The December 2013 newsletter - Text Version Updated 12-Dec-2013 ==== Copyright (c) 2013 Corvairs of New Mexico ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DECEMBER 2013 / VOLUME 39 / NUMBER 12 / ISSUE #459 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2005 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, Third Place, 2010 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2012 EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, December 4th, 2013 at 7:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE THIS MONTH: Dues Due.........................................Membership Committee Where's Dave (Smart Car)................................David Huntoon November Meeting Minutes.....................................Art Gold November Board Meeting Minutes.............................The Editor Gas Heater TUNA Update (the rest of the story)............Robert Gold Bingo Night Story..........................................John Wiker Christmas Dinner Party at Roper's Restaurant............Steve Gongora Yes, I Am Here, John Wiker! (Danny Lovato Show)...........Robert Gold Christmas Donations: Emma Rogers, Lee Reider............Heula Pittman Birthdays & Anniversaries..........................Sunshine Committee Treasury Report...........................................Robert Gold Who Has What.................................................Everyone Photos from the Bingo / Potluck / Auction at HOC...........the Editor Calendar of Coming Events..........................Board of Directors December Issue, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago............Club Historian Index to All We have Published in the Year 2013............the Editor COVER: Tarmo Sutt's 1966 Corsa turbo, at the 2013 Santa Fe Concorso At right: CNM Founder and first newsletter editor Mark Morgan as a Navy Lieutenant at NAS Fallon, Nevada, sometime in 1976 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEETINGS: First Wednesday of the Month at 7:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ President: David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 @ Vice-Pres: Tarmo Sutt 505-690-2046 tarmo @ Secretary: Art Gold 505-620-7434 rollerart @ Treasurer: Robert Gold 505-268-6878 beisbol30 @ Car Council: Mike Stickler 505-856-6993 sticorsa @ Merchandise: Vickie Hall 505-865-5574 patandvickiehall @ Membership: Larry Yoffee 505-321-5909 corsa180 @ Sunshine: Heula Pittman 505-275-2195 heula @ Newsletter: Jim Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp @ Past President: Ray Trujillo 505-839-7436 ray @ Past President: Pat Hall 505-620-5574 patandvickiehall @ Past President: John Wiker 505-899-3076 wikerj63 @ DUES: CNM: 12 months $25.00 -or- 26 months $ 50.00 CORSA: 12 months $45.00 -or- 26 months $ 90.00 CNM & CORSA: 12 months $70.00 -or- 26 months $140.00 CORSA's home page: Steve Gongora's page: CNM's newsletters: Larry Yoffee home page: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DUES: CNM: 12 months $25.00 -or- 26 months $ 50.00 CORSA: 12 months $45.00 -or- 26 months $ 90.00 CNM & CORSA: 12 months $70.00 -or- 26 months $140.00 CNM only: 12 months $28.00 -or- 26 months $ 56.00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CORSA's home page: Steve Gongora's page: CNM's newsletters: Larry Yoffee home page: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DUES DUE DATES DECEMBER 2013 DUE NOVEMBER ==== INACTIVE 25-DEC-2013 2013.11 Anne Mae & Robert Gold 2013.11 Cheryl & Edward Halpin 2013.11 Kay & Tarmo Sutt 2013.11 Brenda & Hurley Wilvert DUE DECEMBER = INACTIVE 25-JAN-2014 2013.12 David Huntoon 2013.12 Barbara & Gordon Johnson 2013.12 Kelli & Mark Morgan 2013.12 Roger Pape 2013.12 Larry Yoffee DUE JANUARY = INACTIVE 25-FEB-2014 2014.01 Darlene & William Darcy 2014.01 Carolyn & Dan Palmer EXPIRED = INACTIVE AS OF 25-NOV-2013: 2013.04 Richard Finch 2013.06 Joan & Murray Bruskin 2013.06 David & Judy Jaramillo 2013.08 Alan Gold 2013.08 Nancy & Russ McDuffie 2013.08 Lori Nash 2013.10 Mary Alice & Oliver Scheflow Send your Dues to: CNM Treasurer c/o Robert Gold 1301 Valencia NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 Past due memberships will become inactive after a one-month grace period. The Club will mail in your National Dues when you renew, if you send us the renewal form from your CORSA Communique! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to two new members: Heather & Matt Choiniere have been to an Old Route 66 cleanup, at least two meetings and the October gas heater TUNA. We understand that they have a 1966 Corsa convertible from Ohio that has mostly reverted to ferric oxide and so they are getting a New Mexico Corvair convertible with less rust and hopefully a bright future. Welcome to CNM! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WHERE'S DAVE? Dave Huntoon Hard to believe we are in December already and the New Year is at hand. I hope everyone had a good 2013 and 2014 may be even better. In my case, it was a pretty good year. A new car, last of my health issues resolved and investments doing well. Glad I am retired and not out of work and looking for a job though. Didn't travel much this year although I did go back to Illinois for a 50th high school reunion. Spent about $600 on gas for the pickup there and back and the AC wasn't working. Somewhere on the way back in Oklahoma with the temp and humidity in the mid 90's I began thinking about a new vehicle for road trips. Previously I had driven 2 new Camaros, a V6 and a V8, both quite nice of course. Then began looking for a 2 or 3 year old used one. After my trip I was at the local Vespa dealer for a new rear tire for my scooter. Right next door is the Smart Car dealer so while waiting went over to check things out. Looking over the new ones on the floor and the used ones on the lot, I was kind of impressed. I have always liked small cars anyway hence VWs, Corvairs, Alfas, Saabs, Renaults, etc. none quite as small as a Smart Car though. I went back a couple weeks later for a test drive of a special edition Brabus used model on the lot. Made up my mind then and there. It is not fast but it is quick and handles like a go cart. The engine is in the rear at least. Only 1 liter but then it only weighs 1800 lbs. AC works great and the heated seats come in handy this time of year. Electric power steering, ABS, traction control, stability control. Most of the modern usual items. So far 44 mpg is my average and I suspect 50 mpg is likely on a road trip. Geez, should have had this on that trip to Illinois. $200 vs $600 for that trip sounds good to me. Remember our Christmas party at Roper's on 12/7 and I hope your holiday season is great. We should all be thankful for our friends and family. That includes our club and the larger national club as many of us have discovered new friends as the result of our hobby. That's a good thing. Thanks everyone and be careful out there, -- David ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Regular Meeting Minutes --- 11-6-13 Art Gold Meeting came to order at 7:13pm at North Domingo Baca Multicultural Center with 22 in attendance. Officer Reports President (Dave Huntoon) asked for minutes to be approved, then told us about Tarmo's vacation and talked about Tri-State. John Wiker faxed and sent letters about paperwork for CORSA insurance for the Tri-State. If no reply he will telephone. Vice President (Tarmo Sutt) was absent. Treasurer (Robert Gold) stated that the account has $4,273.89. He mailed the annual tax form to the secretary of state. Secretary (Art Gold) talked about nothing. Membership (Larry Yoffee) was absent. Member Reports Jim Pittman (Editor) stated that the newsletter deadline is Friday, 11-22-13. He showed the one-dollar and twenty-dollar bills that were found in the roadside grass during the Old Route 66 cleanup. Heula Pittman (Sunshine) talked about donating to the Joy Junction for the Christmas Dinner. Donations include toys and new stuffed animals. The committee continues work on the March anniversary party and on registration bags for the Tri-State. Vickie Hall (Merchandise) stated that she has merchandise for sale. Items for sale: Care and Feeding book for $5.00, and there are only 4 or 5 license plates remaining. Robert Gold (Car Council) stated that they had elected a new treasurer. Old Business The recent TUNA resulted in only partial success in making the Loadside gas heater work, but check Robert's updated report elsewhere in the newsletter. Hurley Wilvert was in the Isle of Man for a motorcycle lap, 150mph. He brought a video of the event. New Business The Corvair auctioned off for AGORA, which was seen with our Corvairs at the State Fair car show, is now for sale on Craig's List. There is a 1965 (listed as a 1964) four door for sale that garnered much discussion. Owner is named Blanca and is in Lovington, NM. There is a 1964 coupe for sale as stated by Russ McDuffie, from Floyd Weber. Color is brown, said to be in great shape. 2014 Tri State in Chama, NM - the meeting on November 2nd went well and much has been done, but there will be a need for more volunteers to help. John Wiker reminded us of the Lovato Memorial car show coming up on November 16th and said he and his Corvair will be there. We were glad to see Mike Stickler at the meeting after his enforced medical vacation. We were pleased to see Ollie Scheflow and Wendell Walker at the meeting tonight. Upcoming Events November 11-9-13 -- THIS SATURDAY. Potluck Bingo/Auction (Rita/Steve Gongora) starts at 5pm. Location: House of Covers (Central and Richmond) December 12-7-13 -- Christmas Party (Rita Gongora) Starts at 5pm at Roper's Restaurant (Wyoming and Central) The 50/50 winner is Ruth Boydston ($21) $10.50 for the winner and she contributed $5.00 to the sunshine committee. Meeting Adjourned at 7:49pm Mr. Gold Reporting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOARD MEETING MINUTES = 11-20-2013 Your Editor Present at the start of the meeting at 5:05 PM were: David Huntoon, Pat Hall, Robert Gold, Lube Lubert, Vickie Hall, Heula Pittman, Jim Pittman. Last month's minutes approved. David said the Bingo/Potluck/Auction went well. It may be one of our better events of the year. Bingo brought in $322.25 but we may need to reimburse John Wiker for the cost of the game equipment. Tarmo Sutt is still on his cruise as far as we know so no VP report. Robert reported $4,675.64 in our treasury balance. Art Gold was not present. Larry Yoffee was not present but Robert had the application form for our new members Matt and Heather. Jim said "short month" with deadline Friday November 22nd. Jim asked what to do about needing a secretary. Jim said the newsletter and web page were going along as normal. Jim said he had heard no CORSA news about the 100% CORSA rule. David said a new "Desert Corvairs" chapter was forming in California and they talked about requiring 50% CORSA membership to be an official chapter. Jim said we should discuss the future of our awards. Should we continue the present award, change its name, come up with new rules, abandon it? Heula said the Sunshine Committee was working as usual. Preparing registration bags for both the Anniversary Party and the Chama Tri-State. Heula hinted that the committee for these two events will be doing things we have not done before and will need additional funds. The Board agreed, no problem with additional funds. Rita Gongora had reported that the Christmas Dinner will be $14.50 per person and the menu will be as last year: Traditional & Mexican food. We agreed to divide the Christmas door prize drawing into two categories: Ladies & Gents as we did last year. Robert said nothing new on the Car Council except that the Danny Lovato Car Show was very successful with many people, many nice cars and quite a sum (over $9000) raised to help with Danny's medical expenses. Danny, you will recall, was injured in an accident at the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta this past October. Next Car Council meeting will be in January. Vickie reported no new sales of merchandise and said we had about five license plates left. Vickie suggested we google "bar stool economics" but gave no hint what we might find if we did so. So, try it and see! We had little to say about the Tri-State except that it was reported that Steve Gongora had an estimate from All Sports Trophies that dash plaques could be had in the range of $1 to $2 depending on the design. Heula said we really need the logo design so Kay Sutt can incorporate it into the quilt. January 1st is our scheduled meeting night but the Centers are all closed for the New Year's holiday. We discussed putting off the meeting until January 8th but we'll ask for a consensus at the December meeting. We adjourned and went out into the cold rain and made our way homeward, or perhaps some went to the T.A. Truckstop for supper. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gas Heater TUNA Update ... The rest of the story Robert Gold As you might remember, I organized a TUNA to tackle the gas heater on my 1962 Loadside. Some of the best CNM minds were there to help identify and possibly correct my heater's problems. The session ended without repairing the setup, but we did identify some of the problems. Again, I want to thank everyone who attended the event. We all seemed to have a good time. This got me thinking that I should come up with another technical challenge and get the gang back together again. But I'm getting off track, I want to let you know the fate of my Loadside after it left Pat and Vickie Hall's "Corvair Heaven." The first step in the heater's repair consisted of placing an order with Clark's for two switches that were obviously bad. Here is where I learned something new. I've placed a lot of orders with Clark's in the past and had the parts shipped by UPS and then waited over a week for the parts to arrive. Someone at the TUNA suggested I use the good old Postal Service's priority mail service so that the parts would arrive sooner. Not only did the parts arrive in just THREE days, but the cost was only slightly more than UPS. So for small parts, "Goodbye UPS and Hello USPS!" Once I had the parts I turned them over to the mechanical genius, Geoff Johnson, to get the unit working. It should be a breeze. Install the switches and just like that... heat. Of course that wasn't the case. Just to get the flavor of what happened next, here are parts of the texts Geoff sent me about the repair work: "...the whole underside of the dash had to come out." "....the d**n thing is haunted. I'm just now getting feeling back on my fingertips from all the cuts and burns from it." Obviously this was quite a job. I got the truck back and it had heat! I couldn't wait until the next morning when I would have heat on the way to work. As you can guess when I got ready to go the next morning... no heat. Maybe the unit IS haunted. Back the truck went to Geoff's. In no time the problem was found. It was a crummy micro switch. The switch was replaced from Geoff's secret stash and the heater worked again. And it is still working to this day. I'm not only defrosting my windshield, but I'm experiencing something I don't get from my other Corvairs -- instant heat. In summary, even though I feel the whole concept of gas heaters is some evil Rube Goldberg thing, involving gasoline, a spark plug, a combustion chamber, and various switches and relays, this heater is really cool -- or do I mean really hot? I have heat and I have Geoff and the TUNA to thank for that. I'm hoping that Geoff will report to you on the nitty gritty of the repair process, but for now you know the rest of the story. -- Robert Gold ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bingo Night Story John Wiker Did someone yell BINGO?? Well, Saturday night seven people did. The evening at the House of Covers, hosted by the Gongoras was a huge success. The place was packed as 30 members showed up with about 10 other guests. The Bingo Master rolled the balls through 7 varied games and as if he had the "fix in", as the gangster movies used to say, no one person won more than once. The pots ranged between about $40 to $35 per game and there were plenty of White Elephants for bidding on the front table. The food was plentiful, varied and excellently prepared. At the end of the evening, the Club pocketed about $300 which will help with the expenses of Tri-State. Thanks to all who attended and helped make the evening a complete success!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christmas Dinner Party Steve Gongora Owner T. K. from Roper's faxed over a menu to confirm our CNM Dinner. It will be a Mexican/American menu like last year. Garden Salad, Buttered Corn, Roasted Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Cheese Enchiladas, Beef Tacos, Bread Basket. Bottomless Beverage - Sodas, Tea, Coffee, Lemonade. Prices - $14.50 per person - includes tax and Tip. (Rita wants me to announce that you can pay for the dinner at the meeting if you wish.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YES, I AM HERE, JOHN WIKER -- Danny Lavato Benefit Car Show Robert Gold I'd like to start my report by first thanking John Wiker for throwing down a challenge to me at the last meeting. As you know, a real nice car guy, Danny Lavato, was seriously hurt at the last Balloon Fiesta. A bunch of car enthusiasts decided to put on a benefit car show for him. Well at the CNM meeting John asked if anyone but him would be showing his Corvair at the event. He then looked at me and strongly suggested that I also attend the show. That kind of woke me up. Even though I'm representing CNM at the Car Council, and even though I know it was going to raise money for an injured car guy, it wasn't until John asked me about going that I decided I would be there! Thanks John. I had a great time. As you might have guessed, John and I were the only ones with Corvairs at the event. But I'd like to point out that just John's Corsa and my Lakewood (did I mention it was for sale?) represented our club quite well. Our cars sat side-by-side with new Camaros, hot Mustangs, a Packard, and numerous other high end machines. And there in the middle of the display of more than 100 cars sat Danny's yellow Ford truck with a Corvette engine. Danny's son spoke to the crowd and told us how much our support means to Danny. We all wished Danny's son well in return. About the show, the weather was "interesting". First it rained a little bit... Anne Mae and I were amused by the efforts of various people to wipe the raindrops off their show cars. Then it became partly cloudy for a while, and then out came the sun. It turned out to be a really nice day... except for that darn wind. Hey, I want to clue you in to why I really went to the show. Please promise not to tell John. The reason I went was for the freebe: free flu shots from Walgreens. Just roll up your sleeve and away they went. Thank you so much Walgreens. I really got something for nothing. And you know who was standing right next to Anne Mae and me to get a shot himself? John Wiker. -- Robert Gold ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christmas Donations for Joy Junction Heula Pittman Last reminder ... Lee Reider & Emma Rogers will be collecting our donations for Joy Junction at our annual Christmas dinner on Saturday, December 7th. Please be generous with your items for this worthy charity. The most needed this year is clothing for children in ages from infants through the teenage years. Toys are okay, but only NEW stuffed toys can be accepted. Otherwise just about any items will be appreciated. Our dinner will be held December 7th - 5:00 PM at Roper's Restaurant, 8810 Central Ave SE. That is just east of Central & Wyoming SE. We thank Rita Gongora for setting this event up for us once again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Four CNM'ers Celebrate Birthdays in December: Murray Bruskin December 5 Elisa Yoffee December 18 Dick Cochran December 5 Lube Lubert December 21 Ruth Boydston December 7 Sara Gold December 30 Isaac Trujillo December 9 Fred Riggs December 31 Two Special Couples Celebrate Their Wedding Anniversary in December: Elizabeth & Mark Domzalski December 11 Barbara & Gordon Johnson December 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TREASURY REPORT ......... 10-16-2013 to 11-21-2013 ......... ROBERT GOLD DATE CHECK# AMOUNT PAYEE DESCRIPTION ========== ==== ========== ============ ==================================== 2013.11.01 +$ 25.00 CNM Dues M.Martinek 2013.11.12 2177 -$ 90.00 CORSA Dues R.Cochran, F.Adams 2013.11.18 +$ 491.75 CNM Dues R.Boydston, M.Choiniere, R.Trujillo, J.Anderson 2013.11.18 +$ Bingo Reported at meeting: $322.25 ========== ==== ========== ============ ==================================== ENDING BALANCE = $ 4,675.64 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ================================================================================ * * M E M B E R I N F O R M A T I O N * W H O H A S W H A T * * ================================================================================ RUTH BOYDSTON 505-350-6003 has a 1963 Corvair Coupe, automatic, 98,252 miles, all original. It has white exterior and blue interior. This car has been seen at recent meetings and local events and was featured on the cover of the December 2012 ENCHANTED CORVAIRS newsletter. ================================================================================ PAT HALL 505-620-5574 in Los Lunas, NM has Corvairs in need of repair. Lots of parts for most Corvairs. ================================================================================ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ============================================================================ | December 2013 | January 2014 | February 2014 | | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | 1 2 3 4 | 1 | | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | | 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | | 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | | 29 30 31 | 26 27 28 29 30 31 | 23 24 25 26 27 28 | ============================================================================ Wed 4 Dec 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE. Sat 7 Dec 5:00 PM Christmas Party - Roper's Restaurant 8810 Central Ave SE Donations will be organized by Lee Reider & Emma Rogers to benefit JOY JUNCTION. Sat 14 Dec 1:00 PM Los Lunas Toy Drive Cruz - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms Bill Schofield 505-565-2105, David Silva 505-550-8415, or Wed 18 Dec 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE Fri 20 Dec 9:00 PM Deadline for items for January newsletter ============================================================================ N O T I C E ! N O T I C E ! N O T I C E ! THE CENTER IS CLOSED WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1ST. WE WILL TRY TO MEET ONE WEEK LATER. Wed 8 Jan 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE. Sat 11 Jan 1:00 PM Los Lunas - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms Bill Schofield 505-565-2105, David Silva 505-550-8415, or Wed 15 Jan 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE Fri 24 Jan 9:00 PM Deadline for items for February newsletter ============================================================================ Wed 5 Feb 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE. After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE. Sat 8 Feb 1:00 PM Los Lunas - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms Bill Schofield 505-565-2105, David Silva 505-550-8415, or Wed 19 Feb 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE Fri 21 Feb 9:00 PM Deadline for items for March newsletter Wed 26 Feb 6:00 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE, 3232 GIRARD NE ============================================================================ March 2014 ... We will be celebrating our 40th Anniversary! Our chairperson is Anne Mae Gold. Location will be announced. ============================================================================ Sun 18 May 2014 - Albuquerque Museum / Car Council Old Town Car Show Fri 30 May -- Sat 31 May -- Sun 01 June -- TRI-STATE The 30th Tri-State meet will be held in Chama, New Mexico. Primary hotel: Branding Iron Motel 575-756-2162 Make reservations via e-mail: info @ Suggested back-up hotel: Chama Trails Inn Location of Corvair Car Show: Branding Iron Motel Location of Banquet: Chama Community Center Featured Activities for the Tri-State: Tour to the TIERRA WOOLS "sheep to shawl" facility in Los Ojos Narrow-gauge Scenic Railway to Osier or to Antonito, Colorado Driving tour to Colorado paralleling the Cumbres & Toltec tracks Scenic Railway: Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railway Chama, New Mexico: http:// Chama Valley Chamber of Commerce ============================================================================ See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities: ========================= ========================= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YEARS AGO IN DECEMBER 7 Years Ago Dec 2006 Vol 32 Nr 12 # 375 On the cover of this fat 16-page issue: the "Library Van" and some of the Route-66-Cleanup Crew. The treasury held $3,010. Geoff and Cary reported on a great trip to the Fan Belt Toss, bigger than ever this year. Tarmo brought a newly-cleaned, jewell-like half a block and told about what it took to get it that clean. Jim asked the board about making a CD with back issues of the newsletter. Jerry planned to set up a tour to Bosque del Apache in January. Ray told about cold weather destroying his speedometer. Wendell told about getting a ride in a Ford GT-40 race car, fulfilling a longstanding dream. Scattered through the newsletter were nice color photos of cars and activities. A tech tip by Steve Goodman told about winter storage tactics. Jim discussed the things to be found on his web page, and Robert summed up the year's activities of the Car Council. Finally, an index to everything published here during 2006. 14 Years Ago Dec 1999 Vol 25 Nr 12 # 291 On the cover: Mark Domzalski, his Rampside and two late coupes added to the view at Truchas, New Mexico. The occasion? Another great CNM Aspencade in the Sangre de Christos mountains. New members were Kathy & Doug Gadomski, owners of a rare 1961 Loadside. We listed twenty-one e-mail addresses and asked for more, and we listed CORSA's home page as . We had $6114 in our bank account. Billiken was driving off into the sunset, looking forward to years starting with 20, not 19. We all looked forward to the Tri-State/Albuquerque Museum Car Show, organized by Debbie Pleau and friends. President Hurley reported on a car show at the Canine Country Club and told about visiting friends at Cactus Corvair Club in Arizona. Ollie reported on the last Old Route 66 cleanup of the century. Interesting sightings included a rattlesnake and a very dead bobcat. Del didn't report on last month's parade up Central to the Route 66 Diner and he didn't report on the latest Recaro seats on Steve's 1966 coupe and he didn't report on the latest member of the Dummy of the Month Club. Wait, he did tell us that Larry was being considered for membership provided he could come up with some better mechanical goofs. Dennis Pleau reported on the GWFBT&SW in California, the Holy Grail of Corvairhood! And, yes, we had an index to Volume 25 of our newsletter. 21 Years Ago Dec 1992 Vol 18 Nr 12 # 207 On the cover: Christmas trees. President Del ran the meeting. We had $1086 in the bank. Walter and Dave Huntune from Chicago were guests. Is it possible we mis-spelled their names? Paul Coffman was a new member; he lived in Ohio. We were preparing for our Christmas dinner and talked about getting Club T-shirts and jackets. Michael Pleau attended. Del mentioned he was working on getting a Greenbrier back on the road. A blurb from the Sierra Club listed hidden costs to owning an automobile. Mark Martinek reported on the tour to Truth or Consequences: three Corvairs and an RV. LeRoy had tire and brake problems and they never did get to see the car museum. Otherwise it was a fun weekend. Tech tips included an article on silicon brake fluid and a good way to remove the rain gutter trim without damaging it: would you believe you can use an old bottle opener! The index to Volume 18 rounded out this short newsletter. 28 Years Ago Dec 1985 Vol 11 Nr 12 # 123 On the cover: Santa with a clutter of just about every Corvair model made. President Clayborne ran the meeting; we had no guests. We had a new member, though: Larry Blair who had a '63 Monza coupe and a '64 Spyder convertible. Our Christmas party was to be at Kirtland AFB Officers' Club. We planned a foray to the Flea Market to raise money and get rid of junk, err, treasures. We wanted to have a meeting in Santa Fe. We wanted a photo session; maybe part of an Aspencade. Tri-State planning continued. Clayborne's "Blower Breeze" said they just don't make cars like they used to. LeRoy said we'd have visitors at the next meeting from the New Mexico MVD. They would address how to get title to a titleless vehicle and how new seat belt laws apply to the various Corvairs, some of which came with seat belts and some not. Bill Reider's column discussed cleaning your oil cooler: they are out of sight and tend to collect leaves and dust. You also need to check your air filter, PVC valve and parking brake and clutch cables. How many of us have a Corvair with factory lube in the rear wheel bearings, steering box and clutch cross shaft? A tech tip from Chevrolet told how to adjust your accelerator linkage and how to install a harmonic balancer. We had a year-end financial statement and the index to volume 11 of the Newsletter. 35 Years Ago Dec 1978 Vol 4 Nr 11 # 39 On the cover: a Monza GT and an early convertible. Sylvan presided. Les Campbell took notes and reported $350 in the bank. We amended the constitution: separate offices for secretary and treasurer and an appointed membership chairperson. Sylvan proposed a name for the Newsletter other than "Corvairs of New Mexico." Suggestions were solicited. We planned a dinner at Bella Vista. A newspaper article said that Alvin Grille of New Orleans owned 175 Corvairs. Tech tips came from our German member, Markus Rothmeyer, on adjusting thermostats, from Francis Boydston on timing your engine without a timing light, from Joel Nash on NGK and Bosch spark plugs, and Norm Brand on where to get spark plugs. The very first CNM Newsletter index covered every issue published to date. Your editor provided a history of the Newsletter and its somewhat irregular numbering scheme. Looking through this index today you'll see quite a few classic articles that are still well worth reading thirty-five years later. Your editor asked for more information on the Club's history and asked members to write detailed articles for our March 1979 Special Anniversary issue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CORVAIRS OF NEW MEXICO -- ENCHANTED CORVAIRS -- INDEX FOR 2013 EACH MONTH: Dues Due.......................Membership Committee "Air" Force President's Letter...........John Wiker Birthdays & Anniversaries........Sunshine Committee Treasury Report.........................Robert Gold Calendar of Coming Events........Board of Directors Member Information: Who Has What...........Everyone Seven, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago......Club Historian JAN President's Holiday Message...............................John Wiker December Meeting Minutes....................................Art Gold [ No December Board Meeting ]..............................The Board Christmas Dinner at Roper's Restaurant.................Heula Pittman Differential Lube Transfer Holes................Bob Helt VEGAS VAIRS Toyota Prius V -- a Review..................................Kay Sutt Look Back -- Look Around -- Look Forward.................Jim Pittman Member List for January 2013.........................Keeper of Lists COVER: A photo of my 1966 Corsa coupe front interior by Hattie Brown. Hattie is taking a photography class. -- Steve Gongora FEB Various Meeting Photos in the Newsletter...........Club Photographer January Meeting Minutes.....................................Art Gold January Board Meeting Minutes............................Jim & Heula Van Engine Rebuild.....................................David Huntoon Wendell's 94th Birthday (with map)...................Brenda Stickler Cover Story: The 1960 Corvair Engine ...TUCSON..........Van Pershing The Club's 39th Anniversary Luncheon...................Heula Pittman January Car Council Report...............................Robert Gold "Holidaze" or Driving in Snow ..........DENVAIR NEWS.....John Dawson How to Keep Tabs on Your Carburetors....VEGAS VAIRS.....Harry Ransom COVER: Tucson Corvair Association, CORVAIRSATION, December 2012 MAR February Meeting Minutes..................................... Editor February Board Meeting Minutes............................... Editor Thirty-Nine Years!......................... Heula, Vickie & Anne Mae Welcome New Member: Allen Greer........................ Larry Yoffee The Latest on the 2013 Tri-State......................... Garrie Fox Bring Your Scrap Metal to the April Meeting................ Pat Hall Install "Forgotten" Cylinder Air Baffles....... Vegas Vairs JAN 2012 COVER: Do You Know Where Your Newsletter is Printed? ABQ Grafix Photos from Wendell Walker's 94th Birthday Breakfast Party APR Members of the Year Vickie & Pat Hall......................... Photo CNM's 39th Anniversary................................ Heula Pittman Phobias.................................................... Pat Hall Vickie & Pat Hall Members of the Year Award........... Heula Pittman March Meeting Minutes...................................... Art Gold March Board Meeting Minutes......................... Fly-on-the-Wall March NMCCC Meeting Report............................ Mike Stickler Tri-State 2014 - Chama, New Mexico..................... Larry Yoffee Tires / Wheels when 13-inch Tires are Unavailable..... Virtual Vairs 29th Tri-State - Cripple Creek, Colorado................. Garrie Fox The Martineks Are Coming! April 10th.................. Heula Pittman Save This Date: April 13th Mountainair Tour............. Vickie Hall April Word Search Feature............................... Jim Pittman COVER: Wendell Walker poses with his favorite Monza convertible At right and inside: Photos from our 39th Anniversary Luncheon MAY Convoy Road Trip - Mountainair - Tijeras.......... Vickie & Pat Hall April Meeting Minutes...................................... Art Gold Back to the Future: Car Council Report for March........ Robert Gold April Board Meeting Minutes.................... No Report This Month Story About "How To Keep Your Corvair Alive"............ Jim Pittman The Impossible Dream: Albuquerque Museum Car Show....... Robert Gold Old Route 66 Clean-up................................ Ollie Scheflow April Word Search Feature Answers....................... Jim Pittman Bernalillo MCT INDUSTRIES Tour.......................... Larry Blair COVER: The Nine Corvairs on the Tour Line Up at Abo Pueblo Mike Stickler Paces Off the Length of the Church Ruins at Abo Pueblo JUN Notes on this month's photos................... Photo Editor May Meeting Minutes................................ Art Gold May Board Meeting Minutes.......................... Art Gold Corvair of Honor: Museum Car Show............... Robert Gold The Great White Hope: Lube's Corvair............ Robert Gold Squeaking Under the Crossing Bar........ Steve Gongora Photo The Future of Automotive Air Conditioning....... Mike Dawson COVER: Mike Stickler picks up trash in April on Old Route 66. Art Gold's early convertible at the Museum Car Show. Steve Gongora's Rampside at the Rail Yard. JUL Los Lunas Summerfest..................................John Wiker June Meeting Minutes..................................Jim & Heula June Board Meeting Minutes..............................John Wiker Congratulations, Jon Anderson! Boydston Award.........Heula Pittman 2013 Tri-State, Hosted by PPCC............................Curt Shimp Incident Report "Hard Luck Award"........................Vickie Hall Summary Report on 2013 Tri-State, Cripple Creek......Fly-on-the-Wall Map of All Tri-State Events 1976-2014....................Jim Pittman Attendance at All Tri-State Events 1976-2014.............Jim Pittman COVER: Tri-State at Cripple Creek, Colorado, June 1st, 2013. Steve Gongora & Lee Olsen tour the Gold Mine at Victor. AUG Old Route 66 Cleanup Club Project............................. Editor Fourth of July Notes...................................... John Wiker July Meeting Minutes................................. Fly-on-the-Wall July Board Meeting Minutes........................... Fly-on-the-Wall At the TA Truck Stop..................................... Vickie Hall Logo Contest, September Meeting...................... Brenda Stickler June Car Council Report.................................. Robert Gold July Car Council Report.................................. Robert Gold Thank You, Madame Governor............................... Robert Gold Collector Car Appreciation Day..................... Pat & Vickie Hall A Real Cheap Summer Vacation............................. Robert Gold COVER: Above: Three of Six Corvairs were at our July Club Breakfast Below: David Huntoon's brother sent photos from the CORSA Convention SEP Car Council Picnic Photos..............................David Huntoon Car Council Picnic at Oak Flats..........................Vickie Hall August Meeting Minutes......................................Art Gold August Board Meeting Minutes................................Art Gold Christmas Donations.........................Emma Rogers & Lee Reider The Road to Chama: Plans................................Larry Yoffee The Road to Chama: Volunteers Needed....................Larry Yoffee The Road to Chama: Logo Contest.........................Larry Yoffee Old Car Garage Strip Show................................Robert Gold State Fair Car Show is Days Away!........................Robert Gold Heaven or Purgatory TUNA..................................Bill Darcy COVER: Several enthusiasts met for a TUNA at the Halls' in Los Lunas A little bird told me Ruth wanted to be on the cover! With a bushing? OCT September Meeting Minutes...................................Art Gold September Board Meeting Minutes..........................Jim Pittman Make-A-Wish Car Show......................................John Wiker Pat's Trip to Cedar Crest................................Vickie Hall CHANGE IS GOOD? August Car Council Report................Robert Gold The Corvair with the Hemi................................Robert Gold Visitors in September: Karen & Clayborne Souza.........Heula Pittman State Fair Car Show......................................Robert Gold COVER: Corvairs gather for the New Mexico State Fair, September 22. Oliver Scheflow is honored for 17 Years of Old Route 66 Cleanups. NOV Nebraska Auction:.................................1960 Corvairs Photo Where's Dave............................................David Huntoon October Meeting Minutes......................................Art Gold Meeting Minutes Supplement.................................the Editor October Board Meeting Minutes.........................Fly-on-the-Wall Deja Vu All Over Again September Car Council..............Robert Gold October Old Route 66 Cleanup..............................Jim Pittman Refuge from the Storm October Car Council.................Robert Gold Christmas Donations: Emma Rogers, Lee Reider............Heula Pittman Gasoline Heater TUNA Success - Sorta......................Robert Gold Longest "Vacation" Ever.................................Mike Stickler Little Red Corvair.........................................Tarmo Sutt Tri-State Committee Meeting November 2nd.................Larry Yoffee COVER: At the TUNA: Keeping Robert's Loadside Warm this Winter Russ McDuffie's 1965 convertible is ready to ride off into the sunset. DEC Where's Dave............................................David Huntoon November Meeting Minutes.....................................Art Gold November Board Meeting Minutes.............................The Editor Gas Heater TUNA Update (the rest of the story)............Robert Gold Bingo Night Story..........................................John Wiker Christmas Dinner Party at Roper's Restaurant............Steve Gongora Yes, I Am Here, John Wiker! (Danny Lovato Show)...........Robert Gold Christmas Donations: Emma Rogers, Lee Reider............Heula Pittman Birthdays & Anniversaries..........................Sunshine Committee Treasury Report...........................................Robert Gold Who Has What.................................................Everyone Photos from the Bingo / Potluck / Auction at HOC...........the Editor Calendar of Coming Events..........................Board of Directors December Issue, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago............Club Historian Index to All We have Published in the Year 2013............the Editor COVER: Tarmo Sutt's 1966 Corsa turbo, at the 2013 Santa Fe Concorso At right: CNM Founder and first newsletter editor Mark Morgan as a Navy Lieutenant at NAS Fallon, Nevada, sometime in 1976 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================================================================= Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico, chartered Chapter #871 of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Copyright by the Authors and by Corvairs of New Mexico. Articles may be reprinted in any CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members, provided credit to the Author and this Newsletter is clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or Editor and are not necessarily endorsed by Corvairs of New Mexico or CORSA. Material for publication should reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send material via e-mail ( jimp @ ) or submit a readable manuscript. I prefer ASCII TEXT, but MS Word or RTF are fine. Photographs are welcome. Don't photoshop your digital JPGs -- send the originals. This ecologically green newsletter is produced in a Microsoft-free environment. I still print mailing labels with a 1989 Apple IIgs on a Hewlett-Packard LaserJet IIIp. The newsletter is composed using Apple Macintosh computers. Software includes OS-X, AppleWorks, Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter, BBEdit and InDesign CS. If you care, ask for details. Transportation: 1965 Corvair Monza, 1990 Honda Civic, 1996 Mazda Miata, 2003 Honda Civic. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends. ========================================================================= =END=