The February 2014 newsletter - Text Version 

Updated 25-Feb-2014 ==== Copyright (c) 2014 Corvairs of New Mexico   

   FEBRUARY 2014 / VOLUME 40 / NUMBER 2 / ISSUE #461  

Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2005
Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, Third Place, 2010
Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2012

EDITOR: Jim Pittman

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, February 5th, 2014 at 7:00 PM
North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE

THIS MONTH: Dues Due............................Membership Committee
  Where's Dave ........................................David Huntoon
  January Meeting Minutes................................Jim Pittman
  Report on Merchandise Sales 2009-2013..................Vickie Hall
  January Board Meeting Minutes.............................Art Gold
  A Night to Remember - January Car Council Report.......Robert Gold
  Preview: Tri-State 2014 Chama, New Mexico.............Larry Yoffee
  Birthdays & Anniversaries.......................Sunshine Committee
  Treasury Report........................................Robert Gold
  Who Has What..............................................Everyone
  Ethanol in gasoline and its effects on collector cars..Jim O'Clair
  My 95th Birthday Party..............................Wendell Walker
  Club Breakfast, Saturday January 25th..................Jim Pittman
  Calendar of Coming Events.......................Board of Directors
  February Issue, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago.........Club Historian

COVER: Three Corvairs, Ten Members at Henrietta's Restaurant, Los Lunas

  MEETINGS: First Wednesday of the Month at 7:00 PM
  North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE

     President:   David Huntoon   505-281-9616        corvair66 @
     Vice-Pres:   Tarmo Sutt      505-690-2046            tarmo @
     Secretary:     Art Gold      505-620-7434        rollerart @
     Treasurer:  Robert Gold      505-268-6878        beisbol30 @
   Car Council:    Mike Stickler  505-856-6993         sticorsa @
   Merchandise:  Vickie Hall      505-865-5574 patandvickiehall @
    Membership:   Larry Yoffee    505-321-5909         corsa180 @
      Sunshine:   Heula Pittman   505-275-2195            heula @
    Newsletter:     Jim Pittman   505-275-2195             jimp @
Past President:     Ray Trujillo  505-839-7436              ray @
Past President:     Pat Hall      505-620-5574 patandvickiehall @
Past President:    John Wiker     505-899-3076         wikerj63 @

          DUES:  CNM: 12 months $25.00 -or- 26 months $ 50.00
               CORSA: 12 months $45.00 -or- 26 months $ 90.00
         CNM & CORSA: 12 months $70.00 -or- 26 months $140.00

         CORSA's home page:
      Steve Gongora's page:
         CNM's newsletters:
    Larry Yoffee home page:


              DUES:  CNM: 12 months $25.00 -or- 26 months $ 50.00
                   CORSA: 12 months $45.00 -or- 26 months $ 90.00
             CNM & CORSA: 12 months $70.00 -or- 26 months $140.00

                CNM only: 12 months $28.00 -or- 26 months $ 56.00


             CORSA's home page:
          Steve Gongora's page:
             CNM's newsletters:
        Larry Yoffee home page:



2014.01   Darlene & William Darcy

2014.02               Frank Stadler
2014.02       Brenda & Mike Stickler

DUE MARCH ======= INACTIVE 25-APR-2014
2014.03     Everett (Allen) Greer
2014.03                Carl Johnson
2014.03        Emma & LeRoy Rogers

2013.04             Richard Finch
2013.06       Joan & Murray Bruskin
2013.06        David & Judy Jaramillo
2013.08        Nancy & Russ McDuffie
2013.10 Mary Alice & Oliver Scheflow
2013.12               David Huntoon
2013.12    Barbara & Gordon Johnson
2013.12        Kelli & Mark Morgan

Send your Dues to:
CNM Treasurer  c/o Robert Gold
1301 Valencia NE Albuquerque, NM 87110

Past due memberships will become inactive after a one-month grace period. The
Club will mail in your National Dues  when you renew, if you send us the renewal
form from your CORSA Communique!


Where's Dave?
David Huntoon

My main point at this time concerns the TriState. We are at the point where we
need some hard numbers for those definitely attending or most likely to attend.
If you are in either of these categories let us know and indicate if you are
definite or likely. I am asking this of our Colorado friends and others from
Kansas, Arizona, Utah, etc. This will help us insure our planning is accurate.
Email any of our officers and/or Larry Yoffee directly. The email addresses are
on the inside front page of the newsletter. Thanks for your help on this.

By the time you read this we will have had our first breakfast of the year.
Thanks to Pat for making the arrangements on this. Next up is Wendell's
birthday party Feb. 9th at Wendell's place. A well lived 95 years for sure. See
you there. After that is the CNM anniversary dinner, 40 years! Make sure you put
it on your calendar. Mar. 15th.

Although our weather has been nice lately, I just haven't got around to do much
work in the garage. Winter makes it difficult to get motivated and break out the
tools and start a project. At least for me. A VW motor build is next on the
list. After that I want to build an engine platform/cart to test run a VW or
Corvair engine. Checking and adjusting valves, test compression and checking for
oil leaks before installing. Just to make sure all is good to go. Anybody having
any plans or ideas let me know.

See you at the next meeting and at Wendell's party........

Take care, David

Photo caption:
Left to right: my brother Gary, me, Dad. Probably Easter 1964, Elgin, Il.


Meeting Minutes 08-Jan-2014
Jim Pittman

A larger-than-average group met for our one-week-late January meeting. The
meeting came to order about 7:07 PM.

David Huntoon (president) asked for approval of last month's minutes.

Tarmo Sutt (vice-president) remarked that this was his first time in the VP

Art Gold (secretary) was not present. Robert Gold said he had gone on a cruise
over the holidays and got a cold, but his wife Kelly contracted pneumonia and
was hospitalized but was doing better now.

Robert Gold (treasurer) reported $4,720.19 in the account with few outstanding
bills to be paid.

Larry Yoffee (membership) said, "Happy New Year" and no member news to report.
(This would change before the meeting was over.)

Mike Stickler (car council) said the first NMCCC meeting of the new year will be
later in the month, so no report yet.

Jim Pittman (editor) said the deadline for the newsletter is Friday January
24th. CORSA expiration dates for current CNM members have been obtained from
Harry Jensen and are on the "Members" page of Jim's web page. Tarmo asked, What
about CNM expiration dates? Jim said, They are always available on the web page
and usually are up-to-date within a day or two.

Heula Pittman (sunshine) said work is ongoing for preparations for the Tri-State
and the Anniversary party. Anne Mae Gold (as reported by husband Robert)
conveyed information about preparations for the Anniversary dinner which will be
at the Golden Corral on east Central on March 15th. Starting time will probably
be 2:00 PM. Heula said we need a count of how many will attend as soon as
possible. We also need an estimate of how many will attend the Tri-State.

Vickie Hall (merchandise) reported recent sales and $15 to add to the treasury
tonight. She further reported all merchandise, sales and remaining inventory
since 2009 when she assumed this responsibility. See table below. John Wiker
suggested that we take cookbooks to the Chama Tri-State to sell. Heula said that
we put pins and "Care and Feeding" booklets in new member packets.

Larry Yoffee (2014 Tri-State) reported that we have a logo. Steve Gongora
tweaked the original design and worked with ALL SPORTS to produce a suitable
dash plaque. He passed around a sample dash plaque -- an attractive design on a
metal backing with adhesive strips. (Note: magnetic material could easily be
added.) How many to make? Maybe 100. Larry phoned the hotel. There's no snow up
there right now. All is good to go. Will talk to the caterer in April or early
May. We need to think about T-shirts. The proposed design is, the logo on the
front and a list of years and locations of all 30 Tri-States on the back. The
club logos for CNM, PPCC and RMC will be incorporated into the design, probably
on the back. All seem pleased with the designs. Larry will meet with ZIA
GRAPHICS to finalize. John Wiker will print registration forms - how many? Maybe
50? Maybe 75? John Wiker has received the certification from CORSA for our
insurance coverage and Larry will check it out with the Chama officials. Tarmo
has sent the notice to CORSA to be printed in the Communique calendar and will
find out how many from the three clubs will want to order T-shirts.

Larry Blair asked, when does the narrow-gauge railroad trips start? Answer: a
week before the Tri-State. Larry said people will need to come early if they
want to ride the train as it takes several hours even for the shortest option.
(Note that the CUMBRES & TOLTEC SCENIC RAILROAD provides (1) from Chama to
halfway, have lunch, return to Chama by train the same day; (2) from Chama to
Antonito, return by bus the same day; (3) from Chama to Antonito, return by
train the following day.)

Larry Yoffee asked, Who wants to go on the TIERRA WOOLS tour? A minimum of 12
are needed to have the tour which costs about $8.00. Larry Blair suggested those
interested could drive about 30 miles south of Chama to see El Vado Dam and El
Vado State Park. Also, remember we can drive on NM route 17 north of Chama which
parallels the railroad for several miles. Check the railroad schedule if you
want to be there in time to see the train go by!

Tarmo Sutt asked everyone to check Larry Yoffee's web site and look at the
Communique calendar to see if we are overlooking anything that should be

John Wiker asked, Did we get enough volunteers to transport registration bags,
door prizes, etc to Chama on Thursday? Heula said, only two for sure, but others
may be going up early.

Larry Yoffee has asked NAPA for door prizes. He wondered if we need to provide
entertainment at the hospitality room? Games? Robert Gold said he and Art Gold
will prepare the car show prizes and/or certificates and said we'd use the club
embosser to "seal" the certificates. Someone suggested asking NAPA for Corvair
water pumps for door prizes. Bill Reider remarked that indeed there are Corvair
water pumps, no joke. Want to know about Corvair water pumps? Ask Bill.

David Huntoon brought in a calendar from the CHICAGOLAND chapter featuring his
brother Gary's Corvair.

John Wiker showed off a gift from his wife: it was a T-shirt with the quotation:
"TO SAVE TIME, LET'S JUST ASSUME I'M NEVER WRONG" but we are not sure if the
quote refers to John or to Anne!

Steve Gongora brought a poster from last year's Cripple Creek Tri-State. Tarmo
said all who attended got one, very nice poster.

Steve reported that Jon Lovett from Colorado passed away. He was scheduled for
surgery and did not make it through. His wife is Kathy and they have been active
in the Colorado Corvair clubs for many years.

The 50/50 totaled $22 and the winner, David, received $11.

Terry Price attended the meeting and re-joined us. He was a member back in the
late 1990s and early 2000s with a 1967 Corvair and a Corvair station wagon. Now
he has a 1966 convertible in not very good shape. Tarmo said he has proved that
you could restore a 1966 Corsa convertible in only twelve years.

Coming events:
January 25th Saturday 10:00 AM - Breakfast at HENRIETTA'S in Los Lunas
February 9th Sunday 12:00 noon to 3:00 PM Wendell Walker's birthday party
March 15th Saturday 2:00 PM (?) Anniversary Dinner, GOLDEN CORRAL, east Central
April ?? Saturday - Suggest a breakfast venue? How about in Santa Fe?

Vickie Hall provides this summary of her Merchandise activities since 2009:

===== =============================== =========  ====  ====  =========  =======
$5.00 License Plate                         34    30     2         2    $150.00
$7.00 Jacket Patch (large)                  14     6     -         8    $ 42.00
$2.00 Lapel Pin                            145     5    35       105    $ 10.00
$5.00 Care & Feeding book (old stock)       29    14    15         -    $ 70.00
$5.00 Care & Feeding book 2013 edition      20    10     1         9    $ 50.00
$2.00 Miscellaneous patches (donated)       14     4     -        10    $  8.00
$5.00 Cookbook (1996 CORSA Convention)      25     1     1        23    $  5.00
$5.00 Tri-State patch from 2011             39     1     -        38    $  5.00
NOTES: These are totals from 2009 to present.
       Some additional cookbooks may be in storage.
       An additional 73 Care & Feeding books (2013 edition) are in storage.
       Lapel Pins and Care & Feeding books are given to new members.

Board Meeting Minutes  1-15-14
Art Gold

Meeting came to order at 5:00 pm at Highland Senior Center.

Officer Reports

President (Dave Huntoon) approved the last minutes.

Vice President (Tarmo Sutt) absent.

Treasurer (Robert Gold) stated that the account has $4,765.13.

Secretary (Art Gold) stated nothing.

Membership (Larry Yoffee) discussed possible new members who told him they
planned to attend the Tri-State.

Member Reports

Jim Pittman (Editor) newsletter deadline is Friday, 1-24.

Vickie Hall (Merchandise) stating nothing about merchandise. She has a check to
give to Robert  from Bill Darcy for his dues.

Heula Pittman (Sunshine) stated that the committee is almost out of money, more
will be needed for the Anniversary Dinner and for the Tri-State, so the
committee is requesting funds. The board decided on $220 for the Sunshine
Committee and $280 for annual newsletter expenses for 2014. Robert previously
wrote a check to Jim for $125.00, so tonight he wrote a check for $375. This
equates to a total of $280.00 for annual newsletter expenses and $220.00 for
Sunshine Committee expenses. There was a discussion about the quilt with the
Tri-State logo design.

Robert Gold (Car Council) said no report tonight since the next meeting is
January 22nd.

New Business

Larry Yoffee (Tri-State chairman) said the T-shirts and the dash plaques for the
Tri-State are in process. There is a process to getting the T-shirts produced.
Graphic Connections was Larry's suggestion for the company to make the shirts.
They will suggest two designs for a T-shirt and make a mock-up for us by
February 1st, then we will pick one of the designs. There will be a ballpark
figure for the cost of the shirts by February 1st. The company suggested that we
place a Corvair image on the shirt. Larry will either e-mail images of the
mock-ups or bring them to the next meeting. The board has decided to order 100
dash plaques. Hotel and banquet are done. The banquet does not need to be paid
for until the day of the banquet. Numbers for the banquet are important to nail
down as early in February as possible.

John Wiker gave Larry the insurance form from CORSA for the banquet. Larry
checked with the Chama officials and we were able to add the Archdiocese's name
to the insurance document, so all is a go for insurance.

Larry, David and Robert discussed the setup for the car show at the Branding
Iron Hotel. It should work out very well.

Upcoming Events

1-25 Breakfast at Henrietta's in Los Lunas @ 10:00 am


Meeting Adjourned at 5:50 pm

Mr. Gold Reporting


A NIGHT TO REMEMBER -- January 22nd -- Car Council Report
Robert Gold

Hey CNM'ers... tonight I'm going to reveal to you how dedicated I am as your car
council representative. Let me tell you what happened as I attended the January

The night began with a minor mission of mercy and ended in the Emergency Room.
Got your attention? Good... read on.

I sat down to eat a wonderful steak dinner served by my true love, Anne Mae. I
had only eaten one bite when in pops my son Javi with the news that his car
battery is dead because he neglected to turn off the headlights when he parked
at his job. Out I went to give him a jump start with my trusty 1965 Corsa Vert.
In no time at all we had not one dead battery, but two. Anne Mae then arrived
with our trusty 1998 Mitsubishi and got us both running. That Mitsu will figure
again in this story.

Anyway, I dashed home, ate dinner and picked another car (my 1964 500) to go to
the meeting. It's always nice to have a backup car with a good battery to use
"just in case." Making all the lights I got to the meeting a couple of minutes
early, ready to do my duty as your representative. I settled in and proceeded to
take my usual copious notes, so you wouldn't miss out on all the goings on at
the car council. Here is a summary of what happened at the meeting before the
roof caved in for the Gold family.

The meeting began with two guest speakers. The first guy who called himself
"Fleet" (is that the latest hipster name... beats me) described a TV series that
was to be filmed in New Mexico called "Manhattan." No it isn't about a bunch of
New Yorkers in Rio Rancho, it's about the World War II development of the atomic
bomb in Los Alamos. He was looking for vehicles of all types from the 1930's and
40's for use in the series. I guess if you have a vehicle like that you can call
Fleet at 801-597-4337 to volunteer your services to the war effort.

The second speaker talked to us about a fund raiser that would be taking place
to support a mechanics' school in Belen. It sounds like a worthy cause and I can
get you some contact information later. It will have to be later, because at
that point I sorta lost my train of thought when Anne Mae called me and said
that my daughter Sara (I'm doing a pretty good job of getting my whole family
into this article and I know Jim will be amused by this) had just totalled her
car. The car was that wonderful Mitsubishi I talked about earlier. After that
car's mission of mercy earlier in the evening it went on to get T-boned and
destroyed. How was Sara and her friend who was with her? Anne Mae didn't know
and she would call me later. With nothing more that I could do at that moment, I
simply continued to take notes.

Back to the meeting... The treasurer reported we had lots of money and had
purchased the nicest enclosed trailer in the western world. I duly recorded all
that he had to say, including the fact that, as the new treasurer, he was going
to transform our bookkeeping from Bernalillo County quality to a more standard
system requiring complete documentation before a check would be issued. In
addition, two signatures would be required on each check. As your treasurer I
can attest to the fact that these changes are for the good. I don't have all the
details to report to you since my mind had started wandering seriously at this

Under old business we talked about the swap meet. It made almost $6,000 dollars
and we voted to contribute $1,250 to the Village of Los Lunas so they will
continue to like us and let us use their facilities for the swap meet each year.
Everyone agreed that last year's swap meet was the best yet and we think each of
our future swap meets will continue to be the best yet, so long as we can keep
the Village out of most of the responsibility of running the events.

Under new business here are dates of note: May 18 = Albuquerque Museum Car Show;
July 12 = Car Appreciation Day; August 10 = All Clubs Picnic; and September
26-28 = Swap Meet.

We moved on to discussion of the NMCCC logo. J.D. reported that the application
and money had been sent to the black hole known as the State Corporations
Commission. The result was that nothing has been done in Santa Fe, even after
J.D. traveled to the "city different" to see what was up. Tune in next month to
find out if we finally get our copyright for the logo.

The news could only get better from there. We learned that the web site had been
hacked and therefore there was no working web site. Remember all the great
things I said about the Car Council's web site? Well, forget it. Hopefully a
rebuilt site will be up and running soon... before the next hacker gets to it.

Want more great news? How 'bout the fact that now that the IRS has us in their
sights because of our aborted move (remember that terrifying story from months
ago?) in our organization's tax status. They are acting like a bunch of stirred
up hornets and are sending us letters of inquiry. One of the latest is to ask if
we own our domain name. (Who cares! Apparently the IRS cares.) The main positive
outcome I see here is that I will now have even more chances to write sparkling
articles about our continued relations with the IRS service.

The meeting ended with discussions about the April 26 Spring Thaw at the Old Car
Garage to raise money for a worthy charity. More information will follow next

At this moment, just as the meeting broke up, I got the call of the evening. I
learned that Sara had totaled our trusty Mitsubishi while driving without lights
on Wyoming. She was T-boned and was going on to the hospital. Kind of ironic...
Javi left his lights on (BAD) and Sara left her lights off (BAD). I should leave
you hanging at this point to make for a dramatic ending to this story -- which I
am now writing at midnight -- but I'll tell you that yes, the car is trash, but
Sara is just bruised. I could mention what would have happened had the car
struck her car a couple of inches earlier, but I'm trying not to think about
that. The ER folks were great. Sara is bruised, but otherwise ok and I'm soooooo

So if you ever consider another person for the Council Representative's job,
please ask that person how they would do under these circumstances.

Truly, for me at least, a night to remember.
           -- Robert Gold



Even though May seems like quite a while from now, we need to know if you will
be attending the 30th Tri-State 2014 Corvair Meet in Chama.

For a variety of reasons including planning for the Awards Banquet, we need to
hear from you.

Please email me: or call me at 505-321-5909 to let us know.
We need to know how many in your family are going and if you are driving a
Corvair to Chama and plan on showing your car.

Thank you and look forward to hearing from you when you read this.

Larry Yoffee - Tri-State Coordinator


Five Happy CNM'ers Celebrate Birthdays This Month:
       Alan Gold......................February  2
       Heather Choiniere..............February  9
       Wendell Walker... 95 Years! ...February  9
       Melba Anderson.................February 14

A Special Couple Celebrate a Wedding Anniversary:
       Rita and Steve Gongora.........February 14


TREASURY REPORT ............ 12-19-2013 to 01-14-2014 ........... ROBERT GOLD
========== ====  ========== ============ ====================================
2013.12.19 2183  -$  135.00 CORSA Dues   Al.Gold, R.Pape, L.Yoffee
2013.12.19 2180  -$   45.00 CORSA Dues   M.Choiniere
2013.12.31 2184  -$   45.00 CORSA Dues   D.Palmer
2014.01.07       +$   58.00 CNM Dues     R.Halpin, Cookbooks, Merchandise, 50/50
2014.01.09 2185  -$  155.06 J.Pittman    JAN 2014 Newsletter =  $30.06
........................................ plus Annual expenses= $125.00
2014.01.13       +$   25.00 Dues         T.Sutt         12 months CNM
2014.01.13       +$   70.00 Dues         T.Price        12 months CNM & CORSA
2014.01.13       +$   70.00 Dues         H.Wilvert      12 months CNM & CORSA
2014.01.13       +$   11.00 Cash         50/50
2014.01.13       +$  129.00 Cash         Merchandise
========== ====  ========== ============ ====================================
ENDING BALANCE = $ 4,765.13


* *   M E M B E R    I N F O R M A T I O N   *   W H O    H A S    W H A T   * *
Robert Gold 505-268-6878 has a 1961 air conditioned "hot red" Lakewood. This is
  the famous "Radio Flyer" show car and it has "no issues" i.e. it is perfect.
  Robert will be glad to tell you all about it.
PAT HALL 505-620-5574 in Los Lunas, NM has Corvairs in need of repair. Lots of
  parts for most Corvairs.


Reprinted from: LEEKY SEEL Corvair Minnesota, January 2013

Tech 101: Ethanol in gasoline and its effects on collector cars
Jim O'Clair
Photo by FLariviere, courtesy Shutterstock

Like it or not, ethanol in gas is here to stay. Although it does reduce
pollution in our atmosphere, it can cause problems for many collector cars,
boats, and older outdoor power equipment because of some of the side effects
related to its use.

When people talk about ethanol in today's pump gas, they're referring to E10,
which is a formulation that contains 90 percent gasoline and 10 percent ethanol.
Car manufacturers are now building engines that can run on 51 to 83 percent
ethanol, which is often called E85 or flex fuel.

Ethanol is refined from grain alcohol; most specifically, corn, here in the
United States; but it can also be made from switch grass, manure, willow trees,
and even sugar cane in some countries.

The use of ethanol will only increase. Federal law mandates that the U.S. use 36
billion gallons of alternative fuel per year by 2022. By comparison, the United
States used only 11 billion gallons in 2010, and the requirement in the law is
that we ramp up to 15 billion gallons per year in 2015. The only way we would
get there is to buy more gas - which is unlikely to happen, given the cost of a
gallon these days - or increase the ethanol content in each gallon. Unless your
car's owner's manual states specifically that it is an E85 or Flex Fuel vehicle
(if you don't know for sure, check the eighth digit of your VIN), you cannot use
E85 fuels.

Pros of ethanol-supplemented fuel:

* Ethanol is clean-burning and is a higher-octane fuel than conventional gas.

* Ethanol is produced from renewable sources.

* Ethanol-powered vehicles produce lower carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
emissions, and lower levels of hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions.

* Ethanol production keeps American farmers in business and creates new farming
and ethanol-processing jobs.

* Because ethanol is produced domestically, it reduces U.S. dependence on
foreign oil and increases the nation's energy independence.

* Ethanol needs fewer fossil (coal) and petroleum (gas) fuels to produce more
BTU of energy than gasoline, although it does require much more water.

Cons of ethanol-supplemented fuel:

* Ethanol creates 34 percent less energy than unadulterated gasoline per gallon.
This equals a loss in fuel economy of up to 3 miles per gallon for E10 fuels. In
terms of heat, ethanol produces 76,330 BTU per gallon, whereas diesel fuel
produces 128,450 BTU per gallon, gasoline 116,090 BTU per gallon and LP gas
84,950 BTU per gallon. The fuel economy gets even worse with E85, a loss of 7 to
8 miles per gallon with its higher ethanol content. Consumer Reports, testing in
2006, verified a loss in fuel economy of up to 30 percent in a Chevy Tahoe
designed to run on flex fuel when it was tested with both unleaded gas and E85.
Poor fuel economy can also be attributed to improper fuel system calibration
based on computer feedback from oxygen sensors because of the temperatures
needed to burn ethanol.

* Virtually any grain considered feedstock can be used to make ethanol, but some
grains are better for producing ethanol than others. Corn happens to be one of
the worst grains for making ethanol, but we produce so much more of it than any
other grain that it was the ingredient of choice for U.S. ethanol producers. In
South America, ethanol is produced from sugar cane, which is easier to refine
and gives a higher yield per acre than corn: 1,200 gallons per acre vs. 300
gallons per acre of corn. The U.S. government imposed a 55 cents per gallon
tariff to prevent the import of sugar cane-based ethanol into the United States,
though that tariff has recently expired.

* Ethanol is hygroscopic, which means it absorbs water more easily than
gasoline. That leads to water condensation inside fuel tanks, carburetor fuel
bowls and fuel lines where air spaces are present. Water content in fuel will
also swell up the paper filter media inside fuel filters not specifically
designed for flex fuels and can thus restrict fuel flow at the filter.

* Ethanol erodes fiberglass tanks, rubber hoses and plastic fuel lines. It
contributes to rust in fuel systems by creating condensation in the unfilled
portion of gas tanks. It will dissolve varnish and rust in steel fuel
components. These dissolved ingredients sit in the bottom of gas tanks until
they are removed or they will enter the fuel system if the fuel level in the
tank gets too low.

So what is a classic car owner to do? Especially when their car is sitting
unused in the garage more than it is on the road? It has been stated that you
can counteract the poor fuel mileage by driving at a consistent speed of between
40 and 60 MPH but that doesn't really apply to boats or classic cars that are
parked or do not have cruise control in most cases.

Several recommendations of things you can do that should help come from OE
marine manufacturers who have been battling these ethanol-related fuel problems:

* Replace any plastic or rubber fuel lines with ethanol-resistant hose or nylon

* Install a water separator filter in the fuel line leading to the carburetor.
Water collects in the filter and can be removed periodically.

* Replace any fiberglass tanks with steel or aluminum.

* Ensure that any O-rings in the fuel system are ethanol-compatible.

* Keep your tank as full as possible to prevent air space where condensation can

* Use specific ethanol-compatible fuel storage additives. These are normally
blue in color. Regular fuel stabilizers will not work unless they are labeled
ethanol fuel-compatible.

* Shop around for a marina or service station that does not pump E10 or E85.
None of these stations will be affiliated with a major gasoline producer, but
there are still some out there, especially in areas around lakes and rivers
where boating is popular. You can find a "pure gas" map of many of these
stations online at the Historic Vehicle Association website.

* Vent your fuel system during storage for extended periods. The moisture your
fuel system might absorb from the outside will be less than the moisture created
in the air space inside.

* Use a fogging solution in your carburetor during storage to prevent
condensation from collecting in fuel bowls.

* Use isopropyl alcohol-based dry gas to help to absorb system moisture. Regular
dry gas is ethanol-based and will only make the problem worse. Isopropyl-based
additives actually combine with the water molecules and remove moisture through
the combustion chamber.

* Use a flex fuel-compatible fuel filter where possible to prevent degradation
of the paper media in your filter by water in the fuel system.

SEMA has also made ethanol in gasoline one of its legislative priorities,
opposing the pending rollout of E15 fuel. For more information on that effort,
visit .

Comments: November 15, 2012 at 12:58 pm
Wayne G Says: The gas mileage drop of 3 mpg as stated in the article is a
useless number. It should be stated as a percentage, and with the reduction of
heat energy of approximately 1/3 for E10, you can be sure to see a comparable
decrease in real gas mileage. Any car I have driven in the past 20 plus years
has suffered a 20-25% decrease in gas mileage directly due to E10. With this 10%
addition of ethanol and up to a 25% reduction in gas mileage, there is
technically NO POSSIBLE WAY that emissions are reduced as a result of using
ethanol in automobiles. Ethanol would have to be  more than 100% efficient to
reduce emissions, and anyone who has taken college Chemistry 101 will know this
is not possible. Only government could claim a fallacy like this and get away
with it. And top this off with the untold subsidies it takes to produce ethanol
and you have a certain recipe for financial and environmental disgrace.


Subject: My 95th Party
From: Wendell WALKER
Date: 2014=Jan=16 11:45:52  MST

Hi Jim & Heula, this is Wendy:

I have had help getting started on organizing my 95th birthday luncheon, here at
my home for our car club. We will have a Build-Your-Own Sub-sandwich Party, with
cold tea, Lemonade and a Birthday cake on Sunday February 9th  12:00 noon to
3:00 PM.

In lieu of any gifts, everyone can help me celebrate by bringing a Salad bowl
with dressing, veggie appetizer, cole slaw, carrot salad, fruit bowl, deviled
eggs, chips with dip, or any speciality jar sandwich sauce. (We will have all
normal condiments here.)

I am looking forward to having my good friends here from CNM for this milestone.


(Jim, just so you will know, the Classic Car Club will have a separate
celebration for me at a restaurant... so this year at my home, will be just the
CNM club, staff, family & a couple of neighbors.)

Jim Pittman

January 25th, Saturday, 10:00 AM --- Ten CNMers attended the club breakfast at
Henrietta's in Los Lunas. After the breakfast, several of us visited Pat &
Vickie Hall at their Los Lunas home. Attending were: Tarmo Sutt, Vickie & Pat
Hall, Larry Yoffee, David Huntoon, Heula & Jim Pittman,Bill Darcy, Lube Lubert
and Fred Edeskuty. Pat & Vickie arrived in their 1966 Corsa Coupe, Bill in his
1965 Corsa Coupe and Lube in his 1963 Monza Sedan.

We were happy to see Fred Edeskuty from Jemez Springs. Fred was a CNM member
years ago and has owned and restored several Corvairs. He and Tarmo came down
from Santa Fe today in Fred's 2013 VW Jetta, a turbo diesel with six-speed.

If you were not able to attend, well, somehow we managed to enjoy the good food
and the good company without you. We'll see you next time.

|      February 2014     |       March 2014       |       April 2014       |
|  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |
|                     1  |                     1  |         1  2  3  4  5  |
|   2  3  4  5  6  7  8  |   2  3  4  5  6  7  8  |   6  7  8  9 10 11 12  |
|   9 10 11 12 13 14 15  |   9 10 11 12 13 14 15  |  13 14 15 16 17 18 19  |
|  16 17 18 19 20 21 22  |  16 17 18 19 20 21 22  |  20 21 22 23 24 25 26  |
|  23 24 25 26 27 28     |  23 24 25 26 27 28 29  |  27 28 29 30           |
|                        |  30 31                 |                        |
                    at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE.
          After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE.

Sat  8 Feb  1:00 PM Los Lunas - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms
Bill Schofield 505-565-2105, David Silva 505-550-8415, or

Sun  9 Feb 12:00 noon to 3:00 PM Potluck Birthday Breakfast for Wendell Walker
     It is his 95th birthday! Come and help him and his many friends celebrate!
     301 Utah Meadow, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 - 505-892-8471=home 505-280-2190=cell

Wed 19 Feb  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE

Fri 21 Feb  9:00 PM  Deadline for items for March newsletter

                    at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE.
          After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE.

Sat  8 Mar   1:00 PM Los Lunas - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms
Bill Schofield 505-565-2105, David Silva 505-550-8415, or

Sat 15 Mar 2:00 PM (?) CNM's 40th Anniversary! Our chairperson is Anne Mae Gold.
            Location will be the Golden Corral at Central & Eubank NE.

Wed 19 Mar  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE

Fri 21 Mar  9:00 PM  Deadline for items for April newsletter

                    at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE.
          After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE.

Sat  5 Apr (?) 10:00 AM - breakfast in Santa Fe -- location to be determined.

Sat 12 Apr   1:00 PM Los Lunas - Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms
Bill Schofield 505-565-2105, David Silva 505-550-8415, or

Wed 16 Apr  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE


Fri 25 Apr  9:00 PM  Deadline for items for May newsletter
Sun 18 May 2014 - Albuquerque Museum / Car Council Old Town Car Show

Fri 30 May -- Sat 31 May -- Sun 01 June -- 30th TRI-STATE MEET
 The 30th Tri-State meet will be held in Chama, New Mexico.
  Primary hotel: Branding Iron Motel 575-756-2162
   Make reservations via e-mail: info @
    Suggested back-up hotel: Chama Trails Inn
     Location of Corvair Car Show: Branding Iron Motel
      Location of Banquet: Chama Community Center
       Featured Activities for the Tri-State:
        Tour to the TIERRA WOOLS "sheep to shawl" facility in Los Ojos
         Narrow-gauge Scenic Railway to Osier or to Antonito, Colorado
          Driving tour to Colorado paralleling the Cumbres & Toltec tracks

Web pages::
Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railway
Chama Valley Chamber of Commerce  http://
Sat 12 Jul ======== NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL - Car Appreciation Day
Sun 10 Aug ======== NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL - All Clubs Picnic
Fri 26 Sep ======== NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL - Swap Meet
See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities:
========================= =========================



2007 - Vol. 33
Nr. 2 - # 377

Cover art: February covers from Jim's thirty years of newsletters. Ice and snow
kept our January attendance down. We had $3,188.02 in our account. Several
activities were previewed: a Bosque tour, a breakfast, a garage tour and a TUNA.
Several members met Del Patten at the Owl Cafe. Nominations for the Meissner
Award were due. Sylvan Zuercher gave a demonstration on getting the early model
Corvair turn signal mechanism to work. Ray Trujillo reserved a room at Papa
Felipe's for our March anniversary. The Sticklers invited us to their home to
watch the Fourth of July fireworks display. Ray said we were getting more snow
than he'd seen in forty-seven years. He told us he found two AM radio stations
with 40s - 70s music: 1550 K-JOY and 1600 Oldies. They play perfectly on his
Corvair radios! Robert reported on the year's first Car Council meeting. The
NMCCC web page was supposed to be up. Jim described the contents of the
Newsletter CD. Steve Goodman previewed the Tri-State in Mesa Vista, Colorado
coming up in May. And an article on the Corvair thermostat was reprinted from
the Silicon Valley "Rear View" newsletter.

2000 - Vol. 26
Nr. 2 - # 293

Our cover showed our board members. President Hurley ran the January meeting, at
the top of the long flight of stairs at Galles Chevrolet. We had $6,128.18 in
the treasury. Dennis told us about the new CNM web site. A "women's auxiliary"
was getting organized. LeRoy planned a March garage tour. Coming: a progressive
dinner; a trip to Santa Theresa to see an aircraft museum; the State Fair car
show; new CNM license plates; the Tri-State; a Bar-B-Q; a camping trip; a
potluck & auction; a summer film festival; an auction in Scottsdale, Arizona;
the latest word on "Horseless Carriage" license plates; the disposition of the
club library and the library van.

Billiken's Corvair was Y2K-compliant but had software bugs. An article by Del
reported on the latest mechanical snafus and a wet camping trip. We reprinted a
classic article from January 1988 called "Dark Intrigue" in which Tom Martin
told about getting New Mexico's very first Corvair shipment at Galles-Grosbeek
Chevrolet, September 25, 1959. A Virtual Vairs tech tip on "Flippin' belts" told
us how to make our fan belts live long and prosper.

1993 - Vol. 19
Nr. 2 - # 209

Last month's sad and neglected wreck was all fixed up on the cover. President
Del presided. New members were Bruce Heim and Frank Stadler. Will Davis reported
$1,137 in the bank. Sylvan had heart surgery and was at Lovelace. Bill Reider
received the 1992 Ike Meissner Award. We planned a February garage tour and a
March dinner meeting. We took orders for club golf shirts. Jerry showed a video
from a recent trip to the Northwest Territories. LeRoy previewed the special
March meeting at the Tool Museum, which housed a fabulous collection of tools
and toys.

Our feature article this month was "My First Corvair" by Bill Reider who told
about the 1962 Monza convertible he bought at Nicky Chevrolet in Chicago. Not
content with what GM put on the car, he soon had it equipped with four carbs,
trombone exhausts, Mallory dual-point distributor and a fan belt tensioner. Tech
tips included closing body seams with "High Tech Leak Check Seam Sealer";
painting the bottom of your car with "Hammerite Rust Stop Metal Finish Paint";
building a handy holder for cans of spray paint; removing tie rods; removing tie
rod ends; removing steering knuckles and front springs. We also had several Otto
Mechanic cartoons and a political article passed along by Francis on American
jobs going overseas.

1986 - Vol. 12
Nr. 2 - # 125

Cover: a map of Guam with Corvair by Mark Morgan. President Clayborne ran the
meeting. A new member was Brad Bobotis. LeRoy reported $556 in the bank. We
planned a garage tour, a "snow trip" and a caravan to a Phoenix mini-convention.
There were new Clark's catalogs. George Morin described electro-chemical
nickel-plating techniques and passed around several samples. Clayborne asked
what the meaning of "economical" was to the original GM engineers who designed
the Corvair. Did they mean a low coefficient of drag? Good fuel economy? Or did
they mean an inexpensive car to buy and maintain? Mark Morgan, touring the world
with the Navy, sent us an article he called "Driving in WESTPAC, Part 1: Guam"
and it included some notes on Hawaii. Apparently there's a lot of automotive fun
to be had on a small island with a speed limit of 35 MPH. Bill Reider's column
on Corvair repair discussed brakes and how to maintain them. First, get good
quality shoes. Another tech tip was an illustrated article on towing the 1965

1979 - Vol. 5
Nr. 2 - # 41

Cover: George Morin and his award-winning 1964 Monza. We raffled a set of NGK
spark plugs. We had $396 in the bank. A new member was Stan Johnson. We planned
a birthday party in March, a Winrock car show in April, a State Fair car show in
September and an Aspencade-Econorun in October. The Club's new posts of
Treasurer and Membership chairman were filled by Francis Boydston and Ike
Meissner respectively. We discussed a Club purchase of bulk items such as spark
plugs, oil and air filters and wheel bearings. We were had no official name for
the Newsletter. Jim listed eight functions of the Newsletter and asked for
suggestions for improving it. In an article entitled "These are the Good Old
Days" Jim argued that we were at a fortunate point in the life of the Corvair:
our cars are still new enough that we can afford to drive them every day, and
still numerous enough that parts and repairs are available. Ike Meissner
provided an article on adjusting timing for driving at high altitude with
regular gasoline. Tech tips: Using a rocker panel from a 1969 Camaro on a 1965
Corvair; checking the inner front wheel bearing for fit BEFORE installing;
adjusting the front wheel bearings; and using a short piece of 7/32" hose over
the end of a new spark plug to avoid cross-threading.


Corvair Power!


Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico,
chartered Chapter #871 of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Copyright by
the Authors and by Corvairs of New Mexico. Articles may be reprinted in any
CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members, provided credit to the Author
and this Newsletter is clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or
Editor and are not necessarily endorsed by Corvairs of New Mexico or CORSA.
Material for publication should reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send
material via e-mail ( jimp @ ) or submit a readable manuscript. I prefer
ASCII TEXT, but MS Word or RTF are fine. Photographs are welcome. Don't
photoshop your digital JPGs -- send the originals. This ecologically green
newsletter is produced in a Microsoft-free environment. I still print mailing
labels with a 1989 Apple IIgs on a Hewlett-Packard LaserJet IIIp. The newsletter
is composed using Apple Macintosh computers. Software includes OS-X, AppleWorks,
Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter, BBEdit and InDesign CS. If you care, ask for
details. Transportation: 1965 Corvair Monza, 1990 Honda Civic, 1996 Mazda Miata,
2013 Honda Civic. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends.