66 Clean-up - Ollie Scheflow NOV Sat 9 Potluck / Bingo / Auction DEC Sat 7 Christmas Party Discussions: We discussed finding a good (and inexpensive) place for the Anniversary Lunch or Dinner. One proposed venue was vetoed as being very expensive. A search for a better place is being worked on by committee. Larry Blair told us more about MCT Industries which builds trailers and other equipment for the military. They sometimes work on Saturdays and perhaps we could tour while they are working, instead of just seeing a static plant with the equipment. Larry then told us about events in and near Socorro concerning re-enactment of the Civil War battle of Valverde. This is conducted annually near the anniversary of the battle which occurred February 20-21, 1862. This year the re-enactment will be held Friday-Saturday-Sunday February 22-24. For information, call 575-418-9522 in Socorro. One feature may be a debate between a Confederate and a Union colonel. In 2013, who will win the debate? Members may wish to go to this, even if we don't make it an official club tour. More information may be forthcoming. As we wrapped up the meeting, stories were heard: * Lube remarked that his back was hurting after doing -- not heavy-duty Corvair drive train work -- but helping someone move a couch. * Robert told about driving for two years with expired license plates and having no attention from the authorities during that time! * Jim told about an encounter with a sheriff's deputy for having a former Corvair license plate on a new Honda Civic - that can't be legal! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VAN ENGINE REBUILD DAVID HUNTOON I started this rebuild due to a few problems with the van motor. Kind of a rough loping idle, low compression on 3 cylinders and the usual oil leaks. I did find a couple suspect valve seats on the low compression cylinders. Likely this also accounts for the uneven idle. I had a nice set of 110-hp heads I had received in a box of spare parts from a Corvair I bought in the early 1990s in Hobbs. Someone had done some work on them as there was nice fresh metal on the valve seat faces. The heads on the van were 95-hp and I will have them rebuilt to keep for some other time. Other things I found were one reversed piston, notch pointing the wrong way, and a solid crank pulley instead of a harmonic balancer pulley. The cylinders looked good with a minimal top ridge, so I just honed them and installed new cast iron rings. I also lapped the valves just to insure a tight seal. I split the case to check the bearings. Rod bearings were down to the copper base but the mains were fine. Rod bearings changed, new front and rear main seals, new gaskets and a new finned aluminum oil pan. Much of the time was just cleaning everything and painting the engine sheetmetal. Things are back together now but not installed in the van. Need to check and perhaps adjust the differential. Also I need some warmer weather. It has been zero and below for the last 3 weeks or so. The garage does warm up well if the sun is out. Still not quite warm enough for me though. Next I need to figure out a dual exhaust system. What mufflers to use and how to hang it all. Everything should be ok and at least I will have a nice clean engine. You will know next time you see the van at a club meeting how things went. Next up is to do the same build up for my VW. Right now the engine is sitting in boxes under the work bench. There is always more to do and the projects never quite get finished. Crackpot mechanic Dave ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WENDELL'S 94TH BIRTHDAY - BREAKFAST BASH - 9:00 AM - SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH! BRENDA STICKLER We are going to start the month of February with a Pot Luck breakfast at the home of Wendell Walker, 301 Utah Meadow, Rio Rancho. It is east of Unser and south of Abrazo. We have the following people offering to help: John & Anne ..............are bringing two large jugs of orange juice, Lube bringing a dozen bagels, Vickie & Pat ..............are bringing a dozen mini-muffins and supplies, Russ & Nancy ..............are bringing a 9x12 batch of scrambled eggs & green chile salsa, Dan & Carolyn ..............are bringing a 9x12 cheese and chile egg dish, Rita & Steve ..............are bringing a hash brown casserole and a whipped fruit bowl, David Huntoon ..............Two large cold cranberry juices, Heula & Jim ..............jar of preserves and sliced up fresh fruit, Anne Mae & Robert ..............two dozen English Muffins and cream cheese spread, Rosa making a 9x12 birthday breakfast cake w/candles. Some said they want to cover whatever we may need that is left over. Wendell will have hot coffee for us and 60 sausages pre-cooked. Wendell will also provide seating for 24 people. This is what I think will "balance out our feast" so let me know if you can bring any of them: ______ (1) dozen bagels, ______ (1) dozen mini-muffins, ______ (30) slices cooked bacon (another person providing a second batch) ______ (30) slices cooked bacon, ______ soft butter spread, ______ soft cream cheese spread, ______ any other special breakfast item you want to share with us. Wendell's staff will be helping with set up and some may come eat with us. Thanks for your support! You can e-mail me or call me with what you would like to bring. (On the next page, a map shows how to get to Wendell's house as if you were coming from our Domingo Baca Multicultural Center meeting place.) Brenda Stickler 856-6993 or See you there! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TREASURY REPORT: 12-12-2012 - 01-14-2013 .............. ROBERT GOLD DATE CHECK# AMOUNT PAYEE DESCRIPTION ========== ==== ========= ============ ==================================== xxxxxxxxxx xxxx + $ 668.00 Christmas party. Dues: H.Wilvert, R.Pape, Dues: T.Sutt, D.Palmer xxxxxxxxxx xxxx + $ 95.00 Dues: M.Morgan, M.Martinek xxxxxxxxxx xxxx + $ 261.00 50/50 Raffle, Dues: S.Johnson, L.Yoffee, D.Huntoon, G.Johnson, W.Darcy TOTAL INCOME: +$1,024.00 xxxxxxxxxx 2147 - $ 446.60 Roper's Restaurant Christmas Dinner xxxxxxxxxx 2148 - $ 232.82 Pittman Postage, Dec newsletter, Sunshine postage xxxxxxxxxx 2149 - $ 23.77 Bill Reider: "Care and Feeding" xxxxxxxxxx 2150 - $ 135.00 CORSA Dues for D.Palmer, R.Pape, H.Wilvert xxxxxxxxxx 2152 - $ 52.70 Pittman: January 2013 newsletter TOTAL EXPENSES: - $ 890.89 ENDING BALANCE = $4,931.84 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COVER STORY: THE 1960 CORVAIR ENGINE VAN PERSHING The first engine for the Corvair had many unique features when compared with the 1961 and newer engines. First off, the 1960 engine had 140 cubic inch displacement. The next year they increased the stroke by a sixteenth of an inch to give the engine 145 cubic inches. So internally the engine was a little different. The advertised horsepower was the same for both engines at 80, but the 1960 engine produced 3 ft-lbs less torque. Most of the 1960 engines were the 80hp variety. Mid-year the Monza coupe was introduced and the 95hp powerplant became available. The 4-speed transmission was not introduced until 1961, so all of the 1960s were either 3-speed synchromesh or Powerglide. On the outside there are some obvious differences. The cooling fan/ thermostat set up is unique to the 1960 engine. Instead of having two bellows-type thermostats that operate the doors on the lower cooling shrouds to control the outlet air flow, the 1960 engine has only one bellow which is quite large that controls a sleeve-type assembly that blocks the fan blades to control the inlet air flow. Adjustment is very critical since the sleeve comes very close to the fan belt when the engine is hot and the thermostat is fully extended. Because of this system the lower sheetmetal is particular to the 1960. The air cleaner is another noticeable difference. There is only one and it is mounted in the center of the engine with large rubber hoses diverting the air into each carburetor. The carburetors and throttle linkage are unique and not interchangeable with other years. The battery is mounted up high on the right-hand side of the engine, so between the air cleaner and the battery, there is no room in the engine compartment for the spare tire. The engine itself has no provision whatsoever for a passenger compartment heater. The passengers are instantly warmed by a trunk-mounted gasoline heater. In some ways, the best heater the Corvair has ever seen! The gasoline heater was a dealer installed option from 1961 through 1963. So, the 1960 Corvair engine was indeed unique. Restoring one can sometimes be challenging due to parts availability. Back in the day, these little cars ran and ran and ran. I had a 4-door 3-speed car from 1966 till 1969 and never did much to it except drive it hard. It would do 80 mph on the freeway and not one mph faster. It slowed down a little when it came to hills and turned in 25 miles per gallon consistently. I wouldn't have another one, but how I loved that car when I had it! REPRINTED FROM: CORVAIRSATION DECEMBER 2012 TUCSON CORVAIR ASSOCIATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY/ANNIVERSARY CNM HEULA, VICKIE AND ANNE MAE Our Thirty-ninth Anniversary Luncheon celebrating Corvairs of New Mexico will be held at the Tomato Cafe on Saturday, March 9. This is the same location as last year, 5920 Holly Ave, off Paseo del Norte. A map will be provided in next month's newsletter. Just as a reminder ... The restaurant serves both lunch and dinner and is closed in between. We will have the entire restaurant to ourselves those two hours it is closed to the public, 2:45 to 4:45. Remember, there is no need to go too early, since we will not be allowed into the restaurant until 2:45. We will not be charged a room rental fee! The Tomato Cafe prices are: Adults $10.99 Seniors $ 9.99 (Age 65+) 11-12 $ 8.19 5-10 $ 5.89 3- 4 $ 3.69 2 & Under FREE We must add 7% tax, 15% gratuity and the cost of our drink of choice. From all accounts everyone was pleased with the food selection last year They offer a large serve-yourself all-you-can-eat buffet with an array of food items to choose from: Salad Bar, Three Pastas, Two Homemade Soups, Six Pasta Sauces, Five Handcrafted Pizzas, Meatballs, Fresh Broccoli, Garlic Green Beans, Polenta (Gluten-Free), Ravioli and Ice Cream & Toppings included! We must have 40 people in attendance in order to get these prices. So I encourage everyone to make the effort to be there and to bring as many guests as you would like. We will have a sign-up sheet to circulate at both our next two membership meetings in February and March. The CNM Outstanding Member(s) award for 2012 will be presented at our luncheon. We look forward to having a large turn out for this annual event. We hope to see all of you there! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Four Special CNM'ers Celebrate Birthdays in February: Alan Gold February 2 Nancy McDuffie February 6 Wendell Walker February 9 (Ninety-Four Years Young!) Melba J Anderson February 14 One Special Couple Celebrate their Wedding Anniversary this month: Rita & Steve Gongora February 14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HAPPY NEW YEAR JANUARY CAR COUNCIL REPORT ROBERT GOLD For those of you who have been following the antics of the Car Council at the end of last year you were probably waiting for this report to be full of stories of strife and controversy. I'm sorry, but that didn't happen at this meeting. In fact, those in attendance on January 23 at the Old Car Garage were on their best behavior. The main thing of interest this time around was that the Old Car Garage had moved during the holidays to 3232 Girard NE. With a little difficulty I managed to locate the new site and I arrived (almost) on time. I was the only CNM'er in attendance, so you'll have to be satisfied with my description of the goings on at the meeting. As usual, the Council is in good shape money wise. Most of the money for the Council comes from the yearly swap meet. This year the profit was about $3,000 which is a little less than in previous years. This was because the Los Lunas police charged us more for security than the Council expected. I think it is always a good idea to pay the police whatever they want. Next year the organizers plan to negotiate a lesser charge. I'm hoping this doesn't upset our friends in blue. A representative from the Balloon Museum told us about a proposed car show at their place in May. Time will tell if this works out. Car shows can be hard to organize. I can tell you that from experience. Oh that reminds me. Don't forget, the Museum Car Show will be held this year at the Albuquerque Museum on May 19. They thought that paving of the parking lot would cause the show to move its location, but this won't be the case. Like in previous years, there will be a $10 charge per car. We heard a report about the pending change to 501C3 IRS status. Yawn.... The only progress was that the lady from the IRS didn't like our paperwork. She said the Council didn't perform enough educational work. There was a long discussion about all the things the member clubs do related to education. We will be revising our paperwork on this issue. And the beat goes on... On a positive note, the word on the Council's web site was nothing but positive. Take a look at the site, it's really nice.You can get to it by searching on NM Council of Car Clubs. The meeting wrapped up with a discussion of upcoming car events. It's hard to believe that we are again beginning the car show season. Check the Council's web site for all the details. I guess that's about it for this month. With a little luck there will be much more excitement to report in February.-- Robert Gold It seems that someone else has discovered that Datsun 240-Z wheels will fit an early Corvair. Robert, you are not alone! Photo lifted from the February 2013 newsletter of Corvair Houston. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ARTICLE CONDENSED FROM: DENVAIR NEWS JANUARY 2013 "HOLIDAZE" BY JOHN DAWSON Driving in snowy conditions reminds me of the trip Karen and I took thirty years ago in our 1967 sedan on December 23, 1982 down to the panhandle of Oklahoma - Guymon, Oklahoma, to be precise. If any of you saw the recent PBS special on The Dust Bowl, that area was the epicenter of one of the worst man-made ecological and economic disasters within the last 100 years; of course, by the 1980s, evidence of those times was not all that apparent other than the occasional isolated tumbled-down farm house or windmill. But I digress. We left Denver after the Christmas party at the auto parts place where I worked, just ahead of the storm that dumped 32" or so of snow on Denver within 24 hours. The drive south down I-25 was fine, as was the drive west on US-50 into Lamar and then US-287 to Boise City and then OK-3 into Guymon. We had a great Christmas with Karen's cousins, aunt and uncle, parents, and grandparents. It was a bit windy when we got there -- when is it not? -- and the area got hit by an ice storm, leaving about a quarter to one-half inch of ice on everything. After all the Christmas festivities were over, the TV news reported that Denver was "socked in" and buried under three foot of snow. We decided to stay a few days longer in Guymon and finally headed back several days later with Karen's parents leading the way in their 1975 Cordoba. Apart from navigating the still icy roads in the panhandle, the drive north on US-287 was OK, but we saw several semis that were off in the ditch south of Springfield, CO. When we got into Lamar, I noticed that it was rather difficult making a right or left-hand turn. When we parked to get something to eat, I noticed that the front wheel-wells were packed solid with snow. With no engine up front to keep that area warm, the snow had built up. I dug the snow out from both wheel-wells and we proceeded on towards Pueblo via US-50. I-25 was just fine up until we got to Castle Rock when we noticed that the snow along the highway was deeper and deeper. We missed the exit at Arapahoe Road due to a huge snow berm that had been created by the plows and had to exit at Orchard. We wound our way around Greenwood Village and finally got to Karen's parents' house in Southglenn and spent quite some time shoveling the driveway so we could get the cars off the street. After warming up, we headed home to our home in west Denver and had to shovel our driveway there as well. Our other Corvair at the time, a 1965 sedan, was completely buried under about four feet of drifted snow. We finally got the 1967 into the driveway, got into the house, and got warm. What a long and stressful journey. Added to the concern was that Karen was five months pregnant with Tegan, our first. What took about five or six hours going down took about twelve going back. The little Corvair kept us warm and on the road and got us safely home. So, don't be afraid to take your Corvair out in the snow. Just watch out for the other drivers! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPLIT PERSONALITY -- HOW TO KEEP TABS ON YOUR CARBURETORS BY G. HARRY RANSOM You've probably heard the expression - "You don't get a second chance to make a first impression." Well, what's the first thing that grabs your attention when you first look into the engine compartment of a non turbo Corvair? Probably, it's those amber stained vacuum choke pull-offs on each carburetor, eh? Yuk. They're supposed to be off-white or oyster colored. Instead, they usually appear to be smeared with Cheetos residue! Actually, there's a twofold problem here. Yes, cosmetically they display years of gasoline stains. But if they are all plastic and not the style with a stamped metal base then the corner mounting tabs are often split apart. This failure can lead to the loss of the proper upper body half carburetor casting sealing and hold-down torque. See the accompanying photo. It appears that the metal base pull-offs are no longer available; just the all plastic varieties. An alternate solution to strengthening and extending the longevity of an installation of the plastic base models is to epoxy a #8 steel washer to the top sides of each mounting tab. This fabrication should help prevent the base corners from splitting (over time) around the bolt holes. Just drill out any excess epoxy before mounting. I used good 'ole J-B Weld which may sound like a "red neck" style fix but the stuff really works. I'm sure that this is not an original idea but one I would like to make sure is shared with other CORSA members. -- Happy cruising, Harry REPRINTED FROM: VEGAS VAIRS - CHAPTER #891 February 2013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ============================================================================ C O R V A I R S o f N E W M E X I C O C O M I N G E V E N T S ============================================================================ | February 2013 | March 2013 | April 2013 | | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | | 1 2 | 1 2 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 | | 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | | 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | | 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | | 24 25 26 27 28 | 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | 28 29 30 | | | 31 | | ============================================================================ Wed 6 Feb 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, at the corner of Wyoming & Carmel, just north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE Wed 6 Feb After our meeting, we may go to the IHOP at 8100 Wyoming NE Sat 9 Feb 9:00 AM Wendell Walker's 94th Birthday breakfast 505-280-2190 cell 301 Utah Meadow Rio Rancho NM 87124 505-892-8471 home Sat 9 Feb 1:00 PM Los Lunas 66 CRUISE. Starts in Bosque Farms at the Wells Fargo Bank. Wed 20 Feb 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE Fri 22 Feb 9:00 PM Deadline for items for March newsletter ============================================================================ Wed 6 Mar 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, at the corner of Wyoming & Carmel, just north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE Wed 6 Mar After our meeting, we may go to the IHOP at 8100 Wyoming NE Sat 9 Mar 1:00 PM Los Lunas Poker Run Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms Bill Schofield (505)565-2105, David Silva (505)550-8415, or Sat 9 Mar 2:45 PM - 4:45 PM - Anniversary Lunch - Tomato Cafe - more later! Wed 20 Mar 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE Fri 22 Mar 9:00 PM Deadline for items for April newsletter ============================================================================ Wed 3 Apr 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, at the corner of Wyoming & Carmel, just north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE Wed 3 Apr After our meeting, we may go to the IHOP at 8100 Wyoming NE Sat 6 Apr 9:00 Old Route 66 Clean-up - Ollie Scheflow Sat 13th or 20th April - Corvair Driving Tour - Pat Hall - TBA Sat 13 Apr 1:00 PM Los Lunas Run for the Egg Car Game Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank Bosque Farms - Bill Schofield (505)565-2105, David Silva (505)550-8415, or Wed 17 Apr 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE Fri 19 Apr 9:00 PM Deadline for items for May newsletter Sat 20 Apr .... Annual Spring Thaw, WorldWide Auto, 3232 Girard NE, Albuquerque Get your collector vehicle ready for the show/touring season Oil change and car checkup in exchange for donation to Cuidando los Ninos - Breakfast and lunch served - Open to all. Contact: Desiree (505)881-2722 Sun 28 Apr Corvair Car Show at Target - Club Breakfast - TBA ============================================================================ Sun 19 May Albuquerque Museum / Car Council Old Town Car Show ============================================================================ Friday-Sunday 31-May-2013 - 02-Jun-2013 Tri-State in Cripple Creek, Colorado ============================================================================ Thu 4 Jul Pot Luck at Ruth Boydston's cabin in the Pecos ============================================================================ Thu 4 Jul Early! Fourth of July on the Plaza - Santa Fe ============================================================================ Tue-Sat 16-20 July ==== CORSA International Convention, Kalamazoo, Michigan ============================================================================ See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities: ========================= ========================= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YEARS AGO IN FEBRUARY 2006 - VOL 32 Nr.2 - # 365 Cover: the only Corvair to show up at Bosque del Apache belonged to new members Pat & Vickie Hall. It was a cold day, and we were glad of the school bus that Jerry Goffe provided. This issue was full of photos from the Bosque tour. We had $3,293.82 in the bank, said Wendell. A new member: Dan Palmer - Ultra Van. A guest: Cary Hubbard - Greenbrier. Ollie said we'd need to start doing four clean-ups a year on Old Route 66. Jim asked the board to approve mailing our newsletters in envelopes (requiring 2 ounce postage) to avoid mangling by the post office. President Ray Trujillo's column, "Mechanically Un-Inclined", described the Bosque del Apache tour. Heula told about our club breakfast at The Kettle, and told more about the Bosque trip. LeRoy Rogers brought us up-to-date on preparations for the Tri-State coming up in Montrose, Colorado. Sylvan reminded us of the value of close reading of the Care & Feeding booklet that Bill Reider was continually updating. Sylvan Zuercher provided a history of the Tri-State meets. Tech tips this month included removing a pilot bushing and the pros and cons of synthetic oil. 1999 - VOL 25 Nr.2 - # 281 Cover: could you love two Corvairs twice as much as one? President Pleau ran our meeting at Casa Chevrolet. LeRoy had taken over from Bill McClellan the job of bringing the newsletter to Casa for mailing. Mark Domzalski suggested that the club should get a better print of the January cover photo and frame it for the archives. Guests included Lloyd Platt, a friend of Tarmo's. Bill Nelson of Pennzoil/Quaker State gave a talk on the current state of automobile lubricants. Wendell reported $6,909.89 in our treasury. Our "Nike" investment was up for renewal and we discussed investments. We decided that $5000 should go into a different fund. LeRoy contacted Vic's Daily Cafe to schedule our 25th anniversary dinner party. Would we have a special Anniversary issue of the newsletter? The VMCCA's "Unfair Car Show" was to be no more as turnout was too low. We planned a garage tour to Kim & Del Patten's place, with breakfast at Kokopelli's. Tech tips: pros and cons of solid valve lifters vs hydraulic lifters, the value of an original Corvair A/C unit, and how to prevent your muffler rusting out. 1992 - VOL 18 Nr.2 - # 197 Our cover featured late coupe silhouettes. Chuck Vertrees took notes; Steve Gongora presided; Wendell Walker reported on finances: $958. Wayne Christgau was leaving Albuquerque for Iowa. Plans for our Tri-State meet in Las Vegas, NM were discussed. We planned a garage tour to see Bobby Unser's garage. We tried this several times and it always fell through.... President Steve told us he had secured guided tours of Montezuma Castle and Fort Union. He asked members to sponsor events this year. Sylvan told us of a publication "The Lone Racer" put out by Rossie Morris at Sundance Automotive. It discussed Rossie's participation in the Great American Race with his Model T race car. Rossie thanked CNM for our help with the 1992 race. Tech: Francis Boydston told how to really fix those pesky Powerglide cable leaks, and we lifted a short article from another publication telling how to convert engine sizes from cubic inches to liters. (Example: a 1960 Corvair is 140 = 2.29 liters, a 1961 is 145 = 2.38 liters, and a 1964 is 164 = 2.69 liters. Modify your 1966 engine by boring it to the maximum 3-9/16" while keeping the stroke stock at 2-15/16" and you'd have 175.7 = 2.88 liters.) 1985 - VOL 11 Nr.2 - # 113 Cover: three late coupes. Francis Boydston was president and Sylvan said we has $385. For our garage tour we were told we would see Jerry Goffe's Aston-Martin. Francis suggested that we organize more events with the White Sands Corvair Club. Tech tips: Part 1 of an excellent series on welding by Bill McClellan. Jim Pittman reported on installing Holley carbs on his 1966 Monza 110-HP 4-speed, with some negative comments to go with a few positive features. Finally (a month late) we listed all 54 members. 1978 - VOL 04 Nr.2 - # 29 This was Jim's first issue as Editor. Joel Nash was our president and Steve Gongora took notes. LeRoy Rogers represented us at the Car Council. An editorial gave a history of the Corvair and our Club. Francis Boydston told how to grind valves with an electric drill. We thanked Ed Black's Chevrolet for providing us with a great meeting room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ == END ==