The March 2019 newsletter - Text Version Updated 25-Jan-2019 ==== Copyright (c) 2019 Corvairs of New Mexico ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== March 2019 / VOLUME 45 / NUMBER 3 / ISSUE 522 ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== First Place, Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, 2005 & 2012 Third Place, Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, 2010 EDITOR Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING Regular Meeting: March 2nd, 2019 at 10:00 AM Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE Albuquerque NM 87108 THIS MONTH President's Letter ................................ Dave Allin Dues Due Dates .......................... Membership Committee February Regular Meeting ............................ Kay Sutt February Board Meeting .............................. Kay Sutt Flywheel/Pressure Plate .......................... Larry Blair Favorite Tools: Remove Wipers ........ Bob Hall, GROUP CORVAIR Birthdays & Anniversaries ........................... Sunshine National Museum of Nuclear Science & Technology ... John Wiker Tri-State Questions and Answers .................... Ed Halpin Treasury Report ................................ Steve Gongora Calendar of Coming Events ................. Board of Directors March, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42 Years Ago ........ Club Historian COVER ...... Club's Visit to the "Atomic Museum" on February 9th .................... Thanks to John Wiker for most of the photos OFFICERS and VOLUNTEERS President Dave Allin 505-410-9668 dnjallin Vice President David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 Co-secretary Linda Soukup 763-226-0707 studeboytony Co-secretary Kay Sutt 505-471-1153 tarmo Treasurer Steve Gongora 505-220-7401 stevegongora Car Council Dave Allin 505-410-9668 dnjallin Membership David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 Merchandise Vickie Hall 505-865-5574 patandvickiehall Sunshine Heula Pittman 505-275-2195 heula Newsletter Jim Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp Old Route 66 David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 Past President John Wiker 505-239-3311 wikerj63 Past President Ray Trujillo 505-814-8373 rtrujilloabq505 Past President Pat Hall 505-620-5574 patandvickiehall Past Vice-Pres Tarmo Sutt 505-690-2046 tarmo MEETINGS: First Saturday of each Month at 10:00 AM Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 INTERNET CORSA's home page CNM's newsletters Steve Gongora's page Larry Yoffee's home page New Mexico Council of Car Clubs ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== SCHEDULE CNM: 12 months = $25.00 or 26 months = $ 50.00 OF CORSA: 12 months = $45.00 or 26 months = $ 90.00 DUES CNM & CORSA: 12 months = $70.00 or 26 months = $140.00 DUES DUE DATES MARCH 2019 DUE LAST MONTH ================= INACTIVE DATE 2019.02 Mike Butler 25-MAR-2019 2019.02 Barbara & Gordon Johnson 25-MAR-2019 2019.02 Janet & Steve Johnson 25-MAR-2019 DUE THIS MONTH ================== INACTIVE DATE 2019.03 H. C. "Lube" Lubert 25-APR-2019 2019.03 Kelli & Mark Morgan 25-APR-2019 2019.03 Natalie Robison 25-APR-2019 2019.03 Brenda Wilvert 25-APR-2019 DUE NEXT MONTH ================= INACTIVE DATE 2019.04 Janice & David Allin 25-MAY-2019 2019.04 Deborah & John Dinsdale 25-MAY-2019 DUE APRIL 2019 ================ INACTIVE DATE 2019.05 NONE 25-JUN-2019 INACTIVE ======================== INACTIVE DATE 2018.02 Lilian & Timothy Shortle 25-MAR-2018 2018.08 David Hutchinson 25-SEP-2018 2018.10 Lilly & Ray Gonzales 25-NOV-2018 2018.11 Leslie & Kevin Sullivan 25-DEC-2018 2019.01 Connie & Floyde Adams 25-FEB-2019 2019.01 Carolyn & Dan Palmer 25-FEB-2019 Send your Dues to: CNM Treasurer Steve Gongora, House of Covers 115 Richmond NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106 Past due memberships become inactive after a one-month grace period. The Club will mail in your National Dues if you send us the renewal form from your Communique. As of 23-FEB-2018 we have 42 active family memberships. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== President's Letter Dave Allin The weather this month was less than ideal, but as Corvair drivers, "We ain't afraid of no snow." And there have been some nice days, like the day we met at the Museum of Nuclear Science and History. We brought eight Corvairs to the Museum, and we all had a good time seeing the exhibits and swapping lies. Pat Hall and I closely examined the old Packard limousine specially built for Los Alamos scientists and officers during the war, wondering what it would be worth in today's market. We decided it was more than either of us could afford. As I was putting some stuff in the trunk of my Monza, the security guard came over in his golf cart to talk to me about it. He noted that it had the engine in the rear, "just like a Porsche." He also told me that the director of the museum is a car guy, and he sometimes lets car clubs bring their cars inside the fence for shows and picture opportunities among the airplanes and missiles. This could be a prospect for our club, and maybe something for our Tri-State event next year. The Care & Feeding update is nearly complete. All the pages have been proof-read and reformatted, including a correction that Larry Blair discovered when working on his clutch. David Huntoon and Tarmo Sutt are helping check all the parts numbers to see if they are still current, and once that is complete, the booklet will be ready to send to the printer. I want to remind everyone who wants a T-shirt to bring their checkbook to the March meeting. Steve Gongora has also done research on jackets, and he will have pictures of what is available, along with approximate prices. The three-season jacket, like the one Steve already has, is particularly attractive. I also want to remind everyone of our club's 45th anniversary party on Saturday, March 16, at 1:00 pm. It will be held at the Copper Canyon restaurant, and Heula and Vickie have promised there will be prizes. We will also present the Ike Meissner Award. There will be good food, good fun, and good companionship. Please plan to attend. Hagerty Insurance recently published a list of their ten favorite four-door collector cars, and one of them was the 1965-1967 Corvair, pointing out that it was the only compact four door that was a hardtop (no B-pillars), and it had timeless styling that still looks good today. The new meeting location and time worked very well this month, and I hope even more members show up for our next meeting. We have plenty of room, plenty of parking, and there is no rush to finish up, clear the area, and beat the traffic. It makes for a more relaxed and entertaining meeting. We were also pleased to have a lively and informative technical discussion, led by Larry Blair, on the difficulties of fitting a new clutch disc to an old pressure plate. We'll hear more about this later! David Allin ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== General Meeting Minutes of 02/02/2019 Kay Sutt The meeting was called to order by President David Allin at 10:05 A.M. at the Highland Senior Center, located at 131 Monroe Street, NE, with twenty members in attendance. The 50/50 drawing netted a total of $30 for the club when Tarmo Sutt donated his half to the club too. VP's Report: David Huntoon had no report. Treasurer's Report: Steve Gongora reported the beginning balance in the treasury was $6,770.80 and after expenses for newsletter, etc. the treasury held $6,594.07, not including 50/50, dues, etc. taken in at the current meeting. Steve has filed the State of NM non-profit documents and paid the fee to ensure CNM is current in its obligation to the state. He only needs to change the Registered Agent from Bill Reider to Steve Gongora after clarification of the proper signature on the State form. Newsletter Report: Jim Pittman was not present, but sent word the deadline for the next newsletter is 9 P.M. on Friday, 02/22/2019. Contact Jim at with any articles you may wish published. Merchandise Committee Report: Vickie presented the report for both the Merchandise Committee and an inventory for that committee and for the Sunshine Committee to President Dave Allin. She reported the $200 Sunshine Committee budget allocation for 2019 was received from Treasurer Steve and will be put to good use. Secretaries' Reports: The minutes of the last meeting, by Kay Sutt, were lengthy, and since they were published in the newsletter the report was not re-read. It was approved by the membership as published. Linda Soukup, co-secretary, reported a couple of additional surveys were received, but the results were consistent with the findings published in last month's meeting minutes in the newsletter. Old Business: Tri-State 2019: The final update regarding the event was received, with information published in last month's newsletter. Kay urged people to get their hotel reservations ASAP, as the king rooms are already fully reserved, and only double queen and double double rooms remain. Be sure to indicate you are with the Corvair group, otherwise you will be told there are no vacancies available in the hotel. Old Route 66 Cleanup: David Huntoon reported the State Transportation Dept. sent CNM a reminder that the cleanup needs to take place twice a year if the club wants to continue their sponsorship. David prefers to do it four times per year to make the clean-up easier. Postcards: Terry Price indicated he will continue sending out the postcard reminders of upcoming events to the membership. CORSA Chapter Report: A check was sent to CORSA in November, 2018, and the new officers were submitted to CORSA. There is a question regarding when the next check is due, but CORSA could not immediately answer that question and indicated they will let CNM know when it comes due. Care & Feeding: Dave Allin is working on updating this publication. He wants to update the resource page for parts, service, etc. Larry Blair indicated he would assist and David Huntoon suggested that referencing the back of the CORSA Communique would be a good start. Phil Finch: Vickie Hall indicated Phil will be moving to his brother Richard's home in Tularosa, NM and intends to become more active in CNM. He will be in NM until 02/10 and will return later. He says he would appreciate any help people are willing to give in handling the Corvairs on the property. Vickie has more information if members are interested in helping. New T-Shirts: Steve Gongora reported he has checked with AirMark regarding a new run of CNM T-shirts. The cost will range from $20 to $34 each, depending on style. Various colors are available. Some people indicated they were interested in jackets, so Steve said he would get a price for those too. Steve will accept orders for shirts, etc. at the March general meeting, so come with check in hand to ensure your order is filled in a timely way. Meeting Location: It was noted CarCrafters was contacted and indicated it would be possible for the club to meet at their site on Saturdays if the Highland Senior Center does not work out. Taos T-shirt refund: Both Rocky Mountain CORSA and Pikes Peak Corvair Club returned their refund checks. Both sent letters along with the checks thanking CNM for offering the money and making the extra effort to ensure continued good rapport between the clubs. New Business: The CNM Anniversary Lunch is scheduled for Saturday, March 16 from 2-4 P.M. David Huntoon suggested Copper Canyon Restaurant for the event. Members were in favor of that venue, and David will make the necessary arrangements. Meissner Award: Nominations were due to David Huntoon by today, 2/2/19. A total of 7 nominations had been received by meeting time. VP David, Pat and Vickie Hall and John Wiker (the last three recipients of the award), with help from Jim Pittman will make the final decision of the winner of the award, which will be presented at the CNM Anniversary Lunch in March. Boydston Award: A letter from Ed Halpin with Pikes Peak Corvair Club indicated they and Rocky Mountain CORSA were in favor of retiring the Boydston Award at Tri-State events. None will be awarded at this year's meet. This led to considerable discussion among CNM members about how to handle both the Boydston and Meissner Awards within our club. Should they continue, separately and unchanged within CNM? Should they be combined into one award? Should they be renamed more generically since other deserving CNM'ers are not similarly honored? Or, should they be discontinued in favor of another award criteria? For example, the Corvette club has attendees at all events put their names in a jar, and twice a year a name is drawn for a gift certificate. There was no consensus, so the discussion was tabled for a decision at a future meeting. Tri-State Attendance Award: There was a similar discussion regarding the Tri-State attendance award, since the criteria for the award has varied considerably from meet to meet, depending on the club sponsoring the event. The CNM consensus at this meeting was to simply retire the award. President Dave Allin will have discussion with PPCC and RMC presidents to arrive at a consensus among the three clubs for future Tri-State meets. Future TUNAs: Tarmo suggested a topic of "Make your Good-running Corvair a Great-running Corvair" for future TUNA events. Discussion indicated the preference would be to have a group meeting for a specific topic for several cars (i.e., tune up carbs to their best efficiency), rather than handle one car at a time covering several topics. Both Pat Hall/Vickie Hall and Tony Burbig/Linda Soukup indicated they had spaces which would lend themselves as a venue for such an event. Announcements: * Wendell Walker's family will be in town February 9 (Saturday) to celebrate Wendy's 100th birthday at El Pinto Restaurant at 6:30 P.M. Contact Steve if you can attend so he can give Wendy's family some idea of how many will attend. * Dan Palmer visited to let us know he loves the airplane he flies with the Corvair engine Sylvan helped him build and to say thanks to Corvair. * Corvair Sale Prices: Five Corvairs sold in January at the Barrett-Jackson auction. A 1962 Rampside auctioned for about $70,000, a 1966 Monza convertible/air conditioning/automatic auctioned for around $38,000, a 1964 Monza Spyder convertible sold for about $16,000, another 1964 Spyder convertible sold for $18,000, and a 1962 Monza convertible sold for about $14,000. Meanwhile, a Yenko Stinger sold at Mecum in Florida for a reported $200,000 to $220,000. Yippee for Corvair owners everywhere!!! It's about time Corvairs were recognized for the treasures we know they are! Upcoming CNM and Other Car events: February 9, Sat 11:00 AM Tour of the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History, 601 Eubank SE. Bring your Corvair! February 20, Wednesday 5:00 P.M. - CNM Board Meeting at Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe Street. March 2, Saturday 10:00 A.M. - General Club Meeting at Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe Street. March 16, Saturday 1-3 P.M. - Club Anniversary Lunch, Copper Canyon Restaurant at 5455 Gibson Blvd. SE. May 2-3 - Model Railroad Club travelling to Denver for a meet. Contact Lube Lubert's brother at 505-256-9331 for details. May 17-18-19, Tri-State Meet in Alamosa, Colorado sponsored by Pikes Peak Corvair Club. Registration and fees for the meet are due by May 3 and the registration form was in last month's CNM newsletter. Reservations for Best Western Alamosa should be made soon by calling 719-589-2567 and mentioning "Corvair" in your request. Every Saturday Morning - Cars and Coffee 'tire-kicking' event from about 7:30 A.M. till around noon in the parking lot of Hello Deli at 7600 Jefferson Street NE. The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 followed by a tech session led by Larry Blair on clutch and flywheel assembly. After the tech session several members retired to Duran's Station for an awesome chile-filled lunch! Present: Dave Allin, Tony Berbig, Larry Blair, Fred Edeskuty, Steve Gongora, Pat Hall, Vickie Hall, David Huntoon, Gordon Johnson, Bob Kitts, Lesha Kitts (new member), Lube Lubert, Carolyn Palmer, Dan Palmer, Terry Price, LeRoy Rogers, Linda Soukup, Kay Sutt, Tarmo Sutt, John Wiker. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== Board Meeting Minutes of 02/20/2019 Kay Sutt The meeting was called to order by President Dave Allin at 5:05 PM. Present were D.Allin, D.Huntoon, S.Gongora, J.Pittman, K.Sutt and T.Sutt. Jim's report indicated the Newsletter deadline is Friday, 02/22. Plans were finalized for the Anniversary Party. They are as follows: it will be held Saturday, March 16, 2019 from 1-3 P.M. at Copper Canyon Restaurant, 5455 Gibson Blvd, SE. In addition to the meal and general visiting John Wiker will present the Ike Meissner Award, Jim Pittman will head a discussion to encourage additional member direction of the club's future, there will be a presentation of CNM memories by a yet-to-be-named person, and Heula and Vickie will have door prizes to give away. There will be discussion at the next general meeting, Saturday, March 2, regarding the possibility of going to Pat Hall's place to check Dave Allin's car and others, as part of a Spring Clean-up type TUNA sometime later in March. Dave Allin has completed the update of the "Care and Feeding..." publication, with the exception of some minor edits. David Huntoon & Tarmo Sutt agreed to check the sections regarding parts numbers to ensure they are current and still available. Steve Gongora will present options for club jackets, as well as T-shirts, at the next club meeting. It was agreed to put off ordering until after the Anniversary Party to give more people time to decide what they would like to order. Steve Gongora reported all State-required non-profit documents and payments are now up-to-date subsequent to the Board changes. He also reported CNM has $6,699.14 in its account as of 2/5/2019, with all current billings paid. There was discussion regarding the proposed New Mexico front license plate law, mostly against. Reasons to oppose the law include increased costs, inconvenience for existing license holders, increased manpower needs, etc. The group discussed some questions and suggestions for next year's CNM Tri-State meet. There has been discussion of how to make it more "user-friendly" and how to strike a balance between traditions and updating or streamlining needed to continue its appeal to attendees. No decisions were made, but it was agreed to seek additional information for future discussions. We adjourned promptly at 6:00 P.M. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== TECH TOPICS: Flywheel/Pressure Plate Larry Blair I had difficulties with assembling a pressure plate/clutch disc/flywheel. At the February meeting I did a semi-tech session, and presented the club with my dilemma. There were lots of opinions, with the best suggestions from Fred Eduskuty, Pat Hall, and Tarmo Sutt, plus advice to contact Steve Goodman. To close the loop on the issue: The problem was that my reconditioned pressure plate had too much milled off the surface that contacts the clutch disk, so when I bolted the two together, the PP fingers only deflected 1/8th inch. As advised by Fred, I called Pat Hall, who found a good used PP, and invited me to check it out. Pat's PP had at least 1/8th inch left on the face, so when we bolted it up, we got over 1/4 inch deflection on the fingers. Pat then graciously and patiently balanced the flywheel, then balanced the bolted-together unit, with my bumbling assistance and runny nose in the sub-freezing wind. Then, as advised by Fred, attributed to Steve Goodman, I assembled the flywheel, clutch disk, and PP, and pressed down on the fingers about 3/4 inch in the shop press, at which point the clutch disk floated free. So, the assembly is now securely bolted to the engine, using new bolts, properly sealed and torqued. Take away? Page 44 of the Care and Feeding manual needs to be changed so that "The depth from the mounting surface to the pressure plate face should be between .090 to .100 [not .095 to .220] on the late models (1964-1969)....". Perhaps the manual should also add Steve Goodman's procedure to check everything by using a hydraulic press. My sincere thanks to all who helped me through this dilemma. This is the joy of being a member of CNM and CORSA. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== TECH TOPICS: Favorite Tools Bob Hall Most, if not all, of us have favorite tools. Tools that work well over and over again - especially for jobs that look simple and straight forward, but which often aren't. Removing wiper arms is one such job. My first effective tool to remove a wiper arm without scratching paint or damaging the mechanism was a large spoon that I still keep in my smallest, "carry to the salvage yard", toolbox. Used with a piece of cardboard or other pad to protect paint, the large stiff spoon used at the correct spot will easily lift a wiper arm off of the post without sending it skittering across your paint. The nicer KD tool designed for this job works just as well and is in my stash of specialized tools that I keep at home. But the large spoon is cheaper and easier to find at a Goodwill or other second-hand store. Both keep a "simple" job simple. -- Group Corvair ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== Happy Birthday Wishes to March CNM'ers: David Allin Anthony Berbig Linda Cochran Art Gold Vickie Hall Barbara Johnson Lesha Kitts John McMahan Brenda Stickler Joel Yelich March Anniversaries: Anne Mae & Robert Gold ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== National Museum of Nuclear Science and Technology Report by John Wiker Thirteen people and eight Corvairs from CNM made the visit to the museum today. I had not been there since I took my last class from Del Norte there 9 years ago. Needless to say they have lots of added features, exhibits, displays and videos to enjoy today. Since I spent my military career around all kinds of aircraft, I especially enjoyed the life sized airplanes on display vice the small models that were there on my last visit. I enjoyed the fact you could wander around at your own pace and were not stuck with a tour guide. Two hours were all I needed to satisfy myself and then it was off to the Lady Lobo basketball game at the pit. I would like to thank Larry Blair for his list of interesting things to do as a Corvair group and look forward to the next thing the group decides to pick out from his list. Attending: Dave Allin, Larry Blair, Steve Gongora plus grandchildren Steele and Gunnar, Pat Hall, Vickie Hall, David Huntoon, Gordon Johnson, Jim Pittman, LeRoy Rogers, Tarmo Sutt, John Wiker, Former member John Myers, Former member Lloyd Piatt. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== From: Ed Halpin [ ] Sent: Friday, February 08, 2019 7:55 PM To: Corvair - RMC Email List; PPCC Email List; David Allin at CNM Subject: Tri-State FAQs Registration Fee Questions Hello Members of the PPCC, RMC, and CNM, Over the past couple weeks, several folks have asked about the $15 Registration Fee, which is listed on the 2019 Tri-State Registration Form, specific to this year's event in Alamosa, CO. Rather than continuing to answer those, and a variety of other questions individually, I figured I'd provide the following FAQs (frequently asked questions) to everyone in the three host clubs, based on my own experience, just in case there are others with the same questions on their minds. Tri-State 2019 FAQs Q: In filling out the 2019 Tri-State Registration Form, I noticed a "Registration" cost now associated with the event. Is this a new fee, why was this implemented, and what is it to be used for? A: You are correct, this is the first time a registration fee will be collected as part of the Tri-State event registration process. This fee was implemented to offset the overhead costs associated with running the Tri-State event. Q: Why do I need to pay a registration fee for a weekend car event? Nobody else does that! A: While new to the Tri-State process, a registration fee has been collected, for years, from folks attending the CORSA Convention, the Great Plains Roundup, the Heart of Texas (HOT), the Great Western Fan Belt Toss, and many, many other regional events. The implementation of this fee, today, is simply recognizing that in order for the Tri-State events to continue, for years to come, we have to begin developing an operating budget which folks can actually plan against. Q: Is the registration fee to be paid per person, per club membership, or per registration form? A: Per registration form, covering the attendees listed on that form. Q: Why are the registrations required to be pre-paid? A: With respect to the requirements of our caterer and t-shirt vendor, we have established a cutoff date of May 3rd for all registration forms to be received. Establishing a clear deadline for receipt not only allows for participants to plan their attendance, but also provides time for the t-shirt vendor to print and deliver our shirts prior to the start of the event, and, for caterer to order the food and supplies for the banquet meal. So, it is important for folks to understand that after May 3rd, there will be no additional event shirts ordered, and if their meal is not pre-ordered, and prepaid, there is no guarantee of a seat at the table for the banquet. Q: What is the typical budget for a Tri-State event? A: As any previous Event Chair will tell you, when the host club accepts the rotating responsibility for coordination of the event, typically our only guidance from the Treasurer is; "Don't lose money for the club". So, with no defined budget, club member Volunteers work hard to plan an enjoyable, cost effective weekend for participants, where they can enjoy their Corvairs, catch up with old friends, and make new friends along the way. Q: What are the major costs associated with hosting a Tri-State? A: Typically, there are three major cost areas associated with the event; Facilities (for the Banquet and the Car Show), Event T-Shirts (everybody loves a t-shirt), and Food (Banquet/Catering). In planning each of these areas, the goal is to not make a huge profit, but instead, to "break even". In doing that, it is understood that any expected profit in one area is to be used internally to offset a potential loss in another area. Q: What types of "overhead" costs need to be covered? A: Overhead costs vary from event to event, depending on how the Event Chair chooses to conduct the event. While some clubs may opt to print and frame a paper certificate for their "best-in-class" car show trophies, others may choose to go big, and provide a nice piece of hardware for a winner to take home. Deposits for facilities, such as the banquet hall can run upwards of $500 for the evening event (between weddings and other local events, available space is often limited, so options may be limited). If we plan to use a local park for the car show, they typically require a deposit as well (many times we avoid that situation by doing the car show in the parking lot of the host hotel). Catering of the food is generally offset by the price participants pay for the meal, which we all try to keep as low as possible. However, when you add in tax and gratuity for 125 + meals, you've just added a couple dollars to the per meal price. If servers are involved (waiters or buffet), or we ask the caterer to provide the flatware (plates, napkins, utensils, etc.), that's a couple more dollars added on. In the end, the price of the meal is rounded up, so everything (minus alcohol) is included, and participants don't have to "take care of their waiters" at the end of the night. The last heavy hitter is the t-shirts. In trying to keep costs low for event memorabilia, we negotiate with the printer for not only the best price for shirts, by volume (the more shirts we order, the less each can cost), but also for the graphic art set-up fees, which can sometimes run over $100, depending on the complexity of the design. So, those are just a few of the "hidden costs" associated with the event. If you have to pull parking permits, or meet other local requirements, the money has to come from somewhere, and that's the real intent of the new registration fee. Q: Do Tri-States make money, or lose money for the host club? A: That depends. If all aspects of the event are planned properly, and all unforeseen circumstances are accounted for, the host club stands to make maybe $500 for their efforts. For each of the three host clubs, this event can be viewed as a tri-annual revenue generating opportunity, which usually does not generate a lot of revenue. Often, the club actually loses money. For example, in 2013, the PPCC sponsored event lost $400 on the banquet because they did not plan for the gratuity. And, last year, the RMC lost a couple hundred bucks on the banquet because folks who said they would be coming to the event did not show up. With the money already paid to the caterer for those requested meals, it was simply a write off to the club. I mention these two examples only to illustrate that while you can try to plan for everything, something unexpected is likely to happen, and you need to have a buffer in accounting to offset that loss. Otherwise the club eats that loss, and it becomes a negative experience for the host group. Q: Can I expect to see a registration fee associated with every Tri-State going forward? A: I can only speak for this year's event planning, however, I would expect that once each of the host clubs recognize the benefit of this additional revenue, it will become a staple of the Tri-State planning process. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out to me directly at this email (, or 303-619-0080. Hope to see you all in Alamosa! Drive Safe! Ed Halpin - 2019 Tri-State Event Chair - 2/8/19 ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== ========== ==== ========== =========== =================================================== TREASURY REPORT FOR 01-19-2019 to 02-20-2019 DATE CHECK# AMOUNT PAYEE DESCRIPTION BALANCE = $6,624.21 $6,624.21 ========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================= ========= 2019.01.19 2337 -$ 10.00 NM State Annual Corporation Report -$ 10.00 $6,614.21 2019.01.21 2338 -$ 200.00 H.Pittman Sunshine Fund 2019 -$ 200.00 $6,414.21 2019.02.02 $ 183.33 RMC Returned Check see check 2355 $ 183.33 $6,597.54 2019.02.02 $ 183.33 PPCC Returned Check see check 2355 $ 183.33 $6,780.87 2019.02.02 2339 -$ 10.00 NM State Annual Corporation Report -$ 10.00 $6,770.87 2019.02.02 2340 -$ 110.61 L.Soukup Survey costs: paper, postage -$ 110.61 $6,660.26 2019.02.03 $ 30.00 Deposit 50/50 for February "Raffle" $ 30.00 $6,690.26 2019.02.02 $ 50.00 Dues L.Kitts 26 m CNM $ 50.00 $6,740.26 2019.02.xx xxxx -$ 66.12 H.Pittman Newsletter Printing FEB 2019 -$ 26.62 $6,713.64 2019.02.xx -$ H.Pittman Newsletter Postage 31 x $0.71 -$ 22.01 $6,691.63 2019.02.xx -$ H.Pittman Envelopes for newsletters -$ 17.49 $6,674.14 2019.02.01 $ 25.00 Dues L.Rogers 12 m CNM $ 25.00 $6,699.14 ========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================= ========= 2019.03.01 MAR NEWSLETTER ========================================== $6,699.14 $6,699.14 ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== ============================================================================ | March 2019 | April 2019 | May 2019 | | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | | 1 2 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 | 1 2 3 4 | | 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | | 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | | 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | | 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | 28 29 30 | 26 27 28 29 30 31 | | 31 | | | ============================================================================ SAT 02 MAR 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE SAT 16 MAR 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM -- Our 45th Anniversary Party COPPER CANYON CAFE -- 5455 Gibson Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 SUN 10 MAR 2:00 AM Set your clocks ahead an hour because the government is stealing an hour out of our lives. We will get the hour back after tolerating another one-hour jet lag experience in November. WED 20 MAR 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE WED 27 MAR 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE FRI 29 MAR 9:00 PM Deadline for items for April 2019 newsletter ============================================================================ SAT xx APR x:xx AM Old Route 66 Cleanup SAT 06 APR 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE WED 17 APR 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE WED 24 APR 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE FRI 26 APR 9:00 PM Deadline for items for May 2019 newsletter ============================================================================ SAT 04 MAY 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE WED 15 MAY 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE FRI 17 MAY ........ Tri-State - hosted by PIKES PEAK CORVAIR CLUB SAT 18 MAY ........ Tri-State - Best Western in Alamosa, Colorado SUN 19 MAY ........ Tri-State - SUN 19 MAY ........ Albuquerque Museum / New Mexico Car Council Car Show WED 22 MAY 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE FRI 24 MAY 9:00 PM Deadline for items for June 2019 newsletter ============================================================================ SAT 01 JUN 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE WED 19 JUN 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE WED 26 JUN 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE FRI 28 JUN 9:00 PM Deadline for items for July 2019 newsletter SAT 06 JUL 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE FRI-SAT 12-13 JULY -- Collector Car Appreciation Day WED 17 JUL 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE WED 24 JUL 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE FRI 26 JUL 9:00 PM Deadline for items for August 2019 newsletter SUN 4 AUG ..... ALL-CLUBS PICNIC == OAK FLAT PICNIC GROUND SOUTH OF TIJERAS THU-FRI-SAT-SUN 26-27-28-29 SEPTEMBER === NMCCC ANNUAL SWAP MEET ============================================================================ See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities ======================== ====================== SUGGESTION: A garage tour or TUNA, hosted by Pat Hall SUGGESTION: A visit to the Telephone Museum on Fourth Street SUGGESTION: A visit to the new WEATHER LAB at the Balloon Museum SUGGESTION: A visit to the Soaring Museum in Moriarty SUGGESTION: A visit to the National Atomic Museum at Eubank and Southern SE SUGGESTION: Activities with other clubs such as VMCCA. ============================================================================ SEVEN YEARS AGO [ MARCH 2019 VOL 45 Nr 3 ISSUE 522 ] Jim Pittman 2012 V.38 Nr 3 # 438 COVER: a black 1964 Spyder convertible and sandhill cranes by Mark Domzalski. The 2012 Museum Car Show will commemorate 100 years of Chevrolet cars. Nine Corvairs turned out for the Highland Center's re-opening. Vickie reported a Journal article on the worst cars and Corvairs were not on the list. Well, we know that. Vickie further reported on the Barrett-Jackson auction and the exotic vehicles for sale there. Included was a 1948 Tucker at 2.65 million dollars. A breakfast at Jimmy's Cafe celebrated Wendell's 93rd birthday. Eric Prosie told how to fix the pesky Powerglide cable leak with self-fusing silicone Rescue Tape; thanks, Minnesota club. Billy Cannon told how to install and align windows; thanks, Alabama Vulcan club. Plans for our 38th Anniversary were going, said Heula & Vickie. 2005 V.31 Nr 3 # 354 On the cover, Sally Johnson posed in an early convertible on her wedding day, and photos of cranes and geese were provided by photographer Mark. President David ran our February meeting. Wendell reported $2813 as our bank balance. We planned a trip to the Bosque and a breakfast at Kokopelli's. Heula said our Anniversary dinner party would be at Papa Felipe's. Jim asked if anyone had seen the color edition of our newsletter, available on his web site. At our February board meeting Mark reported that he and Elizabeth would be leaving for D.C. for a TDY of several months. We planned to contact the Colorado clubs to get their nominations for the Boydston Award. Our club was in charge of the Car Council picnic in August. A short article by our Illinois member, Walter Huntoon, told about his first Corvair, a 1961 Monza spotted at a Buick dealer's used car lot. Love at first sight worked out very well despite a failed wheel bearing that cost $35 to repair. Steve Goodman previewed the Ouray, Colorado Tri-State with hotel information. Jim reported on a snowy winter excursion by the club to the Travertine Marble Works west of Belen. Four Corvairs and three Brand-X cars followed Sylvan down the I-25 freeway through hints of snow and fog. The marble works was a marvelous place to visit and we gawked at the huge diamond-toothed saw that could cut a block of marble into 28 thin slabs overnight. Many of us brought home pretty pieces of marble from the big discard pile. It was a memorable tour made even better by delicious enchiladas at Pete's Cafe in Belen. 1998 V,24 Nr 3 # 270 Mark Morgan's "F-44" concept adorned the cover. We had $7347 in the bank. The board discussed investment strategies for our bank account. The Car Council planned the Museum car show. We planned our Tri-State for Lake City, Colorado. The garage tour was to be a tour of the AT&T Museum downtown. Dennis described the correct weights for the various Corvair distributors. Dennis wrote that he really enjoyed one of the perks of being president: getting all the newsletters from other clubs. He read about a proposal in the San Diego club's newsletter to make meetings more fun so people would be more likely to want to attend. Could we start something similar? Tech tips included a blurb on synchronizing carbs, good lubricants for transaxles, how to calibrate your 1962 Spyder tach, and an article by Sylvan Zuercher on shifter repair. 1991 V.17 Nr 3 # 186 The 17th Anniversary cover showed a drawing of the leaf spring of a 1964 Corvair. We had $416 in checking and $229 in savings, totaling $645. The Car Council wanted to pass a bill to have historical license plates for old cars. Bill Reider, Sylvan Zuercher and Will Davis worked on a new member packet. We planned an "All Chevy" Show, a Tri-State Meet, a Garage tour to Mr. Joiner's, a visit to Sandia Shadows winery, a trip to the VLA, an econo-run, the Christmas party, a member questionnaire, a car show in Las Vegas and the Fourth of July event in Santa Fe. Founding members Dale Housley, Francis Boydston, Carl Johnson and Jim Pittman wrote about our beginnings. We helped to start the Tri-State Events, we made New Mexico a leader in Corvair daily drivers and we created a Club where all kinds of Corvair owners co-exist, cooperate and help each other. Tech tips: how to remove stuck carburetor jets, how to remove objects that fall into the intake manifold, and where to get sports car seats for your Corvair. 1984 V.10 Nr 3 # 102 In 1984 we had a special 10th Anniversary Cover and an article on how we came so far, so fast. Bill Reider's monthly column told about distributors and presented a table of specifications for 1960-1969 Corvair distributors. George Morin told us how to build a drive train cradle and included drawings and dimensions. There was a tech tip on the various kinds of brake fluid; some kinds you do NOT want to use. 1977 V.3 February/March Nr 2 # 023 This issue featured a great article by Ike Meissner on autocrossing your Corvair. There was a tip on torqueing Corvair heads by Richard Finch. C. Nicol of South Coast CORSA told how to modify your clutch. Ike said this modification wouldn't work on lates unless the crank bolts are ground down 1/8 inch. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico, chartered Chapter #871 of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Copyright by the Authors and by Corvairs of New Mexico. Articles may be reprinted in any CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members, provided credit to the Author and this Newsletter is clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or Editor and are not necessarily endorsed by Corvairs of New Mexico or CORSA. Material for publication should reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send material via e-mail ( jimp @ ) or submit a readable manuscript. I prefer ASCII TEXT, but MS Word or RTF are fine. Photographs are welcome. The newsletter is composed using Apple computers. Software includes Mac OS-X, AppleWorks, Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter, BBEdit and InDesign CS. If you care, ask for more details. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== =END=