The March 2013 newsletter - Text Version Updated 21-May-2013 ==== Copyright (c) 2013 Corvairs of New Mexico ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MARCH 2013 / VOLUME 39 / NUMBER 3 / ISSUE #450 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2005 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, Third Place, 2010 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2012 EDITOR: Jim Pittman= NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013 at 7:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE THIS MONTH: Dues Due .................................... Membership Committee "Air" Force President's Letter ........................ John Wiker February Meeting Minutes .................................. Editor February Board Meeting Minutes ............................ Editor Thirty-Nine Years! ...................... Heula, Vickie & Anne Mae Welcome New Member: Allen Greer ..................... Larry Yoffee The Latest on the 2013 Tri-State ...................... Garrie Fox Treasury Report ...................................... Robert Gold Birthdays & Anniversaries ..................... Sunshine Committee Bring Your Scrap Metal to the April Meeting ............. Pat Hall Install "Forgotten" Cylinder Air Baffles .... Vegas Vairs JAN 2012 Calendar of Coming Events ..................... Board of Directors January Issue, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago ........ Club Historian COVER: Do You Know Where Your Newsletter is Printed? Photos from Wendell Walker's 94th Birthday Breakfast Party ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEETINGS: First Wednesday of the Month at 7:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ President: John Wiker 505-899-3076 wikerj63 @ Vice-Pres: Pat Hall 505-620-5574 patandvickiehall @ Secretary: Art Gold 505-620-7434 rollerart @ Treasurer: Robert Gold 505-268-6878 beisbol30 @ Board: Car Council: Mike Stickler 505-856-6993 sticorsa @ Board: Merchandise: Vickie Hall 505-865-5574 patandvickiehall @ Board: Membership: Larry Yoffee 505-321-5909 corsa180 @ Board: Sunshine: Heula Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp @ Board: Newsletter: Jim Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp @ Board: Past Pres: Pat Hall 505-620-5574 patandvickiehall @ Board: Past Pres: Ray Trujillo 505-839-7436 ray @ Board: Past Pres: Mike Stickler 505-856-6993 sticorsa @ Board: Past Pres: David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 @ DUES: CNM: 12 months $25.00 -or- 26 months $ 50.00 CORSA: 12 months $45.00 -or- 26 months $ 90.00 CNM & CORSA: 12 months $70.00 -or- 26 months $140.00 CORSA's home page: Steve Gongora's page: CNM's newsletters: Larry Yoffee home page: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DUES DUE DATES MARCH 2013 DUE FEBRUARY = INACTIVE 25-MAR-2013 2013.02 Kathy & Larry Blair 2013.02 Kelly & Art Gold 2013.02 Frank Stadler 2013.02 Brenda & Mike Stickler DUE MARCH ==== INACTIVE 25-APR-2013 2013.03 Carl Johnson DUE APRIL ==== INACTIVE 25-MAY-2013 2013.04 Deborah & John Dinsdale 2013.04 Richard Finch 2013.04 Curtis L Shimp 2013.04 Wendell Walker EXPIRED = INACTIVE AS OF 25-JAN-2013: 2012.05 Jerry Goffe 2012.07 Anne & Geoffrey Johnson 2012.08 Robert Philips 2012.11 Connie & Hubbard Elmore 2012.12 Kim Patten Send your Dues to: CNM Treasurer c/o Robert Gold 1301 Valencia NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 Past due memberships will become inactive after a one-month grace period. The Club will mail in your National Dues when you renew, if you send us the renewal form from your CORSA Communique! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "AIR" FORCE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE JOHN WIKER Those of us fortunate enough to attend Wendy Walker's birthday party should give Brenda a huge hug. As planning began, we looked for about 24 to 30 people to show up and we planned the food around those numbers. When I left at about 1:00 PM, I had signed in 45 guests. Most were from our Corvair Club and some from Wendy's other club, VMCCA. The food just seemed to last forever and everyone, especially Wendy, had a great time. Thanks again, Brenda. The next major event is our Anniversary Luncheon on the 9th of March at the Tomato Cafe. If you have not contacted Heula or if you did not talk to me at Wendy's, please do so shortly. In order to have the place to ourselves, we need at least 40 people! We are not there yet. We need your help to have another successful event this year. See you at the next meeting. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ February Meeting Minutes Jim Pittman Twenty members showed up for our regular meeting on February 6th. The meeting came to order at 7:02 and John read a few items from the price list he received from the Pueblo Indian Cultural Center in case we wanted to go there for our luncheon. Pretty amazing prices, we all agreed. No, we'll be at the Tomato Cafe. Officer Reports: President John Wiker thanked Pat for organizing our January breakfast at Jimmy's Restaurant. Some of us remember it as a cold day! We were back to our usual crowd of 10 people, including our soon-to-be new member, Allen Greer. John also emphasized that we'd need 40 people at our 39th Anniversary Luncheon at the Tomato Cafe on March 9th so be sure to attend. Vice President Pat Hall repeated his request from last month that the members should think of running for a club office at the October elections. Pat asked us to collect any and all scrap (iron, steel, aluminum, brass, pot metal, but no glass, paper or plastic) that we have accumulated and bring it to the April 3rd meeting. Pat will be bringing his truck to the meeting to make another scrap metal run. This may be his last recycle run. Treasurer Robert Gold was not present. Jim reported that he had received the treasury report (it's on the web page under "Treasury") and our financial balance stands at $4,688.89. Secretary Art Gold was not present. Jim reported that Art had once again asked the editor to take notes. Regretfully, Jim then made a comment that we should look for a more reliable secretary. Jim hereby apologizes to all our members for making this churlish remark. After all, this is just a club, and some people have a life outside the club. The comment was out of line. Membership chair Larry Yoffee reported no new members other than Allen Greer (we met him at the January breakfast) who is moving to Albuquerque and whose contact up to now has been Russ McDuffie. His name tag has been prepared and we stand ready to welcome Allen to the club. Editorial chair Jim Pittman reported that February is a short month (this is news?) and the newsletter deadline is the Friday after the board meeting, February 22nd, so keep those cards and letters coming. He repeated that most of what he knows is on the web page, including dues paid and treasury reports. Sunshine: Heula Pittman was not present. Jim read part of a letter from the organization to which we made donations at Christmas. Emma Rogers forwarded the letter from the BCCPTA Clothing Bank in which Kim Kerschen expressed appreciation for our extremely generous donations. Several signed forms were included for those who could use them for tax deductions. Two tax-aware members took a form. Vickie continued the Sunshine report by circulating a sign-up form for attending the Anniversary Luncheon at the Tomato Cafe on Saturday March 9th. Vickie emphasized that we will have the restaurant to ourselves from 2:45 to 4:45 and we will have a great time, provided we can have 40 or more present. Merchandise: Vickie Hall said she didn't have her "board" with merchandise samples on display tonight, but she did have merchandise for sale, and she had several sweaters tonight to give to any who wanted them. Car Council Rep Robert Gold was not present. Jim said he had not received a report from the Car Council meeting. Jim apparently totally forgot that Robert emailed his report on January 24th and it was published on page 11 of the February newsletter, right above a large photo of a Houston Red Early Convertible, and the report lives on, on the web page. In any case, no one else who was present tonight attended the Car Council meeting, so there were no further comments. Old Business: Pat Hall organized the January breakfast and it was well attended with a few Corvairs to be seen in the chilly but sunny parking lot. Some of us drove warmer if less classy Brand-X cars. There were 10 people present. New Business: John proceeded to go over every item on the 2013 calendar to try to pin down all dates, sponsors, organizers, locations, expected attractions, whatever. All this is outlined in much greater detail below. Member Reports: Bill Reider told about going to a car club meeting to give a talk on photographing your classic car and he brought back some sample photos. You don't have to be a photoshop genius or darkroom master to (1) be aware that cars are like mirrors - they pick up all lights and shadows nearby (2) take photos in good light: overcast day or early morning or late evening (3) be aware of background details that may become distractions in the final photo. Jim wished he had added: don't take photos for the newsletter that have the front or back of a nice car lopped off! Lube Lubert has been working on his Corvair at Pat's place and Pat said the engine started up okay but did not really sound very good. Mike Stickler reported continuing body work on his Greenbrier. David Huntoon reported that his van engine overhaul was going well (many photos on the web page and in the February newsletter) but didn't want to promise it would be ready to run to go to Wendell's birthday party. Steve Gongora showed us the Snap-on calendars and offered one to any who were interested. The December car was none other than Steve's "Santa Claus" color Rampside. Steve also invited all to come out and see the LED lighting in the instrument panel of his 1966 Corsa coupe. Very impressive. Steve's Corsa is one of the finest Corvairs in the city. Vickie Hall wrapped up the meeting for us by reporting on some valentine poems published in magazines in the 1920s, and gave out several cards with poems. She asked us, in a strong, clear voice, to read the poems. This went very well and we all thank Vickie for this charming and thoughtful exercise. Calendar Details: SAT FEB 9 9:00 AM -- Wendell Walker Birthday Party -- Brenda Stickler reviewed the guest list and the food items expected and said it was definitely not an all-you-can-eat affair and there was seating room for about 30 people and be sure to come! Wendy is looking forward to this party. SAT MAR 9 2:45 PM -- 39th Anniversary Luncheon, Tomato Cafe, 5920 Holly Ave NE SAT APR 6 9:00 AM -- Old Route 66 clean-up -- Ollie Scheflow SAT APR 13 9:00 AM -- Los Lunas to Mountainair tour -- Pat Hall. Pat would prefer that we all bring our Corvairs and line up in front of his house at 58 Avenida Valencia in Los Lunas. We will leave at about 9:30 and drive down NM 47 through the Rio Communities to pick up US 60 and thence east to Mountainair. Pat knows an excellent restaurant there for brunch: Ancient Cities Restaurant, 405 US Highway 60, (505) 847-2368. (On the web it says, This place has closed or relocated.) Then we will go north on NM 55 and make our way to Old Route 66 aka NM 333 and thence to Albuquerque and back to Los Lunas. Are we going to turn this into an economy run? Perhaps. It should be a fine drive for Corvairs. SAT APR 20 9:00 AM -- Spring Thaw at Worldwide Automotive -- Old Car Garage. Make a reservation to have an oil change, lubrication, general check-up and automobile viewing. Donations are for Cuidando Los Ninos, a good cause. Larry Blair says it's always good to get your car up on a lift and peer at the underside for any problems that may be developing. SUN APR 28 11:00 AM -- Target Corvairs Car Show -- I-25 and Paseo del Norte. Breakfast may be before or after the show - which do you prefer? Larry Yoffee has a few good restaurants in mind. SAT MAY 4 ....... -- Tour MCT Industries in Bernalillo. Date not set. SAT MAY 11 ....... -- Tour MCT Industries in Bernalillo. Date not set. SUN MAY 19 10:00 AM -- Albuquerque Museum Car Show THU MAY 30 ....... Tri-State in Cripple Creek, CO (some will go a day early) FRI MAY 31 ....... Tri-State in Cripple Creek, CO (registration) SAT JUN 01 ....... Tri-State in Cripple Creek, CO (car show, banquet) SUN JUN 02 ....... Tri-State in Cripple Creek, CO SAT JUN 15 ....... -- Road Rally -- Russ McDuffie -- date not confirmed. SAT JUN 22 ....... -- Road Rally -- Russ McDuffie -- date not confirmed. THU JUL 4 EARLY! -- Santa Fe Car Show on the Plaza. To enter your car, you have to be a member of the Santa Fe club -- about $20. Tarmo will get more information. SAT JUL 6 8:00 AM -- Old Route 66 clean-up -- Ollie Scheflow TUE JUL 16 ....... -- CORSA International Convention - Kalamazoo, Michigan SAT JUL 20 ....... -- Boydston Cabin Potluck. No bar-b-cue because no outdoor fires. It is very dry! But, you can cook inside in the kitchen. Sun AUG 11 ....... -- NMCCC All-Clubs Picnic - Oak Flat SAT AUG 24 ........ -- TUNA -- what do you want? Where? SAT SEP 7 ........ -- Picnic -- Where? Who will organize? Date not confirmed. SAT SEP 14 ........ -- Picnic -- Where? Who will organize? Date not confirmed. SUN SEP 22 7:00 AM -- State Fair Car Show FRI SEP 27 ........ -- NMCCC Swap Meet in Los Lunas SAT SEP 28 ........ -- NMCCC Swap Meet in Los Lunas SUN SEP 29 ........ -- NMCCC Swap Meet in Los Lunas WED OCT 2 ----------- Corvair Heritage Day WED OCT 2 7:00 PM -- Elections -- Register -- Vote Early -- Vote Often! FRI OCT 4 ........ -- Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta starts FRI OCT 4 ........ -- Corvair Participation - to be determined - Larry Yoffee SAT OCT 5 ........ -- Corvair tour to Santa Fe, Cerillos, Madrid - Larry Yoffee SUN OCT 6 ........ -- Corvair group to "van" to the lift-off - Larry Yoffee There will be contacts via CORSA Communique and other avenues to attract out-of-town CORSA members. We hope to organize so that all out-of-town visitors can be closer together and closer to the Balloon Fiesta. For Friday, we may try for a restaurant, or we may find a place for a bar-b-cue. For Saturday, a road tour to Santa Fe may work again, with variations, such as going up on I-25, getting to Santa Fe earlier, and returning via Madrid. For the Sunday balloon ascension, we may be able to obtain vans and get passes for all who bring their Corvair to the assembly area so they can go on the field to see the balloons. SAT OCT 12 9:00 AM -- Old Route 66 clean-up -- Ollie Scheflow SAT NOV 9 ........ -- Potluck / Auction / Bingo at HOUSE OF COVERS SAT DEC 7 ........ -- Christmas Party / Dinner - to be determined. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FEBRUARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES Jim & Heula Only two officers were present, Art having a school event and John being ill with either the flu or something similar that he contracted at school. The Knights and Ladies of the Round Table were: Pat Hall, Robert Gold, Lube Lubert, Vickie Hall, Heula Pittman, Jim Pittman, Larry Yoffee. Officer Reports Pat Hall (vice president) started the meeting. Robert Gold (treasurer) reported $4,688.89 in the bank, no change from last month. Heula Pittman (sunshine) reported continuing work on the quilt for the 2014 Tri-State. For our Anniversary Lunch on March 9th we have 39 confirmed so far. We need 40 to attend! We will ask for more to sign up at the March 6th meeting, and then Vickie Hall will phone those we haven't heard from. Vickie, Anne Mae and Heula are co-chairing our 39th Anniversary Luncheon at the Tomato Cafe and hope to have a good turn out. Heula asked about the annual newsletter expense budget and Robert wrote a check for newsletter and sunshine committee of $500 for the year. Vickie Hall (merchandise) had no sales to report but we do have new Care & Feeding books. Larry asked, what is different about a new edition of the book? Jim said, probably, the list of officers and lists of awards. The technical information is probably the same. Vickie asked, who if anyone proof-read this version? Jim said he had done so for previous editions, but not this edition, so he didn't know. Larry Yoffee (membership) asked everyone if a breakfast before the April 28th Corvairs-only car show was okay? We said, yes. He suggested the Weck's at 4500 Osuna NE which is pretty close to the I-25 & Paseo del Norte location of the car show. We agreed on 9:00 AM for the breakfast and then we'd drive up to Paseo and start the car show. Larry discussed our October Balloon Fiesta activities. (1) He will get a van. He will meet with Mr McConnel, an official with the Balloon Fiesta, and try to get passes to take Corvair owners (after they have parked at the meeting place for the Old Car Parade) on the field for the mass ascension. Then they will return by van in time to drive on the field. (2) He wants to corral hotel space for our out-of-town visitors close to the balloon fiesta. (3) He wants to have a Friday evening bar-b-que in a park rather than going to a restaurant. (4) He wants to leave early on Saturday morning and go up I-25 to Santa Fe, have a tour of the city, then return via Madrid. (5) He wants to advertise in CORSA Communique and elsewhere, but not as early in the year as he did last year. Lube Lubert said he thought early advertising was important and would be a good idea. Jim agreed, suggesting that we push an article with photos to the editors of the Communique, since in the past they solicited just such articles from chapters. Larry said he'd work on this. Jim Pittman (editor) said the deadline for newsletter material was Friday February 22nd. He told about the weekend failure of his web page and how it was caused by an update that changed his disk quota so files could not be modified. The disk quota was fixed on Monday. Larry said that indeed, he tried to get on the web page over the weekend and was not able to. Jim had suggested three topics to President John for discussion by the board: (1) Who should process new member application forms? (2) Who should maintain the member list? (3) What changes should we make in the Treasury reports? Larry has already said he will be sure new members fill out application forms, forward the information (including dues checks) to Robert, forward address and birthdate information to Jim and Heula, and file all application forms. Jim gave a history of how member lists were kept since Steve Gongora was secretary and Sylvan Zuercher was membership chair / newsletter publisher. Jim has to have an up-to-date member list to post on the web page and to print mailing labels each month. He took over maintaining the member list long ago. He needs to continue to maintain it as long as he can. We discussed treasury reports. Disadvantages of putting more complete reports in the newsletter include taking up more space on newsletter pages and extra work for Robert. Advantages would include knowing the dollar value of every transaction. Robert assures us that he can provide this information to anyone interested. The major treasury items are published in the newsletter. Jim has a list of all dues paid (12 or 26 months, CNM / CORSA) on the web page. We all basically agreed to disagree on the details and continue as we have been reporting the treasury for the last 13 months. Having talked ourselves hoarse we adjourned and went out to find the first little hard snow pellets (can't call them "snowflakes") of the evening snowstorm beginning to come down. By morning we had moisture in the form of 3-1/2 inches of snow ready to melt and soak in to the dry ground. Or, maybe, just evaporate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thirty-Nine Years! Heula, Vickie & Anne Mae Yes, it's true; Corvairs of New Mexico celebrates thirty-nine years of existence this month! And we are celebrating with a luncheon at the Tomato Cafe, at 5920 Holly Ave NE on Saturday afternoon, March 9th from 2:45 to 4:45 PM. We have a chock full two-hour party with a neat game that Vickie and Heula have prepared to test your memory and give you an opportunity to win a really cool prize. Then there's FOOD! If you've been to the Tomato Cafe, you know what terrific food there is to choose from. It's a serve-yourself, all-you-can-eat Italian food bar with a grand selection of salads, soups, pizza, pastas, meatballs, famous green beans and of course, their ice cream machine. And we just may have a homemade cake to celebrate. Plus, Anne Mae and Sara Gold are planning something that will likely tickle your taste buds. The Outstanding Member of the Year will be recognized and given an award at this event. The article in last month's newsletter listed prices. Check it out if you have any questions. Come and be a part of our celebration. If you haven't already signed up please do so at our March 6th meeting. This is an event you won't want to miss. Drive a CORVAIR! Don't come early - the restaurant is not open until 2:45 PM. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome New Member Larry Yoffee CNM welcomes our newest member, Allen Greer. Allen was introduced to CNM by Russ McDuffie at the January breakfast gathering. Allen, a Roswell native, recently made the move from Bakersfield back to Albuquerque with his 1961 Lakewood in tow. This is the latest of the many Corvairs he has had since high school and he has plans to get this car on the road soon. Russ and I recently had a chance to visit with Allen and hear about his extensive history with Corvairs and his interest in joining in with us for many of the upcoming events we have planned this year. So, welcome Allen and we look forward to your participation in 2013. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29th Tri State May 30th - June 2nd, 2013 Cripple Creek, Colorado Host Hotel: The Double Eagle Hotel & Casino 442 E. Bennett Ave. Cripple Creek, CO * For reservations, call 800-711-7234 or 719-689-5000 Reserve prior to 5/24 and mention "Corvair" for special $79.95 per night rate with free breakfast * Friday registration and welcome. * Saturday "Show 'n Shine" will be held in front of the host hotel. * Buffet banquet at hotel Saturday evening. * Sunday drive home. * Elevation: 9494 * RV Park in Town * Parking Garage * 2 Restaurants, Deli/Grill, Coffee Shop Hosted by Pikes Peak Corvair Club, Colorado Springs, CO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subject: Tri State room booking status From: Garrie Fox gfox80915 @ Date: 2013=Feb=21 11:03:36 MST To: James Pittman jimp @ Jim, Please tell CNM members that over half the "Corvair" rooms are booked at the Tri State Host Hotel, the Double Eagle. Their reservation number is 719-689-5000. Regards, Garrie Fox ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TREASURY REPORT: 01-15-2013 to 02-22-2013 .............. ROBERT GOLD DATE CHECK# AMOUNT PAYEE DESCRIPTION ========== ==== ========= ============ ==================================== 2013.01.29 2154 -$ 197.95 Bus.Printing 100 Copies "Care and Feeding" 2013.01.31 2151 -$ 45.00 CORSA Dues: M.Morgan ENDING BALANCE = $4,688.89 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Birthday Wishes to Ten CNM'ers: Barbara Johnson March 2 Linda Cochran March 9 Hurley Wilvert March 11 John McMahan March 13 Vickie Hall March 17 Russ McDuffie March 19 Kim Patten March 24 Brenda Stickler March 26 Art Gold March 29 Wesley Heiss March 30 Happy Anniversary to: Judy & David Jaramillo March 6 Anne Mae & Robert Gold March 13 Kelly & Art Gold March 26 And... Happy Anniversary to CNM: March 1974 - March 2013 ... 39 Years! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BRING YOUR SCRAP METAL TO THE APRIL MEETING Pat Hall For the April 3rd meeting Pat will bring his truck for one final scrap metal recycling run. He asks us to collect any and all scrap (iron, steel, aluminum, brass, pot metal, but no glass, paper or plastic) that we may have accumulated since the previous recycle run. Come a little early so we can load the truck before the meeting starts. Money from sale of the scrap goes to the CNM treasury. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ Reprinted from the January 2012 VEGAS VAIRS newsletter ] INSTALLING "FORGOTTEN" CORVAIR CYLINDER AIR BAFFLES A common error made when assembling a Corvair engine is forgetting to install the air baffles under the cylinder barrels. The forgotten baffles will mysteriously appear somewhere in the garage, but only after the engine is completely assembled. Of course nobody reading this will ever make that mistake, but you can give this article to your friends who are less skilled. There are two solutions to the forgotten baffle problem: 1. You can take apart a lot of your brand new and lovingly assembled engine while shouting things the neighbors don't want to hear. 2. You can calm down, have the beverage of your choice and follow the directions below. Cut each baffle into 4 sections at the "U" below each cylinder as shown in the picture. Trim a 1/4 inch wide pie shaped section from each end piece on the flat that goes up. Trim a 1/8 inch wide pie shaped section along one short edge from each inner piece. Try to install the pieces before trimming and you will see where to make the small cuts. Slide the end pieces around the cylinders and into place. Insert the inner pieces into the wide areas between the pushrod tubes and Into place; Attach the stock wire clips and all 4 pieces will be held tightly in place. Credit for this method of installing the baffles goes to Matt Nail, a well known Corvair aficionado and one of the moderators on Credit for the picture goes to Bill Tarasevic a regular contributor on with the username "Billdozer". Thanks to both. (THANK YOU, JACK O'SHEA, FOR PROVIDING THIS FOR THE NEWSLETTER) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ============================================================================ C O R V A I R S o f N E W M E X I C O C O M I N G E V E N T S ============================================================================ | March 2013 | April 2013 | May 2013 | | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | | 1 2 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 | 1 2 3 4 | | 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | | 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | | 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | | 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | 28 29 30 | 26 27 28 29 30 31 | | 31 | | | ============================================================================ Wed 6 Mar 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE Wed 6 Mar After our meeting, we may go to the IHOP at 8100 Wyoming NE Sat 9 Mar 1:00 PM Los Lunas Poker Run Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms Bill Schofield 505-565-2105, David Silva 505-550-8415, or Sat 9 Mar 2:45 PM - 4:45 PM - Anniversary Lunch - Tomato Cafe - more later! Wed 20 Mar 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE Fri 22 Mar 9:00 PM Deadline for items for April newsletter ============================================================================ Wed 3 Apr 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE Wed 3 Apr After our meeting, we may go to the IHOP at 8100 Wyoming NE Sat 6 Apr 9:00 AM Old Route 66 Clean-up - Ollie Scheflow Sat 13 Apr 9:00 AM Corvair Driving Tour - Pat Hall - Los Lunas to Mountainair Sat 13 Apr 1:00 PM Los Lunas Run for the Egg Car Game Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank Bill Schofield 505-565-2105, David Silva 505-550-8415, or Wed 17 Apr 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE Fri 19 Apr 9:00 PM Deadline for items for May newsletter Sat 20 Apr Annual Spring Thaw, WorldWide Auto, 3232 Girard NE, Albuquerque Get your collector vehicle ready for the show/touring season Oil change, car checkup in exchange for donation to Cuidando los Ninos Breakfast and lunch served. Open to all. Contact: Desiree (505)881-2722 Sun 28 Apr 9:00 AM Club Breakfast at Weck's, 4500 Osuna NE. Then we'll drive up to the Target parking lot at I-25 and Paseo del Norte for our Corvair Car Show. ============================================================================ Wed 1 May 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE Wed 1 May After our meeting, we may go to the IHOP at 8100 Wyoming NE Sat May 4th or May 11th Bernalillo MCT Industries tour - Larry Blair Sat 11 May 6:00 PM Los Lunas Clue Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms Bill Schofield 505-565-2105, David Silva 505-550-8415, or Wed 15 May 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE Sun 19 May Albuquerque Museum / Car Council Old Town Car Show Fri 24 May 9:00 PM Deadline for items for June newsletter Fri 31 May Tri-State - Cripple Creek, Colorado - Pikes Peak Corvair Club Sat 1 Jun Tri-State - Cripple Creek, Colorado - Pikes Peak Corvair Club Sun 2 Jun Tri-State - Cripple Creek, Colorado - Pikes Peak Corvair Club Host Hotel: The Double Eagle Hotel & Casino 442 E. Bennett Ave. Cripple Creek, CO 80813 For reservations, call 800-711-7234 or 719-689-5000 Reserve prior to 5/24 and mention "Corvair" for special $79.95 per night rate with free breakfast * Parking Garage * Two Restaurants, Deli/Grill, CoffeeShop * Elevation: 9494 * Friday registration and welcome. * Saturday "Show'n'Shine" will be held in front of the host hotel. * Buffet banquet at hotel Saturday evening. * Sunday: drive home. * RV Park in Town Regards, Garrie Fox - gfox80915 @ - Pikes Peak Corvair Club ============================================================================ See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities: ========================= ========================= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seven Years Ago in March 07 March 2006 Vol 32 - Issue 366 Cover: six Corvairs in front of the Albuquerque Balloon Museum which we toured on February 4th. Lots more photos inside. For fun, the ballad of Antonio Antonio was featured. We had 2,995.10 in the bank. New members were Cary Hubbard and Bob Moore, and Clay Keen re-joined after a long break. We thanked Jerry Goffe for last month's superb tour to Bosque del Apache where an old school bus kept us from the cold. A tech talk by Don Giles from AMSOIL was interrupted by an irate security person who asked how we somehow sneaked by his guards to get into the meeting room. Ray and David calmed him down and kept us from being kicked out, but this was yet another black eye in our stormy relationship with our sponsor. Tech article: Larry Blair told about rebuilding a late model instrument cluster. Robert reported on a fun Car Council meeting. Heula reported on a club breakfast at Weck's. LeRoy previewed the Montrose Tri-State, coming soon. A tech article lifted from the Cactus Corvair Club told how to replace a clutch. Steve Goodman enumerated several DOs and DON'Ts including my favorite: Don't Slam Your Doors! Finally, there was the form to nominate a candidate for the Francis Boydston Award. A long newsletter this month! 14 March 1999 Vol 25 - Issue 282 Our 25th Anniversary Edition was special in every way. It featured a full-color cover and many articles on such topics as "How I got my first Corvair" and "How I found Corvairs of New Mexico" and "What the CNM club means to me" and my favorite, a two-page "Billiken" spread by first president Mark Morgan telling how the club was founded. How can I outline all the articles so generously provided by so many members? As the introduction said, "So here we are, twenty-five years later, with as happy and as healthy a car club as anyone could want. We have done a lot of great things over the years, and we'll do more in the future. It is clear that some of us will be enjoying our Corvairs as real 'daily drivers' for several more years, some of us will enjoy having them to drive to Club events and other special occasions, and some of us will take 'em apart, lovingly reassemble them, and keep them in the garage as special collector cars for years to come." All still true. If you don't have a copy of this issue, get one. The text of the articles is on my web page. 21 March 1992 Vol 18 - Issue 198 Cover: a big "18" made of Corvair images. President Steve ran the meeting. Treasurer Wendell said we had $911. We needed someone to take over Club properties: Wayne Christgau had moved to Iowa. LeRoy reported on the Car Council about the Museum car show and the Great American Race in June. We got a check for $50 for our help with the swap meet. Our tour of Bobby Unser's garage was cancelled. Tri-State plans were firming up. Francis told us that CORVAIR WAREHOUSE in Fresno was for sale for $20,000. Will Davis previewed our tour to Galles/Kraco Racing. Mark Morgan continued his series of articles on driving in foreign countries with a great one about driving in Texas. It was just fine after he got used to it. Tech tips helped us install a cylinder head high temperature warning switch correctly and remove those pesky stuck carb jets. 28 March 1985 Vol 11 - Issue 114 Cover: a late convertible. Francis was president, we had $351, a Museum car show was coming up, and a project to obtain a Club banner. LeRoy reported on our garage tour. Clayborne reported on going to Alamogordo for a visit with the White Sands Corvair Club and announced an upcoming autocross at Holloman AFB that we could attend. Tech tips: Bill McClellan's second installment on Beginning to Weld; the function of crankshaft thrust bearings; how to remove the emergency brake cable; keeping your tools "sharp" so they won't slip; vibration caused by broken blades on the cooling fan; replacing worn steering knuckles; and advice that if a used car is clean inside, it has probably been lovingly maintained, so it's safe to buy it. 35 March 1978 Vol 4 --- Issue 30 Cover: Simple drawing of an early sedan. We listed fun things to do at the 1978 Convention in San Diego. Steve reported organizational changes in CORSA. The treasury held $487. We were selling member lists at 25 cents each. We planned a dinner party at Bella Vista. Jim reviewed "How to make your car handle" by Fred Puhn and said Corvair owners ought to understand how their suspensions worked. Lon Wall of CORSA Oregon told about "rare" Corvairs. Francis' tech tips: (1) heater hose repair with a coffee can (2) blower bearing installation using thermal expansion. Heat the aluminum housing, freeze the steel bearing, stick them together real quick! It works! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ == END ==