The May 2017 newsletter - Text Version Updated 25-Apr-2017 ==== Copyright (c) 2017 Corvairs of New Mexico ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAY 2017 / VOLUME 43 / NUMBER 5 / ISSUE #500 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2005 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, Third Place, 2010 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2012 EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017 at 7:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE THIS MONTH: President's Message: Lunch with VMCCA at Monroe's ..... John Wiker A Lesson for Our Club? ............................... Vickie Hall Dues Due Dates .............................. Membership Committee April Meeting Minutes .............................. Anne Mae Gold April Board Meeting Minutes ............................... Editor Rear Engine Specialists, Denver ... Steve Goodman 50th Anniversary Birthdays & Anniversaries ..................... Sunshine Committee 33rd Taos Tri State June 2-4 2017 Preregistration .... Terry Price Club Breakfast at Monroe's on Osuna ......... Saturday, April 15th CORSA Convention, June 27-July 1 .......... Independence, Missouri Old Route 66 Cleanup - Saturday April 8th ............ Lube Lubert VMCCA's "Teardrop Tour" May 4-7, 2017 .............. David Huntoon Treasury Report ...................................... Robert Gold HORRAY! It's Museum Car Show Time! ................... Robert Gold Calendar of Coming Events ..................... Board of Directors May Issues, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42 Years Ago ....... Club Historian COVER: Ford Trimotor Airliner, built in 1928 in Dearborn, Michigan At an Earlier Date, the Crew Gathers for an Old Route 66 Cleanup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OFFICERS and VOLUNTEERS President John Wiker 505-239-3311 wikerj63 Vice-Pres Lube Lubert 505-256-9331 dirtlube Secretary Anne Mae Gold 505-268-6878 annemae.528 Treasurer Robert Gold 505-268-6878 beisbol30 Car Council Robert Gold 505-268-6878 beisbol30 Merchandise Vickie Hall 505-865-5574 patandvickiehall Membership Larry Yoffee 505-321-5909 corsa180 Newsletter Jim Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp Old Route 66 Lube Lubert 505-256-9331 dirtlube2 Past President David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 Past President Ray Trujillo 505-839-7436 ray Past VP Tarmo Sutt 505-690-2046 tarmo MEETINGS First Wednesday of each Month at 7:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE INTERNET CORSA's home page CNM's newsletters Steve Gongora's page Larry Yoffee's home page New Mexico Council of Car Clubs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DUES: CNM: 12 months = $25.00 -or- 26 months = $ 50.00 CORSA: 12 months = $45.00 -or- 26 months = $ 90.00 CNM & CORSA: 12 months = $70.00 -or- 26 months = $140.00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DUES DUE DATES MAY 2017 DUE LAST MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE 2017.04 Deborah & John Dinsdale 25-MAY-2017 2017.04 Art Gold 25-MAY-2017 2017.04 Brenda Stickler 25-MAY-2017 DUE THIS MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE 2017.05 (none) 25-JUN-2017 DUE NEXT MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE 2017.06 Kathy & Larry Blair 25-JUL-2017 2017.06 Anne & Geoffrey Johnson 25-JUL-2017 DUE JULY 2017 ======================= INACTIVE DATE 2017.07 Carol & Larry Haynes 25-AUG-2017 2017.07 Anne & John Wiker 25-AUG-2017 2017.07 Valerie Nye & Joel Yelich 25-AUG-2017 INACTIVE ============================ INACTIVE DATE 2016.12 Tibi Scheflow 25-JAN-2017 2017.01 Nancy & Russ McDuffie 25-FEB-2017 2017.01 Brenda & Hurley Wilvert 25-FEB-2017 2017.03 Carl Johnson 25-APR-2017 Send your Dues to: CNM Treasurer c/o Robert Gold 1301 Valencia NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 Past due memberships become inactive after a one-month grace period. The Club will mail in your National Dues if you send us the renewal form from your Communique. As of 25-APR-2017 we have 45 active family memberships. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE John Wiker Well, how is everyone doing? Hopefully you had some great family time during the Easter Season. I want to start out like always to say some thank-yous to some deserving people. First to those who continued to uphold our honor in the first Old Route 66 cleanup of the year, Dave Huntoon, Lube Lubert, Ray Trujillo, Robert Gold. Thank you for toughing it out as the first cleanup is often the worst one of the year. The next thank-you goes to Dave Huntoon for arranging a great get together for us in the Corvair club and the VMCCA club. For those who could not make it, we had 18 from our club and 8 from the VMCCA club for a total of 26. We even had a couple of visitors brought in by the Pittmans all the way from Wisconsin. Welcome to Sherry and Denny Ewert. Come visit us any time you are in town. Parked in the lot were five Corvairs, four Lates and one Early from our club and a 1962 MG-A driven by the Sullivans when their UltraVan sprang some leaks and had a funny noise when started. From VMCCA we had a 1940 LaSalle, a 1968 Thunderbird and a 1952 MG-TD. The morning started with two tables and as folks rolled in, we overwhelmed the waiter with six tables. He had to get help from another server just to keep up with the drink orders. I even pitched in by getting cups of coffee for those who needed to be satisfied really quickly. I let the professional waiter keep all the tips. He really earned them that morning. After he gave everyone the correct bill, I escorted him out to the lot to show him the "rides" that brought us there. His one comment was that at 6' 6", his head would be above all the windshields and that would not do as he just had his hair done the day before. Thank goodness he had a good attitude about his job as we really "worked" him over! A reminder: it is never too early to reserve the 21st of May on your calendar for the Museum Car Show. We want lots of Corvairs there, not just Carl Clasmeyer's 1968 (assembled in 1967!) representing the 50th Anniversary of the Museum. See you at May's meeting and then the Car Show. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Lesson for Our Club? "In order to better achieve the group goal, people must feel safe enough to speak up about what's working and what's not. If everyone is too afraid to challenge or change the way things are going, the outcome will suffer." Quoted from the Albuquerque Journal and submitted by Vickie Hall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ APRIL MEMBERSHIP MEETING -- 2017.04.05 Anne Mae Gold Past Minutes: approved Officer Reports President: Should we initiate a telephone tree to remind members to attend the membership meeting? John regaled us with the story of his near shot into the movies with his Corvair. Life just ain't fair for the 'Vair! He reminded everyone to get their cars into good repair for the Tri-State in June. VP: Lube passed around a sign up sheet for the Old Route 66 cleanup on Saturday. About four or more people are needed to do a good job. Four people are currently signed up. Treasurer: $5,005.74 is the current balance. Robert has volunteered to be the historian for CNM. If you have any pictures... old or new... please e-mail him what you'd like to share. He will put them together in a slideshow to have at our special occasions. Committee Reports Membership: Larry asked if anyone needed instructions to navigate his website. If you intend to purchase a T-shirt, the order deadline is the morning of May 1. Merchandise: Vickie has not sold anything in the past month. She told us what she had available. In other news Vickie announced that she has a lot to celebrate in April. She had some stuffed plastic eggs. One was loaded with a special item... a foam vehicle sticker... the person that gets that egg, gets a prize. We all picked an egg and opened it at the same time. Anne Mae won the prize! Car Council: Robert reminded us about the May 21st Museum Car Show. The last Car Council meeting was an envelope stuffing party where those who showed up stuffed themselves with pizza afterwards. They had a short presentation beforehand by a representative of Safety First. A new club has joined, it is a low rider club called New Mexico Car Club. An off-shoot of that club is Full Throttle Car Club, which is a drag racing club. Editor: Jim is not feeling well and called in sick. We all wish you a speedy recovery Jim! Newsletter deadline is Friday April 21 at 9:00 PM. Tri-State: People from all over are registering on-line, but there are still a lot that have not registered. Terry will be going up to Taos soon to check on rooms, sound system, etc. We will not have a professional DJ, so we will investigate options. Terry will be ordering dash plaques from Rally's. They are giving us a very good deal. Rita will be preparing the center pieces. We will be doing certificates for the car show. Joe Casey will choose one car to win an award and we will also have a "Hard Luck" award. Robert and Pat will discuss any other categories. Terry went on to list some of the items he has gathered for raffle or door prizes. New Business APR 08 Old Route 66 Cleanup at 9:00 AM; APR 15 Club breakfast at Monroe's at 9:30 AM; MAY 21 Museum Car Show in Old Town; JUN 02-04 Tri-State, Taos, NM Dave Huntoon spoke about the Albuquerque Chapter of the Vintage Motor Car Club of America. They do not have any events for April. He spoke about how they often have driving trips that are one day or a 2-3 day event. John mentioned that maybe we could meet at the TA Truck Stop for a breakfast event we could invite them to. Lube mentioned Dough-Re-Mi, John says that they expanded. Dave said that members of the VMCCA always meet for breakfast at the Monroe's on Osuna. Our club breakfast is at Monroe's on April 15 at 9:30 AM. Last Chance for the Boydston Award nominations The 50/50 went to Victor! He won $8.00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From last meeting. Vickie had an Easter themed drawing with plastic eggs with a prize for the winner. Anne Mae won this whirligig. I think it represented chickens feeding. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ APRIL BOARD MEETING MINUTES -- 2017.04.19 Anne Mae Gold Officer Reports President: John's Westside home has been sold! Twenty-six people attended the Saturday breakfast at Monroe's, 18 from CNM and 8 from VMCCA. Monroe's may be a good idea for our Christmas dinner. We will skip the June 7 Membership meeting, but we will hold the June Board meeting. The July Membership meeting will stand as is. VP: Train show next week. Between Belen and Los Lunas, April 26-30 at the airport. Four people showed up for the Old Route 66 cleanup. There was a lot of trash and the guys were cleaning until around noon. July 8th will be the next Old Route 66 cleanup at 8:00 am. Treasurer: $5,195.74; Robert will take the checkbook to the Tri-State and will collect the cash and checks. John is going to look for a cash box that the club can buy. It was also suggested that Rob bring at least $100 in change to Tri-State. Committee Reports Car Council: May 21st is the Museum Car Show. Robert will write an article for the newsletter. All 67 cars wanting to be on display need to arrive by 8 am. Bob Agnew will be going on a driving tour. He has a teardrop trailer that he uses to cook. Cost is $15 per person per day for food. The driving tour will head south toward the Deming area. Membership: Larry was not in attendance. Editor: April 21 is the newsletter deadline. Please send in your cards and letters. Sunshine: Vickie was not in attendance. Tri-State: Terry handed out another budget. Brenda has asked that the membership bring baked goods up to Taos. Please, no sticky or messy foods. Cupcakes, brownies, etc. will be great. We will need tickets for the meal, the raffles, the quilt, and the 50/50. Lube will be in charge of the 50/50. Anne Mae will do the rest of the raffles. Clark's and Eastwood are sending items. There are 2 framed photos, a Corvair clock, insulated three packs, set of hub cups, a buffer, and much more. Most of the raffle awards will be given during the show and shine. Art Gold has volunteered to count the ballots. The restaurant wants a $400 deposit by May 1. Terry will look into having a group photo op at Taos Pueblo. Old Business: April breakfast at Monroe's New Business: Boydston Award progress: John was one of the last NM members who won the award. The previous awardees have been from Colorado. He will be calling Ed Halpin to help choose the winner. May 21 is the Museum car show; June 2-4 the Taos Tri-State; We need ideas for July and August. Robert will look into dates to attend a baseball game. Please send in your ideas. Dave Huntoon has 4 whitewall, 13" tires that are in good condition. Contact him if you are interested in them. Meeting adjourned at 6:00 pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rear Engine Specialists - Denver, Colorado Steve Goodman 50th Anniversary On April 1st 2017 members of Rocky Mountain CORSA and Pikes Peak Corvair Club threw a surprise party for Steve Goodman on the occasion of Steve's 50th anniversary as owner and operator of Rear Engine Specialists in Denver, Colorado. The party was a great success and the secret did not come out until, at the restaurant, he saw an extraordinary collection of Corvairs in the parking lot. A array of photos may be seen at: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Birthday Wishes to Four CNM'ers born in May: Anne Mae Gold Pat Hall Mary Lou Martinek Brenda Wilvert Happy Anniversary Wishes to Three Couples this May: Mary Lou & Mark Martinek Lee & Bill Reider Leslie & Kevin Sullivan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thirty-Third Annual Taos Tri State June 2-4 2017 PREREGISTRATION AND HELP Terry Price It's only a little over five weeks until the Taos Tri-State will be underway. According to Cheryl Webster, at Kachina Lodge in Taos, 63 rooms have been reserved and additional reservations are coming in daily. That means, if you have not reserved a room for the event, you better get it done. According to our information, over 100 people have already committed to attending. We are having an issue with those that have reserved rooms, some have not preregistered on line to let us know what there menu selection is for the banquet. Selections are beef, chicken or Mexican cuisine, (vegetarian is available on special request). You must preregister at:, if you are going to attend the banquet. As you have heard, we are having a guest speaker, Joe Casey, who supervised the hand assembly of the final Corvairs manufactured in 1969. Preregistration is mandatory for the banquet. We do expect 130 to 150 people in attendance at the event. Another need for assistance at the Taos Tri State is help during the event. People are needed to help count ballets for the Show and Shine, help sell raffle tickets, help at the registration table and help with the hospitality room. Hurley and Brenda Wilvert are going to be heading up the refreshments for the hospitality room and need relief during the event. They are also asking for baked goods, bake goods only, such as cookies, cakes and muffins, no pies or any other kind of things. They will provide the rest of the items to be served. If you have any items to donate for door prizes or raffle items, we need those too. The Lodge is continuing to be supportive in many areas, such as music at the Show and Shine, a hospitality hour on Friday evening and a free shuttle to take us to various places in town. They have arranged with the mayor of Taos and the Police chief to parade us around town. We are working to arrange a photo of attendees at the Taos Pueblo on Sunday morning, the 4th of June. More on that to come. This is going to be a fantastic event you don't want to miss! You can reserve a room at the Kachina Lodge: 575-758-2275 or You can preregister for the banquet and order a shirt at If you have any other questions you can reach Terry Price at: 505-328-8827 or See you in Taos! -- Terry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CLUB BREAKFAST AT MONROE'S ON OSUNA, SATURDAY, APRIL 15th What a great breakfast! About 16 members of the Albuquerque chapter of VMCCA (Vintage Motor Car Club of America) and about 16 members of CNM (Corvairs of New Mexico) met at Monroe's on Osuna NE at around 9:30 AM for some great New Mexican cuisine and conversation about our cars. Visiting friends from Wisconsin rounded out the group. It was a great morning. Who attended from CNM? Maybe I did not miss anyone: Wiker, John Reider, Lee & Bill Sullivan, Leslie & Kevin Gold, Art Gold, Anne Mae & Robert Yoffee, Larry Hall, Vickie & Pat Pittman, Heula & Jim Ewert, Sherry & Denny Huntoon, David Wilvert, Brenda & Hurley Several Corvairs appeared in their colorful glory to join the old classic cars of our VMCCA friends. It was a treat to see old friends we may not have seen recently and to compare notes on other classic vehicles, other trips and other activities. Thanks to David Huntoon and John Wiker for setting this up and making it work. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Corvair Society of America International Convention June 27-July 1, 2017 The Vairs Stop Here -- Independence, MO -- Home of Harry Truman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Old Route 66 Cleanup - Saturday April 8th at 9:00 AM Lube Lubert Four CNM members showed up for a nice day with light wind to pick up trash on our mile of Old Route 66, between Mile Markers 1 and two. We picked up eight bage of trash and Robert Gold and Lube loaded the bags on Lube's truck. We fastened the tarp to keep the trash in the truck while we drove to the Bernalillo County Transfer Station in Tijeras, N.M. where we unloaded the eight bags at a cost of $5.00. Thanks to those who participated. Volunteers are needed for our next Old Route 66 Cleanup to be held on Saturday July 8th. We will start early, 8:00 AM, to avoid the heat of the day. Many hands will make light work, so come and join us for our public service day! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The VMCCA is a club that believes in touring with their classic cars! For proof, take a look at the plans for an upcoming "Teardrop Tour" to the extreme southern part of the state. The Spring Tour planned for May 4-7, 2017 is a tour for cars and drivers who love back roads and old-timey-driving! The tour will be about 850 miles from start to finish, with a few side trips you would probably like to make! You need to be ROAD READY for this tour so do a thorough inspection of your car. To join all or part of this tour, contact Bob Agnew at 505-881-2722 to register. Contributed by David Huntoon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What does a 1928 Ford Tri-motor have to do with Corvairs? The engines are air-cooled. It was very impressive to see at Double Eagle airport. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TREASURY REPORT FOR 03-25-2017 to 04-19-2017 Robert Gold ========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================= DATE CHECK# AMOUNT PAYEE DESCRIPTION BALANCE = $4,910.74 ========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================= 2017.03.27 $ 70.00 Dues M.Morgan 12 m CNM & CORSA $ 70.00 2017.04.04 $ 25.00 Dues T.Shortle 12 m CNM $ 25.00 2017.04.18 $ 190.00 Dues T.Price 12 m CNM & CORSA $ 70.00 2017.04.18 $ Dues L.Rogers 12 m CNM $ 25.00 2017.04.18 $ Dues V.Sanchez 12 m CNM & CORSA $ 70.00 2017.04.18 $ Dues Gordon Johnson 12 m CNM $ 25.00 ========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================= 2017.05.01 MAY NEWSLETTER ============================================ $5,195.74 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HORRAY! It's Museum Car Show Time! Robert Gold The Car Council's Museum Car Show, the first event on the Council's calendar, will take place on Sunday, May 21 this year. You might have overlooked this gem in all the excitement surrounding our Taos Tri-State. Though Terry Price is ginning up an event to remember, don't forget our local event, just minutes from where you live. This year the show will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Albuquerque Museum. If you miss it you'll need to wait another 50 years for an event of such importance. To celebrate the anniversary, the Car Council will have a lineup of cars made in 1967 in a place of honor. Hmmmm, I forgot to mention that this is also the 50th anniversary of my high school graduation. I don't think there will be any special celebrations of that event... The show will be held at the Albuquerque Museum in Old Town, 2000 Mountain Road NW in the parking lot directly in front of the museum. So bring your classic Corvair and meet us in the north parking lot of the Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town, 800 Rio Grande Blvd NW by 7:00 am and then we'll head in. If you have a 67 car you need to get there by 8:00 to get in the area of honor. I forgot to mention we always have great weather and a great selection of non-Corvairs to look at. Remember, there will be a $10.00 entry fee which includes a goody bag full of great stuff and dash plaque. I hope to see you there! -- Robert Gold ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ============================================================================ | May 2017 | June 2017 | July 2017 | | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | | 1 2 3 4 5 6 | 1 2 3 | 1 | | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | | 28 29 30 31 | 25 26 27 28 29 30 | 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | | | | 30 31 | ============================================================================ WED 03 MAY 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE. After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE. THU-SUN MAY 4-7 Southwest Regional Spring Teardrop Tour Call Bob Agnew 505-881-2722 to register WED 17 MAY 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE SUN 21 MAY Annual Albuquerque Museum / Car Council Car Show in Old Town WED 24 MAY 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE FRI 26 MAY 9:00 PM Deadline for items for June newsletter ============================================================================ FRI 02 JUN Tri-State == Sponsored by Corvairs of New Mexico. Location: Taos, NM SAT 03 JUN Tri-State SUN 04 JUN Tri-State == Stay tuned for phone numbers, T-shirts, other details WED 07 JUN NOTE: NO REGULAR MEETING == THIS MONTH ONLY! WED 21 JUN 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE FRI 23 JUN 9:00 PM Deadline for items for July newsletter WED 28 JUN 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE ============================================================================ TUE 04 JUL -- CAR SHOW ON THE PLAZA - SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO - COME EARLY! Pancake Breakfast -- Fabulous Classic Cars WED 05 JUL 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER SAT 08 JUL 8:00 AM -- Old Route 66 Cleanup -- meet at I-40 / NM 333 Triangle WED 19 JUL 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE FRI 21 JUL 9:00 PM Deadline for items for August newsletter WED 26 JUL 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE ============================================================================ WED 02 AUG 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER WED 16 AUG 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE WED 23 AUG 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE FRI 25 AUG 9:00 PM Deadline for items for September newsletter ============================================================================ WED 06 SEP 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER SUN xx SEP State Fair Car Show --- CHECK ON DATE AND TIME! SAT xx SEP Concours du Soleil --- Albuquerque - WED 20 SEP 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE FRI 22 SEP 9:00 PM Deadline for items for October newsletter ============================================================================ See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities ======================== ====================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SEVEN YEARS AGO [ MAY 2017 VOL 43 Nr 5 ISSUE 500 ] Jim Pittman 2010 Vol 36 Nr 5 # 416 Early and late Corvair Coupes. Vickie Hall showed merchandise. President Pat Hall reported on the Galles restoration shop. Secretary Art Gold said that VP Ray Trujillo went to Ruth's house to present the Boydston Award plaque to her. Robert Gold said we had #3,832.98 in the bank. We still worried about 100% CORSA membership. While many planned to attend the Tri-State in Canon City in May, some of us worked on details of the 2011 Red River Tri-State. On behalf of the club, Dan Palmer thanked Alan Gold for his TUNA presentation on the Powerglide transmission. Javier Gold wrote up his years of experience cleaning our mile of Old Route 66. Jamie Reinhart, CORSA Central Director, analyzed CORSA's finances and said increasing dues or cutting back on the Communique (or both) was in our future if we wanted CORSA to remain a viable national organization. Richard Finch told the rest of the story on installing a Clark's air conditioner in a 1963 Monza. A map showed the locations of all 26 Tri-State Events. 2003 Vol 29 Nr 5 #332 On the cover: Mark Martinek and Elvis in Mesquite, Nevada. Maybe it wasn't really Elvis. No matter, Mark reported on the Nevada Corvair gathering. We had photos of our visit to Trinity Site. A new member was John Myers, a graphic artist who had recently purchased his first Corvair, a 1965 Monza 110 HP 2 door coupe. At Galles Chevrolet, Anne Mae Gold conducted our meeting. A guest was Dwight Simmons who had a Corvair rail. Treasurer Wendell reported a net worth of $5,716.16. Mark Martinek was not present to give a Car Council report. Ollie Scheflow was ill and hoped to be able to attend the next meeting. Gayle Finch had a serious eye infection. Steve Gongora's mother passed away. Jerry Goffe said he had talked to former member Will Davis who fondly remembered CNM. President Robert told several stories including how he got more power for his Corvair-powered VW van. Anne Mae reported on CNM Ladies activities. David brown (Houston club) listed all the differences between '65s and '66s. Finally, we reprinted an article by Rebecca Sullivan focused on Wendell Waker and his 1972 Pantera supercar. 1996 Vol 22 Nr 5 #248 We had a fantasy Monza / Ferrari cover by Mark Morgan. Mark Domzalski ran our meeting. New members were Lisa Meissner, Angela Goguen, Peter Vellero. We had $825 in the bank. Bill Reider reported on plans for the Museum car show, a picnic and a swap meet. A car show at Nob Hill and a musical event at Inez Park were mentioned. Convention plans: Bill said we had sold 1,383 raffle tickets, bringing the convention funds up to $5,882. The raffle car was almost done. A training session was scheduled. A refined version of the convention rally was ready. Members volunteered to run the route to check for errors. We planned a tour to Trinity Site but apparently no one made it this time. The Dummy-of-the-month was an unnamed member who went to get some 3/8 coarse bolts to mount the starter on an engine. On returning he could not find the starter. After searching the entire garage and innumerable storage boxes, a visitor pointed to the starter already mounted on the engine. Ollie Scheflow reported on possibilities for our "Adopt-a-Highway" project. Possibilities included a section of I-25, a mile of Tramway or a mile of old Route 66 and the board picked Old Route 66. We discussed starting a club web page and expertise from the membership was solicited. Our tech talk was presented by Tracy Bates of Albuquerque Brake & Alignment on front and rear wheel alignment. 1989 Vol 15 Nr 5 #164 The cover showed a map of the April rally as seen by Christopher Barbarone. VP Tom Martin headed discussions of the museum car show, the Car Council picnic, the Aspencade, the Library Van, orders for Clark's catalogs and an scheme to get our Corvairs on television. Jim made a weekend trip to Alamogordo and Cloudcroft for a party by the Otero Sports Car Association. LeRoy conducted a fun auction netting the treasury $57. President Bill Hector told about a child who asked "What kind of car is that?" and the answer "Spyder" drew a blank. Bill Reider lamented that modern cars had no personality. A newspaper article from the San Diego Evening Tribune told the true story of Ralph and related how a senate subcommittee proved the Corvair innocent of the charges leveled against it in 1965. 1982 Vol 8 Nr 5 # 80 Two Corvair fans are under their car which apparently broke down on the way to Phoenix. Bob Wilson gave a talk on reconditioning Corvair heads. Norm Brand reported on the four Corvairs that went to Phoenix and the actual mechanical difficulties encountered along the way. Jim continued his story on "Why I own a Corvair" with a description of how he kept his turbo Corsa running through the Alaska winter in Fairbanks. 1975 Vol 1 Nr 5 # 5 A Corsa ran an Ohio rally in 1966 and the navigator really used a six-inch slide rule. We worried about money and how to get some: could we raffle a Corvair; could we sell Corvair license plates; could we set up car clinics to diagnose and repair Corvairs? Jim provided a tech tip on engine air exhaust doors as well as some interesting stories on driving various sports cars. He went to see the new 1964 Mustang in Dayton in April 1964 but never bought a Mustang. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico, chartered Chapter #871 of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Copyright by the Authors and by Corvairs of New Mexico. Articles may be reprinted in any CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members, provided credit to the Author and this Newsletter is clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or Editor and are not necessarily endorsed by Corvairs of New Mexico or CORSA. Material for publication should reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send material via e-mail ( jimp @ ) or submit a readable manuscript. I prefer ASCII TEXT, but MS Word or RTF are fine. Photographs are welcome. The newsletter is composed using Apple computers. Software includes Mac OS-X, AppleWorks, Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter, BBEdit and InDesign CS. If you care, ask for details. Transportation: 1965 Corvair Monza, 1990 Honda Civic, 1996 Mazda Miata, 2016 Honda Civic. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =END=