The June 2019 newsletter - Text Version Updated 28-May-2019 ==== Copyright (c) 2019 Corvairs of New Mexico ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== June 2019 / VOLUME 45 / NUMBER 6 / ISSUE 525 ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== First Place, Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, 2005 & 2012 Third Place, Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, 2010 EDITOR Jim Pittman MEETING Regular Meeting: Saturday June 1st, 2019, 10:00 AM Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE Albuquerque NM 87108 THIS MONTH President's Letter ............................ Dave Allin "See More" the Cutaway Corvair ................ Pikes Peak Dues Due Dates ...................... Membership Committee May Regular Meeting ............................. Kay Sutt May Board Meeting ............................... Kay Sutt A Report on the TUNA .......................... John Wiker A Report on Failed Brakes ..................... John Wiker Birthdays & Anniversaries ....................... Sunshine One of Many Tri-State Stories ................. John Wiker Sara Gold and her Early Coupe .... Albuquerque Museum Show Alamosa Tri-State Statistics ................... Ed Halpin Treasury Report ............................ Steve Gongora Alamosa Tri-State Photos ........ Tarmo Sutt & John Wiker Calendar of Coming Events ............. Board of Directors June: 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42 Years Ago ..... Club Historian COVER Sheriff's Award: the Car He Would Most Likely Stop ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== OFFICERS and VOLUNTEERS President Dave Allin 505-410-9668 dnjallin Vice President David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 Co-secretary Linda Soukup 763-226-0707 studeboytony Co-secretary Kay Sutt 505-471-1153 tarmo Treasurer Steve Gongora 505-220-7401 stevegongora Car Council Dave Allin 505-410-9668 dnjallin Membership David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 Merchandise Vickie Hall 505-865-5574 patandvickiehall Sunshine Heula Pittman 505-275-2195 heula Newsletter Jim Pittman 505-275-2195 jimp Old Route 66 David Huntoon 505-281-9616 corvair66 Past President John Wiker 505-239-3311 wikerj63 Past President Ray Trujillo 505-814-8373 rtrujilloabq505 Past President Pat Hall 505-620-5574 patandvickiehall Past Vice-Pres Tarmo Sutt 505-690-2046 tarmo MEETINGS: First Saturday of each Month at 10:00 AM Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== INTERNET CORSA's home page CNM's newsletters Steve Gongora's page Larry Yoffee's home page New Mexico Council of Car Clubs ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== SCHEDULE CNM: 12 months = $25.00 or 26 months = $ 50.00 OF CORSA: 12 months = $45.00 or 26 months = $ 90.00 DUES CNM & CORSA: 12 months = $70.00 or 26 months = $140.00 ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== DUES DUE DATES JUNE 2019 DUE LAST MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE 2019.05 NONE 25-JUN-2019 DUE THIS MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE 2019.06 Brenda Stickler 25-JUL-2019 DUE NEXT MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE 2019.07 Sarah & Terry Price 25-AUG-2019 DUE AUGUST 2019 ===================== INACTIVE DATE 2019.08 Kathy & Larry Blair 25-SEP-2019 2019.08 Anne & Geoffrey Johnson 25-SEP-2019 INACTIVE ============================ INACTIVE DATE 2019.01 Connie & Floyde Adams 25-FEB-2019 2019.01 Carolyn & Dan Palmer 25-FEB-2019 2019.02 Mike Butler 25-MAR-2019 2019.03 Natalie Robison 25-APR-2019 2019.03 Brenda Wilvert 25-APR-2019 Send your Dues to: CNM Treasurer -- Steve Gongora, House of Covers 115 Richmond NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106 Past due memberships become inactive after a one-month grace period. The Club will mail in your National Dues if you send us the renewal form from your Communique. As of 26-May-2018 we have 40 active family memberships. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== PRESIDENT'S LETTER Dave Allin It has been a fun and exciting month. The Tri-State in Alamosa went extremely well, with the New Mexico club fielding the most cars and people. The drive up there was somewhat of an adventure, as David Huntoon threw a fan belt, and my car had a pesky temperature light that kept coming on. Nonetheless, we all made it without major problems, and enjoyed the event despite the cold windy weather. This was my first Tri-State, and I learned a lot about how to stage such an event, which will come in handy next year. We also did our first highway cleanup of the year. There were only four of us, but we managed to collect a lot of trash and some interesting objects abandoned along the road side. With summer almost upon us, there will be many car shows going on around the state, and I intend to be at as many of them as I can. I encourage everyone in the club to join these shows and spread the gospel of Corvair. It's surprising how many people don't know about our favorite car. At a stoplight the other day, a guy asked me if I had a V8. When I told him it was a flat six in the rear, he said, "Mid-engine! Cool!" Now we need to begin planning and preparing for our Tri-State next year. At Alamosa we gave the other clubs a choice of locations, and they voted for Albuquerque, so now it's full speed ahead. I would like everyone in the club to get on board and help out, so we can make this the best Tri-State ever. David Allin ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== GENERAL MEETING MINUTES OF 05/04/2019 by Kay Sutt The meeting was called to order by President Dave Allin at 10:15 AM at the Highland Senior Center, located at 131 Monroe Street, NE, with thirteen members in attendance. VP's Report: Dave Huntoon had no report. Treasurer's Report: Steve Gongora reported after the most recent bank statement was reconciled the account contains $6,760.42. Newsletter Report: Jim Pittman was not able to attend the meeting, but he sent word via Steve Gongora that the deadline for the next newsletter is 9 PM on Friday, 05/24/2019. Merchandise Committee Report: Vickie was not present and there was no report Secretaries' Reports: The minutes of the last meeting as published in the newsletter were approved by the members present. Old Business: The "Care and Feeding..." manual is proofread with the exception of updating it for the new Boydston and Meissner Awards criteria and the parts number checking by Tarmo and Dave Huntoon. After that the manual is ready for printing! The Spring Highway Clean-up, originally scheduled for Saturday, April 13 was cancelled due to weather. Dave Huntoon has rescheduled the clean-up for Saturday, May 11 at 9:00 A.M. Members are to meet at the bridge and he anticipates it will take 1-2 hours to complete. Dave Allin updated the club regarding the Collector Car Appreciation Day originally proposed by NM Car Council for July. The Council voted not to hold the event this year because of the short time to organize the event. Instead, they will hold a cruise to the Railyard Brew Pub in Belen on Saturday July 13 with a food truck and drinks available for purchase and a live band. Dave wasn't sure if there would be a convoy or if cars would meet in Belen. More details will be published when available. The TUNA at Vickie and Pat Hall's in Los Lunas on April 20 was a success with several cars and nearly a dozen people in attendance. Several minor repairs were diagnosed, and those that could be completed immediately, without ordering parts, were handled by the competent hands present at the event. Dave Allin reported he was the only Corvair present at the recent Park in the Park event. He said over 400 cars were displayed, with art, music and lots of fun. He reported it was well worth the $30 entry fee, even though he hadn't registered in time to get the event T-shirt. Steve and Rita Gongora brought the completed CNM T-shirts and Jackets to be distributed to members. We were all impressed with the quality of the merchandise, especially the jackets. They are not windbreakers, but lined jackets, so they will serve a greater portion of the year. The club logo is embroidered on the back and the members' names on the front. Steve indicated more of both the jackets and T-shirts could be printed if others want them. The All Wheels Museum auction and swap meet was being held May 4, as CNM's meeting was taking place, at Balloon Park, with proceeds to benefit the museum. New Business: Alamosa 2019 Tri-State: The convoy to travel to this year's event will leave Friday May 17 at 10 AM from the gas station directly south of Sandia Casino, and travel north to the gas station in Pojoaque to pick up the Santa Fe contingent, then continue on to Alamosa. The 2020 Tri-State: Research/planning for the meet in Albuquerque was discussed. The date is tentatively set for May 15-17, 2020 to coincide with the Albuquerque Museum Car Show on Sunday, the 17th. The last Tri-State in Albuquerque was similarly scheduled. Attendees, especially those from out-of-town, will be able to view/participate in the largest annual car show in Albuquerque. Dave Allin indicated he had had two e-mails regarding this venue from Colorado club members, which he has addressed. Dave Huntoon has researched several hotels as possible hosting locations for the event. The National Hot Rod group recently held their meet at the Sheraton on Menaul and Louisiana, but there was concern expressed about the lack of parking for cars/trailers. Crowne Plaza, at the northeast intersection of I-25 and I-40 and the Embassy Suites were also mentioned as possibilities. Most promising among the hotels canvassed so far are the Hotel Albuquerque and the Best Western Plus Rio Grande Inn. The Hotel Albuquerque has lots of parking and banquet facilities. The Best Western Plus is directly across the street, so even though it doesn't have banquet facilities the banquet could be conveniently scheduled in the Hotel Albuquerque. Both hotels are at the edge of Old Town, just off Old Route 66, which is our theme for the meet. Both are within easy walking distance of numerous restaurants, shopping and entertainment in Old Town. The committee, consisting of Dave Huntoon, Terry Price, Steve Gongora and Kay Sutt will meet on June 7 to visit several possible sites for the event. Rita Gongora suggested El Pinto Restaurant as a possible location for the banquet. Their facility is large, with both indoor and outdoor dining facilities capable of handling a large group, and their buffet offerings are good quality and reasonably priced. It was suggested that Tiguex Park, just east of the museum, might be a good site for the Saturday car show to segue into the Sunday Museum Car Show. Robert Gold has offered to help with the car display, and John and Anne Wiker offered to ramrod the registration. Thank you! More details will be forthcoming as decisions are made. The meeting was adjourned at 11:20. Announcement: Bill Reider's 1965 Corsa Coupe, silver with black trim, is listed for sale in the current CORSA Communique, so help Bill and Lee out by sending any possible buyers you know their way. Note to anyone outside Albuquerque that the area code in the ad is incorrect. It is 505-299-4597 rather than area code 585 as printed. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== CNM BOARD MEETING MINUTES, MAY 15, 2019 by Kay Sutt, 2019 Co-Secretary Meeting was called to order by President Dave Allin at 5:30 PM. Present were David Huntoon, Vice President; Steve Gongora, Treasurer; Kay Sutt, Secretary; and Lube Lubert, member. Treasurer Steve Gongora reported the balance in the treasury is $6,562.07, with all bills (including the T-shirt bill) paid. There remain a few jackets/shirts to be distributed and collected from the members. David Huntoon reported four people helped complete the highway cleanup, and he anticipates the next one will take place in late summer, but no date is yet set. President Dave Allin reminded everyone to meet at the gas station across Tramway from Sandia Casino for the caravan to the 2019 Tri-State meet in Alamosa. The caravan will leave promptly at 10:00 AM. President Dave Allin reported that he has looked at some of the hotels mentioned as a possible site for our 2020 Albuquerque Tri-State Meet. He said he thought the Hotel Albuquerque and the Hilton Pyramid were the most likely among those he looked at. The forming committee will meet on Friday, June 7 to tour the various hotels and see what kind of facilities and prices we can negotiate. Steve Gongora still believes El Pinto is an ideal place for the banquet. It offers plenty of seating, an easy, varied and tasty buffet, and if we should choose to do the banquet earlier in the afternoon, El Pinto's patio space is large and beautiful during Spring and Summer. The next club general meeting is Saturday, June 1 at 10:00 AM at our regular meeting place, Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE. The club event for June is the "Cars and Coffee" breakfast at Hello Deli on Saturday, June 8. This will be a good opportunity for members to meet, kick tires, tell lies and show off our Corvairs. Hello Deli is a restaurant located at 7600 Jefferson NE, in the strip center. The CNM breakfast will begin at 9:00 AM, but members are encouraged to come earlier. Cars begin congregating in the parking lot around 7:30, and President Dave said he has been there several times when he was able to see not just collector cars, but exotic cars as well. The board meeting was adjourned at 6:10 PM. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== NEWSLETTER STORY John Wiker 28 Apr 2019 Last Saturday, I joined a group of other members at Vickie & Pat Halls' home for our "TUNA" Tech Session or as Tarmo called it "making a good Corvair into a better one." Larry Blair had his early model torn apart when I arrived. It was a headlight change and a cooling fan bearing lubrication. Then Dave the president's car got a "lift and inspection." Checking the steering ratio and box matching and cleaning out the weep holes were completed in no time at all. We all gave it an inspection and found nothing more that needed done. Then it was my car's turn. My car had not been to Pat's for a few years, a minor miracle. It needed a front end lubrication, tire inflation check, weep holes cleaned out. We also discovered that someone had put in two "spring stiffeners" inside each of the rear coils. Everyone saw no reason for them so David Huntoon took them out. He said I should expect a smoother less noisy ride since half had come loose and were just inside the coils doing no good. Then came the excitement of the day. Tarmo was kind enough to give my car a test run after Dave had said that on the last visit to his place he felt a little clutch plate area vibration he could not put his finger on. Tarmo said he heard it too and now that it was on the lift he and David discovered that the transmission mounts were dry rotted and brittle. And while they were in the area to do that, we may as well change out the tie rod bearings and transmission rod seal as well. All this could be done after the Tri-State and the car in their mind was perfectly safe to drive until then. David said he would order the parts since I misplaced all my Clark's catalogues during our move and he also had the capability to do the work at his place. This shows once again how membership in a club like ours is so valuable. We dropped the car off the lift and after a hotdog and beans and soda thanks to Vickie's hospitality and Terry Price manning the grill, I was on my way home. The first red light near the Indian reservation caused some concern. The brakes did not brake. I quickly downshifted and discovered once again that the parking brake has a second function. The same thing happened to me in 1962, when my 1953 Mercury lost its power brakes on the way home from work after school. I made it home safely timing all the lights down Central with downshifting most of the way to Edgewood. (Jim says that when he was learning to drive it was actually called the "emergency brake" and no one used it for parking.) On Monday, I called David and we arranged a meeting at my place on Thursday to solve the problem. Seems that a nipple on the master cylinder of my left front wheel brake had come loose and every time I would brake, I would lose some fluid. It had a rhythm to it. The brakes would work for about two applications, and then go to the floor. We may have knocked it loose as we had a tough time getting the lube gun disconnected on that same wheel. Between David and me, we wiggled, swore, wiggled some more and then David used a circular motion to finally pop it off. The test drive down Church Street and back was successful as was the round trip this Saturday to the car show at Goodwill next to Sonic. This goes to show that you are never too old to learn that even a non mechanic like me can work on his own car. But for me you've got to use the KISS system. You know, "keep it simple, stupid." Thanks again to Pat, David and Tarmo as well as all the others who at one time or another were nestled under my car. All those opinions were gratefully accepted. See you in Alamosa!! Sent from my iPad ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== Happy Birthday Wishes to June CNM'ers: Bill Darcy Phil Finch Robert Gold Rita Gongora Jonathan Reider Sylvia Trujillo Happy June Anniversaries to: David & Janice Allin Sarah & Terry Price ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== ONE OF MANY TRI-STATE STORIES John Wiker Twenty representatives of the CNM car club attended the Tri-State at Alamosa this year. Everyone seemed to have a good time. Getting there for some of us was a challenge. The Blairs, the Wikers, the Halls, and David Huntoon met up at the gas station across from the Sandia Casino on Friday morning at 10:00. We left on the way to Santa Fe to join with others for the trip. Before reaching Santa Fe we had our first breakdown. David had a fanbelt pop off. He pulled over and everyone else joined him. It looked like a highway work crew with four giving advice and looking on as one worked. Dave was really struggling to get the belt back on. It took us about 45 minutes and by that time the Santa Fe group gave up on us and went on without us. As we passed the rest stop just south of town, we saw Dave Allin's 1969 Corvair at the stop. He was letting it cool off. That was a sign of bad things to come. We stopped in Espanola for a picnic at Sonic. There we found that their service was the slowest I've ever seen. And of course there were no bathrooms available for the three ladies with us. After about an hour, we were on our way again. Climbing the second hill north of Espanola, Dave pulled over again for another cool-down session. Five more sessions later we finally called Tony and Linda who had trailered their car. They had already arrived and would be willing to run a rescue mission. The Wikers and the Halls continued on toward Alamosa and the Blairs stayed with Dave. I understand that he pulled an old Corvair trick and turned on the heater and made it in with no further problem. The final fix will be covered later in the story. Everyone got registered. The next morning, we lined up in model style order for the trip to the park for the Show-and-Shine that went from 09:00 till 1:00 PM. There were 35 cars in the show: 8 early open, 5 early closed, 4 late open, 15 late closed, 2 wagons, 1 forward control. We circled the cars in the park and in the middle was the fan belt toss and push rod drop contests. CNM had three teams entered in the fan belt contest. Dave and his friend Judd played first and graciously lost. Next came Pat Hall and me. We had practiced earlier and I for one was quite surprised at the difficulty we had with the heavy wind and cold temperatures. The high for the day was 50 degrees. We lost to the eventual champions, but we did score 9 points which was more than we had in practice. Our final team of Steve and Rita won their first round but lost to the second place team in the semi-finals. While we were getting embarrassed at the fan belt toss, Tarmo took a hammer and screw driver and attacked Dave's car. It turned out that one of the cooling damper doors was hanging up occasionally, which may have lead to the temperature gauge coming on. That must have been the problem, because Dave took the car out to the Great Sand Dunes National Park and back with no problems. I did not hear of any problems on the way home either. Meanwhile as losers, Pat and I got to enter the push rod drop where I scored 7 points and Pat scored 3. The winner had 9, so CNM had no luck at the games. The local sheriff and deputy showed up at the car show and were given the opportunity to make two on-the-spot awards. One award was for his favorite car at the show (it turned out to be an early four-door) and the other award went to the car that his deputy would most likely stop on the street for a safety check -- you know, a car that might drop parts all over town. Needless to say, we CNM folks knew right away this award would have to go to Lube's Great White Hope, and indeed it did. The deputy circled the field and "lit up" Lube's car and called for him to get out of the car, sir, and get cuffed. Everyone present (hopefully including Lube) thought this was great fun. After the show we had time to go to the Gator Farm or to see the Sand Dunes. I was not feeling well and decided to take a nap before the banquet. The Elks Lodge did an excellent job with the meals. We had a choice of chicken or beef. My beef was so large I took it most of it home for at least two more meals. The CNM group of seven cars did not win any awards from the show except for Lube' unique award. We did have two winners though. Curtis Shimp took the mileage award with 352 miles from Silver City, squeaking past the usual winner of the distance award, the couple from Wyoming. Curt beat them by by 2 miles -- Google does not lie. Larry Blair won $225 from the 50/50. Everyone enjoyed the evening and a group of us decided to leave the next morning in a convoy at 10:00. The Blairs, Wikers, Halls and Tarmo's group of three headed out. We stopped in Espanola at Burger King (nope, not Sonic this time) for lunch and then headed for Santa Fe with the usual gas stop at Pojoaque. After going around Santa Fe on the bypass, the Halls and Blairs headed down Interstate 25 while the Wikers headed over the hills via Cerrillos and Madrid as a shortcut to Edgewood via Route 14. As far as I know, everyone made it home with no problems. It is now time to get to work on next year's Tri-State. Our delegation to this year's Tri-State all agree we will hold it in Albuquerque versus Las Vegas. That is another story that Dave Allin can tell if he wants to. As for me, after a very busy and eventful weekend, it is time to rest up. Photo by Steve Gongora Sara Gold at the Albuquerque Museum Car Show, May 19th with an art piece of her car. This was a graduation present. She got her BBA! Now for the MBA! ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== REPORT ON 2019 TRI-STATE -- SPONSORED BY PIKES PEAK CORVAIR CLUB ALAMOSA, COLORADO --- MAY 17-18-19 --- Statistics by Ed Halpin, PPCC. EVENT ATTENDANCE / CLUB PARTICIPATION Individuals attended this event: 99. The Clubs represented were: Pikes Peak Corvair Club Corvairs of New Mexico Rocky Mountain CORSA Corvair Club Green Country Corvair Group (Tulsa) CAR SHOW ATTENDANCE Registered for the Show and Shine event: 40 Corvairs NUMBER OF CARS IN THE CAR SHOW BY YEAR 1960 1 1961 2 1962 2 1963 4 1964 9 1965 9 1966 6 1967 3 1968 2 1969 2 BY BODY TYPE Early Open 8 Early Closed 7 Late Open 4 Late Closed 17 Forward Control 1 Wagon 2 Specialty 1 BANQUET ATTENDANCE AND AWARDS PRESENTED Ninety-nine individuals were projected to attend the banquet. Two individuals were unable to make the dinner, but their meals were sold to two same day registrants, so the numbers evened out. Awards Presented Earlier in the day on the field at the Show & Shine: Push Rod Drop Competition: Champion - Mike Halpin (PPCC) Fan Belt Toss Competition: 2nd Place - Erica and Jamie Anderson Fan Belt Toss Competition: 1nd Place - Kyle Piper, Colton Hanratty Alamosa County Sheriff's Awards: "Corvair Most Likely to be Stopped by Law Enforcement for Material Defect" Lube Lubert in his '63 4 Door Sedan "Sheriff's Choice" Phil Degroot in his '62 4 Door Sedan Show & Shine Awards Presented at the Banquet: Best Early Open Chris Kimberly (PPCC) '64 Baby Blue Monza Convertible Best Early Closed Phil DeGroot (PPCC) '62 Gold Monza 4 Door Sedan Best Late Open Mike Piper (PPCC) '65 Red CORSA Convertible Best Late Closed Jim Williams (RMC) '65 Dark Red CORSA Coupe Best Wagon William Pearce (PPCC) '61 Seafoam Green Lakewood Wagon Best Forward Control Michael Timmons (PPCC) '61 White Corvair 95 Panel Van Best Specialty Pikes Peak Corvair Club '66 Blue Cutaway Car "SeeMore" Best in Show Jim Williams (RMC) '65 Dark Red CORSA Coupe People's Choice Kathy Green '61 Green Lakewood Wagon Other Awards Presented at the Banquet: Long Distance Award: Curtis Shimp out of Silver City, NM racked up 436 miles in his journey to the Tri-State this year. Hard Luck Award: Michael Timmons in '61 Corvair 95 Panel Van for excessive over- heating and electrical issues, overcome along the journey to Alamosa PPCC Tech Team Shirt Awards: Chris Kimberly, Rick Beet, and Ken Schifftner PPCC Tech Team Hat Awards: Randy Karl, David Feasel, Ed Halpin RMC President's Achievement Award: John Dinsdale received an achievement award from the RMC for his 25-plus years of service as their Treasurer Awards Not Presented: Attendance Award (retired from this and future Tri-States by the Club Presidents) Boydston Award (retired from this and future Tri-States by the Club Presidents) T-SHIRT SALES A total of 68 event t-shirts were sold, and the addition of a pink shirt for the ladies was well received. 23 - Lady's Pink V-Neck t-shirts sold 45 - Men's Black Crew Neck t-shirts sold ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== TREASURY REPORT FOR 04-26-2018 to 05-25-2019 DATE CHECK# AMOUNT PAYEE DESCRIPTION BALANCE = $6,804.95 $6,804.95 ========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================= ========= 2019.05.04 2345 -$ 44.43 J.Pittman Newsletter Printing MAY 2019 -$ 23.13 $6,781.82 2019.05.04 -$ J.Pittman Newsletter Postage 30 x $0.71 -$ 21.30 $6,760.52 2019.05.06 +$ 50.00 Dues S.Johnson 26 m CNM $ 50.00 $6,810.52 2019.05.06 +$ 393.00 Deposit CNM Jacket & Shirt Order +$ 393.00 $7,203.52 2019.05.06 2346 -$ 14.00 H.Pittman Sunshine Committee -$ 14.00 $7,189.52 2019.05.13 2347 -$ 627.45 Aramark Shirts / Jackets -$ 627.45 $6,562.07 2019.05.20 +$ 130.00 Deposit Shirts / Jackets $ 130.00 $6,692.07 2019.05.20 +$ 70.00 Deposit M.Morgan 12 m CNM & CORSA $ 70.00 $6,762.07 2019.05.25 2348 -$ 45.00 CORSA M.Morgan 12 m CORSA -$ 45.00 $6,717.07 ========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================= ========= 2019.06.01 JUN NEWSLETTER ========================================== $6,717.07 $6,717.07 ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== ============================================================================ | June 2019 | July 2019 | August 2019 | | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa | | 1 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 | 1 2 3 | | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | | 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | | 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | | 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | 28 29 30 31 | 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | | 30 | | | ============================================================================ SAT 01 JUN 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE SAT 08 JUN 9:00 AM Club Breakfast at "Hello Deli" 7600 Jefferson NE WED 19 JUN 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE WED 26 JUN 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE FRI 28 JUN 9:00 PM Deadline for items for July 2019 newsletter ============================================================================ SAT 06 JUL 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE FRI-SAT 12-13 JULY -- Collector Car Appreciation Day SAT 13 JUL Cruise to the Railyard Brew Pub in Belen WED 17 JUL 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE WED 24 JUL 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE FRI 26 JUL 9:00 PM Deadline for items for August 2019 newsletter ============================================================================ SAT 03 AUG 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE SUN 04 AUG ...... ALL-CLUBS PICNIC - Oak Flat south of Tijeras on NM 337 WED 21 AUG 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE WED 28 AUG 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE FRI 30 AUG 9:00 PM Deadline for items for September 2019 newsletter ============================================================================ SAT 07 SEP 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE SUN 15 SEP 7:00 AM New Mexico State Fair Car Show ? WED 18 SEP 5:00 PM Board Meeting: Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE WED 25 SEP 7:30 PM NEW MEXICO CAR COUNCIL MEETING OLD CAR GARAGE 3232 GIRARD NE FRI-SAT-SUN 27-28-29 SEP == NMCCC 41st ANNUAL SWAP MEET == Isleta Resort Casino FRI 27 SEP 9:00 PM Deadline for items for October 2019 newsletter ============================================================================ See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities ======================== ====================== SUGGESTION: A visit to the Telephone Museum on Fourth Street SUGGESTION: A visit to the new WEATHER LAB at the Balloon Museum SUGGESTION: A visit to the Soaring Museum in Moriarty SUGGESTION: Activities with other clubs such as VMCCA. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== SEVEN YEARS AGO [ JUNE 2019 VOL 45 Nr 6 ISSUE 525 ] Jim Pittman 2012 V.38 Nr 6 # 441 The cover: Scenes at the Salida, Colorado Tri-State. New members were Judy Jaramillo and Joan & Murray Bruskin. President Wiker thanked the twenty-five people (and 5 Corvairs) who traveled to the Salida Tri-State. Several pages of this issue were devoted to reports on the Tri-State by Jim and Heula. There were many photos. Robert Gold reported on an excellent Albuquerque Museum car show featuring golden Corvairs plus the club's Library Van. We planned a garage tour to visit LeRoy Rogers, Art Leupold and Larry Blair and their cars. Art had a great collections of old Fords. 2005 V.31 Nr 6 # 357 The cover: Ruth Boydston's white early coupe. Bill Reider's photo showed moonlight at the Ouray Tri-State. We met at Galles Chevrolet. Mark Domzalski visited. Wendell reported $3,074.69 in the bank. We discussed going to a baseball game as a group. We discussed the question of mailing a paper newsletter versus having it only online. CORSA had a new web site. Robert reported on the Car Council meeting. John Dinsdale told about driving through a New Mexico wind/dust storm. Robert reported on a simply fabulous Car Council/Museum car show with many great cars, some of them Corvairs! Bill Reider and Del Patten reported on the Ouray Tri-State. 1998 V.24 Nr 6 # 273 The cover: Bill Reider's logo of our "Lakewood City" Tri-State. President Dennis ran our meeting. Recovering from surgeries were Sylvan, Rita's mother Marie and Ollie Scheflow. New members were Ben & Joy Abeyta. Wendell reported $8,205.35. John McMahan had information on flag poles. We planned to install one at the Boydstons' cabin. The State Fair wanted us back. Paul Campbell reported on the Museum Car Show and his blue late model. Dennis provided tech articles from Rad Davis: Synthetic oil; effects on aircraft engines (aluminum air-cooled heads) of extreme cold temperatures; Adjustable ratio blower pulley; The Corvair cooling fan's performance. 1991 V.17 Nr 6 # 189 On the cover: a VLA radio telescopes in its maintenance hangar. Jerry reported on our tour to the VLA, one of the club's memorable tours! Our bank account stood at $784. A new member was Terry Price. Sylvan was recovering from a heart attack but came the meeting anyway. For $244 we printed the first batch of Bill Reider's Carde & Feeding booklet and they looked great. We planned a June dinner meeting at Charlie's Chiles. We planned to help with an All-Chevy Show, something of a goodbye event for Ed Black Chevrolet. LeRoy asked members to bring items for an auction. Francis called for designs for next year's Tri-State jacket patch. LeRoy reported on this year's Tri-State in Gunnison. We had 21 people, but the Denver club beat us out with 41 in attendance. Steve Gongora's tech tip told of the greatly reduced solar influx he was getting inside his 1966 Corsa since having 3M tinting film installed on the rear glass. He recommended Bob at the Tint Factory if we wanted our Corvairs similarly protected. 1984 V.10 Nr 6 # 105 Our cover showed the "Lean Machine" which looked like a streamlined cross between a tricycle and a motorcycle. Our funds stood at $249 and $249 was real money back in those days. Sylvan sold Ten-Year-Anniversary patches to anyone who was a CNM member in 1984. We planned a June tour to Alamogordo with a picnic at White Sands and a tour of the Space Hall of Fame. George Morin's tech tip was, replace your 1961-1963 car's motor mount with a 1964 motor mount, so you can change your fan belt when it flips off while you are out on the road. 1977 There was no newsletter for June. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico, chartered Chapter #871 of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Copyright by the Authors and by Corvairs of New Mexico. Articles may be reprinted in any CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members, provided credit to the Author and this Newsletter is clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or Editor and are not necessarily endorsed by Corvairs of New Mexico or CORSA. Material for publication should reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send material via e-mail ( jimp @ ) or submit a readable manuscript. I prefer ASCII TEXT, but MS Word or RTF are fine. Photographs are welcome. The newsletter is composed using Apple computers. Software includes Mac OS-X, AppleWorks, Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter, BBEdit and InDesign CS. If you care, ask for more details. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends. ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== ======~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~====== =END=