The February 2019 newsletter - Text Version Updated 28-Jan-2019 ==== Copyright (c) 2019 Corvairs of New Mexico ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== February 2019 / VOLUME 45 / NUMBER 2 / ISSUE 521 ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== First Place, Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, 2005 & 2012 Third Place, Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, 2010 EDITOR Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING Regular Meeting: February 2nd, 2019 at 10:00 AM HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER, 131 Monroe NE Albuquerque NM 87108 THIS MONTH President's Message ................................ Dave Allin Dues Due Dates ........................... Membership Committee January Regular Meeting .............................. Kay Sutt Birthdays & Anniversaries ............................ Sunshine January Board Meeting ........................... Steve Gongora Treasury Report ................................. Steve Gongora CNM's Charity for 2018 ............................ Vickie Hall Cost-Accounting Newsletter Production ............. Jim Pittman So, What's Up With the Tri-State This Year? ......... Ed Halpin Alamosa Tri-State Registration Form ... Pikes Peak Corvair Club Calendar of Coming Events .................. Board of Directors February, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42 Years Ago ...... Club Historian Nomination Form for Ike Meissner Award ....... Awards Committee COVER Tarmo's 1966 Corsa Turbo at Christmas with a "Santa Car" Dave's 1969 Monza Coupe at our January Meeting ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== OFFICERS and VOLUNTEERS President Dave Allin 505-410-9668 dnjallin Vice President David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 Co-secretary Linda Soukup 763-226-0707 studeboytony Co-secretary Kay Sutt 505-471-1153 tarmo Treasurer Steve Gongora 505-220-7401 stevegongora Car Council Dave Allin 505-410-9668 dnjallin Membership David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 Merchandise Vickie Hall 505-865-5574 patandvickiehall Sunshine Heula Pittman 505-275-2195 heula Newsletter Jim Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp Old Route 66 David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 Past President John Wiker 505-239-3311 wikerj63 Past President Ray Trujillo 505-814-8373 rtrujilloabq505 Past President Pat Hall 505-620-5574 patandvickiehall Past Vice-Pres Tarmo Sutt 505-690-2046 tarmo ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== MEETINGS: First Saturday of each Month at 10:00 AM Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== INTERNET CORSA's home page CNM's newsletters Steve Gongora's page Larry Yoffee's home page New Mexico Council of Car Clubs ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== SCHEDULE CNM: 12 months = $25.00 or 26 months = $ 50.00 OF CORSA: 12 months = $45.00 or 26 months = $ 90.00 DUES CNM & CORSA: 12 months = $70.00 or 26 months = $140.00 ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== DUES DUE DATES FEBRUARY 2019 DUE LAST MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE 2019.01 Connie & Floyde Adams 25-FEB-2019 2019.01 Carolyn & Dan Palmer 25-FEB-2019 DUE THIS MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE 2019.02 Mike Butler 25-MAR-2019 2019.02 Barbara & Gordon Johnson 25-MAR-2019 2019.02 Janet & Steve Johnson 25-MAR-2019 DUE NEXT MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE 2019.03 H. C. "Lube" Lubert 25-APR-2019 2019.03 Kelli & Mark Morgan 25-APR-2019 2019.03 Natalie Robison 25-APR-2019 2019.03 Emma & LeRoy Rogers 25-APR-2019 2019.03 Brenda Wilvert 25-APR-2019 DUE APRIL 2019 ====================== INACTIVE DATE 2019.04 Janice & David Allin 25-MAY-2019 2019.04 Deborah & John Dinsdale 25-MAY-2019 INACTIVE ============================ INACTIVE DATE 2018.02 Lilian & Timothy Shortle 25-MAR-2018 2018.08 David Hutchinson 25-SEP-2018 2018.10 Lilly & Ray Gonzales 25-NOV-2018 2018.11 Leslie & Kevin Sullivan 25-DEC-2018 Send your Dues to: CNM Treasurer Steve Gongora, House of Covers 115 Richmond NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106 Past due memberships become inactive after a one-month grace period. The Club will mail in your National Dues if you send us the renewal form from your Communique. As of 26 January we have 41 active family memberships. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== President's Letter Dave Allin This is my second month as president, and already many good things are happening. We now have a new time and place to meet and I am hopeful it will greatly improve attendance. The Board of Directors met at the Highland Senior Center the other night, and it is a very nice facility with lots of parking. The staff there were very friendly and appeared to really appreciate our presence. We are working on getting our official paperwork with the State and with CORSA up to date, and making real progress in that area. By next month I believe we will be entirely straight with both entities. Meanwhile editor Jim Pittman is looking into ways to improve our website and make it operate more smoothly with the CORSA-hosted website, which is now very difficult to update due to a change in operating systems. The Pikes Peak Corvair Club has just sent out updated information about the next Tri-State, which will now be in May in Alamosa, Colorado. I am communicating with the PPCC Tri-State Event Chair, Ed Halpin, regarding some changes they are proposing to the awards ceremony. It sounds like the Tri-State is going to be a lot of fun, and I encourage everyone who can to attend. I plan on driving my Monza up there. Our next meeting is Saturday, February 2, at 10:00 A.M. at the Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE. Let's have a great turnout for the meeting, where we have lots to discuss about the future of the club. And the following Saturday, February 9, will be a club event at the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History, 601 Eubank SE, at 11:00 A.M. We will tour the museum and determine whether it could be a site for folks to attend during our Tri-State next year. And for those interested, the Supernationals Custom Car Show is January 25-27 at the Fairgrounds. If you come, you will find me at the Model Car Contest in the Creative Arts building all three days, and I will guarantee that there will be at least one Corvair model in the contest. At the Mecum collector car auction in Kissimmee, Florida, a Yenko Stinger sold for $200,000. At the Barret-Jackson auction in Scottsdale, Arizona, a 1962 Rampside sold for $70,000, and a 1966 Monza convertible with 110 engine, Powerglide, and factory A/C sold for $38,000. Maybe Corvair values are climbing more rapidly than we thought. David Allin ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== Minutes of Regular Club Meeting January 5th, 2019 -- Kay Sutt The weather-postponed meeting was called to order by president David Allin at 10:10 AM in his home at 6116 Thicket Street, NW, with twelve members in attendance. The 50/50 drawing netted a total of $22 for the club when Rita Gongora donated her half to the club. Treasurer's Report: Steve Gongora and David Allin met Robert Gold to transfer responsibility for the bank account at Wells Fargo Bank to the new Board. After the $76 received at the current meeting ($22 for 50/50 and $50 for dues) the balance in the club's account is $6,840.87. Newsletter Report: Jim Pittman indicated the deadline for the next newsletter is 9:00 PM on Friday, 01/25/2019. He reported the newsletter sent via the US mail is limited to 14 pages. The printing and postage cost to the club is about $15 per year per member. If there is material for the newsletter beyond 14 pages, it can be included in the PDF version on the website. Any member, whether they get the mailed paper version or not, can download the website PDF version. Members who currently receive the US mail copy, but are willing to access it only via the website, may contact Jim at to ask him to stop mailing the paper copy. Merchandise Committee Report: Vickie was not present, but she will present her annual report at the February meeting. Secretaries' Reports: The minutes of the last meeting, by Kay Sutt, were read/approved at the Christmas party, so the report was not re-read. Survey Results: Linda Soukup, co-secretary, reported a total of 26 of the 50 surveys she sent out had been returned to date, with two more arriving the day of the club meeting, but not included in the statistics. Results of the survey are as follows (the two top choices in the categories are presented): Meeting Times: 1) Saturday morning (57%); 2) Saturday afternoon (46%) Meeting Locations: various answers - no clear majority, top votes (only 4 votes) to Copper Canyon Restaurant and Old Car Garage (only 3 votes) Club Events: 1) breakfasts (24%); 2) museums (18%) Car Pooling: only two people reported this would help them attend club events Tech Sessions: 91% of respondents said they would attend Meeting Discussions: there were many suggestions, the majority including talk/hands-on maintenance/videos/technical issues/speakers regarding the Corvairs. Tours: A total of 47 suggestions were made, and a total of 15 people were willing to organize tours. Therefore, please let one of the Board members know details and timing of the tour you are willing to organize, so these can be arranged on the upcoming calendar. Attending Tri-State: 1) yes - 54%; 2) no - 19% 3) maybe - 15%. Several were interested in caravanning to Tri-States. National Convention Interest: 1) yes - 62%; 2) no - 27% List of Corvair "Gurus": a total of fourteen people offered to help with advice and/or assistance if needed. They are: John/Deb Dinsdale, Ed Halpin, Pat/Vickie Hall, Geoffery Johnson, Mark Morgan, Larry Blair, Terry Price, Dave Huntoon, Tarmo Sutt, Tony Berbig, Dave Allin, Curtis Shimp, Lube Lubert and Phil Finch. Find their contact info in the club roster. Willing to sell parts: Ed Halpin, Pat Hall, Brenda Stickler, Geoffrey Johnson, Larry Blair, LeRoy Rogers, Terry Price, Dave Huntoon, Tony Berbig Dave Allin, Phil Finch, Tarmo Sutt. Find their contact info in the club roster. Willing to help with the 2020 Tri-State meet: a total of 20 people said they were willing to help in some way. There were numerous other suggestions made regarding CNM organization, events and activities going forward. If you want the full rundown of the survey results, contact Linda Soukup at Ultimately, the survey indicates there is strong support for continuing CNM, and many generous and capable people are willing to help move the club forward! Old Business: No update has been received regarding the 2019 Tri-State meet originally scheduled for Ouray, Colorado but now changed to another venue. As new information is received it will be available on the web site or via email. Mandatory membership in CORSA was discussed. Jim Pittman reported he would update the club information on the CORSA website to reflect the new Board and any other CNM changes, and he will work to determine CORSA's requirements for CNM's continued affiliation with CORSA. The primary benefits of CORSA membership to CNM were pointed out to be contact/information regarding other Corvair owners/clubs and insurance for CORSA sponsored events. Steve Gongora referenced a cell phone app which shows all CNM members and their contact info in PDF format. iPhone users have the additional possibility to access the members internally from the "Books" app. Contact Steve for details at The Christmas party was successful, and there were many positive comments. Thanks and applause for Heula and Vickie! The update of the "Care and Feeding of Your Corvair" publication is approaching completion, with more information to follow soon. We had a lengthy discussion of the Taos T-Shirt printing error which resulted in a $550 refund from the printer to CNM's treasury back in 2017. There was at least one complaint regarding this issue by a member of one of the other two Tri-State clubs. Records of who purchased T-Shirts for the meet are no longer available. We discussed possible solutions: 1) do nothing as only one complaint was received and the issue was settled by a previous Board over a year ago; 2) offer refunds to anyone who returns their shirt; 3) offer free shirts or reduced cost shirts at the 2020 CNM-sponsored Tri-State; or 4) split the $550 evenly ($183.33 per club) among the three clubs to keep or distribute as they see fit. The vote was not unanimous, but the overwhelming majority voted for Option 4, so Rocky Mountain Corsa and Pikes Peak Corvair Club will be contacted and issued checks for 1/3 of the $550 refund that CNM received from the printer. New Business: Saturday daytime general meetings were overwhelmingly preferred by the membership responding to the survey, with mornings preferred. Discussion of the two top locations resulted in both being discarded -- Old Car Garage is unavailable Saturday mornings, and for several reasons Copper Canyon Restaurant was not determined to be the best choice. Ray Trujillo talked to the management of Highland Senior Center, which is available at no cost on Saturday mornings; and this allowed the membership present to agree that .... FUTURE CLUB MEETINGS WILL BE HELD AT HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER, LOCATED AT 131 MONROE STREET, NE ON THE FIRST SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH AT 10:00 AM. The next meeting will be February 2nd. Board meetings will be held the third Wednesday of each month at the Highland Senior Center at 5:00 PM. Remember that all members are welcome to attend Board meetings. The Sunshine Committee submitted a request for a $200 budget for the coming year's events; this was passed unanimously, and Steve will issue a check. A question regarding the possibility of a new printing run of CNM shirts/hats was brought up. Steve Gongora has handled this in the past and offered to seek details (number of shirts/hats required per run, costs, etc.) and report back to the club. Terry Price agreed to send out a postcard shortly highlighting the time and place changes for meetings and the January/February club events. Upcoming CNM and Other Car events: Every Saturday Morning - There is a Cars and Coffee "tire-kicking" event from about 7:30 AM till around noon in the parking lot of Hello Deli at 7600 Jefferson Street NE. Lots of nice cars show up! January 12, Saturday - Club Breakfast with the VMCCA club at 9:30 AM at Monroe's Restaurant at 6051 Osuna Boulevard, NE. January 16, Wednesday - CNM Board Meeting, 5:00 PM at Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe Street NE. February 2, Saturday - General Club Meeting, 10:00 AM at Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe Street NE. February 9, Saturday at 11:00 AM - CNM Tour of the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History at 601 Eubank Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM 87123. Bring your Corvair and we will all park together in front of the museum! The meeting was adjourned slightly after noon. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== Happy Birthday Wishes to February CNM'ers: Alan Gold Bob Kitts February Anniversaries: Steve and Rita Gongora ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== Board Meeting - 2019-Jan-16 Steve Gongora Present: David Allin, Jim Pittman, Ray Trujillo, David Huntoon, Steve Gongora Meeting came to order at Highland Senior Center around 5:00 PM. 1. CORSA Chapter membership, CORSA Chapter Report, Reporting Chapter membership. David Allin will address the question of our current fees to CORSA. Are we paid for the current year of 2019 or only through 2018? David will also update CORSA's list of elected officers. 2. New Mexico Corporations Commission Nonprofit Fee: The annual report for the State will be completed by Steve Gongora. This includes the updated list of officers for CNM. This is an online task. 3. The Care & Feeding book. Bill Reider thought members could use a handy reference guide and put together the Care & Feeding of Your Corvair book in the early 1990s. He revised it several times. Since the first edition, a copy of the bright yellow Care & Feeding book has been given to each new member. It has been distributed at Tri-State events and CORSA conventions and has been a great addition to our club locally and globally. Both Clark's Corvair Parts and Corvair Underground have offered our book for sale. When the Board felt we needed to update the book for a 10th printing, Robert Gold took on the task. David Allin now has the latest Care & Feeding files as Word formatted documents. He will edit and update the files. When updated, Jim will take the files to ABQGrafix for an estimate for printing new books. We are hoping to finish the project and print new books soon. 4. 2017 Taos Tri-State T-shirt action. A letter and check were sent to the presidents of Rocky Mountain CORSA and Pikes Peak Corvair Club in the amount of $183.33 each. This amount is a third of the refund we received from the company which provided T-shirts for the event. The T-shirts contained an error: an incorrect year was printed on the shirts. The T-shirt company refunded $550 to CNM. We felt that refunding a third of this amount to each of the Colorado clubs was the least unfair way to deal with the printing error. 5. Postcard for Meeting Location and dates: A postcard was sent to our members stating the new meeting day and a couple of events. The correct date for the next meeting is Saturday February 2, 2019 at 10:00 AM at Highland Senior Center, not February 9th as shown on the postcard. Saturday February 9th is the correct day for the for gathering at the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History at 11:00 AM. David Allin sent an email to all members to notify of the error. 6. Tri-State for 2019: The location and dates of this year's Tri-State will be Alamosa, Colorado the weekend of May 17-18-19 instead of at Ouray in June. There is a website specifically for the 2019 Alamosa Tri-State, hosted by the Pikes Peak Corvair Club. Go there for information, to register and to order T-shirts: 7. CNM Membership Roster: Our Constitution calls for the membership roster to be maintained by the Secretary. However, for many years Jim Pittman has been doing it and wishes to continue, since he prints mailing labels for mailing out the newsletter. Jim also keeps the list updated with dues paid dates and expiration dates. He distributes the member list to club officers as needed in either TEXT or PDF format. PDF format is especially helpful when kept on the mobile phone for instant access to phone numbers. 8. Local and National Dues Management: Membership issues were discussed concerning local and national dues. Jim has been able to keep the member list up-to-date with CNM member dues, and years ago was able to access CORSA membership and dues dates. CORSA's information apparently is no longer available to us and Jim is not updating it. Members of CORSA are sent a renewal form by CORSA, and the dues due date is printed on the label of the Communique. 9. 100% CORSA Membership: Our Constitution says CNM members will maintain CORSA membership. In practice, when a new member joins CNM they pay dues for both CNM and CORSA, either 12 months or 26 months. Traditionally we have had our secretary forward payments of CORSA dues directly to CORSA, including dues paid when members renew their membership. Many members pay their own dues directly to CORSA, but some have given CORSA dues to the Secretary who would then forward them to CORSA. Some of us question whether the secretary should be responsible for handling CORSA dues. Can we ask CNM members to take care of their own obligations to CORSA? 10. Membership in CORSA or local Chapters: Tarmo bought up at our November 25th meeting that there are far more Corvair owners belonging to internet groups (i.e. Facebook, Corvair Owners' Group, Corvair Forum, etc.) than to CORSA or local Corvair clubs. They get the benefit of Corvair knowledge without paying dues. It requires a lot of effort, knowledge, experience, sweat and tears to make Chapter newsletters available online. Many of us feel Corvair enthusiasts should give back to all those who offer these precious tools by paying local club dues, supporting local Chapters and joining national CORSA so these labors of love can continue. Organizations exist only through mutual support of all members. 11. CNM Websites: There are two websites supporting CNM. The active and up-to-date site is Jim Pittman's where he maintains records of most aspects of club business. Steve Gongora has maintained the site on CORSA's server but it has fallen out of date due to unsupported software. To what extent is the current situation a problem? If there are problems, we should look for solutions. Suggestions have been (1) CORSA's site could link directly (instead of indirectly) to Jim's site. (2) Jim could take over maintenance of the CORSA-supported site. (3) Jim could move his page and its contents to the CORSA server. (4) Someone could be found to update and modernize the site on CORSA's server and both sites would continue. We solicit comments and suggestions. How important is a web site with WANTED and FOR SALE advertising? Jim's site cannot provide this. How much of a problem is it to have two "competing" CNM web sites? Meeting adjourned at 6:05 PM. ========================================================================================== TREASURY REPORT FOR 12-xx-2018 to 01-18-2019 DATE CHECK# AMOUNT PAYEE DESCRIPTION BALANCE = $6,863.35 $6,863.35 ========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================= ========= 2018.12.17 2333 -$ 50.05 H.Pittman Newsletter Printing DEC 2018 -$ 26.62 $6,836.73 2018.12.17 -$ H.Pittman Newsletter Postage 33 x $0.71 -$ 23.43 $6,813.30 2019.01.05 2334 -$ 44.43 H.Pittman Newsletter Printing JAN 2019 -$ 23.13 $6,790.17 2019.01.05 -$ H.Pittman Newsletter Postage 30 x $0.71 -$ 21.30 $6,768.87 2019.01.06 2335 -$ 183.33 RMC club Shared T-shirt refund -$ 183.33 $6,585.54 2019.01.06 2336 -$ 183.33 PPCC club Shared T-shirt refund -$ 183.33 $6,402.21 2019.01.07 $ 22.00 Deposit 50/50 for January "Raffle" $ 22.00 $6,424.21 2019.01.07 $ 25.00 Dues D.Huntoon 12 m CNM $ 25.00 $6,449.21 2019.01.07 $ 50.00 Dues A.Berbig 26 m CNM $ 50.00 $6,499.21 2019.01.07 $ 50.00 Dues T.Sutt 26 m CNM $ 50.00 $6,549.21 2019.01.15 $ 25.00 Dues J.Anderson 12 m CNM $ 25.00 $6,574.21 2019.01.15 $ 50.00 Dues F.Edeskuty 26 m CNM $ 50.00 $6,624.21 ========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================= ========= 2019.02.01 FEB NEWSLETTER ========================================== $6,624.21 $6,624.21 NOT ACCOUNTED FOR: 2018.12.17 $ 16.50 Deposit 50/50 for December "Raffle" $ 16.50 $ ========================================================================================== ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== CNM's Charity for 2018 -- The Storehouse Items that were left over from CNM's Bingo/Auction in November and donated items that were brought to CNM's Christmas Party for the Storehouse included one large and one medium box of food, personal items for men and women, clothes, shoes, jackets, miscellaneous housewares, books and lots of other items. I added several boxes of various other items that I have collected throughout the year for CNM's Charity. There are a total of 22 boxes. Monetary donations total $40.00. Thank You, Everyone! Vickie Hall, Merchandise Chair ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== Cost-Accounting Newsletter Expenses and Expected Dues Income for 2017 - 2018 Report by Editor Jim Pittman INCOME FROM DUES: As of today, we have approximately 41 dues-paying family memberships. In recent months, 17 of them paid dues for a year (12 months) at a time ($25) In recent months, 24 of them paid dues two years (26 months) at a time ($50) Then our average "expected" income from dues in a future year would be: Paying 12 at a time: 17 members x $25 x 12 / 12 = $ 425.00 /year on average Paying 26 at a time: 24 members x $50 x 12 / 26 = $ 553.85 /year on average ======== TOTAL YEARLY DUES INCOME = $ 978.85 /year on average EXPECTED DUES INCOME PER MEMBER = $ 978.85 / 41 = $ 23.87 /year on average PRINTING & MAILING COSTS: We print 36 copies each month. Newsletters are 12 to 14 pages. We mail them in envelopes. Postage for 2 ounces is $0.71. We mail about 33 copies per month. If we print 36 copies at 14 pages, it would cost $ 26.62 to print /month If we mail 33 copies at $0.71 ea, it would cost $ 23.43 in stamps /month If we mail 33 envelopes at $0.062 ea, it would cost $ 2.05 envelopes /month If we print 36 copies at 12 pages, it would cost $ 22.82 to print /month If we mail 33 copies at $0.71 ea, it would cost $ 23.43 in stamps /month If we mail 33 envelopes at $0.062 ea, it would cost $ 2.05 envelopes /month 14: $ 26.62 + $ 23.43 + $ 2.05 = $ 52.10 /month 12: $ 22.82 + $ 23.43 + $ 2.05 = $ 48.30 /month 14: $ 52.10 /month x 12 = $ 625.20 /year / 41 members = $ 15.25 / member /year 12: $ 48.30 /month x 12 = $ 579.60 /year / 41 members = $ 14.14 / member /year EFFECT OF DUES / PRINTING COSTS ON TREASURY: If our "dues income" is $ 978.85 per year on average, and A 14-page newsletter cost is -$ 625.20 per year to produce, then Our "net income" will be +$ 353.65 per year (treasury gain) For 41 members, that is +$ 8.63 per year per member (treasury gain) If our "dues income" is $ 978.85 per year on average, and A 12-page newsletter cost is -$ 579.60 per year to produce, then Our "net income" will be +$ 399.25 per year (treasury gain) For 41 members, that is +$ 9.74 per year per member (treasury gain) ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== ==TRI=STATE=NEWS===TRI=STATE=NEWS===TRI=STATE=NEWS===TRI=STATE=NEWS===TRI=STATE=NEWS== 35th Tri-State Corvair Meet May 17-19, 2019 Alamosa, Colorado Host Hotel is the "Best Western Alamosa" 2005 Main Street Alamosa, CO 81101 Make reservations today at 719-589-2567 Book before 4/16 and mention "Corvair" for $110.99 per night special rate, while rooms are available. Hotel is pet friendly, has plenty of on-site parking, is 100% smoke free, has free Wi-Fi, is air-conditioned, has both a swimming pool & hot tub, and is ADA accessible/compliant. Schedule of Events * Friday Registration and Welcome Party at the Host hotel * Saturday "Show 'n Shine" car show in downtown Alamosa * Buffet banquet and Awards Presentation Saturday evening * Sunday, visit The Great Sand Dunes National Park on your way home Hosted by Pikes Peak Corvair Club, Colorado Springs, Colorado For more information and to register, visit the PPCC website at and be sure to join in the conversation on our "2019 Tri-State Corvair Meet" Facebook event page ==TRI=STATE=NEWS===TRI=STATE=NEWS===TRI=STATE=NEWS===TRI=STATE=NEWS===TRI=STATE=NEWS== Reprinted from: The DRIP LINE Pikes Peak Corvair Club So, What's Up With the Tri-State This Year? Submitted by Ed Halpin, Tri-State Chair Over the past couple weeks, I've been getting a number of emails from folks asking me, "What's up with the Tri-State this year? My standyrd response has been, "we're working on it", but with the 2019 Tri-State now securely locked in to the town ofAlamosa, CO, I wanted to share some of the background as to why it's taken this long to get everything scheduled. For those of you who may have attended last year's Tri-State event out in Crested butte, CO, you'll remember that the next Tri-State was announced to be held in Ouray, CO (pronounced "yoo-ray"). I made a visit to the town of Ouray in early Fall, secured a nice location for the Banquet, a great venue for the Show & Shine car show, and what I believed to be an awesome arrangement for our lodging accommodations, spanning the reservations across two local properties within walking distance of each other". Everything went well during the visit, and subsequent email and phone communications kept us on track. The one sticking point, which was still being ironed out, was the per night room rate. The June time frame that we had initially planned the event for was considered "peak season", so there was very little wiggle room with the hotel on the pricing, and virtually no incentive for the hotel to come down on their rate as they would have no problem filling all of the rooms with folks going 4-wheeling in the area. After several conversations, I still believed that we would be able to negotiate that rate down to what I saw as a reasonable rate + tax & resort fee (would I be willing to pay it?), but in the end, the price point of almost $ 150 per night was deemed unacceptable, so the PPCC leadership agreed to look for another town to host the event The town of Alamosa was chosen as the new site, and we moved discussions forward with a number of hotels in the area. Understanding that "peak season" was once again going to cause a problem, we decided to move the date of the event up several weeks, to the weekend of May 17 -19. This allowed us to secure a much better rate of $110.99 per night + tax, with a hot breakfast, and all the amenities that the Best Western ofAlamosa offers; pet friendly, plenty of on-site parking, 100% smoke free, free Wi-Fi, air-conditioned, swimming pool and hot tub, and the hotel is ADA accessible/compliant. So, there ya have it, that's what's caused the delay in getting all of the event and registration info out to you. Within this newsletter, you'll find a copy of the event Registration Form. Please print it, fill it out, and mail it in before the stated deadlines for t-shirts and banquet reservation. A couple admin notes: All reservations will be pre-paid, so please be sure to enclose a check for payment along with your reservation form. If we do not receive your reservation by the stated deadline, you will not be guaranteed a seat at the banquet table. We will do our very best to accommodate "day-of" registrants, but the food will have already been paid for, so if you snooze, you may not get to eat. Same goes for the t-shirts; we will only order those shirts ordered/received by the deadline. You'll notice that this year, along with a black crew neck t-shirt, we are also offering a pink v-neck t-shirt option for the ladies. We're doing this to honor a request by many of our members, so get your orders in and wear them proudly! There will be no extras ordered, so if you want an event shirt, please ensure you mark it on the registration form and include the appropriate payment. More info on the Tri-State can be found at the PPCC website at and be sure to join in the conversation on our "2019 Tri-State Corvair Meet" Facebook event page at groups/2045448495501301/ ==TRI=STATE=NEWS===TRI=STATE=NEWS===TRI=STATE=NEWS===TRI=STATE=NEWS===TRI=STATE=NEWS== Registration Form 35th Tri-State Corvair Meet Hosted by the Pikes Peak Corvair Club Alamosa, Colorado May 17-19, 2019 Attendee(s): Name 1 (First, Last) _______________________________________________________ Name 2 (First, Last) _______________________________________________________ Name 3 (First, Last) _______________________________________________________ Name 4 (First, Last) _______________________________________________________ Street Address: ____________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________________________________ State:________________ Zip: _______________ Email: _______________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________________ Club Affiliation: __________________________________________________________ Vehicle Information: _______________________________________________________ Car 1: Participant's name (First, Last) ____________________________________ Model:_________________ Open/Closed/Wagon/Specialty ________________________ Year: __________ Color: ________________ Car 2: Participant's name (First, Last) ____________________________________ Model:_________________ Open/Closed/Wagon/Specialty ________________________ Year: __________ Color: ________________ Event T-Shirt. NOTE: Shirt orders WILL NOT be accepted after 5-3-2019. Women's Pink V-neck ___S ___M ___L ___XL Men's Black Crew Neck ___S ___M ___L ___XL ___XXL ___XXXL For more information, check out our Event Facebook page at If You Have a Question, Contact: Ed Hatpin: John Green: 303-688-9013 Host Hotel: Best Western Alamosa 2005 Main Street Alamosa, CO 81101 Make Reservations Today at 719-589-2567 Mention 'Corvair' for $110.99 per night special rate. Hotel is pet friendly. |================================================================ | | QTY | Cost Each | Total | |==================================|=======|===========|=========| | Registration | | $l5 | $15 | |==================================|=======|===========|=========| | Friday Night Welcome Party | | Free | | |==================================|=======|===========|=========| | Banquet Buffet | | | | | (Adult) Gluten Free ___ | | | | | Vegetarian ___ | | $35 | | |==================================|=======|===========|=========| | Banquet Buffet | | | | | (Child Under 10) Gluten Free ___ | | | | | Vegetarian ___ | | $20 | | |==================================|=======|===========|=========| | Event T-Shirt(s) | | | | | (Delivered at Event) | | $20 | | |==================================|=======|===========|=========| | | | | | | Total | | | | |================================================================ Registration Deadline Dates: Banquet Reservation - May 3, 2019 T-Shirt Orders - May 3, 2019 Make Checks payable to "PPCC" Mail Check and Registration Form to: Ed Halpin ATTN: 2019 Tri-State Registration 1668 Marsh Hawk Circle Castle Rock, CO 80109 ==TRI=STATE=NEWS===TRI=STATE=NEWS===TRI=STATE=NEWS===TRI=STATE=NEWS===TRI=STATE=NEWS== ============================================================================ | February 2019 | March 2019 | April 2019 | | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | | 1 2 | 1 2 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 | | 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | | 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | | 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | | 24 25 26 27 28 | 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | 28 29 30 | | | 31 | | ============================================================================ SAT 02 FEB 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE SAT 09 FEB 11:00 AM National Museum of Nuclear Science and History 601 Eubank Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM 87123 On Eubank just south of Central. Bring Your Corvair! WED 20 FEB 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE FRI 22 FEB 9:00 PM Deadline for items for March 2019 newsletter WED 27 FEB 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE ============================================================================ SAT 02 MAR 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE XXX xx MAR ........ Our 45th Anniversary Party and 2019 MEISSNER AWARD - TBA SUN 10 MAR 2:00 AM Set your clocks ahead an hour because the government is stealing an hour out of our lives. We will get the hour back after tolerating another one-hour jet lag experience in November. WED 20 MAR 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE WED 27 MAR 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE FRI 29 MAR 9:00 PM Deadline for items for April 2019 newsletter ============================================================================ SAT xx APR x:xx AM Old Route 66 Cleanup SAT 06 APR 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE WED 17 APR 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE WED 24 APR 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE FRI 26 APR 9:00 PM Deadline for items for May 2019 newsletter ============================================================================ SAT 04 MAY 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE WED 15 MAY 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE FRI 17 MAY ........ Tri-State - hosted by PIKES PEAK CORVAIR CLUB SAT 18 MAY ........ Tri-State - Alamosa, Colorado SUN 19 MAY ........ Tri-State - Best Western in Alamosa WED 22 MAY 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE FRI 24 MAY 9:00 PM Deadline for items for June 2019 newsletter ============================================================================ SUGGESTION: A garage tour or TUNA, hosted by Pat Hall SUGGESTION: A visit to the Telephone Museum on Fourth Street SUGGESTION: A visit to the new WEATHER LAB at the Balloon Museum SUGGESTION: A visit to the Soaring Museum in Moriarty SUGGESTION: Activities with other clubs such as VMCCA. ============================================================================ See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities ======================== ====================== ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== SEVEN YEARS AGO [ FEBRUARY 2019 VOL 45 Nr 2 ISSUE 521 ] Jim Pittman 2012 V.38 Nr 2 # 437 A breakfast in Los Lunas. President Wiker said Highland Center was re-opening. Pat Hall reported that a half quart of REZLON with zinc was the correct oil additive for Corvairs. Steve Goodman provided a preview of the Salida Tri-State. Bill Reider said the 50/50 was not enough for the Sunshine Committee and there should be an annual stipend. LeRoy planned a garage tour in July. Club jackets were $18.30 each. Larry Yoffee hoped to get other car clubs to join us at the Balloon Fiesta. Bill Reider's tech talk was on getting the right distributor. Paul Campbell told about his first and later Corvairs. 2005 V.31 Nr 2 # 353 An intrepid crew rescue an early convertible from the woods. Robert Gold's told us all about it. A photo showed a broken speedometer cable. VP Sally's minutes were terse. We had breakfast at Milly's. We planned a trip to Bosque del Apache. We worried about newsletters being mangled in the mail. David told us about a race driver, George Huntoon, who drove for Briggs Cunningham in 1951 at LeMans. The Sunshine Committee reported a meeting at Wendell's. There was a group photo. We previewed our 31st Anniversary party. Steve Goodman previewed the Ouray Tri-State. Steve told of the tradition of a "New Year's Day Drive" by the Denver club. 1998 V.24 Nr 2 # 269 The cover showed a 1966 Monza coupe to be raffled at the St. Louis CORSA convention. President Dennis ran the meeting, Chuck took notes, Wendy reported $7,426. We planned to design a new club banner. We planned to install a flag pole at the Boydston cabin. Plans for the 1998 Christmas party were under way. Sylvan showed shifter parts, pointing out the usual wear points and how to fix them. We planned a tour to the AT&T Museum downtown. Dennis provided two Virtual Vairs articles. Seth Emerson described Corvair sway bars and handling problems. Patrick ( gave ideas for Corvair brake improvements. In his twentieth year as editor, Jim told how the newsletter got started, how it faded and was revived. The little guy in the back of his head does most of the work, leaving Jim relatively sane. 1991 V.17 Nr 2 # 185 The cover Corvair was not rocket-propelled, but was being tested for cross-wind stability. New aluminum license plates were on order and we worked on "new member" packets. President Gongora outlined plans for the year's events. Previews included: a garage tour, the Tri-State meet, a speaker on windshield repair, another on the Corvette Restoration Society, a tour to the VLA and an econo-run. Francis Boydston had a tech tip on removing a stuck power enrichment valve. There was a tip on how to safely dispose of used motor oil. 1984 V.10 Nr 2 # 101 Three Corvairs drove through the snow. George Morin demonstrated seals and an alternator conversion for early models. Jim's analyzed the new Pontiac Fiero and pointed out all the ways a Corvair is better. Instead of spending x-thousand dollars for a new Fiero you could spend a third of that on restoring your old faithful Corvair. Bill Reider told the best way to torque Corvair heads. George Morin told how to rebuild old worn-out sloppy carb linkages. The SAE told us not to neglect those old cracked fuel lines because cracked fuel lines could start a fire. 1977 V.3 (No newsletter for February) February/March 1977 Volume 3 Number 2 -- This issue featured an article by Ike Meissner on autocrossing. Richard Finch told how to torque Corvair heads. C. Nicol of South Coast CORSA described Corvair clutch modifications, but Ike said the mod would not work on late models unless the crank bolts were ground down 1/8 inch. Photo At left: reminders of the December Albuquerque blizzard. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== THE IKE MEISSNER AWARD FOR 2019 The IKE MEISSNER AWARD is presented annually to a Corvairs of New Mexico (CNM) member in good standing who best exemplifies a spirit of camaraderie and fellowship, in the Corvair realm, with other CNM members and other Corvair enthusiasts. To commemorate the occasion, the recipient shall be awarded a plaque suitable for prominent display. The award shall read: YEAR Corvairs of New Mexico IKE MEISSNER AWARD AWARD RECIPIENT NAME The selection committee for the awards shall be comprised of three CNM members appointed by the CNM President, within two months of the last presentation, who will work with and report to the CNM Vice-President. It is recommended that at least two of the three members be immediate past award recipients. It is preferable for the last three immediate recipients to serve on the selection committee. The CNM Vice-President shall achieve approval of the award by concurrence with a quorum of the officers of CNM. (i.e., Three of the four CNM officers must concur to approve the award.) Guidelines for consideration for the Ike Meissner Award, in order of priority, shall be: 1. Attend meetings and plan, coordinate or organize CNM activities or events 2. Share Corvair knowledge, contribute technical information and tips to the CNM newsletter or other CORSA publications. 3. Encourage owners to preserve, maintain and share in the lore of the Corvair. 4. Serve in CNM as a committee person, chair, director and/or officer. 5. Attend an official CORSA event and/or serve with CORSA in an officially recognized capacity. 6. Recruit at least one new member. The presentation of the Ike Meissner Award shall be made at the annual CNM Anniversary Banquet or at a time and place designated by the CNM President. The presentation shall be made by the CNM Vice President or an alternate designated by the CNM President. The content of the oral award presentation shall be scripted in advance and have achieved concurrence of the Ike Meissner Award Committee and the CNM Vice President or an alternate designated by the CNM President. The oral award presentation and engraved plaque shall be prepared no later than one week prior to the annual CNM Anniversary Banquet or the otherwise designated time and place. Recipients of the Ike Meissner Award to date: 01. 1987 Dec 2 Bill Hector 02. 1988 Dec 7 Jerry Goffe 03. 1989 Dec 6 LeRoy Rogers 04. 1990 Dec 5 Jim Pittman 05. 1991 Dec 4 Sylvan Zuercher 06. 1992 Dec 2 Bill Reider 07. 1993 Dec 1 Steve Gongora 08. 1994 Dec 7 Michael Stickler 09. 1995 Dec 9 Charles Vertrees 10. 1996 Dec 7 Debbie Pleau 11. 1997 Dec 6 Mark Domzalski 12. 1998 Dec 6 Wendell Walker 13. 1999 Dec 5 Dennis Pleau 14. 2000 Dec 3 Rita Gongora 15. 2001 Dec 2 Oliver Scheflow ... 2002 (We moved the award date from December to March) 16. 2003 Mar 9 Anne Mae Gold 17. 2004 Mar 27 Larry Blair 18. 2005 Mar 26 Robert Gold 19. 2006 Mar 18 Tarmo Sutt 20. 2007 Mar 10 Dave Huntoon 21. 2008 Mar 15 Heula Pittman 22. 2009 Mar 7 Ray Trujillo 23. 2010 Mar 21 Ruth Boydston 24. 2011 Mar 6 Brenda Stickler ... 2012 No Meissner Award this year. ... 2013 No Meissner Award this year. ... 2014 No Meissner Award this year. 25. 2015 Mar 21 Larry Yoffee 26. 2016 Mar 12 Vickie Hall 27. 2017 Mar 11 Pat Hall 28. 2018 Mar 10 John Wiker If you wish to nominate a CNM member for the IKE MEISSNER AWARD, fill out the form below and get it to the President or other board member no later than the end of the February 2019 meeting. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== A chartered chapter of CORSA-(Corvair Society of America) Ike Meissner Award Nomination The Ike Meissner Award is presented annually to a Corvairs of New Mexico (CNM) member, in good standing who best exemplifies a spirit of camaraderie and fellowship, in the Corvair realm, with other CNM members and other Corvair enthusiasts. Keep this nomination confidential and submit your entry to the CNM Vice President. Nomination form is available in both the February issue of the Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter and at the Membership meeting. The deadline of the nomination will be by the end of the February Meeting. Nominee: Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _________________________________________________________ Main reason for nomination: _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Nominated by: ____________________________ Date: __________________________ (Please Print) ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico, chartered Chapter #871 of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Copyright by the Authors and by Corvairs of New Mexico. Articles may be reprinted in any CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members, provided credit to the Author and this Newsletter is clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or Editor and are not necessarily endorsed by Corvairs of New Mexico or CORSA. Material for publication should reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send material via e-mail ( jimp @ ) or submit a readable manuscript. I prefer ASCII TEXT, but MS Word or RTF are fine. Photographs are welcome. The newsletter is composed using Apple computers. Software includes Mac OS-X, AppleWorks, Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter, BBEdit and InDesign CS. If you care, ask for more details. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== ....:....+....:....+....:....+....:....+....:....+....:....+....:....+....:....+....:....+ =END=