The July 2018 newsletter - Text Version 

Updated 26-Jun-2018 ==== Copyright (c) 2018 Corvairs of New Mexico    

   JULY 2018 / VOLUME 44 / NUMBER 7 / ISSUE # 514  

Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2005
Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, Third Place, 2010
Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2012

EDITOR Jim Pittman

		  6051 Osuna Road NE. Be there at 9:30 AM.
	NOTE: There will be no meeting on Wednesday July 4th.

 Road Trip to Florence, Colorado Car Show ...... Lube Lubert
 Dues Due Dates ....................... Membership Committee
 June Regular Meeting ............................. Art Gold
 June Board Meeting .......................... Anne Mae Gold
 Trip to Crested Butte ....................... Steve Gongora
 Treasury Report ............................... Robert Gold
 Tri-State Corvair Story ....................... Lloyd Piatt
 Tri-State Photos .. Tarmo Sutt, LeRoy Rogers, Steve Gongora
 Birthdays & Anniversaries ............ Membership Committee
 TECH: Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems ........ Jim Pittman
 Report on the First Tri-State .... Steve Gongora, July 1976
 Photo of Steve's 1965 Corsa .............. Winrock Car Show
 Calendar of Coming Events .............. Board of Directors
 July Issues, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago ... Club Historian
COVER Crested Butte 2018 Tri-State ..... photo by Tarmo Sutt



  President          Lube Lubert    505-256-9331         dirtlube
  Vice President      Art Gold      505-620-7434        rollerart
  Secretary      Anne Mae Gold      505-268-6878        beisbol30
  Treasurer        Robert Gold      505-268-6878        beisbol30
  Car Council      Robert Gold      505-268-6878        beisbol30
  Merchandise      Vickie Hall      505-865-5574 patandvickiehall
  Membership        Larry Yoffee    505-321-5909         corsa180
  Newsletter          Jim Pittman   505-275-2195             jimp
  Old Route 66       Lube Lubert    505-256-9331        dirtlube2
  Past President      Pat Hall      505-620-5574 patandvickiehall
  Past President    David Huntoon   505-281-9616        corvair66
  Past President      Ray Trujillo  505-814-8373              ray
  Past President     John Wiker     505-239-3311         wikerj63
  Past VP           Tarmo Sutt      505-690-2046            tarmo

MEETINGS: First Wednesday of each Month at 7:00 PM
   North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE

 INTERNET:  CORSA's home page:
              CNM's newsletters:
           Steve Gongora's page:
       Larry Yoffee's home page:
New Mexico Council of Car Clubs:


DUES:	        CNM: 12 months = $25.00 -or- 26 months = $ 50.00
	      CORSA: 12 months = $45.00 -or- 26 months = $ 90.00
	CNM & CORSA: 12 months = $70.00 -or- 26 months = $140.00


2018.06         === none ===

DUE THIS MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE
2018.07       Carol & Larry Haynes     25-AUG-2018
2018.07       Sarah & Terry Price      25-AUG-2018
2018.07         Anne & John Wiker      25-AUG-2018

DUE NEXT MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE
2018.08               David Hutchinson 25-SEP-2018

DUE SEPTEMBER 2018 ================== INACTIVE DATE
2018.09       Tracey & John McMahan    25-OCT-2018

INACTIVE ============================ INACTIVE DATE
2017.01        Nancy & Russ McDuffie   25-FEB-2017
2017.02              Victor Sanchez    25-MAR-2017
2017.08   Kathryn & Douglas Gadomski   25-SEP-2017
2017.10                Carl Clasmeyer  25-NOV-2017
2017.10     Mary Lou & Mark Martinek   25-NOV-2017
2018.02    Lilian & Timothy Shortle    25-MAR-2018

Send your Dues to:
	CNM Treasurer c/o Robert Gold
	1301 Valencia NE Albuquerque, NM 87110
	Past due memberships become inactive after a one-month grace period.
	The Club will mail in your National Dues if you send us the renewal
	form from your Communique.

As of 25-JUN-2018 we have  46  active family memberships.


Lube Lubert

I took my Corvair on another road trip, this time to Florence, Colorado. It took
me ten hours to get there.

The Car Show was held on Sunday, May 20, 2018 and setup started at 7:00 AM. The
police blocked off Colorado Highway 115, closing one block north and one block
south of the show. It was damp and cold from last night's rain. There were
twelve Corvairs at the car show, late models, early models and a Lakewood
station wagon. All told there were about 500 vehicles at the Florence Car Show.

At 3:00 PM they started drawing numbers for the prizes. At 4:00 PM people
started leaving for home. I stayed in Florence Sunday night and on Monday
morning had breakfast at the Super 8 Motel. After breakfast I loaded up my
Corvair with my suitcase and bags and checked out of the motel. I had another
breakfast at McDonald's at Salida, Colorado. I had lunch at McDonald's at
Alamosa, Colorado. I hit some rain in Colorado and there was heavy rain south of
Golden, NM. It took me eight hours to drive home from Florence. I hope I can go
to the Florence car show again next year because I had a great time and enjoyed
seeing all the cars. Jim was able to find a photo showing my Corvair in the
Pikes Peak Corvair Club newsletter.


Art Gold

The meeting came to order at 7:08 PM at North Domingo Baca Multicultural Center.
Attending were Dave Allin, Art Gold, David Huntoon, Gordon Johnson, Bill Lubert
& John Wiker.

President - Lube Lubert. Absent due to illness. VP Art Gold approved previous
month's minutes.

Vice President - Art Gold. Discussed the model car that David Allin brought to
the meeting. He brought a 1961 Rampside. The model is a resin kit (1:25 scale)
and may be purchased from Best Model Products. John Wiker also talked about
getting a 1969 Convertible model from Publishing Clearing House for $69.

Treasurer - Robert Gold. Absent. Art reported the current balance as $7,153.86.

Secretary - Anne Mae Gold. Absent. Art stated that Anne Mae is doing very well!

Committee Reports

* Membership - David Huntoon. Dave had no new members. He talked about the
club's Facebook page and reported that about 500 people are following the page.

* Merchandise - Vickie Hall. Absent.

* Car Council -  Robert Gold. Absent. Art stated that the Museum Car Show was a
great success and a good time with seven Corvairs attending, one Pontiac
Ventura, and a 1950 Pontiac Chieftain. Terry Price won 1st Place in the
1965-1966 Stock Class with his 1966 Monza convertible, and Geoff Johnson won 2nd
in class with his Pontiac Chieftain.

* Editor - Jim Pittman. Absent. He sent the information that the deadline for
the July newsletter is Friday June 22 at 9:00 PM.

New Business

* JUL 04 WED - Our July meeting is moved to July 14th.

* JUL 07 SAT - Old Route 66 Cleanup.

* JUL 14 SAT - Our North Domingo Baca meeting place will be closed in observance
of the Fourth of July holiday. Rather than skip the July meeting we will meet
for a club breakfast at Monroe's Restaurant on Osuna NE on Saturday July 14th at
9:30 AM.

* Date TBA - Econo Run, details forthcoming.

* NOV 10 SAT - Bingo/Silent Auction/Potluck Night. The location will be the
Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center - Start 5:00 PM to 5:30 PM. Bring dollar
bills, friends, auction items, potluck items. You can get to Manzano Mesa by
going on Central to Eubank; turn south on Eubank to Southern; turn east on
Southern to Elizabeth; go south on Elizabeth and turn left into the Center at
501 Elizabeth SE.

Adjourned at 8:08 PM.


Anne Mae Gold

Present at meeting: Jim, Robert, Anne Mae, Lube, David, Art

Called to order at 5:00 PM


President Lube Lubert attended the car show in Florence, Colorado. It was cloudy
and cool. Lube wore a T-shirt for the event that featured an early model
Corvair. He says there were about 500 cars in the show. Lube announced that he
is going to drop out of the Old Route 66 Cleanup. It was discussed by the board
with a suggestion that we stop participating in the cleanup. Lube mentioned that
anyone interested could help the Corvette Club on their two-mile segment. No one
was receptive to this at this point. Robert suggested that Anne Mae draft a
letter to NM-DOT and explain why we are dropping out of the program and the
problems we had with pickups and sub-standard supplies.

VP Art Gold told us about how he acted as all four officers at the last
Membership meeting. Only six members attended the meeting. Because the Center is
closed on the Fourth of July, we will not be meeting on the first Wednesday,
July 4th. Instead we invite everyone to come out on Saturday July 14th to
Monroe's Restaurant on Osuna NE for a 9:30 AM breakfast. Art said he will not be
in attendance at the July 18th board meeting since he will be in Iceland! Looks
like Art will be moving to Sandia High School. He is already filling his dance
card with scoring various sports.

Secretary Anne Mae Gold is recovering slowly from surgery. Daughter Sara is
doing a study abroad in Cusco, Peru. Anne Mae showed pictures. Son Javi will be
moving to Spain July 25 and can hardly wait to go!

Treasurer Robert Gold reported our current balance at $7,108.86 Dave gave Rob a
bill from the Tri-State organizers for $90. We were confused, we were under the
assumption that each year an additional bronze plate would be added to the
larger plaque and $90 seemed high. Is this price for a second plaque? Jim
pointed out that CNM said long ago that our club would pay for Tri-State
attendance plaques and Boydston Award plaques, and this $90 was indeed for the
Boydston Award plaque.


Editor Jim Pittman said the newsletter deadline is Friday, June 22 at 9:00 PM.
Jim told what he knew about the Crested Butte Tri-State. The people that
organized the Tri-State were not "traditionalists" but were new to the event.
Very few CNMers attended, perhaps partly due to our aging population. Jim has
articles from Steve Gongora and photos from Tarmo and LeRoy. We still do not
know who won the Boydston Award. Hopefully this information will be in someone's
newsletter. Jim will publish this information when he finds out. Next year the
Pikes Peak Corvair Club will be hosting the Tri-State in Ouray, Colorado. We
later learned that the winner of the Boydston Award was Dale Nielsen who is the
web master for Rocky Mountain CORSA.

Membership David Huntoon had no new members. He has been helping David Allin
with his 1969 Corvair. Thanks Dave! He shared the name of a restaurant for a

Merchandising/Sunshine Vickie Hall & Heula Pittman sent no report.


We discussed dates of meetings that will be impacted by center closures. See the
calendar for the July and October Board meetings. The Golds have offered their
dining room for those meetings.


WED 04 JUL = Vintage Car show on the Plaza in Santa Fe.
SAT 07 JUL = The Owl Cafe Cars-N-Coffee 800 Eubank Blvd.
FRI-SAT 13-14 JUL Collector Car Appreciation Day. Details:
SAT 14 JUL = Club breakfast at Monroe's at 9:30 AM.
TUE 17 JUL = Freddy's Car Show & Cruise-In. 10201 Central.
WED 18 JUL = Board meeting at Gold home,1301 Valencia NE.
WED 17 OCT = Board meeting at Gold home,1301 Valencia NE.


Steve Gongora

The Corvair Tri-State was hosted by the Rocky Mountain Corvair Club out of
Denver, Colorado this year and they selected a wonderful township just north of
Gunnison, Colorado. The town of Crested Butte and Mt. Crested Butte was a
perfect setting for the Corvairs. Many thanks to all who were responsible for
all the details starting with the discounts to local dining, free tickets to the
chairlift at the mountain ski area, the coordination of the car show in the
middle of town, and finally the banquet dinner at the restaurant, which was
walking distance from our host hotel. The awards and recognitions were
acknowledged throughout the banquet including the Hard Luck award and having
Steve Goodman and myself stand for being the only two people who have attended
every Tri-State event since 1976. Rita Gongora spearheaded the Tijuana Corvair
Club to add their newest member, Pikes Peak's Dave Feasel.

Corvairs of New Mexico was represented by Tarmo Sutt, who came along with a
couple of friends, Lloyd and Ken. LeRoy and Emma Rodgers were among some of the
CNM'ers. Steve, Rita, Emily, Victor, Steele, Gunnar, and pets (Valentina and
Rocco) met up as well. Curtis Shimp drove his Corvair from Silver City, NM to
the event. Dave Langlois drove his Rampside (formally owned by Bill Barber) and
Dave's twin sons trailered the 1960 white Corvair. The trailered 1960 Corvair
had some issues while being unloaded. The brake didn't keep it from rolling out
of the trailer and colliding with a truck close to bottom of the ramp. Minor
damage to the truck and moderate damage to the Corvair. A carefully placed
plaque on the front of the car hid the damage at the car show. The Denver club
did an excellent job from start to finish on the entire get together. The
Boydston Award went to Dale Nielson, the RMC web master.

On Sunday morning we took advantage of our ski lift tickets. The sun at the
bottom of the lift did not prepare us for the cold waiting for us at the top of
the tram. After the ride we found a brunch location in town before starting our
trek back to Albuquerque. We stopped for dinner in Monte Vista, the location of
the 23rd Tri-State back in 2007. We encountered Amish families with their horse
outside and were curious as there were about eight of them dining at the Dairy
Queen. Where were the rest of the buggies to handle this size group?

We continued south out of Monte Vista and encountered about ten more buggies and
horses headed north. As we approached a farm road to head east we passed more
northbound and westbound buggies that were converging at the intersection. What
a sight.

The Pikes Peak Corvair Club announced next year's Tri-State will be in Ouray,
Colorado. That will be another exciting place to return with their waterfalls
and natural hot springs.


========== ==== ========== =========== =========================================
TREASURY REPORT FOR 05-23-2018 to 06-21-2018                         Robert Gold
DATE      CHECK#    AMOUNT PAYEE       DESCRIPTION           BALANCE = $7,243.86
========== ==== ========== =========== =========================================
2018.05.23 2317 -$   90.00 CORSA Dues  B.Kitts        26 m CORSA      -$   90.00
2018.06.07 2318 -$   45.00 CORSA Dues  M.Morgan       12 m CORSA      -$   45.00
========== ==== ========== =========== =========================================
2018.07.01 JUL NEWSLETTER  ==========================================  $7,108.86

======   If you have any concerns or questions about this report please    =====
======   contact Robert Gold at 505-268-6878 or email: beisbol30   =====

Lloyd Piatt

I am a past member of CNM, Corsa & Corvair Houston. After seeing a 1965 Corsa
Coupe sitting under a Pinon tree at Tarmo's house for a while, I decided we
should build it. I flew home from Houston to begin work on the car. We worked on
the Corsa every day for about a week. I left Santa Fe with about 40 miles on the
car, and drove it non-stop other than gas, food, and letting my new Shiatzu, run
around. Arrived in Houston the following day, tired, but totally amazed that the
Corsa ran so well. It is a tribute to Tarmo for a job well done.

My wife and I drove the car for several years. I installed original air
conditioning. This project took about a month to complete. I now know why
Chevrolet put in the plumbing before they installed the suspension. My condenser
was the 1967 type - in the cowl, and it worked well in the hot humid climate.

The photographer kept after me to sell the Corsa to him, as my wife was
expecting our first son. The Corsa wasn't a family car, she said.

Crested Butte is a special place to me. My son and daughter spent their
honeymoon there. Last summer Tarmo, another friend, and I rode all over the
state of Colorado on our motorcycles. This was in Mid-June.

We made a special trip to Crested Butte to attend the Tri-State Corvair meet
this year. So we arrived on Thursday ahead of most of the cars. It provided us
the opportunity to hear "the stories" of the cars and the owners. I felt like I
was 25 again, enjoying the moment. When we checked in to the hotel, there was a
family in front of us. When a lady turned around I instantly recognized her
shirt, "Corvair Houston Spyder." Nice to see another member and she said, "Oh, a
friend gave me the shirt." So the stories about people and cars began here for
me. When I returned home, I started looking through my hat collection but could
not find my Spyder hat. But I did locate my Spyder pin. Been in a jewelry box
for many years!

Watching the cars and listening to the stories took me back to my Corvair days.
My High School girlfriend had a 1966 Corsa 140, I purchased a 1968 Monza in the
early 70's, then a 1965 Corsa in the middle 70's. Tarmo and I spent our high
school days trash picking for Corvair parts. Those were great times.

All the activities at the Tri-State were great, because of the people who
attended. Many an hour was spent looking at the cars, studying them, and
remembering Corvairs from years past. I have never really been a fan of the
early models, other than Steve and Hector Gongora's cars. I have always enjoyed
their cars. I was a small boy when I met Steve's father Hector.

My favorite car at this meet was a little red 1963 convertible Spyder. It earned
the most miles traveled to the meet award, around 3,200 miles. It was a Colorado
car that was driven to the Indy 500, then to Atlanta to be in the owner's
niece's wedding, and then back across the country to Crested Butte.

When the cars were lining up to drive downtown for the show, a fellow from the
Colorado Club and I took pictures of all the cars, great pictures! Once we
arrived down town main street where the show was, it was really enjoyable,
walking around and speaking with the owners about the details of their "Vairs."
With the "Butte" mountain in the background, it was a real opportunity for cool
picture of all the cars. I enjoyed listening to all the questions people were
asking the owners. There were about 45 cars in the show on Main Street. Ralph
Nader would not have been happy.

The restoration process of the late model "Cut-away" car was very nice. Many
questions were heard and answered. This car was the same color as my 1968 Monza,
so more memories came back.

My favorite part of the convention was the awards banquet. When we arrived the
banquet room was full, so we opted for the patio overlooking the mountain.
Suddenly many people followed us outside, to enjoy the scenery and enjoy more
stories. The "Tijuana Club" presentation by Rita Gongora was special to all. The
overall show winner was a Gold 1962 Monza 4 door with original cloth seats, one
that belonged to LeRoy Rogers a long time ago. The current owners were really

At the end of the banquet it was announced that next year the Tri-State Meet
will be held in Ouray. Another great location in the mountains of Colorado!


Happy Birthday Wishes to July CNM'ers
	Debra Anderson
	Larry Blair
	Mark Domzalski
	Carol Hayes
	Larry Hayes
	Kelli Pogue Morgan
	Val Nye
	Leslie Sullivan
	Kay Sutt
	Tarmo Sutt

Happy July Anniversaries:
	Linda & Dick Cochran
	Maggie & Bob Kitts
	Kelli & Mark Morgan
	Anne & John Wiker


Jim Pittman

As we all know, Corvairs require a pressure differential between front and rear
wheels to handle properly. Most of us trained ourselves to regularly check front
tires for about 20 psi and rear tires for about 30 psi. This check is especially
important right after a mechanic does anything to your tires (new tires or an
alignment) because the typical mechanic will just set all four tires to 35 psi.
A good tire pressure gauge is pretty much standard equipment for most
knowledgeable Corvair owners.

New cars are equipped with Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS) as standard,
and the aftermarket industry has come out with devices to provide TPMS functions
for older cars. Some of these provide not only a warning, but also a readout of
each tire's pressure. Should you get one of these for your Corvair? Maybe. Are
they simple, inexpensive and reliable so you can just "set it and forget it?"
Well, maybe not.

Wikipedia will tell you how these things work. Google may help you find reviews
of aftermarket systems to install on your Corvair. And Amazon will sell them to
you. Some cost in the $40 to $60 range while others top the $1,000 mark. Whether
you buy a new car or buy an aftermarket system for an old car, can you think of
TPMS as just another safety feature that you can ignore until the warning light
comes on? Maybe you should find out how your system works, the different ways it
can fail and what to do if that warning light comes on.

The first car we owned with TPMS as standard equipment was a 2013 Honda Civic.
It had a "Direct TPMS" which means each wheel had a special valve stem with a
sensor to send signals related to tire pressure. The car's onboard computer
monitored these signals. If one (or more) sensor indicated below some threshold
pressure an idiot light on the dash would come on. Honda didn't say much about
how the system worked but only what to do if the dash indicator came on and how
to re-set the system. Knowing nothing about the system, I thought about
accuracy, failure modes and the cost of repair. Google told me that the sensor
valve stems were fairly expensive, were subject to failure by vibration or
corrosion, and needed to be carefully installed. Since the system came with the
car there was little I could do about it. While we had the car the low pressure
light came on twice, each time for a slow leak due to a nail in the tread. So,
it worked as advertised.

Later we traded the 2013 Civic for a 2016. There were features of the 2016 that
appeared to be "better" than the 2013, but there were a few things that in my
opinion were definitely not better. I'm not reviewing Honda Civics here, so let
me just discuss the tire pressure monitoring systems.

You'd think the systems on these two Civics would be the same. Not so. The 2016
Civic has ABS (automatic braking system) and that means the car's computer
continually measures the rotation speed of each wheel independently. In case of
a skid or slippery road conditions, it can modulate the amount of braking
applied to each wheel separately. With the computer measuring the speed of each
wheel all the time, there was a way to do tire pressure monitoring without those
pesky valve stem devices. This "Indirect TPMS" works by having the computer keep
track of the normal rotation speed of each wheel. If one wheel has a faster
rotational speed than the rest, the computer turns on the idiot light. The
assumption is that a lower pressure tire will have a slightly smaller diameter
and rotate faster than a correctly-inflated tire.

There is a critical functional difference between a Direct TPMS and an Indirect
TPMS. That is, the direct system with pressure sensors in the tire stem can
signal low pressure while the car is sitting still, but the indirect system
depends on wheel rotation and therefore cannot work without some number of
rotations. How many rotations? Honda does not tell you. If you start up the car
and all seems well, a low tire would make the idiot light go on only after you
had gone some distance. Ten feet? A hundred feet? Half a mile? Who knows?

We have had the low pressure warning light come on more than once in the 2016
Civic. When I'd stop the car and check the condition of the tires by feeling the
sidewalls for overheating, they seemed fine, and when I later checked the
pressures with a gauge, the pressures were fine. But, on one occasion when the
warning light came on I felt I needed to drive a mile or so before getting off
the road. The tire had lost all pressure and was ruined. I consider the warning
light not particularly reliable. It certainly does not distinguish between a
slow leak and a sudden deflation.

After reading about TPMS for new and aftermarket cars I conclude that, like most
new safety systems, there are conditions when they can be helpful and conditions
where they can be misleading or may completely fail. If I still drove a Corvair
I would do what I have always done: (1) buy good quality tires, (2) err on the
side of a little too high pressure, and (3) check those pressures regularly.

Having said that, I found reading about these things on the internet was
fascinating. It's nice to know that you can equip your older car, truck, RV or
trailer with a relatively inexpensive monitoring system. Here are some
interesting web sites I found:


	The first Tri-State event was held at Montrose, Colorado, July 9-11,
	1976 and Steve Gongora was there. He wrote a report on the event for the
	July 1976 Corvairs of New Mexico newsletter. Current members may enjoy
	reading about the very first Tri-State, forty-two years ago. -- Ed.

Steve Gongora

"Breaker 19, you got the HOC and Goldfinger sitting sidesaddle." "How's it
looking over your shoulder?"

WHA? That was some of the sounds emanating from my 65 Blue Corsa as it tooled
along at .... Well, I better not say my exact speed, but it was fast enough to
get across some of the desolate parts of New Mexico to the green mountains of
Colorado in no time flat. Those roads in Colorado were just made for the
CORVAIR. All those twists and turns are a problem for most American cars but the
CORVAIR handled just as well or better than some of those expensive foreign

On our trip to Montrose, Jack Sellers, Andy Ciupryk, and I passed through places
that would have made you think that you were in Switzerland. (Three different
times, during the trip, we were above 10,000 feet above sea level and I enjoyed
every minute of it).

We arrived in Montrose Friday afternoon and joined Bob Langlois and his two
sons. Then later met with Sylvan and Leo Ford of the Denver Club and planned the
activities for the next two days. The Economy Run, organized by Jim Foreman of
the Salt Lake City Club, was a 60 mile round trip to Ouray and back to Montrose.
At Ouray we spent most of the afternoon at the Box Canyon Falls before our trek
back. The winner of the Econo run was Jim Foreman and his CORSA with a whopping
29 mpg. Yours truly came in sixth with 25.5 mpg.

With the help of navigator Jack Sellers, I did take second place in the Fun Run.
The Fun Run took you through the streets of Montrose. What you had to do was
follow instructions given by Leo Ford and you had to answer questions that had
to do with identifying certain objects. You'll have to talk with Ike Meissner
and Bob Langlois concerning the difficulty of the event. These were some of the
people who got lost trying to complete the run.

It was a memorable experience, you should have been there. The Denver and Salt
Lake City club say there should be a TRI-STATE meet again next year. Why don't
we all plan to go?


	MON 23 JUL - 48th International Corvair Convention
	TUE 24 JUL - Doubletree Hotel Greentree
	WED 25 JUL - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
	THU 26 JUL - 1-800-222-TREE (8733) and use code CCA
	CONTACT ---- Jim Weppelman 412-577-6447 cell / text


|     July 2018          |    August 2018         |    September 2018      |
|  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa   | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa   |
|   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  |           1  2  3  4   |                    1   |
|   8  9 10 11 12 13 14  |  5  6  7  8  9 10 11   |  2  3  4  5  6  7  8   |
|  15 16 17 18 19 20 21  | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18   |  9 10 11 12 13 14 15   |
|  22 23 24 25 26 27 28  | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25   | 16 17 18 19 20 21 22   |
|  29 30 31              | 26 27 28 29 30 31      | 23 24 25 26 27 28 29   |
|                        |                        | 30                     |

WED 04 JULY  7:00 PM - our July meeting has been moved to July 14th.

SAT 07 JUL  00:00 AM - Old Route 66 Cleanup at the I-40 - NM-333 "Y"

           for July 4th. Our July meeting will be at MONROE's RESTAURANT on
          Saturday July 14th. Monroe's Restaurant is at 6051 Osuna Rd NE,
         just east of San Mateo NE.

WED 18 JUL  ....... HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER is closed today.
WED 18 JUL  5:00 PM Board meeting at Gold home,1301 Valencia NE.

FRI 20 JUL  9:00 PM Deadline for items for August 2018 newsletter

MON 23 JUL - 48th International Corvair Convention
TUE 24 JUL - Doubletree Hotel Greentree
WED 25 JUL - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
THU 26 JUL - 1-800-222-TREE (8733) and use code CCA
		  CONTACT ---- Jim Weppelman 412-577-6447 cell / text




SUN 12 AUG  NMCCC ALL CLUBS PICNIC at Oak Flats Picnic Area, Tijeras

WED 15 AUG  5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE


FRI 24 AUG  9:00 PM Deadline for items for September 2018 newsletter


SUGGESTION: Let's do another east mountains Econo-Run or Road Rally.


WED 19 SEP  5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE

FRI 21 SEP  9:00 PM Deadline for items for October 2018 newsletter



WED 17 OCT  5:00 PM Board meeting at Gold home,1301 Valencia NE.
FRI 26 OCT  9:00 PM Deadline for items for November 2018 newsletter
See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities
======================== ======================

Jim Pittman

2011 Vol 37 Nr 7 #430

John Wiker captured Red River Corvairs and the Lifts West Tri-State HQ. North
Domingo Baca Multi-generational Center was our new meeting place. The B-17 we
visited in 2008 crashed and burned near Chicago. Several members wrote about
"What this year's Tri-State meant to me" verifying that it was one of the
greats. Who remembers the exploding tire that damaged the hood of Laura
Wilshire's 1966 Corsa? Many Tri-State photos this issue.

2004 Vol 30 Nr 7 #346

David and Del and the purple Corvair at the Convention in Kentucky. We had
$2,502. We went over our revised constitution line by line and voted to adopt
it. Robert reported on an outstanding Museum car show. Steve Goodman repaired a
Maryland Corvair with no right rear brake. He said, don't use rubber fuel lines:
cracks before the pump will leak in air, and cracks after the pump will spray
gas. Dennis provided statistics from the Cripple Creek Tri-State. Del Patten and
Mark Domzalski reported on the Kentucky Convention. Seth Emerson provided an
article on steering boxes and steering arms. Who has installed a Flaming River
steering box on an early 1965? We printed the complete text of our revised
constitution. You can find it on the newsletter web page.

1997 Vol 23 Nr 7 #262

Larry Blair's 1964 Spyder convertible and Paul Campbell's 1965 Monza coupe are
at the Museum car show. New members were Mack & Marleen Milner of Farmington.
President Mark ran our meeting, secretary Chuck scribbled minutes and treasurer
Wendy reported $7,354. Dennis emailed a tech tip on replacing a 1964 Spyder's
wiring harness. Other tech tips outlined special requirements for rebuilding a
turbo engine, an easy way to change from generator to alternator, how to
touch-up paint, some early model shock tips and how to safely change springs.

1990 Vol 16 Nr 7 #178

The cover: the CORSA convention in Ontario, California. V-P Tom Martin ran our
meeting. A guest was Ed Gast and his 1963 Monza. Bill Reider asked who wanted to
pay $5 for a printed copy of Clark's parts list. Jerry reported there were 419
cars at the Albuquerque Museum car show. Tarmo invited us to bring our cars to
the Plaza at Santa Fe for the Fourth of July Fiesta. President Dale Housley's
column advised those of us without air conditioning to "roll down our windows
and drive as fast as possible" to stay cool. Tom Martin's "La Ventana" revealed
the private lives of "mischievous" Jerrold Aaron Goffe, a CNM fixture in more
ways than one. Some interesting statistics on automobiles were lifted from
GREENPEACE magazine. For instance, they claimed that an EXXON-VALDEZ-worth of
used oil is dumped into drains and sewers by American shade-tree mechanics every
two and a half weeks. Do you believe that? We've gotta get these guys out of the
back yards and into garages - the sun is cooking their brains. Finally, we had
an article from Bill Smith about the future of the Tri-State meet. He wanted
each club to discuss the options, vote on them, and let him know in time to plan
next year's event. And the issue wrapped up with tech tips by Steve Goodman on
cleaning your battery box and adjusting your tire pressures. It's vital to keep
the rears 15 pounds higher than the fronts.

1983 Vol 9 Nr 7 # 94

We must have run out of Corvair photos because our cover showed a Mercedes-Benz
500K/AK. We had $204 in the bank, but, hey, money was worth more back then. Some
members planned to join the parade in Moriarty for July 4th. A new member was
Karl Elsner. It was announced that Larry Claypool was working on a Corvair tech
guide for CORSA and tech tips were solicited for it. Bill Reider, Francis
Boydston and Robin DeVore were planning our own parts interchange booklet. Bill
Reider started a series of articles about his 1965 Monza sedan. He described
modifications he made to the car to bring it up to 1983 standards.

1976 Vol 2 Nr 7 # 18

Glen Thompson edited and we had no cover illustration. Membership stood at
fifty-two. Steve Gongora's meeting notes said we had $82 in the bank. We mailed
the June newsletter to "every possible CORVAIR contact in the USA" with the
intention of getting feedback from other clubs. We planned a second Winrock car
show. Steve reported on attending the recent club get-together in Montrose,
Colorado where a good time was had by all. This became the very first
"Tri-State" event.

Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico,
chartered Chapter #871 of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Copyright by
the Authors and by Corvairs of New Mexico. Articles may be reprinted in any
CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members, provided credit to the Author
and this Newsletter is clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or
Editor and are not necessarily endorsed by Corvairs of New Mexico or CORSA.
Material for publication should reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send
material via e-mail ( jimp @ ) or submit a readable manuscript. I prefer
ASCII TEXT, but MS Word or RTF are fine. Photographs are welcome. The newsletter
is composed using Apple computers. Software includes Mac OS-X, AppleWorks,
Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter, BBEdit and InDesign CS. If you care, ask for
more details. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends.