Jeremy Joseph Yang, PhD

Research Associate Professor
University of New Mexico, SoM, DoIM, Translational Informatics Division
MSC09 5025 • 1 University of New Mexico • Albuquerque, NM, 87131
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Research Associate Professor in the UNM School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Translational Informatics Division. Focused on biomedical and biomolecular data science, cheminformatics, and bioinformatics. Projects include Illuminating the Druggable Genome (IDG), DrugCentral and Common Fund Data Ecosystem. Past projects include Badapple, CARLSBAD and BARD, Data Commons, and informatics support for the UNMCMD. See our Public Web Apps, several of which I develop and maintain.
Adjunct Professor since 2022. PhD, Informatics (Dissertation: "Evidence evaluation in biomedical knowledge graphs for pharmaceutical discovery", 2022), advised by Prof. David Wild, who leads the Integrative Data Science Lab (IDSL) and Crisis Technologies Innovation Lab in the Indiana University School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering.
VP of Life Sciences Informatics at Data2Discovery, IU spin-off company focused on knowledge graph methods and technologies, founded by David Wild and Ying Ding.

Independent Study in Biomedical Data Science

Project templates available in bioinformatics, cheminformatics, systems biology and other areas.
Offered as BIOM505 (Biomedical Sciences Special Topics: "Ind Study Biomed Data Sci") For more information: ISBDS Course Home Page.