The January 2017 newsletter - Text Version Updated 23-Dec-2016 ==== Copyright (c) 2016 Corvairs of New Mexico ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JANUARY 2017 / VOLUME 43 / NUMBER 1 / ISSUE #496 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2005 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, Third Place, 2010 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2012 EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, January 4th, 2017 at 7:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE THIS MONTH: President's Message .................................. John Wiker Dues Due ................................... Membership Committee December Meeting Minutes (no Board meeting) ....... Anne Mae Gold List of Items for CNM's Holiday Charity ............. Vickie Hall Photos from Christmas Party ............ Vickie Hall & John Wiker Taos Tri-State 2017 Topics (with T-Shirt Logos) ..... Terry Price Renewing Your Driver's License? Do Your Homework .... Jim Pittman Late Model Taillight Socket Blues .... Tucson Corvair Association Photo: Working on a 1971 Porsche 911-T ............... Tarmo Sutt Birthdays & Anniversaries .................... Sunshine Committee Calendar of Coming Events .................... Board of Directors Treasury Report ..................................... Robert Gold A Christmas Fable ................................. David Huntoon Member List as of December 2016 .......................... Editor January Issues, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42 Years Ago .. Club Historian Nomination Form .............................. Ike Meissner Award COVER: ...... Anne Mae & Robert Gold & their Ultra-Red Radio Flyer COVER: Ray Trujillo checks last-minute items for Christmas Party ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OFFICERS and VOLUNTEERS President John Wiker 505-899-3076 wikerj63 Vice President Lube Lubert 505-256-9331 dirtlube2 Secretary Anne Mae Gold 505-268-6878 beisbol30 Treasurer Robert Gold 505-268-6878 beisbol30 Car Council Robert Gold 505-268-6878 beisbol30 Merchandise Vickie Hall 505-865-5574 patandvickiehall Membership Larry Yoffee 505-321-5909 corsa180 Newsletter Jim Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp Old Route 66 Lube Lubert 505-256-9331 williamlubert Past President Pat Hall 505-620-5574 patandvickiehall Past President David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 Past President Ray Trujillo 505-814-8373 ray Past VP Tarmo Sutt 505-690-2046 tarmo MEETINGS: First Wednesday of each Month at 7:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE INTERNET: CORSA's home page: CNM's newsletters: Steve Gongora's page: Larry Yoffee's home page: New Mexico Council of Car Clubs: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DUES: CNM: 12 months = $25.00 -or- 26 months = $ 50.00 CORSA: 12 months = $45.00 -or- 26 months = $ 90.00 CNM & CORSA: 12 months = $70.00 -or- 26 months = $140.00 DUES DUE DATES FOR JANUARY 2017: DUE LAST MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE 2016.12 David Huntoon 25-JAN-2017 2016.12 Janet & Steve Johnson 25-JAN-2017 2016.12 Mary Alice & Tibi Scheflow 25-JAN-2017 2016.12 Larry Yoffee 25-JAN-2017 DUE THIS MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE 2017.01 Nancy & Russ McDuffie 25-FEB-2017 2017.01 Brenda & Hurley Wilvert 25-FEB-2017 DUE NEXT MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE 2017.02 Barbara & Gordon Johnson 25-MAR-2017 2017.02 Victor Sanchez 25-MAR-2017 2017.02 Lilian & Timothy Shortle 25-MAR-2017 DUE MARCH 2017 ====================== INACTIVE DATE 2017.03 Mary Ellen & David Feasel 25-APR-2017 2017.03 Carl Johnson 25-APR-2017 2017.03 Kelli & Mark Morgan 25-APR-2017 2017.03 Emma & LeRoy Rogers 25-APR-2017 ================================================== INACTIVE ============================ INACTIVE DATE 2015.01 Darlene & William Darcy 25-FEB-2015 2015.02 Frank Stadler 25-MAR-2015 2015.09 Lisa & Dan Thompson 25-OCT-2015 ================================================== Send your Dues to: CNM Treasurer c/o Robert Gold 1301 Valencia NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 Past due memberships will become INACTIVE after a one-month grace period. The Club will mail in your National Dues when you renew, if you send us the renewal form from your CORSA Communique! As of 26-Dec-2016 we have 48 active Family Memberships. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ President's Message John Wiker Well another year has passed and the new one is rapidly approaching. What a busy one it will be for us as hosts to the Tri-State in Taos. Terry Price is really working hard to make it as successful as those we hosted in the past. If you would like to help out, let Terry know what you are good at and volunteer your time before and during the event. We are still looking for suggestions for one event each calendar month for the coming year. Just let Lube or me know what you would like to see the club do, and if you are willing to host that event, all the better for everyone. But you don't have to step up as the leader if you feel someone else may do a better job. I would like to personally thank all 21 of the individuals who attended our annual Christmas dinner. The food was plentiful and once again Ray and Sylvia Trujillo did a great job with the ham, posole and tamales. I brought out the Christmas Carol programs as usual, but we really did not need them as a surprise guest by the name of Myran showed up and started our program off with about six different songs. He had quite a voice that none of our men could challenge and in the end he "sang for his supper" as we invited him to partake of our goodies. As in the original Christmas story, three strangers eventually approached our party and in the spirit of Christmas all had a good meal with us. If my memory serves me right and my stomach can attest, those who did not attend missed out on sweet potatoes, bread pudding of two types, fudge, carrot cake, homemade bread of at least three types, three bean salad -- and that was just what I ate. Others may have had a different plate, but it was all good. Let's enjoy the Holidays and start the New Year out with our meeting on the Fourth of January 2017. Bring ideas and come prepared to share stories of your holiday adventures. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ December Meeting Minutes 2016.12.07 -- Anne Mae Gold Called to order at 7:00 PM PRESIDENT: We are going off of last years numbers in planning for the Christmas dinner. Please delete John's landline number from your phone list as when they complete the move to Edgewood he and Anne will be going totally cellphone. Robert will send out an email to remind the membership regarding the dinner on December tenth. The Golds will bring soft drinks; the Wilverts will bring ice; Brenda will bring sweetener and creamer. Remember that Lube is in charge of all social activities. Please get your ideas to him. There will not be a December board meeting. Conduct any business by phone or email. VP: If you want to contact Lube, please either call him on his landline or his cellphone. Don't depend on email. Please call him between 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM. If you are interested in attending "Cool Cars in Cool Mountains" in Gunnison in August, send your information to P.O. Box 7102 Gunnison, CO 81230. The show will be in August, they will send out registration forms in June. TREASURER: $5,048.16 is our current balance. EDITOR: Newsletter deadline is Friday December 23 and anything sent before that will be appreciated. Jim will not be giving up being the newsletter editor, he's just looking for some help in getting the newsletters out to the membership. Jim brought in two books by Bob Lutz to give away or use as door prizes. TRI-STATE: Terry was not present, but John passed out a flier that Terry prepared for the Taos Tri-State. We will be staying at the Kachina Lodge (1-800-522-4462) and when you call, try to talk to Cecilia (between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM). John brought in a set of 1966 Corsa wheel covers that could be raffled off at the Tri-State. Terry has written and sent in an article to CORSA about the Tri-State. It should be in the January Communique. CAR COUNCIL: Meetings will resume in January. Joyce would like to have someone to work with her in organizing next year's Swap Meet. Interested? MERCHANDISE: No new merchandise has been sold. MEMBERSHIP: Larry was not present. Jim mentioned that when Anthony Berbig renewed his membership he did not mention moving to New Mexico. Dan Thompson at Dough-Re-Mi in Edgewood told us Berbig has bought land in Edgewood and plans to move - but when? UPCOMING EVENTS: SAT DEC 10 2:30 PM -- Christmas Party at Highland Senior Center will be hosted by Ray Trujillo. The Club will provide the ham and posole. Members should bring pot luck items of their choice to round out the meal. SAT DEC 10 2:30 PM -- Please remember Vickie's email concerning our designated non-profit, THE STOREHOUSE. They will take food stuffs and checks are kindly accepted. They need lots of help. FUTURE EVENTS: Please make suggestions to the VP so we can work on the calendar in January. MISCELLANEOUS: Suggestions for 2017 include a club picnic. When? Where? The 50/50 winner of $7.50 was Brenda, she donated it to the Sunshine Committee. MUSIC: On Tuesday December 13 and Wednesday December 14 at 7:00 PM, Brenda told us that the Madrigal Singers will be giving a concert at Fatima Church. Brenda will be singing in the choir! ADJOURN: pretty close to 8:00 PM There was no Board Meeting in December. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Report on Christmas Donations Vickie Hall CNM's Charity of Choice for 2016 was "The Storehouse" which provides FREE food to people who are struggling, regardless of race or faith. From their web page: "More and more of Albuquerque's working poor are struggling to feed themselves and their families. Money is tight for everyone, but one illness, a reduction of work hours, or any set-back can leave a family wondering where their next meal is coming from. "We are in constant need of donations of money and food. We have no constant source of income. We rely entirely on donations and volunteers in this mission. "We are a private pantry, not a government agency. Changes in food supply result in changes in food service. In 2015, the Storehouse fed 55,025 people of which 15,957 were children and 8,804 were seniors. In 2015, the Storehouse served approximately 2,802,888 meals. All food and clothing provided by the Storehouse is free." Items from the Sunshine Committee's inventory that were donated to "The Storehouse": * One small picture frame with Christmas design * One package of thank you notes * One coupon holder * Six toothbrushes with holders * One jump rope * One bubble sword * Seventeen plastic colored balls * One box of origami paper creations Items not purchased at CNM's silent auction that were donated to "The Storehouse": * Quick chopping and mixing machine * Aroma Disc player * Two phone indexes * Blue candy dish * Two serving platters * Fringed neck scarf * Table tennis balls * Four-piece mini plate set with wall rack * Santa hats and stockings * Two small wood paintings * IBM computer monitor Donated items brought to CNM's Christmas Party for "The Storehouse": These included two boxes of food totaling 45 pounds and monetary donations in the amount of $110.00. I will add to that a few boxes of miscellaneous items that I have been saving for CNM's Holiday Charity. Thanks to Everyone Vickie Hall Merchandise Chairperson ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Taos Tri State June 2-4 2017 Taos Topics #3 Terry Price Taos is a favorite travel destination in the state, and will be a fun place for the 2017 Tri-State. The Kachina Lodge is hosting a welcome hour Friday evening and a late evening bonfire is planned in the patio featuring Native American dancers. It will be a great time to share Corvair information and lots of Corvair lore. Saturday morning will be the parade through town and the show and shine. That afternoon there will be some free time to enjoy some places in the area. Two places that could be of interest are the Greater World Earthship Biostecture and the Rio Grande Gorge and Bridge. The Earthship Biostecture is a totally sustainable house made from recycled materials. It is built to generate its own electricity, collect its own water which can be recycled four times, grow its own food inside and out, cool itself and manage its own sewage. At the same time it is modern and comfortable. This is quite a site that is in harmony with the environment. The structure is on the other side of the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge. The bridge is a cantilever bridge that crosses the Rio Grande which runs 650 feet below. You may choose to stop on the west side of the bridge, and a turn around on the east. Of course, you can walk to the middle of the bridge and take a look over the edge, something I probably won't try. For more info on the Tri-State, Taos and the surrounding area and to register your name and meal selection for the banquet go to: Make your room registration with the Kachina Lodge by calling 575-758-2275 or call toll free at 800-522-4462. Mention Tri-State Corvair meet for the special rate which will include a hot breakfast in the restaurant. Above: The Taos 2017 Logo Left: The Taos 2017 T-Shirt Design ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Renewing Your Driver's License? Do Your Homework Jim Pittman Last year I had to renew my driver's license and it was only good for one year due to my age and I was told I'd have to renew it annually from now on. So I expected to be going back to the MVD office every year. The "free" annual renewal fee would certainly not compensate for the time and aggravation of having to go back every year, but the law is the law, what are you gonna do. Well, since then the law has changed. New Mexico, in true manana tradition, has been kicking the driver's license law down the road for years now, remaining uncompliant with federal Homeland Security requirements and living on temporary exemptions while the state dems and reps argued over whether to give driving privileges to non-citizens and, if so, how. Now, however, the feds emphatically said "No more kicking" and gave the state a serious deadline: get your state law compliant, or else your citizens won't be able to board airplanes to travel out-of-state. The legislature and governor came to an accommodation and the law passed, and the MVD had to figure out how to implement it. I wanted to wait until the law was in effect before renewing my license; I did not want to have to do it twice. I read horror stories in the newspaper about great confusion at MVD offices as people tried to renew their licenses without fully preparing for the new rules. There were at least three articles in the Albuquerque Journal outlining the MVD requirements in great detail. I kept those articles and made sure I had more than enough documentation to cover the published requirements. My hectic schedule opened up enough for me to be at the Menaul MVD office at 10 AM on Tuesday November 29th. The waiting area was packed. I got my number and waited. My number was 91. They were calling numbers in the 40's. Oh boy, I was in for a long wait. Someone came and sat in the next seat clutching a handful of paperwork. His number was 16! Panic! But it turns out he was getting a personal plate for his vehicle and was returning from yesterday, so his number was not really that far behind. Finally my number was called for Station 5 and I faced a gimlet-eyed employee who was not going to take any complaints from or make any exceptions for the likes of me. I handed over documents as she called for them. Apparently they were okay because with a big smile she handed me the paper-clipped sheaf of papers and said I would go to "expedited" processing, so take a seat until my number was called again. "Expedited" meant I almost had enough time to re-read the magazine I had brought with me. Eventually my number was called to report to Station 7. Another gimlet-eyed employee took my paper-clipped packet and began examining each document one by one. He stared at his computer screen, mousing around, occasionally typing something and then feeding the document into what must have been a scanner. Soon all my documents were copied into state, federal and for all I know Chinese Army and Russian KGB databases and he said, go over to Station 1, then come back here. He did not give me back my old driver's license. With an oddly strange feeling because of being out in public without a state driver's license in my pocket for the first time since I was 15 years old, I walked over to Station 1. I had to wait because an older couple was tearfully talking with the clerk. The clerk was explaining, "No, ma'am, you have to go to the Social Security office and get a revised Social Security card. No, ma'am, you have to go in person. Then come back here when you have the new card." Apparently her name on the card did not match her name on her other documents. I digress here to advise my fellow citizens: Do not ever change your name! Do not take your spouses' name! Do not change your birth name from, say, Roy Harold Scherer, Jr. to Rock Hudson if you become a movie star! I congratulate myself for being wise enough at the age of 21 to give up my childhood name for my full birth-certificate-authenticated name when I got in the military and for keeping it that way forever after. Going to the MVD with your birth name on your Social Security card and your (different) married name on your old driver's license and pay stub is doomed to failure! Well, the rest of my story is quickly told. The defeated and dejected couple departed to find a Social Security office and immerse themselves in yet another government bureaucracy while I read the blurry letters in the eye-test machine and posed for yet another unflattering portrait. I wrote out my check to the state for $13 and then walked back to Station 7. There the young man did some more mousing and typing, crunched a big "VOID" in my old driver's license and gave me some printouts that he said I must have in my possession when driving until my new license arrived in the mail within 30 days. I thanked him sincerely and walked out of the place, having spent only a total of 90 minutes in the MVD office. Today (only 17 days later) my new driver's license arrived in the mail. It looks an awful lot like the old license. Whatever changes make it suitable for boarding aircraft, entering federal buildings or applying for out-of-state security jobs must be somehow encoded in the numerous computer-readable bar codes that decorate the license. So, when your turn comes, my advice to you is: read the rules and believe them, and be sure you have all the required documentation in hand when you approach the dreaded MVD office. Then maybe you'll have as pleasant an experience as I did! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reprinted from: Tucson Corvair Association -- November 2016 Late Model Taillight Socket Blues A recent discussion on the Virtual Vairs forum was about the availability of all metal taillight/backup light sockets to replace the plastic units. The plastic ones have a tendency to come loose and fall out, and don't always make good ground. Several suggestions were made which included putting a #4 sheet metal screw in the plastic housing to hold the grounding shell in place, to soldering a wire to the tab and grounding the other end to an adjacent bolt. NAPA sells a couple of Echlin sockets: one for the brake/taillights (p/n LS6469) and one for the backup lights (p/n LS6465). JT&T Products also offers the sockets (p/n 2578F and 2579F). They each have 6 metal tabs which serve to hold the socket securely in place and provide more places to make a good ground. They cost around 5 or 10 bucks per socket but have made several Corvair owners very happy. NAPA part number LS 6469 for use on the taillight/brake lights. NAPA part number LS 6465 for use on the backup lights. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Birthday wishes to Six CNM'ers born in January: Carl Clasmeyer Javier Gold Steve Gongora Carolyn Palmer LeRoy Rogers Lilian Shortle Happy Anniversary wishes to Two Couples this January: Pat Hall & Vickie Hall Russ McDuffie & Nancy McDuffie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ============================================================================ | January 2017 | February 2017 | March 2017 | | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 | | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | | 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | | 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | | 29 30 31 | 26 27 28 | 26 27 28 29 30 31 | ============================================================================ WED 04 JAN 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE. After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE. WED 18 JAN 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE FRI 20 JAN 9:00 PM Deadline for items for February newsletter WED 25 JAN 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE ============================================================================ WED 01 FEB 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER WED 15 FEB 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE FRI 17 FEB 9:00 PM Deadline for items for March newsletter WED 22 FEB 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE ============================================================================ WED 01 MAR 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER WED 15 MAR 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE WED 22 MAR 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE FRI 24 MAR 9:00 PM Deadline for items for April newsletter ============================================================================ WED 05 APR 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER WED 19 APR 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE FRI 21 APR 9:00 PM Deadline for items for May newsletter WED 26 APR 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE ============================================================================ See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities ======================== ====================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TREASURY REPORT ============= 11-26-2016 to 12-21-2016 ============= ROBERT GOLD ========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================= DATE CHECK# AMOUNT PAYEE DESCRIPTION BALANCE = $5,048.16 ========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================= 2016.12.06 +$ 95.00 Dues A.Berbig 12 m CNM $ 25.00 2016.12.06 +$ Dues D.Palmer 12 m CNM & CORSA $ 70.00 2016.12.12 2269 -$ 66.12 H.Pittman Ladies Gift Items -$ 35.00 2016.12.12 -$ H.Pittman Newsletter Printing DEC 2016 -$ 31.12 2016.12.16 2268 -$ 45.00 CORSA D.Palmer 12 m CORSA -$ 45.00 ========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================= 2017.01.01 JAN NEWSLETTER ============================================ $5,032.04 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Christmas Fable David Huntoon The club Christmas dinner at the Highland Center was another nice club event. For me, the potluck aspect is just fine. Everyone contributes and the result is more than enough food and a relaxing good time. Two types of posole, ham, tamales, casseroles, coffee, soft drinks and desserts. Of course the best was my fabulous breads. My contribution. I stopped by Smiths on the way and chose 3 or 4 artisan breads. Works out well for me as I am positive none would want anything I cooked. Even I disapprove of my cooking efforts! The chocolate spoon treats by Anne Mae, the bandanas and candy canes by Vickie were great treats. We also had a Christmas Story variation narrated by Anne Mae in collaboration with Heula's literary talents. Dasher, Prancer, Donner and Blitzen were replaced by Monza, Corsa, Spyder and Loadside. I think they even left an oil spot on the roof where they landed. Everyone had a good time. Want to add I plan to be more club active in 2017. I sort of disappeared in 2016 due to some medical issues but the good Doctors put Humpty Dumpty back together one more time! Happy New Year, and on to Taos! -- David ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The IKE MEISSNER AWARD was established in December 1987 in memory of John "Ike" Meissner of Los Alamos, New Mexico who was a faithful CNM member for several years. He attended most meetings and many events. He was a knowledgeable engineer and Corvair mechanic, often helped other members with Corvair maintenance and improvements, and wrote technical and general interest articles for CNM's newsletter. After Ike's death Sylvan Zuercher was primarily responsible for the establishment and perpetuation of this award. Twenty-six awards were presented from 1987 to 2016. Those who received the award will always treasure it. The award was finally terminated when new members complained that few current members had ever met Ike Meissner, and when the number of nominations for the award each year declined to nearly none. The Awards Committee decided it was time to retire the Meissner Award. However, on July 16, 2014 the Board voted to revive the Ike Meissner Award by changing the name of the CNM Member of the Year Award to The Meissner Award. This took effect at the March 2015 anniversary party. A nomination form is on page 14 of this newsletter. Please nominate a person whose overall contribution to the club matches the intent of the award. Here's a list of all recipients to date: 01. 1987 Dec 2 Bill Hector 02. 1988 Dec 7 Jerry Goffe 03. 1989 Dec 6 LeRoy Rogers 04. 1990 Dec 5 Jim Pittman 05. 1991 Dec 4 Sylvan Zuercher 06. 1992 Dec 2 Bill Reider 07. 1993 Dec 1 Steve Gongora 08. 1994 Dec 7 Michael Stickler 09. 1995 Dec 9 Charles Vertrees 10. 1996 Dec 7 Debbie Pleau 11. 1997 Dec 6 Mark Domzalski 12. 1998 Dec 6 Wendell Walker 13. 1999 Dec 5 Dennis Pleau 14. 2000 Dec 3 Rita Gongora 15. 2001 Dec 2 Oliver Scheflow 16. 2003 Mar 9 Anne Mae Gold 17. 2004 Mar 27 Larry Blair 18. 2005 Mar 26 Robert Gold 19. 2006 Mar 18 Tarmo Sutt 20. 2007 Mar 10 Dave Huntoon 21. 2008 Mar 15 Heula Pittman 22. 2009 Mar 7 Ray Trujillo 23. 2010 Mar 21 Ruth Boydston 24. 2011 Mar 6 Brenda Stickler 25. 2015 Mar 21 Larry Yoffee 26. 2016 Mar 12 Vickie Hall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEMBER LIST - DECEMBER 2016 2018.01 Connie & Floyde ADAMS floydeadams 575-536-3131 Mimbres, NM 2017.10 Debra & Jon ANDERSON jbanderson65 719-572-6747 Colorado Springs, CO 2017.12 Linda SOUKUP Anthony BERBIG studeboytony 952-955-2848 Mayer, MN 2017.06 Kathy & Larry BLAIR blairylar 505-821-1386 505-249-1035 Albuquerque 2099.99 Sherry GRAY Ruth BOYDSTON sg730 505-401-7970 505-350-6003=Sherry Albuquerque 2017.10 Carl CLASMEYER clasmeyer 505-699-9304 Santa Fe 2017.11 Linda & Dick COCHRAN email unknown 505-287-8403 Grants, NM 2017.04 Deborah & John DINSDALE john_dinsdale Aurora, CO 2017.11 Elizabeth & Mark DOMZALSKI mdomzalski 505-867-0030 505-665-1529=cell Placitas, NM 2018.11 Fred & Brenda EDESKUTY fred 575-829-3889 Jemez Springs, NM 2017.03 Mary Ellen & David FEASEL d2corvair 719-494-1456 Peyton, CO 2017.08 Kathryn & Douglas GADOMSKI gadomski 505-265-8345 Albuquerque 2017.08 Alan GOLD alanmgold 505-268-6878 Albuquerque 2018.03 Anne Mae & Robert GOLD beisbol30 505-268-6878 505-450-3098=R 505-620-0409=AM Albuquerque 2017.04 Art GOLD rollerart 505-620-7434 Albuquerque 2017.09 Rita & Steve GONGORA steve 505-292-5570 505-256-0551 505-220-7401=cell Albuquerque 2017.08 Vickie & Pat HALL patandvickiehall 505-865-5574 505-620-5574=Pat 505-917-3745=Vickie Los Lunas 2017.11 Cheryl & Ed HALPIN halpinem 303-619-0080 Castle Rock, CO 2017.07 Carol & Larry HAYNES lhaynes99 505-670-3949 Santa Fe 2016.12 David HUNTOON corvair66 505-281-9616 Cedar Crest, NM 2017.03 Carl B JOHNSON email unknown 505-344-3178 Albuquerque 2017.06 Anne & Geoffrey JOHNSON gejohnson 505-730-6601 Albuquerque 2017.02 Barbara & Gordon JOHNSON gjohnson 505-898-7688 Corrales, NM 2016.12 Janet & Steve JOHNSON steven.johnson 505-864-6278 Belen, NM 2019.03 H. C. "Lube" LUBERT williamlubert 505-256-9331 505-400-3680=cell Albuquerque 2017.10 Mary Lou & Mark MARTINEK mjmartinek 360-896-3807 360-909-8406=cell Vancouver, WA 2018.11 Connie & Robert McBREEN email unknown 505-265-2808 505-229-5880_pager Albuquerque 2017.01 Nancy & Russ McDUFFIE 505-400-5526=cell Albuquerque 2017.09 Tracey & John McMAHAN jmcmahan49 828-606-1101 Hendersonville, NC 2017.03 Kelli & Mark MORGAN rangermk 636-227-2662 Manchester, MO 2018.01 Carolyn & Dan PALMER danpal 505-281-7275 Tijeras, NM 2018.12 Heula & Jim PITTMAN jimp 505-275-2195 Albuquerque 2017.07 Sarah & Terry PRICE nmfloorinspections 505-328-8827 Albuquerque 2018.10 Lee & Bill REIDER br236425 505-299-4597 Albuquerque 2017.12 Fred RIGGS II email unknown 505-425-3126 Las Vegas, NM 2017.03 Emma & LeRoy ROGERS 004873 505-294-0623 505-238-7302=cell Albuquerque 2017.02 Victor SANCHEZ vsanchez 505-382-2911 Rio Rancho, NM 2016.12 Mary Alice & Tibi SCHEFLOW mascheflow 505-897-2611 Corrales, NM 2017.08 Curtis L SHIMP clshimp 575-534-9576 Silver City, NM 2017.02 Lilian & Timothy SHORTLE shortle556 970-903-2127 Durango, CO 2017.04 Brenda STICKLER tounce66 505-856-6993 Corrales, NM 2017.11 Leslie & Kevin SULLIVAN tildekevins 505-417-2481 Corrales, NM 2018.01 Kay & Tarmo SUTT tarmo 505-471-1153 505-690-2046=cell 505-827-6190 Santa Fe 2017.10 Sylvia & Ray TRUJILLO ray 505-814-8373=cell 505-266-4011 Albuquerque 2017.07 Anne & John WIKER wikerj63 505-899-3076 505-239-3311=cell Albuquerque 2017.01 Brenda & Hurley WILVERT wilverth 505-281-1732 Sandia Park, NM 2017.07 Val NYE & Joel YELICH joelyelich 505-474-6680 Santa Fe 2016.12 Elisa & Larry YOFFEE corsa180 505-321-5909 Albuquerque RECENTLY EXPIRED 2015.01 Darlene A, William C DARCY email unknown 505-864-6423 Belen, NM 2015.02 Frank STADLER email unknown 505-255-7326 Albuquerque 2015.09 Lisa & Dan THOMPSON email unknown 505-269-2306 Edgewood, NM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SEVEN YEARS AGO [ JANUARY 2017 Vol 43 Nr 1 Issue 496 ] Jim Pittman 2010 Vol 36 Nr 1 #412 Roper's hosted our Christmas Party. A new member was Larry Yoffee, owner of a 1965 turbo Corsa. Ray visited Galles Chevrolet and learned they could no longer sponsor our club. Jim told about driving to Louisiana and seeing two Corvairs. An article by Eric Schakel of the Rocky Mountain club pondered the direction CORSA may be going. Heula's tech tips: use light-colored oil cloth on your work bench to corral those small parts, and use clothes-dryer sheets to clean bugs from headlights. Steve Goodman described uses of a voltmeter. Vickie and Sharon made a display for the Christmas Party depicting the Fifty-Year Anniversary of Corvairs. Our annual member list showed 59 family memberships, 9 out-of-state. There was the nomination form for the Ike Meissner Award. 2003 Vol 29 Nr 1 #328 A 1998 BMW coupe and a 2002 Porsche Boxter S were subjects of test drives. A new member was Roger Pape, owner of three convertibles and a dune buggy. Wendell reported $5751 in the treasury. Mark Domzalski, Tarmo Sutt, Sylvan Zuercher and Joel Nash praised the Fan Belt Toss, despite a bit of rain. Mark Martinek asked if he could get into the D.U.M.B. club, which required stories on really stupid mistakes made by our members. Mark qualified by towing Mary Lou's Spyder with the transmission in gear. As a result, Mary Lou got a new engine and Enchanted Corvairs got a couple of great articles. Anne Mae told us of the doings of the CNM Ladies and LeRoy told us the latest plans for the Raton Tri-State. Richard Finch told about going on a long trip to Arizona, California and Oregon in the Ultra Van and returning towing a Rampside! Gayle sat in the Rampside and "pushed" to get the Ultra Van up the San Augustine Pass near Las Cruces. In "Into the new Millennium" your editor predicted that the future would be a sea of complexity due to the proliferation of out-of-control technology. We had 53 dues-paying members, 8 of whom were out-of-state. 1996 Vol 22 Nr 1 #244 On the cover: drawings of early and late coupes. Mark Domzalski authored our meeting notes and new members were Mickey & Billie Payne. Our treasurer reported $1,257. Five months before convention time, our raffle car was in mid-paint. The 3rd printing of Bill's CARE & FEEDING book was available. Mark praised the meeting room facilities at sponsor Casa Chevrolet. Mark said he planned to run for CORSA Western Director. Terry Price gave a good tech talk on steering box rebuilds. He showed worn parts for our perusal. Tech tips included a list of Corvair sites on the Internet and a note on what engine shrouding would fit what year car. We planned to go to Galles Racing to see their new Indy cars. Our garage tour included the Paul Maloof car collection and the Gab Joiner car museum. Bill Reider's column on CARE & FEEDING discussed steering boxes. Billiken featured the change of speed limit signs on our freeways from 55 to 75. Governor Gary Johnson was the first person to drive at the new speed limit on I-25. The 1996 member list included names and numbers for 53 members. Five were out-of-state. 1989 Vol 15 Nr 1 #160 On the cover, Corvairs could be found around the world and four views of the globe proved it. Bill Hector presided. We had $613 in the bank. LeRoy said shelves had been installed in the library van. He was ready to begin collecting material for the library and he had a list of items to be stored in the van. (How many members have used material from the library van? How many have even see it? How many know where it is?) We planned the Red River Tri-State. We voted to design a 15-year anniversary patch. We hoped to have a speaker to tell us about oxygenated fuels. I cynically never believed there was any value to oxygenated fuels other than to line the pockets of the Archer-Daniel-Midlands executives. President Bill wondered how many of us used our Corvairs as daily drivers, how many of us were "Corvair-only" families and what our annual "Corvair miles" would be. In his opinion, we'd have the highest scores of any CORSA chapter. Tom Martin was praised for his organization of a "top drawer" Christmas at the County Line restaurant. An article by Malcolm Wells claimed that making left turns was our most dumb and selfish driving habit. In my opinion it is dangerous as well. Albuquerque has lots of left-turn lanes and left-turn arrows, alleviating the danger somewhat. One of the club's "unsung heroes" was praised for his continual service to the club in many ways... then as now, that member was Sylvan Zuercher. And our member list named sixty CNMers. 1982 Vol 8 Nr 1 # 76 The cover featured an illustration of the innards of a carburetor. President Reider told us that the club was now incorporated. George Morin gave a talk on distributors and ignition. This issue was the first to feature Jim's monthly SEVEN YEARS AGO column, but Murphy arranged for it to be erroneously labeled "SIX" YEARS AGO. Tech tips: why to hold down your battery; how to brighten up dim headlights; diagnosing slow starting; a list of carb screw sizes. 1975 Vol 1 Nr 1 # 1 The cover showed Santa and Rudolph in a Corvair convertible Christmas scene. Why? because our first newsletter was actually mailed in December. The member list contained 35 names. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The IKE MEISSNER AWARD is presented annually to a Corvairs of New Mexico (CNM) member in good standing who best exemplifies a spirit of camaraderie and fellowship, in the Corvair realm, with other CNM members and other Corvair enthusiasts. To commemorate the occasion, the recipient shall be awarded a plaque suitable for prominent display. The award shall read: YEAR Corvairs of New Mexico IKE MEISSNER AWARD AWARD RECIPIENT NAME The selection committee for the awards shall be comprised of three CNM members appointed by the CNM President, within two months of the last presentation, who will work with and report to the CNM Vice-President. It is recommended that at least two of the three members be immediate past award recipients. It is preferable for the last three immediate recipients to serve on the selection committee. The CNM Vice-President shall achieve approval of the award by concurrence with a quorum of the officers of CNM. (i.e., Three of the four CNM officers must concur to approve the award.) Guidelines for consideration for the Ike Meissner Award, in order of priority, shall be: 1. Attend meetings and plan, coordinate or organize CNM activities or events 2. Share Corvair knowledge, contribute technical information and tips to the CNM newsletter or other CORSA publications. 3. Encourage owners to preserve, maintain and share in the lore of the Corvair. 4. Serve in CNM as a committee person, chair, director and/or officer. 5. Attend an official CORSA event and/or serve with CORSA in an officially recognized capacity. 6. Recruit at least one new member. The presentation of the Ike Meissner Award shall be made at the annual CNM Anniversary Banquet or at a time and place designated by the CNM President. The presentation shall be made by the CNM Vice President or an alternate designated by the CNM President. The content of the oral award presentation shall be scripted in advance and have achieved concurrence of the Ike Meissner Award Committee and the CNM Vice President or an alternate designated by the CNM President. The oral award presentation and engraved plaque shall be prepared no later than one week prior to the annual CNM Anniversary Banquet or the otherwise designated time and place. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ike Meissner Award Nomination The Ike Meissner Award is presented annually to a Corvairs of New Mexico (CNM) member, in good standing who best exemplifies a spirit of camaraderie and fellowship, in the Corvair realm, with other CNM members and other Corvair enthusiasts. This form is confidential. To avoid disappointment, do not divulge to or otherwise advise the nominee of this action. This form shall be submitted to the CNM Vice President or an alternate appointed and designated by the CNM President. This form will be distributed in the January issue of the Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter and at the January Membership Meeting. The DEADLINE for submission of this completed nomination form shall be NO LATER THAN adjournment of the February Membership Meeting or as otherwise designated by the CNM President. Any exceptions to this deadline shall be made by agreement between the CNM Vice President or the appointed alternate and the CNM President. To the Ike Meissner Award Committee: It is a pleasure to submit the following Corvairs of New Mexico member to be considered for the Ike Meissner Award. Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ City, State and Zip: ________________________________________________________ Has been a CNM member since: ________ Has been a CORSA member since: ________ Has served as a CNM official, chair or leader: Y _ N _ Approximate years: ___ Has promoted the Corvair and Corvair hobby: Y _ N _ Has helped other people: Y _ N _ Briefly describe the merits of this member and nomination: __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Date of this nomination: ____________ Author of this nomination: ____________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Poem Recited by Anne Mae Gold at the Christmas Party .... A Visit From Saint Nicholas By Clement Clarke Moore, adapted by Heula Pittman 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be there; The children were nestled all snug in their beds; While visions of sugarplums danced in their heads; And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap, Had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap, When out on the lawn there arose such a backfire, I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like the Flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow, Gave a lustre of halogen lamps to objects below, When what to my wondering eyes did appear, But a red '61 Rampside, in the back 8 tiny reindeer, With a little old driver so lively and quick, I knew in a moment he must be Saint Nick. More rapid than Mustangs, his Corsas they came, He honked and shouted and called them by name: "Now Monza, now Corsa, now Spyder and Loadside! On Lakewood, on Yenko, on Greenbier, on Rampside! To the door of the garage! To the top of the wall! Now rev it up! Peel on out! Dash away all! As leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, When they meet an obstacke, mount to the sky; So up to the housetop the Corvairs they flew With the Rampside full of parts, and Saint Nicholas too -- And then, in a twinkling, I heard above my head The revving and chugging of a Corvair that's red! As I drew in my head, and was turning around, Down the chimney Saint Nicholas came with a bound. He was dressed in coveralls from his head to his foot, And his clothes were all tarnished with grease stains and soot. A bundle of parts he had flung on his back, And he looked like a mechanic just opening his pack. His eyes--how they twinkled! His dimples, how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow, And the beard on his chin was as white as the snow; The stump of a push rod held tight in his teeth, Exhaust smoke encircles his head like a wreath; He had a broad greasy face and a little beer belly That shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly. He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf, And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself; A wink of his eye and an old warrantee, Soon gave me to know I could drive worry free! He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, Filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk, And laying his finger aside of his nose, And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose; He sprang to his Rampside, to his fleet gave a whistle, And Away they took off like the down of a thistle. But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight -- "Feliz Navidad! And to all a good night!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico, chartered Chapter #871 of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Copyright by the Authors and by Corvairs of New Mexico. Articles may be reprinted in any CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members, provided credit to the Author and this Newsletter is clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or Editor and are not necessarily endorsed by Corvairs of New Mexico or CORSA. Material for publication should reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send material via e-mail ( jimp @ ) or submit a readable manuscript. I prefer ASCII TEXT, but MS Word or RTF are fine. Photographs are welcome. I still print mailing labels with a 1989 Apple IIgs on a Hewlett-Packard LaserJet IIIp. The newsletter is composed using Apple computers. Software includes OSX, AppleWorks, Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter, BBEdit and InDesign CS. If you care, ask for more details. Transportation: 1965 Corvair Monza, 1990 Honda Civic, 1996 Mazda Miata and 2013 Honda Civic. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =END=