For years my images relied on found objects, the appropriated photograph or discarded object. The work was a search for new or different visual reality. It was an investigation of the known through chance encounters and fabricated falsehoods. Images intended to mascarade as truths. The collage changed and altered by the hand, drawn and painted upon, created images executed to confuse; red herrings rendered to mislead.

 Eventually the found object was replaced by the blank page. Images were from my imagination, with the idea or object as the starting point. Over time, a specific iconography appeared and my visual vocabulary intensified. I had developed a collection of personal icons, a shorthand used to shape my observations.

Although these works are all linocuts, I move easily between painting, drawing, and printmaking, each media making accessible a new way of describing the world. The prints in this exhibition have their counterpart in both drawings and paintings. They represent not only another form of expression but also an exploration of an interesting and complex aesthetic.


Jim Jacob
December, 1998


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