The October 2013 newsletter - Text Version Updated 27-Sep-2013 ==== Copyright (c) 2013 Corvairs of New Mexico ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OCTOBER 2013 / VOLUME 39 / NUMBER 10 / ISSUE #457 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2005 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, Third Place, 2010 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2012 EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday October 2nd from 7:00 to 9:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE THIS MONTH: Dues Due........................................Membership Committee "Air" Force President's Notes.............................John Wiker September Meeting Minutes...................................Art Gold September Board Meeting Minutes..........................Jim Pittman Make-A-Wish Car Show......................................John Wiker Pat's Trip to Cedar Crest................................Vickie Hall CHANGE IS GOOD? August Car Council Report................Robert Gold The Corvair with the Hemi................................Robert Gold Birthdays & Anniversaries.........................Sunshine Committee Visitors in September: Karen & Clayborne Souza.........Heula Pittman Treasury Report..........................................Robert Gold Who Has What................................................Everyone State Fair Car Show......................................Robert Gold Calendar of Coming Events.........................Board of Directors October Issue, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago............Club Historian COVER: Corvairs gather for the New Mexico State Fair, September 22. Oliver Scheflow is honored for 17 Years of Old Route 66 Cleanups. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEETINGS: First Wednesday of the Month at 7:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ President: John Wiker 505-899-3076 wikerj63 @ Vice-Pres: Pat Hall 505-620-5574 patandvickiehall @ Secretary: Art Gold 505-620-7434 rollerart @ Treasurer: Robert Gold 505-268-6878 beisbol30 @ Car Council: Mike Stickler 505-856-6993 sticorsa @ Merchandise: Vickie Hall 505-865-5574 patandvickiehall @ Membership: Larry Yoffee 505-321-5909 corsa180 @ Sunshine: Heula Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp @ Newsletter: Jim Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp @ Past Pres: Ray Trujillo 505-839-7436 ray @ Past Pres: Mike Stickler 505-856-6993 sticorsa @ Past Pres: David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 @ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DUES: CNM: 12 months $25.00 -or- 26 months $ 50.00 CORSA: 12 months $45.00 -or- 26 months $ 90.00 CNM & CORSA: 12 months $70.00 -or- 26 months $140.00 CNM only: 12 months $28.00 -or- 26 months $ 56.00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CORSA's home page: Steve Gongora's page: CNM's newsletters: Larry Yoffee home page: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DUES DUE DATES FOR OCTOBER 2013 DUE SEPTEMBER 2013 ================= INACTIVE DATE 2013.09 Floyde Adams 25-OCT-2013 DUE OCTOBER 2013 =================== INACTIVE DATE 2013.10 Debra & Jon Anderson 25-NOV-2013 2013.10 Ruth Boydston 25-NOV-2013 2013.10 Mary Lou & Mark Martinek 25-NOV-2013 2013.10 Mary Alice & Oliver Scheflow 25-NOV-2013 2013.10 Sylvia & Ray Trujillo 25-NOV-2013 DUE NOVEMBER 2013 ================== INACTIVE DATE 2013.11 Linda & Dick Cochran 25-DEC-2013 2013.11 Anne Mae & Robert Gold 25-DEC-2013 2013.11 Cheryl & Edward Halpin 25-DEC-2013 2013.11 Kay & Tarmo Sutt 25-DEC-2013 2013.11 Brenda & Hurley Wilvert 25-DEC-2013 DUE DECEMBER 2013 ================== INACTIVE DATE 2013.12 David Huntoon 25-JAN-2014 2013.12 Larry Yoffee 25-JAN-2014 2013.12 Roger Pape 25-JAN-2014 2013.12 Kelli & Mark Morgan 25-JAN-2014 2013.12 Barbara & Gordon Johnson 25-JAN-2014 ================================================== EXPIRED ============================ INACTIVE DATE 2013.04 Richard Finch 25-MAY-2013 2013.06 Joan & Murray Bruskin 25-JUL-2013 2013.06 David & Judy Jaramillo 25-JUL-2013 2013.07 Leslie & Kevin Sullivan 25-AUG-2013 2013.08 Alan Gold 25-SEP-2013 2013.08 Lori Nash 25-SEP-2013 2013.08 Nancy & Russ McDuffie 25-SEP-2013 ================================================== Send your Dues to: CNM Treasurer c/o Robert Gold 1301 Valencia NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 Past due memberships will become inactive after a one-month grace period. The Club will mail in your National Dues when you renew, if you send us the renewal form from your CORSA Communique! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "AIR" FORCE PRESIDENT'S LETTER John Wiker Every club, organization, team and group needs them. You know who they are. It's the members you can count on to get things done, and they sometimes even seem to put the Club's interests above their own personal needs. Most times we don't take the time to thank them enough. Well, this time we did not miss the opportunity. For those not able to attend the last meeting, know that the Club presented Oliver Scheflow with a long overdue recognition plaque for his seventeen years hard work organizing and supervising the clean-up of our short portion of the Old Route 66 highway east of the city. Most of our club members have helped with the effort at one time or another, and we always counted on Ollie to announce the date and pass around the sign-up sheet and bring "grabbers" and plastic bags and bag ties and a water jug. Now it's time to let Ollie rest as Lube Lubert has volunteered to replace him as the coordinator of our efforts. Let's support him like we did Ollie and keep our part of the "Mother Road" clean for another seventeen years at least. Just to complete the record, back in the late 1990s members of the club discussed taking on a "community service" project. Ollie Scheflow volunteered to look into getting a portion of highway for the club to clean up. We were assigned a mile of Old Route 66 (now New Mexico 333) east of Albuquerque and our very first cleanup of our mile was on Saturday September 14th 1996. Initially we did three per year. At some point it changed to four per year but later it changed back to three per year. I think Ollie was at every cleanup including the most recent one, July 6th, 2013. As most of you know, my wife and I are taking a short break and are headed back East for about 3 weeks. We will miss several club activities and the Balloon Fiesta for the first time in 18 years. See you when we get back. -- John ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CNM REGULAR MEETING MINUTES - 9-4-13 Art Gold Meeting came to order at 7:03pm at North Domingo Baca Multicultural Center with 17 in attendance. Officer Reports President John Wiker introduced two visitors: former members Karen & Clayborne Souza who were visiting from California. * October is the month for officer elections. * Get your rooms for the Tri-State, they are going fast. * John is cleaning out his house (paperwork). He found a picture of his brother's 1964 Corvair from 1972 and passed it around. * John recognized and presented a plaque to Ollie Scheflow for his service as the heart and soul of the Old Route 66 clean-up. You Are Wonderful Ollie! Vice President Pat Hall stated that he would like to have new officers in the president and vice-president positions. Treasurer Robert Gold stated that the account has $3,955.19. He made a verbal nomination for Art Gold as secretary. Secretary Art Gold talked about saying good riddance to his phantom Corvair. He verbally nominated Robert Gold to be treasurer. Membership Larry Yoffee introduced a visitor, Brian Rowe. Member Reports Jim Pittman (Editor) stated that the deadline is Friday, 9-20-13. He discussed the email from CORSA concerning the Communique being on-line. Heula Pittman (Sunshine) showed a panel for the quilt for the Chama Tri-State. She reminded all about the 40th anniversary celebration coming up in March. Vickie Hall (Merchandise) stated that she has merchandise for sale. Items for sale: She sold one license plate for ($5.00). Only five left. Robert Gold (Car Council) stated that the swap meet is coming up. The picnic was a success and they gave CNM credit for helping out. The swap meet: a representative from Los Lunas talked about an interchange construction at I-25 and made suggestions about entrances and exits, but Joyce said things will stay the same this year. CNM has volunteered to help direct traffic on Saturday (9-28) from 7-9am. There was a discussion about the balloon car show raffle of a 1961 Corvair. Cary Hubbard put the car together. Each ticket is $10. Web address for the raffle: and the raffle benefits Agora Crisis Center. Old Business John Wiker talked about attending a car show. Tarmo Sutt talked about the attention that his 1966 Corsa turbo car receives when he parks it at a meter in Santa Fe. Robert Gold told us that Anne Mae Gold has been scouting for a location for the upcoming 40th Anniversary celebration in March. She suggests as a possible location for the anniversary dinner: Golden Corral at Central & Eubank NE. All present thought this would be a great place. New Business Larry Yoffee: * The most important activities to do for the Tri-State event is getting lodging. The host motel is the Branding Iron. It only has 39 rooms and the rate is $65 per night. In order to get the rate is to make a reservation by April 30th, which is a month in advance. Contact for the Branding Iron: Before October 20th, 2013 or after May 1st, 2014 call 575-756-2162. At any time you can make reservations by email: * There is another lodging location called the Chama Trails Inn. The only place that will take the banquet is a local church. More on the banquet will be posted in the newsletter. * Hospitality: Brenda & Hurley Wilvert. * Larry talked about how the door prizes will work this year. There is a need for a keeper of the door prizes. * There has been no news concerning shirts. Larry will talk to Rita Gongora about shirts. * If you want to talk to someone on the phone at the hotel do it by October 20th. After that date the only communication with the hotel is through email. The club voted to have a dash plaque, not a jacket patch. The voted occurred for the logo. There were four designs submitted. Design #2 won. Upcoming Events September 9-22 - State Fair Car Show, meet at the parking lot of the old Furr's at 7:00 AM 9-27 - 9-29 - Swap Meet in Los Lunas October 10-6 - Balloon Fiesta 10-12 - 9:00 AM Old Route 66 Clean-up (Lube Lubert) 10-26 -10:00 AM Breakfast: Placitas Cafe November 11-9 - 5:00 PM Potluck/Bingo/Auction HOUSE OF COVERS (Rita & Steve Gongora) December 12-7 - 5:00 PM Christmas Party organized by Rita Gongora will be at Roper's Restaurant on Central SE as in previous years. Remember, donations for Joy Junction! Tonight's 50/50 winner was Tarmo Sutt ($16) for the winner and he contributed $10 to the sunshine committee. Meeting Adjourned at 8:28pm Mr. Gold Reporting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOARD MEETING MINUTES Jim Pittman Board Participants John Wiker, Larry Yoffee, Lube Lubert, David Huntoon, Jim Pittman met at Highland Senior Center on September 18th at about 4:45 PM. Not present were: Robert Gold, Art Gold, Pat Hall, Vickie Hall, Heula Pittman. Wiker: The plaque for all Boydston Awards to date has been updated. It is very handsome. Yoffee: No information on new or prospective members at this time. John has the name tag for Brian Rowe ready for the October meeting. Wiker: Since Robert Gold is not here, do we need to worry about the State Fair? Pittman: If Robert didn't plan to be here for the State Fair, he would certainly have let us know. Yoffee: To be safe, I will e-mail all CNM members with email accounts to remind them. Pittman: Newsletter deadline: this Friday 9:00 PM September 20th, but each year I have been getting a State Fair Car Show report, and usually some photos, from Robert sometime on Sunday afternoon. Wiker: For the Swap Meet in Los Lunas, the club is committed to help with parking on Saturday morning, September 28th. Be there at 7:00 AM. Yoffee: I have had several hits on my web page for the Chama Tri-State. Don't know how many rooms are left. Have not heard about any floods in Chama. Have contacted Steve Goodman, Ed Halpin of the Colorado clubs to ask for their best guess as to how many will actually attend. We'll need counts for dinners, for dash plaques, for how many T-shirts. Will contact Rita & Steve Gongora about T-shirts or Golf shirts. Will work on the design of the logo for dash plaques and T-shirts. Committee chairpersons will meet in November, again in April. How many door prizes? Some say, we tend to have too many. Huntoon: We should have fewer door prizes, but better quality. Some from Clark's? Pittman: Need to organize banquet segments and control these segments. Russ will do a good job as MC. Anne Mae will do a good job with door prizes. The very LAST THING at the Banquet should be the announcement of next year's event and it should be a SUMMARY, not a 30-minute detailed speech. So we need to contact next year's chairpersons and coordinate. Somewhere near the last thing, presenting the Boydston Award. Somewhere in between, car show winners, attendance statistics. Lubert: I contacted the state department about our Old Route 66 cleanup. They gave us what looks like an application form to fill out. So that is in progress. It says, clean up 2 times a year, not 3 or 4. They did not say, but the form implies they will make new signs. Our next scheduled cleanup is 9:00 AM on Saturday October 12th. After the meeting we all admired David Huntoon's new Mercedes "Smart Car" which he said really runs and handles well. The engine is 3-cylinder with 5-speed auto. It has big fat tires! On the internet it is called the "2013 Smart fortwo 2dr Cabriolet Passion" and is sold by Mercedes. Very impressive! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PHOBIAS Pat Hall Panicphobia is the fear of becoming an officer in an auto club, sometimes called Gavelphobia. This was found in the CORSA Communique dated April 1989 and was written by Jack Allison. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAKE-A-WISH CAR SHOW John Wiker Only LeRoy Rogers and I represented the club at the 21st Annual Make-A-Wish Car Show at Reliable Chevrolet on Coors on Sunday the 25th of August. There were over 130 cars in some 30 classes. Much to our surprise, another Corvair showed up. It was owned by a Bill Daven. He said he was there to try to sell his 1965 Monza Coupe 140 for $5000 with signs all over it. We were classed as Mid-Classics for cars from 1960-1969. There were six cars in our group: the three Corvairs and a 1967 Plymouth Belvedere, a 1963 Chevy Impala SuperSport and finally a 1961 Impala. At a previous car show the 1961 Impala had been considered a Hot Rod with a huge engine, raised suspension, roll bars and large exhausts in front of the rear tires, but today the owner decided to enter our class -- since there was less competition there! Music was provided by a DJ and they also had a live band from Rio Rancho. Food was plentiful, although a little pricey. Hotdog, Bar-B-Que and Pizza venders were there. Make-A-Wish had plenty of junk food to buy. Before the awards were announced, I had made a list of the three winners I anticipated from our class: the Plymouth Belvedere (it won last year), the 1963 Chevy Impala SuperSport and the 1961 Chevy Hot Rod. We were surprised when it was announced that a Corvair took 3rd place. I held my breath thinking, of course, that it was either me or LeRoy. Then Bill Daven's name was announced as the 3rd place winner. Second place was won by the 1963 Impala and first place, wouldn't you know, went to the 1961 Impala Hot Rod. All-in-all, it was a pleasant day and making a contribution to Make-A-Wish is never a bad thing. Just like I said last year -- maybe next year. Jim, I gave Bill one of our cards and invited him to our next meeting. Has he been a past member? [No, I could not find him on our old rosters or in past meeting notes--Jim] You can save this for next month. I just had to write it while it was fresh in my memory. -- John ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PAT'S TRIP TO CEDAR CREST Vickie Hall I thought everyone might like to hear about a trip "up the mountain" recently made by Pat, Bill, Lube and Rodney. It's Saturday morning, 6:45 and they head for the TA Truck Stop for breakfast. Pat's driving his dump-bed truck pulling his trailer with the forklift on it. Bill is driving Pat's flat bed truck with Lube as his passenger. Rodney (Pat's son) and his lady friend are driving Rodney's slider truck and pulling his own trailer. That was a sight to see! Before they got to their turn off from I-40, Pat noticed that his truck was running somewhat on the warm side. About 260 degrees. "YIKES!" With the convoy pulled off to the side of the road, they discussed their options and it was decided that they would put his truck on Rodney's slider truck and take it on up the mountain. All went well during the very long day as they loaded four Corvairs on Rodney's truck and trailer, one Corvair on the truck Bill and Lube were driving, motors and miscellaneous parts on Pat's dump-bed truck and the forklift back on Pat's trailer. With all of the cars strapped down, they are ready to head back down the mountain. Well, they got about six or eight miles before the head gasket blew on Pat's truck. Now what do they do? Once again, after discussing their options it was decided that since Rodney's lady friend had an 8:00 PM mandatory meeting at work, they would drive their load back here to the house and leave again this time driving my truck, dropping her off for the meeting, and Rodney would drive back to where Pat was. Bill and Lube with their load also came on back to the house as there was nothing else they could do. That left Pat all alone on the mountain while waiting for Rodney's return. Now Pat just might have gotten a nap and I know that he made a few phone calls. One call in particular was to Derrick who we just sold a Corvair to, for his daughter. Pat was telling him what was going on and Derrick said "I'm 20 minutes from where you are and I'm heading that way." When Derrick got there he showed Pat a bottle of "something" and then poured it in the radiator. The bottle read, "This is a temporary fix." Now let's get back to Rodney's return. They disconnected Pat's trailer with the forklift on it and reconnected it to my truck that Rodney was now driving. This way Pat's truck didn't have that extra weight to pull. They are on the road again and believe it or not the truck's temperature dropped to 150 degrees or lower. They made it home about 9:30 PM without having any more problems. What was in that bottle? Since I wasn't there, I'm pretty sure that I left out a few of the details such as, more than a few choice words being said. I got my information second, third, fourth and fifth hand from those courageous lovers of Corvairs. I'm just so thankful that everyone made it home safely. Thanks for listening to the Halls' wild side of life. ---- Vickie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHANGE IS GOOD? August Car Council Report Robert Gold Many of you fellow baby boomers may remember a major book of the early 1970's called "Future Shock" by Alvin Toffler. His premise was that in the future change would happen so fast that a regular person would have trouble keeping up. Also, there would be an avalanche of things to choose from in our consumer society. To make his point, Toffler presented the public with a selection of different front cover colors. You could buy the book with a red one or a blue one, etc. It seems that this future time has arrived and it was reflected in this month's Car Council meeting. The meeting began quietly, Our new/old Treasurer reported that cash flow into the bank account had picked up due to the upcoming Swap Meet. This was followed by a discussion of the All Clubs Picnic. Louie Paul reported that the picnic was a success, both in terms of revenues ($656) and cars entered (131). It was a mystery where the extra dollar came from since admission was an even $5. The meeting was pretty routine up to this point. We had been told that a guy named Chuck from the Village of Los Lunas would attend to talk about the swap meet, but it wasn't until now that he arrived. He had gotten lost and used my 1964 Monza as a landmark to find the meeting. Chuck had arrived and he brought with him "Future Shock." As Chuck explained it, the upcoming construction of a new interchange on I-25 was set to change everything at the swap meet. In his folksy way he explained how the physical layout in the field would change by next year. Waving a page-sized map he described the coming changes. The village had decided that in order to prepare for those changes, which would happen next year, they were instituting changes this year. In dizzying detail he described changes in staffing, traffic flow, parking and the rules on how all the participants were to look and act. I don't have the space to tell you all he said, but one rule change should give you the idea. All NMCCC staff will be required to wear the exact same safety vest to identify ourselves to the public. A council member asked if official T-shirts of the same color of the vest would be allowed? NO. Why? He didn't know, it was just a government thing. In no time Chuck had the meeting transformed from a quiet gathering into a storm of questions and concerns. Change had arrived just a month before the meet and it didn't look pretty. Things were looking grim until Joyce Clements spoke up and noted that there weren't really going to be any major changes this year. Chuck added that most of the changes were just suggested for this year. With this the din finally died down. Thank you Joyce, not so much Chuck. So as I see it, we'll have a swap meet this year much like those in the past. Who knows what next year might bring. I'm sure Chuck and the Village of Los Lunas will be clearly describing those changes at a future council meeting. Hopefully it won't be just a month before the meet. For us at CNM, we'll continue to have a volunteer (Pat Hall) marking the field on Thursday, September 26, and 3-plus volunteers manning the gates on Saturday morning, September 28 from 7:00 to 9:00 am. I'll be asking for volunteers at the September CNM meeting. Remember, if you volunteer you'll get a snappy reflectorized vest (orange only) to wear, free lunch, and an early chance to look over all the stuff for sale! Oh yes, I forgot to mention that Joyce singled out CNM for praise due to our consistent support for the swap meet. Please volunteer for this year's event so that Joyce isn't disappointed. The meeting ended with a short (thankfully) discussion of the trailer purchase. This was referred to a committee and the meeting was adjourned. -- Robert Gold ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE CORVAIR WITH THE HEMI Robert Gold I have admitted this before... I love auto auctions. My wife, Anne Mae, becomes an "auction widow" for hours whenever they broadcast an auction. Though I've never purchased a car that way (except on Ebay, and that doesn't really count) I just love watching cars of all sorts going across the block either in person, or on TV. Several TV networks carry coverage of these auctions, so I have lots of chances to get my "fix". Lately the Velocity Channel has been broadcasting the Mecum auction from Dallas. The Mecum folks promote upcoming auctions by strategically placing a special car in the background that will be sold later in the year. This time they were displaying one of the most famous drag cars of all time, the Hemi Under Glass. The Hemi Under Glass was a hemi-powered Barracuda that was transformed from a mere drag car to a "wheel stander" that could keep its front wheels off the ground for the full quarter mile. This trick was accomplished through lots of horsepower and, most significantly for us, by placing the engine in the rear like our beloved Corvairs. The "underglass" in the name came from the fact that you could look through the Barracuda's big back window and see the engine. However, this rear-engine thing is not the connection I want to tell you about. Just stay tuned... The internet is a wonderful place. It is just chock full of images from the past. That is where I went to see the Hemi Under Glass in action. Residing on YouTube are films of this wheel stander along with other cars of its species. I watched in awe as the Barracuda raced side by side with other wheelstanders. These cars were the rage in the 60's and one YouTube film showed a meet with ten of them competing against each other. Among this group, if you can believe it, was a Corvair Van called the Paddy Wagon. I can't fully describe how it looked to see a FC travel the quarter mile only on its back wheels. Inspired by this experience, I continued to survey YouTube and located images of a number of FC wheel standers, both vans and trucks. After spending half the night watching these passes down the track I was inspired to share this with all you CNM'ers! So if you have some (a lot) of free time and a computer at hand, check out the Corvair dragsters of yesteryear. Thanks to the Hemi Under Glass I got to have a wonderful CORVAIR experience. Just promise me one thing, you won't tell my sons Art and Javi about this... I don't want them getting any wild ideas. -- Robert Gold ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CNM'ers Celebrating Birthdays in October: Dan Palmer October 3 Bill Reider October 17 Erica Anderson October 25 Jon Anderson October 27 Thomas Greer October 30 Allen Greer October 31 Happy Anniversary Wishes to: Joan & Murray Bruskin October 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Visitors in September: Karen & Clayborne Souza Heula Pittman At our September membership meeting, who should walk in but former members Karen and Clayborne Souza! They caused quite the commotion; but in a good way. All of us who remembered them, exchanged hugs and excited greetings. Karen and Clayborne joined CNM in September 1983. Clayborne was elected vice president in 1984 and elected president in 1985 and in 1986. According to the club's board meeting notes, they moved to California in July 1998, keeping their CNM membership until about 2001. They now reside in Hilmar, California. While they were in Albuquerque they were active in many club events including Tri-States, camp-outs to Villanueva State Park, car shows and the 1996 CORSA Convention. Clayborne says he is a "diesel truck mechanic" but his knowledge of Corvair mechanics made him an outstanding resource to help keep club members' Corvairs running properly! Karen and Clayborn have two children. Allison is 26 now and Brian 21. My, how time flies! It was great visiting with these guys and hearing about the things going on in their lives these days. After the meeting they joined nine of us at Jason's Deli where we continued our reminiscing of times past. We welcome "commotions" of this kind, Karen and Clayborne, and hope that maybe you can do this again sometime in the future. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TREASURY REPORT: 08-19-2013 to 09-14-2013 .............. ROBERT GOLD DATE CHECK# AMOUNT PAYEE DESCRIPTION =========== ==== ========= ============ ================================== 2013.08.23 2170 -$ 156.16 J.Pittman Newsletter Postage for Three Months 2013.08.28 +$ 75.00 CNM Dues J.McMahan, L.Blair 2013.09.06 2172 -$ 54.14 J.Pittman SEP 2013 Newsletter 2013.09.09 2171 -$ 10.35 NMCCC Water for August NMCCC picnic 2013.09.11 +$ 165.00 CNM Dues M.Domzalski, B.McBreen, B.Rowe 2013.09.11 +$ 50.00 Donation M.Domzalski - to Sunshine Committee ENDING BALANCE = $4,105.69 If you have any concerns or questions about this report please contact Robert Gold at 505-268-6878 or email: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ================================================================================ * * M E M B E R I N F O R M A T I O N * W H O H A S W H A T * * ================================================================================ RUTH BOYDSTON 505-350-6003 has a 1963 Corvair Coupe, automatic, 98,252 miles, all original. It has white exterior and blue interior. This car has been seen at recent meetings and local events and was featured on the cover of the December 2012 ENCHANTED CORVAIRS newsletter. ================================================================================ PAT HALL 505-620-5574 in Los Lunas, NM has Corvairs in need of repair. Lots of parts for most Corvairs. ================================================================================ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2013 STATE FAIR CAR SHOW -- "CARS AND CARDS" Robert Gold The week of this year's State Fair Car Show was full of things I like a lot, baseball and Corvairs. I began the week with a trip to Denver to see my beloved Cardinals play the Rockies. I got together with my brothers, Alan and Jon, as well as my son Art. Though the team only split the two games we saw, it was a wonderful trip. However, I didn't get to savor the trip very long before I returned to the Land of Enchantment for the show. This is the kind of hard work we retired people loveto do.... Before I go on I feel a need to thank Jim Pittman, Larry Yoffe and John Wiker for publicizing this year's show while I enjoyed myself in Denver. Their help resulted in a near record turnout of 18 cars to this year's event. We had the good fortune to have on display pretty much every different kind of Corvair possible. The spectators from all points of the state of New Mexico got a full education about Corvairs. With that in mind here is a listing of that special group of cars (minus Jim Pittman's late model, since he didn't enter his car): 1. Robert Gold 1962 Loadside 2. Russ McDuffie 1965 Corsa Convertible 3. Larry Yoffee 1965 Corsa Hardtop 4. Chloe Mullins 1962 500 (Chloe's first car!) 5. Sara Gold 1974 Corvair-powered Volkswagen Bus 6. Sara Gold 1964 Monza 2-door 7. Agora Crisis Center 1961 700 2-door (raffle car) 8. Robert C. Garcia 1964 Monza 2-door 9. Robert & Anne Mae Gold 1961 Lakewood 10. Robert Gold 1964 Monza Convertible 11. Pat & Vickie Hall 1969 Monza Coupe 12. Lube Lubert 1963 Monza Sedan (The one, the only, Great White Hope) 13. John & Anne Wiker 1966 Monza Convertible 14. Art Gold 1964 Monza Convertible 15. Anne Mae Gold 1962 Greenbrier 16. Robert Gold 1964 500 2-door 17. Katie Johnson 1963 Monza Convertible with turbo 18. Ann Mae Gold 1965 Monza Convertible To mention more about the day, the weather was spectacular if you like cool temperatures, light winds, and a lot of sun. We set up the 18 entrants under the big shade trees next to the Manual Lujan Building. Just around the corner were the "Classic Chevys". Those high ticket Chevrolets ranged from 1955 to 1972. If you like Chevys the fair was the place to be. Everyone got a ribbon from the State Fair that said that you had participated in the fair, so everyone got something to take home. The judges, Sara Gold, Larry Yoffe, and Russ McDuffie where given the job of determining the best of the best and those cars got best-of-show purple ribbons. I think everyone should have been a winner, but alas, the State Fair only gave us 4 ribbons so here is a listing of the winners: Best Early -- Robert Gold, 1964 Monza Convertible Best Late -- Pat and Vickie Hall, 1969 Monza Coupe Best F.C. -- Anne Mae Gold, 1962 Greenbrier Best Gold Family Car -- Sara Gold, 1974 Corvair-powered Volkswagen Bus I want to point out that this year we had on display a raffle car that was being a fundraiser for the Agora Crisis Center. The black, 1961 700 2-door was striking and it was a pleasure to support such a fine effort. I even bought a ticket myself, but I really won't know what to do if I won. I have sooooooo many cars already. It is hard to believe this was the 16th year for this show. My son Javi, who is now a college student, was only 2 years old at the first event and now he is able to drive his own Corvair to the show. Time flies... I guess that's all from this year's event. I had so much fun at this year's show I guess I'm up for next year's. See you then!! -- Robert Gold ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ============================================================================ | October 2013 | November 2013 | December 2013 | | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | | 1 2 3 4 5 | 1 2 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | | 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | | 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | | 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | | 27 28 29 30 31 | 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | 29 30 31 | ============================================================================ Wed 2 Oct CORVAIR HERITAGE DAY (Corvair's official birthday) Wed 2 Oct 7:00 PM ===== OFFICER ELECTIONS TONIGHT! BRING YOUR NOMINATION! Wed 2 Oct 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE. After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE. Sat xx Oct ....... Road Rally -- organized by Russ McDuffie Contact Russ at 505-400-5526 or ( for information. Fri 4 Oct Start of Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta Sat 5 Oct Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta Sun 6 Oct Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta - NMCCC Car Show Sat 12 Oct 9:00 AM Old Route 66 Clean-up - Lube Lubert - 505-256-9331 Sat 12 Oct 1:00 PM Los Lunas Pumpkin Pie Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms Bill Schofield 505-565-2105, David Silva 505-550-8415, or Wed 16 Oct 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE Fri 25 Oct 9:00 PM Deadline for items for November newsletter Sat 26 Oct 10:00 AM Club Breakfast PLACITAS CAFE located at 221 NM 165 Fri 25 Oct ........ 36th ANNUAL GREAT WESTERN FAN BELT TOSS & SWAP MEET Sat 26 Oct ........ 36th ANNUAL GREAT WESTERN FAN BELT TOSS & SWAP MEET Sun 27 Oct ........ 36th ANNUAL GREAT WESTERN FAN BELT TOSS & SWAP MEET Sunrise Park, Palm Springs, California Quality Inn 1269 E. Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs CA 92644 Hosted by Inland Empire Corvair Club ============================================================================ Wed 6 Nov 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE. After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE. Sat 9 Nov 1:00 PM Los Lunas Food Drive Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms Bill Schofield 505-565-2105, David Silva 505-550-8415, or Sat 9 Nov 5:00 PM Potluck / Bingo / Auction at HOUSE OF COVERS Wed 20 Nov 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE THU 28 NOV ........ THANKSGIVING Fri 22 Nov 9:00 PM Deadline for items for December newsletter ============================================================================ Wed 4 Dec 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE. After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE. Sat 7 Dec 5:00 PM Christmas Party - Roper's Restaurant 8810 Central Ave SE Donations will be organized by Lee Reider & Emma Rogers to benefit JOY JUNCTION. Sat 14 Dec 1:00 PM Los Lunas Toy Drive Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms Bill Schofield 505-565-2105, David Silva 505-550-8415, or Wed 18 Dec 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE Fri 20 Dec 9:00 PM Deadline for items for January newsletter WED 25 DEC ........ CHRISTMAS DAY ============================================================================ March 2014 ... We will be celebrating our 40th Anniversary! Our chairperson is Anne Mae Gold. Location will be announced. ============================================================================ May 2014 .... We will be hosting the 30th Tri-State Meet, Chama, New Mexico ============================================================================ See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities: ========================= ========================= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YEARS AGO IN OCTOBER Oct 2006 Vol 32 Nr 10 #373 Over the wing of an airplane at the Moriarty airport you can see David's 8-door van. In September we had $2938.10 in the treasury. Returning member Dick Cochran was introduced. Plans for Christmas including supporting the Barrett House with donations. Several Albuquerque members met Richard Finch from Tularosa at the EAA fly-in at the Moriarty airport. Photos of colorful and historic aircraft filled the newsletter. At the board meeting Jim suggested compiling a computer-readable CD containing back issues of the newsletter along with photos of Corvairs and club events. David suggested using a camcorder to tape club functions to be played back at meetings. The board okayed these projects. Ray's "Mechanically Un-inclined" President's letter suggested that we all go to the upcoming pot luck and auction for a really good time. He also predicted that the fall weather would make the perfect time to drive around in your Corvair. Steve Goodman previewed the 2007 Tri-State to be held in Monte Vista, Colorado near the Great Sand Dunes National Monument. Jim provided an article on member and Santa Fe resident Bill Lawless and his restoration of a Canadian-built turbo Corsa coupe. With only a little help from Tarmo, Bill was able to complete this project single-handedly in record time and enjoyed driving the car for years, even after moving to sunny Tucson. Robert reported on doings of the Car Council and was the first to warn us that our initials had been appropriated by the institution formerly known as "TVI" and wondered why they did not go with "CCNM"? Oct 1999 Vol 25 Nr 10 #289 The cover showed Jim's 1966 turbo Corsa at Dog Canyon near Alamogordo in 1967. Dennis Pleau ran our meeting. Ron & Debbie Deck were introduced as new members, along with visitor Pat Copp. Our campout this year was a wet one. Tarmo & Mark were working on a Fall Tour. Robert previewed the State Fair car show. Debbie Pleau was working on the 2000 Tri-State. Wendell was working with the proposed Wheels Museum. October 2, 1959 was the date Chevrolet dealers displayed the new 1960 Corvair in their showrooms. To celebrate, we planned to parade down Central in our Corvairs. At the board meeting Wendell reported a bank account totaling $6,227.97. Dennis thanked us for a fun two years as CNM president and described ongoing Corvair work including prepping a Lakewood for painting. An article borrowed from the August 8, 1999 Albuquerque Journal profiled CNM member Larry Blair with interesting details of his careers and adventures. A letter from Will Davis told us about the adventures of the Davis family at their new home in Florida where Will had a job at NASA. The issue finished up with several photos from the September State Fair, possibly the first crop of digital photos to appear in our newsletter. Oct 1992 Vol 18 Nr 10 #205 The cover commemorated the 500th anniversary of Columbus' voyage to the new world. Monza crosses on their sails? Steve ran the meeting, Debbie stood in for VP Dennis, Chuck recorded meeting notes, and Wendell reported a bank balance of $1076. We discussed the Swap meet, the State Fair, the Aspencade, CNM elections and our Christmas dinner. Jon Anderson was a guest - and soon became a new member! Carl Johnson told us about driving a Corvair to the convention in Atlanta in July. President Steve said our Club is the envy of local car clubs for our accomplishments and activities. He thanked Bill Reider and others for putting together the Care and Feeding booklet which has garnered national attention. LeRoy reported on the State Fair show: there were eighty cars on display, thirteen of them Corvairs. Chuck reported on the Orange Barrel Funkhana: drivers negotiated a challenging course and the winner was Debbie Pleau. Brenda previewed the Christmas dinner, to be held at the All-Indian Pueblo Center. A guest article by Mark Shaw examined the pollutants emitted by old cars in typical driving conditions and concluded that even well-tuned sixties cars contribute more than their share of environmental degradation. Tech tips included a recommendation for using Dow Corning GN metal assembly paste when assembling your engine, filling the bowl of your newly-rebuilt carbs with gas before trying to start the engine, and a report that tuning up all old cars would be the most cost-effective way to significantly reduce smog. Oct 1985 Vol 11 Nr 10 #121 The cover featured another Mark Morgan early-model styling concept. Bill Hector took notes, Francis presided and we had $543 in the bank. We saw a television news story about Clark's Corvair Parts. Bill Reider's monthly column discussed the importance of keeping springs in shape and told how to check ride height. He recommended new springs, not spacers to prop up sagging springs. Tech tips included a template for mounting late model bumper guards and how to fix a leaky trunk. To get those stuck jets out of your carb without damage, use a screwdriver with a blade the same width and thickness as the jet's slot. The blade should be straight-ground or hollow-ground, not tapered. Oct 1978 Vol 4 Nr 9 #37 A snail's path spelled out "corsa" on the cover. Congressman Runnels got the Manuel Lujan bill shelved; this bill would have paid dealers or junk yards $300 to scrap any pre-1968 vehicle. Arrgh! Joel Nash was our president, Tarmo Sutt our VP and Steve Gongora our secretary-treasurer. Les Campbell was organizing the State Fair show and we needed someone to organize our next Winrock show. New members were Greg Corazzi and Ken Bell. Jim's article "Don't Paint Your Wagon" asked CNM people to think about why they own Corvairs. Jim asserted it was more important to keep them running well so they'd be fun and useful to drive than to paint them up so they'd look so good you'd be afraid to drive them. What do you think? The third part of Bob Helt's tune-up article covered ignition timing. Terry Gray reported on the State Fair where nine Corvairs showed up. The crowd was overheard making the usual remarks: Where's the engine... My brother used to have one of those... My dad's Corvair was the one with four cylinders... I had one and never should have got rid of it... I'd never own a car like that... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christmas Donations Emma Rogers & Lee Reider This year at our annual Christmas dinner at Roper's Restaurant, donations for "Joy Junction" will be accepted. This organization helps anyone in need and accepts ANYTHING from clothing to household items. There is a need for toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner, tooth paste, tooth brushes, bath soaps, deodorant, hair brushes and combs and barrettes. Toys are always appreciated, but only NEW stuffed animals can be accepted. Any other toys and games would be great. The greatest need is for clothing from newborns to adult, with emphasis on infants and teenagers clothes for both boys and girls. Joy Junction maintains a thrift store where anyone can purchase items and where residents of Joy Junction can choose items they need free of charge. Once again Emma Rogers and Lee Reider will collect the items we take them in December and then deliver them to Joy Junction. We know it's only September, but we ask that everyone start collecting items for this worthwhile organization. Our ultimate goal is to help make someone's Christmas just a little bit better by what we contribute. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================================================================= Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico, chartered Chapter #871 of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Copyright by the Authors and by Corvairs of New Mexico. Articles may be reprinted in any CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members, provided credit to the Author and this Newsletter is clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or Editor and are not necessarily endorsed by Corvairs of New Mexico or CORSA. Material for publication should reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send material via e-mail ( jimp @ ) or submit a readable manuscript. I prefer ASCII TEXT, but MS Word or RTF are fine. Photographs are welcome. Don't photoshop your digital JPGs -- send the originals. This ecologically green newsletter is produced in a Microsoft-free environment. I still print mailing labels with a 1989 Apple IIgs on a Hewlett-Packard LaserJet IIIp. The newsletter is composed using Apple Macintosh computers. Software includes OS-X, AppleWorks, Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter, BBEdit and InDesign CS. If you care, ask for details. Transportation: 1965 Corvair Monza, 1990 Honda Civic, 1996 Mazda Miata, 2003 Honda Civic. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends. ========================================================================= =END=