The May 2019 newsletter - Text Version Updated 29-Apr-2019 ==== Copyright (c) 2019 Corvairs of New Mexico ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== May 2019 / VOLUME 45 / NUMBER 5 / ISSUE 524 ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== First Place, Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, 2005 & 2012 Third Place, Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, 2010 EDITOR Jim Pittman MEETING Regular Meeting: Saturday May 4th, 2019, 10:00 AM Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE Albuquerque NM 87108 THIS MONTH President's Letter ................................... Dave Allin Dues Due Dates ............................. Membership Committee April Regular Meeting .................................. Kay Sutt April Board Meeting ........................ Cancelled This Month Tuna Tech Session ................................... Terry Price Photos from Tuna Tech Session ....................... Vickie Hall Birthdays & Anniversaries .............................. Sunshine Collings Foundation Warbirds ........................ Jim Pittman Engines, Engines Everywhere! .. Detroit Aircooler .. Pete Koehler Florida Ultra Van ................................ Kevin Sullivan Answers to Last Month's Puzzle .................... Steve Gongora Treasury Report ................................... Steve Gongora Calendar of Coming Events .................... Board of Directors May: 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42 Years Ago ............. Club Historian COVER New member Conner and her grandfather Bill Darcy ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== OFFICERS and VOLUNTEERS President Dave Allin 505-410-9668 dnjallin Vice President David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 Co-secretary Linda Soukup 763-226-0707 studeboytony Co-secretary Kay Sutt 505-471-1153 tarmo Treasurer Steve Gongora 505-220-7401 stevegongora Car Council Dave Allin 505-410-9668 dnjallin Membership David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 Merchandise Vickie Hall 505-865-5574 patandvickiehall Sunshine Heula Pittman 505-275-2195 heula Newsletter Jim Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp Old Route 66 David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 Past President John Wiker 505-239-3311 wikerj63 Past President Ray Trujillo 505-814-8373 rtrujilloabq505 Past President Pat Hall 505-620-5574 patandvickiehall Past Vice-Pres Tarmo Sutt 505-690-2046 tarmo MEETINGS: First Saturday of each Month at 10:00 AM Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 INTERNET CORSA's home page CNM's newsletters Steve Gongora's page Larry Yoffee's home page New Mexico Council of Car Clubs ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== SCHEDULE CNM: 12 months = $25.00 or 26 months = $ 50.00 OF CORSA: 12 months = $45.00 or 26 months = $ 90.00 DUES CNM & CORSA: 12 months = $70.00 or 26 months = $140.00 ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== DUES DUE DATES MAY 2019 DUE LAST MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE 2019.04 NONE 25-MAY-2019 DUE THIS MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE 2019.05 NONE 25-JUN-2019 DUE NEXT MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE 2019.06 Brenda Stickler 25-JUL-2019 DUE JULY 2019 ======================= INACTIVE DATE 2019.07 Sarah & Terry Price 25-AUG-2019 INACTIVE ============================ INACTIVE DATE 2019.01 Connie & Floyde Adams 25-FEB-2019 2019.01 Carolyn & Dan Palmer 25-FEB-2019 2019.02 Mike Butler 25-MAR-2019 2019.02 Janet & Steve Johnson 25-MAR-2019 2019.03 Kelli & Mark Morgan 25-APR-2019 2019.03 Natalie Robison 25-APR-2019 2019.03 Brenda Wilvert 25-APR-2019 Send your Dues to: CNM Treasurer Steve Gongora, House of Covers 115 Richmond NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106 Past due memberships become inactive after a one-month grace period. The Club will mail in your National Dues if you send us the renewal form from your Communique. As of 27-Apr-2018 we have 38 active family memberships. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== PRESIDENT'S LETTER Dave Allin I hope everyone is getting excited about the Tri-State in Alamosa next month. I know I am. This will be the first road trip in my car, affectionately known as Goldilocks, but I am confident it will be trouble free. Nonetheless, I am bringing tools and spare parts, just in case. Our TUNA at Pat Hall's this month was a great success and a lot of fun. There were over a dozen people, and I counted seven Corvairs. Pat helped Larry quiet a howling fan bearing, and then we put my car up on the lift. Tarmo was quickly able to determine that Goldilocks has both the shorter steering arms and the quick-ratio steering gear box, so the stiff steering at low speeds is normal. Pat reamed out the drain holes in the sills, and he and I propped up an air duct that was rubbing on the axle. No other issues were found, so I feel better about the upcoming journey. John Wiker's car was next on the lift, and minor repairs were made to it as well. Some of his rear suspension bushings were looking old, so he plans to get new ones, and will install them with Pat and David Huntoon's assistance. Vickie provided a lunch with hot dogs, hamburgers, and home-made cupcakes. Terry and Linda did most of the cooking, and we all enjoyed the excellent lunch. It was a beautiful sunny day and lots of fun for all. At this week's New Mexico Council of Car Clubs meeting it was decided that Collector Car Appreciation Day is too close to organize a big car show at the Cottonwood Mall, so instead there will be a cruise to Belen, to the Hub City Brewing pub by the railyards, where there will be a food truck and a live band. Hagerty recently published a list of seven collector cars currently available for under ten grand that are soon to climb in value, and one of them was all early Corvairs. So if you own an early Corvair you may be sitting in a gold mine! And, if so, can late Corvairs be far behind? See you at the May 4th meeting! David Allin Scenes from earlier TUNA sessions ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== GENERAL MEETING MINUTES OF 04/06/2019 by Kay Sutt The meeting was called to order by President Dave Allin at 10:05 AM at the Highland Senior Center with seventeen members in attendance. There was no 50/50 drawing this month. Guests William Darcy and his granddaughter Conner Siddell were introduced. Bill is a past CNM member. Conner proudly drives a dark gray late coupe. They both joined CNM today. Welcome Conner and welcome back, Bill! VP's Report: Dave Huntoon had no report. Treasurer's Report: Steve Gongora reported after writing a check for April newsletter printing and mailing today, the account contains $6,634.95. Editor's Report: Jim Pittman reported the deadline for the next newsletter is 9 PM on Friday, 04/26/2019. Jim also discussed answers to his April Fools "test" from the newsletter. Contact Jim at with any articles you may wish published in Enchanted Corvairs newsletter. Merchandise Report: Vickie Hall reported she had received $20 for patches and mentioned that Pat's brother Terry and wife Linda Rae have joined joined CNM. Secretaries' Reports: The minutes of the last meeting written by Linda Soukup were published in the newsletter and the membership agreed re-reading the report was not necessary. The report was approved by the membership as published. Old Business: The "Care and Feeding..." manual has been proofread with the exception of one page, and Tarmo Sutt is working to finish up the part number checking. After that the manual will be ready for printing! Dave Huntoon has set our first Old Route 66 Cleanup of the year for Saturday, April 13 at 9 AM. Members are to meet at the NM333/I-40 bridge and he anticipates it will take 1-2 hours to complete. This will be finished by the time the newsletter is published. Three additional clean-up events will be scheduled later in the year. Terry Price indicated he will continue sending out the postcard reminders of upcoming events to the membership, and Dave Allin offered payment for his expenses from club funds. There was discussion among CNM members about how to handle both the Boydston Award and the Meissner Award within our club because this discussion was tabled at the last meeting. It was proposed and approved by the members present that the former requirement that no member would receive either award more than once will be removed. The Meissner and Boydston Awards will continue and remain separate. The Meissner Award is unchanged otherwise. It was approved that the Boydston Award will be presented by CNM, within our club, every third year, coinciding with our sponsorship of the Tri-State Meet. When other clubs sponsor the Tri-State Meet they may or may not choose to present an award. Dave Allin brought information regarding the Collector Car Appreciation Day proposed by the NM Council of Car Clubs for July 13th. It was suggested that it be held at Cottonwood Mall. The Mall was receptive to the idea, including the possibility of gift cards and a raffle provided by the Mall, and in return they asked for 15% of any proceeds from any registration fees for the event. Dave indicated the Council leadership was not favorable to holding the event at the Mall, but they did not formally cancel it. Discussion among the CNM members present indicated CNM'ers are willing to participate and assist with the event. The possibility of contacting individual car clubs, outside the umbrella of the NMCCC, was brought up. Stay tuned for updates. The TUNA at Pat & Vickie Hall's in Los Lunas is rescheduled from April 27 to April 20 because of the large number of other car events scheduled for April 27. Notification will be sent to the membership through e-mail, or post card for those who don't have e-mail. This event will also precede the next newsletter publication. Steve Gongora presented an update on the CNM logo T-shirts and jackets ordered by members. They are scheduled to be finished by April 25, and Steve will have them after that. He will collect for the shirts when they are picked up by members. Costs are expected to be approximately $49 for the jackets and about $23 for the T-shirts. New Business: The membership voted and approved that the site for the 2020 Tri-State Meet would be Albuquerque, with the potential lead "Corvair - the Chevy Different" and a Route 66 theme. The meet will be scheduled in May, 2020, but the final dates were not specified until the committee completes more research and a venue (host hotel) for the meet is selected. Kay Sutt, Dave Huntoon, Terry Price, Steve Gongora and Dave Allin volunteered to serve on the committee. Additional assistance from members not present at the 04/06 meeting is strongly encouraged. Contact Dave Allin if you are interested at or 505-410-9668. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 followed by a brief organizational meeting of the Tri-State committee. It was agreed there would be further discussion during or after the CNM Board Meeting on April 17 at 5 P.M at the Highland Senior Center. Present: David Huntoon, Bob Kitts, Gordon Johnson, Steve Johnson, Tarmo Sutt, Ray Trujillo, Steve Gongora, Kay Sutt, Dave Allin, Conner Siddell, Bill Darcy, Terry Price, Lube Lubert, LeRoy Rogers, Pat Hall, Vickie Hall, Jim Pittman. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== THE BOARD MEETING FOR APRIL 2019 WAS CANCELLED. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== TUNA TECH SESSION AT VICKIE AND PAT'S Terry Price The Tech Session at Vickie and Pat Hall's place in Los Lunas last Saturday, April 20, was a very successful and informative event. Seventeen people attended and brought eight Corvairs on a beautiful New Mexico day. Cars were waiting to be raised on the lift for inspection and repair by 10:00 AM. Dave Allin's late model coupe was first. We all gathered around to inspect the under carriage and determined the car was in great shape, no rust, needs only minor mechanical repairs. Pat demonstrated how to flush out the rocker panels and pointed out the small slits in the rocker panels that allow for drainage to prevent rust. He also noted that the rocker panels needed to be flushed out on a periodic basis. John Wiker's yellow coupe was next. John complained about a "rattle or vibration" in his car, especially when accelerating. Tarmo took the car out for a short drive and gave his opinion of the cause. All felt Tarmo was right but no one was sure of the cause. The car was put on the hoist and we discovered the most probable cause was the front transmission mounts that were worn out. John drives his car often and it just has become a maintenance item that is finally due. Next was Larry Blair's green early model convertible. Larry had replaced his right headlight while waiting for the hoist. An early model headlight change can sometimes be very frustrating, but Larry contained his cool and got the job done. The car was put on the lift for a minor clutch adjustment and it was ready to go. While all this was going on, three high schoolers saw the cars and came in to look around. They said they were car fanatics. They took pictures and admired all the cars, thanked us for our hospitality and went on their way. That's always a nice thing when that happens when we get together. In the meantime, hot dogs and hamburgers were put on the grill, and chips and baked beans were set up for the hungry group. Ice cold soft drinks and condiments were added to the feast and everyone sat down around the table and enjoyed a great social time. Tarmo Sutt came in from Santa Fe on his beautiful Honda Motorcycle and Curtis Shimp came up, in his red late model coupe, from Silver City, great to have them come from so far away. This was a GREAT and successful event for all who came. Next time maybe we will get even more participants. What fun!! Thanks, so much, Vickie and Pat for your fine hospitality and all your work. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== Happy Birthday Wishes to May CNM'ers: Anne Mae Gold Pat Hall Happy May Anniversaries to: Darlene & Bill Darcy Lee & Bill Reider ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== COLLINGS FOUNDATION WWII AIRCRAFT Jim Pittman In April 2010 I read in the paper about several World War II airplanes that would be visiting Albuquerque. I called Wendell Walker to ask if he wanted to see them. On a sunny Thursday we drove to the Cutter Aviation area at the airport. Wendell was in his Honda S-2000 race car. I drove my more tame but tried-and-true 1990 Civic. The Collings Foundation brought the airplanes. They were a B-17 Flying Fortress, a B-24 Liberator and a P-51B Mustang. Each represented historic aircraft in several ways. The B-17 was under development before the war started and many were destroyed by the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor and Manila in 1941. Eventually thousands were deployed to England with the Eighth Air Force and bombed Germany. Bristling with machine guns (hence the rather over-optimistic name "Flying Fortress") they were damaged and shot down in large numbers by antiaircraft fire and by the Bf-109s and FW-190s of the Luftwaffe. The B-24 was developed during the war as a long-range heavy bomber, were used in all theaters and were built in larger numbers than any other bomber. Many were built at Ford's historic "Willow Run" plant which reached the rate of production of a new B-24 every 63 minutes. The P-51 was designed as an attack fighter-bomber for the British but with further development and the addition of drop tanks to carry enough fuel for extended range they were effective at protecting B-17 formations to targets deep in Germany. By the end of the war the P-51 was considered by many to be the best fighter of the war. This P-51 was set up as a trainer, equipped with a back seat for a second pilot. Over the years the Collings Foundation "Wings of Freedom" aircraft have visited Albuquerque several times and I have gone out to Cutter to see them twice more. This year I went to see them on March 28 and there was a fully restored P-40, an aircraft used in the early 1940s as "Flying Tigers" fighting for China against Japanese Zeroes. Rides were offered in some of the airplanes. To fly in one of the fighters the price was a few thousand dollars. I have never gone up in a WWII aircraft but if I really wanted to do so, I would have picked the P-40. Why? Years ago I read a book "Into the Teeth of the Tiger" by Donald S. Lopez who wrote of his exploits in China with the Flying Tigers before the United States entered the war. After years of flying the P-40 the pilots had learned how to best use them against Japanese fighters. They were familiar with them and knew the P-40s were reliable and rugged. When, late in the war their unit was supplied with P-51s, the pilots actually preferred their old P-40 to the new, superior airplanes. Plus, how could anyone not want to get a ride in an airplane with such a history and with the painted shark tooth grin? Alas, I was not ready to fly in an airplane older than I am so I just took pictures. When exotic airplanes come to an airport near you, do yourself a favor and go out to see them. Whether Navy Blue Angels, USAF Thunderbirds or 1940s or 1950s warplanes, they are worth your attention and admiration. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== ENGINES, ENGINES EVERYWHERE! Pete Koehler (NOT A ONE THAT RUNS) Trick question: How many Corvair engines does one Corvair Enthusiast really need? How about at least one for each Corvair in the collection? In my case that would mean a whole lot of engines. But I subscribe to that old saying, "He who dies with the most Corvair engines... has TOO MANY Corvair engines!" Lately it seems that I am bent on getting even more engines stuffed into the Caveman Garage. I think it started out with a message from my friend Mark "Canyon Man" Irons who found a stash of engines and parts of engines up in Millington. Mark wanted the super cool tri-port 140 engine and suggested that I might want whatever is left in the guy's chicken coop. Sure enough. After the recent Chrome and Ice car show in Flint several of us piled into Bob Wittman's fancy new company car (truck) and headed up to check out the merchandise. Of course Mark wasn't with us. No, he had hopped a plane to Florida to avoid Michigan's lovely winter weather. We loaded up Mark's tri-port and a bunch of parts that nearly overflowed Bob's demo. Next day Ian "I'm not the real Police but I'm having more fun than they ever will" Smith joined myself and new home owner Gary Komora in a second trip to Millington to retrieve four more engines and some miscellaneous goodies. A few weeks later the weather Gods gave me a window of opportunity to deliver the former Stu Shuster 1969 Monza convertible to son Bill Shuster's home in Cincinnati. On the return trip Ian and I stopped off in Brookville, Indiana to pick up a 1966 Monza convertible that "wouldn't start." Well, when we got there with an empty trailer it turns out that wouldn't start = locked up engine. Oooops! Now I need another engine! The seller did include the 140 that came out the car when they put in the 110, but that one was junque as well. At a breakfast meeting with Tim Bramble and other members of the Old Cars and Ailments Club at Pete's Coney II Tim mentioned that he had a set of rebuilt 140 cylinder heads. Maybe I could build an engine from the growing pile-o-parts in the back of my work area. A trip up to Tim's place after eats revealed that he not only had a set of heads, but a whole lot of other engine parts that he didn't need anymore. A deal was struck and my truck was filled and now what am I going to do with al of this "stuff"? I placed an ad in the local Craigslist site and found a fellow over in Cleveland who wanted a couple of 110 core engines for rebuild. Do you think we could fit two complete Corvair engines inside a Honda Fit? (Google it, it is a small little car!) We did and he headed back East to his airplane hangar. Next up was a project for the Museum; a display engine to showcase my Desert Air package air cleaner assembly - option K46. This is a very rare bit of Corvair history It was only offered in 1965 and 1966 and was installed on just over 700 vehicles. The innards of the engine are not important. Just the overall appearance since most of the engine is hidden by the air cleaner tins. There are a few more engine projects on my agenda. And of course if I find another engine or two I just might be tempted to bring them home as well. Is there a cure for Engine-itis? Let me know if you find one. CAVEMAN PETE KOEHLER Reprinted from The AIRCOOLER -- Detroit Area Corvair Club -- April 2019 ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== Long-time CNM member Kevin sent this photo of their Ultra Van with its new license plate. Kevin says it is his first "custom" license plate and as you can see, it is very Corvair-appropriate: "95-HP" ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== WHICH CARS DO YOU REMEMBER? (Contributed by Steve Gongora) By popular demand, here are the answers to last month's puzzle questions: 1. A famous Indian chief Pontiac 2. A kind of rock used for striking fire Flint 3. The crossing of a stream Ford 4. An intoxicated maker of bread Studebaker 5. A city in Texas Austin 6. A French general Lafayette 7. A gentle breeze Zephyr 8. A Spanish explorer DeSoto 9. A French explorer LaSalle 10. Ancient + a letter + city in Alabama Oldsmobile 11. Male deer plus one letter Buick 12. A rock famous in American History Plymouth 13. To grind the teeth in anger Nash 14. A river in New York Hudson 15. Honest U.S. President Lincoln 16. A river in the Holy Land Jordan 17. Across country Overland 18. A satellite Moon 19. A kind of cracker Graham 20. Rip an airplane Terraplane 21. A high ecclesiastic Pope 22. A heavenly body Star 23. Michigan city Cadillac 24. A French racing driver Chevrolet 25. A planet Mercury or Saturn 26. A jungle cat Jaguar or Cougar 27. A brand of coffee Maxwell 28. If really tired, you are all Tucker-ed out 29. Former title of German ruler Kaiser 30. Kite-flying diplomat Franklin 31. Half of a famous electronics company Packard ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== ========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================= ========= TREASURY REPORT FOR 03-22-2018 to 04-xx-2019 DATE CHECK# AMOUNT PAYEE DESCRIPTION BALANCE = $6,685.00 $6,685.00 ========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================= ========= 2019.04.06 $ 20.00 Deposit Jacket Patches $ 20.00 $6,705.00 2019.04.06 $ 25.00 Dues Terry Hall 12 m CNM $ 25.00 $6,730.00 2019.04.06 $ 50.00 Dues D.Allin 26 m CNM $ 50.00 $6,780.00 2019.04.06 $ 25.00 Dues W.Darcy 12 m CNM $ 25.00 $6,805.00 2019.04.06 $ 25.00 Dues C.Siddell 12 m CNM $ 25.00 $6,830.00 2019.04.06 2344 -$ 50.05 J.Pittman Newsletter Printing MAY 2019 -$ 26.62 $6,803.38 2019.04.06 -$ J.Pittman Newsletter Postage 33 x $0.71 -$ 23.43 $6,779.95 2019.04.22 $ 25.00 Dues J.Dinsdale 12 m CNM $ 25.00 $6,804.95 ========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================= ========= 2019.05.01 MAY NEWSLETTER ========================================== $6,804.95 $6,804.95 ========================================================================================== ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== ============================================================================ | May 2019 | June 2019 | July 2019 | | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | | 1 2 3 4 | 1 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 | | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | | 26 27 28 29 30 31 | 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | 28 29 30 31 | | | 30 | | ============================================================================ SAT 04 MAY 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE WED 15 MAY 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE FRI 17 MAY ........ Tri-State - hosted by PIKES PEAK CORVAIR CLUB SAT 18 MAY ........ Tri-State - Best Western in Alamosa, Colorado SUN 19 MAY ........ Tri-State - SUN 19 MAY ........ Albuquerque Museum / New Mexico Car Council Car Show WED 22 MAY 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE FRI 24 MAY 9:00 PM Deadline for items for June 2019 newsletter ============================================================================ SAT 01 JUN 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE WED 19 JUN 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE WED 26 JUN 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE FRI 28 JUN 9:00 PM Deadline for items for July 2019 newsletter ============================================================================ SAT 06 JUL 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE FRI-SAT 12-13 JULY -- Collector Car Appreciation Day -- will include a cruise to Belen, to the Hub City Brewing pub by the railyards, where there will be a food truck and a live band. WED 17 JUL 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE WED 24 JUL 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE FRI 26 JUL 9:00 PM Deadline for items for August 2019 newsletter ============================================================================ SAT 03 AUG 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE SUN 04 AUG ........ ALL-CLUBS PICNIC - Oak Flat south of Tijeras on NM 337 WED 21 AUG 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE WED 28 AUG 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE FRI 30 AUG 9:00 PM Deadline for items for September 2019 newsletter FRI-SAT-SUN 27-28-29 SEP == NMCCC 41st ANNUAL SWAP MEET == Isleta Resort Casino ============================================================================ See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities ======================== ====================== SUGGESTION: A visit to the Telephone Museum on Fourth Street SUGGESTION: A visit to the new WEATHER LAB at the Balloon Museum SUGGESTION: A visit to the Soaring Museum in Moriarty SUGGESTION: Activities with other clubs such as VMCCA. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== SEVEN YEARS AGO [ MAY 2019 VOL 45 Nr 5 ISSUE 524 ] Jim Pittman 2012 V.38 Nr 5 # 440 COVER: the yellow Library Van was present for an Old Route 66 cleanup session. John Wiker mentioned our visit to the Veterans' Memorial and we had reports from Lee Reider and Russ McDuffie. Many thanks to Larry Blair for organizing the tour! Larry Yoffee planned an All-Corvair car show in April and Robert Gold previewed the Albuquerque Museum car show in May. Tech tips from Bob Helt discussed stock and modified Corvair brakes. Steve Goodman previewed the Salida Tri-State. Car Show photos filled out the issue. 2005 V.31 Nr 5 # 356 A graph on the cover depicted the rise and fall of our treasury balance and Ruth and Tarmo walked to our Gallas meeting. Wendell reported our funds as $3081 which included $500 from our sponsor. We discussed going to an Isotopes ball game, going on a tour to the Jemez with another car club, getting together with an out-of-town couple for dinner, and giving our sponsor a CORSA membership. President David suggested getting the newsletter from the web page, in full color, to save postage. How many members would want to do that? Your editor thanked Robert Gold for his thought-provoking newsletter stories and articles. Heula reported on the 31st anniversary party. Steve Goodman wrote about all those pesky sources of Corvair oil leaks. A much better tail light socket is part number S-75 from Car Quest. 1998 V.24 Nr 5 # 272 Dennis ran our meeting. A new member was Joel Craig who owned a 1964 Spyder. One of several guests was Peter de Wolf. Other new members were Denis & Dee Long of Alamogordo. They owned a 1966 Corsa convertible. Wendell reported $7.803.54. We previewed the May 17 Albuquerque Museum Car Show and the September 26-27 Car Council swap meet. We thanked Steve for the AT&T museum tour and thanked Jerry, Paul and Mark for the mystery tour afterward. Tarmo reported preparations for our Tri-State meet. Details of the Francis Boydston Memorial flag pole, to be installed at the Pecos cabin, were to be discussed at the board meeting. Robert Gold reported that the State Fair would like to have us back on September 27th. Ollie scheduled the Route 66 cleanup on April 25th. Paul wanted to set up an autumn rally. Ruth gave us a poster that Francis prepared for the 1974 Winrock Car Show. Dennis and Debbie planned to attend the St. Louis National CORSA convention. We published a nice article comparing early and late Corvairs, with the pros and cons of each. Factors such as styling, engineering and day-to-day livability were mentioned. We published an article by Wendell Morrin from THE AIRCOOLER (Detroit) about Hantavirus, mice and old cars. When trying to rescue an abandoned old car, don't breathe dusty mouse droppings! Finally, Marybeth Claypool of the Chicago AIRHORN told us why late speedometer cables were so likely to fail, why replacement cables were inferior to originals, and how to install a replacement cable with some chance of having it last a while. 1991 V.17 Nr 5 # 188 COVER: two VLA radio telescope antennas as recalled by young artist Joe Barbarone. The bank held $640. Guest Terry Price had a 1962 Lakewood. Guest Marshall Navarro wanted a late coupe body with V-8. Past member Ben Abeyta visited and re-joined; he had an auto 1966 with air. Wayne Christgau had name tags to distribute. Bill Reider showed demo copies of the membership handbook. We looked forward to an All-Chevy Show. Mark Martinek said that Chevrolet had a toll-free number you could call with your VIN and they would tell you all about your old Chevrolet. President Steve Gongora reported on a successful tour of the VLA, organized by Jerry Goffe. Steve also provided a tech tip, with a dimensioned drawing, showing how to set up high-performance speakers in your Corvair. A tip from Vair Views told how to repair a backup light switch from the 1961-1965 models. 1984 V.10 Nr 5 # 104 The cover showed that frisky late coupe slugging through the snow again. Bill Hector's meeting minutes said we had $302 and Sylvan showed our tenth-anniversary patch design. Chuck reported on a fun Sunday rally. Bill Reider's discussed current emissions requirements and estimated how well our Corvairs would do. Jim reported on a Road & Track article on special oil requirements for turbocharged engines. A tip from the Tucson club pointed out a change in the ignition rotor for 1969; you should not use this rotor in your 1962-1968 Corvair. Finally, you could read all about radio frequency interference in your car radio and how to reduce it. 1977 V.3 Nr 3 # 025 We planned a Mystery Run with MG club members. Dan Simpson spoke on body work: joining the front of one wrecked Corvair to the rear of another, producing a new, good Corvair. We had a letter from Mark Morgan, in Florida with the Navy; he complained about a lack of mountains and green chile. Mark included a short article giving the pros and cons of buying a new car and concluded we'd be better off fixing up our old Corvairs than buying any current new car! ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico, chartered Chapter #871 of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Copyright by the Authors and by Corvairs of New Mexico. Articles may be reprinted in any CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members, provided credit to the Author and this Newsletter is clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or Editor and are not necessarily endorsed by Corvairs of New Mexico or CORSA. Material for publication should reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send material via e-mail ( jimp @ ) or submit a readable manuscript. I prefer ASCII TEXT, but MS Word or RTF are fine. Photographs are welcome. The newsletter is composed using Apple computers. Software includes Mac OS-X, AppleWorks, Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter, BBEdit and InDesign CS. If you care, ask for more details. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== =END=