The April 2013 newsletter - Text Version Updated 21-May-2013 ==== Copyright (c) 2013 Corvairs of New Mexico ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ APRIL 2013 / VOLUME 39 / NUMBER 4 / ISSUE #451 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2005 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, Third Place, 2010 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2012 EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013 at 7:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE THIS MONTH: Dues Due .................................... Membership Committee Members of the Year Vickie & Pat Hall ...................... Photo "Air" Force President's Letter ........................ John Wiker CNM's 39th Anniversary ............................. Heula Pittman Phobias ................................................. Pat Hall Vickie & Pat Hall Members of the Year Award ........ Heula Pittman March Meeting Minutes ................................... Art Gold March Board Meeting Minutes ...................... Fly-on-the-Wall March NMCCC Meeting Report ......................... Mike Stickler Tri-State 2014 - Chama, New Mexico .................. Larry Yoffee Treasury Report ...................................... Robert Gold Tires / Wheels when 13-inch Tires are Unavailable .. Virtual Vairs 29th Tri-State - Cripple Creek, Colorado .............. Garrie Fox The Martineks Are Coming! April 10th ............... Heula Pittman Save This Date: April 13th Mountainair Tour .......... Vickie Hall Calendar of Coming Events ..................... Board of Directors April Word Search Feature ............................ Jim Pittman Birthdays & Anniversaries ..................... Sunshine Committee January Issue, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago ........ Club Historian COVER: ... Wendell Walker poses with his favorite Monza convertible At right and inside: Photos from our 39th Anniversary Luncheon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEETINGS: First Wednesday of the Month at 7:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ President: John Wiker 505-899-3076 wikerj63 @ Vice-Pres: Pat Hall 505-620-5574 patandvickiehall @ Secretary: Art Gold 505-620-7434 rollerart @ Treasurer: Robert Gold 505-268-6878 beisbol30 @ Board: Car Council: Mike Stickler 505-856-6993 sticorsa @ Board: Merchandise: Vickie Hall 505-865-5574 patandvickiehall @ Board: Membership: Larry Yoffee 505-321-5909 corsa180 @ Board: Sunshine: Heula Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp @ Board: Newsletter: Jim Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp @ Board: Past Pres: Pat Hall 505-620-5574 patandvickiehall @ Board: Past Pres: Ray Trujillo 505-839-7436 ray @ Board: Past Pres: Mike Stickler 505-856-6993 sticorsa @ Board: Past Pres: David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 @ DUES: CNM: 12 months $25.00 -or- 26 months $ 50.00 CORSA: 12 months $45.00 -or- 26 months $ 90.00 CNM & CORSA: 12 months $70.00 -or- 26 months $140.00 CORSA's home page: Steve Gongora's page: CNM's newsletters: Larry Yoffee home page: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DUES DUE DATES APRIL 2013 DUE MARCH ==== INACTIVE 25-APR-2013 2013.03 Carl Johnson DUE APRIL ==== INACTIVE 25-MAY-2013 2013.04 Deborah & John Dinsdale 2013.04 Richard Finch 2013.04 Curtis L Shimp 2013.04 Wendell Walker DUE MAY ===== INACTIVE 25-JUN-2013 2013.05 Rita & Steve Gongora EXPIRED = INACTIVE AS OF 25-MAR-2013: 2012.05 Jerry Goffe 2012.07 Anne & Geoffrey Johnson 2012.08 Robert Philips 2012.11 Connie & Hubbard Elmore 2012.12 Kim Patten 2013.02 Kathy & Larry Blair 2013.02 Kelly & Art Gold 2013.02 Frank Stadler Send your Dues to: CNM Treasurer c/o Robert Gold 1301 Valencia NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 Past due memberships will become inactive after a one-month grace period. The Club will mail in your National Dues when you renew, if you send us the renewal form from your CORSA Communique! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "AIR" FORCE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE JOHN WIKER On the 28th of February, I participated in a Career Technology Education (CTE) Day at Belen HS. Fifteen cars and trucks showed up at 08:00 to set a display for the visitors that started at 09:30. As you can see by the picture below, there was quite a variety of year groups and styles for the kids to enjoy. All the 8th graders from the middle school came to the high school that day to get an idea of what they would face next year as Freshmen in high school. There were 11 groups of about 25 students, each led by an Navy JROTC Cadet. Fond memories from my days as an instructor in JROTC hit me, especially when I met the NCO in charge, someone I had introduced to the program when I was starting here in Albuquerque. He had moved to Belen the same year I retired. There were 11 stations around the school set up to help these students make decisions as to what elective subject to take along with the required courses next year. We were at the CTE building which had many classroom courses to offer. There was welding, auto mechanics, woodworking, Future Farmers of America (FFA), sewing, cooking, consumer science, and computer education located in a new two-story building right across the entry drive from the main school campus. The kids seemed to enjoy being able to look into the engine compartments and climb into the cars, blow the horns and have their pictures taken by their friends with those camera phones most of them seem not to be able to live without these days. How did we ever make it through school when all most of us had were multiple-party-line phones hanging on the wall in the hallway? Our host, Anthony Chavez, the auto shop teacher, really did an outstanding job hosting us and making the kids feel at ease among us old folks. He teaches about 150 future mechanics each year and hopefully his hard work making this day successful will keep lots of kids headed his way. One thing all of us there agreed to was that unlike those in charge of our education system in this state, not all kids need to go to college. We need those students who learn technical skills such as demonstrated today around the CTE building, to repair things and make things so we can get out of this circle we seem to be in: remove, throw away and replace instead of what we did in the past: remove, repair and re-install. Enough with the political statements. I really enjoyed the day, and the weather was perfect although a little cool in the morning hours. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CNM'S 39TH ANNIVERSARY HEULA PITTMAN Forty-five club and family members met at the Tomato Cafe on Saturday afternoon. We got photos of eight Corvairs that brought family members to the luncheon. It was great to have such a nice turn out of people and I believe that all who attended had a great time. As we started to eat our soups and salads, Russ McDuffie explained that we were about to have a little fun prepared by our own Vickie Hall. She had put together a list of sixteen car-related questions for us to answer. And Russ, with his strong, loud voice, asked the thought-provoking questions to the group. Some of the questions resulted in a little head scratching on the part of some, but we eventually came up with all the correct answers. Prizes were awarded to the ones who answered correctly, including some of our ladies. I don't know about anyone else, but I learned some Corvair trivia during this time. Thanks, Vickie, for a terrific idea. We all visited with each other as we stuffed ourselves from the always tasty buffet display of foods. Anne Mae provided a huge bowl of "to-die-for" chocolate covered strawberries that were enjoyed by all of us. We also had a red velvet cake to help us get our sugar fix for the day -- or, maybe, the week. President John reminded us of some upcoming events that we need to be a part of. The first is the scrap metal collection and pick up for recycling by Pat and Vickie Hall. Pat will have his big truck at our next general meeting on Wednesday, April 3. This is a great time to get rid of broken or worn-out parts or other useless pieces of metal that might be in your way. It also helps out the club at the same time, as all proceeds go to the club treasury. John also reminded us of the Tri-State to be held in Cripple Creek, Colorado, the last weekend of May. This is always a fun time and gives everyone a chance to visit with friends whom we likely haven't seen in a year. Details of this are elsewhere in the newsletter. Then John presented the CNM Outstanding Members of the Year Award. And this year we were honored to present it to the deserving couple, Vickie and Pat Hall. These guys do more for our club than most of us know. They get more accomplished as their numerous talents and expertise increase. Our congratulations, heartfelt thanks and appreciation go to our friends, Vickie and Pat. Corvairs of New Mexico has been in existence for 39 years - WOW! And what a club it is. Perhaps this is a good time for each of us to take a good look at ourselves, our time and talents (and yes, we ALL have talents!) and do an evaluation of what we can do to help the club. If you cannot think of anything in particular that you might contribute, just ask any board member. Our officers and board will be happy to help you find a niche to suit your interests. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VICKIE & PAT HALL WINNERS OF THE 2012 CNM MEMBERS OF THE YEAR AWARD HEULA PITTMAN This month Pat and Vickie will drive their big truck to our meeting place and load all the scrap metal brought in by our members. Pat then will sell it at the best price he can get and donate ALL the proceeds to the club's treasury. This is the fourth time they have done this. Each time this sizable amount of money makes a nice increase in our treasury. The work Pat and Vickie do for this effort is remarkable. But this project is just one of the many things they do for our club. Pat has served as President, Vice-President and Board member of CNM for several years. Pat and Vickie have hosted Tunas at their home. Pat has given interesting and informative tech talks at meetings. He has donated tools and numerous other items to be used as door prizes. He has offered many time-saving and money-saving tips to members to help keep their Corvairs running. Pat's automotive expertise has proven to be of life-saving value to many of our members. He has rescued many of us while stranded somewhere in need of a car part or some repair work. He really needs a big painted sign in his shop in Los Lunas saying, "If it's broke, I'll fix it; If I can't, I'll find somebody who can!" Vickie has been a member of the Sunshine Committee since 2008. Her expertise in so many different areas of arts and crafts has proven to be extremely helpful in the things the committee does for the club. She presently serves as Merchandise Chair, keeping members supplied with all the odds and ends that the Club makes available for our members. She has served in this capacity since December 2009. Pat and Vickie joined Corvairs of New Mexico in 2005. Their silver early convertible was on the cover of our February 2006 issue -- theirs was the only Corvair to make the trip to Bosque del Apache that year. They have been valuable members and friends to us in the years since. Their contributions to the club are innumerable. They are "Johnny on the spot" whenever there is any hint that either of them can help some of us. And, I predict that if we keep Pat supplied with HOT COFFEE and Vickie supplied with lots of ICED TEA, they will continue to be Outstanding Members of Corvairs of New Mexico. CONGRATULATIONS to both of you! We love and appreciate all you do to keep our club alive and well! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEETING MINUTES 3-6-2013 - ART GOLD Meeting came to order at 7:05pm at North Domingo Baca Multicultural Center with 21 in attendance. Officer Reports President (John Wiker) approved the previous minutes. The president reminded about springing forward to Daylight Time. He discussed the TUNEA in August and the picnic in September. We need 40 people at the Anniversary Luncheon in March. The meeting place will be at Jason's Deli. Vice President (Pat Hall) stated that he is looking for nominations for officer positions. Robert Gold nominated Art Gold for secretary. Treasurer (Robert Gold) stated that the account has $4,036.08. Secretary (Art Gold) talked about his new convertible. Membership (Larry Yoffee) stated that he has received an old application form. April 28th, Corvair only car show. Meet at Weck's at 9am and the show will be at Target (Paseo/I-25). He urges all to come. Larry has sent an application form to Ed Halpin, and has not heard back from him. Russ McDuffie talked about Allen Greer a new member. He has a 1961 Lakewood. Member Reports Jim Pittman (Editor) stated that it is a short month and the newsletter is due 3-22-13. He gave an application for renewal for the Car Council to Mike Stickler. This next newsletter is in April, and he wants an April Fool theme. Vickie Hall (Merchandise) - She has $20 for Treasurer (2 Care and Feeding books and a license plate). She talked about the Special Announcement Car Show meeting (Thursday, 3-14-13, at the Merril Lynch, 7:30pm). There is a rumor that some of the clubs are not happy about the classifications at the car show. Some of the larger clubs dominate the awards, and they do not allow the smaller clubs a chance at the awards. New books are available (Car and Feeding). Heula Pittman (Sunshine) is working on the quilt for 2014 Chama Tristate. Mike Stickler (Car Council) went to the meeting at the new location. May 19th, Museum Car Show and it will have no conflict with the Tri-State this year. New Business John Wiker opened up the floor for event ideas for the year. Upcoming Events March 3-9-13 - CNM Anniversary Dinner time 2:45pm, Tomato Cafe. Door Prizes! April 4-3-13 - Pat Hall will pick up Scrap Metal before the meeting. Please arrive early! 4-6-13 - Old Route 66 Clean-up, 9am. Ollie Scheflow. 4-13-13 - Car Show/Breakfast, 9am, Pat Hall's house. May 5-4-13 - Larry Blair will conduct a MCT industry tour, tour then lunch. Lunch at Abilieta's. Meet at 10am. 5-19-13 - Museum Car Show, 6:45am at the Sheraton Old Town. 5-31-13---6-2-13 - Tri-State June 6-15-13 - Russ McDuffie will put on a Road Rally, Time TBA. July 7-4-13 - Car Show Santa Fe, Tarmo Sutt 7-6-13 - Old Route 66 Clean-up, 8am. Ollie Scheflow. 7-20-13 - Potluck, Ruth Boydston Cabin, she will make beans. August TUNEA at Pat Hall's ??? September Corvair Picnic 7th or 14th, Corvair only show?? 9-22-13 - State Fair Car Show, Robert Gold. Corvair must be driven in. 9-27 to 9-29-13 - Swap Meet in Los Lunas October 10-4 to 10-6-13 - Balloon Fiesta, Larry Yoffee. Van is available to go on the field to watch the balloons go up. Hot Air and Corvairs. 10-12-13 - Old Route 66 Clean-up, 9am. Ollie Scheflow. November Potluck December Christmas party! The 50/50 winner is $26.00 ($13.00) Art Gold!!!! Meeting Adjourned at 8:11pm Mr. Gold Reporting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOARD MEETING NOTES 20-MAR-2013 FLY-ON-THE-WALL Official meeting minutes not having arrived by the deadline, the following events are reported as possibly having happened. J.Wiker may have remarked that he was back from his trip to an unseasonably warm (92F) and uncomfortable Phoenix, that he had a grueling drive home, and that he's looking for a replacement. J.Wiker may have further said that he learned the hard way that Armor-All should never be used on vinyl seats. It greatly accelerates the cracking of seat covers under the New Mexico sun. In fact Rita Gongora told him that Armor-All is responsible for much of their business at HOC! J.Wiker may have remarked on the evils of ethanol in gasoline for finding the best fuel for his Prius. Somehow discussion may have got around to something about cuckoo clocks, a reference now lost. P.Hall may have remarked that J.Wiker has been doing such a good job that he has had little to do. He may have further remarked that he wants the club to come up with nominations for the four elected positions at the October election. A.Gold having arrived may have remarked that his convertible is running great and he and Geoff are doing carburetor work. R.Gold may have reported a sum of $4,161.27 in our account and he may have reported more details in his treasurer's report found elsewhere in the newsletter. L.Yoffee not being present, we may have learned that a name tag has been prepared for Stacy Greer. Already having his name tag was Allen Greer. We may have had email from L.Yoffee asking for volunteers for the 2014 Chama Tri-State. Details may be elsewhere in the newsletter. We may have learned later via email that before the April 28th Target I-25/Paseo Corvairs-only car show, we are to meet for breakfast at 9:00 AM at the new Weck's at 6650 Holly Ave NE, just west of Kohl's, which is just west of Louisiana NE, and just north of Paseo del Norte. V.Hall may have reported selling seven new Care & Feeding books. She may have requested ten more books for future sales. She may have brought to our attention two interesting facts about another chapter: (1) they are already having their non-CORSA members pay the $3.00 charge to CORSA and (2) their percentage of non-CORSA members is something more than 50%. We may feel that our CORSA membership percentage is actually pretty good in comparison to that of many other chapters. J.Pittman may have remarked that he recently read that for some years now there have been no automobiles sold in the USA equipped with carburetors. All have fuel injection. He may have remembered from long ago the very expensive fuel injection in Corvettes, and the very unreliable fuel injection in Volkswagen Squarebacks that led to millions of VW owners swearing to never again buy a VW. He further may have remarked (per the comment on CORSA membership) that many chapters are very different from ours in terms of paying dues and whom they count as members. He may have reminded us that we decided long ago that when a member's dues came due, they'd get one more newsletter then become inactive. He may have further remarked that the newsletter deadline was 9:00 PM Friday 22 March. He may have offered no explanation for why there is a deadline, possibly thinking all of us would understand. H.Pittman may have told us that Sunshine activities continued. She may have told us of the visit in April of our long-time members, Mary Lou & Mark Martinek, and their wish to get together with the gang (i.e., all CNM members who can attend) to have a dinner visit at Sadie's near Eubank and I-40. That is arranged for 6:00 PM on Wednesday April 10th. Perhaps it would be a good idea to find out how many can attend so as to call the restaurant to make a reservation? She may have further mentioned the email from Larry asking people to volunteer for working on the Chama Tri-State. Finally, she may have congratulated Vickie and Pat on being Members of the Year, well deserved because of all the myriad work they have been doing for the club during the years they have been members. R.Gold may have told us his idea that we should consider Wendell Walker "member emeritus" and have the club cover his dues. When he asks when his dues are due we'll just say, Your dues aren't due yet. It may have been suggested that the membership may be willing to collect money to pay Wendell's CORSA dues. P.Hall may have reminded us that the Saturday April 13 tour from Los Lunas to Mountainair to Tijeras would be a fine trip for our Corvairs and we should meet at the Halls' home at 58 Avenida Valencia in Los Lunas at 9:00 AM and leave shortly thereafter. He may have said that a really nice restaurant in Mountainair would be expecting us, and he may be planning stops at interesting places along the way. P.Hall may have reminded us to come early to the meeting on April 6th because he plans to bring his truck to collect any scrap metal the members wish to bring. We'll need to load our scrap on the truck in time to go to the meeting at 7:00 PM. So, again, arrive early. R.Gold may have remarked that he was struck by the thought that he remembered driving a 20-year-old Corvair years ago, and now he is still driving 50-year-old Corvairs and enjoying it. That just seemed remarkable somehow. We may have had further discussions as the meeting sort of self-adjourned but if so the details are probably lost to memory. This report may have been compiled by the proverbial Fly-on-the-Wall, or maybe by some other entity present at this board meeting, perhaps (in the tradition of Sylvan Zuercher) by someone who was never actually elected to the office of secretary. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MARCH NMCCC MEETING MIKE STICKLER President Gary Zimmerman brought this meeting to order at 7:30PM at the "NEW" old Car garage. CNM was represented by Mike Stickler. The first big item discussed was the Museum Car Show on May 19th. Joyce Clements met with the Albuquerque Museum executives and they would like to draw more people to the museum during the car show. So, it was suggested that a museum booth be added at registration to sell museum T-shirts. The honored vehicles at this year's show will be Light Duty Trucks. The entry fee for the car show will $10.00 per vehicle. As in all past years, the Museum Staff can use volunteers from each car club for this car show. The next event that they focussed on was the annual picnic that will be at Oak Flats picnic area in the East Mountains on August 11th. This year the VMCCA is the sponsoring club. They are putting out an appeal for volunteers to make this event a success. This month there will be the Spring Thaw Event on April 20th. It will be located at 3232 Girard Blvd NE -- that is the "NEW" old car garage. This event will be held from 8:00AM-4:00PM. There is no entry fee to attend. Sign up early to get a slot for having your "old car" maintained. This was quite a brief meeting because there was a Lobo basketball game that was going to start very shortly. I look forward to April's meeting and will update you on the latest information for the car council. Sincerely, Mike Stickler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TRI-STATE 2014 -- CHAMA, NEW MEXICO LARRY YOFFEE Before you know it, we'll be in Cripple Creek, Colorado attending Tri-State 2013! It is then and there that we will announce our plans to host the 2014 Tri-State in beautiful Chama, New Mexico. In case you have not had the opportunity for visit this charming northern New Mexico destination, Tri-State is the perfect time. As you know, it takes Corvair people to make Tri-State happen and continue this great and fun tradition. So here is the opportunity you've been waiting for! Join the Chama 2014 Team. Please volunteer for one or more of the following: Event chair: ..................................... Larry Yoffee Media contact: ........................ _______________________ Registration: ......................... _______________________ Registration bags: ......................... Sunshine Committee Hospitality: .......................... Brenda & Hurley Wilvert Car show and parade: .................. _______________________ Banquet: .............................. _______________________ Banquet MC: ..................................... Russ McDuffie Door prizes: .......................... _______________________ Tour Leaders: ... More on this later at our membership meetings. We need more than one person for each of these above, so please sign on now. I will also be sending around a sign-up sheet at upcoming membership meetings. Soon we will be discussing the process for choosing the 2014 logo so stay tuned for that. I am looking forward to working with you all. Once we have a team, we will meet and finalize our plans to put on a wonderful, memorable event in beautiful Chama, New Mexico. Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you . You may reach me in one of the following ways: 505-321-5909 Thanks very much, Larry Yoffee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REPRINTED FROM "EXHAUST NOTES" NEWSLETTER OF THE ST LOUIS TRIUMPH OWNERS ASSOCIATION, VOL 15, # 3, MARCH 2013 THANKS, MARK MORGAN! What with the difficulty - if not the near impossibility - of finding decent 13-inch tires these days, many special interest car clubs are actively (a) looking for sources for the tires and (b) debating the desirability of going to a larger diameter wheel in combination with lower aspect ratio tires. And, what with modern interests in styling, some are looking at making the substantial jump from 13-inch to 15-inch, 16-inch and even 17-inch tires. To that end, the following is taken from a recent exchange on the Virtual Vairs web group. Some of the commentary should prove useful to anyone who's thinking of moving up a wheel/tire size or two. *** Here in Britain, and I suspect across Continental Europe, also, very low profile tyres, looking rather like elastic bands, are supplied by their manufacturers at a very low price to car manufacturers, who push them as an option, in large-diameter format, in cars such as Range Rovers, BMWs, and other somewhat high-end cars. Owner feedback suggests that the life of these tyres is very much shorter than "traditional" types. Furthermore, they are extremely expensive to replace. Again, owner feedback suggests that they are indeed more susceptible to damage from the increasingly potholed roads we have here in England. Another downside is that cars equipped with large-diameter, very low profile "bling" wheels are significantly harder to sell as used cars, because of the great cost of tyre replacement; and there is a concomitant reduction in the selling price of a used car so equipped. The emergence of these tyres was for marketing and cosmetic purposes only. - David Neale, Leicestershire, England *** Question: Given the same O.D. of the tire/wheel assembly, how much heavier is a setup with mostly metal over one with more of its diameter being rubber? BTW, I am old enough to remember wheels being 15" or 16". They seemed adequate for their day. - Scotty Grover from Hollyweird *** No valid answers for this one Scotty, a 15" x 7" wheel can range from 12 lbs to 25 lbs, likely the same with 16's, 17's etc. Remember, with a larger diameter wheel, more of that diameter is "air". It will also depend on the type of construction of the tire. The real trick may be to not go too wide at the larger diameter. I think a 16" x 6" wheel, especially a "GM Rally-style" wheel, complete with trim ring and pop-in center, would, with the easy-to-find narrower 16" tire - say a 205/60-16 - look great on an FC. It would probably clear everything as well. - Seth Emerson *** Tire Rack now shows weights of most of their wheels and tires. For a given wheel, yes, the larger diameter wheels are heavier by a pound or more. Tires are usually heavier too. You can hunt around on their site and come up with some sample combos to see the precise differences. - Bryan Blackwell *** Another disadvantage with the large wheels and tires is excessive and premature wear to the suspension and steering components. I surmise this is due to the extra weight. Those big wheels and tires are a lot of weight to hang out there on the end of the control arms. Also so much unsprung weight has a huge impact on ride quality, handling and braking performance! Since I started working at a Chrysler dealer with all the 300 and Charger models, which seem to be a favorite for this "upgrade", I have seen ball joints, tie rods, control arms and other components torn up in less than 20,000 miles! - Harry Smith. Coral Springs, FL *** This is a bit of a broad blanket statement, and not always true. Big wheels and tires, in and of themselves, won't do anything to suspension components. However, wheels with the incorrect offset will definitely play havoc with everything. And, if the overall diameter is significantly different than stock, then some adjustments to offset need to be made. If the overall diameter is about the same, and the offsets are about the same, there shouldn't be any problems. The reason the Chryslers you mention have problems is because the offsets are WAY out of whack from stock. - John Roberts *** Concerning wheel replacement, when you flat the rubber band tires, pinching the sidewalls between the lip of whatever you hit and the rim, not only do you lose the tire, but the wheel is often damaged. A plug kit won't fix ruptured sidewalls. All is not lost, however, as such damaged wheels make excellent air hose hangars for the shop. -Bill Strickland ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TREASURY REPORT: 02-20-2013 to 03-19-2013 .............. ROBERT GOLD DATE CHECK# AMOUNT PAYEE DESCRIPTION ========== ==== ========= ============ ==================================== 2013.03.11 +$ 188.00 CNM Dues etc A.Greer, M.Stickler, Merchandise, Newsletter CD 2013.03.12 2157 -$ 62.81 Jim Pittman MAR 2013 Newsletter ENDING BALANCE = $4,161.27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29TH TRI STATE MAY 31ST - JUNE 2ND, 2013 CRIPPLE CREEK, COLORADO Host Hotel: The Double Eagle Hotel & Casino 442 E. Bennett Ave. Cripple Creek, CO * For reservations, call 800-711-7234 or 719-689-5000 Reserve prior to 5/24 and mention "Corvair" for special $79.95 per night rate with free breakfast * Friday Registration and welcome. * Saturday Show'n'Shine will be held in front of the host hotel. Buffet banquet at hotel Saturday evening. * Sunday Drive home. Elevation: 9,494 feet = 2,894 meters RV Park in Town Parking Garage, Two Restaurants, Deli/Grill, CoffeeShop Hosted by Pikes Peak Corvair Club, Colorado Springs, Colorado Garrie Fox - gfox80915 @ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE MARTINEKS ARE COMING! APRIL 10TH HEULA PITTMAN Where: Sadie's Restaurant - I-40 and Eubank, just south of the Owl Cafe When: Wednesday, April 10 Time: 6:00 PM Who: All CNM'ers who wish to see and visit with Mary Lou & Mark Martinek Many of us remember Mary Lou & Mark who have been members of our club for many years. Mary Lou has a special turquoise Spyder convertible. Mark was our Car Council rep for many months. They moved to Vancouver, Washington in 2004. They will will be in town on vacation in April and expressed an interest in getting the gang together for a meal. They like Papa Felipe's but said they'd like to try Sadie's East this trip. It would be great to have a good turn out of people to meet and greet them and catch up with whatever is going on in their lives out in the wet country. See you there! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SAVE THIS DATE: SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 2013 PAT & VICKIE HALL LET'S HAVE A "CONVOY ROAD TRIP" Meet at Pat and Vickie Hall's house in Los Lunas, NM at 9:00AM. We will leave no later that 9:30AM traveling South on Highway 47 and East on US 60 heading for Mountainair, NM where we will have lunch. The second half of our convoy will take us through the Manzano Mountains heading to Tijeras, NM where we will stop at a quaint roadside attraction before going our separate ways. This is a very nice and enjoyable drive so please plan to attend. Drive your Corvair or, if necessary, your X-brand vehicle. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Pat & Vickie Hall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ============================================================================ | April 2013 | May 2013 | June 2013 | | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | | 1 2 3 4 5 6 | 1 2 3 4 | 1 | | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | | 28 29 30 | 26 27 28 29 30 31 | 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | | | | 30 | ============================================================================ Wed 3 Apr SCRAP METAL RECYCLE -- Before our meeting, Please bring any broken or worn-out parts or any other scrap metal so Pat can collect it to sell. All proceeds go to the club treasury. Wed 3 Apr 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE Wed 3 Apr After our meeting, we'll go to JASON'S DELI, 5920 Holly Ave NE Sat 6 Apr 9:00 AM Old Route 66 Clean-up - Ollie Scheflow Wed 10 Apr 6:00 PM Dinner with the Martineks - Sadie's at Eubank & I-40 Sat 13 Apr 9:00 AM Corvair Driving Tour - Pat and Vickie Hall Los Lunas - Mountainair - Tijeras Sat 13 Apr 1:00 PM Los Lunas Run for the Egg Car Game Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank Bosque Farms - Bill Schofield (505)565-2105, David Silva (505)550-8415, or Wed 17 Apr 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE Fri 19 Apr 9:00 PM Deadline for items for May newsletter Sat 20 Apr Annual Spring Thaw, WorldWide Auto, 3232 Girard NE, Albuquerque Get your collector vehicle ready for the show/touring season Oil change and car checkup in exchange for donation to Cuidando los Ninos - Breakfast and lunch served - Open to all. Contact: Desiree (505)881-2722 Sun 28 Apr 9:00 AM Club Breakfast: Weck's, 6650 Holly Ave NE, west of Kohl's Sun 28 Apr After breakfast: Corvair Car Show at Target - I-25 / Paseo del Norte ============================================================================ Wed 1 May 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER Sat 4 May ....... Bernalillo MCT Industries tour - Larry Blair Sat 11 May 6:00 PM Los Lunas Clue Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms Bill Schofield (505)565-2105, David Silva (505)550-8415, or Wed 15 May 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE Sun 19 May Albuquerque Museum / Car Council Old Town Car Show Fri 24 May 9:00 PM Deadline for items for June newsletter Fri 31 May - 2 June Tri-State, Cripple Creek, Colorado - Pikes Peak Corvair Club ============================================================================ Sat 1 Jun Tri-State - Cripple Creek, Colorado - Pikes Peak Corvair Club Sun 2 Jun Tri-State - Cripple Creek, Colorado - Pikes Peak Corvair Club Wed 5 Jun 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER Sat 8 Jun 6:00 PM Los Lunas Clue Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms Bill Schofield (505)565-2105, David Silva (505)550-8415, or Sat 15 Jun ....... Road Rally - organized by Russ McDuffie Wed 19 Jun 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE Fri 21 Jun 9:00 PM Deadline for items for July newsletter ============================================================================ See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities: ========================= ========================= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Not an April Fool joke but a "word search" feature. Words are horizontal, vertical, diagonal or in any direction. There are duplicates! Extra credit if you find the three-word "copyright" sentence. Answers may be provided in a future issue, or at a meeting. FOUND 1. GM company that made our 44FF's .................................. _ _ ___ 2. Code Letters for Rochester carburetor ............................ _ _ ___ 3. Code letters for Carter carburetor ............................... _ _ ___ 4. Dave's is an eight-door model, therefore is rather rare ........ _ _ _ ___ 5. The kind of rear suspensions all Corvairs have ................. _ _ _ ___ 6. Government agency that wants to collect your money ............. _ _ _ ___ 7. Its rotation makes cooling air flow through the fins ........... _ _ _ ___ 8. Corvair powerglides have this many forward speeds .............. _ _ _ ___ 9. Something turbos tend to do when accelerating .................. _ _ _ ___ 10. This is the very heart of your engine .......................... _ _ _ ___ 11. Fluid our engines use for cooling .............................. _ _ _ ___ 12. Fluid our engines really use for cooling ....................... _ _ _ ___ 13. Place of business of two long-time Corvair club members ........ _ _ _ ___ 14. Models from 1965 through 1969 are called ..................... _ _ _ _ ___ 15. The 1964 is the only model with this kind of spring .......... _ _ _ _ ___ 16. What we think Corvairs are, and how they should run .......... _ _ _ _ ___ 17. Where Corvair engines are located ............................ _ _ _ _ ___ 18. Corvair automatics DO NOT have this (look inside #48 answer) . _ _ _ _ ___ 19. All Spyders have one, some Corsas have one ................. _ _ _ _ _ ___ 20. GM company that made a lot of our original parts ........... _ _ _ _ _ ___ 21. Early models have _ _ _ _ _ axles, just like VW bugs ....... _ _ _ _ _ ___ 22. Models that are not 1965s through 1969s are called ......... _ _ _ _ _ ___ 23. Named for a famous Italian race course ..................... _ _ _ _ _ ___ 24. Only made in 1965 and 1966 and some of them had turbos ..... _ _ _ _ _ ___ 25. Acronymic name of our international organization ........... _ _ _ _ _ ___ 26. We put this in our batteries, not in our engines ........... _ _ _ _ _ ___ 27. When this is published, it will be this month, no fooling .. _ _ _ _ _ ___ 28. Well regarded to be Corvair's Number One enemy ............. _ _ _ _ _ ___ 29. Just remember, you want your gears to mesh, not do this .... _ _ _ _ _ ___ 30. In fact every Corvair head has six of these .............. _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 31. Mighty strong competitor from Ford in 1960 ............... _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 32. Perhaps you celebrate him as the Father of the Corvair ... _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 33. It's what Corvairs have, per Blair's license plate (Sp.) . _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 34. This was an even stronger competitor from Ford in 1964 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 35. They had turbosuperchargers in 1962, 1963, 1964 ........ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 36. My blocks and heads were cast from this .............. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 37. A Corvair vehicle made in only one model year ........ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 38. Not a "station wagon" but looks like one ............. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 39. Certainly not a Rampside, but closely resembles it ... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 40. Only one Corvair model was made in the fewest numbers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 41. Most popular and most utilitarian pickup ............. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 42. Possibly the reason we are all here .................. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 43. Our income: what our treasurer does with it .......... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 44. Surely not a powerglide, surely not a threespeed ... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 45. Either our parent company, or a famous race driver . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 46. Don't need no water because we are ................. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 47. We stop here on our way to Montrose Tri-States ..... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 48. With six per engine, maybe they are AC-44FF's .... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 49. What two elements used to be found in solder? .... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _____________________________________________________________________________ A C H E V R O L E T F A L C O N Q W A N B O E R T Y U I M A I E L O C D E L C O C R E D I S P M A R R O P U A O A S A A S V F D F E G H C J S L K L M T R Z X G B A A A C T C O V B O N Y M E I P S P U S I N N E A O N T A E D R E D A N F A A I R Z S C L O A D S I D E E P S R U O F L S E E E W L S O J R E T K A Z N O M V V E B D Q U I T O V S P A R K P L U G S E V M N Y D K P W G X O W P W X S U O F R L J I E P V W E R R S Q R R T U R B O T A G N I W S B K I L I O E A I W Y H V O V C D L E A D A N D T I N E E L O F T N D O O W E K A L D A S G W A S R O C E _____________________________________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY Wishes go to Seven April CNM members: Mike Stickler ......... April 2 Mark Martinek ......... April 5 Robert McBreen ........ April 7 Elizabeth Domzalski ... April 9 Ray Trujillo .......... April 9 Ollie Scheflow ........ April 25 Emma Rogers ........... April 28 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY GREETINGS go to Two CNM Couples: Connie & Floyde Adams ..... April 1 Connie & Robert McBreen ... April 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SEVEN YEARS AGO IN APRIL 07 April 2006 Vol 32 - Issue 367 Front cover: Richard & Gayle Finch and their Ultra Van and Flying Saucer near Tularosa. Back cover: Larry Blair's Instrument Panel Restoration. Our new motto was "Laissez le bon temps rouler" as in, national debt skyrockets. We met in March at Galles Chevrolet and had $2,968.48 in the bank. A new "old" member was Clint Collins of Tome, NM. A visitor was former member Jim Gould. Much work was being done to prepare for the Tri-State. More problems with the Galles security team over when to lock the gate to the parking area. Ray Trujillo told us he had arranged with Highland Senior Center for us to meet there starting next month. An econorun on the Turquoise Trail was planned for April and David provided a preview. After the meeting Larry Blair showed us disassembled late model dashes. Sylvan Zuercher told the history of the Tri-States and LeRoy Rogers previewed this year's event. The 2006 Ike Meissner Award went to Tarmo Sutt of Santa Fe. Self-proclaimed non-mechanic Robert Gold provided a tech tip on making a tool for adjusting your thermostats. How many of us even knew thermostats could be adjusted? A tech tip from Fanbelt Flyer (Phoenix) discussed clutch replacement details, thanks to John Priddy. We planned an outing to Isotopes Park, as in "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" thanks to Robert. Finally, our "April Fool" feature was a genuine and "true" article on genuine flying saucers by Richard Finch. 14 April 1999 Vol 25 - Issue 283 The cover: former secretary Les Campbell's idea for an early two-seat convertible sports car. Mark Morgan's Billiken had just bought a Fiero - remember them? President Pleau called us to order at Casa Chevrolet. Visitors were Don & Viola Smith from Alamosa and Don Heath, a former member who owned a 1967 Yenko, said to be in the CORSA museum. Wendell said we had $6,833 to spend. We discussed better places to stash our money. The Museum's special cars for this year's car show were Packard (100 years), Mercury (60 years) and Mustang (35 years). We has a talk by Tom Mumford of Maaco. Tom said for special paint jobs, see him. Jim reported on our successful 25th anniversary dinner party, including the talk by former New Mexico Territory governor Lew Wallace who told us what the local area looked like before there were Corvairs. Governor Wallace also had a few things to say about the Hollywood film Ben Hur. Mark Martinek tech tipped about the infamous electrical-short-to-a-frayed-heater-hose problem. If you don't know about this, you should find out before your battery goes dead. Another tip said, don't bother trying to get gasoline out of a leaking carb float; just buy a new one. A nice letter from Denver's Steve Goodman reviewed the contributions of many CNM members to the Tri-State events over the years. Finally, Bill Reider provided the answers to his 25th Anniversary Corvair Quiz. 21 April 1992 Vol 18 - Issue 199 Our cover drawing by Mark Morgan featured a Texas motif to accompany his article, Driving in Texas, another in his continuing series of articles about driving in exotic places. But, wait! The article appeared in LAST month's newsletter! Was this some kind of April Fool joke or what? President Steve ran the meeting, Secretary Chuck wrote the meeting minutes and Treasurer Wendell said we had $1,089 in savings plus checking. New members included Wil Boyd, Norm Brand, Tony Fuller and John Martinez. (Norm was an old time member and still had his award-winning '62 convertible.) Wayne Christgau reported by mail that all was well with him in Iowa. Bill McClellan was taking over the newsletter assembly and mailing job. LeRoy reported on the Car Council and we had many activities to discuss this month: the Great American Race, a visit to Galles/Kraco Racing, the CC Picnic, the State Fair, a Road Rally, a stop at Tinkertown on a trip to Madrid, an Arts-in-the-Park tour and the Tri-State in Las Vegas. A busy month! And, we had a short talk at the end of the meeting by our sponsor, Mrs Cindy Johns. For April Fool: a hilarious spoof of the campaign promises of political hacks, I mean, candidates. (Little did I know that the next seven years would bring political jokes that wouldn't be fit to print in a family magazine like Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter.) I also printed some cartoons about logging in the national forests that drew a complaint from Francis about political content in the Newsletter. Sigh... Well, here's another "political" joke:Question: What do you call the last surviving redwood tree in the world? Answer: The Ronald Reagan National Forest. Hey, you know when you've seen one redwood, you've seen 'em all. And they make smog, too. 28 April 1985 Vol 11 - Issue 115 The April 1985 cover was a drawing of the NASA space shuttle. Did you know a Corvair could fit comfortably in the cargo bay? Possibly there was a '69 convertible in the cargo bay of this one. Or, maybe not. Francis ran our meeting, Bill Hector wrote the minutes, Sylvan gave our bank account as $418 and we had a slide and tape-recorded tour of the fabulous Clark's Corvair Parts operation. We planned a flea market sale. Bill McClellan contributed Part III in his series on Learning to Weld. Tech tips includes how to remove those pesky frozen fuel line fittings without rounding them off, how to install a tachometer in the dash of a '65-'69 Monza, how to align your '65-'69 shifter tube and where to get a great leather steering wheel cover. 35 April 1978 Vol 4 --- Issue 31 The April 1978 issue illustrated "Close Encounters of the Corvair Kind" by Mark Morgan. Secretary Steve wrote up minutes. We appreciated Ed Black's Chevrolet for our meeting place. We had another great dinner at Bella Vista. We were represented at the Car Council by LeRoy. Plans for the San Diego CORSA Convention were featured. A technical article told how to synchronize Rochester HV carburetors; thanks, Bill! Other tips told how to replace late model speedometer cables (Larry Claypool) and what spark plugs to buy (Paul Walton) and finally, just in case anybody actually read last month's quiz, the answers were provided this month. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ == END ==