The February 2017 newsletter - Text Version Updated 24-Jan-2017 = Copyright (c) 2017 Corvairs of New Mexico ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FEBRUARY 2017 / VOLUME 43 / NUMBER 2 / ISSUE #497 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2005 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, Third Place, 2010 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2012 EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, February 1st, 2017 at 7:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE THIS MONTH President's Message .................................. John Wiker February Garage Tour to Jay Hertz' Garage ........... Terry Price Dues Due Dates ............................. Membership Committee January Meeting Minutes ........................... Anne Mae Gold January Board Meeting Minutes ..................... Anne Mae Gold Give Me a Brake! .................................... Robert Gold A Sign of Success: Pat Hall's Signs ................. Robert Gold Taos Tri-State 2017 Topics #4 ....................... Terry Price Driving to Rust ..................................... Jim Pittman Tech Tip: Metal Ramp Plugs ............. Gary Baxter CORVANANTICS Treasury Report ..................................... Robert Gold Birthdays & Anniversaries .................. Membership Committee Calendar of Coming Events .................... Board of Directors February Issues, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago ..... Club Historian COVER Sandia Mountain Foothills on a Sunny Winter's Day COVER An Alternate Mode of Transportation -- And It's Air-Cooled! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OFFICERS and VOLUNTEERS President John Wiker 505-239-3311 wikerj63 Vice-Pres Lube Lubert 505-256-9331 dirtlube Secretary Anne Mae Gold 505-268-6878 beisbol30 Treasurer Robert Gold 505-268-6878 beisbol30 Car Council Robert Gold 505-268-6878 beisbol30 Merchandise Vickie Hall 505-865-5574 patandvickiehall Membership Larry Yoffee 505-321-5909 corsa180 Newsletter Jim Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp Old Route 66 Lube Lubert 505-256-9331 dirtlube2 Past President David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 Past President Ray Trujillo 505-839-7436 ray Past VP Tarmo Sutt 505-690-2046 tarmo MEETINGS First Wednesday of each Month at 7:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE INTERNET CORSA's home page CNM's newsletters Steve Gongora's page Larry Yoffee's home page New Mexico Council of Car Clubs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DUES CNM: 12 months = $25.00 / 26 months = $ 50.00 SCHEDULE: CORSA: 12 months = $45.00 / 26 months = $ 90.00 CNM & CORSA: 12 months = $70.00 / 26 months = $140.00 DUES DUE DATES FEBRUARY 2017 DUE LAST MONTH ===================== INACTIVE DATE 2017.01 Nancy & Russ McDuffie 25-FEB-2017 2017.01 Brenda & Hurley Wilvert 25-FEB-2017 DUE THIS MONTH ===================== INACTIVE DATE 2017.02 Barbara & Gordon Johnson 25-MAR-2017 2017.02 Victor Sanchez 25-MAR-2017 2017.02 Lilian & Timothy Shortle 25-MAR-2017 DUE NEXT MONTH ===================== INACTIVE DATE 2017.03 Mary Ellen & David Feasel 25-APR-2017 2017.03 Carl Johnson 25-APR-2017 2017.03 Kelli & Mark Morgan 25-APR-2017 2017.03 Emma & LeRoy Rogers 25-APR-2017 DUE APRIL 2017 ===================== INACTIVE DATE 2017.04 Deborah & John Dinsdale 25-MAY-2017 2017.04 Art Gold 25-MAY-2017 2017.04 Brenda Stickler 25-MAY-2017 INACTIVE =========================== INACTIVE DATE 2016.12 David Huntoon 25-JAN-2017 2016.12 Janet & Steve Johnson 25-JAN-2017 2016.12 Mary Alice & Tibi Scheflow 25-JAN-2017 2016.12 Larry Yoffee 25-JAN-2017 Send your Dues to: CNM Treasurer c/o Robert Gold 1301 Valencia NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 Past due memberships become inactive after a one-month grace period. The Club will mail in your National Dues if you send us the renewal form from your Communique. As of 21-JAN-2017 we have 48 active family memberships. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE John Wiker Well, how is everyone? Now that the heavy holiday schedule is over, its time to get the Corvairs on the road again. Hopefully, you came to our first social event of the year at Jimmy's Cafe on Saturday the 21st. It is great to see members getting involved with the social side of the club. In case you have not been able to make the meetings in January, here are some things to look forward to. February 25th a garage tour hosted by Terry Price; March 11th the Anniversary Lunch at Golden Corral on Eubank and Central; in April a joint club event arranged by Dave Huntoon. On a personal note, I spent my Christmas in the VA hospital with kidney problems. My wife pressed on with the move to Edgewood and we are now full time residents there. The old house in Taylor Ranch is on the market and so far has had six realtors bring families by to look at it, which is a good sign, especially at this time of year. We are operating with cell phones only, so if you had my old house phone programmed into your phone, you can remove it and put our cell phone numbers in its place. We still have e-mail and WiFi at both houses so at least we are not completely "blind" to the outside world. See you the 1st of February at the next membership meeting. We are always in need of fresh ideas of what to do each month of the year, so bring some ideas to the meeting with you. Thanks for your support. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GARAGE TOUR: JAY HERTZ GARAGE Terry Price Don't miss the garage tour on the February 25th, between 10:00 and 12:00 at the Jay Hertz garage. Jay has a nice sized collection of Chevrolets and a few Fords from the early thirties. They are all beautifully restored by Jay right here in Albuquerque. He also has a wide selection of memorabilia which is nicely displayed. After the tour, we will have lunch at the Range Restaurant on Menaul. The address for Jay's garage is 2420 unit I, Midtown Place NE. This garage is located just east of the intersection of Midtown Road and Alexander NE. Turn north off of Midtown Road. Look for the Mattress Factory on your left. I will have maps at February's meeting. -- Terry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JANUARY MEETING MINUTES - 2017.01.04 Anne Mae Gold Approval of Minutes: Approved President: John reminded us to please fill out our nomination forms for the Ike Meissner Award. The nomination form was in the January newsletter. The top two members in participation points have 62 and 59. The top 5 are very close. We need someone to organize the Anniversary Dinner. If you have any suggestions, please notify someone on the board. It will be on March 11. Place and time to be announced. Vice-President: Lube was not in attendance Treasurer: $ 5,032.04 today. For the Tri-State, Robert needs to buy 3 different tickets: meal, quilt, hub caps. Editor: Newsletter deadline is Friday January 20 at 9:00 PM. Out at Double Eagle Airport there will be a B-17 airplane "Aluminum Overcast" on display on Jan. 6-8. For more information go to The hotel in Taos sent the club a Christmas card. The Pikes Peak newsletter "The Drip Line" has become a quarterly rather than a monthly. Membership: Larry was not in attendance Merchandise: Vickie drew up a 2016 inventory of Merchandise and inventory of Sunshine Committee items at her home. Car Council: Robert said that meetings have resumed, but the next one is next Wednesday (board) and the 4th Wednesday of the month (membership). Tri-State: Terry has not heard from the person he has asked to speak at the Taos Tri-State. Registration bags will have pencils and other items. He is also talking to businesses to donate items to the club. Seventy-five bags will be prepared. Local brochures will be available at the hotel. Terry will send the logo to Robert so that he can print out the window forms for the car show. He will also use the logo for the awards. Upcoming Events: JANUARY 21 9:30 AM -- Club breakfast at Jimmy's Cafe on Jefferson; FEBRUARY 25 -- Garage Tour, details to be announced; MARCH 11 -- CNM Anniversary Dinner at the Golden Corral on Central at Eubank; APRIL -- David Huntoon will try to join in a VMCCA activity; MAY 21 -- Old Town Museum Car Show; JUNE 2-4 -- Taos Tri-State. AUGUST 13 -- All Clubs Picnic at Oak Flat Old Business: none. 50.50: none New Business: We need to have a TUNA. Pat is willing to host it in Los Lunas. Miscellaneous: Shared the excitement of the holidays. Meeting adjourned: at 8:11 PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JANUARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES - 2017.01.18 Anne Mae Gold Present: John Wiker, Jim Pittman, Terry Price, Lube Lubert, Dave Huntoon, Robert Gold, Anne Mae Gold. President: John reported that Golden Corral on Central at Eubank NE has been reserved for our 43rd Anniversary dinner on Saturday March 11 from 2:00-4:00 PM. He shared the top 5 members with the highest participation points for 2016. The nomination form for the Ike Meissner Award will be in the March newsletter and nominations are due April 5. An unwritten rule is, no previous recipient may be nominated. Terry asked how the recipient of the Francis Boydston Award is chosen. Any member in good standing of CNM, Pikes Peak Corvair Club or Rocky Mountain CORSA may be nominated. Again, previous recipients are not nominated. The Tri-State host club manages the Boydston Award for each Tri-State. Each club has its own way of determining the recipient. VP: Lube asked that members call Taos to reserve their rooms. He did that just recently and he was told that the rooms were filling up rapidly. Treasurer: The current balance is $4,884.28 Car Council: Robert says that the Car Council board will be meeting twice this month. At the last meeting the NMCCC budget was discussed. Membership: Larry Yoffee was not in attendance; no new members. Merchandise: Vickie was not in attendance. Jim said that Bill Reider called him to ask how many Care and Feeding books the club has. Jim has 54 books in storage and Vickie has a few more at her home. Clarks has been selling this book and either wanted a new supply or wanted to know if we were going to update the book. How much do we make off the book? Is it worth our looking into reprinting it? If we want to reprint the book, the master edition needs to be found. Who has it? Robert and Anne Mae report that in the last few years, there haven't been any checks sent to the club for the sale of the books, so the assumption is that we do not receive any royalties from its sale. How does the club benefit from Clark's sales of this book? We give a copy to every new member as part of their new member packet. Sunshine Committee: Vickie was not in attendance. Editor: The newsletter deadline is Friday January 20 at 9:00 PM. Tri-State: Terry asked Dave Huntoon to present the Francis Boydston Award at the Taos Tri-State Banquet. Terry has both logos on a disc and will email them to Robert for use on the car show awards. He is still waiting on a confirmation from his invited guest speaker. This person will be flown out and housed at the club's expense. He will also send the Tri-State logos in to the Communique to advertise our event. He has arranged for 3 people to take pictures of the cars and is currently looking for a corporate sponsor for the calendar. For February he has set up a Garage Tour -- see new business. New Business: JAN 21 09:30 - Breakfast at Jimmy's Cafe on Jefferson; FEB 25 10:00 - Garage Tour of Jay Hertz' garage with lunch to follow (TBA); MAR 11 14:00-16:00 - our 43rd Anniversary Dinner at the Golden Corral (Central & Eubank) from 2:00 to 4:00 PM; APR xx 00:00 - Breakfast with VMCCA at Monroe's on Osuna (between San Pedro & San Mateo) date TBA; MAY 21 10:00 - Albuquerque Museum Car Show; JUN 2-4 - Tri-State in Taos; AUG xx - Car Council All-Clubs Picnic - date and time TBA. It was suggested that we have a CNM "Corvair Picnic" this fall. A good location could be in the Isleta lakes area. This will be discussed at a later date. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GIVE ME A BRAKE! Robert Gold My story begins with a simple problem with my 1961 Lakewood, dubbed Eyore by my true love, Anne Mae. Eyore pulled to the right when I applied the brakes. I'm sure most of you have had a similar problem. The simple solution is to give the car to someone who knows about brakes and get it fixed. So that's what I did... twice. Two people I have great respect for the work they do tried and failed. After much effort poor old Eyore stopped a whole lot better, but that darn pulling was still there. The final solution? Give it to my "go to" mechanic, Pat Hall. When I gave it to him I told him to do whatever he had to do, but I didn't want Eyore back at home until the problem was fixed. If anyone has seen Pat lately you might notice his hair is a bit thinner from all the head scratching he did, but Pat succeeded! You might be interested in what he found. First, I should note that I poured lots of new and rebuilt parts into the brakes -- new shoes, rebuilt wheel cylinders, freshly turned drums -- the works. The problem turned out to be a simple one: brake shoes. It wasn't that the shoes were defective, they were in great shape. The problem was they weren't all the same. The shoes on the left front were different from the ones on the right. Pat replaced the mismatched set with a matched pair and away went the pulling problem. The lesson from this experience is twofold - 1. Make sure you have the same shoes on both sides of the car. And 2. Make sure Pat Hall is the one to solve your problem. Eyore thanks you Pat! -- Robert Gold ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A SIGN OF SUCCESS The Story of the Sign Man of Los Lunas Robert Gold As I spent my Christmas vacation cleaning out my garage I got to thinking of what things car guys like in their garages. I think the basics might include: 1. Lots of tools and tool stuff. 2. A car poster or two and a calendar girl calendar. 3. A workbench. 4. A car or two (if they will fit in all the junk). 5. A refrigerator to hold the necessary liquid refreshment. And much more importantly - 6. MANY, MANY road signs of all shapes and sizes. All that thinking, besides giving me a headache, got me to remember where most of my signs came from -- Pat Hall's place. You might be interested in a (short) story of how Pat got into the sign selling game. Several years ago I was making one of my many visits to Pat's place in Los Lunas when I noticed a section of his yard that was filled with street signs of all descriptions. Pat told me the signs were part of the load of stuff he bought on surplus from the City of Albuquerque. He then sorted the stuff and sold it as scrap to a recycler. WHAT? All those cool signs for scrap? That was soooo wrong. Before I left that day I had a load of signs (Pat practically gave them to me) and an article for the CNM newsletter. That was years ago. Last week I went to Pat's place and here's how much things have changed. There were still signs sitting outside, but those signs were either waiting to be processed or were truly junk. The rest of the hundreds of signs were neatly stocked and sorted in a large covered trailer. Pat now understands how valuable those signs are. I now hereby bestow on Pat the nickname of The Sign Man of Los Lunas. So, if you are looking for the perfect sign to go with your garage decor, see Pat. You'll be surprised how reasonably priced they are. It's sad, but I don't think I'll be getting any more signs. I'm outta room. So many signs and so little room... -- Robert Gold ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TAOS TRI STATE JUNE 2-4 2017 Taos Topics #4 Terry Price Taos will be a great place for those who enjoy art and museums. Taos was established as an art center in 1915 when six artists, (Bert Phillips, Ernest Blumenschein, Oscar Berninghars, Joseph Sharp, and Erving Course) formed the Taos Society of Artists. A few years later D.H. Lawrence and Mabel Dodge Luhan joined the group. Taos was becoming a credible art center known around the world, and continues to establish itself today. There are many museums and art galleries in Taos and a few will be mentioned here. The Millicent Rogers Museum is loaded with many unique collections. Navajo jewelry and textiles, Pueblo pottery, Hopi and Zuni kachina dolls, basketry, Maria Martinez family ceramics, weavings, ornamental tinwork, and photography and graphics. Another popular place is the Harwood Museum of Art, managed by the University of New Mexico. The Museum has more than 4,700 works of art and archives more than 17,000 photographs from the 19th century on. Another museum of interest is the Taos Art Museum located in the historic Fechin House. The mission of the museum is to "preserve, exhibit and promote an appreciation of the artistic, historical and cultural uniqueness of Taos and the Southwest by representing artists both past and present, and honoring their patrons." The museum features works by the Taos Society of Artists. Corvair visitors may wish to visit all or any one of many museums in Taos. The Taos Tri State is a little more than five months away and it is time for you to make plans to attend the event. It is important to email information concerning who will attend, what Corvair you will bring, what food you would like at the awards banquet and what size and kind of shirt you would like to order. Do this by accessing the web site: Not only will you be able to enter this information under the comment section but you will also be able to look at a number of videos about Taos and the surrounding area. Reservations should be made as soon as possible at the Kachina Lodge. Their phone numbers are: 800-522-4462 or 575-758-2257 and ask for Cheryl. If there are any other questions concerning the event you can direct them to me at: -- Terry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DRIVING TO RUST Jim Pittman Recently I needed to drive from near Lomas & Eubank to Rust Medical Center in Rio Rancho every day for over a week. It was pretty far east to pretty far west with no convenient direct route. I used to take the bus to work and it has been a long time since I "drove to work" every day. I tried different routes and times to find the best way to make the trip. I would go early to avoid rush hour, but how early? Leaving at 6:30 was not early enough to miss traffic, but that's about what I could manage. Which route to take? A longer trip with lighter traffic would be better than a short trip with heavy traffic. I tried Wyoming (much traffic) to Montgomery, west (much more traffic) to Montano then continued (lighter traffic) across the Rio Grande bridge to Unser, then north (moderate traffic) to the turn to Rust. I found it miserable to do three or four miles on Montgomery. Okay, on Saturday and Sunday (no rush hour on the weekend, right? I wish) I tried going up Eubank to Paseo del Norte, then all the way west to Unser. Going at the speed limit or a bit more on Paseo, I found the traffic light, but there was the occasional vehicle passing me like I was standing still. I decided I would not try Paseo during the week, on the theory that avoiding a 40 miles per hour crash on, say, Alameda, would be less hazardous than trying to avoid a 75 miles per hour crash on Paseo. Wendell told us years ago that the best route was Alameda, all the way from Wyoming to where NM 528 meets Southern in Rio Rancho. I tried that and it was a breeze. Enough traffic to keep me awake but not enough to be a problem. I noticed that going west in the morning, westbound traffic was moderate, but the eastbound lanes were filled up with slow-moving, bumper-to-bumper vehicles. And, going east in the afternoon was mostly light traffic with the eastbound lanes full to overflowing. I guess a lot more people live on the west side and work in the middle of town than vice-versa. Very good that they built the Montano bridge. When I went west on Montano and got to the cut through the petroglyph escarpment and went up to the top, it was like being in a different world. People who live in Albuquerque who never go over near the volcanoes don't know what they are missing in terms of the magnificent view. To the north, the mountains near Jemez and Santa Fe. To the east, the stretch of Sandia Mountain dominates the horizon. A little south are the Manzanos which start at Tijeras Canyon and fade off into the southern distance. Below the mountains are the grids of streets making up the main part of Albuquerque, stretching from the foothills down to the river bosque. You feel sort of like you are on top of the world. You can't see Mt. Taylor, though, because the "west mesa" is continuing to gain altitude as you go further west. One more thing: I observed that everywhere (except in gridlock conditions) traffic flowed easily at 15-20 MPH over the speed limit! Apparently few Albuquerque drivers actually do the speed limit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CorvanAntics 45/1 January/February 2017 TECH TIP: METAL RAMP PLUGS by Gary Baxter I recently redid my Rampside and did not want to see the ramp deteriorate again from dirt and moisture getting inside. The plastic plugs used to cover the four bolt access holes at the top by the latches do not last long. They either crack and break, or shrink and fall out. I measured the hole and found I needed a 1-inch diameter plug. I then went searching for a metal plug, like those I have seen on other sheet metal things, like appliances. I found a zinc plated plug that fits perfectly. The ones I found came in a package of ten. They can be used as is, or after lightly bead blasting or sanding, can be painted. And unlike the plastic plugs, the paint does not quickly peel off. Picture 1: Latch area with metal plugs installed. Picture 2: Plugs and their package. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TREASURY REPORT FOR 12-22-2016 to 01-20-2017 Robert Gold ========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================= DATE CHECK# AMOUNT PAYEE DESCRIPTION BALANCE = $5,032.04 ========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================= 2017.01.06 2272 -$ 111.81 R. Trujillo Christmas party -$ 111.81 2017.01.09 2271 -$ 35.95 H. Pittman Newsletter Printing JAN 2017 -$ 35.95 ========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================= 2017.02.01 FEB NEWSLETTER ============================================ $4,884.28 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Birthday wishes to three CNM'ers born in February: Alan Gold Anthony Shortle Nancy McDuffie Happy Anniversary wishes to one Couple this February: Rita & Steve Gongora ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ============================================================================ | February 2017 | March 2017 | April 2017 | | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | | 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 | 1 | | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | | 26 27 28 | 26 27 28 29 30 31 | 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | | | | 30 | ============================================================================ WED 01 FEB 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE. After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE. WED 15 FEB 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE FRI 17 FEB 9:00 PM Deadline for items for March newsletter WED 22 FEB 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE ============================================================================ Nomination forms for the BOYDSTON AWARD are published in the March newsletter. WED 01 MAR 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER SAT 11 MAR 2:00 - 4:00 PM Anniversary Lunch -- Ike Meissner Award GOLDEN CORRAL -- 10415 Central Ave NE (at Eubank Blvd NE) WED 15 MAR 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE WED 22 MAR 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE FRI 24 MAR 9:00 PM Deadline for items for April newsletter ============================================================================ WED 05 APR 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER WED 05 APR 7:00 PM Nominations for the BOYDSTON AWARD are due tonight. SAT xx APR Breakfast with VMCCA at Monroe's on Osuna (San Pedro & San Mateo) WED 19 APR 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE FRI 21 APR 9:00 PM Deadline for items for May newsletter SAT 22 APR Annual Spring Thaw at Old Car Garage ---- Classic Car Tune-up! WED 26 APR 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE ============================================================================ WED 03 MAY 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER WED 17 MAY 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE SUN 21 MAY Annual Albuquerque Museum / Car Council Car Show in Old Town WED 24 MAY 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE FRI 26 MAY 9:00 PM Deadline for items for June newsletter ============================================================================ FRI 02 JUN Tri-State == Sponsored by Corvairs of New Mexico. SAT 03 JUN Tri-State == Location: Taos, NM SUN 04 JUN Tri-State == Information: ============================================================================ See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities ======================== ====================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SEVEN YEARS AGO [ FEBRUARY 2017 VOL 43 NR 2 ISSUE 497 ] Jim Pittman 2010 Vol 36 Nr 2 # 413 The cover: Jim's Corsa turbo on a lonely road in Alaska in the winter of 1966-67. Russ McDuffie made a tech talk on failed thermostat engine damper doors. Our Galles sponsorship had ended. Our anniversary luncheon was planned for the Macaroni Grill on March 21. Jim was concerned with a lack of newsletters from other clubs. Club newsletters are being placed on the web and we no longer get printed newsletters to circulate at our meetings. The Denver club will be hosting the 2011 CORSA International Convention. They asked CNM to swap Tri-State dates: we'd do the 2011 Tri-State, Denver would take 2012. We thought we could do another Tri-State in Red River in 2011. We discussed a driving tour of Albuquerque run by Chuck Vertrees. Steve Goodman offered tech ideas about your electrical system. 2003 Vol 29 Nr 2 # 329 Cover: a Golden late sedan and two Golden children. Our Golden president (Robert) ran our meeting with 29 members and 3 guests. A guest was Sally Johnson, daughter of Carl. Wendell reported $5,735. We planned a trip to Bosque del Apache, a garage tour to Bode Aviation, a trip to Trinity Site, and a campout at Ruth's cabin. Dissatisfaction with the Boydston Award led to a plan to discuss it with the Colorado clubs. Robert told about the Barrett-Jackson car auction in Phoenix. He also mentioned that the January issue had NO CORVAIR PICTURES in it. Mark Martinek reported on the Car Council. Richard Finch reported on defective fuel pumps. Jim wrote an article comparing the 1990, 1991 and 2003 Honda Civics to Corvairs. He did not like the 2003 Civic's headlight switch, giving it a D-minus grade. 1996 Vol 22 Nr 2 # 245 The first American gasoline-powered vehicle, built by Charles and Frank Duryea in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1896, was on the cover. Chuck took notes, Mark Domzalski ran our meeting. Will Davis said we had $862 in the treasury. We learned that Francis Boydston had a stroke after heart surgery. We planned a tour of the Galles Racing facilities and a garage tour to see the Maloff and Joiner collections. Convention news included the status of the raffle car and a plan for all CNM members to wear distinctive golf shirts: turquoise with a big red logo. Bill Reider's revised CARE & FEEDING was available for $5.00. Ollie Scheflow suggested that we should have a community service project. Guest speaker was Bill Nelson who told us all about Pennzoil. Great information! At our board meeting Wendell was treated to paid-up CORSA membership in recognition for his work on the convention raffle car. Dennis tried to get the CORSA membership database up and running so we could see all present and past CORSA members. We voted to include in CNM family membership all spouses, significant others and driving age children, presumably if residing in the same household. Bill and Chuck had the raffle tickets and were about to start selling them. Mark planned to run for CORSA Western Director. Ollie suggested that we adopt a mile of old Route 66 to pick up trash for our community project. Debbie Pleau previewed tours we planned for the convention. Robert Gold reviewed the fabulous tour of Galles Racing. Tech tips included cleaning crud from old carbs and rebuilding steering boxes. 1989 Vol 15 Nr 2 # 161 The cover had a see-through drawing of a Corvair coupe with V-8. The club's library van was running but it needed sanding and paint as well as more material for the library. We planned an April auction. Our Ed Black sponsor Milton Sanchez opened up the showroom so we could see all the 1989 Chevrolets. Francis and Bill planned a group purchase of windshields: an order of eight or more would greatly reduce shipping costs. The board approved a jacket patch for our 15th birthday. A special 15th Anniversary edition of the newsletter was approved. Kem Owen, a member from Alamogordo, started a series of articles on building a V-8 Corvair coupe. Part 1 described the suspension, the 5-speed ZF transmission and the 307-cid Chevy engine. Kem said the car weighed in at only 3120 lbs. Bill Lawless described the use of a relay for the heater fan motor for better heater performance. Jerry Goffe provided part numbers for Cadillac and Ford shocks that would fit late Corvairs. 1982 Vol 8 Nr 2 # 77 The cover showed a Corvair-powered dune buggy. We had $110 in the kitty. A new member was Mike Stickler. You have all heard of Murphy's Law. Well, Louie's Law states that giving a bolt that last turn to tighten it will snap off the head, but failing to make that last turn will let it vibrate loose and fall off a week later. Probably we have all met Louie. 1975 Vol 1 Nr 2 # 2 On the cover we had a couple of sketches by Mark Morgan: a 1961 Lakewood and a graceful might-have-been version of a 1965 station wagon. Our 11th club meeting was held on January 7th. We discussed "field trips" to scenic locations such as Bandelier National Monument and the ghost town of Madrid. Suggestions included a group purchase of viton O-rings, a club window decal and a photo session of members and their Corvairs. Someone wanted information on spoilers to fit 1960-64 Corvairs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PHOTOS BY BRENDA Subject: CNM Bkfst this AM From: Brenda STICKLER < tounce66 @ > Date: 2017=Jan=21 11:03:49 MST To: Jim PITTMAN < jimp @ > Jim, I just left this brkfst. ... this is picture one of two. (The other picture is just the gals.) Subject: 2nd CNM brkfst picture From: Brenda STICKLER < tounce66 @ > Date: 2017=Jan=21 11:04:53 MST To: Jim PITTMAN < jimp @ > All had fun... in spite of the weather. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico, chartered Chapter #871 of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Copyright by the Authors and by Corvairs of New Mexico. Articles may be reprinted in any CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members, provided credit to the Author and this Newsletter is clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or Editor and are not necessarily endorsed by Corvairs of New Mexico or CORSA. Material for publication should reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send material via e-mail ( jimp @ ) or submit a readable manuscript. I prefer ASCII TEXT, but MS Word or RTF are fine. Photographs are welcome. The newsletter is composed using Apple computers. Software includes Mac OS-X, AppleWorks, Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter, BBEdit and InDesign CS. If you care, ask for more details. Transportation: 1965 Corvair Monza, 1990 Honda Civic, 1996 Mazda Miata and 2016 Honda Civic. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =END=