The July 2013 newsletter - Text Version Updated 25-Jun-2013 ==== Copyright (c) 2013 Corvairs of New Mexico ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JULY 2013 / VOLUME 39 / NUMBER 7 / ISSUE #454 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2005 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, Third Place, 2010 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2012 EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013 at 7:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE THIS MONTH: Dues Due.....................................Membership Committee Los Lunas Summerfest...................................John Wiker "Air" Force President's Notes..........................John Wiker June Meeting Minutes..................................Jim & Heula June Board Meeting Minutes.............................John Wiker Congratulations, Jon Anderson!......................Heula Pittman 2013 Tri-State, Hosted by PPCC.........................Curt Shimp Incident Report "Hard Luck Award".....................Vickie Hall Treasury Report.......................................Robert Gold Birthdays & Anniversaries......................Sunshine Committee Member Information..............................Anyone & Everyone Summary Report on 2013 Tri-State, Cripple Creek...Fly-on-the-Wall Map of All Tri-State Events 1976-2014.................Jim Pittman Attendance at All Tri-State Events 1976-2014..........Jim Pittman Calendar of Coming Events......................Board of Directors July Issue, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago............Club Historian COVER: Tri-State at Cripple Creek, Colorado, June 1st, 2013. Steve Gongora & Lee Olsen tour the Gold Mine at Victor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEETINGS: First Wednesday of the Month at 7:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ President: John Wiker 505-899-3076 wikerj63 @ Vice-Pres: Pat Hall 505-620-5574 patandvickiehall @ Secretary: Art Gold 505-620-7434 rollerart @ Treasurer: Robert Gold 505-268-6878 beisbol30 @ Board: Car Council: Mike Stickler 505-856-6993 sticorsa @ Board: Merchandise: Vickie Hall 505-865-5574 patandvickiehall @ Board: Membership: Larry Yoffee 505-321-5909 corsa180 @ Board: Sunshine: Heula Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp @ Board: Newsletter: Jim Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp @ Board: Past Pres: Pat Hall 505-620-5574 patandvickiehall @ Board: Past Pres: Ray Trujillo 505-839-7436 ray @ Board: Past Pres: Mike Stickler 505-856-6993 sticorsa @ Board: Past Pres: David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 @ DUES: CNM: 12 months $25.00 -or- 26 months $ 50.00 CORSA: 12 months $45.00 -or- 26 months $ 90.00 CNM & CORSA: 12 months $70.00 -or- 26 months $140.00 CORSA's home page: Steve Gongora's page: CNM's newsletters: Larry Yoffee home page: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DUES DUE DATES JULY 2013 DUE JUNE ==== INACTIVE 25-JUL-2013 2013.06 Melba & Tommie Anderson 2013.06 Joan & Murray Bruskin 2013.06 David & Judy Jaramillo DUE JULY ==== INACTIVE 25-AUG-2013 2013.07 Elizabeth & Mark Domzalski 2013.07 Connie & Robert McBreen 2013.07 Tracey & John McMahan 2013.07 Leslie & Kevin Sullivan DUE AUGUST === INACTIVE 25-SEP-2013 2013.09 Floyde Adams EXPIRED = INACTIVE AS OF 25-JUN-2013: 2013.02 Kathy & Larry Blair 2013.04 Richard Finch 2013.05 Rita & Steve Gongora Send your Dues to: CNM Treasurer c/o Robert Gold 1301 Valencia NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 Past due memberships will become inactive after a one-month grace period. The Club will mail in your National Dues when you renew, if you send us the renewal form from your CORSA Communique! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico, chartered Chapter #871 of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Copyright by the Authors and by Corvairs of New Mexico. Articles may be reprinted in any CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members, provided credit to the Author and this Newsletter is clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or Editor and are not necessarily endorsed by Corvairs of New Mexico or CORSA. Material for publication should reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send material via e-mail ( jimp @ ) or submit a readable manuscript. I prefer ASCII TEXT, but MS Word or RTF are fine. Photographs are welcome. Don't photoshop your digital JPGs -- send the originals. This ecologically green newsletter is produced in a Microsoft-free environment. I still print mailing labels with a 1989 Apple IIgs on a Hewlett-Packard LaserJet IIIp. The newsletter is composed using Apple Macintosh computers. Software includes OS-X, AppleWorks, Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter, BBEdit and InDesign CS. If you care, ask for details. Transportation: 1965 Corvair Monza, 1990 Honda Civic, 1996 Mazda Miata, 2003 Honda Civic. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOS LUNAS SUMMERFEST John Wiker I could not stand being cooped up anymore, so I took the Corvair out to Los Lunas on Saturday June 8th to be part of their Summerfest. Only 35 cars showed up and they had 13 categories for us who had cars there to evaluate. My car was considered a 1960's Classic. We had the largest number of vehicles with 13 cars. The rest of the classes had only one or two or three which guaranteed them a trophy for their effort. The three winners in my group were a Pontiac GTO, a Pontiac LeMans and a Plymouth. The music was good (Oldies/Car songs), the food too good - I had a brisket sandwich to die for and a large cherry Italian Ice for desert. Thanks to Vickie Hall who stopped by for about an hour on her way to shopping. She woke me from a nap which was great because if I had slept any longer, I would not be able to get to sleep tonight and the pain in my nose would be too much to bear. It's back to the doctors on Tuesday to see if any more exploration is required. After that, who knows how long it will be before I can get rid of this "flower" on my nose that is holding all the pieces together. I hope that I can attend the staff meeting on the 19th. Thanks again to the Sunshine members for the cards and the cute golfball dog. See you soon, I hope. John Wiker sends ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "AIR" FORCE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE John Wiker Well, the heat of Summer is upon us. Car shows are aplenty. I hope you can take advantage of some opportunities to "showcase" our great cars. For those who may be interested, Stage One of my surgery was a success. All the cancer was removed and my three pieces of nose that were held together by a wire and sponge that looked like flower is now gone. Stage two comes on the 25th, when they check to see if any more grafting will be required to make my nose look human again. The best news is that the doctor cleared me to play golf again, so I will be contacting Ray Trujillo, Russ McDuffie and Dave Huntoon to set up a group outing soon. If you don't make July's meeting, don't forget about our activities such as the 4th of July in Santa Fe and the Old Route 66 cleanup on the 6th. Is anyone going to the CORSA International in Michigan? Just food for thought. Anyway, see you around. -- John ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEETING MINUTES 05-JUN-2013 Jim & Heula Pat Hall called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and asked for approval of last month's meeting minutes. There were 19 CNM members in attendance. Officer Reports: Vice President Pat Hall told us that President John Wiker was absent because he had surgery this morning and we knew no more about his condition. Pat reported on the Tri-State in Cripple Creek, Colorado. Secretary Art Gold was not present. Treasurer Robert Gold reported $3,838.90 in the treasury. Committee Reports: Membership: Larry Yoffee was not present but reported via email that he was recovering from surgery, expected to be back soon, and had cancelled the October Balloon Fiesta activity. If anyone wants to take over this activity, that would be great. He expects to be able to resume planning for the Chama Tri-State event in 2014. Car Council: Robert Gold said neither he nor Mike Stickler attended the May meeting. Robert showed up on May 29th and was embarrassed to realize the meeting was the previous week. He reported the car show was another great success with fantastic weather, but there were fewer Corvairs than he had hoped for. The theme was 100 years of Chevrolet trucks and his Loadside was next to other Chevy trucks. Later the Loadside went away and Steve Gongora parked his Rampside in the same spot. Robert wondered how many show-goers were baffled by this apparent transformation? Editor: Jim Pittman had questions about the Tri-State which Pat read to us to try to get an accurate count of who was really there. The count announced by PPCC at the banquet was six from CNM. We counted 19 CNM members, plus several guests. Pat said the official hard luck award went to John Dinsdale who had a broken brake shoe. After arriving at Cripple Creek, Pikes Peak members removed a brake shoe from the static cut-away display Corvair to replace the broken shoe so he could return home! Russ McDuffie announced the venue for the 2014 Tri-State would be Chama, NM, with the dates May 30-31 to June 1st. Jim brought a copy of "Performance Corvairs" just published by Seth Emerson that arrived in today's mail. This is a re-write of the classic book "How to Hot-Rod Corvair Engines" by Bill Fisher from the middle 1960s. Some consider this the bible of Corvair tuning and modifications and an essential resource for anyone who wants to tune, modify or just understand their Corvair. Jim brought along his dog-eared and heavily annotated copy of the Fisher book from 1966 for comparison. Jim reminded us that his web page was on the University of New Mexico computer system. He had been told that it was possibly in violation of UNM's rules that such computer accounts could not contain any "commercial" activity. Not yet having been able to speak to any UNM authority about this, Jim removed the "For Sale" section from the web page. He asked for suggestions as to how to provide a "For Sale" function in the future. One suggestion was to put such notices on Steve Gongora's page. Jim said he had, for the first time, emailed a copy of the newsletter PDF directly to all on his mailing list, and it seemed not to have caused any problems. He said he'd do that in the future, and the mailed newsletters could contain the "For Sale" section. Mike Stickler suggested simply replacing the "For Sale" section with an "Information" section on who had what. Members could then act on that as appropriate. Sunshine: Heula Pittman said all was running routinely with birthday, get well and sympathy cards being mailed out as usual. Merchandise: Vickie Hall reported not having sold anything, so she had no money to add to the treasury. New Business: June 15th: Road Rally sponsored by Russ McDuffie. As Russ was not present and there was no information about starting place, starting time and where the rally was to go and end up, some suggested canceling the event. Pat said, no, anyone who wanted to participate could contact Russ directly to get the information and then proceed from there. July 4th: Fourth of July on the Plaza in Santa Fe. Tarmo Sutt reported that most likely the cars would start parking on the plaza at 4:30 AM and anyone arriving at 6:00 AM would not get a good parking place! But, he said, the car show would be a great event to attend with many nice cars to see and a lot of things to do in Santa Fe that day. July 20th: Saturday Pot Luck trip to Ruth Boydston's cabin in the Pecos. Ruth had maps to hand out showing how to get there. As we all knew, there was a forest fire going on just north of Pecos, Ruth said it was "down in the canyon" and so far was not threatening her cabin, but of course no one knows what the situation will be by July 20th. August 11th: The Car Council picnic at Oak Flats in the Manzanos. Pat encouraged all to attend as it is a nearby, pleasant place for a picnic and there will be many good friends and many interesting cars at the picnic. August 24th: a TUNA, location and topic to be determined. Pat said if anyone suggests a technical topic of interest, he and Bill Darcy will definitely hold a TUNA, but so far no topic has been suggested. So, speak up if you have a topic. T-shirts: A group purchase of T-shirts has been suggested. Steve Gongora has obtained information and will be glad to order shirts if anyone wants them. We need to decide: What kind of shirt? What design? What color? Will this be a T-shirt for the Club or specifically for the Chama Tri-State? If for the Tri-State, we'll need to complete the design of the Chama logo. A few people seemed interested in getting T-shirts and it was suggested that at the July meeting we circulate a sign-up sheet to order them. Larry Blair and LeRoy Rogers said we need to change the club's logo. It should say "Corvairs of New Mexico" because the "CNM" initials have been appropriated by the former TV-I whose name has been changed to "Central New Mexico Community College." These days anyone seeing our "CNM" logo thinks we must be part of the college. Brenda Stickler reported that Larry Yoffee, chairman of the 2014 Chama Tri-State event, wants to have a logo contest for this event. Anyone wishing to submit their logo for consideration should print it out and bring it to the September membership meeting where it will be displayed. Members will be given the chance to vote on their choice and the winner will be announced at the September meeting. The 50/50 event resulted in $10 for Mike Stickler and $10 for the treasury. Steve reported that former member Jerry Goffe had been hospitalized for congestive heart failure but was now back home and feeling much better. Finally, Pat said we needed to obtain nominations for the Boydston Award scheduled to be awarded at the Chama Tri-State. A nomination form could be expected in the March newsletter. Bill Darcy showed a collection of mangled engine parts from a failed engine. A rocker arm was worn at the valve end, a previously unheard-of failure mode. Usually he has seen the arm wear at the pushrod end. After we adjourned several members made their way to Jason's Deli at 5920 Holly NE for good food and conversation. Debra Anderson, Jon Anderson, Pat Hall, Vickie Hall, Curt Shimp, all CNM members. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PHOBIAS Pat Hall Panicphobia is the fear of becoming an officer in an auto club, sometimes called Gavelphobia. This was found in the CORSA Communique dated April 1989 and was written by Jack Allison. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOARD MINUTES 19-JUNE-2013 John Wiker The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm by VP Pat Hall. The Pres showed up from one of his many doctors' appointments just in time to fill in as Secretary. He observed that it's hot outside! He also reported that Step 1 of his nose surgery was complete and the graft seemed to be taking. But, more doctors' visits are in his future. Secretary Art Gold was not present. Robert Gold reported that we had $4,071.76 in our account. He also reported on the Car Council meeting which he missed because they moved it up a week so they could have it just before the Museum Car show. Robert is also running for one of the two open Director positions in the Car Council. There are three candidates for the two slots, so we may have a VIP among us by next month. Lube Lubert reminded us that with the Parks closed, we need to watch the news to see if the Monsoon Rains come early enough to have the Forest Rangers reopen the Oak Flats Picnic Area for us in August. Membership: Larry Yoffee was not present. Jim Pittman reported that Curtis Shimp wrote a nice story about the Tri-State and he hopes that others might follow his lead. I'll guess we will see what shows up in this edition of the Newsletter. Jim also reported that Russ McDuffie is planning to hold the Road Rally in October. The board suggested that October 5th would be a good date so that anyone coming into town for the Balloon Fiesta could join us that day for the Rally, then stay and come into the Fiesta with the Car Show the next day. Sounds like a plan if Russ can pull it off. For those of us who remember them, Jim said that Elizabeth & Mark Domzalski are back in town and may be looking at becoming a active members again shortly. Heula Pittman reported from the Sunshine Committee, that we had two members who had injury accidents recently. Ruth Boydston fell and broke her wrist and Wendy Walker fell and scraped both his forearms Lube Lubert represented the club at the Father's Day car show in Edgewood. He actually won some kind of Award but did not stay around to collect it and has not been able to track it down yet. Pres Wiker passed around some flyers he collected that covered a few of the upcoming events that are not just for Corvairs. Upcoming Events: July 13th: the National Car Collector Appreciation day at Mild to Wild. It starts at 11:00 and at 3:00, we will cruise around Albuquerque and then go down to Los Lunas on Old Route 66 ending with Ice Cream at 5:00. July 20th: trip to the Boydston cabin in the Pecos. CANCELLED. July 20th: Neon Cruise starting with a Car Show in Nob Hill followed by a cruise at 8:30. August 11th: NMCCC All Clubs Picnic from 10:00 to 3:00 at Oak Flat Picnic Area. Sept 27-29: NMCCC Swap Meet in Los Lunas. October 5th: the First Semi Annual Hot Air and Hot Wheels Car Show and Gala Dinner at the Balloon Museum. The meeting concluded with the usual around the table talk and Dave Huntoon passed out flyers about the Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad for those interested in showing up a day early next year for our Tri-State, or staying on Sunday to take advantage of the lower Sunday rates. We adjourned at about 5:45 and a few of us went to the truck stop. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONGRATULATIONS, JON! Heula Pittman Our Jon Anderson won the St. Francis of Corvairs Award, also known as the "Boydston Award" this year. He received the award at the banquet at this year's Tri-State event in Cripple Creek, Colorado. Jon and Debra joined CNM in October 1992 and they quickly became quite active in our club. Jon was elected Vice-President in 1996 and organized many informative tech talks. Jon and Debra are active members of the Pike's Peak club. They have maintained their membership in Corvairs of New Mexico without a break since their move to Colorado Springs in late 1999. At the New Mexico State Fair car show in 1998, Jon's famous 1965 Corvair 500 coupe won the award for "The Car I Would Like to Drive Home." Likewise, at the 1999 State Fair car show Jon's 1965 Corvair 500 won the award for the "Best White Car." Anyone who thinks a late model "500" is inferior to a Monza or Corsa should see this car. The Andersons have two daughters, Erica and Jamie. I always enjoy talking with Debra to get caught up with whatever the girls are doing. We are extremely proud of Jon for winning this award. We can think of no one who is more deserving. Once again, congrats, Jon! Ed Halpin, president of PPCC, presents the 2013 Boydston Award to Jon Anderson. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2013 TRI-STATE, HOSTED BY PIKES PEAK CORVAIR CLUB Curt Shimp My 1966 Corsa Coupe and I made the drive (1,320 miles round trip from Silver City) to Cripple Creek. I had been looking forward to this event as I missed the past few and the Corvair needed a little exercise. I am glad I went as I enjoyed the cars, the people and the setting. Cripple Creek is a small town, population 1,200, which today is a casino town and our hotel, the Double Eagle Hotel & Casino, was part of that venue. The rooms were nice, the price good, and a free breakfast was available. For me a big plus was free, covered parking for hotel guests. Friday night began with registration and Corvair people exploring the town for the right restaurant for an evening of food and Corvair stories. Saturday early was sunny but a bit cool, around freezing. Well, Cripple Creek is at 9,500 feet. But most Corvair people were up early getting a good spot to park their car, clean it for "Show 'N Shine", and then out came the folding chairs. For Saturday morning the town restricted two blocks on both sides of the main street for Corvair parking and Corvairs did take up most of this street parking. If I remember there were over 40 Corvairs on display. By now it had warmed up nicely and the People's Choice voting began in earnest. I believe of the twelve categories for voting only one was not represented. The host club had an interesting display that attracted a lot of attention not only from Corvair owners but from passers-by. It was a late model coupe cut roughly in half, long ways, so that one could see all of the working components such as suspension, power train, etc. You can see other photos of this display by going to the Pikes Peak Corvair Club web site and clicking on the "past events" link. By noon the voting was over as was our privileged parking. For the afternoon one could explore the town, gamble, take the local steam train for a mountain tour, or as most did drive the six miles to the neighboring, historic, mining town of Victor. Saturday night was the awards banquet with over 100 attendees. There were 112 registered for the weekend. Scott Allison won the award for the longest Corvair drive to Cripple Creek, some 1,500 plus miles round trip. By Sunday morning all scheduled activities were finished and after another free breakfast most headed home. My travels in the 1966 Coupe were uneventful except for a hung float in the parking garage. A tap with a ball peen hammer quickly fixed that problem. All in all a good time and the host club did well with organizing and running the event, especially the Saturday night banquet. Curt Shimp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INCIDENT REPORT FROM 2013 TRI-STATE -- "HARD LUCK AWARD" Vickie Hall As everyone knows, a hard luck award is given every year to the member who had problems with their Corvair on the way to the Tri-State. This story is about a CNM member on his way home from a Tri-State. On Sunday morning after the Tri-State was all over and we were ready to head for home, Pat and I tried to arrange a caravan. We were unsuccessful, so we left Cripple Creek by ourselves at around 9:00 AM. We didn't want to go back the way we came (through Colorado Springs) so we headed south to Canon City then went on to Pueblo. The scenery was great all the way down that nice crooked road. We stopped at the rest area just south of Pueblo for lunch. We got a call from Russ McDuffie asking us where we were. He told us that he was south of Colorado Springs. So we said that we would wait on him and then we could all caravan the rest of the way together. After Russ showed up we started down the road again, heading for New Mexico with thoughts of home on our minds. Trouble came just about the time we got to Raton Pass. Russ pulled up next to us and yelled, "My clutch cable broke" so we took the next exit and pulled into a closed gas station. After jacking the car up, sure enough, the cable was broken. Russ and Pat talked it over and decided it was not really a big deal because Russ can drive the car without using the clutch. Ready for the road again, Russ started his car and smoke immediately began to billow out of the engine compartment. It turned out that the smoke was coming from the fan belt. The alternator had seized up right then and there. We pushed the car across the road to an open gas station to get fuel and to work on the problem. As most of you already know, you may be able to drive a Corvair without a clutch cable, but you can't drive a Corvair very far without an alternator. Also, you can't just buy an alternator and put it on a Corvair in place of the old one. The nose cones of both alternators have to be taken off, then the old one installed on the new alternator. Sounds easy enough, right? Of course there was more to it than that. Russ went off to look for a parts store while Pat removed the old alternator. It was three hours before we were on the road again. Our next stop was in Las Vegas, New Mexico for a nice relaxing late night meal. Then we continued and made it home with no further incidents. In bringing this story to a close, it is our belief, based on experience and on seeing certain facts, that Russ McDuffie should be the all time winner of the Hard Luck Award! Hope to see everyone next year at CNM's Tri-State in Chama, New Mexico. By the way, you might want to seriously think about caravaning when you can. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TREASURY REPORT: 05-15-2013 to 06-18-2013 .............. ROBERT GOLD DATE CHECK# AMOUNT PAYEE DESCRIPTION =========== ==== ========= ========= ================================= 2013-May-22 2163 -$ 45.00 CORSA Dues - C.Mullins 2013-Jun-06 +$ 287.00 CNM Dues B.Reider, P.Hall, C.Johnson, Merch, Scrap, Raffle 2013-Jun-10 2164 -$ 54.14 J.Pittman June 2013 newsletter printing ENDING BALANCE = $4,071.76 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Birthday Wishes to Twelve CNM'ers: Connie Elmore..........July 2 Joan Bruskin...........July 5 Debra Anderson.........July 6 Mark Domzalski.........July 8 Tarmo Sutt.............July 8 Larry Blair............July 15 Leslie Sullivan........July 18 Kelli Pogue Morgan.....July 19 Richard Foster.........July 20 Emma Greer.............July 21 Richard Finch..........July 29 Kay Sutt...............July 31 Best Wishes to Four Couples Celebrating Anniversaries in July: Angela & Wesley Heiss..July 4 Anne & John Wiker......July 6 Linda & Dick Cochran...July 18 Kelli & Mark Morgan....July 19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ================================================================================ * * M E M B E R I N F O R M A T I O N * W H O H A S W H A T * * ================================================================================ Ruth Boydston 505-350-6003 has a 1963 Corvair Coupe, automatic, 98,252 miles, all original. It has white exterior and blue interior. This car has been seen at recent meetings and local events and was featured on the cover of the December 2012 ENCHANTED CORVAIRS newsletter. ================================================================================ Larry Blair 505-249-1035 has two Clark's finned aluminum valve covers. ================================================================================ Pat Hall 505-620-5574 in Los Lunas, NM has Corvairs in need of repair. Lots of parts for most Corvairs. ================================================================================ Jim Pittman 505-275-2195 has terminated the Corvairs of New Mexico Newsletter CD project. ================================================================================ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUMMARY REPORT ON 2013 TRI-STATE, CRIPPLE CREEK Jim Pittman The Tri-State is history and all who attended said it was a good one. This report focuses on statistics. Thanks to Ed Halpin and Patricia Fox for the data. Family Attendance: CNM = 9 = With Corvairs ------ Hall, McDuffie, Gongora, Shimp = Without Corvairs --- Sutt, Mullins, Emery, Rogers, Wilvert PPCC = 20 = With Corvairs ------ Westerfeld, Amrine, Hesco, Glusick, Pearce, = Anderson, Fox, Halpin, Neal, Darnell, King, Feldman = Without Corvairs --- Campbell, Galvin, Halpin K, Karl, Koll, Neal L, = Gilbert, Russert RMC = 21 = With Corvairs ------ Schubert, Grippen, Steinborn, Gerteisen, = Schakel, Yoder, Riblett, Goodman, Seyforth, Duncan, Brittan, = Dinsdale, Neilsen, Olwine, Olwine J, Levin, Shortle = Without Corvairs --- Berkman, Drage, Wilshire, Wilshire J Individual Attendance: RMC = 35 members plus 3 guests PPCC = 33 members plus 3 guests CNM = 19 members plus 4 guests Awards received: NAME CLUB AWARD ======================== ========================= ======================== YODER, Larry & Lynn RMC 1966 Corsa Turbo Best in Show BRITTAN, Michael RMC 1964 Spyder Conv Most Original Corvair SHUBERT, Larry & Sheryl RMC 1964 Monza Coupe Best Early Coupe OLWINE, Jean RMC 1964 Monza Sedan Best Early Sedan OLWINE, Dave & Brenna RMC 1963 Spyder Conv Best Early Convertible GRIPPEN, Tom RMC 1966 Corsa Coupe Best Late Coupe DINSDALE, John RMC 1966 Sedan Best Late Sedan SHORTLE, Tom RMC 1964 Corvair 95 Best Forward Control DINSDALE, John RMC Brakes went out Hard Luck Award FELDSON, Nancy PPCC 1966 Monza Coupe Best Ladies Corvair PEARCE, William & Trezina PPCC 1961 Lakewood Best Wagon DARNELL, Darren PPCC 1966 Monza Conv Best Late Convertible PPCC CREW PPCC 1965-1968 Cutaway Best Corvair Powered ANDERSON, Jon PPCC - Boydston Award HEAD, Mike UTE TRAILS 1967 Coupe People's Choice ALLISON, Scott HACOA - Longest Drive (754 miles) At our June 5th meeting we counted these CNM individuals who attended: 1. Pat Hall drove a Corvair - 1965 coupe 2. Vickie Hall 3. Curtis Shimp drove a Corvair - but it was not in the car show 4. Steve Gongora drove a Corvair - 1966 coupe 5. Rita Gongora 6. Tarmo Sutt 7. Gordon Johnson 8. Barbara Johnson 9. Steve Johnson 10. Russ McDuffie drove a Corvair - 1965 convertible 11. Nancy McDuffie 12. Josh McDuffie 13. Ryan McDuffie 14. LeRoy Rogers 15. Emma Rogers 16. Hurley Wilvert 17. Brenda Wilvert 18. Becky Mullins 19. Chloe Mullins (We did not record the names of guests who attended.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PAGE 11 HAD A MAP OF ALL TRI-STATE LOCATIONS, 1976-2014. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ List of Tri-State Meets with some attendance figures ==== ================= | SPONSOR WINNER | === HOW MANY ATTENDED? == | ====== YEAR LOCATION | CLUB CLUB | CNM RMC PPCC UTAH OTHER | TOTAL ==== ================= | ======= ====== | ==== ==== ==== ==== ===== | ====== 1976 Montrose CO | RMC (?) ? | - - - - - | - 1986 Montrose CO | CNM CNM | 25 16 9 - 12 | 62 1987 Ouray CO | RMC (?) ? | - - - - - | - 1988 Canon City CO | PPCC ? | - - - - - | - 1989 Red River NM | CNM CNM | - - - - - | - 1990 Durango CO | RMC RMC ? | - - - - - | - 1991 Gunnison CO | PPCC RMC | 21 41 14 - 11 | 87 1992 Las Vegas NM | CNM CNM | 56 35 12 - - | 103 1993 Alamosa CO | RMC RMC ? | - - - - - | - 1994 Pagosa Springs CO | PPCC RMC | 24 27 19 - - | 70 1995 Red River NM | CNM CNM ? | - - - - - | - 1996 Montrose CO | RMC RMC ? | - - - - - | - 1997 Gunnison CO | PPCC ? | - - - - - | - 1998 Lake City CO | CNM CNM | 39 36 12 - 24 | 111 1999 Salida CO | RMC RMC | - - - - - | - 2000 Albuquerque NM | CNM CNM | 55 42 11 - 8 | 116 2001 Manitu Springs CO | PPCC RMC | 27 48 39 - 5 | 119 2002 Grand Junction CO | RMC RMC | 17 39 17 - 29 | 102 2003 Raton NM | CNM CNM | 41 25 31 - - | 97 2004 Cripple Creek CO | PPCC PPCC | 18 34 42 - 13 | 107 2005 Ouray CO | RMC RMC | 18 39 33 - - | 90 2006 Montrose CO | CNM CNM | 37 28 29 - 12 | 106 2007 Monte Vista CO | PPCC RMC | 16 29 24 - 5 | 74 2008 Pagosa Springs CO | RMC RMC | 15 46 25 - 18 | 104 2009 Taos NM | CNM CNM | 42 37 18 7 18 | 122 2010 Canon City CO | PPCC RMC | 17 37 30 4 21 | 109 2011 Red River NM | CNM CNM | 38 24 20 2 14 | 98 2012 Salida CO | RMC RMC | 24 33 21 2 6 | 86 2013 Cripple Creek, CO | PPCC RMC | 19 35 33 - 15 | 102 2014 Chama, NM | CNM - | - - - - - | - 2015 ? | RMC ? - | - - - - - | - 2016 ? | PPCC ? [maybe we'll go to Montrose, Colorado again?] =============================================================================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ============================================================================ C O R V A I R S o f N E W M E X I C O C O M I N G E V E N T S ============================================================================ | July 2013 | August 2013 | September 2013 | | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | | 1 2 3 4 5 6 | 1 2 3 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | | 28 29 30 31 | 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | 29 30 | ============================================================================ Wed 3 Jul 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE. After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE. Thu 4 Jul Early! Fourth of July on the Plaza - Santa Fe Sat 6 Jul 8:30 AM Old Route 66 Clean-up - Ollie Scheflow Sat 13 Jul ....... Los Lunas Ice Cream Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms Time TBA (In conjuntion with Collector Car Appreciation Day Bill Schofield (505)565-2105, David Silva (505)550-8415, or ==== Tue-Sat 16-20 July: CORSA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION in Kalamazoo, Michigan ==== CORSA Convention = Host hotel Four Points Sheraton, Kalamazoo, 269-385-3922 ==== CORSA Convention = $99 reservations 866-961-3003. ==== CORSA Convention = The GILLMORE MUSEUM is 15 miles from the convention. ==== CORSA Convention = The CORVAIR MUSEUM is in Ypsilanti, 100 miles east. Wed 17 Jul 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE SATURDAY 20 JULY -- POT LUCK AT RUTH'S CABIN IN THE PECOS -- CANCELLED Fri 26 Jul 9:00 PM Deadline for items for August newsletter ============================================================================ Wed 7 Aug 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE. After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE. Sat 10 Aug 6:00 PM Los Lunas South Rte. 66 Hint Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms - Bill Schofield (505)565-2105, David Silva (505)550-8415, or Sun 11 Aug ....... NMCCC All Clubs Picnic - Oak Flat Picnic Area Wed 21 Aug 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE Fri 23 Aug 9:00 PM Deadline for items for September newsletter Sat 24 Aug TUNA (project to be decided) - Pat Hall ============================================================================ Wed 4 Sep 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, CONTEST: Bring your design for a logo for the Chama Tri-State to tonight's meeting. We'll vote on the best design tonight. After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE. Sat 7 Sep ........ Corvair Picnic, Veterans' Memorial (date to be decided) Sat 14 Sep ........ Corvair Picnic, Veterans' Memorial (date to be decided) Sat 14 Sep 6:00 PM Los Lunas Mystery Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms Bill Schofield (505)565-2105, David Silva (505)550-8415, or Wed 18 Sep 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE Fri 20 Sep 9:00 PM Deadline for items for October newsletter Sun 22 Sep 7:00 AM New Mexico State Fair Car Show - Robert Gold Fri 27 Sep ........ N.M. Car Council Swap Meet, Los Lunas Sat 28 Sep ........ N.M. Car Council Swap Meet, Los Lunas Sun 29 Sep ........ N.M. Car Council Swap Meet, Los Lunas ============================================================================ See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities: ========================= ========================= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seven Years Ago in July 07 July 2006 Vol 32 Nr 7 # 370 Cover: the Motel at Montrose, Colorado for the Tri-State Event - a resounding success. Most of the preparation work was done by LeRoy Rogers and Bill Reider. Heula said we cleared $30 on the Jelly Bean count, we sold one cookbook and the silent auction cleared $19. Ray Trujillo reported in detail on his experiences on the way to, and at, Montrose. An unscheduled stop along the way due to a bad fuel pump (or was it just vapor-lock?) was a highlight. Mary Jo Jeans of Baton Rouge (Heula's daughter) reported on attending the Tri-State including a side trip to the Black Canyon of the Gunnison. Wendell reported $3,870.72 in our accounts. Robert got tickets to the Isotopes ball game for 25 club members. We planned to visit the Unser Racing Museum in August. We had 12 club vehicles in the Museum car show. After our June meeting Hurley gave a very interesting presentation on his motorcycle racing days. Later in the month a CNM group attended the world premier of the movie "Cars" at the Kimo Theater. Finally, a ton of color photos decorated this issue. 14 July 1999 Vol 25 Nr 7 # 286 Our cover showed the winning vehicles at the Salida, Colorado Tri-State. Billiken recalled that the Corvair was still going strong, 30 years after it went out of production. Dennis ran our meeting at Casa Chevrolet. We welcomed new member Bruce Carlin. The bank held $6,215.37. Bill said the Museum car show was a big success with 488 vehicles. An "All Clubs" picnic was planned for the Elk's Club campground on South 14. Some planned to watch as the Great American Race passed through town. Robert was already working on the State Fair car show. Hurley agreed to serve as vice-president since Paul Campbell had left us to move to Oklahoma. Dennis reported that at Salida the officers of CNM, Pikes Peak and Rocky Mountain agreed that CNM should go out of turn to host the 2000 Tri-State in Albuquerque in conjunction with the Albuquerque Museum's recognition of the Corvair's 40th anniversary. An article from the Denver club's newsletter reported on the Salida Tri-State, with several nice photos - thanks, Wendy. A tech-non-tip by Sylvan asked what kind of block he had, given its peculiar characteristics which he hadn't seen before. Finally, an article by CORSA officer Bryan Blackwell claimed to tell us what a typical day working for CORSA was like. And lastly, we remembered former member and owner of multiple nice Corvairs, Doug Morgan, who recently passed away. 21 July 1992 Vol 18 Nr 7 # 202 This issue was devoted to our Tri-State Meet in Las Vegas, New Mexico. The cover photo depicted the hotel headquarters, "Montezuma's Castle" and a passel of Corvairs. President Steve ran the meeting and Chuck took notes. Guests were Oliver Scheflow and Brian Major. Wendell reported $941 in the bank. Del was prepared to sell patches, name tags and front license plates. LeRoy previewed the Great American Race, soon to pass through our city and state. An end of an era: this was our last meeting at Ed Black's Chevrolet! Milton told us what he knew about the sale of Ed Black's to Casa Chevrolet. We had a successful Museum car show with 430 cars. There were soon to be new Clark's catalogs. Tarmo briefed us on the Fourth of July Santa Fe breakfast, car show and general fiesta on the plaza. LeRoy went over the upcoming State Fair car show. Larry previewed a trip to Tinkertown, Madrid and Bella Vista. Mark Martinek previewed our trip to Ojo Caliente. Yes, we were having a busy summer! Dennis provided a detailed report on the Las Vegas Tri-State. Our official photographer, LeRoy, provided many photos. Wayne traveled the farthest to get to the Tri-State: 1200 miles from Iowa. We also had participants from San Diego, Texas, Oklahoma and Florida. I remember Sylvan's great econo-run and a visit to Fort Union, way out on the treeless plains. 28 July 1985 Vol 11 Nr 7 # 118 The July 1985 cover was a sharp drawing of a 1966 Corsa stolen, err, borrowed from another club's newsletter. Francis ran our meeting and Bill Hector reported on it. Sylvan counted pennies up to $507. We planned to meet in July in Santa Fe. A new member was Jerry Kendall. Topics discussed included a raffle, an econo-run to Elephant Butte, the Great American Road Race, a picnic and a swap meet. We toured the Ed Black showroom. There were no new Corvairs, but lots of Corvettes, Chevettes, Caprices, Eurosports, Impalas, Camaros and a Cavalier. (Who remembers Cavaliers, Chevettes and Eurosports these days?) Sylvan gave the results of the econo-run: Norm Brand in a Powerglide convertible swept the field at 36.3 MPG. The average for all nine vehicles was 30.7, not bad. A clipping from the Albuquerque Tribune told how Howard Bryan contributed to a 1960 Chevrolet commercial with his Corvair station wagon in the New Mexico ghost town of Cabezon. Howard was a long-time Albuquerque newspaper columnist. Bill McClellan continued his series on gas welding. Tech tips told about adjusting wheel bearings, replacing throttle linkage bushings, and watching out for bad gas that caused symptoms of fuel pump failure. 35 July 1978 Vol 4 Nr 6 # 34 The July 1978 cover had a photo of a 1960 Corvair owned by a dear lady who bought it new and never drove it over forty. Meeting minutes said that we needed more participants and volunteers. Jim wrote about influential cars, concluding that the Mustang had far more effect on American car design than the Corvair, but reminding us that the Mustang was inspired by the Monza convertible! Tech tips: Getting good quality brake shoes. Modifying your glove box latch to work smoother. Getting a high-performance oil filter. A quick repair for a broken clutch cable. The purpose of the uneven spacing of fan blades on the cooling fan and the alternator fan. A fine article by Ike Meissner told about diagnosing and fixing problems with your fuel gauge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ == END ==