The May 2013 newsletter - Text Version Updated 21-May-2013 ==== Copyright (c) 2013 Corvairs of New Mexico ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAY 2013 / VOLUME 39 / NUMBER 5 / ISSUE #452 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2005 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, Third Place, 2010 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2012 EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, May 1st, 2013 at 7:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE THIS MONTH: Dues Due .................................... Membership Committee Convoy Road Trip - Mountainair - Tijeras ....... Vickie & Pat Hall "Air" Force President's Letter ........................ John Wiker Phobias ................................................. Pat Hall April Meeting Minutes ................................... Art Gold Back to the Future: Car Council Report for March ..... Robert Gold April Board Meeting Minutes ................. No Report This Month Story About "How To Keep Your Corvair Alive" ......... Jim Pittman Treasury Report ...................................... Robert Gold Calendar of Coming Events ..................... Board of Directors The Impossible Dream: Albuquerque Museum Car Show .... Robert Gold Old Route 66 Clean-up ............................. Ollie Scheflow April Word Search Feature Answers .................... Jim Pittman Birthdays & Anniversaries ..................... Sunshine Committee Bernalillo MCT INDUSTRIES Tour ....................... Larry Blair May Issue, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago ............ Club Historian COVER: The Nine Corvairs on the Tour Line Up at Abo Pueblo Mike Stickler Paces Off the Length of the Church Ruins at Abo Pueblo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEETINGS: First Wednesday of the Month at 7:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ President: John Wiker 505-899-3076 wikerj63 @ Vice-Pres: Pat Hall 505-620-5574 patandvickiehall @ Secretary: Art Gold 505-620-7434 rollerart @ Treasurer: Robert Gold 505-268-6878 beisbol30 @ Board: Car Council: Mike Stickler 505-856-6993 sticorsa @ Board: Merchandise: Vickie Hall 505-865-5574 patandvickiehall @ Board: Membership: Larry Yoffee 505-321-5909 corsa180 @ Board: Sunshine: Heula Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp @ Board: Newsletter: Jim Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp @ Board: Past Pres: Pat Hall 505-620-5574 patandvickiehall @ Board: Past Pres: Ray Trujillo 505-839-7436 ray @ Board: Past Pres: Mike Stickler 505-856-6993 sticorsa @ Board: Past Pres: David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 @ DUES: CNM: 12 months $25.00 -or- 26 months $ 50.00 CORSA: 12 months $45.00 -or- 26 months $ 90.00 CNM & CORSA: 12 months $70.00 -or- 26 months $140.00 CORSA's home page: Steve Gongora's page: CNM's newsletters: Larry Yoffee home page: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DUES DUE DATES MAY 2013 DUE APRIL ==== INACTIVE 25-MAY-2013 2013.04 Deborah & John Dinsdale 2013.04 Richard Finch DUE MAY ===== INACTIVE 25-JUN-2013 2013.05 Rita & Steve Gongora DUE JUNE ==== INACTIVE 25-JUL-2013 2013.06 Melba & Tommie Anderson 2013.06 Joan & Murray Bruskin 2013.06 David & Judy Jaramillo 2013.06 Lee & Bill Reider EXPIRED = INACTIVE AS OF 25-APR-2013: 2012.05 Jerry Goffe 2012.07 Anne & Geoffrey Johnson 2012.08 Robert Philips 2012.11 Connie & Hubbard Elmore 2012.12 Kim Patten 2013.02 Kathy & Larry Blair 2013.02 Kelly & Art Gold 2013.03 Carl Johnson Send your Dues to: CNM Treasurer c/o Robert Gold 1301 Valencia NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 Past due memberships will become inactive after a one-month grace period. The Club will mail in your National Dues when you renew, if you send us the renewal form from your CORSA Communique! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "CONVOY ROAD TRIP" LOS LUNAS - ABO - MOUNTAINAIR - QUARAI - TIJERAS BY VICKIE & PAT HALL (Yeah, breaker one-nine, this here's the Sugarfoot, you got a copy on me Bluetail? C'mon.) (Ah yeah, ten-four Bluetail, for sure, for sure. By golly it's clean clear to Mountainair. C'mon.) (Yeah, that's a big ten-four there Bluetail. Yeah, we definitely got the front door good buddy. Mercy sakes alive, looks like we got us a convoy.) There was a great showing for the Mountainair, NM road trip. Nine Corvairs, two x-brands and seventeen CNM'ers. We first experienced the Salinas Valley Abo pueblo ruins. The site has sophisticated church architecture and a large unexcavated pueblo. Abo was a thriving community when the Spaniards visited the Salinas Valley in 1581. The people of Abo left the area in the 1690s to take refuge in towns along the Rio Grande. Quarai, our second attraction, features exhibits and the most complete Salinas church. Like Abo, the red-walled Quarai was a thriving pubelo when Onate first arrived in 1598 to accept its oath of allegiance to Spain. Salinas Valley was a thriving agricultural society whose members lived in apartment-like complexes and participated, through rule and ritual, in the cycles of nature. During the relatively short distance that was traveled it is amazing that we covered so much territory such as the counties of Valencia, Socorro, Torrance, Bernalillo and the Manzano, Torreon and Chilili Land Grants. For those of you who did not make the trip, we hope this information perks your interest because there is another site, Gran Quivira, which has two churches, excavated Indian structures and might be another planned road trip for the future. Thanks for listening, Pat & Vickie Hall Participants included: Anne Mae Gold, Heula Pittman, Brenda Stickler, Vickie Hall. Also included were: John Wiker, Robert Gold, Tarmo Sutt, Larry Yoffee, Steve Gongora, Russ McDuffie, Mike Stickler, David Huntoon, Lube Lubert, Jim Pittman Pat Hall, convoy leader; Larry Blair and Bill Darcy Photo by John Wiker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "AIR" FORCE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE JOHN WIKER What a week we just completed for the Club! Wednesday April 10th, nineteen of us showed up at Sadie's East restaurant to welcome Mary Lou and Mark Martinek to town. Thanks to Heula for setting it up. Then on Saturday April 13th, seventeen of us in nine Corvairs (two families drove Brand-Xs) had a wonderful day driving and exploring New Mexico's history on a road trip set up by Vickie and Pat Hall. We all had fun and learned something at two different locations about Spanish/Indian ruins along the way. Before we left the Halls' place we learned that one of our longest members, Steve Gongora, had never been to "Corvair Corner" in Los Lunas, so we took the time to tour and educate him about the property and all the "gold" it contains. Yes, I'm talking about the Hall Collection of Classic Cars. Lube and I also learned a lesson. No matter how many new bulbs you put in a licence plate light socket and no matter how well you clean the bulb and socket, it will not work if it does not have a power source. We discovered that the lower half of the power wire to the socket was completely missing. No telling how long that was the case. Sounds like it is time to research my repair book to see where to splice in some wire to provide power. Work on Corvairs is never done, is it? Our Club's next big event is the trip to MCT Industries in Bernalillo led by Larry Blair on the 11th of May. See you there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PHOBIAS PAT HALL Panicphobia is the fear of becoming an officer in an auto club, sometimes called Gavelphobia. This was found in the CORSA Communique dated April 1989 and was written by Jack Allison. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CNM REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 4-3-13 -BY- ART GOLD Meeting came to order at 7:10pm at North Domingo Baca Multicultural Center with 18 in attendance. Officer Reports President (John Wiker) approved the previous minutes. He talked about the R3600 engine on the B-29. The president stated there are officer positions available. Vice President (Pat Hall) talked about people being skeptical about being an officer. Robert Gold backed up Pat on the issue of officers. He had no regrets on being an officer. Pat gave recognition to Jim and Heula for their contribution to the club. Treasurer (Robert Gold) stated that the account has $4,235.27. Secretary (Art Gold) talked about volunteering for the car show at the 2014 Tri-State. Membership (Larry Yoffee) stated that there are two new members. Allan Greer and Stacey Greer are the members. He met a person named John at the Smith's gas station, and he played as an organist at Sylvan's service. He talked about the Corvair only car show 4-28, including a breakfast beforehand at Weck's off of Holly at 9am. He needs to have an estimate of who is attending the breakfast. He talked about the up coming Tri-State and having people volunteer for the Tri-State 2014 in Chama. He talked about the door prizes that will be contributed by merchants in Chama. We need logo designs. Things to do in Chama: a tour of Herring Lake, ride the train, sheep shearing tour. Member Reports Jim Pittman (Editor) stated that it is a long month 4-19-13. He discussed the B-29 and the crew members. He talked about the form for the T-shirts for the Cripple Creek Tri-State 2013. The form is available on the website. Heula Pittman (Sunshine) - Mark and Mary Lou Martinek are coming on 4-10 for dinner at Sadie's at I-40 and Eubank. Vickie Hall (Merchandise) - She sold 4 more Car and Feeding books. She has $20 for the treasurer. Mike Sticker (Car Council) He stated that the council is no longer a charity case. The car council will copyright the name. The museum show is coming up in May, and need volunteers. New Business Ollie Scheflow 9am on Saturday for the 66 Clean-up. Pat Hall - 4-13 The driving tour through the mountains. Upcoming Events MAY 11 - MCT Industry Tour with breakfast being at the Range Cafe in Bernalillo. (Larry Blair) MAY 19 - Museum Car Show, meet at 7am, $10 JUN 15 or 6-22 - Road Rally (Russ McDuffie) JUL 6 - Route 66 Clean-up, meet at 8am AUG 11 - Car Council Picnic in Manzanos at Oak Flat AUG 24 - Tuna (help needed) SEP 7 or 9-14 - Corvair Picnic (help needed) SEP 22 - State Fair Car Show SEP 27-29 - Swap Meet in Los Lunas OCT 4 - 10-6 - Balloon Fiesta (Larry Yoffee) OCT 12 - Route 66 Clean-up (Ollie Scheflow) NOV 9 - Potluck Bingo/Auction (Rita/Steve Gongora) DEC 7 - Christmas Party (Rita Gongora) Tonight's 50/50 winner was John Wiker $22.00 Meeting Adjourned at 8:18pm Mr. Gold Reporting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BACK TO THE FUTURE: MARCH CAR COUNCIL REPORT ROBERT GOLD After an absence of a month in which Mike Stickler was the lone CNM rep at the Car Council meeting, I returned to view the fun and games. Mike and I were both in attendance at this month's meeting. Based on my past experience at the meetings I didn't expect that there would be any new things to report. I figured we would talk about upcoming events and then get to wander through the new location of the Old Car Garage. I'm not complaining mind you, I enjoy the company of the other car folks and the Old Car Garage always yields something worth seeing. However, this month contained a couple of things that really stand out. One was a decision that was a long time in coming and the second was a tech talk that really got my attention. On the routine front, the NMCCC treasury continues to be in good shape. The Council has north of $7,000 in the bank and several CD's. Our intrepid treasurer reported that entering the Museum Car Show period the Council's income for the fiscal year about equals its expenses. The Museum Car Show will again be held at the renovated parking lot of the Albuquerque Museum on Sunday, May 19th. Joyce Clements, the veteran organizer of the show, made it a point to ask me about the conflict that is our Tri-State and I let her know that this year Corvairs should be out in force since the Tri-State does not occur at the same time. Joyce made a plea for volunteers to work the show. If you are interested in helping please let Mike or me know. I'm "counting" on Art Gold to continue his string of years as a volunteer. Remember, anyone who volunteers not only gets the admiration of the car community, but also a free lunch later in the year. Continuing with the theme of routine activities, there will again be a Council Picnic on August 11th at the Oak Flats picnic area. The picnic was such a success last year that it is being held at the same place and by the same team as last year.The Council voted to allow the organizers to purchase supplies in the name of the non-profit Council. This should save us a bit of money. A short report was made about the September swap meet. Negotiations are ongoing to firm up the agreement for this event. It seems some of the city council folks are becoming a bit "testy" about the event, but things should work out fine, just as long as we can improve the porta-potty servicing. Other upcoming events include the April Spring Thaw and the Classic Car Appreciation Day. You can get all the particulars on the Council website. We've had an excess of 100,000 hits on the site in the past year! WOW! Also, there are still openings for the Thaw. Someone suggested that the Car Council trademark its name with the State of New Mexico. The thought that some dark force would try to pass itself off as the legitimate Car Council motivated the Council members to vote to spend $50 to protect our name for 7 years. This got me thinking that our club abbreviation CNM has been stolen by Community College of New Mexico with no renumeration to our club. Too bad we weren't proactive about our name. No telling how much we could have gotten from the junior college to use our name. Oh well, I'm sure that would have driven up tuition costs, so it's best we didn't do the copyright thing. OK, so much for the routine stuff. Now for the surprise of the evening. A report was given about the attempt by the Council to become a 501(C)(4) organization. I've been reporting on this for months, maybe years. It has been a study of frustration with the dubious goal of becoming a full-blown non-profit organization. Our friends at the IRS have been less than helpful. One thing I didn't realize is that this effort cost the Council in excess of $800! Anyway, our rep who was working on the change reported that the IRS official continued to be less than helpful. It was at this point that she reported that in lieu of the fact that we were getting nowhere with the application we should consider dropping the attempt. Minutes later the Council voted in favor of aborting the attempt. It was over! In minutes the dark cloud of the change in status was gone and the sunshine of continuing to operate as we had always done in the past had burst forth. It was "back to the future".... My only regret is that I won't be able to flog this horse in future reports. I guess all good things must come to an end. Now on to the tech talk portion of this report. Any of you CNM'ers who have watched car restoration projects on TV have seen the segment where the intrepid restorer must don a flight suit and respirator and sandblast all the nasties from the surface of a project car. They use various media, such as glass beads, sand, walnut hulls, or such to get rid of the paint and rust. All the techniques have their drawbacks. One will warp the metal, another will leave none of the metal behind if you are not careful, or another will not remove what you want to remove. So Bob Agnew, owner of the Old Car Garage, took some of our time to describe a new/better technique to get rid of the nasty stuff without damaging the car itself. His talk so inspired me that when I got back home I looked up the process on the web. The official name of this equipment is Geoblaster. The website states that the media used in the process is immersed in water and sent to a nozzle where regulated compressed air is added. A special aspect of the technique is that any media can be used as long as it is heavier than water. I guess that means I can't use all those styrofoam peanuts that have piled up in my garage from all the Corvair parts I've been buying over the years. After the meeting Bob took us to his shop where he had been stripping a Ford Model A. It was pretty impressive to see how clean the car was and that this only took a short time to do the stripping. So I'd suggest if you have a project car that needs this type of processing give Bob Agnew a call at 881-2722. Operators are standing by... So that's it for this month. Don't forget, plan to be at the Museum Car Show on May 19. You don't have an excuse to miss it this year. -- Robert Gold ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOARD MEETING NOTES 17-APR-2013 No meeting minutes were available this month. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A STORY ABOUT RICHARD FINCH'S BOOK "HOW TO KEEP YOUR CORVAIR ALIVE" JIM PITTMAN All Corvair owners who intend to do any serious work on their vehicle should have a copy of Richard Finch's book, How to Keep Your Corvair Alive. In the 1975 first edition Richard credits me for "putting this book on the road" by keeping a diary of work done on my 1966 Corsa coupe in 1968-69. Well, there's always more to every story, and there's more to this story. I suppose my family always had cameras. In my earliest memories we took photos with a Kodak box camera and mailed in the film. We took a lot of pictures. There was no easy way to get extra prints, even though the little snapshot books had the negatives in a pouch in the back. We'd pore over those yellow books of photos, especially when we were visiting relatives at Christmas or Thanksgiving. We'd detach some of the photos and fasten them in albums with those little ornate corner tabs. In 1952 my dad bought an Argus C3 camera. We all learned how to take color photos. No electronics, no light meter, just set the lens opening and shutter speed by guess, according to the table of light conditions that came with the film. On our family vacation trip to the Smoky Mountains most of the color slides came out just fine. With color slides we had to have a Kodak slide projector and a beaded-glass pull-down screen. Soon enough we were boring everyone with our slide shows. Fast forward to July 1963 when I made my first vacation visit to Washington, D.C. with two other airmen. One of them had a Heiland Pentax SLR camera. I was so impressed with the quality of his photos that I determined to imitate him. I had a chance to go to Japan in 1967 and in Tokyo I bought a Minolta SRT101. Without quite realizing it I was embarking on a career as unofficial photographer for trips to exotic places: Alaska camping trips, fishing and hunting expeditions, European tourist locations. Most memorable was a bear hunting trip to a remote fjord near Valdez, Alaska where we camped for five days on a wilderness island surrounded by mountains and glaciers. Upon arrival at Holloman AFB in 1967 with my "American Sports Car" the 1966 Corsa turbo coupe, I sought out the local sports car club. I found the members interested in slaloming and racing but not much interested in rallying. Okay, I would learn to slalom. Two or three members had Corvairs instead of British sports cars. One Corvair fan was Richard Finch. I soon learned that he was a dedicated racer and was building a race car in his garage. I started hanging around and volunteered to help. My help consisted mostly of drawing up sketches for a complex intake manifold to be welded up from sheet aluminum, and documenting various details with my trusty Minolta. Soon enough I was invited to go along as part of the "pit crew" and we went to Fort Sumner, New Mexico, Phoenix, Arizona and Riverside, California. One of the Corvair heroes I met was Doug Roe. We watched his much-modified red 1960 coupe (big-bore, 140-heads fed by a turbocharger) circle the track, hot exhaust plume blasting up from the turbo outlet poking out of a hole in the engine lid. One day in 1968 Richard and I were talking about tires and suspension mods to make Corvairs go faster in slaloms and I complained about the way my Corvair was running. I said, It doesn't have any power around town, but has plenty of power on the highway. But it won't cruise smoothly -- it seems to surge a lot and no has been able to fix it. Do you like the rest of the car, asked Richard. Yes, I said, it's just the way the engine runs that's irritating. Your problem is the turbo, Richard said. You ought to take the engine out and put in a 140, with four carbs. Then you'd have almost as much power on the highway and it would work a lot better at slow speeds in town. In fact, he continued, I know of some modifications that could give it more power than the turbo. Richard was an SAE engineer who was building his own race car and I was easily convinced. Over the next few weeks we made plans, ordered parts and blocked out a schedule to allow us to finish up an engine rebuild in the time we both had available. We couldn't find a suitable used 140 engine, so we ordered a brand new engine from the Chevrolet dealer, Sacramento Motors in Alamogordo. The engine arrived on November 12th, 1968. Every afternoon I'd drive to Richard's house in my Corvair or MG-B and we'd work on the engine until midnight or so, clean up the garage, then I'd drive back to the base. The next day Richard would get up early to drive his 1966 Impala company car across White Sands to his job at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces. In the afternoon after work I'd drive to his house and the pattern would repeat. We took that brand-new engine apart to its last nut and bolt and proceded to do some "minor" enhancements. Some parts had to be shipped away to be polished and balanced. Richard was a fanatic about air flow and did a lot of porting and polishing in the intake manifold. Two new carbs for primaries and two used carbs for secondaries were bored out and polished for more air flow. Steel tubing headers let the exhaust out more efficiently. The new engine was fully assembled by January 3rd, 1969 and we started taking the turbo engine out of the Corsa. We had the new engine in place and ready for a test drive by January 19th. Ask me sometime to tell you how Richard "broke in" the new engine. All the remaining details had to be finished up. We kept working and one fine day my brand-new 1966 Corsa coupe with 140-hp engine was ready to go! The date came for me to leave the Air Force and I headed for Arizona, California, Nevada, back to New Mexico, Mississippi and finally Ohio. After spending the summer rallying and taking college courses I drove across eastern Canada and eventually made my way to Albuquerque. Other than problems with those used secondary carbs the engine ran smooth and trouble-free. All through our rebuilding process I had kept detailed notes on parts, work done and technical measurements, and I took lots of photos, some in Kodacolor, some with black & white Tri-X. Before I left New Mexico I photocopied all the notes and copied all the photos to leave with Richard to help him with future engine rebuilds. Over the next few years we kept in touch. Richard often told me he was working on a book based on my notes, and he said he'd share the profits with me if the book sold and made any money. I didn't give much thought to a book or whether Richard would actually write one. I forgot all about it. One day in 1975 a package arrived from Richard. It was a first edition copy of a book, How to Keep Your Corvair Alive. Over the next few years I obtained several more copies. Some I bought, some Richard gave me, and one came from a club member who was retiring from the Corvair hobby. In October 2000 Richard sent me a letter explaining how he had lost money on the first set of books he published, then HP Books took over for a few years, and then Clark's Corvair Parts acquired the publishing rights. Having kept track of all expenses and profits, Richard calculated the share he promised me, and included a check for several hundred dollars! This was truly windfall money, for I had made no contribution to producing this book except for some minor proof-reading. I was impressed that, thirty-one years later, Richard would remember his remark that he would share in the profits from the book. I never counted on making any money from this project. After all, I had been privileged to work with a master engineer on a race car and on an engine rebuild, and for basically the cost of parts I had a new, super-smooth 140-hp Corvair engine that ultimately lasted me for over 100,000 miles. These photos show us measuring the volumes of the combustion chambers of one of the heads. A disc of plexiglas with a hole cut in the middle was used to simulate the piston's location at top dead center, then oil was poured in and the volume required to fill the chamber was measured. Above, a head with carbs and a J.C.Whitney steel exhaust header was set up on the work bench to see what the assembly would look like. Below, Richard points to a small ignition wrench that fell into the fan when the car was new in 1966. I was using it to tighten the clamps on the hose holding the impeller outlet to the crossover pipe when it slipped and Ping! it fell right into the fan opening. Fortunately the engine was not running! I could not fish it out and had to let to stay. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TREASURY REPORT: 03-20-2013 to 04-17-2013 .............. ROBERT GOLD DATE CHECK# AMOUNT PAYEE DESCRIPTION ========== ==== ========= ============ ==================================== 2013.04.01 +$ 75.00 CNM Dues C.Shimp, F.Stadler 2013.04.02 2158 -$ 90.00 CORSA Dues-- A.Greer, M.Stickler 2013.04.04 2160 -$ 62.81 J.Pittman APR 2013 Newsletter 2013.04.10 2159 -$ 187.75 H.Pittman Sunshine Committee, Newsletter Postage ENDING BALANCE = $3,895.71 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ============================================================================ | May 2013 | June 2013 | July 2013 | | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | | 1 2 3 4 | 1 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 | | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | | 26 27 28 29 30 31 | 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | 28 29 30 31 | | | 30 | | ============================================================================ Wed 1 May 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE. After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE. Sat 11 May 10:00 AM Bernalillo MCT INDUSTRIES tour Larry Blair - approx 1.5 hours After the tour we'll go to lunch in Bernalillo. Sat 11 May 6:00 PM Los Lunas Clue Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms Bill Schofield (505)565-2105 David Silva (505)550-8415 Wed 15 May 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE Sun 19 May 7:00 AM Albuquerque Museum / Car Council Old Town Car Show Meet at the Old Town Sheraton parking lot - go in together. Robert Gold 505-268-6878 Joyce Clements Fri 24 May 9:00 PM Deadline for items for June newsletter Fri 31 May TRI-STATE - CRIPPLE CREEK, COLORADO - PIKES PEAK CORVAIR CLUB Host Hotel: The Double Eagle Hotel & Casino 442 E. Bennett Ave. Cripple Creek, CO 80813 For reservations, call 800-711-7234 or 719-689-5000 Reserve prior to 5/24 and mention "Corvair" for special $79.95 per night rate with free breakfast * Friday registration and welcome. * Saturday "Show'n'Shine" will be held in front of the host hotel. * Buffet banquet at hotel Saturday evening. * Sunday drive home. * Elevation: 9494 * RV Park in Town * Parking Garage * Two Restaurants, Deli/Grill, CoffeeShop Regards, Garrie Fox - gfox80915 @ - Pikes Peak Corvair Club T-Shirt Order Form PDF on the web page. Send your order before May 20th to: Jeannie Koll 2490 Marston Hgts Colorado Springs, CO 80920 Phone: (719) 593-1928 -or- Email: Jeanniekoll @ ============================================================================ Sat 1 Jun Tri-State - Cripple Creek, Colorado - Pikes Peak Corvair Club Sun 2 Jun Tri-State - Cripple Creek, Colorado - Pikes Peak Corvair Club Wed 5 Jun 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER Sat 8 Jun 6:00 PM Los Lunas Clue Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms Bill Schofield (505)565-2105 David Silva (505)550-8415 Sat 15 Jun ....... Road Rally - organized by Russ McDuffie Wed 19 Jun 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE Fri 21 Jun 9:00 PM Deadline for items for July newsletter ============================================================================ Wed 3 Jul 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE. After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE. Thu 4 Jul Early! Fourth of July on the Plaza - Santa Fe - note: to enter your car, you will need to join the Santa Fe club, $20 per year. Sat 6 Jul 8:00 AM Old Route 66 Clean-up - Ollie Scheflow Sat 13 Jul ....... Los Lunas Ice Cream Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms Time TBA (In conjuntion with Collector Car Appreciation Day Bill Schofield (505)565-2105, David Silva (505)550-8415 ==== Tue-Sat 16-20 July: CORSA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION in Kalamazoo, Michigan ==== CORSA Convention = Host hotel Four Points Sheraton, Kalamazoo, 269-385-3922 ==== CORSA Convention = $99 reservations 866-961-3003. ==== CORSA Convention = The GILLMORE MUSEUM is 15 miles from the convention. ==== CORSA Convention = The CORVAIR MUSEUM is in Ypsilanti, 100 miles east. Wed 17 Jul 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE Sat 20 Jul ....... Pot Luck at Ruth Boydston's cabin in the Pecos Fri 26 Jul 9:00 PM Deadline for items for August newsletter ============================================================================ See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities: ========================= ========================= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OLD ROUTE 66 CLEAN-UP OLLIE SCHEFLOW The club held its first Route 66 clean-up of 2013 on Saturday April 6th. It was a sunshiny warm day but the wind picked up toward the end of the session. There seemed to be a lot more small bits of paper and paper cups than usual. Thanks to Robert Gold, Javi Gold, Dal Palmer, Jim Pittman, Lube Lubert, Mike Stickler, Hurley Wilvert and Ollie Scheflow. We speculated about an object Hurley found. It looked like an improvised weapon. Defensive or offensive? Thanks to all who participated, and we hope to see even more members at the next clean-up, Saturday July 6th at the cool early hour of 8:00 AM. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES TO SEVEN CNM'ERS: Mary Alice Scheflow ... May 2 Marilyn Foster ........ May 11 Tommie J Anderson ..... May 15 Pat Hall .............. May 22 Brenda Wilvert ........ May 23 Mary Lou Martinek ..... May 26 Anne Mae Gold ......... May 28 BEST WISHES TO FIVE COUPLES CELEBRATING ANNIVERSARIES: Mary Lou & Mark Martinek ...... May 1 Mary Alice & Ollie Scheflow ... May 6 Leslie & Kevin Sullivan ....... May 13 Melba J & Tommie J Anderson ... May 19 Darlene & Bill Darcy .......... May 31 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sat 11 May 10:00 AM Bernalillo MCT INDUSTRIES tour Larry Blair Approx 1.5 hours After the tour we'll go to lunch in Bernalillo. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Not an April Fool joke but a "word search" feature. Words are horizontal, vertical, diagonal or in any direction. There are duplicates! Extra credit if you find the three-word "copyright" sentence. Word answers are given below. FOUND 1. GM company that made our 44FF's .................................. A C ___ 2. Code Letters for Rochester carburetor ............................ H V ___ 3. Code letters for Carter carburetor ............................... Y H ___ 4. Dave's is an eight-door model, therefore is rather rare ........ V A N ___ 5. The kind of rear suspensions all Corvairs have ................. I R S ___ 6. Government agency that wants to collect your money ............. I R S ___ 7. Its rotation makes cooling air flow through the fins ........... F A N ___ 8. Corvair powerglides have this many forward speeds .............. T W O ___ 9. Something turbos tend to do when accelerating .................. L A G ___ 10. This is the very heart of your engine .......................... C A M ___ 11. Fluid our engines use for cooling .............................. O I L ___ 12. Fluid our engines really use for cooling ....................... A I R ___ 13. Place of business of two long-time Corvair club members ........ H O C ___ 14. Models from 1965 through 1969 are called ..................... L A T E ___ 15. The 1964 is the only model with this kind of spring .......... L E A F ___ 16. What we think Corvairs are, and how they should run .......... C O O L ___ 17. Where Corvair engines are located ............................ R E A R ___ 18. Corvair automatics DO NOT have this (look inside #48 answer) P A R K ___ 19. All Spyders have one, some Corsas have one ................. T U R B O ___ 20. GM company that made a lot of our original parts ........... D E L C O ___ 21. Early models have _ _ _ _ _ axles, just like VW bugs ....... S W I N G ___ 22. Models that are not 1965s through 1969s are called ......... E A R L Y ___ 23. Named for a famous Italian race course ..................... M O N Z A ___ 24. Only made in 1965 and 1966 and some of them had turbos ..... C O R S A ___ 25. Acronymic name of our international organization ........... C O R S A ___ 26. We put this in our batteries, not in our engines ........... W A T E R ___ 27. When this is published, it will be this month, no fooling .. A P R I L ___ 28. Well regarded to be Corvair's Number One enemy ............. N A D E R ___ 29. Just remember, you want your gears to mesh, not do this .... G R I N D ___ 30. In fact every Corvair head has six of these .............. V A L V E S ___ 31. Mighty strong competitor from Ford in 1960 ............... F A L C O N ___ 32. Perhaps you celebrate him as the Father of the Corvair ... E D C O L E ___ 33. It's what Corvairs have, per Blair's license plate (Sp.) N O A G U A ___ 34. This was an even stronger competitor from Ford in 1964 M U S T A N G ___ 35. They had turbosuperchargers in 1962, 1963, 1964 ........ S P Y D E R S ___ 36. My blocks and heads were cast from this .............. A L U M I N U M ___ 37. A Corvair vehicle made in only one model year ........ L A K E W O O D ___ 38. Not a "station wagon" but looks like one ............. L A K E W O O D ___ 39. Certainly not a Rampside, but closely resembles it ... L O A D S I D E ___ 40. Only one Corvair model was made in the fewest numbers L O A D S I D E ___ 41. Most popular and most utilitarian pickup ............. R A M P S I D E ___ 42. Possibly the reason we are all here .................. C O R V A I R S ___ 43. Our income: what our treasurer does with it .......... D E P O S I T S ___ 44. Surely not a powerglide, surely not a threespeed ... F O U R S P E E D ___ 45. Either our parent company, or a famous race driver C H E V R O L E T ___ 46. Don't need no water because we are ................. A I R C O O L E D ___ 47. We stop here on our way to Montrose Tri-States ..... S I L V E R T O N ___ 48. With six per engine, maybe they are AC-44FF's .... S P A R K P L U G S ___ 49. What two elements used to be found in solder? .... L E A D A N D T I N ___ _____________________________________________________________________________ A C H E V R O L E T F A L C O N Q W A N B O E R T Y U I M A I E L O C D E L C O C R E D I S P M A R R O P U A O A S A A S V F D F E G H C J S L K L M T R Z X G B A A A C T C O V B O N Y M E I P S P U S I N N E A O N T A E D R E D A N F A A I R Z S C L O A D S I D E E P S R U O F L S E E E W L S O J R E T K A Z N O M V V E B D Q U I T O V S P A R K P L U G S E V M N Y D K P W G X O W P W X S U O F R L J I E P V W E R R S Q R R T U R B O T A G N I W S B K I L I O E A I W Y H V O V C D L E A D A N D T I N E E L O F T N D O O W E K A L D A S G W A S R O C E _____________________________________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SEVEN YEARS AGO IN MAY 07 - May 2006 Vol 32 Nr 5 # 368 The cover of our 16-page newsletter showed LeRoy Rogers' Corsa coupe at our anniversary dinner. Flo & Bill Hector re-joined us. Wendell said we had $2,769 in the bank. Tarmo Sutt received our Ike Meissner Award. We appreciated Jerry Goffe and Mark Domzalski for their tours to Bosque del Apache. Chuck Vertrees received a form from the IRS asking for our financial information for 2005. Bill Reider gave a talk on improving gas mileage in our Corvairs. LeRoy previewed the Tri-State at Montrose. Ray Trujillo told about our recent econorun to Madrid and had a funny story centered on the number Six. David Huntoon organized the econorun and reported the winner: Bill Reider, 1965 Corsa 140 coupe, 35.4 MPG. Richard Finch told about overhauling a 1961 Rampside. Photos showed a beautiful white-with-blue vehicle. John Priddy (Cactus Corvair Club) told how to put your clutch back together. Finally, Steve Gongora's article on the trip to the very first Tri-State in 1976 was reprinted. 14 - May 1999 Vol 25 Nr 5 # 284 Wendell Walker's cover photo showed Mark Domzalski's Rampside during restoration. President Dennis Pleau told us that Paul Campbell was leaving, so we needed a new vice-president. We had $6,058 in the bank and planned to move some cash to a money market fund. We had news on the Museum car show, a show at the new Cottonwood mall, a Reliable Chevrolet show, the NMCCC picnic, the CORSA convention in Tahoe, a camping trip to the Pecos, a swap meet, and a drivers' ed program at Southwest Auto Sports. Charles Incendio made a presentation on the proposed Wheels Museum. Ollie announced our first 1999 Old Route 66 cleanup. A letter from former member Bob Beasley told us he was working in the aerospace industry in Dalesville, Alabama. Ilva Walker contributed "The Strippers of Rio Rancho" which told about, well, recent activities of strippers in Rio Rancho. There were photos. Larry Claypool (Chicago club) replied to Mark Martinek's recent article on the heater hose shorting out and draining the battery. Sylvan Zuercher told about a 140 that wouldn't run with a NEW set of points. The points were non-original, and installing the distributor cap pushed on the points, changing the dwell. So, be careful if you get "Corvair" points from Auto Zone. Ray Sedman mentioned several lower-cost, higher-performance items on modern cars, some of which can be adapted to Corvairs. An article told what to use for various sandblasting jobs. Sand is not always best and walnut shells, glass beads, aluminum oxide, poly abrasive, silicon carbide or black beauty slag may be better. 21 - May 1992 Vol 18 Nr 5 # 200 A New Mexico map featured the "Viva Las Vegas" area, the site of our Tri-State event. President Steve Gongora presided. Wendell Walker reported $963 in the bank. We planned for the July 4th car show in Santa Fe: we'd need to be there by 5:00 AM. Debbie and Dennis reported on the rally they put on for CNMers. It was a great rally but perhaps a little too long. We had many suggestions of places to go and things to see in and near Las Vegas, New Mexico. A tech tip told why you might want a magnet in your transmission. 28 - May 1985 Vol 11 Nr 5 # 116 The cover featured Mark Morgan's fantasy Corvair called XSZ-2. President Francis Boydston presided. Sylvan Zuercher reported $480 in the treasury. Bill McClellan continued his series on welding with the article, "Gas Welding, Part 1." Clayborne Souza reported on the White Sands Fun-Khana trip and Karen Jackson reported on our flea market. Tech tips? Clear out carb dirt by putting your palm over the carb for a second... Part numbers for brake parts for 95's. 35 - May 1978 Vol 4 Nr 4 # 32 The cover featured a drawing borrowed from CORVAIRSATIONS the Tucson Corvair Association's newsletter. President Joel Nash presided. A talk by Dave Clawson discussed turbocharging in Spyders and Corsas. Ike Meissner provided a technical article, Horsepower, Corvair Style, which included detailed diagrams. Ike told about our Corvair horsepower ratings and how they were derived. Mark Morgan's cartoon showed an old junker Corvair and two CORSA members itching to own it. Tech tips: when installing a clutch, check for uneven finger heights. Use a mirror and drop light to help you see the top of the shock tower when changing shocks on a FC vehicle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ == END ==