The January 2022 newsletter - Text Version 

Updated 20-Dec-2021 ==== Copyright (c) 2021 Corvairs of New Mexico     

   January 2022 / VOLUME 48 / NUMBER 1 / ISSUE 556 

First Place, Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, 2005 & 2012
Third Place, Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, 2010

EDITOR Jim Pittman

NEXT MEETING 	Regular Meeting: January 1st at 10:00 AM
  		Highland Senior Center 131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108

  List of Officers and Volunteers ................... The Board
  Dues Due Dates ......................... Membership Committee
  President's Letter .............................. Greg Nelson
  Boydston Award 2021: Terry Price ................... Kay Sutt
  CNM's Charity for 2021: The Storehouse .......... Vickie Hall
  Take a Hike! ................................ Brenda Stickler
  Treasury Report ............................... Steve Gongora
  Christmas Party Photos: ....... Steve, Tarmo, Greg and Others
  Corvairs at Christmas Parties Past ......... Photos by Editor
  Unintended Consequences (Leaded Gasoline) ....... Jim Pittman
  Calendar of Coming Events ................ Board of Directors
  Birthdays & Anniversaries ............................ Editor
  Member List as of December 2021 ...................... Editor
  January Issues, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago .. Club Historian

COVER: Steve's 1966 Corsa Coupe, Domingo Baca Senior Center

 President         Greg Nelson    505-400-8670            fesedu @
 Vice-President  Brenda Stickler  505-856-6993          tounce66 @
 Secretary         Lupe Arellanes 505-515-9897 ispeakmedicare505 @
 Treasurer        Steve Gongora   505-220-7401      stevegongora @
 Merchandise     Vickie Hall      505-865-5574  patandvickiehall @
 Sunshine        Vickie Hall      505-865-5574  patandvickiehall @
 Newsletter         Jim Pittman   505-275-2195              jimp @
 Past President     Pat Hall      505-620-5574  patandvickiehall @
 Past President    Dave Allin     505-410-9668          dnjallin @
 Past President   David Huntoon   505-281-9616         corvair66 @

MEETING:   Regular Meeting - Saturday January 1st, 2022 at 10:00 AM
	   Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108

INTERNET: CORSA's home page ................
	  CNM's newsletters ................
	  New Mexico Council of Car Clubs ..


DUE LAST MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE
2021.12               Leroy Alderete   25-JAN-2022
2021.12     Guadalupe & Jim Arellanes  25-JAN-2022
2021.12             Darlene Darcy      25-JAN-2022
2021.12        Jenny & Phil Finch      25-JAN-2022
2021.12               David Huntoon    25-JAN-2022
2021.12                 Lee Reider     25-JAN-2022

DUE THIS MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE
2022.01        Rita & Steve Gongora    25-FEB-2022

DUE NEXT MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE
2022.02    Linda Soukup & Tony Berbig  25-MAR-2022

DUE MARCH 2022 ====================== INACTIVE DATE
2022.03    Elizabeth & Mark Domzalski  25-APR-2022
2022.03    Barbara & Gordon Johnson    25-APR-2022
2022.03        Kelli & Mark Morgan     25-APR-2022
2022.03            Sui-Fong Neale      25-APR-2022
2022.03  Valerie Nye & Joel Yelich     25-APR-2022

INACTIVE ============================ INACTIVE DATE
2021.04               Lesha Kitts      25-MAY-2021
2021.10        Sylvia & Ray Trujillo   25-NOV-2021

Send your Dues to:
	CNM Treasurer -- Steve Gongora
	8419 Palo Duro NE
	Albuquerque, NM 87111

Past due memberships become inactive after a one-month grace period.
The Club will mail in your National Dues if you send us the renewal
form from your Communique.

As of 18-Dec-2021 we have 45 active family memberships.

SCHEDULE OF DUES: CNM: 12 months = $25.00 or 26 months = $ 50.00
	        CORSA: 12 months = $45.00 or 26 months = $ 90.00
	  CNM & CORSA: 12 months = $70.00 or 26 months = $140.00


Well, I managed to get through the first meeting as President. It is downhill
from here. Items of note this month:

Annual Christmas Party
		The club celebrated its annual Christmas Party at Mimi's Cafe.
This was my first club holiday party and everyone had a great time. The Francis
Boydston Award went to a well-deserving recipient - Terry Price. If you attended
the Tri-State meet this year, you saw firsthand why the award went to the right
person. Congratulations again Terry.

FaceBook Page
		Did you know the club has a Facebook page? Dave Huntoon has
uploaded photos from the Christmas party. In the future, the plan is to use
Facebook for recent news and announcements that pop up between the meetings.
For example, the page will show Corvairs and parts that are available locally.
David has agreed to maintain the site.

Membership Drive
		I would like everyone to brainstorm ideas on how to increase
club membership. Car shows are a good example we already incorporate. Some of
the members have told stories of meeting fans and former owners while driving
their Corvairs around town. If we had a club pamphlet extolling the virtues of
membership we can pass them out at car shows and random fan encounters. We can
also include Corsa's membership pamphlet.

Lecture, Presentation and Advice Series
	We are looking for volunteers to give a quick lecture or presentation at
future meetings. In addition, I would also like to make this an 'Advice' column
session. At the December meeting, I mentioned the trials and tribulations of my
efforts to add oil to my transaxle. Several club members pointed me in the right
direction to help me get back on the road. At future club meetings if one or two
club members have a question for the 'Panel of Experts' let a Board member know
ahead of time so we can add it to the meeting itinerary.

Cheers -- Greg


The 2021 winner of the Francis Boydston award is a valued, long-time member of
CNM. His quiet leadership and dry sense of humor, as well as his unflagging
energy, sense of responsibility and dedication to CNM have been among the major
forces holding CNM together during the last few years, as first CNM changed
course with a leadership change, and then the lockdowns and social changes
precipitated by Covid affected everyone's life. All clubs suffered during the
pandemic, some irreversibly, but CNM has grown during that time, much thanks to
the work of this year's recipient. His innovation and dedication to this club
are unparalleled over the last few years.

This year's winner has attended most General and Board meetings over the last
couple years and has chaired other meetings to ensure CNM's obligations are
professionally and gracefully met. He innovated using monthly postcards sent to
CNM members and at times to other, targeted CORSA chapters to ensure the recent
Tri-State Meet was successful. He sought out fun Corvair photos to share his
love of the car with members, and he presented each owner of the cars used in
the monthly cards with a beautifully clear photograph of their car mounted on a
canvas suitable for hanging on the wall. All this was done at his own expense.
He led the sometimes seemingly endless route toward the 2021 Albuquerque
Tri-State Rally with equanimity, purpose, humor and dedication. He inspired,
cajoled and (sometimes) nagged members to remember our responsibility to CORSA
and to the ongoing history of the Tri-State. He renegotiated the contract
multiple times with the venue in order to save thousands of dollars for CNM. His
work with the club members , the venue and the local opportunities/requirements
made the Albuquerque 2021 Tri-State Meet among the most successful in CNM
history. I personally wish we could clone him!

TERRY PRICE, you have been such a valued member and a benefit to CNM and the
Corvair hobby in NM. Thank you, Terry, from all CNM!


Items that were left over  from Tri-State and donated items  that were
brought to  CNM's Christmas Party  for  the Storehouse  included  four
medium size boxes of  very nice mostly winter  clothes,  five pairs of
almost new  shoes,  fifty pounds  of  nonperishable food,  one box  of
personal items and  I added several boxes  of miscellaneous items that
I have collected throughout the year. Monetary donations total $200.00.

I want to thank everyone that participated in this great cause of
helping those in need.

Vickie Hall, Merchandise Chair


Oh, this is not a derogatory article, or my resignation.... Just a healthy
suggestion for a "fill in" activity for our appropriate New Mexico weather
months. There are so many wonderful natural trails in our city and in some
outskirt areas of our Albuquerque borders. My idea was for the members who have
their favorite trails, send me their list and give the exact location to park.
Please state, whether it is a simple trail or closer to maybe "2" or "3" trail
with a little uphill and some "off trail" areas. We do not want the "Expert
climbers only" trails. We will let members who do not hike, know if a trail that
has been selected, has a picnic area. If so, members who don't want to hike but
would like to visit with us, as we come down the trail... you could show up an
hour later and we would visit with you when we get to our parking area.

Now some of you have done some shopping mall walks, during our bitter cold or
extreme heat weather months. If there is an interest in group walking inside, we
could park at a general area and walk the mall.Those who have a little more free
time can stay and have coffee or light breakfast at the completion of our
healthy treks. (Those who don't hike could come and meet us at our completion.)
Please, update me with your suggestions as to which shopping centers are the
best for that kind of healthy venture. Please, include which side of the mall we
should park on to enter.

So, as I start the 2022 year as your Vice President, I want to say that I wish a
"Healthy, Prosperous and Rewarding 2022 year, for you and yours." I look forward
to our "Treks" together. You feel like "special extended family" to me! I am so
blessed to have you in my life!

TREASURY REPORT FOR 11-29-2021 to 12-18-2021 ===============================================
DATE      CHECK#    AMOUNT PAYEE       DESCRIPTION                      BALANCE = $ 5,469.53
========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================== ==========
2021.11.29 2541 -$  103.84 J.Pittman   Newsletter Printing DEC 2021   -$    72.84 $ 5,396.69
2021.11.29 2541 -$         J.Pittman   36 Stamps @ .70 each           -$    25.20 $ 5,371.49
2021.11.29 2541 -$         J.Pittman   36 Envelopes @ .161 each       -$     5.80 $ 5,365.69
2021.12.06 2922 +$   50.00 Dues        P.Hall V.Hall  26 m CNM        +$    50.00 $ 5,415.69
2021.12.09  893 +$   50.00 Dues        J.McMahan      26 m CNM        +$    50.00 $ 5,465.69
2021.12.09 2070 +$   50.00 Dues        C.Shimp        26 m CNM        +$    50.00 $ 5,515.69
2021.12.10 3628 +$   70.00 Dues        R.Cochran      12 m CNM, CORSA +$    70.00 $ 5,585.69
2021.12.10 2542 -$   45.00 CORSA       R.Cochran      12 m CORSA      -$    45.00 $ 5,540.69
========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================== ==========
2022.01.01 JAN NEWSLETTER  ============================================ BALANCE = $ 5,540.69
========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================== ==========


Many years ago at the UNM School of Medicine our department chairman, Dr Day,
had a standing invitation to our researchers to come to our break room and tell
the techs about their research. Our techs spent their days taking care of a
variety of laboratory animals including dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, mice
and other more exotic species such as bush babies. The idea was, if the techs
understood the significance of the research, they would take better care of the
animals. Several of the researchers were happy to tell us about their work. I
remember one lecture by a researcher who studied the effects of heavy metals on
the developing mammalian embryo.

His studies explored the effects of lead in the environment on the nervous
system. Researchers were finding that lead caused a multitude of problems with
mental development. This research has led to efforts to remove from the
environment sources of lead such as lead paint and lead water pipes. These
projects have been going on for many years and are far from complete at the
present time.

I recall how he told us about how children are exposed to lead. In addition to
paint and water pipes, an important way was air pollution from the burning of
leaded gasoline in automobile engines! In fact, he said, due to some fifty years
of automobiles using leaded gas, the dirt in the median of Central Avenue right
next to UNM was almost rich enough in lead to qualify as lead ore! The lead came
from car exhaust.

I don't know if that statement was in fact true, but it illustrated a case of
unintended and unforeseen consequences in the development of automotive
technology. Back in the 1920s the discovery that lead could be used as a fuel
additive was seen as a great advance in the development of smaller, more fuel
efficient and more powerful engines. Researchers at General Motors discovered
that adding a compound called tetraethyl lead to gasoline made possible higher
compression designs that could greatly improve engine performance. In no time
petroleum companies were selling "ethyl" gasoline and manufacturers were
building more powerful engines designed to use it. Everyone was happy including
the teenagers who were spending their Saturdays building faster hot rods.

Plenty of chemists and medical researchers knew tetraethyl lead was a poison.
Some hot-rodders who used gasoline to clean greasy parts knew to use only "white
gas" that had no lead. Others just used plain old gasoline. Over the years
awareness of the dangers of leaded gas increased and finally governments enacted
regulations to ban it. I can remember how car magazines forecast the death of
performance engines when lead was outlawed. Vehicles sold during the 1980s had
to have labels saying "Unleaded Fuel Only" on fuel fillers and instrument

Old car enthusiasts (including Corvair owners) wondered if their engines could
continue to run on unleaded gas. We found that they would, even after ethanol
was added to further reduce pollution. More recently it was found that rebuilt
engines could have cam failure because the lubricating properties of leaded gas
were no longer present. Exotic special lubricants had to be applied to cam
bearings to prevent break-in failure.

In the "developed" world we learned how to survive without leaded gasoline. And
now the newspaper tells us leaded gas production has finally ended world-wide.
It took a hundred years for a technological wonder to be invented, developed,
perfected, and then be outlawed. Unintended consequences!

|     January 2022       |     February 2022      |       March 2022       |
| Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa   | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa   | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa   |
|                    1   |        1  2  3  4  5   |        1  2  3  4  5   |
|  2  3  4  5  6  7  8   |  6  7  8  9 10 11 12   |  6  7  8  9 10 11 12   |
|  9 10 11 12 13 14 15   | 13 14 15 16 17 18 19   | 13 14 15 16 17 18 19   |
| 16 17 18 19 20 21 22   | 20 21 22 23 24 25 26   | 20 21 22 23 24 25 26   |
| 23 24 25 26 27 28 29   | 27 28                  | 27 28                  |
| 30 31                  |                        |                        |
SAT 01 JAN 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center
       131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 Phone: (505) 767-5210

WED 19 JAN  5:00 PM Board Meeting: >>>>>>>> TO BE DETERMINED

                    Location is the Military Vehicle Association's Collection

*** FRI 28 JAN  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the February 2022 newsletter
*** Note: may need to adjust these dates depending on the holiday schedule
SAT 05 FEB 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center
       131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 Phone: (505) 767-5210

WED 16 FEB  7:00 PM Board Meeting: >>>>>>>> TO BE DETERMINED

                    Location is the Military Vehicle Association's Collection

*** FRI 25 FEB  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the March 2022 newsletter
SAT 05 MAR 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center
       131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 Phone: (505) 767-5210

XXX xx MAR  .... .. 48th Anniversary Party -- more information later

WED 16 MAR  7:00 PM Board Meeting: >>>>>>>> TO BE DETERMINED

                    Location is the Military Vehicle Association's Collection

*** FRI 25 MAR  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the April 2022 newsletter
SAT 02 APR 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center
WED 20 APR  7:00 PM Board Meeting: >>>>>>>> TO BE DETERMINED
*** FRI 29 APR  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the May 2022 newsletter
FRI-SAT-SUN 20-21-22 MAY - Tri-State Meet - Glenwood Springs, Colorado
                         - Sponsored by Rocky Mountain CORSA
See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities
======================== ======================

SUGGESTION: A visit to the Telephone Museum on Fourth Street
SUGGESTION: A visit to the new WEATHER LAB at the Balloon Museum
SUGGESTION: A visit to the Soaring Museum in Moriarty
SUGGESTION: Activities with other clubs such as VMCCA.

Happy Birthday Wishes to January CNM'ers:
	Lupe Arellanes
	Jenny Finch
	Javier Gold
	Steve Gongora
	Mike Hughes
	LeRoy Rogers
	Lilian Shortle
	Troy Ward

Happy Anniversary Wishes to January CNM'ers:
	Vickie & Pat Hall

=============== CNM MEMBER LIST === 2021-Dec-16 ===============

2021.12        Josie & Leroy ALDERETE      leroyalderete        505-898-1195 000-000-0000              Albuquerque NM
2023.08       Janice & David ALLIN              dnjallin      505-410-9668 000-000-0000            Oklahoma City OK
2022.10          Debra & Jon ANDERSON       jbanderson65      719-572-6747 000-000-0000         Colorado Springs CO
2021.12      Guadalupe & Jim ARELLANES ispeakmedicare505        505-515-9897 000-000-0000                  Tijeras NM
2022.02 Linda SOUKUP Anthony BERBIG         studeboytony        763-226-0707 000-000-0000                 Edgewood NM
2023.12        Kathy & Larry BLAIR             blairylar      505-821-1386 505-249-1035              Albuquerque NM
2022.08      Katherine & Irv BROCK                 ivrbr        405-531-7470 000-000-0000               Rio Rancho NM
2022.11         Linda & Dick COCHRAN      barkingdog1604        505-287-8403 000-000-0000                   Grants NM
2022.04       Deborah & John DINSDALE      john_dinsdale          303-341-2327 000-000-0000                   Aurora CO
2022.03     Elizabeth & Mark DOMZALSKI        mdomzalski          505-867-0030 505-665-1529                 Placitas NM
2023.03        Fred & Brenda EDESKUTY               fred 575-829-3889 000-000-0000            Jemez Springs NM
2021.12         Jenny & Phil FINCH             finchbook        971-207-2308 541-662-0987                 Tularosa NM
2022.07               Robert GOLD              beisbol30          505-268-6878 505-450-3098              Albuquerque NM
2022.01         Rita & Steve GONGORA        stevegongora          505-292-5570 505-220-7401 505-220-7402 Albuquerque NM
2024.02         Vickie & Pat HALL       patandvickiehall            505-865-5574 505-620-5574 505-917-3745   Los Lunas NM
2022.04                Terry HALL             thlrh44.47        574-831-4819 000-000-0000                   Goshen IN
2022.10     Sharon & William HEIL                 wmhsch        505-280-7832 000-000-0000               Rio Rancho NM
2022.07            Michael R HUGHES      mike.r.hughes30        505-205-8288 000-000-0000                   Dothan AL
2021.12                David HUNTOON           corvair66          505-281-9616 000-000-0000              Cedar Crest NM
2023.12      Anne & Geoffrey JOHNSON           gejohnson    505-730-6601 000-000-0000              Albuquerque NM
2022.03     Barbara & Gordon JOHNSON            gjohnson          505-898-7688 000-000-0000                 Corrales NM
2022.04        Janet & Steve JOHNSON      steven.johnson      505-864-6278 000-000-0000                    Belen NM
2022.09         Maggie & Bob KITTS             bkittszia        505-507-2001 000-000-0000              Los Ranchos NM
2022.12         Diane & Tony LAWLER             hvac1515          760-902-0019 000-000-0000                   Aurora CO
2023.07         H. C. "Lube" LUBERT             dirtlube        505-256-9331 505-400-3680              Albuquerque NM
2023.03      Connie & Robert McBREEN               email unknown          505-265-2808 505-229-5880=pager        Albuquerque NM
2024.01        Tracey & John McMAHAN          jmcmahan49        828-606-1101 000-000-0000           Hendersonville NC
2022.03         Kelli & Mark MORGAN             rangermk    636-227-2662 000-000-0000               Manchester MO
2021.03             Sui-Fong NEALE      chevroletflatsix 44_1455_635932 Burbage, Hinckley, Leicestershire, England UK
2023.10              Gregory NELSON               fesedu      505-400-8670 000-000-0000              Albuquerque NM
2022.07              Lloyd L PIATT           lloydlpiatt      505-238-3443 000-000-0000              Albuquerque NM
2023.04          Heula & Jim PITTMAN                jimp          505-275-2195 505-206-9039              Albuquerque NM
2023.09        Sarah & Terry PRICE    nmfloorinspections        505-328-8827 000-000-0000              Albuquerque NM
2021.12                  Lee REIDER             br236425        505-299-4597 000-000-0000              Albuquerque NM
2022.11                James RICHARDSON           gymare       703-608-2669 000-000-0000                 Santa Fe NM
2022.04                 Fred RIGGS II              email unknown          505-425-3126 000-000-0000                Las Vegas NM
2023.05         Emma & LeRoy ROGERS               004873            505-294-0623 505-238-7302              Albuquerque NM
2024.02             Curtis L SHIMP               clshimp            575-534-9576 000-000-0000              Silver City NM
2025.01     Lilian & Timothy SHORTLE          shortle556    970-247-9675 970-903-2127                  Durango CO
2022.08               Brenda STICKLER           tounce66          505-856-6993 000-000-0000                 Corrales NM
2023.05          Kay & Tarmo SUTT                  tarmo         505-471-1153 505-690-2046 505-690-2056    Santa Fe NM
2022.11                 Anne WIKER              wikerj63        505-239-3311 000-000-0000                 Edgewood NM
2023.09                 Troy WARD              troy.ward        505-218-1088 000-000-0000              Albuquerque NM
2022.03       Val NYE & Joel YELICH           joelyelich        505-474-6680 000-000-0000                 Santa Fe NM

2021.04                Lesha KITTS            leshakitts        505-453-5387 000-000-0000              Albuquerque NM
2021.10         Sylvia & Ray TRUJILLO    rtrujilloabq505        505-814-8373 000-000-0000              Albuquerque NM

SEVEN YEARS AGO [ JANUARY 2022 VOL 48 Nr 1 ISSUE 556 ] Jim Pittman

2015 V.41 Nr01 #472

An Ultra Van and Rampsides at a car show in 2005. Brenda, Ray and Heula at the
2014 Christmas Party. Why Are These People Laughing? Because of Low Gas Prices!
Larry Blair showed us a frayed clutch cable. New replacements are not of good
quality. John Wiker reported on our excellent Christmas party. What to do about
our declining membership? A graph showed our numbers from April 1974 to date.
CORSA membership declined similarly. Corvanantics said, "Get it Out of my
Kitchen!" A page of photos was emailed to participants during 2014 and a roster
of club members (we had 39 members) was included.

2008 V.34 Nr01 #388

A beaver dam in Alaska with a 1966 turbo Corsa. The board approved the
Newsletter CD at $10 by mail order. We discussed TUNAs. Wendell showed his new
Honda S-2000 race car. Mike Stickler reported on his new garage. Sherry Gray
forwarded a birthday photo of her mother Ruth Boydston, courtesy of Joel Nash.
Dennis Pleau told about his new business in Woodland, California. We had an
article by new PPCC president Steve Goodman. Closer to home, CNMers and Corvairs
congregated at Milly's for breakfast. Bob Dunahugh of the Iowa Corvair
Association told us about zinc dithiophosphate or ZDDP as an oil additive. Older
"flat tappet" engines may be damaged by the use of new oil! We had 45 family
memberships in-state and nine out, totaling 54.

2001 V.27 Nr01 #304

Late and early coupes attended the Christmas dinner at KAFB. Steve Gongora
announced that our CORSA-sponsored web site was up. A new member was John Wiker.
We had new license plates and new business cards. President Hurley thanked all
who made possible another great Christmas party. Billiken told us that modern
high-tech cars need low-tech chains to go up to the crest in the snowy winter.
Robert told us about joining in the upcoming 75th anniversary of Old Route 66.
Debbie wrote a thank-you note expressing gratitude for all the great memories
the Pleaus would be taking with them to their new home in Colorado. We had a
history of our Meissner and Boydston awards. Bill contributed a complete price
guide to Corvairs, 1960-1969, Grades 1 to 6. Top prices were $13,000 for a 1966
Corsa convertible, a 1968 Monza convertible or a 1969 Monza convertible. Yes,
they beat out the $12,500 1962-1964 Spyder convertibles. Our member list showed
25 from Albuquerque, 15 from elsewhere in New Mexico, and 13 from out-of-state.

1994 V.20 Nr01 #220

Ten Commandments for the Car Collector. President Del ran the meeting. New
members were Mark Domzalski and Greg Corazzi. Treasurer Will Davis reported
$1,175. LeRoy presented a $50 check from the Car Council for our work at the
swap meet. We planned a trip to Bosque del Apache, a garage tour and the
Tri-State in Pagosa Springs. We had a talk by Stanley Degree about the history
of the Pikes Peak Race and the Unser family. Our Christmas party was excellent.
Steve Gongora won the Ike Meissner Award. At the party there was entertainment
by a well-known and much-appreciated quartet. Debbie Pleau reported on serious
planning by committee members for the 1996 CORSA Convention. Tech tips included
how to paint a carburetor (talcum powder) and how to install top shroud and
carbs not once but twice (forgotten fan belt) and how to nearly cut your finger
off when rotating tires (Honda disc brake caliper). A list of members wrapped up
the issue.

1987 V.13 Nr01 #136

Another "Corvairs will take over the World" map. We had $921 in the bank.
Clayborne described our Christmas dinner as a quiet success. Journal columnist
Jim Arnholz was to speak but tall chair backs got in the way. We invited him to
come back later. He did come back, but with the name Jim Belshaw. LeRoy was
setting up a March auction and we had sixty-two names on our member list. Jim
complained about vibrations in his 1966 Corsa clutch. A newspaper article noted
that the book Unsafe At Any Speed was 20 years old. "Our society knows a good
deal more about building safer machines than it does about getting people to
behave safely in an almost infinite variety of driving situations," Nader wrote.
"And whether motorists are momentarily careless or intoxicated or are driving
normally when they are struck by another vehicle is entirely irrelevant to the
responsibility of the automobile makers to build safer cars."

1980 V.6 Nr01 #52

A Corvair 95 van. A slide show featured CNM events and the CORSA national
convention. Our December dinner at Bella Vista in Cedar Crest was a great
success. An article by Ike Meissner claimed "highest mileage" for his one-owner
1961 Greenbrier. Ike said he had done some 260,000 in this vehicle and he told
how he managed to rack up so many miles in only nineteen years: he used to think
nothing of driving 80 miles to a movie or restaurant, and he drove 102 miles
each way to work for a year. Lifetime gas mileage for this Greenbrier was 18.6
MPG and on a trip it would easily get 22 MPG. Ike said he planned to completely
restore it one of these days. Unfortunately, by the time the article was
published Ike had been in an automobile accident and we had lost a unique CNM
member, Corvair mechanic and friend. Tech tip from Francis: how to keep those
pesky squirrels out of your engine compartment. George Morin provided a list of
Corvair parts and where to get them.

Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico,
chartered Chapter #871 of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Copyright by
the Authors and by Corvairs of New Mexico. Articles may be reprinted in any
CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members, provided credit to the Author
and this Newsletter is clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or
Editor and are not necessarily endorsed by Corvairs of New Mexico or CORSA.
Material for publication should reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send
material via e-mail ( jimp @ ) or submit a readable manuscript. I prefer
ASCII TEXT, but MS Word or RTF are fine. Photographs are welcome. The newsletter
is composed using Apple computers. Software includes Mac OS-X, AppleWorks,
Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter, BBEdit and InDesign CS. If you care, ask for
more details. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends.