The September 2017 newsletter - Text Version Updated 28-Aug-2017 ==== Copyright (c) 2017 Corvairs of New Mexico ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== SEPTEMBER 2017 / VOLUME 43 / NUMBER 9 / ISSUE #504 ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2005 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, Third Place, 2010 Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2012 EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING Regular Meeting: September 6th, 2017 at 7:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE THIS MONTH President's Message .............................. John Wiker Dues Due Dates ......................... Membership Committee August Meeting Notes .......................... Anne Mae Gold August Board Meeting Notes .................... Anne Mae Gold The Gang's All Here (July NMCCC Meeting) ........ Robert Gold Birthdays & Anniversaries .............. Membership Committee Generations (the Saga of an El Camino) .......... Robert Gold One in a Million (August 2017 NMCCC Picnic) ..... Robert Gold Upcoming State Fair Car Show .................... Robert Gold Treasury Report ................................. Robert Gold The Great American Eclipse ............................. NASA It's Showtime! (August NMCCC Meeting) ........... Robert Gold Calendar of Coming Events ................ Board of Directors September Issues, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago Club Historian COVER Meeting at the North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== OFFICERS and VOLUNTEERS President John Wiker 505-239-3311 wikerj63 Vice-Pres Lube Lubert 505-256-9331 dirtlube Secretary Anne Mae Gold 505-268-6878 beisbol30 Treasurer Robert Gold 505-268-6878 beisbol30 Car Council Robert Gold 505-268-6878 beisbol30 Merchandise Vickie Hall 505-865-5574 patandvickiehall Membership Larry Yoffee 505-321-5909 corsa180 Newsletter Jim Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp Old Route 66 Lube Lubert 505-256-9331 dirtlube2 Past President David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 Past President Ray Trujillo 505-839-7436 ray Past VP Tarmo Sutt 505-690-2046 tarmo MEETINGS First Wednesday of each Month at 7:00 PM North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE INTERNET CORSA's home page CNM's newsletters Steve Gongora's page Larry Yoffee's home page New Mexico Council of Car Clubs ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== DUES: CNM: 12 months = $25.00 -or- 26 months = $ 50.00 CORSA: 12 months = $45.00 -or- 26 months = $ 90.00 CNM & CORSA: 12 months = $70.00 -or- 26 months = $140.00 DUES DUE DATES SEPTEMBER 2017 DUE LAST MONTH ================= INACTIVE DATE 2017.08 Kathryn & Douglas Gadomski 25-SEP-2017 2017.08 Alan Gold 25-SEP-2017 DUE THIS MONTH ================== INACTIVE DATE 2017.09 Rita & Steve Gongora 25-OCT-2017 2017.09 Tracey & John McMahan 25-OCT-2017 DUE NEXT MONTH ================= INACTIVE DATE 2017.10 Debra & Jon Anderson 25-NOV-2017 2017.10 Carl Clasmeyer 25-NOV-2017 2017.10 Mary Lou & Mark Martinek 25-NOV-2017 2017.10 Sylvia & Ray Trujillo 25-NOV-2017 DUE NOVEMBER 2017 ============== INACTIVE DATE 2017.11 Linda & Dick Cochran 25-DEC-2017 2017.11 Elizabeth & Mark Domzalski 25-DEC-2017 2017.11 Cheryl & Ed Halpin 25-DEC-2017 2017.11 Leslie & Kevin Sullivan 25-DEC-2017 INACTIVE ======================== INACTIVE DATE 2017.01 Nancy & Russ McDuffie 25-FEB-2017 2017.02 Victor Sanchez 25-MAR-2017 2017.06 Kathy & Larry Blair 25-JUL-2017 2017.06 Anne & Geoffrey Johnson 25-JUL-2017 2017.07 Carol & Larry Haynes 25-AUG-2017 2017.07 Valerie Nye & Joel Yelich 25-AUG-2017 Send your Dues to: CNM Treasurer c/o Robert Gold 1301 Valencia NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 Past due memberships become inactive after a one-month grace period. The Club will mail in your National Dues if you send us the renewal form from your Communique. As of 25-AUG-2017 we have 45 active family memberships. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE John Wiker How is everyone doing. If you are like me, you want the heat of summer to be over ASAP. Bring on the fall, the Balloon Fiesta, the cool days and nights and of course college football. We have had a few interesting club events since I last "talked" to you. Thanks to the Trujillo family, the Lubert brothers, my wife and a couple of retired military folks for coming out for our Ice Cream social at the Olde Tyme cafe. Just to let you know, I have given up my title of "King of Ice Cream" to Lube, who put away a couple of hot dogs and then downed a large Banana Split. All I could handle was a three-dip Sundae. When we met at Smith's with our three Corvairs, Lube struck up a conversation with a gentleman in a large four-door pickup equipped for a fifth-wheel trailer. We told him about our club and what we were doing that day. He had rebuilt a GTO and now lives in Ohio. He was visiting his son at Kirtland AFB, staying in the Family Camp in his fifth-wheel. We left for the Cafe. About an hour later, he shows up with his wife after getting her from his son's house and they enjoyed a couple of milk shakes with us. She was from Ohio, just an hour from my wife's home. So needless to say I led the conversation them. I spent time showing him everything he wanted to know about the Corvairs that were there. Next, about ten of us showed up at the Car Council picnic at Oak Flats on Sunday the 13th. Unlike last year, there was plenty of food and they did not run out of hot dogs nor hamburgers. I hit the desert table a few times right behind Pat Hall and topped it off with Ice Cream. The 50/50 drawing was $260 with half going to the Ronald McDonald house. The winner gave $30 of his share also. Of course, Pat and Art won the only door prizes for our club. There are four more interesting club events coming up before the end of the year for you to put on your calendar. First is the State Fair car show on Sunday September 17th hosted by Robert Gold, next is the Econ/Road run on October 14th hosted by Dave Huntoon, our annual Bingo and Silent Auction event on November 4th hosted by the Gongoras, and finally, the Christmas party. For the Christmas party we need a host and a location. If you can help us out with that, let me know by e-mail or phone message. On a personal note, I have learned to respect the simple things in life such as electricity. On Friday the 11th at about 2:00 PM, a tremendous wind and rain storm hit Edgewood. Fifteen power poles were blown over and power lines were littered all over the place. We finally had power restored at 4:00 AM on Sunday the 13th. Thank goodness for cool evenings, battery operated lamps and clocks. My wife is already looking on the internet for generators. If you know anything about generators -- help!! Enough for now. See you around. -- John ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== REGULAR AUGUST MEETING -- 2017.08.02 Anne Mae Gold Approval of past minutes: OFFICER REPORTS President (John Wiker) We will be looking at some suggestions for the club that have been made. If you have old name tags that you want to convert to "magnetic" name tags, bring them in and give it to John and he will have them converted. If you need a new name tag with magnetic fastener, they will cost $2.75 each. VP (Lube Lubert) The next Old Route 66 cleanup will be in October. Lube will be going up to Colorado for the Gunnison Car Show. He will tell us all about it next month. Secretary (Anne Mae Gold) nothing new to report. Treasurer (Robert Gold) reported $6,807.11 in our account. COMMITTEE REPORTS Membership (Larry Yoffee) was not in attendance, but he has been in conversation with John. We have two new members from Oregon, Jenny & Phil Finch. Phil is the brother of former member Richard Finch of Tularosa, NM. Merchandise (Vickie Hall) sold a Car and Feeding book for $5. Car Council (Robert Gold) The Swap Meet spots are going fast. There will only be 400 spaces due to the fact that they have closed one of the areas for the Meet. The NMCCC Picnic at Oak Flats (south of Tijeras) will start on noon on Sunday August 13. Robert and Anne Mae will be working the gate and CNM will be supplying plates and napkins. If you will be attending, please bring a side dish or dessert. Editor (Jim Pittman) Friday August 25 at 9:00 PM is the deadline for the September newsletter. Jim shared with us some information about Richard Finch and his brother Phil in Portland, Oregon. Phil bought Richard's home in Tularosa; he and his wife plan on moving to New Mexico in six months to a year. Phil has joined our club. He has two Ultravans. Jim conducted a mini tech talk. He showed a homemade tread chaser made from a spark plug. It is meant to clean lead fouling out of spark plug threads in the aluminum heads. NEW BUSINESS: AUG 5 Saturday -- Caravan to Olde Tyme Ice Cream Shop, south of Tijeras. The shop opens at 11:00 AM. The owner has planned various events for this date. Games begin at 6:00 PM. As soon as it gets dark, they will show the movie GREASE. Those interested, meet at SMITH'S (Tramway and Central SE) at 4:00 PM. Members will caravan from there. AUG 13 Sunday -- Car Club Picnic at Oak Flats. Food will be cooked and ready at noon, $5 per car. SEP 17 Sunday -- State Fair Car Show. Meet before 7:00 AM in the San Pedro Mall, south of Central. SEP 22-24 -- Swap Meet in Los Lunas. John suggested two possible events for October: Antique Auto and Toy Museum (owned and run by Archie Lewis, a high school friend of LeRoy Rogers) road trip to Moriarty with possible stop at Dough-Re-Mi Bakery for breakfast in Edgewood. OR Econo-run Road Tour. Meet at Frost Road and Route 14 to top off gas tanks. Two awards: Pig of the Fleet (gas-guzzler) and Queen of the Fleet (best gas mileage). Bring your Corvair, or, you can come in a Brand-X. The membership voted for the Great Econo Run Road Tour. It will be held on Saturday, October 14, 2017. Start time will be between 9 and 10 AM. SUGGESTIONS FROM THE MEMBERSHIP * Repayment of T-shirt refund money to clubs by check based on value of each shirt and number bought by that club. The reason to do this is, being a good neighbor and hoping for support the next time we host a Tri-State. The general membership attending the meeting decided to leave it be. * This month's CORSA Communique talked about holding "mini-conventions" for local chapters. We could do this in the hopes of getting interest from the Western Region. Should we call the Tri-States "mini-conventions"? * Should we simplify the nomination forms used to nominate people for the Ike Meissner Award? Answer: YES. * Should we do away with the fact that you can only win the Meissner Award once? (Why? we may run out of members who are eligible.) Answer: YES. * Should it go to someone who does something above and beyond what is expected no matter when that event happens?? Answer: It should be based on member merit. The 50/50 was $6.50 and was won by Robert Gold, he donated it to the Sunshine Committee. After the meeting, John showed us a slide show from his Grand American Tour this summer. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== AUGUST BOARD MEETING MINUTES - 2017.08.16 Anne Mae Gold Present: John, Lube, Jim, Anne Mae & Robert OFFICER REPORTS President: Call for ideas to get people involved. How can we increase participation and membership? Set dates for upcoming events, please see below. John would like to have two little plaques made up for the "Queen of the Fleet" and "Pig of the Fleet" for the Econo Run best mileage and worst mileage. Vice President: October 7 will be the next Old Route 66 cleanup. It would be nice to have four to five people, however if there are fewer than four, the group will do the best they can. Old Car Club of Albuquerque meets at the Owl Cafe. It starts at 6:00 PM. We think this is on Thursdays, but is it every week? John will stop by and get more information as to how often they meet. Treasurer: $7,008.05 in our account. Robert has sent in the $35 check to CORSA to keep our chapter membership up for another year. He has received membership dues for three new members. COMMITTEE REPORTS Editor: Newsletter deadline is Friday August 25th, 9:00 PM. There are at present 12 remaining copies of the Care and Feeding booklet, ninth printing from 2012. At this time we do not have a plan to update the booklet to a 2017 or 2018 edition, nor to print more of the 2012 edition. Robert is willing to look at the files that Jim obtained from Bill Reider and see if he can update the current edition of the booklet. October is election month for CNM. How do we want to propagandize the event? We can ask for self-nominations and if there are none, the current board may be willing to stay on for one more year. We will need a replacement for the membership chair. Car Council: The picnic was very successful. Robert says that 99% of the people coming in were affiliated with a member car club. The food did not run out and there were tons of sides and desserts. Robert took up the paper goods and also worked the gate. Ten CNM members attended the picnic. Merchandise: Vickie was not in attendance. Jim reported that she had nothing new to report. Membership: Larry was not in attendance. A reminder that so far during 2017 we have these new members: Natalie Robison Jenny & Phil Finch David Hutchinson UPCOMING EVENTS SEP 17 ..... State Fair Car Show SEP 22-24 .. Los Lunas Swap Meet OCT 7 ..... Old Route 66 Cleanup OCT 14 ..... Econorun/Road Trip. We will meet between 9-9:30 AM at the gas station on the corner of Frost Road and NM14. John will provide maps of the route. NOV 4 ..... Bingo/Potluck Night at House of Covers DEC 9 (or another date) Christmas Party - We need a sponsor for this event. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== THE GANG'S ALL HERE -- JULY CAR COUNCIL REPORT Robert Gold As a former practicing scientist I look at the world as a "bell shaped curve". That means most things that happen in life hover around the middle with a few incidents hovering to the left and right of the center. That was how I felt about last night's Car Council meeting. Among the numerous meetings I've attended the last meeting lands just around the middle. Not much drama, just a normal Council business meeting. With that in mind, here's what went on. We had two visitors at the meeting. A representative from the Route 66 Rodders who observed that he was tired of attending their meetings and being told no one had represented them at the Car Council meeting. As a group, we were happy to have him there, and validated his parking so he had proof he had attended the meeting (just kidding). The other visitor was an individual who, of late, had participated in many of our events. He was there to tell us that he was moving out of town back to Oregon to be with his kids. I made it a point to say Hi to him as I left the meeting and wish him well in the future. It was sort of a "hello and goodbye" thing. The treasurer's report was uneventful. I did think it was funny that the two CDs held by the Council have netted no interest. It seems to me that the folks who took out those financial instruments must have been following my financial philosophy. I am very good at buying high and selling low. At least I'm not alone. The major focus of the meeting was the upcoming August 13 Car Council picnic to be held at the Oak Flats Picnic Area. Admission will be 5 bucks a car. It is requested that attendees bring side dishes or desserts to share. CNM will be supplying paper plates and napkins. The festivities will begin at noon. My lovely wife, Anne Mae, and I will be at the gate to greet you as you enter the event. We need help, so let me know if you want to help out at the picnic. Joyce's swap meet news was unexciting. We still have a smaller field to work with and there is no news about using the field next year. There will be about 400 spaces in contrast to the 450 spaces sold last year. I should have more news about this later. Another important Council issue has to do with filling the vacant Director's position. We have two nominees and anyone else interested needs to make their wishes known before ballots are sent out in the next few weeks. Also on the ballot will be some minor changes to our bylaws. Important to me will be the elimination of the domain names we no longer use. Our official website name is "" and it's our one and only official name. The balance of the meeting was taken up with announcements of upcoming car events. You can see a listing of those fun events on the website I just told you about. I should say that the website is the best website ever. I should know since I'm the webmaster.... With that the meeting came to an end. Final Car Council line score - 3 runs, 7 hits, and no errors. -- Robert Gold ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== Happy Birthday Wishes to Eleven CNM'ers born in September: Connie Adams Jamie Anderson David Huntoon Carl Johnson Gordon Johnson Janet Johnson Connie McBreen Christian Deyermond Curtis L Shimp Linda Soukup Kevin Sullivan Happy Anniversary: Kathy & Larry Blair Jenny & Phil Finch Emma & LeRoy Rogers Kay & Tarmo Sutt Brenda & Hurley Wilvert Valerie Nye & Joel Yelich ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== GENERATIONS -- THE SAGA OF AN EL CAMINO Robert Gold A common thread that runs through many of the TV car shows I have watched is how many cars have a strong connection to those who have owned them. Only recently I watched as a Porsche, once owned by actor Steve McQueen, sold for triple its market value. In addition, people spend tens of thousands of dollars on restoration of cars that have connections to friends or loved ones. Obviously, their decision to spend that amount of money means that the cars have taken on an importance far in excess of simple forms of transportation. In like manner, there is a car that has taken on an added importance because it is associated with a well-respected CNM member. The car, though not a Corvair, has taken on a life of its own and has benefited from its association with Corvairs of New Mexico. That car is a 1985 Chevrolet El Camino driven for many years by our late member Sylvan Zuercher. All CNM members of a certain age remember Sylvan regularly pulling up to a CNM event in his cherished blue and silver El Camino. He drove that car everywhere, eventually putting over 150,000 miles on it. It was a depressing moment when the truck was stolen, and once recovered, sat unused at Sylvan's home in major need of repair. After Sylvan passed away, Pat Hall came into possession of it. This is where I became involved. I understood the iconic nature of the truck and bought it from Pat. It was now in the possession of a second generation CNM member. Though the truck had many issues I tackled them with the knowledge that this vehicle, in many ways, was a part of Corvairs of New Mexico. Both my son, Javi, and I drove the beloved truck making it part of our family. In a way, keeping the truck also kept the memory of Sylvan with us. The story could have easily ended with me. Being used regularly by a teenage boy had taken its toll on the truck. It became a bit battered on the outside and several gauges and other features of the truck no longer operated. My question now was, "what to do with it?" I shouldn't have worried. All I needed to do was talk to Geoff Johnson, member of another generation of CNM royalty and the truck was off to a new life as part of his family. I really mean it is part of his family. The smiles that greeted me when Geoff, Anne, Alex, and Katie came for the El Camino were amazing to behold. Geoff's son, Alex is totally convinced that he will be the one to fix all the Camino's ills and will be driving it soon. Too bad Alex is only 7! But I'm convinced the truck is in good hands and a vehicle closely identified with CNM and Corvairs will be used for many years to come. I can't say the same for the 88 Ford Fairmont, my son, Art drove in college. It would have benefited greatly from the magic that the El Camino possessed. I wonder what happened to that wagon? --Robert Gold ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== ONE IN A MILLION -- NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL PICNIC Robert Gold I'm a news junkie. One of the things I most enjoy are the "pay it forward" stories. As those stories go, someone out of the blue does an act of kindness to a perfect stranger and by that, changes the world. In a country the size of ours it's inevitable that acts of kindness take place. It is not inevitable that I would witness that kind of act of kindness and that it would originate from someone I know personally. Well folks, I now want to share my personal story with you. As you can see by the title of this article, the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs held its annual picnic this last weekend at the Oak Flats Picnic Grounds up there on south Highway 14. The picnic has been held at this location for a number of years and for a number of years I managed to miss it. That's a tough thing to say since I'm your Council Rep in addition to being the Car Council VP! Last year, I actually showed up and had such a good time I decided to do more than just attend. I would be among the folks who got up early and put the event on. So I volunteered to be at the gate and be the one who collected the money and greeted the people as they rolled in with their classics. Though having to meet the gang at Smith's at 7:00 am didn't really excite me, once we were set up and the cars arrived, it was quite a fun time. I even spiced things up with a few sparkling remarks to the folks as they passed by. They seemed to like it and my comments about their rides were generally well received. It was particularly fun when a fellow CNM'er arrived and I could personally say thanks for attending. This year's lineup included Lube and his Bro, Vickie and Pat Hall, Rita and Steve Gongora, John Wiker, Art Gold and Jim Pittman, not to mention me and my lovely wife, Anne Mae. I was at my post when the life affirming event took place and it involved a fellow CNM'er. I can remember it very well. Up drove a Corvair followed closely by a dark green Miata. I apologize to the driver of the Corvair driver, but my memory fails me concerning who was in that car. But I remember clearly looking into the Miata and seeing Jim Pittman solemnly sitting inside. He seemed to me completely focused on entering the picnic grounds, almost oblivious to the folks at the gate. That was until Will Clements stepped up and asked him for the $5.00 admission. Jim quickly flashed a $10 bill and handed it to Will. With that Will stuck his hand in the bag of bills he was holding to get change. Then IT happened. Jim looked up at Will and told him, no, he didn't want the change. That money could be used for the next car in line to enter. Mind you, the car that followed Jim was not a Corvair. It contained two members of the Studebaker club. Folks he didn't even know. Jim then drove away and when the Studebaker Avanti drove up Will told them that their admission was already paid. What? The couple couldn't believe it. Why was the guy in the Miata paying for them? They stayed at the gate for a moment trying to understand this complete random act of kindess. In an instant everyone at the gate displayed broad grins thinking about such a special moment. But wait, there's more! I was minding my own business at the picnic when up steps a woman who told me that she was in the Studebaker Avanti. She and her husband couldn't get over what Jim had done. She said she wanted to thank him. I told her I knew Jim and would pass that along. Furthermore, she told me she would like to have Jim stop by where they were encamped so she could thank him herself. Alas, I failed to find Jim and he left without a word to them. So I decided I needed to let all you CNM'ers know about the special person and the special moment he created at the picnic. It is a "pay it forward" moment I'll never forget. Thanks Jim. -- Robert Gold ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== THE UPCOMING STATE FAIR CAR SHOW Robert Gold Corvairs of New Mexico will be holding our 22nd annual State Fair Car Show on Sunday, September 17, 2017. This is the last day of the Fair. We'll meet in the parking lot on the southwest corner of Central and San Pedro at around 7:00 AM. Please note the Furr's parking lot used previously is now a victim of ART so we've located just east of there. Just drive south on San Pedro and pass Central and you'll see us on the right. We'll have our photo op and then leave around 7:15 to enter the Fairgrounds through gate 3. This is the furthest gate to the south on San Pedro. We will be parking on Heritage Ave just south of the Manuel Lujan Building. Show times are from 8:00 AM to approximately 3:30 PM. With luck we'll have ribbons for all participants. I can assure you that certificates will be given out to all the class winners. Unlike last year, CNM'ers will determine who wins the awards. I want to mention that the State Fair folks have always been quite supportive of our event. Let's show them our appreciation by having a big turnout on the 17th. Needless to say, the weather will be great, and we'll all have a fun time at this year's State Fair. If you have any questions call Robert or Anne Mae Gold in the evenings at 268-6878 or email: -- Robert Gold ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== TREASURY REPORT FOR 07-21-2017 to 08-25-2017 Robert Gold DATE CHECK# AMOUNT PAYEE DESCRIPTION BALANCE = $6,757.11 ========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================= 2017.08.01 $ 50.00 Dues C.Shimp 26 m CNM $ 50.00 2017.08.03 2295 -$ 59.06 H.Pittman Newsletter Printing JUL 2017 -$ 31.18 2017.08.03 -$ H.Pittman Newsletter Postage 42 x $0.68 -$ 27.88 2017.08.07 $ 260.00 Dues P.Finch 26 m CNM $ 50.00 2017.08.07 $ Dues D.Hutchinson 12 m CNM $ 25.00 2017.07.19 $ Clark's Fifty CARE & FEEDING Books $ 180.00 2017.08.07 $ Sale One CARE & FEEDING book $ 5.00 2017.08.24 2296 -$ 35.00 Corsa Annual Chapter fee -$ 35.00 2017.08.24 2294 -$ 90.00 Corsa P.Hall 26 m CORSA -$ 90.00 ========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================= 2017.09.01 SEP NEWSLETTER ========================================== $6,883.05 ========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================= 2017.07.15 $ 50.00 Dues H.Wilvert 26 m CNM $ 50.00 ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== THE GREAT AMERICAN ECLIPSE OF AUGUST 21, 2017 NASA ILLUSTRATION ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== IT'S SHOWTIME! -- August Car Council Report Robert Gold One of the things I really enjoy about baseball is its use of unique terms. A lot of those terms have been integrated in everyday speech like "homerun," "out of left field," "three strikes yer out," and "batting a thousand." One term that truly describes this time of year is "dog days of summer." That is to say the long hot summer is coming to a close. In baseball, the long season is finally coming to an end. Energy is starting to wane and we are all looking forward to the event of the season, the World Series. This well describes what happens in the car hobby. Most of the summers events have already taken place, but there still remain some important things to do before fall arrives. For CNM we are still looking forward to one of the Club's big events, the State Fair Car Show. The show will take place on Sunday, September 17. In like manner, for the Car Council, we are all looking forward to the premier event of the year, the Car Council Swap Meet. The meet takes place on September 22-24 in Los Lunas. It was this event that was the focus of this month's Council meeting. More about that later. The meeting was called to order by President Jamie Saavedra. There was one new face at this month's meeting. He was Henry Marcus who represented the Santa Fe Vintage Car Club. His club has been a long time Council member, but it has been many years since they participated in any events. We all were happy to seem them resurface. The second thing of note was the addition of a new member club to the Council. Though their rep was not in attendance, we all welcomed the Highrollers Truck Club to the fold. Our Treasurer was absent, so was the treasurer's report. Jamie said things hadn't changed much since last month. She did note the bank balance was very healthy. Jamie went on to report on last week's Car Council Picnic. She said it was an unqualified success. There were lots of folks in attendance and they had lots of food to eat. All the problems associated with last year's event had been solved. Thanks to the the many volunteers, things ran very smoothly. Jamie thanked the GTO Club and the Rickshaws, who did most of the heavy lifting. For any CNM'er who hasn't attended the picnic, you are missing a fun time. There is always next year. The meeting was then turned over to Joyce and her talk about the aforementioned Swap Meet. Spaces for the September 22-24 event are almost sold out. Only 60 spaces remain. Joyce displayed a map of the downsized swap meet area. As you remember, the Los Lunas City Fathers had decided to make soccer fields out of half the area, leaving us with a much reduced number of spaces. Joyce requested volunteers for the many jobs needed as part of the meet. CNM will be supplying help in laying out the field (Pat Hall) and for Saturday parking (the Golds and John Wiker). See you there. The meeting ended with the results of the recent election for a new Board member (Michelle Garcia, GTO Club) and for bylaw changes (they all passed unanimously). With that the meeting ended at 7:55, almost a record! -- Robert Gold ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== ============================================================================ | September 2017 | October 2017 | November 2017 | | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | | 1 2 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | 1 2 3 4 | | 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | | 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | | 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | | 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | 29 30 31 | 26 27 28 29 30 | ============================================================================ WED 06 SEP 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER, at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE. After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE. WED 06 SEP 7:00 PM Meeting: WE NEED A SLATE OF CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE! We need to plan ahead for the Christmas Party / Dinner / Celebration! SUN 17 SEP 6:45 AM State Fair Car Show --- meet at Central & San Pedro SE WED 20 SEP 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE FRI 22 SEP 9:00 PM Deadline for items for October newsletter FRI 22 SEP NMCCC / Los Lunas 39th Annual Auto Swap Meet SAT 23 SEP Morris Field, Los Lunas, New Mexico SUN 24 SEP Morris Field, Highway 314 & Morris Rd, Los Lunas WED 27 SEP 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE ============================================================================ MON 02 OCT DRIVE YOUR CORVAIR DAY --- FIRST RETAIL SALE OF CORVAIRS, 1959 MON 02 OCT CORVAIR HERITAGE DAY (Corvair's official birthday) WED 04 OCT 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER WED 04 OCT 7:00 PM ELECTION OF OFFICERS AT TONIGHT'S MEETING SAT 07 OCT 9:00 AM Old Route 66 Cleanup -- Lube Lubert SUN 08 OCT EARLY! Classic Cars Drive on the Balloon Fiesta Field -- CHECK DATE SAT 14 OCT Start between 9:00 and 9:30 AM - ECONO-RUN in east mountains Start and finish at gas station at Frost Road and NM 14. WED 18 OCT 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE FRI 20 OCT 9:00 PM Deadline for items for November newsletter WED 25 OCT 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE ============================================================================ WED 01 NOV 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER SAT 04 NOV 5:00 PM Auction / Bingo / Potluck at HOUSE OF COVERS SUN 05 NOV 2:00 AM Set your clocks forward an hour because the government stole an hour out of your life back in March. Now you get it back. WED 15 NOV 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE FRI 24 NOV 9:00 PM Deadline for items for December newsletter ============================================================================ WED 06 DEC 7:00 PM Meeting: NORTH DOMINGO BACA MULTIGENERATIONAL CENTER SAT 09 DEC (or another date) Christmas Party / Dinner / Celebration! WED 20 DEC 5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE FRI 22 DEC 9:00 PM Deadline for items for January 2018 newsletter ============================================================================ See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities ======================== ====================== ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== SEVEN YEARS AGO [ SEPTEMBER 2017 VOL 43 Nr 9 ISSUE 504 ] Jim Pittman 2010 Vol 36 Nr 9 # 420 Old Route 66 cleanup crew in uniform. In the bank: $3,881. Curt Shimp drove a Corvair to Virginia for the Convention and sent an article. His new 140 engine ran great. Heula was putting together "new member packets" which included CNM pencils. Javi & Sara displayed our broken sign. Jim reported on the Nambe' Falls picnic. Hot & humid. 2003 Vol 29 Nr 9 #336 Two Golden children enjoyed a picnic in the Manzanos. Wendell said we had $5,321.26. Mark Martinek reported on the Car Council meeting and its new website. Jerry Goffe organized a presentation by two officers of the Albuquerque Police Department bicycle patrol. People should bring their Corvairs to meetings. We should organize a show-and-shine for a weekend before the State Fair. We should have more Saturday breakfasts and monthly tech sessions. Our meetings tend to be dull. We could have an autocross and an October Aspencade tour. Dave Huntoon made a 3000-mile trip by 1961 VW Bug to Illinois. Geoff Johnson reported on resurrecting a 1966 Corsa. 1996 Vol 22 Nr 9 #252 The "Billiken" cover showed tourists mistaking Acoma Pueblo for condos. Will Davis said we had $1133. The VMCCA was preparing an "un-fair" car show (since the State Fair was having no car show this year) and CNM would participate. The convention bank account held about $15,670 but we had more bills to pay. Ollie Scheflow said we had been assigned a mile to clean. We put together a "How to Run a Convention" booklet. Sylvan welcomed new members: Wayne & Judy Ward of Las Cruces, Sal Roybal, Michael & Joan Hurst, C. H. Valerio, and Johnny & Veronica Silva. Bill Reider discussed torque patterns. 1989 Vol 15 Nr 9 #168 Cover: styling sketches by Fred Edeskuty. Tom Martin asked whether the benefits of mailing our newsletter to so many other clubs was worth the considerable cost. Bill Reider gave the recent national convention in Kansas City high marks. President Bill Hector reported on the movie "Tucker, the Man and his Dream" and said there were many parallels between the Tucker and the Corvair. Tech items included carburetor idle circuits a la Bill Reider and a complete price guide from Old Cars magazine. 1982 Vol 8 Nr 9 # 84 The cover showed an Opel "Spyder Corsa" which probably never made it from Europe to the USA. Treasurer Mary Twilley reported $382 in the bank. President Bill Reider reported that CNM was now registered with the IRS as a non-profit organization. Several members claimed that they were, too, but not on purpose. We again discussed the idea of bidding for a CORSA convention in Albuquerque. Bob Philips volunteered to organize our Christmas dinner. George Morin gave a talk on front suspensions. LeRoy reported on the CORSA convention in Syracuse, New York, rating it Excellent. LeRoy previewed our upcoming trip to Trinity Site. 1975 Vol 1 Nr 9 # 8 Our first "double issue" cover featured a puzzle of sorts. We expected a report from Steve & Hector Gongora who had planned to drive up to the Denver convention. (This may have been the first CORSA convention in driving range of CNM members.) Jim reported on a Road & Track article about a car show featuring a 1968 Corvair at the Newport Harbor Art Museum. Ike Meissner contributed several tech tips: be careful when buying a used generator as it may have been rebuilt before and the commutator may be too far gone; the standard Corvair pulley is too small and turns the fan and generator too fast, so look for a larger pulley from a truck; stay away from aluminum end plates as they tend to crack; brushes can be replaced with hard carbon brushes for longer generator life. Jack Sellers had storage spaces at $4 per month to store your extra Corvairs. We considered front license plates with the club logo at about $1.69 each in lots of a hundred. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico, chartered Chapter #871 of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Copyright by the Authors and by Corvairs of New Mexico. Articles may be reprinted in any CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members, provided credit to the Author and this Newsletter is clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or Editor and are not necessarily endorsed by Corvairs of New Mexico or CORSA. Material for publication should reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send material via e-mail ( jimp @ ) or submit a readable manuscript. I prefer ASCII TEXT, but MS Word or RTF are fine. Photographs are welcome. I still print mailing labels with a 1989 Apple IIgs on a Hewlett-Packard LaserJet IIIp. The newsletter is composed using Apple computers. Software includes OSX, AppleWorks, Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter, BBEdit and InDesign CS. If you care, ask for more details. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== =END=